Cielo, è insultante.
Tags: horror, mistero, fantascienza, thriller, Milla Jovovich, le rughe di Milla Jovovich, polizia, Alaska, branco di inetti, FBI, indagine, alieni, UFO, rapimento, contatto, esperimento, gufo, famiglia, omicidio, suicidio, figlia, muta, sumero, registrazione, audio, ipnosi, Nome, mockumentary, psichiatra, psicologa, intervista, vaccate, marketing, tratto da una storia vera ma anche no, yawn.
mercoledì 27 gennaio 2010
lunedì 25 gennaio 2010
il sogno di un bambino...
E, pietosamente, ho omesso i proteggi-slip.
Tags: Hello Kitty, carta igienica, toilet paper, cesso, cacca, pupù, popò, sedere, coprofilia, ubriachezza molesta del gestore del brand, abbiamo finito le idee 20 anni fa, bambini FATELA A CASA VOSTRA.
mercoledì 20 gennaio 2010
Serial Experiments: [PL]ain
O mi è sfuggito qualcosa di lampante, o Serial Experiments: Lain è un prodotto che, dall'alto dei suoi miseri 12 anni, è invecchiato particolarmente male. Non mi spiego altrimenti l'8.7 ricevuto su IMDb.
La trama aveva anche del potenziale: una ragazzina commette suicidio gettandosi dal tetto di un palazzo. Alcune sue compagne di scuola, inclusa l'introversa Lain che la conosceva appena, riceveranno poco dopo delle email dalla defunta.
Lain, che mai era stata attratta dalla tecnologia, inizia a passare sempre più tempo connessa al "Wired", con singolari risultati.
Purtroppo tale potenziale viene sprecato da una realizzazione mediocre e pretenziosa a livelli quasi dolorosi - questo anche fingendo d'ignorare lo scadentissimo reparto tecnico (non dubito che alcune scelte siano state "di stile", ma in molti casi la pochezza tecnica evidenzia una seria carenza di risorse e capacità, temo).
Il vero problema è che, nei suoi 13 episodi, la serie risulta lenta in modo estenuante e del tutto inconcludente: ogni concetto (e parliamo di una manciata di idee in tutto) viene ripetuto allo sfinimento, senza neppure la decenza di cambiare prospettiva.
Il contesto delle relazioni tra i personaggi risulta poi troppo poco dettagliato, e del resto neppure i protagonisti vengono approfonditi granché.
E, ribadisco, è un peccato: perché tenendo a mente che la serie è stata concepita nel 98, va detto che il tema tecnologico viene sviluppato in maniera notevole, molto meglio (e qui mi attirerò degli insulti) che in Matrix, per fare un esempio.
Questo da solo però non basta, e riuscire ad annoiare in appena 13 episodi è una colpa grave.
Cosa resta? Da tecnofilo, non nego una certa soddisfazione nel vedere riferimenti a cose come il protocollo IP, NeXT, BeOS (e questo mi chiedo quanti l'abbiano notato ) e qualche listato C/C++ e LISP.
Menzione d'onore, poi, per essere ufficialmente la serie con la maggior quantità d'arredo urbano della storia: incroci, attraversamenti pedonali, pali del telefono, linee elettriche, semafori e chi più ne ha più ne metta - non ci si fa mancare davvero nulla ed il trono che fu della Gainax (altra grande estimatrice dell'arredo urbano ) è senza dubbio spodestato.
Voto: 4.5 - peccato, ci speravo abbastanza.
Tags: animazione, mistero, fantascienza, thriller, computer, suicidio, Wired, rete, informatica, programmazione, mondo virtuale, ragazza, internet, protocollo IP, cyberpunk, realtà virtuale, e-mail, omicidio, governo, agenti, realtà, religione, droghe, processore, club, sparatoria, professore, sesso, sorella, genitori, compagne di classe, amiche, arredo urbano, dio, pretenzioso.
Genere: Mystery, Animation, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 8.5/10 (1469 voti)
Durata: 24 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
A week after Chisa committed suicide, her classmates begin to receive emails from her. Hearing rumors fly at school, a quiet withdrawn girl named Lain goes home that day, turns on her dusty Navi computer for the first time and has a conversation with the dead girl. Chisa's message reads that she killed herself because she didn't need her body anymore, and she now exists in The Wired. When Lain asks why someone would do something like that she gets a response: "Because God is here".
Trivia random: The girl in the "Devices" segments is the voice of Lain herself, Kaori Shimizu. Also, Lain's character design was based in part from Ms. Shimizu's physical appearance.
Citazione random: Lain Iwakura: Why? Why did you die?
Navi [Dictating Chisa's response]: God is here.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
La trama aveva anche del potenziale: una ragazzina commette suicidio gettandosi dal tetto di un palazzo. Alcune sue compagne di scuola, inclusa l'introversa Lain che la conosceva appena, riceveranno poco dopo delle email dalla defunta.
Lain, che mai era stata attratta dalla tecnologia, inizia a passare sempre più tempo connessa al "Wired", con singolari risultati.
Purtroppo tale potenziale viene sprecato da una realizzazione mediocre e pretenziosa a livelli quasi dolorosi - questo anche fingendo d'ignorare lo scadentissimo reparto tecnico (non dubito che alcune scelte siano state "di stile", ma in molti casi la pochezza tecnica evidenzia una seria carenza di risorse e capacità, temo).
Il vero problema è che, nei suoi 13 episodi, la serie risulta lenta in modo estenuante e del tutto inconcludente: ogni concetto (e parliamo di una manciata di idee in tutto) viene ripetuto allo sfinimento, senza neppure la decenza di cambiare prospettiva.
Il contesto delle relazioni tra i personaggi risulta poi troppo poco dettagliato, e del resto neppure i protagonisti vengono approfonditi granché.
E, ribadisco, è un peccato: perché tenendo a mente che la serie è stata concepita nel 98, va detto che il tema tecnologico viene sviluppato in maniera notevole, molto meglio (e qui mi attirerò degli insulti) che in Matrix, per fare un esempio.
Questo da solo però non basta, e riuscire ad annoiare in appena 13 episodi è una colpa grave.
Cosa resta? Da tecnofilo, non nego una certa soddisfazione nel vedere riferimenti a cose come il protocollo IP, NeXT, BeOS (e questo mi chiedo quanti l'abbiano notato ) e qualche listato C/C++ e LISP.
Menzione d'onore, poi, per essere ufficialmente la serie con la maggior quantità d'arredo urbano della storia: incroci, attraversamenti pedonali, pali del telefono, linee elettriche, semafori e chi più ne ha più ne metta - non ci si fa mancare davvero nulla ed il trono che fu della Gainax (altra grande estimatrice dell'arredo urbano ) è senza dubbio spodestato.
Voto: 4.5 - peccato, ci speravo abbastanza.
Tags: animazione, mistero, fantascienza, thriller, computer, suicidio, Wired, rete, informatica, programmazione, mondo virtuale, ragazza, internet, protocollo IP, cyberpunk, realtà virtuale, e-mail, omicidio, governo, agenti, realtà, religione, droghe, processore, club, sparatoria, professore, sesso, sorella, genitori, compagne di classe, amiche, arredo urbano, dio, pretenzioso.
"Serial Experiments: Lain" (1998)
Genere: Mystery, Animation, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 8.5/10 (1469 voti)
Durata: 24 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
- Bridget Hoffman .... Lain Iwakura (13 episodes, 1998)
A week after Chisa committed suicide, her classmates begin to receive emails from her. Hearing rumors fly at school, a quiet withdrawn girl named Lain goes home that day, turns on her dusty Navi computer for the first time and has a conversation with the dead girl. Chisa's message reads that she killed herself because she didn't need her body anymore, and she now exists in The Wired. When Lain asks why someone would do something like that she gets a response: "Because God is here".
Trivia random: The girl in the "Devices" segments is the voice of Lain herself, Kaori Shimizu. Also, Lain's character design was based in part from Ms. Shimizu's physical appearance.
Citazione random: Lain Iwakura: Why? Why did you die?
Navi [Dictating Chisa's response]: God is here.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
mercoledì 13 gennaio 2010
Mai stato un grande fan del Gian-Claudio; certo, ho visto qualche suo film, ma non si può dire che lo abbia mai ammirato a morte (né disprezzato, del resto).
Non ci si poteva però far scappare un biopic meta-film come JCVD - ed in effetti sarebbe stato un grave errore.
Jean-Claude Van Damme è nel bel mezzo di una causa per l'affidamento della figlia; la vita che fa ed i film che interpreta naturalmente non lo aiutano a far valere le sue ragioni.
Torna quindi in Belgio, alla ricerca di un po' di pace; per coprire alcune necessità economiche, si reca allo sportello bancario di un semplice ufficio postale, dove verrà però coinvolto in una rapina.
