[visto] Con
Day of the Dead ho finalmente completato il ciclo degli zombie di
George A. Romero.
Ultimo della trilogia "classica", vede gli zombie già padroni di gran parte del mondo, con i pochi sopravvissuti aggrappati ad ogni debole speranza di rivincita.
In questo contesto, seguiamo le vicende di alcuni civili e scienziati che, rinchiusi in una base militare, sono alla disperata ricerca di un modo per invertire la cattiva abitudine dei morti di tornare in vita, o quanto meno alla ricerca di un sistema per tenerli sotto controllo.
Con poco acume, lo scienziato pazzo di turno si metterà a condurre esperimenti ben poco ortodossi, che finiranno col far incazzare assai i militari. Ed i nemici non saranno più solo gli zombie!
Pregevole come sempre, riesce ancora a comunicare la sua dose di sana inquietudine e si inserisce molto bene nel filone che vede gli zombie di volta in volta più furbi e meglio organizzati. Unico difetto - non imputabile alla pellicola - il DVD in lingua originale non ha i sottotitoli, e l'inglese di alcuni personaggi non è semplice da seguire. E poi mi pare non ci sia
Tom Savini tra gli zombie, cavoli!
Voto: 7.5
[combo] Come già detto altre volte, l'intero ciclo degli zombie ha un debito non da poco nei confronti di
The Last Man on Earth, produzione italo-americana del 64, con un eccelso
Vincent Price alle prese con dei proto-non-morti.
Da recuperare, per gli appassionati del genere.
Voto: 8.
Tags: zombie, horror, morti viventi, George A. Romero, trilogia, militari, scienziati, bunker, terrore, elicottero, gore, omicidio, rissa, scienziato pazzo, esperimenti, amputazione.
Savini, Tom
Data di nascita: 3 November 1946
Altezza: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:Inspired by the film Man of a Thousand Faces (1957), a young Tom Savini became fascinated with the magic and illusion of film. He spent his youth in his room creating characters by tirelessly practicing make-up. Later, as a combat photographer in Vietnam, Savini saw first-hand the gruesome carnage for which he later gained fame, simulating it on screen.
Trivia random: Provided his voice to the horror game "City of the Dead" - a spin-off to George A. Romero's Dead films, but the game's distributer Hip Interactive went bankrupt, and the game was never released (2006).
Citazione random: (When asked if his Vietnam experiences influence his makeup effects): "I get asked that question a lot. I did see a lot of first hand anatomically correct gore and I think the most important part of that was if we create a dead body or situation there's a certain feeling you get from seeing the real thing. If I'm creating a gory effect and I don't get the same feeling when I saw the real stuff, I'm not satisfied."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Day of the Dead (1985)
Giorno degli zombi, Il
Genere: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.7/10 (9777 voti)
Durata: 102 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Cast:Trama:Zombies rule the USA, except for a small group of scientists and military personnel who reside in an underground bunker in Florida. The scientists are using the undead in gruesome experiments; much to the chagrin of the military. Finally the military finds that their men have been used in the scientists' experiments, and banish the scientists to the caves that house the Living Dead. Unfortunately, the zombies from above ground have made their way into the bunker....
Trivia random: The only movie in George A. Romero's "Dead" series where a zombie has a line of dialog (Bub says, "Hello Aunt Alicia.").
Citazione random: Sarah: Maybe if we tried working together we could ease some of the tensions. We're all pulling in different directions.::John: That's the trouble with the world, Sarah darlin'. People got different ideas concernin' what they want out of life.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Last Man on Earth, The (1964)
Ultimo uomo della terra, L'
Genere: Horror, Sci-Fi, Drama
Valutazione: 6.9/10 (1567 voti)
Durata: 86 min
Paese: USA, Italy
Lingua: English
Cast:Trama:Dr. Robert Morgan (Vincent Price) is the only survivor of a devastating world-wide plague due to a mysterious immunity he acquired to the bacterium while working in Central America years ago. He is all alone now...or so it seems. As night falls, plague victims begin to leave their graves, part of a hellish undead army that''s thirsting for blood...his!
Trivia random: This film was originally going to be produced by Hammer Films of Great Britain. They decided not to make it and passed the script over to their U.S. associate, Robert L. Lippert, who produced the film in Italy.
Citazione random: Robert Morgan: They were afraid of me... they were afraid of me... they were afraid of me.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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