Sacre bleu! Le grand cinéma français decide di raggiungere nuove altissime vette, e come arrivarci se non alla cloche di un argentato Mirage 2000?!?!
Per la serie "quel che non uccide rende più forte", in Sky Fighters (o meglio: Les Chevaliers Du Ciel) i francesi mollano la loro già piuttosto leggera zavorra di modestia e mirano in alto, con un grande film d'azione ambientato nel mondo dell'aviazione!
E sembra essere un soggetto che li attizza da morire, se questo film arriva dopo ben due serie televisive (entrambe durate molto poco), a loro volta tratte dal fumetto franco-belga: "Le Avventure Di Michel Tanguy" di Charlier-Uderzo.
Due pisquani fanno i piloti militari ed oltre a volare (e ad una brutta faccia) non hanno altro - a parte una qual certa omosessualità latente che il film grazie al cielo non approfondisce...
Durante un volo di pattuglia vengono indirizzati da terra verso un velivolo non identificato: attaccano dunque il gas ai loro bei Mirage (altresì noti come Les Citroën Du Ciel ) e con sorpresa scoprono che si tratta di un Mirage nero, e dunque malvagio (o, più probabilmente, figlio delle colonie...)
Vengono attaccati e, contravvenendo agli ordini, abbattono l'aereo... perché solo un Mirage può abbattere un Mirage!
Da qui in avanti - e siamo al quinto minuto di un film che ne dura 102 - non ci si capisce più una fava.
Cercando di riordinare le idee: ci sono dei cattivi, forse americani, che trafficano armi in medio oriente ed hanno agganci nel governo (o forse no). Ci sono delle pilotesse americane che dio sa perché dovrebbero andare ad addestrarsi in Francia, ma che comunque tornano buone per qualche scena porno-soft. Ci sono poi un tradimento, dei terroristi, il complotto più insensato mai concepito e - credo - pure qualche baguette e croissant!
Fatto sta che l'aereo abbattuto era in missione per un qualche servizio segreto più o meno deviato, ed i nostri due eroi vengono radiati; disperati, decidono di accettare un lavoro per una compagnia privata: scortare un aereo che deve vincere una qualche improbabile gara contro un'azienda concorrente, per poter concludere un grosso affare. Qual sotterfugio nell'inganno di un tranello! Tutto ciò era stato preordinato, e come se non bastasse tutti vengono sequestrati durante uno scalo d'emergenza in Africa, dove degli allegri terroristi hanno deciso di usare gli aerei per bombardare Francialandia, conquistandosi così la simpatia mondiale, diciamolo...
Il tremendo quanto insensato piano si attuerà il giorno della parata per la presa della Bastiglia, ma Monsieur Le President può stare tranquillo: i nostri eroi salveranno la giornata!
Ho già detto che non si capisce una fava?
Comunque l'apice di questo dolorosissimo film si raggiunge verso la fine, quando due aerei fanno a sportellate sui cieli di Paris-belleville! La scena dura una frazione di secondo, ma è quanto basta per entrare nella storia del cinema.
La trama è una delle più risibili si siano mai viste, con improbabili complotti, salti logici come se piovessero e doppiogiochisti da operetta; le prove attoriali sono tutte da recita di fine anno scolastico, la regia (del pietoso Gérard Pirès di Taxi) ubriaca e la fotografia inesistente. Le scene acrobatiche poi sono semplicemente patetiche (alcune temo siano state pure accelerate), ed in un film sull'aviazione non è un bel segno.
Questo Top Gun d'oltralpe si bulla di aver utilizzato ben pochi effetti speciali - per i quali non avrebbero peraltro avuto i soldi - durante le scene aeree; peccato che questo non sia un documentario, signori: siamo al cinema, e il pubblico si aspetta qualcosa che ne segua i canoni (il che includere l'essere bello da vedere, diamine!)
E poi diciamolo: gli F15 sono tutta un'altra cosa, sullo schermo...
Voto: 1. Trashometro® 6/10: ULLALLA! Les frères Montgolfier!
Tags: avventura, azione, aviazione, duello aereo, mirage, pilota, donna pilota, caccia, Francia, Parigi, striptease, terrorismo, sequestro, morte, complotto, intrigo, cospirazione, tradimento, trash.
lunedì 30 aprile 2007
sabato 28 aprile 2007
number 23
Salve, sono Joel Schumacher; forse vi ricorderete di me per alcuni dei più puteolenti film di Batman che abbiate mai avuto la disgrazia di vedere.
Stasera voglio presentarvi la mia ultima fatica: The Number 23. Accorrete numerosi. Il deodorante, portatelo voi.
Stasera voglio presentarvi la mia ultima fatica: The Number 23. Accorrete numerosi. Il deodorante, portatelo voi.
Un accalappiacani conduce la sua vita perfettamente normale con la moglie ed il figlio, finché non scova uno strano libro che parla di una ossessione per il numero 23; la cosa strana è che il racconto presenta inquietanti somiglianze con la sua infanzia.
Finirà per l'esserne a sua volta ossessionato, cercando di stabilire cosa è vero e cosa frutto della sua fantasia.
Il primo commento che mi viene da fare, è "Yaaawn"!
Il secondo è "Gosh Batman, voglio indietro i miei 7 bat-euro e 50!"
Il film non si scomoda nel cercare di creare un contesto verosimile per questa ossessione per la numerologia, e presto si incarta di brutto: tant'è che nel finale è costretto a raccontare per filo e per segno cosa mai sia successo, nella totale incapacità di arrivarci tramite lo sviluppo della trama.
Peccato, perché del potenziale c'era: le due vite parallele erano un tema da sfruttare meglio, e l'ossessione per il numero poteva concretizzarsi in qualcosa di più che un semplice gioco a "fare le più e fare le meno" (e, in misura minore per non sconcertare il pubblico, pure a "fare le per e financo fare le diviso!" )
Jim Carrey - che pure non amo alla follia - si conferma ancora una volta bravo in ruoli drammatici, ed è un peccato vederlo sprecato così; la sempre ragguardevole Rhona Mitra riesce infine a coronare il sogno che inseguiva fin da adolescente: fottere per l'intera durata del film (scusate il francese, ma non so davvero come altro descrivere quello che fa dalla prima all'ultima dannatissima scena... )
Zio Joel colleziona l'ennesima occasione sprecata, e si conferma uno dei casi di sdoppiamento della personalità più clamorosi di Hollywood.
Perché diciamolo, alcune sue cose erano notevoli, basta pensare a Linea Mortale, Phone Booth o Tigerland. Mah...
Voto: 4. (perché tutti sanno che il numero è 42!)
Tags: drammatico, thriller, mistero, numerologia, 23, incubo, omicidio, trauma, investigatore, sesso, morte, riabilitazione, psichiatra, carcere, accalappiacani, ossessione.
Tigerland (2000)
Regista: Joel Schumacher
Scrittore: Ross Klavan, Michael McGruther
Genere: Drama, War
Valutazione: 7.2/10 (9428 voti)
Durata: 100 min
Paese: USA, Germany
Lingua: English
- Colin Farrell .... Pvt. Roland Bozz
- Matthew Davis .... Pvt. Jim Paxton
- Clifton Collins Jr. .... Pvt. Miter
- Tom Guiry .... Pvt. Cantwell (as Thomas Guiry)
- Shea Whigham .... Pvt. Wilson
- Russell Richardson .... Pvt. Johnson
- Nick Searcy .... Capt. Saunders
- Afemo Omilami .... SFC Ezra Landers
- James MacDonald .... Staff Sgt. Thomas (as James McDonald)
- Keith Ewell .... Sgt. Oakes
In September 1971, a platoon of recruits arrives in Ft. Polk, LA, for infantry training before leaving for war. The final week takes place in Tigerland, a swamp similar to Vietnam. Jim Paxton has enlisted; he wants to experience everything and write books later. He befriends Roland Bozz, a cool Texan with a gift for getting into trouble and for helping misfits get discharges. At least one sociopath in the platoon hates Bozz, even as the sergeants grudgingly recognize his leadership abilities. As the platoon heads into its week in Tigerland, Paxton's body gives out, Bozz makes plans to go AWOL, and the sociopath gets hold of live ammo. Is the Louisiana swamp more dangerous than the DMZ?
Trivia random: The word "fuck" is used 276 times in this 98-minute film.