Tanto per peggiorare ulteriormente le cose, le circostanze faranno sì che tutti si convincano che sia lui in persona, a capo della banda di rapinatori.
Film a (lunghi) tratti geniale, che sviscera tutte i temi che ci si può aspettare da un meta-film su un attore specializzato in pellicole d'arti marziali a bugdget medio-basso, e molto di più.
Dove davvero si distingue è nella meticolosa realizzazione, davvero perfetta nonostante (o forse grazie al fatto che) una parte significativa dei dialoghi siano stati improvvisati. Funziona la parte d'azione (o parodia d'azione), la parte divertente (fantastico come viene tirato in ballo Steven Seagal), la meta-storia semi-biografica e - numi - tutto sommato funziona anche come thriller drammatico.
Di tutto rispetto la regia di Mabrouk El Mechri, che ci delizia con un eterno (di nuovo: meta-) piano sequenza d'azione fin dai titoli di testa, così come la sceneggiatura ed i dialoghi. Ottimamente gestita poi, la line temporale non lineare.
Tutto sommato degni tutti gli interpreti, ovviamente Van Damme svetta e compie qualcosa che somiglia ad un miracolo cinematografico. Recita. O forse no, ma comunque lo fa bene.
[piccolo spoiler che non svela nulla della trama]
E poi a metà film c'è uno dei più grandi monologhi della storia del cinema: quasi 6 minuti di faccia-a-faccia con Van Damme che sfonda il quarto muro e si confessa.
Voto: 8.5. Notevole, sul serio. PS: "Jean-Claude Van Damme sta rapinando l'ufficio postale: mi servono rinforzi!"
Tags: azione, drammatico, biopic, biografico, meta-film, meta-cinema, Jean-Claude Van Damme, JCVD, Van Damme, Belgio, polizia, ufficio postale, ostaggi, rapina, soldi, negoziatore, medico, assalto, sparatoria, morte, omicidio, complici, telefono, star, attore, divorzio, affidamento, causa, processo, soldi, fallimento, nervosismo, taxista, videonoleggio, rapinatore, errore, telecamere, riprese, televisioni, avvocato, agente, denaro, prigione, thriller, piano sequenza, confessione, primo piano, monologo, quarto muro, parodia, film indipendente.
Regista: Mabrouk El Mechri
Scrittore: Mabrouk El Mechri, Frédéric Benudis
Genere: Drama, Crime
Valutazione: 7.4/10 (13907 voti)
Durata: 97 min
Paese: Belgium, Luxembourg, France
Lingua: French, English
Between his tax problems and his legal battle with his wife for the custody of his daughter, these are hard times for the action movie star who finds that even Steven Seagal has pinched a role from him! In JCVD, Jean-Claude Van Damme returns to the country of his birth to seek the peace and tranquility he can no longer enjoy in the United States.
Trivia random: Jean-Claude Van Damme actually has a son, but it was to changed in the movie to a daughter for legal reasons. Mabrouk El Mechri claims the daughter's name, Gloria, came to him because he was listening to the Van Morrison song of the same name.
Citazione random: Policier: Central to Unit 27. Jean-Claude Van Damme's robbing a post office. I need back-up.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Van Varenberg, Jean-Claude Camille François
Data di nascita: 18 October 1960
Altezza: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Coniuge: Gladys Portugues::(25 June 1999 - present), Darcy LaPier::(3 February 1994 - November 1997) (divorced) 1 child, Gladys Portugues::(3 January 1987 - 1992) (divorced) 2 children, Cynthia Derderian::(24 August 1985 - 1986) (divorced), Maria Rodriguez::(25 August 1980 - 1984) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Born on Oct 18 1960, Jean-Claude Van Damme is the son of Eugene Van Varenberg and Eliana Van Varenberg. "The Muscles from Brussels" originally known as Jean-Claude Van Varenberg, started martial arts at the age of 11. His father Eugene Van Varenberg introduced him to martial arts when he saw his son was physically weak. Jean-Claude started with Shotokan Karate and later studied Kickboxing, Taekwon-Do, and Muay Thai. He won the European professional karate association's middleweight championship as a teenager, and also beat the 2nd best karate fighter in the world. His goal was to be number one but got sidetracked when he left his hometown of Brussels. He came to Hong Kong at the age of 19 for the first time and felt insured to do action movies in Hong Kong. So in 1981 Van Damme left Hong Kong and moved to Los Angeles, where he was trying for 5 years. He took English classes while working as carpet layer, pizza delivery man, limo driver, and thanks to Chuck Norris he got a job as a bouncer at a club. Norris gave Van Damme a small role in the movie Missing in Action (1984), but it wasn't good enough to get anybody's attention. Then in 1984 he got a role as a villain named Ivan in the low-budget movie No Retreat, No Surrender (1986). Then one day, while walking on the streets, Jean-Claude spotted a producer for Cannon Pictures, and showed some of his martial arts abilities which led to a role in Bloodsport (1988). But the movie, filmed in Hong Kong, was so bad when it was completed, it was shelved for almost two years. It might have never been released if Van Damme did not help them to recut the film and begged producers to release it. They finally released the film, first in Malaysia and France and then into the U.S. Shot on a meager 1.5 million dollar budget, it became a U.S box-office hit in the spring of 1988. It made about 30 million worldwide and audiences supported this film for its new sensational action star Jean-Claude Van Damme. His martial arts assets, highlighted by his ability to deliver a kick to an opponent's head during a leaping 360-degree turn, and his good looks led to starring roles in higher budgeted movies like Cyborg (1989), Lionheart (1990), Double Impact (1991) and Universal Soldier (1992). In 1994, he scored with his big breakthrough $100 million worldwide hit Timecop (1994). But in the meantime, his personal life was coming apart. A divorce, followed by a new marriage, followed by another divorce. It began to show up in his career when his projects began to tank at the box office - The Quest (1996), which he directed; Maximum Risk (1996) and Double Team (1997). The three films made less than $50 million combined. In 1999 he remarried his ex-wife Gladys Portugues and restarted his lost career to attain new goals. With help from his family he faced his problems and made movies like Replicant (2001), Derailed (2002), and In Hell (2003) which did averagely in box office terms, but he tried to give his fans the best, his acting in those movies got better, more emotional and each movie was basically in different action tones.
Trivia random: Was a European Middle Weight Champion in Karate in his late teens.
Citazione random: Ten, 15 years ago, Sly, Arnold, those guys, were well-built; of course, they had to act and find good scripts, but today action heroes don't have to be Mr. Muscles. What really helps a guy to become an action hero today is the directing of the movie. All those fast cuts.
Salario massimo: $6,200,000, per Street Fighter (1994)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Coniuge: Audrey Dana::(? - ?)
Ultimi lavori:
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Seagal, Steven F.
