Drag Me to Hell: auspicabile alternativa al cinema, in effetti.
Come possa essere piaciuto tanto un film del genere mi lascia davvero perplesso, dato che non funziona sotto nessun aspetto e, del resto, neppure si capisce cosa volesse essere.
Come horror sfiora il patetico, come parodia non è efficace e come fine denuncia sociale (tocca sentire pure questo, in giro...) siamo all'a-b-c del radical-chic.
Per fortuna come trash fa ampiamente ridere.
Impiegata di banca buona-ma-costretta-dal-sistema-ad-essere-dura rifiuta ad una vecchia zingara incazzereccia la dilazione di un mutuo.
Questa le scaglia contro l'usuale maledizione sotto forma di Lamia, spirito capronesco che non ha niente di meglio da fare che prendere ordini dalla vecchia, circa le anime da trascinare all'inferno.
Per l'impiegatuccia saranno tre giorni pieni di sorprese, ma per fortuna avrà dei validi alleati: il fidanzato triliardario eunuco, un medium che accetta le principali carte di credito ed un incolpevole gattino.
Alla fine c'è anche un colpo di scena che definire telefonato è poco.
I casi sono due: o Sam Raimi si è rimbecillito, che può anche essere, o ha deciso di prendere per il culo il pubblico con un horror che sarebbe stato molto scarso anche 30 anni fa.
Le citazioni vanno fatte bene, non buttate lì a casaccio, per giunta usando le moderne tecniche di ripresa (fotografia riprovevole, tra le altre cose) e computer grafica di bassa lega. Questa non è una parodia: è un insulto.
Per il resto, in assenza di trama e regia, si punta esclusivamente sullo schifo: si vomita, si schizza sangue, si mangiano mosche e vermi, si vomita di nuovo, si tira qualche calcione, si vomita ancora (stavolta vermi ed in bocca a qualcuno), si sacrificano (o si tenta di sacrificare) bestie e persone, un'altra vomitatina, ci si trastulla un po' con la dentiera, e poi ci si fa un altro bel giro di vomito.
In pratica, un film sulla bulimia.
Se questo non fosse abbastanza, sappiate che c'è anche di peggio: in questo film, non c'è BRUCE CAMPBELL!!! Mai siamo impazziti?!
Scena memorabile: il tentato esorcismo in cui tutti si passano la sfiga, incluso un riottoso capretto che svetta in quanto a capacità attoriali.
Voto: 3, come i giorni che ti restano da vivere dopo la maledizione.
Trashometro® 8/10: (funny!)
Tags: horror, banca, impiegata, zingara, maledizione, casa, pignoramento, morte, capretto, capra, caprone, attori cani, gatto, sacrificio, sepoltura, demonio, esorcismo, collega, dentiera, bottone, Sam Raimi, trash, vaccata clamorosa.
domenica 27 dicembre 2009
lunedì 21 dicembre 2009
Cowboy Bebop: the movie
Rivisto il film di Cowboy Bebop, recentemente acquistato in DVD.
Di suo andrebbe considerato un eccellente film d'animazione, va però detto che sfigura un po' di fronte ad una delle migliori serie di tutti i tempi.
Marte, anno 2071, un attentato terroristico con armi nanotecnologiche fa decine di morti. Il governo locale mette una enorme taglia, che ovviamente fa gola anche ai cacciatori di taglie della nave Bebop.
Durante le difficoltose indagini verrà alla luce un piano più ampio, che prevede uno sterminio di massa.
Trama un po' troppo semplice per un film di quasi due ore, e sviluppata in maniera troppo canonica; il cattivo di turno sarebbe anche stato interessante, ma viene approfondito poco. Lo stesso si può dire dei protagonisti: nessun problema per chi già li conosce, ma forse andavano meglio delineati per il pubblico occasionale.
Come detto, comunque, questi sono difetti che si notano soprattutto nel confronto con l'opera di riferimento: la regia è infatti molto buona (dannato Shinichirô Watanabe: lavora di più! ) e non manca l'azione.
E poi ci sono le musiche di Yôko Kanno, che per Cowboy Bebop ha davvero dato il massimo.
Piccola nota di demerito per Amazon: ringrazio di averlo pagato, nuovo, meno di quanto non tocchi spendere per un usato in Italia, ma nella pagina si parlava esplicitamente di doppiaggio in italiano, che invece è assente. Le voci italiane erano perfette, mentre quelle inglesi non mi fanno impazzire (e poi Ed risulta di fatto incomprensibile - per fortuna ci sono i sottotitoli). Qualche extra, ma niente di fondamentale. Ottima la qualità audio e video.
Voto: 7.5 - la serie è d'obbligo, il film male non fa.
Tags: animazione, avventura, azione, Marte, fantascienza, terrorismo, Cowboy Bebop, cacciatori di taglie, hacker, inseguimento, attentato, morte, casbah, nanotecnologia, soldato, memoria, amore, sparatoria, parata, Halloween, arti marziali, fatalismo, gioco, farfalle, gun-fu, monorotaia, industria chimica, esperimento, anime, visione, sogno.
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Best known for his work on the anime series 'Cowboy Bebop'.
Citazione random: It actually kind of sucks having to be a director. Once you do it, you discover how hard it really is. This is no kind of a job for a human being, let me tell you. I think I ought to quit, but I can't really do anything else! [When asked what the worst elements of his job are, Newtype USA Magazine, July 2005]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Shinichirô Watanabe
Scrittore: Keiko Nobumoto, Hajime Yatate
Genere: Sci-Fi, Crime, Animation, Action, Comedy, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.7/10 (10053 voti)
Durata: 116 min
Paese: Japan, USA
Lingua: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, English, Arabic
A tanker truck is blown to smithereens in the middle of a busy street, and a deadly viral infection is released with the explosion. The Bebop crew - Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, Faye Valentine, and Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV - are instantly after the culprit when the gargantuan reward of 300,000,000 woolongs is announced. But the case gets stranger and stranger as the cold-blooded Vincent Volaju, who supposedly has been dead for ten years, seems to be the prime suspect. Meanwhile, Spike encounters the dangerous Electra, who too seeks the madman. Conspiracies and secrets better left alone are uncovered, and Vincent's reign or terror is nowhere near over yet...