Citazione random: Bozz: Hey let's not become friends, Jim. You could be dead tomorrow and I'd miss you too much.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Schumacher, Joel
Data di nascita: 29 August 1939
Altezza: 6' 3" (1.91 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- 1:30 Train (2008) .... [regista]
- The Crowded Room (2008) .... [regista]
- Town Creek (2008) .... [regista]
- The Number 23 (2007) .... [regista]
- Coming Attractions: The History of the Movie Trailer (2006) .... (thanks) [misc]
- I'm Only Looking: The Best of INXS (2004) (V) .... (video "Devil Inside") [regista]
- The Phantom of the Opera (2004) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Veronica Guerin (2003) .... [regista]
- Bad Company (2002) .... [regista]
- Phone Booth (2002) .... [regista]
Trivia random: Worked as a store window dresser before getting into films.
Citazione random: Akiva Goldsman was blamed a lot for this sort of lightness and humor and fun and games of "Batman & Robin" but that's not fair. I take full responsibility. I mean Akiva did write the script but I shot it and worked with Akiva, so you know, if you love a movie, there are hundreds of people who made it lovable for you. If you don't like it, blame the director. That what our name's there for.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Carrey, Jim
Nome di battesimo: Carrey, James Eugene
Data di nascita: 17 January 1962
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Coniuge: Lauren Holly::(23 September 1996 - 29 July 1997) (divorced), Melissa Carrey::(28 March 1987 - 11 December 1995) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
- Horton Hears a Who (2008) .... Horton (voice) [attore]
- The Number 23 (2007) .... Walter Sparrow/Fingerling [attore]
- Fun with Dick and Jane (2005) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) .... Joel Barish [attore]
- Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) .... Count Olaf [attore]
- Toy Mountain Christmas Special (2004) (TV) .... (special thanks) [misc]
- Bruce Almighty (2003) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Pecan Pie (2003) .... The driver [attore]
- Laughing Out Loud: America's Funniest Comedians (2001) (V) .... [scrittore]
- The Majestic (2001) .... Peter Appleton [attore]
The youngest of four children born to Percy (an accountant and aspiring jazz saxophonist) and Kathleen, Jim Carrey was an incurable extrovert from day one. As a child he performed constantly, for anyone who would watch, and even mailed his résumé to "The Carol Burnett Show" (1967) at age 10. In junior high he was granted a few precious minutes at the end of each school day to do stand-up routines for his classmates (provided, of course, that he kept a lid on it the rest of the day). Carrey's early adolescence took a turn for the tragic, however, when the family was forced to relocate from their cozy town of Newmarket to Scarborough (a Toronto suburb). They all took security and janitorial jobs in the Titan Wheels factory, Jim working 8-hour shifts after school let out (not surprisingly, his grades and morale both suffered). When they finally deserted the factory, the family lived out of a Volkswagen camper van until they could return to Toronto. Back on firmer ground, Carrey decided to strike out into the comedy club scene. He made his (reportedly awful) professional stand-up debut at Yuk-Yuk's, one of the many local clubs that would serve as his training ground in the years to come. He dropped out of high school, worked on his celebrity impersonations (among them Michael Landon and James Stewart), and in 1979 worked up the nerve to move to Los Angeles. He finessed his way into a regular gig at The Comedy Store, where he impressed Rodney Dangerfield so much that the veteran comic signed him as an opening act for an entire season. During this period Carrey met and married waitress Melissa Womer, with whom he had a daughter (Jane). The couple would later go through a very messy divorce, freeing Carrey up for a brief second marriage to actress Lauren Holly. Wary of falling into the lounge act lifestyle, Carrey began to look around for other performance outlets. He landed a part as a novice cartoonist in the short-lived sitcom "The Duck Factory" (1984); while the show fell flat, the experience gave Carrey the confidence to pursue acting more vigorously. He scored the male lead in the ill-received Lauren Hutton vehicle Once Bitten (1985), and a supporting role in Peggy Sue Got Married (1986), before making a modest splash with his appearance as the alien Wiploc in Earth Girls Are Easy (1988). Impressed with Carrey's lunacy, fellow extraterrestrial Damon Wayans made a call to his brother, Keenen Ivory Wayans, who was in the process of putting together the sketch comedy show "In Living Color" (1990). Carrey joined the cast and quickly made a name for himself with outrageous acts (one of his most popular characters, psychotic Fire Marshall Bill, was attacked by watchdog groups for dispensing ill- advised safety tips). Carrey's transformation from TV goofball to marquis headliner happened within the course of a single year. He opened 1994 with a starring turn in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994), a film that cashed in on his extremely physical brand of humor (the character's trademark was talking out his derrière). Next up was the manic superhero movie The Mask (1994), which had audiences wondering just how far Carrey's features could stretch. Finally, in December, he hit theaters as a loveable dolt in the Farrelly brothers' Dumb & Dumber (1994) (his first multi-million dollar payday). Now a box-office staple, Carrey brought his manic antics onto the set of Batman Forever (1995), replacing Robin Williams as The Riddler. He also filmed the follow-up to his breakthrough, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995), and inked a deal with Sony to star in The Cable Guy (1996) (replacing Chris Farley) for a cool $20 million--at the time, that was the biggest up-front sum that had been offered to any comic actor. The movie turned out to be a disappointment, both critically and financially, but Carrey bounced back the next year with the energetic hit Liar Liar (1997). Worried that his comic shtick would soon wear thin, Carrey decided to change course. In 1998, he traded in the megabucks and silly grins to star in Peter Weir's The Truman Show (1998). Playing a naive salesman who discovers that his entire life is the subject of a TV show, Carrey demonstrated an uncharacteristic sincerity that took moviegoers by surprise. He won a Golden Globe for the performance, and fans anticipated an Oscar nomination as well--when it didn't materialize, Carrey lashed out at Academy members for their narrow-minded selection process. Perhaps inspired by the snub, Carrey threw himself into his next role with abandon. After edging out a handful of other hopefuls (including Edward Norton) to play eccentric funnyman Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon (1999), Carrey disappeared into the role, living as Kaufman -- and his blustery alter-ego Tony Clifton -- for months (Carrey even owned Kaufman's bongo drums, which he'd used during his audition for director Milos Forman). His sometimes uncanny impersonation was rewarded with another Golden Globe, but once again the Academy kept quiet. An indignant Carrey next reprised his bankable mania for the Farrelly brothers in Me, Myself & Irene (2000), playing a state trooper whose Jekyll and Hyde personalities both fall in love with the same woman (Renée Zellweger). Carrey's real-life persona wound up falling for her too--a few months after the film wrapped, the pair announced they were officially a couple. By then, Carrey had already slipped into a furry green suit to play the stingy antihero of Ron Howard's How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000). He plans to take a break from the limelight after the holiday flick (as he puts it, "I'm looking forward to getting out of America's face"). Is there another Carrey reinvention in the works? If so, he's not talking.
Trivia random: Many of his characters have a job or interest in TV (The Mask (1994), Batman Forever (1995), The Cable Guy (1996), The Truman Show (1998), Man on the Moon (1999), Bruce Almighty (2003))
Citazione random: "It's insane...I mean, Nicholson, Hoffman, Jackson, Kline - I don't see how I can lose." - Regarding his chances at 1997 Golden Globes
Salario massimo: $25,000,000, per Bruce Almighty (2003)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Phone Booth (2002)
In linea con l'assassino - Phone booth
Regista: Joel Schumacher
Scrittore: Larry Cohen
Genere: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.2/10 (34976 voti)
Durata: 81 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Swahili
- Colin Farrell .... Stu Shepard
- Kiefer Sutherland .... The Caller
- Forest Whitaker .... Captain Ed Ramey
- Radha Mitchell .... Kelly Shepard
- Katie Holmes .... Pamela McFadden
- Paula Jai Parker .... Felicia
- Arian Waring Ash .... Corky (as Arian Ash)
- Tia Texada .... Asia
- John Enos III .... Leon
- Richard T. Jones .... Sergeant Cole
A slick New York publicist (Farrell) who picks up a ringing receiver in a phone booth is told that if he hangs up, he'll be killed... and the little red light from a laser rifle sight is proof that the caller isn't kidding.
Trivia random: The movie was originally set to be released on 15 November 2002. However, after the sniper attacks in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C., 20th Century Fox decided to delay the release of the film.
Citazione random: The Caller: This is exciting. You get to choose between them. Kelly. Pam. BAM BAM!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Mitra, Rhona
Data di nascita: 9 August 1976
Altezza: 5' 6½" (1.69 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Doomsday (2007) .... Eden Sinclair [attrice]
- The Number 23 (2007) .... Laura Tollins [attrice]
- Shooter (2007) .... Alourdes Galindo [attrice]
- Skinwalkers (2006) .... Rachel [attrice]
- Spartacus (2004) (TV) .... Varinia [attrice]
- Highwaymen (2003) .... Molly [attrice]
- The Life of David Gale (2003) .... Berlin [attrice]
- Stuck on You (2003) .... Bus Stop Bombshell [attrice]
- Ali G Indahouse (2002) .... Kate Hedges [attrice]
- Sweet Home Alabama (2002) .... Tabatha Wadmore-Smith [attrice]
Trivia random: Raised as a Catholic.
