Niente di nuovo sotto il sole ninja, data la difficoltà a procurarsi simili capolavori del cinema; oltre ad una breve panoramica sui ninja movies già recensiti fin qui, aggiungo una
vera chicca per gli appassionati: ho recuperato dai miei archivi una meravigliosa intervista al nostro eroe
Godfrey Ho, il più grande regista di film di ninja della storia!

L'intervista originale venne redatta da
GaraiJAN, per poi essere ripubblicata da
LTx nel suo mitico sito
ultimate ninja; purtroppo ad oggi entrambi i siti sono spariti, quindi... ecco a voi l'intrevista all'Uomo
®: Imperdibili le palate di merda agli attori orientali famosi e quando nega di aver mai montato insieme due film separati, per poi smentirsi poche righe dopo!
But now... ninja reprint!
- Ninja Il Padrino: grandioso; confuso quanto basta, con alcune grandi facce da ninja ed un Richard Harrison al top della forma; ideale per chi vuole cominciare.
- Ninja Il Distruttore: uno dei migliori, con Bruce Baron e Red Devil, il miglior cattivo che si sia mai visto in un film di ninja (fatto salvo per la Carrà Hong-Kongese); grandi combattimenti e tentati stupri; da vedere.
- Ninja Terminator: ottimo prodotto, con i robot, i granchi e le VHS ninja e soprattutto Tiger, la Carrà Hong-Kongese; da avere.
- Ninja Occhio Per Occhio: il ninja camerunense, sparatorie alla Callaghan con le baguette; la trama hong-kongese è grandiosa e nel complesso si rivela uno dei migliori in assoluto.
- Ninja Tunderbolt: i ninja sui pattini, le scene porno-soft e Richard che grida "NINJA" al mondo; bello davvero, anche se la trama è un tantino confusa.
- Ninja Commandements: una parte hong-kongese dolorosissima, ma condita con i precetti del saggio maestro ninja morto; Richard che continua a scalare montagne ed a gridare "NINJA!" ed un po' pochi combattimenti; da vedere, ma per stomaci forti.
- Ninja Il Guerriero: agghiaccianti effetti speciali ninja, una trama straniante per il modo in cui è cucita insieme ed alcune orrende locations; da vedere con cautela.
- Ninja Campione: una trama delirante per un grande scontro tra Baron e Tremblay (a voi decidere chi è il bene e chi il male); per esteti.
- Cobra vs. Ninja: cooomplicatissimo e delirante dall'inizio alla fine! Da vedere due volte, per capire come sono montate le diverse scene dei film originali.
Fuori dalla serie
"due film in uno", torno a segnalare anche:
- La Sfida del Tigre: con Harrison, Bruce Le e la formula segreta che rende sterili; grandiosi combattimenti, intrighi internazionali e tette al vento! Notevole.
- Enter The Ninja: il piedone fetente di Franco Nero per una purga intestinale in costume da ninja!
- The Super Ninja: uno dei più grandi ninja movies in assoluto, con combattimenti, amore, sesso e lotta di classe! Da vedere!
Ninjoy, my friends!
Ho, Godfrey
Nome di battesimo: Ho, Chi Kueng
Data di nascita: 1948
Ultimi lavori: Trivia random: He is considered a master of B-movie Hong Kong actioners. However, a number of his movies are Z-grade movies made with a "cut-and-paste" technique. He would shoot footage for one movie, often using Caucasian actors for exportation, then edit the scenes into several other movies, mixing them with footage from old, unfinished or unreleased Asian movies (using Thai as well as Chinese or Filipino footage), then trying to make the story somewhat coherent through dubbing and voice-overs. He would then have four or five movies (of rock-bottom quality, of course) while having spent the budget of one.