Trivia random: The mysterious Rasheed is based on the Moroccan guide who accompanied the movie-staff while they were scouting locations.
Citazione random: Jet: Spike, if that hostage had been shot, what would you have done then?
Spike: If it happens, it happens...
Jet: Really... As usual, for a 125,000-Woolong criminal, there were too many risks involved. Bounty hunting is harder than just that. Before I teamed up with you, I lead quite a normal life.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 19 March 1964
Coniuge: Hajime Mizoguchi::(? - present)
Trivia random: Does some of her own singing (under the name "Gabriella Robin") for the music she writes (such as lead vocal for Green Bird, and chorus for Blue, both from "Kaubôi bibappu" (1998) .
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Di suo andrebbe considerato un eccellente film d'animazione, va però detto che sfigura un po' di fronte ad una delle migliori serie di tutti i tempi.
Marte, anno 2071, un attentato terroristico con armi nanotecnologiche fa decine di morti. Il governo locale mette una enorme taglia, che ovviamente fa gola anche ai cacciatori di taglie della nave Bebop.
Durante le difficoltose indagini verrà alla luce un piano più ampio, che prevede uno sterminio di massa.
Trama un po' troppo semplice per un film di quasi due ore, e sviluppata in maniera troppo canonica; il cattivo di turno sarebbe anche stato interessante, ma viene approfondito poco. Lo stesso si può dire dei protagonisti: nessun problema per chi già li conosce, ma forse andavano meglio delineati per il pubblico occasionale.
Come detto, comunque, questi sono difetti che si notano soprattutto nel confronto con l'opera di riferimento: la regia è infatti molto buona (dannato Shinichirô Watanabe: lavora di più! ) e non manca l'azione.
E poi ci sono le musiche di Yôko Kanno, che per Cowboy Bebop ha davvero dato il massimo.
Piccola nota di demerito per Amazon: ringrazio di averlo pagato, nuovo, meno di quanto non tocchi spendere per un usato in Italia, ma nella pagina si parlava esplicitamente di doppiaggio in italiano, che invece è assente. Le voci italiane erano perfette, mentre quelle inglesi non mi fanno impazzire (e poi Ed risulta di fatto incomprensibile - per fortuna ci sono i sottotitoli). Qualche extra, ma niente di fondamentale. Ottima la qualità audio e video.
Voto: 7.5 - la serie è d'obbligo, il film male non fa.
Tags: animazione, avventura, azione, Marte, fantascienza, terrorismo, Cowboy Bebop, cacciatori di taglie, hacker, inseguimento, attentato, morte, casbah, nanotecnologia, soldato, memoria, amore, sparatoria, parata, Halloween, arti marziali, fatalismo, gioco, farfalle, gun-fu, monorotaia, industria chimica, esperimento, anime, visione, sogno.
Watanabe, Shinichirô
Ultimi lavori:
- Genius Party (2007) .... [regista]
- A Detective Story (2003) .... (writer) (as Shinichiro Watanabe) [scrittore]
- Kid's Story (2003) .... (written by) (as Shinichiro Watanabe) [scrittore]
- The Animatrix (2003) .... (written by) (segment "A Detective Story") [scrittore]
- Kaubôi bibappu: Tengoku no tobira (2001) .... [regista]
- "Kaubôi bibappu" (1998) .... (unknown episodes) [scrittore]
- "Tenkû no Esukafurône" (1996) .... (unit director) (unknown episodes) [misc]
- Macross Plus (1994) (V) .... (co-director) [regista]
Trivia random: Best known for his work on the anime series 'Cowboy Bebop'.
Citazione random: It actually kind of sucks having to be a director. Once you do it, you discover how hard it really is. This is no kind of a job for a human being, let me tell you. I think I ought to quit, but I can't really do anything else! [When asked what the worst elements of his job are, Newtype USA Magazine, July 2005]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Kaubôi bibappu: Tengoku no tobira (2001)
Regista: Shinichirô Watanabe
Scrittore: Keiko Nobumoto, Hajime Yatate
Genere: Sci-Fi, Crime, Animation, Action, Comedy, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.7/10 (10053 voti)
Durata: 116 min
Paese: Japan, USA
Lingua: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, English, Arabic
- Steve Blum .... Spike Spiegel (English version) (voice: English version) (as Steven Blum)
- Martin Halm .... Spike Spiegel (voice: German version)
- Bruno Mullenaerts .... Spike Spiegel (voice: French version)
- Kôichi Yamadera .... Spike Spiegel (voice: Japanese version)
- Beau Billingslea .... Jet Black (voice: English version)
- Unshô Ishizuka .... Jet Black (voice: Japanese version)
- Megumi Hayashibara .... Faye Valentine (voice: Japanese version)
- Wendee Lee .... Faye Valentine (voice: English version)
- Yolanda Quesada .... Faye Valentine (voice: Spanish version)
- Marion Sawatzki .... Faye Valentine (voice: German version)
A tanker truck is blown to smithereens in the middle of a busy street, and a deadly viral infection is released with the explosion. The Bebop crew - Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, Faye Valentine, and Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV - are instantly after the culprit when the gargantuan reward of 300,000,000 woolongs is announced. But the case gets stranger and stranger as the cold-blooded Vincent Volaju, who supposedly has been dead for ten years, seems to be the prime suspect. Meanwhile, Spike encounters the dangerous Electra, who too seeks the madman. Conspiracies and secrets better left alone are uncovered, and Vincent's reign or terror is nowhere near over yet...
Trivia random: The mysterious Rasheed is based on the Moroccan guide who accompanied the movie-staff while they were scouting locations.
Citazione random: Jet: Spike, if that hostage had been shot, what would you have done then?
Spike: If it happens, it happens...
Jet: Really... As usual, for a 125,000-Woolong criminal, there were too many risks involved. Bounty hunting is harder than just that. Before I teamed up with you, I lead quite a normal life.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Kanno, Yôko
Data di nascita: 19 March 1964
Coniuge: Hajime Mizoguchi::(? - present)
Trivia random: Does some of her own singing (under the name "Gabriella Robin") for the music she writes (such as lead vocal for Green Bird, and chorus for Blue, both from "Kaubôi bibappu" (1998) .
