Cosa ci spinge a fare (ed a farci) del male? Quale sadomasochistica pulsione sembra costringere alcune produzioni cinematografiche dritte nel baratro con l'entusiasmo di un branco di lemmings? E soprattutto: cosa passava nella testa dei finanziatori quando hanno deciso di dare dei soldi alla
WWE di
Vince McMahon perché producesse un film horror diretto da
Gregory Dark (sì: quello dei
Dark Brothers registi e produttori di porno) con protagonista
Kane (il
"fratello" di
The Undertaker)?
Se non è cercarsi una rogna questo...
Detto ciò,
ovviamente il risultato -
Il Collezionista di Occhi (
See No Evil) - è un film

Alcuni giovani criminali incarcerati per i crimini più disparati, vengono mandati assieme a delle ragguardevoli galeotte (tutti in abiti civili e perfettamente pettinati e truccati) a fare del lavoro socialmente utile: un vecchio albergo in disuso dà riparo a molti senza tetto; i servizi sociali locali li hanno fatti sloggiare ed hanno assegnato ai detenuti il compito di... farne un rifugio per i senza tetto! (
well, well, well...)
A sorvegliarli solo due poliziotti, uno dei quali ha una mano artificiale, avendo perso l'originale in uno scontro con un serial killer che aveva infestato la città 20 anni prima.
Inizialmente tutto si svolge secondo i canoni tipici della gita scolastica, con festicciole, scherzi, risse, furtarelli e scopatine assortite...
quand'ecco l'inaspettato! Il suddetto serial killer ricompare (il corpo non era mai stato ritrovato né, per quanto ne sappiamo, era mai stato cercato) e miete vittime tra i poveri criminali!
Difficile scegliere con chi solidalizzare.
Il nostro eroico serial killer è niente più di un originalissimo energumenazzo variamente deforme, che ama strappare (con le unghie!) gli occhi alle sue vittime in modo da conservarli in vasetti a mò di pesche sciroppate; l'arma preferita consiste in un uncino legato ad una lunga catena con il quale arpiona gli stolti peccatori stile
Scorpion di
Mortal Kombat.
Troverà pane per i suoi denti in un detenuto che, palesemente ispiratosi a
Final Fight, se ne va in giro a randellare cose e persone con una tubatura dell'acqua...
Imbarazzante il tentativo (fallito, tranquilli!) di mettere una trama in un film che non fa la minima concessione alla verosimiglianza, si distingue giusto per un paio di momenti abbastanza
gore e la presenza di un wrestler che da fondo a tutte le sue abilità recitative.
Voto: 2 Trashometro
® 7/10:

Tags: horror, gore, polizia, detenuti, albergo, peccatori, violenza, occhi, trash, wrestler.
Dark, Gregory (I)
Nome di battesimo: Brown, Gregory Hippolyte
Data di nascita: 12 July 1957
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Sharlotte Blake::(2002 - present), Ruby Richards::(January 1997 - 2001) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori: Trivia random: Used to be half of an adult movie production team, the Dark Brothers. Now he is the only Dark Brother, though he retains the plural name...
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Mortal Kombat (1992) (VG)
Scrittore: Ed Boon,
John Tobias Genere: Action, Horror
Valutazione: 8.1/10 (50 voti)
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Cast:Trama:Seven martial artists from Earth must battle in sorcerer Shang Tsung's super secret tournament. For the past 9 of these tournaments, Shang Tsung's four-armed mutant bodyguard Goro has won all of them. Should he win the tenth, Earth will be left at the mercy of Shang Tsung's Outworld. Playable characters include Raiden, the Thunder God invited to fight in the tournament, in human (and thus killable) form; Liu Kang, a Shaolin monk determined to stop Shang Tsung; Johnny Cage, a Hollywood movie star who wants the publicity; Sonya Blade, a US Special Forces agent; Kano, a tyrant being pursued by Sonya Blade; Sub-Zero, a mercenary ninja with orders to assassinate Shang Tsung and Scorpian, a murdered ninja who has been brought back from the dead to try and kill Sub-Zero, the man who murdered him.
Trivia random: Raiden, the electric God of thunder, is based on lightening-wielding character from Big Trouble in Little China (1986).
Citazione random: Voice over: Flawless victory!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Jacobs, Glen
Nome di battesimo: Jacobs, Glen Thomas
Data di nascita: 26 April 1967
Altezza: 6' 9" (2.06 m)
Coniuge: Maurisa::(1995 - present) 2 children
Ultimi lavori: Trivia random: Has 2 stepdaughters.
Citazione random: "I don't do what you people want. I Do What I Want!"