Citazione random: "I can't sit still. That's why I'm very difficult in a relationship. Men get jealous of me traveling - they don't understand that just because I disappear on my own doesn't mean I'm going to shag someone else."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Number 23, The (2007)
Number 23
Regista: Joel Schumacher
Scrittore: Fernley Phillips
Genere: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.2/10 (9957 voti)
Durata: USA:95 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Jim Carrey .... Walter Sparrow/Fingerling
- Virginia Madsen .... Agatha Sparrow/Fabrizia
- Logan Lerman .... Robin Sparrow
- Danny Huston .... Isaac French/Dr. Miles Phoenix
- Lynn Collins .... Suicide Blonde/Mrs. Dobkins/Young Fingerling's Mother
- Rhona Mitra .... Laura Tollins
- Michelle Arthur .... Sybil
- Mark Pellegrino .... Kyle Finch
- Paul Butcher .... Young Fingerling/Young Walter
- David Stifel .... Hotel Clerk
Carrey becomes obsessed with a novel that he believes was written about him. As his obsession increases, more and more similarities seem to arise.
Trivia random: The dog in the movie is named NED. N is the 14th letter of the alphabet; E is the fifth; and D is the fourth. 14 + 5 + 4 = 23.
Citazione random: Walter Sparrow: Chapter 23. You can call me Fingerling. My real name is Walter. Walter Paul Sparrow. What you've read so far is not the whole truth. Much has been changed to protect the innocent...and the guilty. I once read that the only philosophical question that matters is whether or not to commit suicide. I guess that makes me a philosopher. You can say it was my inheritance. After my mother's death, my father couldn't cope. He didn't leave a not...just a number. That number followed me from foster home to foster home till college when I met her: Laura Tollins. I thought she'd help me forget my father's number. It was a mistake to think I could escape it. I loved her. And I thought she loved me. Until my father's number returned to haunt me. That fucking number...When I circled every 23rd letter of her became clear. The number had gone after me. And now it wanted her. I was right. She was in danger. I just didn't realize the danger was me. What began as a suicide note, turned into something more. Much, much more.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Flatliners (1990)
Linea mortale
Regista: Joel Schumacher
Scrittore: Peter Filardi
Genere: Horror, Thriller, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 6.3/10 (13974 voti)
Durata: 115 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Kiefer Sutherland .... Nelson
- Julia Roberts .... Rachel Mannus
- Kevin Bacon .... David Labraccio
- William Baldwin .... Joe Hurley
- Oliver Platt .... Randy Steckle
- Kimberly Scott .... Winnie Hicks
- Joshua Rudoy .... Billy Mahoney
- Benjamin Mouton .... Rachel's Father
- Aeryk Egan .... Young Nelson
- Kesha Reed .... Young Winnie
Medical students begin to explore the realm of near death experiences, hoping for insights. Each has their heart stopped and is revived. They begin having flashes of walking nightmares from their childhood, reflecting sins they committed or had committed against them. The experiences continue to intensify, and they begin to be physically beaten by their visions as they try and go deeper into the death experience to find a cure.
Trivia random: SPOILER: Billy Mahoney's death is an in-joke to filmmakers, where the three acts of a story are frequently described as: 1) You put a character in a tree. 2) You throw rocks at him. 3) He somehow gets down from the tree.
Citazione random: Nelson Wright: Hello, I'm nice, he's nice, we're both fucking lunatics. Can I come in, please?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
mercoledì 25 aprile 2007
the transporter
Sono sempre stato del parere che i nostri cugini mangia-ranocchie farebbero un favore al mondo se si tenessero per il mercato interno le innumerevoli produzioni di infima lega che loro spacciano per "ullallà-le-grand-cinéma". Ehi, qualcosina che si salva ogni tanto c'è, ma di norma non sono gli action-movie, che pure si bullano di saper fare tanto bene (come tutto il resto, sia chiaro ... )
The Transporter è una produzione franco-statunitense co-diretta da un hong-kongese prestato agli States, e tutto sommato quasi si salva. Quasi.
Frank è un soldato americato trasferitosi sulla riviera francese, e si guadagna da vivere facendo il trasportatore di cose e persone alla guida della sua BMW; tra un ingaggio come autista per una rapina ed una consegna di merce varia, la sua vita scorre tranquillamente ai 160km/h inseguito dalla polizia (pardone moi: dalla gendarmerie! )
Tutto va per il meglio e lui si limita a non fare domande sul carico da trasportare, fintanto una grande sacca nel suo baule inizia a muoversi... e ne esce quell'adorabile creatura di Qi Shu. All'inizio del tutto indifferente alla sua sorte, finirà per farsi coinvolgere in una squallida storia di traffici di esseri umani.
Con alcune svolte drammatiche che in un altro contesto sarebbero state anche decenti, il film eccede nel calcare la mano sulla pseudo-ironia in salsa d'oltralpe (lasciate perdere: non siete in grado), con le solite fastidiose macchiette del cattivo senza scrupoli e del poliziotto buono che fa finta d'essere un po' tonto per poter scatenare la furia del solito outsider.
Il protagonista è truzzo a livelli patologici e questo è un bene, gli inseguimenti in auto non sono neanche malissimo, mentre i combattimenti lasciano molto a desiderare (Jason Statham fa i suoi stunt da solo, e pur cavandosela decentemente risulta ben poco cinematografico); peccato per il ruolo un po' sacrificato di Qi Shu, che avrebbe potuto menare un po' le mani.
Nel complesso, si lascia guardare, pur senza brillare (e di sicuro non si sentiva il bisogno di un sequel).
Voto: 5.5.
Tags: azione, thriller, crimine, autista, trasportatore, sequestro, Francia, bmw, arti marziali, gendarmerie, tradimento, prigione, traffico di schiavi.
Data di nascita: 12 September 1972
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Born in 1972, Jason Statham has done quite a lot in a short time. He has been an Olympic Diver on the British National Diving Team and finished 12th in the World Championships in 1992. He has also been a fashion model, black market salesman and finally of course, actor. He got the audition for his debut role as Bacon in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) through French Connection, for whom he was modeling. They became a major investor in the film and introduced Jason to Guy Ritchie, who invited him to audition for a part in the film by challenging him to impersonate an illegal street vendor and convince him to purchase fake jewelery. Jason must have been doing something right because after the success of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) he teamed up again with Guy Ritchie for Snatch. (2000), with co-stars including Brad Pitt, Dennis Farina and Benicio Del Toro. After Snatch. (2000) came Turn It Up (2000) with US music star Ja Rule, followed by a supporting actor role in the Sci-Fi film Ghosts of Mars (2001), Jet Li's The One (2001) and another screen partnership with Vinnie Jones in Mean Machine (2001) under Guy Ritchie's and Matthew Vaughn's SKA Films. Finally in 2002 he was cast as the lead role of Frank Martin in The Transporter (2002). Jason is also in the summer 2003 blockbuster remake of The Italian Job (1969), The Italian Job (2003), playing handsome Rob.
Trivia random: Prior to The Transporter (2002) he already had a background in martial arts which enabled him to perform his own fight sequences.
Citazione random: "You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank (2006) and you certainly won't for doing all the other movies I've done."
Salario massimo: $750,000, per The Transporter (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Scrittore: Luc Besson, Robert Mark Kamen
Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.3/10 (20123 voti)
Durata: 92 min
Paese: France, USA
Lingua: English, French, Mandarin
Ex-Special Forces operator Frank Martin (Jason Statham) lives what seems to be a quiet life along the French Mediterranean, hiring himself out as a mercenary "transporter" who moves goods - human or otherwise - from one place to another. No questions asked. Frank's newest transport seems no different from the countless ones he's done in the past. He has been hired by an American known only as "Wall Street" (see Rule Two) to make a delivery, but when Frank stops along route, he notices his "package" is moving. Violating his own personal rules, Frank looks inside the bag, finding its contents to be a beautiful, gagged woman.
Trivia random: Among the assault rifles used in the movie are a Steyr StG 77 AUG, An M-4 carbine, a H G36, and a SIG 552 rifle used by Frank when he is checking shipping containers for the Chinese people.