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
sabato 12 dicembre 2009
Jennifer's body
Valeva la pena attendere tanto: Jennifer's Body è faaantastico!
Almeno, se vi piace il trash.
Sono ancora tramortito dalla visione: è qualcosa a cui si deve assistere, per crederci: un'ora e quaranta piegati in due dal ridere e coi lacrimoni agli occhi; sono ancora tutto spettinato...
Needy è la solita sfigatella da film adolescenzial-americani; per intenderci: validissima gnocca, ma per esigenze di copione la pettiniamo come sua nonna e le mettiamo gli occhiali, così tutti capiscono che è un cesso ed una schiappa.
La sua miglior amica è l'usuale popolarissima stragnocca, ma stavolta la sceneggiatura ha avuto un tocco di genio: si arrapa a sangue per QUALUNQUE esemplare maschio (e non) nel raggio di 20 km, e parla da far impallidire uno scaricatore di porto.
Quest'ultima verrà rapita e sacrificata dai satanisti più imbelli di sempre; sfortunatamente per tutti la procedura va male - causa una NON IMPENSABILE assenza di verginità - e la vedremo quindi tornare in vita come demoniessa mangiatrice di uomini (stavolta in senso letterale).
L'ex (ma in fondo ancora) amica dovrà vedersela con lei, per fermare gli omicidi che stanno sconvolgendo la città!
Meeeraviglioso, non c'è riassunto che possa esprimere la bellezza di questo film, dovuta principalmente ad una serie di personaggi leggendari.
Dalla sfigatella di 45 chili che tira calci da vincere la guerra in Afghanistan da sola al professore che dio-sa-perché ha un uncino al posto della mano, dal fidanzato meno dotato della storia all'emo sempre buono per un sacrificio umano.
Su tutti svetta però lei, una Megan Fox indiscutibilmente porca (ma che se vogliamo dirla tutta dimostra 10 o 12 anni in più dei suoi), che qui dà fondo alle sue abilità recitative raccontandoci di come - a seguito di una spensierata e travolgente seduta di sodomia - si sia tenuta una confezione di piselli surgelati sul culo per una settimana.
So che avrei dovuto avvertire, prima di scrivere quanto sopra, ma così imparate a leggere la recensione di un film stupendo come questo.
Inutile dire che, sceneggiatura cretina a parte (grazie, Diablo Cody), i dialoghi sono tutti di immenso livello: ridicoli dall'inizio alla fine, sboccati e idioti come non mai (un esempio tra mille: il professore che commenta una morte con "hanno ucciso Ahmet, il NOSTRO INDIANO" - della serie: "che seccatura, ora ci tocca farcene spedire un'altro..." ).
Come se non bastasse, ad impreziosire il tutto arriva poi una Karyn Kusama che ci regala alcune piccole perle (la zoomata sul campo da football è qualcosa di epico), oltre ad un buon numero di effetti speciali di infima lega.
Non importa con quale spirito lo andiate a vedere o lo viviate: questo è un film imperdibile per tutti gli amanti del trash (e del genere "stuuupido").
Per i maschietti non va poi dimenticato il simpatico bonus della scena lesbo (che fa ridere, ma insomma... l'importante è divertirsi, no? )
Sono certo che molti altri dettagli torneranno a galla col tempo; nel mentre, mi faccio un appunto mentale: comprare il DVD appena esce!
Sì, merita tanto: siamo ai livelli di divertimento garantiti da un film di ninjà, per intenderci.
Voto: 1.
Trashometro® 10/10: (oh jeah, baby!)
Tags: catastrofe cinematografica, horror, commedia, thriller, vacca, adolescenti, liceo, morte, incendio, bar, gruppo, musicista, cantante, sesso, lesbo, lesbiche, bacio saffico, Megan Fox, sodomia, vomito, sangue, gore, cibo, porca, band, successo, sacrificio, pozzo, provincia, football, gay, uncino, professore, emo, morte scomposta, fuga, piscina, vendetta, indiano, cocktail, manicomio, trash.
Nome di battesimo: Kusama, Karyn K.
Data di nascita: 21 March 1968
Ultimi lavori:
Citazione random: "I don't think I'm ever going to work on a movie again where I don't have final cut. I've realized I'm a strong-minded director with a very clear sense of what I want to do, and I just want to be left alone to do it and I'm not sure the studios are necessarily the most instructive places for filmmakers to be, except to maybe to learn about the hard realities of commerce and art intermingling."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Karyn Kusama
Scrittore: Diablo Cody
Genere: Horror, Comedy, Thriller
Valutazione: 5.4/10 (11622 voti)
Durata: 102 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Nerdy, reserved bookworm Needy and arrogant, conceited cheerleader Jennifer are best friends, though they share little in common. They share even less in common when Jennifer mysteriously gains an appetite for human blood after a disastrous fire at a local bar. As Needy's male classmates are steadily killed off in gruesome attacks, the young girl must uncover the truth behind her friend's transformation and find a way to stop the bloodthirsty rampage before it reaches her own boyfriend Chip.
Trivia random: In the scene where Jennifer returns home after being attacked by Nickolai and his group, she vomits a black 'spiky' substance. This features again as a parasitic organism in 2008 movie Splinter (2008/I), which Diablo Cody was also involved in but went uncredited.
Citazione random: Jennifer Check: [Grabs Needy's breasts] These are like smart bombs, you point them in the right direction and shit gets real.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Fox, Megan Denise
Data di nascita: 16 May 1986
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Megan Fox was born May 16, 1986 in Tennessee. She has one older sister. Megan began her training in drama and dance at the age of 5 and, at the age of 10, moved to Florida where she continued her training and finished school. She now lives in Los Angeles. Megan began acting and modeling at the age of 13 after winning several awards at the 1999 American Modeling and Talent Convention in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Megan made her film debut as "Brianna Wallace" in the Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen movie, Holiday in the Sun (2001) (V).
Trivia random: Ranked #2 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2009 list.