Data di nascita: 10 April 1951
Altezza: 6' 4" (1.93 m)
Coniuge: Kelly LeBrock::(5 September 1987 - 1996) (divorced) 3 children, Miyako Fujitani::(December 1974 - 1987) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
Steven Seagal is a striking and somewhat boyishly handsome looking (often with ponytail) and usually impeccably dressed action star who burst onto the martial arts film scene in 1988 in the fast-paced Warner Bros. film Above the Law (1988). The enigmatic Seagal commenced his martial arts training at the age of seven under the tutelage of well-known karate instructor and author Fumio Demura, and in the 1960s commenced his aikido training in Orange County, CA, under the instruction of Harry Ishisaka. Seagal received his first dan accreditation in 1974, after he had moved to Japan to further his martial arts training. After spending many years there honing his skills, he achieved the ranking of a 7th dan in the Japanese martial art "aikido" and was instructing wealthy clients in Los Angeles when he came to the attention of Hollywood power broker Michael Ovitz. Ovitz saw star value in the imposing-looking Seagal. The high-octane action movie genre was in full swing in the late 1980s, and Seagal's debut movie, "Above the Law", was wildly received by action fans and actually received some complimentary critical reviews. He followed up "Above the Law" with another slam-bang thriller, Hard to Kill (1990), as a cop shot in an ambush by the mob who revives from a coma to take his revenge. The movie also starred Seagal's wife at the time, leggy Kelly LeBrock, who was married to him from 1987 to 1996 and is the mother of three of his children. His next outing was battling voodoo-using Jamaican drug "posses" in the hyper-violent Marked for Death (1990), before returning to fight psychotic mob gangster William Forsythe in the even more punishing Out for Justice (1991). Seagal was by now enormously popular, and his next movie, the big-budgeted Under Siege (1992), set aboard the battleship USS Missouri and also starring Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey, was arguably his best film to date, impressing both fans and critics alike. Seagal's fighting style was rather different from that of other on-screen martial arts dynamos such as Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damme, who were predominantly fighters from striking arts background such as karate or tang soo do. However, aikido is built around using an opponent's inertia and body weight to employ various locks, chokes and holds that incapacitate him. Seagal carries himself differently, too, and often appears wearing Italian designer clothes and usually favors an all-black outfit, generally with a three-quarter-length coat with an elaborate trim. Additionally, Seagal's on-screen characters were often seemingly benign or timid individuals; however, when the going gets rough they reveal themselves to be deadly ex-CIA operatives, or retired Special Forces soldiers capable of enormous destruction! As his box-office drawing power grew, Seagal began to infuse his film projects with his personal and spiritual beliefs, especially concerning the abuse of the environment. He appeared as an oil fire expert who turns against his corrupt CEO (played by Michael Caine) in On Deadly Ground (1994) to save the Eskimo population from an oil disaster; in Fire Down Below (1997) he plays an environmental agency troubleshooter investigating the dumping of toxic waste in Kentucky coal mines, and in the slow-moving The Patriot (1998) he plays a medical specialist trying to stop a lethal virus unleashed by an extremist group. Action fans struggled to come to terms with social messaging being built into bone-crunching fight films; however, Seagal's box-office clout remained fairly strong, and more traditional chopsocky projects followed with the "buddy cop" film The Glimmer Man (1996), then almost a cameo role as a Navy SEAL alongside CIA analyst Kurt Russell before Seagal is sucked out of a jet at 35,000 feet in Executive Decision (1996). In 1999 Seagal took a different turn in his film projects with the surprising genteel Prince of Central Park (2000), about a child living inside NYC's most famous park. He returned to more familiar territory with further high-voltage, guns-blazing action in Exit Wounds (2001), Half Past Dead (2002), Out for a Kill (2003) (V) and Belly of the Beast (2003) (V). Unbeknownst to many, in 1997 Seagal publicly announced that one of his Buddhist teachers, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, had accorded Seagal as a tulku, the reincarnation of a Buddhist Lama. This initial announcement was met with some disbelief until Penor Rinpoche himself gave a confirmation statement on Seagal's new title. Seagal has repeatedly discussed his involvement in Buddhism and how he devotes many hours studying and meditating this ancient Eastern religion. While his box-office appeal has somewhat declined from his halcyon blockbusters of the mid-'90s, Seagal still has a very loyal fan base in the action movie genre and continues to remain a highly bankable star.
Trivia random: Father of Kentaro Seagal and Ayako Fujitani.
Citazione random: Action films are great, but an action film that has characters that are compelling and a story that people can care about is something even better. We love to see action heroes that are vulnerable, that are sensitive, that are family people, that are accessible.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Non ci si poteva però far scappare un biopic meta-film come JCVD - ed in effetti sarebbe stato un grave errore.
Jean-Claude Van Damme è nel bel mezzo di una causa per l'affidamento della figlia; la vita che fa ed i film che interpreta naturalmente non lo aiutano a far valere le sue ragioni.
Torna quindi in Belgio, alla ricerca di un po' di pace; per coprire alcune necessità economiche, si reca allo sportello bancario di un semplice ufficio postale, dove verrà però coinvolto in una rapina.
Tanto per peggiorare ulteriormente le cose, le circostanze faranno sì che tutti si convincano che sia lui in persona, a capo della banda di rapinatori.
Film a (lunghi) tratti geniale, che sviscera tutte i temi che ci si può aspettare da un meta-film su un attore specializzato in pellicole d'arti marziali a bugdget medio-basso, e molto di più.
Dove davvero si distingue è nella meticolosa realizzazione, davvero perfetta nonostante (o forse grazie al fatto che) una parte significativa dei dialoghi siano stati improvvisati. Funziona la parte d'azione (o parodia d'azione), la parte divertente (fantastico come viene tirato in ballo Steven Seagal), la meta-storia semi-biografica e - numi - tutto sommato funziona anche come thriller drammatico.
Di tutto rispetto la regia di Mabrouk El Mechri, che ci delizia con un eterno (di nuovo: meta-) piano sequenza d'azione fin dai titoli di testa, così come la sceneggiatura ed i dialoghi. Ottimamente gestita poi, la line temporale non lineare.
Tutto sommato degni tutti gli interpreti, ovviamente Van Damme svetta e compie qualcosa che somiglia ad un miracolo cinematografico. Recita. O forse no, ma comunque lo fa bene.
[piccolo spoiler che non svela nulla della trama]
E poi a metà film c'è uno dei più grandi monologhi della storia del cinema: quasi 6 minuti di faccia-a-faccia con Van Damme che sfonda il quarto muro e si confessa.
Voto: 8.5. Notevole, sul serio. PS: "Jean-Claude Van Damme sta rapinando l'ufficio postale: mi servono rinforzi!"
Tags: azione, drammatico, biopic, biografico, meta-film, meta-cinema, Jean-Claude Van Damme, JCVD, Van Damme, Belgio, polizia, ufficio postale, ostaggi, rapina, soldi, negoziatore, medico, assalto, sparatoria, morte, omicidio, complici, telefono, star, attore, divorzio, affidamento, causa, processo, soldi, fallimento, nervosismo, taxista, videonoleggio, rapinatore, errore, telecamere, riprese, televisioni, avvocato, agente, denaro, prigione, thriller, piano sequenza, confessione, primo piano, monologo, quarto muro, parodia, film indipendente.
JCVD (2008)
JCVD - Nessuna giustizia
Regista: Mabrouk El Mechri
Scrittore: Mabrouk El Mechri, Frédéric Benudis
Genere: Drama, Crime
Valutazione: 7.4/10 (13907 voti)
Durata: 97 min
Paese: Belgium, Luxembourg, France
Lingua: French, English
- Jean-Claude Van Damme .... J.C.V.D.
- François Damiens .... Bruges
- Zinedine Soualem .... L'homme au bonnet
- Karim Belkhadra .... Le vigile
- Jean-François Wolff .... Le trentenaire
- Anne Paulicevich .... La guichetière
- Liliane Becker .... Mère JCVD
- François Beukelaers .... Père JCVD
- John Flanders .... Prosecuting attorney
- Saskia Flanders .... J.C.V.D.'s daughter
Between his tax problems and his legal battle with his wife for the custody of his daughter, these are hard times for the action movie star who finds that even Steven Seagal has pinched a role from him! In JCVD, Jean-Claude Van Damme returns to the country of his birth to seek the peace and tranquility he can no longer enjoy in the United States.
Trivia random: Jean-Claude Van Damme actually has a son, but it was to changed in the movie to a daughter for legal reasons. Mabrouk El Mechri claims the daughter's name, Gloria, came to him because he was listening to the Van Morrison song of the same name.
Citazione random: Policier: Central to Unit 27. Jean-Claude Van Damme's robbing a post office. I need back-up.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Van Damme, Jean-Claude
Nome di battesimo: Van Varenberg, Jean-Claude Camille François
Data di nascita: 18 October 1960
Altezza: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Coniuge: Gladys Portugues::(25 June 1999 - present), Darcy LaPier::(3 February 1994 - November 1997) (divorced) 1 child, Gladys Portugues::(3 January 1987 - 1992) (divorced) 2 children, Cynthia Derderian::(24 August 1985 - 1986) (divorced), Maria Rodriguez::(25 August 1980 - 1984) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Tower (2010) .... (story) [scrittore]
- The Eagle Path (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Universal Soldier: Regeneration (2009) .... Luc Deveraux [attore]
- JCVD (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- The Shepherd: Border Patrol (2008) (V) .... Jack Robideaux [attore]
- Until Death (2007) .... Anthony Stowe [attore]
- Second in Command (2006) .... Cmdr. Samuel 'Sam' Keenan [attore]
- Sinav (2006) .... Charles [attore]
- The Hard Corps (2006) .... Phillippe Sauvage [attore]
- Narco (2004) .... Jean-Claude Van Damme fantasmé par Lenny [attore]
Born on Oct 18 1960, Jean-Claude Van Damme is the son of Eugene Van Varenberg and Eliana Van Varenberg. "The Muscles from Brussels" originally known as Jean-Claude Van Varenberg, started martial arts at the age of 11. His father Eugene Van Varenberg introduced him to martial arts when he saw his son was physically weak. Jean-Claude started with Shotokan Karate and later studied Kickboxing, Taekwon-Do, and Muay Thai. He won the European professional karate association's middleweight championship as a teenager, and also beat the 2nd best karate fighter in the world. His goal was to be number one but got sidetracked when he left his hometown of Brussels. He came to Hong Kong at the age of 19 for the first time and felt insured to do action movies in Hong Kong. So in 1981 Van Damme left Hong Kong and moved to Los Angeles, where he was trying for 5 years. He took English classes while working as carpet layer, pizza delivery man, limo driver, and thanks to Chuck Norris he got a job as a bouncer at a club. Norris gave Van Damme a small role in the movie Missing in Action (1984), but it wasn't good enough to get anybody's attention. Then in 1984 he got a role as a villain named Ivan in the low-budget movie No Retreat, No Surrender (1986). Then one day, while walking on the streets, Jean-Claude spotted a producer for Cannon Pictures, and showed some of his martial arts abilities which led to a role in Bloodsport (1988). But the movie, filmed in Hong Kong, was so bad when it was completed, it was shelved for almost two years. It might have never been released if Van Damme did not help them to recut the film and begged producers to release it. They finally released the film, first in Malaysia and France and then into the U.S. Shot on a meager 1.5 million dollar budget, it became a U.S box-office hit in the spring of 1988. It made about 30 million worldwide and audiences supported this film for its new sensational action star Jean-Claude Van Damme. His martial arts assets, highlighted by his ability to deliver a kick to an opponent's head during a leaping 360-degree turn, and his good looks led to starring roles in higher budgeted movies like Cyborg (1989), Lionheart (1990), Double Impact (1991) and Universal Soldier (1992). In 1994, he scored with his big breakthrough $100 million worldwide hit Timecop (1994). But in the meantime, his personal life was coming apart. A divorce, followed by a new marriage, followed by another divorce. It began to show up in his career when his projects began to tank at the box office - The Quest (1996), which he directed; Maximum Risk (1996) and Double Team (1997). The three films made less than $50 million combined. In 1999 he remarried his ex-wife Gladys Portugues and restarted his lost career to attain new goals. With help from his family he faced his problems and made movies like Replicant (2001), Derailed (2002), and In Hell (2003) which did averagely in box office terms, but he tried to give his fans the best, his acting in those movies got better, more emotional and each movie was basically in different action tones.