Citazione random: Mr. Kwai: The delivery will be made. My daughter will get over it. If I'm lucky, she'll see the light.::Frank: Yeah, and if she's lucky, maybe you'll get hit by a truck.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Lin, Li-Hui
Data di nascita: 16 April 1976
Altezza: 5' 6" (1.68 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Was born in Taiwan and is of Taiwanese nationality. Has a "manic" acting style, which (unfortunately) has won her detractors. However, she has proved her acting credibility by winning the prestigious Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan (regarded as the "Asian Oscars") for Best Supporting Actress. She has also received a nomination for Best Actress from the Golden Horse Awards. Is currently going out with American born Taiwan pop singer/songwriter/composer/actor 'Lee-hom Wang'. Appeared with Jackie Chan in the wonderful romantic-comedy Bor lei jun (1999)('Gorgeous'). Her name is spelled in a variety of ways, including: Hsu Qi, Hsu Chi, Qi Shu, Shu Kei and there are quite a few other variations on her name on foreign VCDs, DVDs and Internet sites.
Trivia random: Born in Taiwan.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
The Transporter è una produzione franco-statunitense co-diretta da un hong-kongese prestato agli States, e tutto sommato quasi si salva. Quasi.
Frank è un soldato americato trasferitosi sulla riviera francese, e si guadagna da vivere facendo il trasportatore di cose e persone alla guida della sua BMW; tra un ingaggio come autista per una rapina ed una consegna di merce varia, la sua vita scorre tranquillamente ai 160km/h inseguito dalla polizia (pardone moi: dalla gendarmerie! )
Tutto va per il meglio e lui si limita a non fare domande sul carico da trasportare, fintanto una grande sacca nel suo baule inizia a muoversi... e ne esce quell'adorabile creatura di Qi Shu. All'inizio del tutto indifferente alla sua sorte, finirà per farsi coinvolgere in una squallida storia di traffici di esseri umani.
Con alcune svolte drammatiche che in un altro contesto sarebbero state anche decenti, il film eccede nel calcare la mano sulla pseudo-ironia in salsa d'oltralpe (lasciate perdere: non siete in grado), con le solite fastidiose macchiette del cattivo senza scrupoli e del poliziotto buono che fa finta d'essere un po' tonto per poter scatenare la furia del solito outsider.
Il protagonista è truzzo a livelli patologici e questo è un bene, gli inseguimenti in auto non sono neanche malissimo, mentre i combattimenti lasciano molto a desiderare (Jason Statham fa i suoi stunt da solo, e pur cavandosela decentemente risulta ben poco cinematografico); peccato per il ruolo un po' sacrificato di Qi Shu, che avrebbe potuto menare un po' le mani.
Nel complesso, si lascia guardare, pur senza brillare (e di sicuro non si sentiva il bisogno di un sequel).
Voto: 5.5.
Tags: azione, thriller, crimine, autista, trasportatore, sequestro, Francia, bmw, arti marziali, gendarmerie, tradimento, prigione, traffico di schiavi.
Statham, Jason
Data di nascita: 12 September 1972
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Bank Job (2008) .... Terry [attore]
- The Brazilian Job (2008) .... Handsome Rob [attore]
- In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007) .... Farmer [attore]
- War (2007) .... Jack Crawford [attore]
- Chaos (2006/I) .... Quentin Conners [attore]
- Crank (2006) .... Chev Chelios [attore]
- The Pink Panther (2006) .... Yves Gluant (uncredited) [attore]
- London (2005) .... Bateman [attore]
- Revolver (2005/I) .... Jake [attore]
- Le Transporteur II (2005) .... Frank Martin [attore]
Born in 1972, Jason Statham has done quite a lot in a short time. He has been an Olympic Diver on the British National Diving Team and finished 12th in the World Championships in 1992. He has also been a fashion model, black market salesman and finally of course, actor. He got the audition for his debut role as Bacon in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) through French Connection, for whom he was modeling. They became a major investor in the film and introduced Jason to Guy Ritchie, who invited him to audition for a part in the film by challenging him to impersonate an illegal street vendor and convince him to purchase fake jewelery. Jason must have been doing something right because after the success of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) he teamed up again with Guy Ritchie for Snatch. (2000), with co-stars including Brad Pitt, Dennis Farina and Benicio Del Toro. After Snatch. (2000) came Turn It Up (2000) with US music star Ja Rule, followed by a supporting actor role in the Sci-Fi film Ghosts of Mars (2001), Jet Li's The One (2001) and another screen partnership with Vinnie Jones in Mean Machine (2001) under Guy Ritchie's and Matthew Vaughn's SKA Films. Finally in 2002 he was cast as the lead role of Frank Martin in The Transporter (2002). Jason is also in the summer 2003 blockbuster remake of The Italian Job (1969), The Italian Job (2003), playing handsome Rob.
Trivia random: Prior to The Transporter (2002) he already had a background in martial arts which enabled him to perform his own fight sequences.
Citazione random: "You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank (2006) and you certainly won't for doing all the other movies I've done."
Salario massimo: $750,000, per The Transporter (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Transporter, The (2002)
The Transporter
Scrittore: Luc Besson, Robert Mark Kamen
Genere: Action, Crime, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.3/10 (20123 voti)
Durata: 92 min
Paese: France, USA
Lingua: English, French, Mandarin
- Jason Statham .... Frank Martin
- Qi Shu .... Lai (as Shu Qi)
- Matt Schulze .... Wall Street
- François Berléand .... Tarconi
- Ric Young .... Mr. Kwai
- Doug Rand .... Leader
- Didier Saint Melin .... Boss
- Tonio Descanvelle .... Thug 1
- Laurent Desponds .... Thug 2
- Matthieu Albertini .... Thug 3
Ex-Special Forces operator Frank Martin (Jason Statham) lives what seems to be a quiet life along the French Mediterranean, hiring himself out as a mercenary "transporter" who moves goods - human or otherwise - from one place to another. No questions asked. Frank's newest transport seems no different from the countless ones he's done in the past. He has been hired by an American known only as "Wall Street" (see Rule Two) to make a delivery, but when Frank stops along route, he notices his "package" is moving. Violating his own personal rules, Frank looks inside the bag, finding its contents to be a beautiful, gagged woman.
Trivia random: Among the assault rifles used in the movie are a Steyr StG 77 AUG, An M-4 carbine, a H G36, and a SIG 552 rifle used by Frank when he is checking shipping containers for the Chinese people.
Citazione random: Mr. Kwai: The delivery will be made. My daughter will get over it. If I'm lucky, she'll see the light.::Frank: Yeah, and if she's lucky, maybe you'll get hit by a truck.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Shu, Qi
Nome di battesimo: Lin, Li-Hui
Data di nascita: 16 April 1976
Altezza: 5' 6" (1.68 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Sum yuen (2007) .... Detective C.C. Ha [attrice]
- Tian tang kou (2007) .... Lulu [attrice]
- Jopog manura 3 (2006) .... Aryong [attrice]
- Seung sing (2006) .... Feng [attrice]
- Gwai muk (2005) .... May [attrice]
- Han cheng gong lüe (2005) .... J.J. [attrice]
- Zui hao de shi guang (2005) .... May/Ah Mei/Jing [attrice]
- Gin gwai 2 (2004) .... Joey Cheng [attrice]
- Kei fung dik sau (2003) .... Grace [attrice]
- Mei ren cao (2003) .... Ye Xingyu [attrice]
Was born in Taiwan and is of Taiwanese nationality. Has a "manic" acting style, which (unfortunately) has won her detractors. However, she has proved her acting credibility by winning the prestigious Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan (regarded as the "Asian Oscars") for Best Supporting Actress. She has also received a nomination for Best Actress from the Golden Horse Awards. Is currently going out with American born Taiwan pop singer/songwriter/composer/actor 'Lee-hom Wang'. Appeared with Jackie Chan in the wonderful romantic-comedy Bor lei jun (1999)('Gorgeous'). Her name is spelled in a variety of ways, including: Hsu Qi, Hsu Chi, Qi Shu, Shu Kei and there are quite a few other variations on her name on foreign VCDs, DVDs and Internet sites.
Trivia random: Born in Taiwan.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
domenica 22 aprile 2007
Ammetto che guardare di proposito un film che ha preso 2.4 su IMDb e che è fin dal titolo un insulso rip-off di una delle serie horror di maggior successo di sempre, è un po' come giocare alla roulette russa con una semiautomatica: non ci sono molte speranze di uscirne vincitori...
Ad usare violenza sull'opera di zio Romero ci pensa Day of the Dead 2: Contagium, che ha la pretesa d'essere un prequel (non autorizzato) all'intera saga degli zombie.
Nel '68 un pilota militare russo precipita in territorio statunitense; sul luogo dello schianto vengono ritrovate alcune strane fiale di origine ignota che, una volta aperte, trasformano i contagiati in gradevoli zombie affamati di carne umana.