Citazione random: I know that the things they said about me in the crew letter were not true, but [Michael] Bay is not happy with some of the things I've said about him. I was waiting for someone to defend me, to say, 'That's not accurate,' but nobody did. I think it's because I'm a girl. They left me out there to be bludgeoned to death. -- on the letter that some of the crew of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" sent out
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Busey, Brook
Data di nascita: 14 June 1978
Altezza: 5' 5½" (1.66 m)
Coniuge: Jon Hunt::(29 October 2004 - 2007) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Diablo Cody is originally from Chicago, Illinois, and moved to Minnesota to live with her Internet boyfriend, Jonny who later became her husband. While there, she decided on a whim to take up stripping as a hobby of sorts. She was working at an ad agency and got a promotion. The job wore her ragged and was something she did not particularly care for. It demanded organization which is something at which she was not very good. Eventually, she quit her day job with Jonny's blessings and began stripping full-time. During the course of about a year she went from Amateur Night, which was her first stripping experience, to a place she refers to in her book as Sheiks, then to Déjà Vu, and so on. She then took up work as a phone-sex operator before returning to stripping. Shortly thereafter she decided to quit stripping and she and Jonny married. They moved to what she refers to as "the 'burbs, and no one strips unless they're taking a bubble bath." Her stepdaughter was the flower girl in the wedding.
Trivia random: Ranked #38 on Entertainment Weekly's 2007 list of the 50 Smartest People in Hollywood (issue #968, December 7, 2007).
Citazione random: Stripping toughened my hide, but exposing myself as a writer has been a lot more brutal.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Seyfried, Amanda Michelle
Data di nascita: 3 December 1985
Altezza: 5' 3½" (1.61 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Put attending college on hold (it was to be Fordham University in New York) to film Mean Girls (2004).
Citazione random: I collect jeans. I don't care how expensive they are.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Almeno, se vi piace il trash.
Sono ancora tramortito dalla visione: è qualcosa a cui si deve assistere, per crederci: un'ora e quaranta piegati in due dal ridere e coi lacrimoni agli occhi; sono ancora tutto spettinato...
Needy è la solita sfigatella da film adolescenzial-americani; per intenderci: validissima gnocca, ma per esigenze di copione la pettiniamo come sua nonna e le mettiamo gli occhiali, così tutti capiscono che è un cesso ed una schiappa.
La sua miglior amica è l'usuale popolarissima stragnocca, ma stavolta la sceneggiatura ha avuto un tocco di genio: si arrapa a sangue per QUALUNQUE esemplare maschio (e non) nel raggio di 20 km, e parla da far impallidire uno scaricatore di porto.
Quest'ultima verrà rapita e sacrificata dai satanisti più imbelli di sempre; sfortunatamente per tutti la procedura va male - causa una NON IMPENSABILE assenza di verginità - e la vedremo quindi tornare in vita come demoniessa mangiatrice di uomini (stavolta in senso letterale).
L'ex (ma in fondo ancora) amica dovrà vedersela con lei, per fermare gli omicidi che stanno sconvolgendo la città!
Meeeraviglioso, non c'è riassunto che possa esprimere la bellezza di questo film, dovuta principalmente ad una serie di personaggi leggendari.
Dalla sfigatella di 45 chili che tira calci da vincere la guerra in Afghanistan da sola al professore che dio-sa-perché ha un uncino al posto della mano, dal fidanzato meno dotato della storia all'emo sempre buono per un sacrificio umano.
Su tutti svetta però lei, una Megan Fox indiscutibilmente porca (ma che se vogliamo dirla tutta dimostra 10 o 12 anni in più dei suoi), che qui dà fondo alle sue abilità recitative raccontandoci di come - a seguito di una spensierata e travolgente seduta di sodomia - si sia tenuta una confezione di piselli surgelati sul culo per una settimana.
So che avrei dovuto avvertire, prima di scrivere quanto sopra, ma così imparate a leggere la recensione di un film stupendo come questo.
Inutile dire che, sceneggiatura cretina a parte (grazie, Diablo Cody), i dialoghi sono tutti di immenso livello: ridicoli dall'inizio alla fine, sboccati e idioti come non mai (un esempio tra mille: il professore che commenta una morte con "hanno ucciso Ahmet, il NOSTRO INDIANO" - della serie: "che seccatura, ora ci tocca farcene spedire un'altro..." ).
Come se non bastasse, ad impreziosire il tutto arriva poi una Karyn Kusama che ci regala alcune piccole perle (la zoomata sul campo da football è qualcosa di epico), oltre ad un buon numero di effetti speciali di infima lega.
Non importa con quale spirito lo andiate a vedere o lo viviate: questo è un film imperdibile per tutti gli amanti del trash (e del genere "stuuupido").
Per i maschietti non va poi dimenticato il simpatico bonus della scena lesbo (che fa ridere, ma insomma... l'importante è divertirsi, no? )
Sono certo che molti altri dettagli torneranno a galla col tempo; nel mentre, mi faccio un appunto mentale: comprare il DVD appena esce!
Sì, merita tanto: siamo ai livelli di divertimento garantiti da un film di ninjà, per intenderci.
Voto: 1.
Trashometro® 10/10: (oh jeah, baby!)
Tags: catastrofe cinematografica, horror, commedia, thriller, vacca, adolescenti, liceo, morte, incendio, bar, gruppo, musicista, cantante, sesso, lesbo, lesbiche, bacio saffico, Megan Fox, sodomia, vomito, sangue, gore, cibo, porca, band, successo, sacrificio, pozzo, provincia, football, gay, uncino, professore, emo, morte scomposta, fuga, piscina, vendetta, indiano, cocktail, manicomio, trash.
Kusama, Karyn
Nome di battesimo: Kusama, Karyn K.