Trivia random: Was a European Middle Weight Champion in Karate in his late teens.
Citazione random: Ten, 15 years ago, Sly, Arnold, those guys, were well-built; of course, they had to act and find good scripts, but today action heroes don't have to be Mr. Muscles. What really helps a guy to become an action hero today is the directing of the movie. All those fast cuts.
Salario massimo: $6,200,000, per Street Fighter (1994)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
El Mechri, Mabrouk
Coniuge: Audrey Dana::(? - ?)
Ultimi lavori:
- "Maison close" (2010) .... (rumored) [regista]
- 5 à 7 (2009) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- La loi de Murphy (2009) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- JCVD (2008) .... (adaptation and dialogue) (scenario) [scrittore]
- Gomez vs. Tavarès (2007) .... Rachid [attore]
- Stand Up! (2006) (V) .... [regista]
- Virgil (2005) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- Concours de circonstance (2003) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- Génération cutter (2000) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- Mounir et Anita (1998) .... (writer) [scrittore]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Seagal, Steven
Nome di battesimo: Seagal, Steven F.
Data di nascita: 10 April 1951
Altezza: 6' 4" (1.93 m)
Coniuge: Kelly LeBrock::(5 September 1987 - 1996) (divorced) 3 children, Miyako Fujitani::(December 1974 - 1987) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- A Dangerous Man (2010) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Born to Raise Hell (2010) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Machete (2010) .... Torrez [attore]
- Against the Dark (2009) (V) .... Tao [attore]
- Driven to Kill (2009) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- The Keeper (2009/I) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Kill Switch (2008) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Pistol Whipped (2008) (V) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Onion Movie (2008) .... Cock Puncher [attore]
- Flight of Fury (2007) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Steven Seagal is a striking and somewhat boyishly handsome looking (often with ponytail) and usually impeccably dressed action star who burst onto the martial arts film scene in 1988 in the fast-paced Warner Bros. film Above the Law (1988). The enigmatic Seagal commenced his martial arts training at the age of seven under the tutelage of well-known karate instructor and author Fumio Demura, and in the 1960s commenced his aikido training in Orange County, CA, under the instruction of Harry Ishisaka. Seagal received his first dan accreditation in 1974, after he had moved to Japan to further his martial arts training. After spending many years there honing his skills, he achieved the ranking of a 7th dan in the Japanese martial art "aikido" and was instructing wealthy clients in Los Angeles when he came to the attention of Hollywood power broker Michael Ovitz. Ovitz saw star value in the imposing-looking Seagal. The high-octane action movie genre was in full swing in the late 1980s, and Seagal's debut movie, "Above the Law", was wildly received by action fans and actually received some complimentary critical reviews. He followed up "Above the Law" with another slam-bang thriller, Hard to Kill (1990), as a cop shot in an ambush by the mob who revives from a coma to take his revenge. The movie also starred Seagal's wife at the time, leggy Kelly LeBrock, who was married to him from 1987 to 1996 and is the mother of three of his children. His next outing was battling voodoo-using Jamaican drug "posses" in the hyper-violent Marked for Death (1990), before returning to fight psychotic mob gangster William Forsythe in the even more punishing Out for Justice (1991). Seagal was by now enormously popular, and his next movie, the big-budgeted Under Siege (1992), set aboard the battleship USS Missouri and also starring Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey, was arguably his best film to date, impressing both fans and critics alike. Seagal's fighting style was rather different from that of other on-screen martial arts dynamos such as Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damme, who were predominantly fighters from striking arts background such as karate or tang soo do. However, aikido is built around using an opponent's inertia and body weight to employ various locks, chokes and holds that incapacitate him. Seagal carries himself differently, too, and often appears wearing Italian designer clothes and usually favors an all-black outfit, generally with a three-quarter-length coat with an elaborate trim. Additionally, Seagal's on-screen characters were often seemingly benign or timid individuals; however, when the going gets rough they reveal themselves to be deadly ex-CIA operatives, or retired Special Forces soldiers capable of enormous destruction! As his box-office drawing power grew, Seagal began to infuse his film projects with his personal and spiritual beliefs, especially concerning the abuse of the environment. He appeared as an oil fire expert who turns against his corrupt CEO (played by Michael Caine) in On Deadly Ground (1994) to save the Eskimo population from an oil disaster; in Fire Down Below (1997) he plays an environmental agency troubleshooter investigating the dumping of toxic waste in Kentucky coal mines, and in the slow-moving The Patriot (1998) he plays a medical specialist trying to stop a lethal virus unleashed by an extremist group. Action fans struggled to come to terms with social messaging being built into bone-crunching fight films; however, Seagal's box-office clout remained fairly strong, and more traditional chopsocky projects followed with the "buddy cop" film The Glimmer Man (1996), then almost a cameo role as a Navy SEAL alongside CIA analyst Kurt Russell before Seagal is sucked out of a jet at 35,000 feet in Executive Decision (1996). In 1999 Seagal took a different turn in his film projects with the surprising genteel Prince of Central Park (2000), about a child living inside NYC's most famous park. He returned to more familiar territory with further high-voltage, guns-blazing action in Exit Wounds (2001), Half Past Dead (2002), Out for a Kill (2003) (V) and Belly of the Beast (2003) (V). Unbeknownst to many, in 1997 Seagal publicly announced that one of his Buddhist teachers, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, had accorded Seagal as a tulku, the reincarnation of a Buddhist Lama. This initial announcement was met with some disbelief until Penor Rinpoche himself gave a confirmation statement on Seagal's new title. Seagal has repeatedly discussed his involvement in Buddhism and how he devotes many hours studying and meditating this ancient Eastern religion. While his box-office appeal has somewhat declined from his halcyon blockbusters of the mid-'90s, Seagal still has a very loyal fan base in the action movie genre and continues to remain a highly bankable star.
Trivia random: Father of Kentaro Seagal and Ayako Fujitani.
Citazione random: Action films are great, but an action film that has characters that are compelling and a story that people can care about is something even better. We love to see action heroes that are vulnerable, that are sensitive, that are family people, that are accessible.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
domenica 10 gennaio 2010
il mondo dei replicanti
Premesso che di sicuro nessun sceneggiatore è stato maltrattato per adattare per il cinema l'opera originale (che non ho letto), non si può dire che il risultato finale sia da disprezzare.
Se vogliamo, il difetto principale - a parte un'abbondante dose di prevedibilità - di questo Il Mondo Dei Replicanti è il titolo un po' sciocchino: l'originale Surrogates rendeva molto più l'idea.
Nel canonico futuro prossimo una larghissima parte dell'umanità adotta dei surrogati, nella vita di tutti i giorni. Questi surrogati altro non sono che robot (non autonomi) estremamente sofisticati, nei quali ci si può "immergere" comandandoli a distanza.
Bellezza, forza e costante ricerca del piacere: l'umanità ha intrapreso una via un tantinello edonistica e - almeno in apparenza - la cosa paga: il crimine quasai non esiste più e la società sembra quasi perfetta, non fosse per i poco affascinanti sacchi di carne abbandonati sulle poltrone di comando di questi surrogati.