Come prevedibile, l'esercito risolve il problema a modo suo: l'intera base viene sterminata, ma... quale disattenzione: una fiala sfugge alla distruzione!
Anni dopo, la sostanza zombante viene ritrovata da alcuni pazienti di un manicomio, che presto subiscono l'infausta mutazione.
Un tentativo riprovevole di agganciarsi all'altrui popolarità, l'ora e mezza di questo filmaccio sembra non finire mai, tanto è dolorosa l'estenuante parte introduttiva (almeno 60 minuti) ai personaggi del matticomio, tra pazienti fuori di testa e medici non meno scoppiati.
Un po' di gore c'è, ma tutto scompare coperto da una sceneggiatura idiota ed una regia inetta. Velo pietoso sulle interpretazioni.
Voto: 1. Trashometro® 2/10: (alla larga!)
Tags: zombie, horror, ospedale psichiatrico, contagio, prequel, esercito, virus, trash.
Scrittore: Ana Clavell
Genere: Drama, Horror
Valutazione: 2.4/10 (841 voti)
Durata: 103 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Russian
Trivia random: When the bus arrives back at the Mental Hospital, as the patients are walking in there is a sign on the wall that says "Romero Ward", a reference to George A. Romero.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Romero, George Andrew
Data di nascita: 4 February 1940
Altezza: 6' 5" (1.96 m)
Coniuge: Christine Forrest::(1981 - present), Nancy Romero::(1971 - 1978) (divorced), Kate McNeil::(? - ?) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
George A. Romero never set out to become a Hollywood figure; however, by all indications, he was very successful. The director of the ground-breaking "Dead" tetra-logy was born February 4, 1940, in New York City. He grew up there until attending the renowned Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.After graduation, he began shooting mostly short films and commercials. He and friends formed Image Ten Productions in the late 1960s and they all chipped in roughly $10,000 apiece to produce what became one of the most celebrated American horror films of all time: Night of the Living Dead (1968). Shot in black-and-white on a budget of just over $100,000, Romero's vision, combined with a solid script written by him and Image co-founder John A. Russo (along with what was then considered an excess of gore) enabled the film to earn back far more than what it cost, became a cult classic by the early 1970s and was inducted into the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress of the United States in 1999. Romero's next films were a little more low-key and less seen including There's Always Vanilla (1971), The Crazies (1973), Hungry Wives (1972) (where he met his future-wife Christine Forrest) and Martin (1977). Though not as acclaimed as Night of the Living Dead (1968), or some of his later work, these films had his signature social commentary while dealing with issues, usually horror-related, at the microscopic level. Like almost all of his films, they were shot in, or around, Romero's favourite city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.In 1978, Romero returned to the zombie genre with the one film of his that would top the success of Night of the Living Dead (1968): Dawn of the Dead (1978). He managed to divorce the franchise from Image Ten, which screwed up the copyright on the original and allowed the film to enter into public domain, with the result that Romero and his original investors were not entitled to any profits from the film's video releases. Shooting in the Monroeville, Pennsylvania, Mall during late-night hours, Romero told the tale of four people who escape a zombie outbreak and lock themselves up inside what they think is paradise before the solitude makes them victims of their own, and a biker gang's, greed. Shot on a budget of just $1.5 million, the film earned over $40 million worldwide and was named one of the top cult films by Entertainment Weekly magazine in 2003. The film also marked Romero's first work with brilliant make-up and effects artist Tom Savini. After 1978, Romero and Savini teamed up many times.Dawn of the Dead's success led to bigger budgets and better casts for the filmmaker. First was Knightriders (1981), where he first worked with an up-and-coming Ed Harris. Then came perhaps his most Hollywood-like film, Creepshow (1982), which marked the first, but not the last, time Romero adapted a work by famed horror novelist Stephen King. With many major stars and big-studio distribution, Creepshow was a moderate success and spawned a sequel, which was also written by Romero.The decline of Romero's career came in the late 1980s. His last widely-released film was the next "Dead" film, Day of the Dead (1985). Derided by critics, it did not take in much at the box office, either. His latest two efforts were The Dark Half (1993), (another Stephen King adaptation) and _Bruiser (2000/I)_ . Even the Romero-penned, Tom Savini-directed remake of Romero's first film, Night of the Living Dead (1990), was a box-office failure. Pigeon-holed solely as a horror director and his recent films no longer achieving the success of his earlier "Dead" films, Romero has not worked much since, much to the chagrin of his following. In 2005, 19 years after Day of the Dead, with major-studio distribution, he returned to his most famous series and horror sub-genre he created with Land of the Dead (2005), a further exploration of the destruction of modern society by the undead, that received both excellent and indifferent reviews and even topped the United States box-office in its first week of release. He still resides in Pittsburgh.
Trivia random: In 1968, he reinvented the horror genre with his Night of the Living Dead (1968), a cult classic that made its way onto the prestigious National Film Registry of the Library of Congress.
Citazione random: [On his fourth installment of the "Living Dead" series, Land of the Dead (2005)]: The idea of living with terrorism - I've tried to make it more applicable to the concerns Americans are going through now.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ad usare violenza sull'opera di zio Romero ci pensa Day of the Dead 2: Contagium, che ha la pretesa d'essere un prequel (non autorizzato) all'intera saga degli zombie.
Nel '68 un pilota militare russo precipita in territorio statunitense; sul luogo dello schianto vengono ritrovate alcune strane fiale di origine ignota che, una volta aperte, trasformano i contagiati in gradevoli zombie affamati di carne umana.
Come prevedibile, l'esercito risolve il problema a modo suo: l'intera base viene sterminata, ma... quale disattenzione: una fiala sfugge alla distruzione!
Anni dopo, la sostanza zombante viene ritrovata da alcuni pazienti di un manicomio, che presto subiscono l'infausta mutazione.
Un tentativo riprovevole di agganciarsi all'altrui popolarità, l'ora e mezza di questo filmaccio sembra non finire mai, tanto è dolorosa l'estenuante parte introduttiva (almeno 60 minuti) ai personaggi del matticomio, tra pazienti fuori di testa e medici non meno scoppiati.
Un po' di gore c'è, ma tutto scompare coperto da una sceneggiatura idiota ed una regia inetta. Velo pietoso sulle interpretazioni.
Voto: 1. Trashometro® 2/10: (alla larga!)
Tags: zombie, horror, ospedale psichiatrico, contagio, prequel, esercito, virus, trash.