Data di nascita: 21 March 1968
Ultimi lavori:
- Jennifer's Body (2009) .... [regista]
- Æon Flux (2005) .... [regista]
- Girlfight (2000) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Lone Star (1996) .... (office manager: New York) [misc]
Citazione random: "I don't think I'm ever going to work on a movie again where I don't have final cut. I've realized I'm a strong-minded director with a very clear sense of what I want to do, and I just want to be left alone to do it and I'm not sure the studios are necessarily the most instructive places for filmmakers to be, except to maybe to learn about the hard realities of commerce and art intermingling."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Jennifer's Body (2009)
Il corpo di Jennifer
Regista: Karyn Kusama
Scrittore: Diablo Cody
Genere: Horror, Comedy, Thriller
Valutazione: 5.4/10 (11622 voti)
Durata: 102 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Megan Fox .... Jennifer
- Amanda Seyfried .... Needy
- Johnny Simmons .... Chip
- Adam Brody .... Nikolai
- Sal Cortez .... Chas
- Ryan Levine .... Mick
- Juan Riedinger .... Dirk
- Colin Askey .... Keyboardist
- Chris Pratt .... Roman Duda
- Juno Ruddell .... Officer Warzak
Nerdy, reserved bookworm Needy and arrogant, conceited cheerleader Jennifer are best friends, though they share little in common. They share even less in common when Jennifer mysteriously gains an appetite for human blood after a disastrous fire at a local bar. As Needy's male classmates are steadily killed off in gruesome attacks, the young girl must uncover the truth behind her friend's transformation and find a way to stop the bloodthirsty rampage before it reaches her own boyfriend Chip.
Trivia random: In the scene where Jennifer returns home after being attacked by Nickolai and his group, she vomits a black 'spiky' substance. This features again as a parasitic organism in 2008 movie Splinter (2008/I), which Diablo Cody was also involved in but went uncredited.
Citazione random: Jennifer Check: [Grabs Needy's breasts] These are like smart bombs, you point them in the right direction and shit gets real.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Fox, Megan (I)
Nome di battesimo: Fox, Megan Denise
Data di nascita: 16 May 1986
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Crossing (2011) .... [attrice]
- Jonah Hex (2010) .... Leila [attrice]
- Passion Play (2010) .... [attrice]
- Jennifer's Body (2009) .... Jennifer [attrice]
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009) (VG) .... Mikaela Banes (voice) [attrice]
- How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008) .... Sophie Maes [attrice]
- Whore (2008/I) .... Lost [attrice]
- Transformers (2007) .... Mikaela Banes [attrice]
- Transformers: The Game (2007) (VG) .... Mikaela Banes (voice) [attrice]
- Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004) .... Carla [attrice]
Megan Fox was born May 16, 1986 in Tennessee. She has one older sister. Megan began her training in drama and dance at the age of 5 and, at the age of 10, moved to Florida where she continued her training and finished school. She now lives in Los Angeles. Megan began acting and modeling at the age of 13 after winning several awards at the 1999 American Modeling and Talent Convention in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Megan made her film debut as "Brianna Wallace" in the Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen movie, Holiday in the Sun (2001) (V).
Trivia random: Ranked #2 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 of 2009 list.
Citazione random: I know that the things they said about me in the crew letter were not true, but [Michael] Bay is not happy with some of the things I've said about him. I was waiting for someone to defend me, to say, 'That's not accurate,' but nobody did. I think it's because I'm a girl. They left me out there to be bludgeoned to death. -- on the letter that some of the crew of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" sent out
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Cody, Diablo
Nome di battesimo: Busey, Brook
Data di nascita: 14 June 1978
Altezza: 5' 5½" (1.66 m)
Coniuge: Jon Hunt::(29 October 2004 - 2007) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Jennifer's Body (2009) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Juno (2007) .... (written by) [scrittore]
Diablo Cody is originally from Chicago, Illinois, and moved to Minnesota to live with her Internet boyfriend, Jonny who later became her husband. While there, she decided on a whim to take up stripping as a hobby of sorts. She was working at an ad agency and got a promotion. The job wore her ragged and was something she did not particularly care for. It demanded organization which is something at which she was not very good. Eventually, she quit her day job with Jonny's blessings and began stripping full-time. During the course of about a year she went from Amateur Night, which was her first stripping experience, to a place she refers to in her book as Sheiks, then to Déjà Vu, and so on. She then took up work as a phone-sex operator before returning to stripping. Shortly thereafter she decided to quit stripping and she and Jonny married. They moved to what she refers to as "the 'burbs, and no one strips unless they're taking a bubble bath." Her stepdaughter was the flower girl in the wedding.
Trivia random: Ranked #38 on Entertainment Weekly's 2007 list of the 50 Smartest People in Hollywood (issue #968, December 7, 2007).
Citazione random: Stripping toughened my hide, but exposing myself as a writer has been a lot more brutal.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Seyfried, Amanda
Nome di battesimo: Seyfried, Amanda Michelle
Data di nascita: 3 December 1985
Altezza: 5' 3½" (1.61 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- A Woman of No Importance (2011) .... Hester Worsley [attrice]
- Dear John (2010) .... Savannah Lynn Curtis [attrice]
- Letters to Juliet (2010) .... [attrice]
- Boogie Woogie (2009/I) .... Paige Prideaux [attrice]
- Chloe (2009) .... Chloe [attrice]
- Jennifer's Body (2009) .... Needy [attrice]
- Mamma Mia! (2008) .... Sophie [attrice]
- Official Selection (2008) .... Emily [attrice]
- Solstice (2008) (V) .... Zoe [attrice]
- Alpha Dog (2006) .... Julie Beckley [attrice]
Trivia random: Put attending college on hold (it was to be Fordham University in New York) to film Mean Girls (2004).
Citazione random: I collect jeans. I don't care how expensive they are.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
domenica 6 dicembre 2009
ninja assassin - anche no
Va bene che ormai dai fratelli Wachowski non mi aspetto altro che porcatine semi-stylish, ma con Ninja Assassin si esagera davvero, trascinando nel fango anche un tal Straczynski qui impegnato a mettere mano ad una sceneggiatura non pervenuta.
Poootentissimo ninja di un millenario clan, fugge dopo aver fatto particolarmente poco per impedire la morte della pseudo-amata.
Nella sua strada per la vendetta, si ritroverà senza alcuna spiegazione plausibile a difendere una tizia dell'europol (ebbene sì) da ondate su ondate di fessi in calzamaglia che si fanno impallinare uno ad uno come tordi. Però sono letalissimi quando non serve, tipo contro tutte le comparse.
Si giunge infine allo scontro finale con Il Maestro® - uno Shô Kosugi più severo-ma-giusto del solito, coi suoi metodi didattici da Signorina Rottenmeier.
Il non avere una logica non sarebbe neanche un problema, se i combattimenti fossero fatti bene.