A creare scompiglio la comparsa di una nuova arma usata per uccidere il figlio del principale artefice dei surrogati (mi-ti-co James Cromwell, che del resto aveva già fatto il Dottor Lanning in I, Robot e quindi dovrebbe essere preparato sull'argomento), la peculiarità è la capacità di distruggere un surrogato ed ucciderne il controllore.
Durante l'indagine, un Bruce Willis con non abbastanza canotta dovrà vedersela prima con gli ultimi umani che non accettano i surrogati, poi con un complotto ben più esteso ed articolato.
Come detto, il difetto principale è una quasi eccessiva linearità e prevedibilità: manca un vero colpo d'ala e tutto è molto canonico e prevedibile. Jonathan Mostow alla regia non fa danni, ma mette tutto in scena come un banalissimo poliziesco, utilizzando poco le potenzialità che la base poteva avere.
Per il resto, si lascia vedere volentieri nella sua brevità (88 minuti).
Voto: 6.5 (niente infamia, poche lodi).
Tags: fantascienza, thriller, poliziesco, azione, omicidio, robot, società, compagnia, invenzione, poltrona, surrogato, automa, arma, morte, militari, esercito, polizia, poliziotto, moglie, marito, indagine, moto, futuro, fbi, elicottero, inseguimento, ribelli, protesta, santone, inventore, tratto da un fumetto, svolta, sparatoria.
Nome di battesimo: Cromwell, James Oliver
Data di nascita: 27 January 1940
Altezza: 6' 5½" (1.97 m)
Coniuge: Julie Cobb::(29 May 1986 - present) (filed for divorce), Anne Ulvestad::(27 November 1976 - 1986) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
Born in Los Angeles but raised in Manhattan and educated at Middlebury College and Carnegie Tech, James Cromwell - the son of noted film director John Cromwell - studied acting at Carnegie-Mellon. He went into the theater (like both his parents) doing everything from Shakespeare to experimental plays. He started doing TV in 1974, gaining some notice in a recurring role as Archie Bunker's buddy Stretch Cunningham in "All in the Family" (1971), made his film debut in 1976, and goes back to the stage periodically. Some of his more noted film roles have been in Revenge of the Nerds (1984) and the surprise hit about a charming pig, Babe (1995). He garnered some of the best reviews of his career - many of which said he should have received an Oscar - for his role as a corrupt, conniving police captain in L.A. Confidential (1997).
Trivia random: Celebrity sponsor of the Great American Meatout, March 20, 2001.
Citazione random: "The goal of the government was to get all the leaders of the Black Panther Party in jail so that they could be killed systematically through prison violence, and that way they could stop what was a very powerful and evolving movement. I don't think we would have the kind of prison population now and what happens in this country with the gangs if the Panthers had been allowed to continue what they decided to do, which was basically empower black communities to take back their self control and reestablish the dignity of being a black person in this country" - on the Black Panthers movement of the 1960s
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 28 November 1961
Ultimi lavori:
Citazione random: "The heart of the film is the story." - [about Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)]
Salario massimo: $5,000,000, per Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Jonathan Mostow
Scrittore: Michael Ferris, John D. Brancato
Genere: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.3/10 (20617 voti)
Durata: 88 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
People are living their lives remotely from the safety of their own homes via robotic surrogates -- sexy, physically perfect mechanical representations of themselves. It's an ideal world where crime, pain, fear and consequences don't exist. When the first murder in years jolts this utopia, FBI agent Greer discovers a vast conspiracy behind the surrogate phenomenon and must abandon his own surrogate, risking his life to unravel the mystery.
Trivia random: When agents Greer and Peters first visit VSI, they walk past a group of video screens showing VSI commercials and other programming. In part of one screen is briefly seen a rotating model of a Terminator T-800 head. Jonathan Mostow was the director of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003).
Citazione random: [last lines]
Male Newscaster: Still no official word on when, or if, surrogate services can be restored. It appears, at least for now... that we are on our own.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Willis, Walter Bruce
Data di nascita: 19 March 1955
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Emma Heming::(21 March 2009 - present), Demi Moore::(21 November 1987 - 18 October 2000) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
Bruce Willis grew up mainly in Penns Grove, New Jersey, and graduated from high school there before going to New York to become an actor. He waited tables and tended bar for a living until he began to get roles in plays. While tending bar one night he was seen by a casting director who liked his personality and needed a bartender for a small movie role.
Trivia random: His mother Marlene was born in Kassel, Germany.
Citazione random: I'm a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government, I want less government intrusion, I want them to stop pissing on my money and your money, the tax dollars that we give 50 percent of, or 40 percent of, every year, and I want them to be fiscally responsible, and I want these goddamn lobbyists out of Washington. Do that and I'll say I'm a Republican. But other than that, I want the government to take care of people who need help, like the kids in foster care, the half a million kids who are in orphanages right now - they call them foster homes, but they're orphanages. I want them to take care of the elderly and give them free medicine, give them whatever they need. There's tons, billions and billions of dollars that are just being wasted. Okay? I hate government. I'm apolitical. Write that down: I'm not a Republican.
Salario massimo: $100,000,000 (salary, gross and video participations), per The Sixth Sense (1999)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Alex Proyas
Scrittore: Jeff Vintar, Akiva Goldsman
Genere: Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.0/10 (91223 voti)
Durata: 115 min
Paese: USA, Germany
Lingua: English
It's 2035 A.D., where robots are everyday objects and are programmed to live alongside humans. Detective Del Spooner is called out to investigate the apparent suicide of the scientist behind these robots, Dr. Alfred Lanning. Spooner suspects that the death might not be a suicide, but the result of one of the robots. All robots are programmed by three laws, but Spooner starts to wonder if a robot can in fact feel emotions, and possibly murder. But if Spooner's suspicions are true, he is going to have a hard time convincing everyone.
Trivia random: In the theatrical trailer, Del Spooner (Will Smith) tells Lt. John Bergin (Chi McBride) that "I'm gonna miss the good old days", with Bergin responding, "What Good Old Days?" Spooner then says, "When people were killed by other people." In the film, it was Lt. Bergin who says, "I'm gonna miss the good old days," first instead of Spooner.
Citazione random: [first title cards]
Title card: Law I / A robot may not harm a human or, by inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
Title card: Law II / A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law
Title card: Law III / A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Se vogliamo, il difetto principale - a parte un'abbondante dose di prevedibilità - di questo Il Mondo Dei Replicanti è il titolo un po' sciocchino: l'originale Surrogates rendeva molto più l'idea.
Nel canonico futuro prossimo una larghissima parte dell'umanità adotta dei surrogati, nella vita di tutti i giorni. Questi surrogati altro non sono che robot (non autonomi) estremamente sofisticati, nei quali ci si può "immergere" comandandoli a distanza.
Bellezza, forza e costante ricerca del piacere: l'umanità ha intrapreso una via un tantinello edonistica e - almeno in apparenza - la cosa paga: il crimine quasai non esiste più e la società sembra quasi perfetta, non fosse per i poco affascinanti sacchi di carne abbandonati sulle poltrone di comando di questi surrogati.
A creare scompiglio la comparsa di una nuova arma usata per uccidere il figlio del principale artefice dei surrogati (mi-ti-co James Cromwell, che del resto aveva già fatto il Dottor Lanning in I, Robot e quindi dovrebbe essere preparato sull'argomento), la peculiarità è la capacità di distruggere un surrogato ed ucciderne il controllore.
Durante l'indagine, un Bruce Willis con non abbastanza canotta dovrà vedersela prima con gli ultimi umani che non accettano i surrogati, poi con un complotto ben più esteso ed articolato.
Come detto, il difetto principale è una quasi eccessiva linearità e prevedibilità: manca un vero colpo d'ala e tutto è molto canonico e prevedibile. Jonathan Mostow alla regia non fa danni, ma mette tutto in scena come un banalissimo poliziesco, utilizzando poco le potenzialità che la base poteva avere.
Per il resto, si lascia vedere volentieri nella sua brevità (88 minuti).
Voto: 6.5 (niente infamia, poche lodi).
Tags: fantascienza, thriller, poliziesco, azione, omicidio, robot, società, compagnia, invenzione, poltrona, surrogato, automa, arma, morte, militari, esercito, polizia, poliziotto, moglie, marito, indagine, moto, futuro, fbi, elicottero, inseguimento, ribelli, protesta, santone, inventore, tratto da un fumetto, svolta, sparatoria.