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
McMahon, Vince
Nome di battesimo: McMahon, Vincent Kennedy
Data di nascita: 24 August 1945
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Coniuge: Linda McMahon::(6 August 1966 - present) 2 children
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:In the world of sports and sports entertainment, few promoters have been as successful as Vincent K. McMahon. Born Aug. 24, 1945, to second- generation wrestling promoter Vincent J. McMahon, the young Vince eventually transformed his father's regional wrestling promotion, the northeastern U.S.'s World-Wide Wrestling Federation (later World Wrestling Federation, or WWF), into a worldwide success. Vince, who attended Fishborne Military School as a youth, was a star wrestler in high school. He eventually graduated from East Carolina University with a degree in marketing. By the early 1970s, the younger Vince convinced his father to hire him as promoter for his company, Capitol Wrestling Corp. (which promoted wrestling events as the WWF) He promoted his first WWF wrestling card in 1971 (in Bangor, Maine); the event was a rousing success, and started Vince Jr.'s rise to professional wrestling glory. In 1972, the then 27-year-old McMahon began providing play-by-play commentary for the WWF's weekly syndicated program; at the same time, he helped increase market clearances for the WWF's syndicated programs from nine northeastern U.S. stations (in 1972) to more than triple that by 1980. In 1982, the younger Vince purchased the Capitol Wrestling Corp. from his ailing father (he died in 1984), and began planning a vision to become the world's largest and most successful wrestling enterprise by giving the WWF a much broader audience. McMahon accomplished that through combining the traditional sport of wrestling with elements from the entertainment world (hence the term, sports entertainment); and giving the promotion a national audience (by promoting WWF events and selling airtime to local stations nationwide; airing weekly programs and pay-per-view events on cable and satellite TV). He also initiated one of the first successful major wrestling events, 1985's WrestleMania. However, McMahon's ride to success hasn't always been smooth -- in the early 1990s, allegations of steroid use among top superstars and other misconduct within the WWF nearly ruined Vince and his company. Also, ventures into the realms of bodybuilding (the World Bodybuilding Federation) and professional football (the XFL) failed miserably. For years, McMahon was engaged in a bitter ratings and promotions war with Ted Turner's wrestling ventures (the last being World Championship Wrestling (WCW); it was a battle Turner commanded at one point. McMahon eventually won the battle and today enjoys one of the world's most successful entertainment dynasties. His family -- wife, Linda; son, Shane, and daughter-in-law Marissa; and daugher Stephanie -- all play key roles in the family venture. McMahon is recognized today by many -- supporters and foes alike -- as a fearless and visionary promoter who turned the regional wrestling promotion WWF into a global sensation.
Trivia random: At the WWF Survivor Series in 1997, he shocked the wrestling world by screwing Bret Hart out of the WWF title. He then used the screwjob incident to turn himself into the biggest heel in the company.
Citazione random: "The worst sound in our business is silence. That means they don't care."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
See No Evil (2006)
Regista: Gregory Dark Scrittore: Dan Madigan Genere: Horror
Valutazione: 5.1/10 (2088 voti)
Durata: 84 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Cast:Trama: Trivia random: The tagline "This summer, evil gets Raw" refers to the WWE wrestling show Glen Jacobs (Kane) appears on, _"Raw Is War" (1997)_ .
Citazione random: Margaret: Look into their eyes, can't you see the sin?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Calaway, Mark
Nome di battesimo: Callaway, Mark Lucas
Data di nascita: 24 March 1962
Altezza: 6' 8" (2.03 m)
Coniuge: Sara Calaway::(21 July 2000 - present) 2 children, Jodi Lynn::(February 1989 - June 1999) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:Born in 1962. Probably best known as "The Undertaker" from the WWF. He first came to the WWF in 1990 as Ted DiBiases mystery partner at The Survivor Series. At first he was a heel, but he later turned face, around Wrestlemania VII. He has held the WWF World Title on two seperate occasions, first at the 1992 Survivor Series (dubbed "Hulk Hogan's Gravest Challenge"), from then champion, Hulk Hogan. Hogan won the title back shortly thereafter, only to be stripped of the title due to the circumstances by which he won the match. Undertaker next won the title at Wrestlemania XIII from the Psycho Sid.
Trivia random: Mother: Catherine Calaway, father: Frank Calaway (died July 22 2003), older brothers: David, Michael, Paul, and Timothy.
Citazione random: (To Kurt Angle) "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna kick your teeth so far down your throat that you'll be able to chew your own ass out for pissing me off."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
1 commento:
Great post, keep up the good work!
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