Purtroppo dare in mano la telecamera ad un malato di parkinson ubriaco, non si è rivelata una grande idea: movimenti convulsi e privi senso, messi lì - si suppone - per coprire l'inettitudine degli attori. Al qual proposito non si può non sottolineare la grande prova di quell'eclettico artista di Rain, che saltella in giro con la stessa disinvoltura con cui fa le smorfie.
Una regia senza freni ci regala poi altre perle in qua e in là, non ultimi dei grandi inseguimenti automobilistici ed una serie di ritratti di Kosugi visto di fronte/di lato/da sopra/da sotto.
Il film ha comunque i suoi meriti istruttivi: ad esempio scopriamo - ma già lo sospettavamo - che Shô Kosugi è in grado di eseguire complessi interventi chirurgici in laparoscopia a mani nude, e che il corpo umano contiene 300 litri di sangue, ad una pressione di 80 atmosfere.
Voto: meno del numero di punte di uno shuriken.
Trashometro® 6/10:
Tags: ninja, azione, thriller, clan, Rain, Shô Kosugi, fratelli Wachowski, europol, inseguimento, auto, ferita, omicidio, ombra, buio, shuriken, arti marziali, mulinar di braccine, vendetta, punizione, severo ma giusto, tatuaggio, ecatombe, arresto, oro, trash.
Nome di battesimo: Wachowski, Andrew Paul
Data di nascita: 29 December 1967
Altezza: 6' 3¼" (1.91 m)
Coniuge: Alisa Blasingame::(1991 - present)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: He and his brother have written a screenplay called "Carnivore". The script was one of the scripts on Empire magazine's "Twelve Greatest Unproduced Scripts In Hollywood" list. (As of October 2003 it is still unproduced.)
Salario massimo: $4,000,000 + gross points, per The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Ji-Hoon, Jeong
Data di nascita: 25 June 1982
Altezza: 6' 0½" (1.84 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Rain was born in Seoul, South Korea, on June 25, 1982 with the birth name Jung Jihoon. He was extremely shy in elementary school, stating in interviews that he barely spoke a word. He caught the desire to become a dancer when, at a school talent show in sixth grade, no one from his school stepped forward to dance so he gave it a try, imitating the moves he saw on TV. The applause was extremely gratifying and he decided on the spot to become a professional dancer. In order to learn, he sought out older street dancers, who sometimes helped him, sometimes bullied and beat him up. Rain and his younger sister, Hana, enjoyed a comfortable life until the Korean recession of 1997, when his father's mill and bakery businesses failed. Bankrupt, his father left for Brazil to pursue economic opportunities, leaving Rain's mother to try to support the family as a food vendor. Rain's mother was ailing from diabetes due to lack of money for medical care and insulin. Rain got a start in the entertainment business briefly as part of a six-member boy-band called Fanclub. Revealing abuses in the Korean entertainment industry, Rain described the Fanclub members as "caged animals" locked in the rehearsal room for up to ten hours without food. After Fanclub released only two CDs, the company promoting the band failed and Rain was back to square one. During his junior year of high school Rain lived with some of his dance group members, subsisting mostly on cups of ramen noodles. He auditioned eighteen times for entertainment companies but was told that, although he was talented, he was too ugly to become a star. He was told that he should have plastic surgery to create "double eyelids", a common Korean practice to obtain more western-looking eyes. Finally in 2000, he was accepted by JYP Entertainment as a trainee. CEO Park Jin Young, who put Rain through a grueling 3-4 hour audition, described Rain as "desperate" and "like a tiger who was about to starve to death" (2008 Discovery Channel documentary "Hip Korea"). JYP stipulated that Rain had to attend college so, after studying "ferociously," Rain got accepted to Kyunghee University and became a music major. Rain spent three years as a trainee and back-up dancer for JYP, who has stated that he was particularly critical of Rain in order to push him to be the best and keep him from "getting a swelled head." During Rain's time as a trainee, his family was living in poverty and his mother was becoming increasingly ill due to lack of money for medicine. Rain drove himself hard in order to prove himself ready to make his debut, but did not achieve success in time to save her life. She died from complications of diabetes a year before his debut. This event had a huge impact on Rain. He has said in interviews that he regrets having had conflict with her over skipping school to go to dance practice, and that he believes she is in heaven where she can see him. He says that a major motivation in his life is to make her proud and he still visits her grave before embarking on each new project. Another motivator Rain has mentioned is remembering what it was like to be hungry. He is a self-professed workaholic and after acting alongside him in Speed Racer, John Goodman called him "the hardest working man in show business."
Trivia random: His favorite artists are Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: James McTeigue
Scrittore: Matthew Sand, J. Michael Straczynski
Genere: Action, Drama, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 6.9/10 (3201 voti)
Durata: 99 min
Paese: USA, Germany
Lingua: English
Trained since childhood to be a lethal killer, Raizo has since turned his back on the Ozunu clan that raised him and now seeks revenge for their heartless murders. Teaming up with Europol investigator Mika, Raizo steadily butchers his enemies while inching ever closer to the long-awaited bloody reunion with his former master.