Cromwell, James (I)
Nome di battesimo: Cromwell, James Oliver
Data di nascita: 27 January 1940
Altezza: 6' 5½" (1.97 m)
Coniuge: Julie Cobb::(29 May 1986 - present) (filed for divorce), Anne Ulvestad::(27 November 1976 - 1986) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
- A Year in Mooring (2011) .... The Ancient Mariner [attore]
- Pope Pius XII (2010) (TV) .... Pope Pius XII [attore]
- Secretariat (2010) .... [attore]
- A Lonely Place for Dying (2009) .... Howard Simons [attore]
- Beyond All Boundaries (2009) .... Major General Alexander A. Vandegrift/Fleet Admiral William Halsey (voice) [attore]
- Flying Into Love (2009) .... Lyndon Baines Johnson [attore]
- Strikeout (2009) (TV) .... Director [attore]
- Surrogates (2009) .... Older Canter [attore]
- The Last Days of Lehman Brothers (2009) (TV) .... Henry Paulsen [attore]
- Hit Factor (2008) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Born in Los Angeles but raised in Manhattan and educated at Middlebury College and Carnegie Tech, James Cromwell - the son of noted film director John Cromwell - studied acting at Carnegie-Mellon. He went into the theater (like both his parents) doing everything from Shakespeare to experimental plays. He started doing TV in 1974, gaining some notice in a recurring role as Archie Bunker's buddy Stretch Cunningham in "All in the Family" (1971), made his film debut in 1976, and goes back to the stage periodically. Some of his more noted film roles have been in Revenge of the Nerds (1984) and the surprise hit about a charming pig, Babe (1995). He garnered some of the best reviews of his career - many of which said he should have received an Oscar - for his role as a corrupt, conniving police captain in L.A. Confidential (1997).
Trivia random: Celebrity sponsor of the Great American Meatout, March 20, 2001.
Citazione random: "The goal of the government was to get all the leaders of the Black Panther Party in jail so that they could be killed systematically through prison violence, and that way they could stop what was a very powerful and evolving movement. I don't think we would have the kind of prison population now and what happens in this country with the gangs if the Panthers had been allowed to continue what they decided to do, which was basically empower black communities to take back their self control and reestablish the dignity of being a black person in this country" - on the Black Panthers movement of the 1960s
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Mostow, Jonathan
Data di nascita: 28 November 1961
Ultimi lavori:
- Swiss Family Robinson (2012) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Surrogates (2009) .... [regista]
- Hancock (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Them (2007) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) .... [regista]
- U-571 (2000) .... (screenplay) (story) [scrittore]
- Breakdown (1997/I) .... (screenplay) (story) [scrittore]
- The Game (1997) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Flight of Black Angel (1991) (TV) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Beverly Hills Bodysnatchers (1989) .... (producer) [produttore]
Citazione random: "The heart of the film is the story." - [about Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)]
Salario massimo: $5,000,000, per Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Surrogates (2009)
Il mondo dei replicanti
Regista: Jonathan Mostow
Scrittore: Michael Ferris, John D. Brancato
Genere: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.3/10 (20617 voti)
Durata: 88 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Bruce Willis .... Tom Greer
- Radha Mitchell .... Peters
- Rosamund Pike .... Maggie
- Boris Kodjoe .... Stone
- James Francis Ginty .... Canter Surrogate
- James Cromwell .... Older Canter
- Ving Rhames .... The Prophet
- Jack Noseworthy .... Strickland
- Devin Ratray .... Bobby
- Michael Cudlitz .... Colonel Brendon
People are living their lives remotely from the safety of their own homes via robotic surrogates -- sexy, physically perfect mechanical representations of themselves. It's an ideal world where crime, pain, fear and consequences don't exist. When the first murder in years jolts this utopia, FBI agent Greer discovers a vast conspiracy behind the surrogate phenomenon and must abandon his own surrogate, risking his life to unravel the mystery.
Trivia random: When agents Greer and Peters first visit VSI, they walk past a group of video screens showing VSI commercials and other programming. In part of one screen is briefly seen a rotating model of a Terminator T-800 head. Jonathan Mostow was the director of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003).
Citazione random: [last lines]
Male Newscaster: Still no official word on when, or if, surrogate services can be restored. It appears, at least for now... that we are on our own.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Willis, Bruce
Nome di battesimo: Willis, Walter Bruce
Data di nascita: 19 March 1955
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Emma Heming::(21 March 2009 - present), Demi Moore::(21 November 1987 - 18 October 2000) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Kane & Lynch (2011) .... Kane [attore]
- Cop Out (2010) .... Jimmy Monroe [attore]
- Red (2010) .... Paul Moses [attore]
- The Expendables (2010) .... Mr. Church [attore]
- The Last Full Measure (2010) .... [attore]
- Surrogates (2009) .... Tom Greer [attore]
- Assassination of a High School President (2008) .... Principal Kirkpatrick [attore]
- What Just Happened (2008) .... Actor [attore]
- Grindhouse (2007) .... Lt. Muldoon (segment "Planet Terror") [attore]
- Live Free or Die Hard (2007) .... John McClane [attore]
Bruce Willis grew up mainly in Penns Grove, New Jersey, and graduated from high school there before going to New York to become an actor. He waited tables and tended bar for a living until he began to get roles in plays. While tending bar one night he was seen by a casting director who liked his personality and needed a bartender for a small movie role.
Trivia random: His mother Marlene was born in Kassel, Germany.
Citazione random: I'm a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government, I want less government intrusion, I want them to stop pissing on my money and your money, the tax dollars that we give 50 percent of, or 40 percent of, every year, and I want them to be fiscally responsible, and I want these goddamn lobbyists out of Washington. Do that and I'll say I'm a Republican. But other than that, I want the government to take care of people who need help, like the kids in foster care, the half a million kids who are in orphanages right now - they call them foster homes, but they're orphanages. I want them to take care of the elderly and give them free medicine, give them whatever they need. There's tons, billions and billions of dollars that are just being wasted. Okay? I hate government. I'm apolitical. Write that down: I'm not a Republican.
Salario massimo: $100,000,000 (salary, gross and video participations), per The Sixth Sense (1999)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
I, Robot (2004)
Io, robot
Regista: Alex Proyas
Scrittore: Jeff Vintar, Akiva Goldsman
Genere: Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.0/10 (91223 voti)
Durata: 115 min
Paese: USA, Germany
Lingua: English
- Will Smith .... Del Spooner
- Bridget Moynahan .... Susan Calvin
- Alan Tudyk .... Sonny
- James Cromwell .... Dr. Alfred Lanning
- Bruce Greenwood .... Lawrence Robertson
- Adrian Ricard .... Granny (as Adrian L. Ricard)
- Chi McBride .... Lt. John Bergin
- Jerry Wasserman .... Baldez
- Fiona Hogan .... V.I.K.I.
- Peter Shinkoda .... Chin
It's 2035 A.D., where robots are everyday objects and are programmed to live alongside humans. Detective Del Spooner is called out to investigate the apparent suicide of the scientist behind these robots, Dr. Alfred Lanning. Spooner suspects that the death might not be a suicide, but the result of one of the robots. All robots are programmed by three laws, but Spooner starts to wonder if a robot can in fact feel emotions, and possibly murder. But if Spooner's suspicions are true, he is going to have a hard time convincing everyone.
Trivia random: In the theatrical trailer, Del Spooner (Will Smith) tells Lt. John Bergin (Chi McBride) that "I'm gonna miss the good old days", with Bergin responding, "What Good Old Days?" Spooner then says, "When people were killed by other people." In the film, it was Lt. Bergin who says, "I'm gonna miss the good old days," first instead of Spooner.
Citazione random: [first title cards]
Title card: Law I / A robot may not harm a human or, by inaction, allow a human being to come to harm
Title card: Law II / A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law
Title card: Law III / A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
giovedì 7 gennaio 2010
IMDbPY 4.4
Prosegue imperterrita la corsa verso il dominio del mondo di IMDbPY, oggi giunto alla versione 4.4.
Questa è in larga parte una versione di bugfixes, con qualche cambiamento reso a rendere alcune porzioni del codice più robuste.
IMDbPY è un package Python per l'accesso e la gestione dei dati provenienti dal database di IMDb (sia via rete che in copia locale) e può accedere alle informazioni riguardanti film, persone, personaggi e compagnie.
Sono disponibili numerosi programmi basati su di esso.
Il download è anche scaricabile dalle tasse, cosa aspettate?!
Tags: imdbpy, imdb, database, release, software libero, free software, open source, interfaccia, web, xml, sql, csv, film, movies, cinema, software, python, package, modulo, mysql, postgresql, sqlite, movies, information, libreria, 4.4.
Questa è in larga parte una versione di bugfixes, con qualche cambiamento reso a rendere alcune porzioni del codice più robuste.
IMDbPY è un package Python per l'accesso e la gestione dei dati provenienti dal database di IMDb (sia via rete che in copia locale) e può accedere alle informazioni riguardanti film, persone, personaggi e compagnie.
Sono disponibili numerosi programmi basati su di esso.
Il download è anche scaricabile dalle tasse, cosa aspettate?!