Day of the Dead 2: Contagium (2005) (V)
Scrittore: Ana Clavell
Genere: Drama, Horror
Valutazione: 2.4/10 (841 voti)
Durata: 103 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Russian
- Laurie Baranyay .... Emma (as Laurie Maria Baranyay)
- Stan Klimecko .... Boris (as Steve Colosi)
- John Freedom Henry .... Jackie (as John F. Henry III)
- Justin Ipock .... Isaac
- Julian Thomas .... Sam
- Stephan Wolfert .... Donwynn
- Samantha Clarke .... Ava Flores
- Joe C. Marino .... Marshall
- Jackeline Olivier .... Vicky
- Andreas van Ray .... Dr. Heller
Trivia random: When the bus arrives back at the Mental Hospital, as the patients are walking in there is a sign on the wall that says "Romero Ward", a reference to George A. Romero.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Romero, George A. (I)
Nome di battesimo: Romero, George Andrew
Data di nascita: 4 February 1940
Altezza: 6' 5" (1.96 m)
Coniuge: Christine Forrest::(1981 - present), Nancy Romero::(1971 - 1978) (divorced), Kate McNeil::(? - ?) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Crazies (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Day of the Dead (2007) .... (motion picture "Day of the Dead") [scrittore]
- Diary of the Dead (2007) .... [scrittore]
- From a Buick 8 (2007) .... [regista]
- Brunch of the Living Dead (2006) .... (special thanks) [misc]
- Creepshow III (2006) .... (film "Creepshow") [scrittore]
- Night of the Living Dead 3D (2006) .... (1968 screenplay) [scrittore]
- Land of the Dead (2005) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green (2005) (VG) .... (special thanks) [misc]
- Night of the Living Dead Survivor's Cut (2005) (V) .... (1968 screenplay) [scrittore]
George A. Romero never set out to become a Hollywood figure; however, by all indications, he was very successful. The director of the ground-breaking "Dead" tetra-logy was born February 4, 1940, in New York City. He grew up there until attending the renowned Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.After graduation, he began shooting mostly short films and commercials. He and friends formed Image Ten Productions in the late 1960s and they all chipped in roughly $10,000 apiece to produce what became one of the most celebrated American horror films of all time: Night of the Living Dead (1968). Shot in black-and-white on a budget of just over $100,000, Romero's vision, combined with a solid script written by him and Image co-founder John A. Russo (along with what was then considered an excess of gore) enabled the film to earn back far more than what it cost, became a cult classic by the early 1970s and was inducted into the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress of the United States in 1999. Romero's next films were a little more low-key and less seen including There's Always Vanilla (1971), The Crazies (1973), Hungry Wives (1972) (where he met his future-wife Christine Forrest) and Martin (1977). Though not as acclaimed as Night of the Living Dead (1968), or some of his later work, these films had his signature social commentary while dealing with issues, usually horror-related, at the microscopic level. Like almost all of his films, they were shot in, or around, Romero's favourite city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.In 1978, Romero returned to the zombie genre with the one film of his that would top the success of Night of the Living Dead (1968): Dawn of the Dead (1978). He managed to divorce the franchise from Image Ten, which screwed up the copyright on the original and allowed the film to enter into public domain, with the result that Romero and his original investors were not entitled to any profits from the film's video releases. Shooting in the Monroeville, Pennsylvania, Mall during late-night hours, Romero told the tale of four people who escape a zombie outbreak and lock themselves up inside what they think is paradise before the solitude makes them victims of their own, and a biker gang's, greed. Shot on a budget of just $1.5 million, the film earned over $40 million worldwide and was named one of the top cult films by Entertainment Weekly magazine in 2003. The film also marked Romero's first work with brilliant make-up and effects artist Tom Savini. After 1978, Romero and Savini teamed up many times.Dawn of the Dead's success led to bigger budgets and better casts for the filmmaker. First was Knightriders (1981), where he first worked with an up-and-coming Ed Harris. Then came perhaps his most Hollywood-like film, Creepshow (1982), which marked the first, but not the last, time Romero adapted a work by famed horror novelist Stephen King. With many major stars and big-studio distribution, Creepshow was a moderate success and spawned a sequel, which was also written by Romero.The decline of Romero's career came in the late 1980s. His last widely-released film was the next "Dead" film, Day of the Dead (1985). Derided by critics, it did not take in much at the box office, either. His latest two efforts were The Dark Half (1993), (another Stephen King adaptation) and _Bruiser (2000/I)_ . Even the Romero-penned, Tom Savini-directed remake of Romero's first film, Night of the Living Dead (1990), was a box-office failure. Pigeon-holed solely as a horror director and his recent films no longer achieving the success of his earlier "Dead" films, Romero has not worked much since, much to the chagrin of his following. In 2005, 19 years after Day of the Dead, with major-studio distribution, he returned to his most famous series and horror sub-genre he created with Land of the Dead (2005), a further exploration of the destruction of modern society by the undead, that received both excellent and indifferent reviews and even topped the United States box-office in its first week of release. He still resides in Pittsburgh.
Trivia random: In 1968, he reinvented the horror genre with his Night of the Living Dead (1968), a cult classic that made its way onto the prestigious National Film Registry of the Library of Congress.
Citazione random: [On his fourth installment of the "Living Dead" series, Land of the Dead (2005)]: The idea of living with terrorism - I've tried to make it more applicable to the concerns Americans are going through now.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
mercoledì 18 aprile 2007
imdb's data
Benché non sia niente di trascendentale, questa analisi del database di IMDb offre alcuni spunti interessanti; in quest'altra pagina trovate invece una applicazione pratica. Fa venir voglia di ravanarci per bene, con quei dati: sarebbe interessante ad esempio una stima di quanto la presenza di una data persona in uno specifico ruolo (regia, cast, produzione, ...) contribuisca al successo di un film di un determinato genere - da qui si potrebbero azzardare previsioni sui film non ancora usciti...
Altra novità: da alcune settimane non si segnalano cambiamenti nel nuovo layout di IMDb, e quindi IMDbPY 3.0 verrà rilasciato nel giro di una quindicina di giorni: se potete, scaricate la versione in CVS (ramo "newdesign") e testatelo!
Altra novità: da alcune settimane non si segnalano cambiamenti nel nuovo layout di IMDb, e quindi IMDbPY 3.0 verrà rilasciato nel giro di una quindicina di giorni: se potete, scaricate la versione in CVS (ramo "newdesign") e testatelo!
domenica 15 aprile 2007
the illusionist
Storia d'amore e mistero nella Vienna di fine '800: un ragazzo di umili origini si innamora di una giovane nobile; verranno presto separati: lei promessa sposa del principe, lui diventerà uno dei più noti illusionisti dell'epoca, con numeri misteriosi che alcuni credono davvero magici o sovrannaturali.
Si reincontreranno di nuovo durante uno spettacolo, e la rinascita del loro amore non lascerà indifferente il principe geloso e violento che non potrà accettare il tradimento.
The Illusionist scorre lento, raccontando una storia molto semplice in cui l'unica peculiarità sono gli spettacoli magici, stupendi ed inquietanti; eppure tutto si concluderà degnamente con un finale che riunirà amore e magia.
Discreta la regia, bella la fotografia, Edward Norton è sempre un grande e Jessica Biel si guarda sempre volentieri (a dir poco).
Voto: 7-.
Tags: amore, drammatico, mistero, thriller, romantico, Vienna, '800, illusionista, manipolazione, fantasmi, trucco, apparizione, detective, polizia, omicidio, morte, paranormale, magia, cavallo, carrozza, specchio, interrogatorio, arance, nobiltà, farfalle, mago, gelosia, spada, gioielli.
Nome di battesimo: Norton, Edward Harrison
Data di nascita: 18 August 1969
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Edward Norton was born on August 18, 1969 to parents Edward, an attorney who works for the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Robin Norton, a former foundation executive and teacher who passed away of brain cancer on March 6, 1997. Edward also has two younger siblings named James and Molly. From the age of 5 onward, the Yale graduate (majoring in history) has always been interested in acting. At the age of 8, he would ask his drama teacher what his motivation in a scene was. He attended theater schools throughout his life, and eventually managed to find work on stage in New York as a member of the Signature players, who produced the works of playwright and director Edward Albee. Around the time when he was appearing in Albee's Fragments, in Hollywood, they were looking for a young actor to star opposite Richard Gere in a new courtroom thriller, Primal Fear (1996). The role was offered to Leonardo DiCaprio but he turned it down. Gere was on the verge of walking away from the project, fed up with the wait for a young star to be found, when Edward auditioned and won the role over 2000 other hopefuls. Before the film was even released, his test screenings for the part were causing a Hollywood sensation, and he was soon offered roles in Woody Allen's Everyone Says I Love You (1996) and The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996). Edward won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Supporting Role and received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Primal Fear (1996). In 1998, Norton gained 30 pounds of muscle and transformed his look into that of a monstrous skinhead for his role as a violent white supremacist in American History X (1998). This performance would earn him his second Oscar nomination, this time for Best Actor. In 1999 came the critically acclaimed Fight Club (1999) and in 2000 came his directorial debut in Keeping the Faith (2000).
Trivia random: Was one of the few celebrities invited to Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston's Malibu wedding. [June 29, 2000]
Citazione random: "I get heartbroken flying into L.A. It's just this feeling of unspecific loss. Can you imagine what the San Fernando Valley was when it was all wheat fields? Can you imagine what John Steinbeck saw?"
Salario massimo: $8,000,000, per Red Dragon (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Biel, Jessica Claire
Data di nascita: 3 March 1982
Altezza: 5' 7½" (1.71 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Jessica Biel, with her striking good looks and wide range of talent, has become one of Hollywood's most sought-out actresses. Her television series acting debut on the WB's #1-rated show, "7th Heaven" (1996), has helped her emerge as a breakout star.As a child Jessica initially pursued a career as a vocalist, performing in musical theater. Beginning at age nine, she starred in such productions as "Annie", "The Sound of Music" and "Beauty and the Beast". A natural beauty, Jessica soon turned to modeling and commercial work by competing in The International Modeling and Talent Association's Annual Conference in 1994.After completing a year and a half of college at Tufts University in Boston, Jessica plans on going back to school in California for the remainder of her college years. In her spare time she is involved with charities such as Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and PETA. Her hobbies include ballet, soccer, running, yoga and hiking with her dog "East". Jessica currently resides in Los Angeles.
Trivia random: Amateur photographer.
Citazione random: "I've never gotten to do romantic comedy like most of the girls. Maybe because I'm fit, people assume that I'm not funny?"