Trivia random: Producers Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski hired J. Michael Straczynski to completely rewrite the script six weeks before filming started, as they weren't satisfied with Matthew Sand's original work. Straczynski finished the rewrite in 53 hours.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Kosugi, Shôichi
Data di nascita: 17 June 1948
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Easily the best known actor/martial artist during the 1980s ninja cinema craze, Kosugi was a proficient martial artist & skilled weapons performer which was highlighted in his several starring roles. Kosugi grew up as the youngest child and only son of a Tokyo fisherman, and began his martial arts training at the age of five studying karate at a local dojo. Sho expanded upon his martial arts studies, also learning judo & kendo, and by his 18th birthday he had achieved the status of All Japan Karate Champion. Intent on entering the world of international finance, Sho left Japan at only 19 years old to study and reside in Los Angeles, USA where he achieved a Bachelor's Degree in Economics, yet he also remained focused on constantly improving his martial arts skills. Throughout the early 1970s, Sho competed in hundred's of martial arts tournaments & demonstrations including winning the L.A. Open in 1972, 1973 & 1974. In addition, he also met a young Chinese woman named Shook, who was eventually to become his wife and mother of his children, plus Sho had his first foray into the cinema with part's in a minor Taiwanese film titled "The Killers", and then in a Korean production, shot in Los Angeles known as "The Stranger From Korea". Sho's big break came in 1981 when karate legend Mike Stone pitched a screenplay under the title of "Dance of Death" to Cannon Films. Cannon was at the time, a lackluster production house that had two years prior been purchased by film producer cousins Menahem Golan & Yoram Globus. The innovative cousins quickly turned Cannon into a profitable key player in the independently produced film market by latching onto topics popular to the youth market, having rapid shooting schedules, relatively unknown casts and tight budgets. Menehem Golan once remarked that he believed it was impossible to lose money on a film shot for the US market with a budget of under $5 million!! Cannon Films backed Stone's screenplay and the title was changed to _Enter The Ninja (1981)_ starring Franco Nero, Christopher George & Susan George with filming completed in the Phillipines in early 1981. Sho's role was as the evil black ninja "Hasegawa", and his icy screen presence and martial arts skills grabbed the attention of martial arts film fans, and ignited the huge fascination with ninjitsu that engulfed martial arts for the next decade. With the financial success of their first "ninja" film, Cannon readily backed a further ninja movie, only this time Sho was elevated to being the star of the film and had become a good guy!! Revenge of the Ninja (1983) was shot in Salt Lake City, Utah in late 1982 and featured Sho as a ninja master forced to flee from Japan to America with his only surviving son, after the rest of his family are butchered by opposing ninjas's. Launching into an art importing business with an American business partner, Sho finds out too late that his partner is also a ninja, importing drugs hidden in Sho's Japanese dolls. The second film outstripped the first on box office takings, and Sho Kosugi was now the hottest star in martial arts cinema! Based on those booming ticket sales, Cannon were once again happy to back another ninja movie, and in late 1983 shooting commenced in Phoenix, Arizona on Ninja III: The Domination (1984). The plot line however, was a rather strange affair, with the spirit of dead ninja possessing the body of dance instructor Christie (played by Solid Gold dancer Lucinda Dickey)......it was a misguided attempt by Cannon to combine ninjutsu with the 80s break dancing craze and horror movies about possession. None the less, fans didn't seem to mind, and the third installment in Cannon's ninja trilogy did reasonable business at the box office. Kosugi then starred in the short lived action TV series _"The Master" (1984)_ alongside legendary screen bad guy 'Lee van Cleef', before going onto star in several more ninja films, including taking on Mafia thugs in the bloody Pray for Death (1985), stopping terrorists as a ninja commando in Nine Deaths of the Ninja (1985) and as a ninja secret agent taking on "the Muscles from Brussels" Jean-Claude Van Damme in the military adventure Black Eagle (1988). However, by 1990 the US movie going public had grown tired of a decade of black clad ninja's hurling shuriken's and swords at each other, and Sho Kosugi left Hollywood to venture back to Japan where he became involved in numerous TV productions again centered around martial arts. In 1992, Kosugi starred in his biggest budgeted movie to date, a samurai epic titled _Journey of Honor (1992)_ also featuring screen legends Toshirô Mifune and Christopher Lee. Since then, Kosugi has remained very active in Japanese TV, was involved in contributing martial arts choreography for the highly popular Sony Playstation game "Tenchu; Stealth Assassins", plus he returned to Hollywood in the late 1990s to set up the Sho Kosugi Institute to assist Asian actors wishing to break into the mainstream US film market. Undeniably, many of the ninja films featuring Sho Kosugi were marred by low budgets & cheap production....however his superb martial arts skills and captivating on screen presence have assured him a unique place in the history of martial arts cinema, and his name has become synonymous with the art of ninjitsu.
Trivia random: Performed the motion capturing for the Rikimaru character in the PlayStation game, "Tenchu: Stealth Assassins, " (1998) which was released in the U.S. and Japan.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Grew up in Sydney, Australia.
Citazione random: "I don't think anyone wants to go to the cinema and get preached at. You have to evolve the ideas, some of them political, some of them personal, into a film. Then the film becomes like a Trojan Horse. You push it into the village as one thing and it comes out another thing. Hopefully it is something people think about afterward, have discussions about, even vehemently disagree on. I like the idea you can have the entertainment and the political idea in there."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Straczynski, Joseph Michael
Data di nascita: 17 July 1954
Altezza: 6' 3½" (1.92 m)
Coniuge: Kathryn M. Drennan::(? - ?) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Although he attended his 20-year high school reunion, he only found one former classmate who "sort of" remembered him.
Citazione random: To me science fiction is about the sense of mystery, the sense of awe. Not 'shock and awe', just 'awe'.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Wachowski, Laurence
Data di nascita: 21 June 1965
Coniuge: Thea Bloom::(30 October 1993 - December 2002) (filed for divorce)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Attended Whitney M. Young Magnet High School along with his brother Andy Wachowski in Chicago, Illinois.
Salario massimo: $4,000,000 + gross points, per The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Poootentissimo ninja di un millenario clan, fugge dopo aver fatto particolarmente poco per impedire la morte della pseudo-amata.
Nella sua strada per la vendetta, si ritroverà senza alcuna spiegazione plausibile a difendere una tizia dell'europol (ebbene sì) da ondate su ondate di fessi in calzamaglia che si fanno impallinare uno ad uno come tordi. Però sono letalissimi quando non serve, tipo contro tutte le comparse.
Si giunge infine allo scontro finale con Il Maestro® - uno Shô Kosugi più severo-ma-giusto del solito, coi suoi metodi didattici da Signorina Rottenmeier.
Il non avere una logica non sarebbe neanche un problema, se i combattimenti fossero fatti bene.
Purtroppo dare in mano la telecamera ad un malato di parkinson ubriaco, non si è rivelata una grande idea: movimenti convulsi e privi senso, messi lì - si suppone - per coprire l'inettitudine degli attori. Al qual proposito non si può non sottolineare la grande prova di quell'eclettico artista di Rain, che saltella in giro con la stessa disinvoltura con cui fa le smorfie.
Una regia senza freni ci regala poi altre perle in qua e in là, non ultimi dei grandi inseguimenti automobilistici ed una serie di ritratti di Kosugi visto di fronte/di lato/da sopra/da sotto.