Tags: imdbpy, imdb, database, release, software libero, free software, open source, interfaccia, web, xml, sql, csv, film, movies, cinema, software, python, package, modulo, mysql, postgresql, sqlite, movies, information, libreria, 4.4.
lunedì 4 gennaio 2010
the hole
Ho avuto il piacere di rivedere quel piccolo classico piuttosto sottovalutato di The Hole.
Con la necessità di sfuggire ad una noiosa gita del college da un lato e dai genitori dall'altro, quattro figli di papà si affidano ad un ingegnoso studente che propone loro una singolare soluzione: chiudersi per tre giorni in un bunker antiatomico in disuso.
Scenario idea per la più o meno sfigata Liz, che spera di sfruttare l'occasione per fare colpo su Mike, affascinante figlio di una rock-star.
Piccolo dettaglio: la porta è chiusa dall'esterno, ed il terzo giorno nessuno verrà.
Il film si apre (in maniera notevole) su cosa succede all'apertura del bunker, e da lì in avanti si procede per gradi svelando gli eventi attraverso il racconto dei coinvolti.
Come tutto sommato prevedibile, si scoprirà che le cose sono più complicate di quanto non sembrasse inizialmente (grazie al cielo, però, non si eccede in colpi di scena e stravolgimenti della prospettiva, come ogni tanto succede).
Breve quanto basta per tenere sempre alto l'interesse, con dei bei personaggi anche ben interpretati, ha il notevole merito di non essere il solito horror che punta tutto su schifezza e rumori assordanti come ne sono stati prodotti a migliaia negli ultimi 15 anni.
Bravo e claustrofobico quanto basta Nick Hamm alla regia (che non si è più ripetuto, mi pare), fa sempre piacere rivedere Thora Birch e - come da horror che si rispetti - abbiamo pure una giovane Keira Knightley che mostra le tettine semi-anoressiche.
Voto: 8.
Tags: horror, mistero, drammatico, crimine, thriller, college, scuola, gita, Inghilterra, sesso, bunker, bunker antiatomico, porta, intrappolati, urla, vomito, morte, sangue, caduta, omicidio, cibo, acqua, ossessione, amore, follia, confessione, flashback, doccia, rock-star, nudo, nudo maschile, nudo femminile, seno, tette, popolarità, nerd, amicizia, invidia, film indipendente, colpo di scena, polizia, indagini, interrogatorio, psicologa, Keira Knightley, Thora Birch.
Data di nascita: 1957
Ultimi lavori:
Nick Hamm, (Theatre and Film Director) was resident director with the Royal Shakespeare Company from 1983 to 1988. He has directed major productions in Europe and served as British Artistic Director of the Sadler's Wells Theatre Company. In 1989 he moved into television/ film, directing The Bottom Line, a documentary about the crisis of culture, featuring, among others, Arthur Miller and Dustin Hoffman. In 1992, his 30-minute drama The Harmfulness of Tobacco, starring Edward Fox and Celia Imrie, won the BAFTA Award (British Association of Film and Television Awards) for Best Short Film. He went on to direct Play on One for the BBC starring Catherine Zeta-Jones and Colin Firth. Followed by the highly acclaimed series Rik Mayall Presents for Granada, starring Amanda Donohoe, Jennifer Ehle and Helena Bonham Carter. Hamm's feature work includes films for Miramax, Pathe, Film Four and Lions Gate. His first feature, Talk of Angels, an epic love story set against the background of the Spanish Civil War starred Vincent Perez and Polly Walker and was made for Miramax. His second was a romantic comedy for Film Four/ Miramax. Martha Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence starred Monica Potter and Joseph Fiennes. The film was re-titled for its US release to The Very Thought Of You. His third feature was the highly original European cult movie The Hole starring Thora Birch and Keira Knightley. This movie was originally made for Pathe Films and picked up for US distribution by Miramax. Godsend starring Robert De Niro, Greg Kinnear, and Rebecca Romijn Stamos is Hamm's first US film, made for Lions Gate Films and premiering in in April 2004. Godsend opened in the UK in July 2004 and was distributed by Pathe.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Nick Hamm
Scrittore: Guy Burt, Ben Court
Genere: Drama, Mystery, Horror, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 6.3/10 (15356 voti)
Durata: 102 min
Paese: UK
Lingua: English
One misty morning, Liz Dunn stumbles down the road to her school and screams for help. A police psychologist gets her to reveal her story: A month earlier: three rebellious teenagers - Mike, Frankie and Geoff are trying to ditch the school field trip to Wales. The school nerd Martin helps them out by allowing them to stay in an old war bunker for the three days on the condition that his friend Liz joins them. The teens go down, party and have great fun but Martin doesn't return to let them out and they hope and pray that someone will find them... Citazione random: Mike: And then there's all those exciting exams to look forward to.
Frankie: Way to look on the positive side.
Mike: No, no, no. I've got a hard-on for these exams, they're great.
Geoff: You've got a hard-on for everything.
Mike: Not for you, mate.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Knightley, Keira Christina
Data di nascita: 26 March 1985
Altezza: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Ultimi lavori:
The daughter of actor Will Knightley and playwright Sharman Macdonald. After she requested an agent at the age of three, her parents allowed her to work on productions in her summer holidays. Her first role was at the age of 9, in Moira Armstrong's A Village Affair (1995) (TV). However, Knightley's first high profile role came in 1999, as Sabe, Decoy Queen to Natalie Portman's Queen Amidala in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999). Since then she has completed an impressive array of films including The Hole (2001), but is probably best known for her role of tomboy footballer Jules Paxton in Gurinder Chadha's Bend It Like Beckham (2002).
Trivia random: Voted #15 in the AfterEllen Hot 100, a list of the hottest women in entertainment as voted by lesbian and bisexual women (June 2007).
Citazione random: I don't think about nutrition. The very thought of a diet makes me want chips and ice cream. And I just hate going to the gym. I cannot stand it.
Salario massimo: $5,000,000, per Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 11 March 1982
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Ultimi lavori:
From Monkey Trouble (1994) to American Beauty (1999)-- that's Hollywood "Hocus Pocus"! Thora Birch was born on Thursday (as in Thor's Day) March 11, 1982. Her father Jack, and mom Carol, named her after the Norse God Thor ("Thora" being the feminine), the God of thunder; she has a younger brother named Bolt. Thora appeared in one of the "classic" California raisin commercials in 1986 (at age 4), and later did other commercials. At age 6, Thora appeared in Purple People Eater (1988) and won a Youth in Film Award for her performance. Then she appeared in the television series "Parenthood" (1990), which co-starred a not-yet-discovered Leonardo DiCaprio. Thora's breakout movie was Paradise (1991) with bona fide stars Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith; Thora bested 4,000 young hopefuls to land the role, and she again got great reviews. Thora appeared in Hocus Pocus (1993) with major stars; however, she got real recognition by having a starring role in Monkey Trouble (1994), in which her affection for her pet (and sometimes scene-stealing) monkey basically carried the entire movie (she and the monkey did their own stunts). All grown up, this petite beauty (5' 4") with green eyes had a major role in American Beauty (1999) which won 5 Oscar awards. Thora delivered a strong, effective performance as the alienated daughter of parents whose mid-life crises drive them to affairs and destruction; her acting was convincing and inspired, and once again received good reviews. A down-to-earth young woman in real life, she loves Italian food and diet root beer.
Trivia random: Appeared in Moby's video "We Are All Made Of Stars" (2002) and "Eat You Alive" by Limp Bizkit (2003).
Citazione random: "For me, romance isn't an over-the-top act. It's someone offering to help and to support me. Or if that person thinks I'm making the wrong decision, he'll tell me. I want him to be honest, because being that honest takes a lot of guts."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Con la necessità di sfuggire ad una noiosa gita del college da un lato e dai genitori dall'altro, quattro figli di papà si affidano ad un ingegnoso studente che propone loro una singolare soluzione: chiudersi per tre giorni in un bunker antiatomico in disuso.
Scenario idea per la più o meno sfigata Liz, che spera di sfruttare l'occasione per fare colpo su Mike, affascinante figlio di una rock-star.
Piccolo dettaglio: la porta è chiusa dall'esterno, ed il terzo giorno nessuno verrà.
Il film si apre (in maniera notevole) su cosa succede all'apertura del bunker, e da lì in avanti si procede per gradi svelando gli eventi attraverso il racconto dei coinvolti.
Come tutto sommato prevedibile, si scoprirà che le cose sono più complicate di quanto non sembrasse inizialmente (grazie al cielo, però, non si eccede in colpi di scena e stravolgimenti della prospettiva, come ogni tanto succede).
Breve quanto basta per tenere sempre alto l'interesse, con dei bei personaggi anche ben interpretati, ha il notevole merito di non essere il solito horror che punta tutto su schifezza e rumori assordanti come ne sono stati prodotti a migliaia negli ultimi 15 anni.