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Neil Burger
Scrittore: Neil Burger, Steven Millhauser
Genere: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.7/10 (29207 voti)
Durata: 110 min
Paese: Czech Republic, USA
Lingua: English
A young boy falls in love with a girl that is way above his social standards along with the art of magic. Although the parents forbid them of seeing each other they cannot be split apart. Until one day they were found together and the boy was sent off. He became a magician and traveled the world. She fell in love with another man, the Crown Prince. The two got engaged but the boy, Eisenheim, finally meets back up with the girl and uses his powers to free her from the royal house in Vienna.
Trivia random: The trick of the Orange Tree was invented by a 19th Century French magician named Robert-Houdin.
Citazione random: Eisenheim: From the moment we enter this live we are in the flow of it. We measure it and We mock it, but we cannot defy it. We cannot even speed it up or slow it down. Or can we? Have we not each experienced the sensation that a beautiful moment seemed to pass to quickly, and wished that we could make it linger? Or felt time slow on a dull day, and wished that we could speed things up a bit?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Si reincontreranno di nuovo durante uno spettacolo, e la rinascita del loro amore non lascerà indifferente il principe geloso e violento che non potrà accettare il tradimento.
The Illusionist scorre lento, raccontando una storia molto semplice in cui l'unica peculiarità sono gli spettacoli magici, stupendi ed inquietanti; eppure tutto si concluderà degnamente con un finale che riunirà amore e magia.
Discreta la regia, bella la fotografia, Edward Norton è sempre un grande e Jessica Biel si guarda sempre volentieri (a dir poco).
Voto: 7-.
Tags: amore, drammatico, mistero, thriller, romantico, Vienna, '800, illusionista, manipolazione, fantasmi, trucco, apparizione, detective, polizia, omicidio, morte, paranormale, magia, cavallo, carrozza, specchio, interrogatorio, arance, nobiltà, farfalle, mago, gelosia, spada, gioielli.
Norton, Edward (I)
Nome di battesimo: Norton, Edward Harrison
Data di nascita: 18 August 1969
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Pride and Glory (2008) .... Ray Tierney [attore]
- Motherless Brooklyn (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- "Undaunted Courage" (2007) (mini) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Illusionist (2006) .... Eisenheim [attore]
- The Painted Veil (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Down in the Valley (2005) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Kingdom of Heaven (2005) .... King Baldwin [attore]
- Dirty Work (2004) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- The Italian Job (2003) .... Steve [attore]
- 25th Hour (2002) .... (co-producer) [produttore]
Edward Norton was born on August 18, 1969 to parents Edward, an attorney who works for the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Robin Norton, a former foundation executive and teacher who passed away of brain cancer on March 6, 1997. Edward also has two younger siblings named James and Molly. From the age of 5 onward, the Yale graduate (majoring in history) has always been interested in acting. At the age of 8, he would ask his drama teacher what his motivation in a scene was. He attended theater schools throughout his life, and eventually managed to find work on stage in New York as a member of the Signature players, who produced the works of playwright and director Edward Albee. Around the time when he was appearing in Albee's Fragments, in Hollywood, they were looking for a young actor to star opposite Richard Gere in a new courtroom thriller, Primal Fear (1996). The role was offered to Leonardo DiCaprio but he turned it down. Gere was on the verge of walking away from the project, fed up with the wait for a young star to be found, when Edward auditioned and won the role over 2000 other hopefuls. Before the film was even released, his test screenings for the part were causing a Hollywood sensation, and he was soon offered roles in Woody Allen's Everyone Says I Love You (1996) and The People vs. Larry Flynt (1996). Edward won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Supporting Role and received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Primal Fear (1996). In 1998, Norton gained 30 pounds of muscle and transformed his look into that of a monstrous skinhead for his role as a violent white supremacist in American History X (1998). This performance would earn him his second Oscar nomination, this time for Best Actor. In 1999 came the critically acclaimed Fight Club (1999) and in 2000 came his directorial debut in Keeping the Faith (2000).
Trivia random: Was one of the few celebrities invited to Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston's Malibu wedding. [June 29, 2000]
Citazione random: "I get heartbroken flying into L.A. It's just this feeling of unspecific loss. Can you imagine what the San Fernando Valley was when it was all wheat fields? Can you imagine what John Steinbeck saw?"
Salario massimo: $8,000,000, per Red Dragon (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Biel, Jessica
Nome di battesimo: Biel, Jessica Claire
Data di nascita: 3 March 1982
Altezza: 5' 7½" (1.71 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- A Woman of No Importance (2008) .... Hester Worsley (attached) [attrice]
- Next (2007) .... Liz [attrice]
- I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (2007) .... [attrice]
- Home of the Brave (2006) .... Vanessa Price [attrice]
- The Illusionist (2006) .... Sophie [attrice]
- Elizabethtown (2005) .... Ellen Kishmore [attrice]
- London (2005) .... London [attrice]
- Stealth (2005) .... Lt. Kara Wade [attrice]
- Blade: Trinity (2004) .... Abigail Whistler [attrice]
- Cellular (2004) .... Chloe [attrice]
Jessica Biel, with her striking good looks and wide range of talent, has become one of Hollywood's most sought-out actresses. Her television series acting debut on the WB's #1-rated show, "7th Heaven" (1996), has helped her emerge as a breakout star.As a child Jessica initially pursued a career as a vocalist, performing in musical theater. Beginning at age nine, she starred in such productions as "Annie", "The Sound of Music" and "Beauty and the Beast". A natural beauty, Jessica soon turned to modeling and commercial work by competing in The International Modeling and Talent Association's Annual Conference in 1994.After completing a year and a half of college at Tufts University in Boston, Jessica plans on going back to school in California for the remainder of her college years. In her spare time she is involved with charities such as Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and PETA. Her hobbies include ballet, soccer, running, yoga and hiking with her dog "East". Jessica currently resides in Los Angeles.
Trivia random: Amateur photographer.
Citazione random: "I've never gotten to do romantic comedy like most of the girls. Maybe because I'm fit, people assume that I'm not funny?"
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Illusionist, The (2006)
Regista: Neil Burger
Scrittore: Neil Burger, Steven Millhauser
Genere: Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.7/10 (29207 voti)
Durata: 110 min
Paese: Czech Republic, USA
Lingua: English
- Edward Norton .... Eisenheim
- Paul Giamatti .... Inspector Uhl
- Jessica Biel .... Sophie
- Rufus Sewell .... Crown Prince Leopold
- Eddie Marsan .... Josef Fischer (as Edward Marsan)
- Jake Wood .... Jurka
- Tom Fisher .... Willigut
- Aaron Johnson .... Young Eisenheim
- Eleanor Tomlinson .... Young Sophie
- Karl Johnson .... Doctor/Old Man
A young boy falls in love with a girl that is way above his social standards along with the art of magic. Although the parents forbid them of seeing each other they cannot be split apart. Until one day they were found together and the boy was sent off. He became a magician and traveled the world. She fell in love with another man, the Crown Prince. The two got engaged but the boy, Eisenheim, finally meets back up with the girl and uses his powers to free her from the royal house in Vienna.
Trivia random: The trick of the Orange Tree was invented by a 19th Century French magician named Robert-Houdin.
Citazione random: Eisenheim: From the moment we enter this live we are in the flow of it. We measure it and We mock it, but we cannot defy it. We cannot even speed it up or slow it down. Or can we? Have we not each experienced the sensation that a beautiful moment seemed to pass to quickly, and wished that we could make it linger? Or felt time slow on a dull day, and wished that we could speed things up a bit?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
mercoledì 11 aprile 2007
alien apocalypse
Si sa che anche ai grandi capita, di tanto in tanto, di accettare un qualche "lavoro alimentare"; fior d'attori si sono svenduti, nei momenti bassi delle loro carriere, partecipando a produzioni indegne del loro calibro.
Ci sono poi tutta una serie di altri lavori, per lo più riservati agli esponenti del cinema di serie B o C, che definirei sotto-alimentari: non ti ci compri neanche una bistecca; se ti va bene giusto qualche rotolo di carta igienica, e comunque sempre pagandola in diginità sonante.
Nei film porno li riconosci perché in copertina la protagonista è affiancata da una coppia di alani con la lingua (e/o altro) a penzonoli - e chiunque sia sano sa che è il caso di passare oltre... - nei film di fantascienza in copertina c'è il nostro eroe ed un insettone di proporzioni umane. Punti extra se l'insettone brandisce un'arma futuribile.
In Alien Apocalypse Bruce Campbell e Renée O'Connor fanno parte di un gruppo di astronauti che, di ritorno da una missione quarantennale (con effetti relativistici), ritrovano l'umanità in catene, schiava di termiti giganti venute dallo spazio.