Citazione random: "I used to be a movie maker. Now I am teaching people to make movies. It really makes me glad when my students are happily showing me their works. Only if you've been through the whole process, can you understand how satisfactory and delightful it is."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nero, Franco
Nome di battesimo: Sparanero, Francesco
Data di nascita: 23 November 1941
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:Blue-eyed well-built Italian actor Franco Nero, once was a painting photographer, when he was discovered as an actor by director John Huston. Grew up in provincial northern Italian town in the family of a strict police sergeant, Nero got on the scene six years old. Studied economics and trade in Milan University and during that time he was appearing in popular italian photo-novels. This gave him a chance to gain a little role in Carlo Lizzani's 'La Celestina' (1964). Year later handsome face of Nero was noticed by John Huston who chose him for the role of Abel in 'La Bibbia' (1966). But success came after he got the role of lonely gunfighter, dragging a coffin in one of the best spaghetti-westerns; Sergio Corbucci's 'Django' (1966). Nero then filmed a few other westerns of that style as Ferdinando Baldi's 'Texas addio' (1966) and Lucio Fulci's 'Tempo di massacro' (1966) and furthered his career by filming in all genres of the cinema and TV. During filming Joshua Logan's 'Camelot' (1967) he met the actress Vanessa Redgrave, who become his long time partner. Played with Catherine Deneuve in Luis Bunuel's 'Tristana' (1970) and with Sergei Bondarchuk in the war drama 'Bitka na Neretvi' (1969). Later director Bondarchuk cast Nero for the role of famous American reporter John Reed in two parts 'Krasnye kolokola II' (1982). In the late 60s and during the 70s Nero played many different roles, but most of them connected with political and criminal genre, criticized Italian justice system. In the early 80s, Nero was chosen for the role of white ninja in 'Enter the Ninja' (1981) and in 1990 as terrorist Gen. Esperanza, opposite Bruce Willis in Renny Harlin's 'Die Hard 2' (1990). Being a personage from more than 25 different nationalities; from Russian to American, from Egyptian to Israeli, with 150 roles, Franco Nero now prefers to participate only in little movies in supporting roles.
Trivia random: His luggage always includes a suitcase full with medicines.
Citazione random: "I was working as a set photographer on De Laurentiis' The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966). Director John Huston had seen a photo of me and said, 'That's the face I want.'" (November 27, 1978)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Harrison, Richard (II)
Data di nascita: 26 May 1935
Coniuge: Maria Francesca Pomentale::(1978 - present) 1 child, Loretta Nicholson::(1961 - ?) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:Muscular actor Richard Harrison was one of many handsome young American hunks of the late 50s whose career in Hollywood amounted to little more than brawny bits until being lured to Italy and churning out the sword-and-sandal pictures that became an early 60s craze. Harrison would end up making over 100 films due to this lucky trek abroad.Born on May 26, 1936 in Salt Lake City, he relocated to sunny Southern California in his late teens where his blond, tanned, chiseled good looks (he was sometimes mistaken for handsome actor Guy Madison) landed him modeling work both on runways and in beefcake magazines. It didn't take long for him to be noticed by Hollywood casting agents. At first cast in small he-man roles, usually as a man in uniform, he can be obscurely seen in Jeanne Eagels (1957), his film debut starring Kim Novak, Kronos (1957) with Jeff Morrow, Too Much, Too Soon (1958) starring Dorothy Malone, South Pacific (1958), in which he can be glimpsed as a co-pilot, and Battle Flame (1959) with Scott Brady. While filming another minor role in Master of the World (1961) he met producer James H. Nicholson's daughter, Loretta, and married her within six months. The couple produced three sons.Frustrated at not being able to secure meatier roles in Hollywood, Richard jumped at the chance when offered the lead role in Gladiatore invincibile, Il (1962) [The Invincible Gladiator] which was filming in Europe. He wound up settling in Italy for the next two decades. His first role, of course, immediately typed him as another Steve Reeves and, to avoid being penned in too much as a mythological muscle man, he sought roles in routine spaghetti westerns and spy intrigue. Once Italy closed down film production after the Herculean craze had died down, he, like others, found himself unemployed. He did manage to scrape up work in Hong Kong, but a large portion of them were bottom-of-the-barrel Ninja movies.Remarried in 1978, Harrison had already begun acting less and less while delving into producing and directing. He has retired fully now except perhaps for an occasional script writing assignment.
Trivia random: Husband of Maria Francesca
Citazione random: "In my opinion, it is a death wish for an actor to be in too many B or should I say C movies. Maybe my greatest contribution to cinema was not doing Fistful of Dollars, and recommending Clint for the part."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Le, Bruce
Nome di battesimo: Huang, Kin Lung
Ultimi lavori: Trivia random: Made a few films for a Filipino producer before moving onto more recent work such as stunt work on the movie: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Baron, Bruce
Data di nascita: 15 November 1949
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:Graduated from Cornell U. in 1971. During the period from 1980-1990 appeared [as talent] in over 100 television commercials locally produced accross Asia. Played leading roles [1st Billing] in 12 'B' Kungfuey Action movies, & supporting or speaking extra roles in 21 other 'B' [C & D but no F] action/adventure films; Worked primarily for local production companies in SEAsia but also some European and US productions, filmed/produced in SEAsia, India, Africa & Europe. Retired [unsuccessfully] from the cinema at the tender age of 40, [before it was too late] got a real job and made some money.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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