Bravo e claustrofobico quanto basta Nick Hamm alla regia (che non si è più ripetuto, mi pare), fa sempre piacere rivedere Thora Birch e - come da horror che si rispetti - abbiamo pure una giovane Keira Knightley che mostra le tettine semi-anoressiche.
Voto: 8.
Tags: horror, mistero, drammatico, crimine, thriller, college, scuola, gita, Inghilterra, sesso, bunker, bunker antiatomico, porta, intrappolati, urla, vomito, morte, sangue, caduta, omicidio, cibo, acqua, ossessione, amore, follia, confessione, flashback, doccia, rock-star, nudo, nudo maschile, nudo femminile, seno, tette, popolarità, nerd, amicizia, invidia, film indipendente, colpo di scena, polizia, indagini, interrogatorio, psicologa, Keira Knightley, Thora Birch.
Hamm, Nick
Data di nascita: 1957
Ultimi lavori:
- Killing Bono (2010) .... [regista]
- "Off the Hook" (2009) .... (unknown episodes) [regista]
- "Fresh!" (2008) TV series (executive producer) (2008) .... [produttore]
- Godsend (2004) .... [regista]
- The Hole (2001) .... [regista]
- Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence (1998) .... [regista]
- Talk of Angels (1998) .... [regista]
- Briefest Encounter (1993) (TV) .... [regista]
- Dancing Queen (1993) (TV) .... [regista]
- Micky Love (1993) (TV) .... [regista]
Nick Hamm, (Theatre and Film Director) was resident director with the Royal Shakespeare Company from 1983 to 1988. He has directed major productions in Europe and served as British Artistic Director of the Sadler's Wells Theatre Company. In 1989 he moved into television/ film, directing The Bottom Line, a documentary about the crisis of culture, featuring, among others, Arthur Miller and Dustin Hoffman. In 1992, his 30-minute drama The Harmfulness of Tobacco, starring Edward Fox and Celia Imrie, won the BAFTA Award (British Association of Film and Television Awards) for Best Short Film. He went on to direct Play on One for the BBC starring Catherine Zeta-Jones and Colin Firth. Followed by the highly acclaimed series Rik Mayall Presents for Granada, starring Amanda Donohoe, Jennifer Ehle and Helena Bonham Carter. Hamm's feature work includes films for Miramax, Pathe, Film Four and Lions Gate. His first feature, Talk of Angels, an epic love story set against the background of the Spanish Civil War starred Vincent Perez and Polly Walker and was made for Miramax. His second was a romantic comedy for Film Four/ Miramax. Martha Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence starred Monica Potter and Joseph Fiennes. The film was re-titled for its US release to The Very Thought Of You. His third feature was the highly original European cult movie The Hole starring Thora Birch and Keira Knightley. This movie was originally made for Pathe Films and picked up for US distribution by Miramax. Godsend starring Robert De Niro, Greg Kinnear, and Rebecca Romijn Stamos is Hamm's first US film, made for Lions Gate Films and premiering in in April 2004. Godsend opened in the UK in July 2004 and was distributed by Pathe.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Hole, The (2001)
Regista: Nick Hamm
Scrittore: Guy Burt, Ben Court
Genere: Drama, Mystery, Horror, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 6.3/10 (15356 voti)
Durata: 102 min
Paese: UK
Lingua: English
- Thora Birch .... Liz Dunn
- Desmond Harrington .... Mike Steel
- Daniel Brocklebank .... Martyn Taylor
- Laurence Fox .... Geoff Bingham
- Keira Knightley .... Frances 'Frankie' Almond Smith
- Embeth Davidtz .... Dr. Philippa Horwood
- Steven Waddington .... DCS Tom Howard
- Emma Griffiths Malin .... Daisy
- Jemma Powell .... Minnie (as Gemma Powell)
- Gemma Craven .... Mrs. Dunn
One misty morning, Liz Dunn stumbles down the road to her school and screams for help. A police psychologist gets her to reveal her story: A month earlier: three rebellious teenagers - Mike, Frankie and Geoff are trying to ditch the school field trip to Wales. The school nerd Martin helps them out by allowing them to stay in an old war bunker for the three days on the condition that his friend Liz joins them. The teens go down, party and have great fun but Martin doesn't return to let them out and they hope and pray that someone will find them... Citazione random: Mike: And then there's all those exciting exams to look forward to.
Frankie: Way to look on the positive side.
Mike: No, no, no. I've got a hard-on for these exams, they're great.
Geoff: You've got a hard-on for everything.
Mike: Not for you, mate.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Knightley, Keira
Nome di battesimo: Knightley, Keira Christina
Data di nascita: 26 March 1985
Altezza: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Last Night (2010) .... Joanna Reed [attrice]
- London Boulevard (2010) .... Charlotte [attrice]
- My Fair Lady (2010) .... Eliza Doolittle (rumored) [attrice]
- Never Let Me Go (2010) .... Ruth [attrice]
- The Beautiful and the Damned (2010) .... Zelda Sayre [attrice]
- The Continuing and Lamentable Saga of the Suicide Brothers (2009) .... The Fairy [attrice]
- Looking Over: The Edge of Love (2008) (V) .... Vera Phillips [attrice]
- The Duchess (2008) .... Georgiana [attrice]
- The Edge of Love (2008) .... Vera Phillips [attrice]
- Atonement (2007) .... Cecilia Tallis [attrice]
The daughter of actor Will Knightley and playwright Sharman Macdonald. After she requested an agent at the age of three, her parents allowed her to work on productions in her summer holidays. Her first role was at the age of 9, in Moira Armstrong's A Village Affair (1995) (TV). However, Knightley's first high profile role came in 1999, as Sabe, Decoy Queen to Natalie Portman's Queen Amidala in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999). Since then she has completed an impressive array of films including The Hole (2001), but is probably best known for her role of tomboy footballer Jules Paxton in Gurinder Chadha's Bend It Like Beckham (2002).
Trivia random: Voted #15 in the AfterEllen Hot 100, a list of the hottest women in entertainment as voted by lesbian and bisexual women (June 2007).
Citazione random: I don't think about nutrition. The very thought of a diet makes me want chips and ice cream. And I just hate going to the gym. I cannot stand it.
Salario massimo: $5,000,000, per Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Birch, Thora
Data di nascita: 11 March 1982
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Crossmaglen (2010) .... Nulla McGarvey [attrice]
- Pregnancy Pact (2010) (TV) .... Sidney [attrice]
- The Story of Bonnie and Clyde (2010) .... Blanche Barrow (rumored) [attrice]
- Cavegirl (2009) .... Cavegirl [attrice]
- Deadline (2009/I) .... Lucy Woods [attrice]
- Winter of Frozen Dreams (2009) .... Barbara Hoffman [attrice]
- Train (2008/I) .... Alex [attrice]
- Dark Corners (2006) .... Karen Clarke/Susan Hamilton [attrice]
- Tainted Love (2006) .... Mia [attrice]
- Slingshot (2005) .... April [attrice]
From Monkey Trouble (1994) to American Beauty (1999)-- that's Hollywood "Hocus Pocus"! Thora Birch was born on Thursday (as in Thor's Day) March 11, 1982. Her father Jack, and mom Carol, named her after the Norse God Thor ("Thora" being the feminine), the God of thunder; she has a younger brother named Bolt. Thora appeared in one of the "classic" California raisin commercials in 1986 (at age 4), and later did other commercials. At age 6, Thora appeared in Purple People Eater (1988) and won a Youth in Film Award for her performance. Then she appeared in the television series "Parenthood" (1990), which co-starred a not-yet-discovered Leonardo DiCaprio. Thora's breakout movie was Paradise (1991) with bona fide stars Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith; Thora bested 4,000 young hopefuls to land the role, and she again got great reviews. Thora appeared in Hocus Pocus (1993) with major stars; however, she got real recognition by having a starring role in Monkey Trouble (1994), in which her affection for her pet (and sometimes scene-stealing) monkey basically carried the entire movie (she and the monkey did their own stunts). All grown up, this petite beauty (5' 4") with green eyes had a major role in American Beauty (1999) which won 5 Oscar awards. Thora delivered a strong, effective performance as the alienated daughter of parents whose mid-life crises drive them to affairs and destruction; her acting was convincing and inspired, and once again received good reviews. A down-to-earth young woman in real life, she loves Italian food and diet root beer.
Trivia random: Appeared in Moby's video "We Are All Made Of Stars" (2002) and "Eat You Alive" by Limp Bizkit (2003).
Citazione random: "For me, romance isn't an over-the-top act. It's someone offering to help and to support me. Or if that person thinks I'm making the wrong decision, he'll tell me. I want him to be honest, because being that honest takes a lot of guts."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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