Sì, termiti giganti venute dallo spazio, esatto. Tali bestiole, dopo aver tirato un bel po' di bombe ai neutroni, hanno imprigionato i sopravvissuti costringendoli a - tenersi forte - lavorare nelle segherie che producono il cibo di cui sono ghiotte! Ma non crediate che la dieta di una termitona sia sbilanciata e povera di proteine e grassi animali: di tanto in tanto non disedegnano di decapitare un umano inghiottendone per intero la testa.
Gli alieni non hanno però fatto i conti con Ash, Reparto Ferramenta che prima cercherà il presidente degli Stati Uniti nella speranza che questi possa guidare la rivolta, e poi si porrà egli stesso alla testa di un branco di imbecilli che non avranno timore di sfidare gli insettoni né il ridicolo.
In bilico tra fantascienza (i cattivi sono quanto più stupido e peggio attrezzato abbia mai attaccato la Terra ) e commediola moraleggiante sui mali del mondo, l'unica cosa per cui si farà ricordare sarà per l'umiliazione del povero Bruce.
Nel complesso, davvero pessimo: non soddisfa neanche il gusto del trash, tanto è mal fatto.
Insomma: se vedete un insettone - o degli alani - in copertina, scappate!
Voto: 1. Trashometro® 4/10: (ed ora, attenti agli acari spaziali!)
Tags: fantascienza, azione, commedia, avventura, alieni, termiti, astronauti, libertà, battaglia, decapitazione, segheria, legno, presidente, rivolta, morte, dita mozzate, schiavitù, trash.
O'Connor, Renée
Nome di battesimo: O'Connor, Evelyn Renee
Data di nascita: 15 February 1971
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Coniuge: Steve Muir::(14 October 2000 - 2004) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
- Boogeyman 2 (2008) .... Dr. Jessica Ryan [attrice]
- Diamonds and Guns (2007) (V) .... (executive producer) (producer) [produttore]
- Ghost Town (2007) .... Little Jack [attrice]
- Alien Apocalypse (2005) (TV) .... Kelly (as Renee O'Connor) [attrice]
- Xena: The 10th Anniversary Collection (2005) (V) .... Gabrielle [attrice]
- One Weekend a Month (2004) .... Meg McDermott [attrice]
- Xena: Warrior Princess - A Friend in Need (The Director's Cut) (2002) (V) .... Gabrielle [attrice]
- Rubbernecking (2000) .... Ashton [attrice]
- Hercules and Xena - The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus (1998) (V) .... Gabrielle (voice) [attrice]
- StarCraft (1998) (VG) .... (thanks) (as Gabrielle Xena's scene-stealin' friend) [misc]
Renee O'Connor was born in Houston, Texas, to Walter and Sandra O'Connor (now Wilson), and raised in Katy, a Houston suburb. She attended Taylor High School and the Houston High School of Visual and Performing Arts. Renee has one older brother, Chris.Renee appeared in commercials, including one for McDonalds, a feature film called "Night Game", and some work for the Mickey Mouse Club in 1989. She also made guest appearances on TV shows such as NYPD Blue, before starring as Deineira in the Hercules TV movie "Hercules and the Lost Kingdom". She caught the eyes of executive producers Sam Raimi and Robert G. Tapert, who cast Renee in the 1994 film "Darkman 2: Return of Durant". Soon after, Hercules' sister show, "Xena: Warrior Princess" was launched, and Renee was cast as Gabrielle, Xena's trusty sidekick.Until 2001, Renee resided in Auckland, New Zealand, where Xena was filmed. She was married to restaurant owner Steve Muir (a kiwi, or New Zealander) in October 2000, in Austin, Texas, and they had a son. However, after the series ended, Renee returned to Texas and was divorced from Steve. In 2005, she had a baby girl with her new boyfriend, actor Jed Sura.
Trivia random: Engaged to long term boyfriend New Zealander Steve Muir. [February 2000]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Alien Apocalypse (2005) (TV)
Regista: Josh Becker
Scrittore: Josh Becker
Genere: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 4.1/10 (812 voti)
Durata: 88 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Bruce Campbell .... Dr. Ivan Hood
- Renée O'Connor .... Kelly (as Renee O'Connor)
- Remington Franklin .... Alex
- Michael Cory Davis .... Capt. Chuck Burkes
- Peter Jason .... President Demsky
- Neda Sokolovska .... Aida
- Vladimir Kolev .... Fisherman Bob
- Valentin Giasbeily .... Tyler
- Velizar Binev .... Manager
- Dimiter Kuzov .... Bounty Hunter 1 (as Dimitar Kuzev)
Originally called "Human in Chains", this Josh Becker and Robert Tapert written work has an astronaut doctor Ivan Hood (Bruce Campbell) and his fellow astronaut Kelly (Renee O'Connor) returning from their mission in space, to find the world has been taken over by Aliens. Now Dr.Ivan Hood and Kelly must lead a revolution to free the human slaves from their Alien masters.
Trivia random: Lucy Lawless was originally offered Renée O'Connor's role but turned it down.
Citazione random: Dr. Ivan Hood: Those bounty hunters are all fags. I can handle 'em.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Campbell, Bruce (I)
Nome di battesimo: Campbell, Bruce Lorne
Data di nascita: 22 June 1958
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Coniuge: Ida Gearon::(1991 - present), Christine Deveau::(13 March 1983 - 1989) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Bubba Nosferatu and the Curse of the She-Vampires (2008) .... Elvis Presley/Sebastjin Haff (attached) [attore]
- The Evil Dead (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters (2007) .... Chicken Bittle (voice) [attore]
- Burn Notice (2007) (TV) .... Sam [attore]
- My Name Is Bruce (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Ant Bully (2006) (VG) .... Fugax (voice: English version) [attore]
- The Ant Bully (2006) .... Fugax (voice) [attore]
- In the Headlights (2006) (V) .... (special thanks) [misc]
- Touch the Top of the World (2006) (TV) .... Ed Weihenmayer [attore]
- The Woods (2006) .... Joe Fasulo [attore]
"Uncle Sam's favorite son" as the lyrics to the theme of "Jack of All Trades" (2000) go, was born June 22, 1958 (the youngest of 3 brothers) in Royal Oak, Michigan. As a child, Bruce watched "Lost in Space" (1965) on TV, and ran around dressed as Zorro. He got the acting bug at age 8; his dad was performing in local community theater. At 14, Bruce got to play the young prince in "The King and I" and even got to sing. He went on to appear in several community theater productions, including "South Pacific". However, he was also interested in directing, and shot super-8 flicks with a neighborhood pal. Perhaps through fate, he met future director Sam Raimi in a high school drama class in 1975. Soon, along with Sam, and now a bunch of other high school pals, Bruce filmed about 50 super-8 movies. During the summer of 1976, he was an apprentice in northern Michigan at Traverse City's Cherry County Playhouse, a summer-stock company. Bruce worked 18-hour days putting up sets, being assistant stage manager, doing errands, etc. No money, but it was a learning experience (it was show biz). He attended Western Michigan University and took theater courses. Bruce became a production assistant for a company that made commercials in Detroit. In the early part of 1979, with buddy Sam Raimi, he decided to become a pro filmmaker. Armed with a super-8 horror film _Within the Woods (1978) _ which they showed potential investors, they raised $350,000 to make The Evil Dead (1981) which Bruce co-produced and starred in as "Ash". Four years later, the completed film became the best-selling video of 1983 in England, and New Line Cinema got it a US release. Around this time, he married his first wife, and they had 2 kids. They raised 10 times as much cash for the sequel Evil Dead II (1987) again co-produced by Bruce and starring him as "Ash". He moved to L.A. In 1990, while filming Mindwarp (1990), he met his future second wife (costume designer Ida Gearon) on the set. In 1992, he rejoined Sam, and Bruce co-produced and starred as "Ash" in the 3rd of the Evil Dead trilogy, Army of Darkness (1992) for Universal Studios. On TV, Bruce directed many episodes of "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" (1995). Bruce also acted as the recurring character "Autolycus", the King of Thieves; he portrayed this villain with zest in both "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" (1995) and "Xena: Warrior Princess" (1995). Bruce's latest television venture was starring as the title rogue of "Jack of All Trades" (2000). Everybody loves Jack. And everybody's heard of him -- "There ain't a French or pirate rogue who don't know Jack!".
Trivia random: In Fargo (1996) and Intolerable Cruelty (2003), he is uncredited for playing soap actors.
Citazione random: "I can't vouch for the script because they never gave us full scripts for Spider-Man (2002). They would only give you the pages, and they all had serial numbers, and if it ever wound up on the Internet, they would sue you and murder you and take your children."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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