Il film ha comunque i suoi meriti istruttivi: ad esempio scopriamo - ma già lo sospettavamo - che Shô Kosugi è in grado di eseguire complessi interventi chirurgici in laparoscopia a mani nude, e che il corpo umano contiene 300 litri di sangue, ad una pressione di 80 atmosfere.
Voto: meno del numero di punte di uno shuriken.
Trashometro® 6/10:
Tags: ninja, azione, thriller, clan, Rain, Shô Kosugi, fratelli Wachowski, europol, inseguimento, auto, ferita, omicidio, ombra, buio, shuriken, arti marziali, mulinar di braccine, vendetta, punizione, severo ma giusto, tatuaggio, ecatombe, arresto, oro, trash.
Wachowski, Andy
Nome di battesimo: Wachowski, Andrew Paul
Data di nascita: 29 December 1967
Altezza: 6' 3¼" (1.91 m)
Coniuge: Alisa Blasingame::(1991 - present)
Ultimi lavori:
- Ninja Assassin (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Speed Racer (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Matrix Online (2005) (VG) .... (characters) [scrittore]
- The Matrix: Path of Neo (2005) (VG) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- V for Vendetta (2005) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Enter the Matrix (2003) (VG) .... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers) [scrittore]
- Final Flight of the Osiris (2003) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Kid's Story (2003) .... (story) [scrittore]
- The Animatrix (2003) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Matrix Reloaded (2003) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Trivia random: He and his brother have written a screenplay called "Carnivore". The script was one of the scripts on Empire magazine's "Twelve Greatest Unproduced Scripts In Hollywood" list. (As of October 2003 it is still unproduced.)
Salario massimo: $4,000,000 + gross points, per The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Rain (IV)
Nome di battesimo: Ji-Hoon, Jeong
Data di nascita: 25 June 1982
Altezza: 6' 0½" (1.84 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Ninja Assassin (2009) .... Raizo [attore]
- "East of Eden" (2008) .... [attore]
- Speed Racer (2008) .... Taejo Togokahn [attore]
- Speed Racer: Wonderful World of Racing - The Amazing Racer Family (2008) (V) .... Taejo Togokhan [attore]
- Saibogujiman kwenchana (2006) .... Park Il-sun [attore]
- "Pool ha-woo-seu" (2004) .... Lee Yeong-jae [attore]
- "Sangdooya hakgyo kaja!" (2003) .... Sang-doo Cha [attore]
Rain was born in Seoul, South Korea, on June 25, 1982 with the birth name Jung Jihoon. He was extremely shy in elementary school, stating in interviews that he barely spoke a word. He caught the desire to become a dancer when, at a school talent show in sixth grade, no one from his school stepped forward to dance so he gave it a try, imitating the moves he saw on TV. The applause was extremely gratifying and he decided on the spot to become a professional dancer. In order to learn, he sought out older street dancers, who sometimes helped him, sometimes bullied and beat him up. Rain and his younger sister, Hana, enjoyed a comfortable life until the Korean recession of 1997, when his father's mill and bakery businesses failed. Bankrupt, his father left for Brazil to pursue economic opportunities, leaving Rain's mother to try to support the family as a food vendor. Rain's mother was ailing from diabetes due to lack of money for medical care and insulin. Rain got a start in the entertainment business briefly as part of a six-member boy-band called Fanclub. Revealing abuses in the Korean entertainment industry, Rain described the Fanclub members as "caged animals" locked in the rehearsal room for up to ten hours without food. After Fanclub released only two CDs, the company promoting the band failed and Rain was back to square one. During his junior year of high school Rain lived with some of his dance group members, subsisting mostly on cups of ramen noodles. He auditioned eighteen times for entertainment companies but was told that, although he was talented, he was too ugly to become a star. He was told that he should have plastic surgery to create "double eyelids", a common Korean practice to obtain more western-looking eyes. Finally in 2000, he was accepted by JYP Entertainment as a trainee. CEO Park Jin Young, who put Rain through a grueling 3-4 hour audition, described Rain as "desperate" and "like a tiger who was about to starve to death" (2008 Discovery Channel documentary "Hip Korea"). JYP stipulated that Rain had to attend college so, after studying "ferociously," Rain got accepted to Kyunghee University and became a music major. Rain spent three years as a trainee and back-up dancer for JYP, who has stated that he was particularly critical of Rain in order to push him to be the best and keep him from "getting a swelled head." During Rain's time as a trainee, his family was living in poverty and his mother was becoming increasingly ill due to lack of money for medicine. Rain drove himself hard in order to prove himself ready to make his debut, but did not achieve success in time to save her life. She died from complications of diabetes a year before his debut. This event had a huge impact on Rain. He has said in interviews that he regrets having had conflict with her over skipping school to go to dance practice, and that he believes she is in heaven where she can see him. He says that a major motivation in his life is to make her proud and he still visits her grave before embarking on each new project. Another motivator Rain has mentioned is remembering what it was like to be hungry. He is a self-professed workaholic and after acting alongside him in Speed Racer, John Goodman called him "the hardest working man in show business."
Trivia random: His favorite artists are Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ninja Assassin (2009)
Regista: James McTeigue
Scrittore: Matthew Sand, J. Michael Straczynski
Genere: Action, Drama, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 6.9/10 (3201 voti)
Durata: 99 min
Paese: USA, Germany
Lingua: English
- Sung Kang .... Hollywood
- Randall Duk Kim .... Tattoo Master
- Jonathan Chan-Pensley .... Yakuza Henchman
- Yuki Iwamoto .... Yakuza Couch
- Ill-Young Kim .... Yakuza Mohawk
- Ben Miles .... Maslow
- Naomie Harris .... Mika
- Rain .... Raizo
- Stephen Marcus .... Kingpin
- Linh Dan Pham .... Pretty Ninja
Trained since childhood to be a lethal killer, Raizo has since turned his back on the Ozunu clan that raised him and now seeks revenge for their heartless murders. Teaming up with Europol investigator Mika, Raizo steadily butchers his enemies while inching ever closer to the long-awaited bloody reunion with his former master.
Trivia random: Producers Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski hired J. Michael Straczynski to completely rewrite the script six weeks before filming started, as they weren't satisfied with Matthew Sand's original work. Straczynski finished the rewrite in 53 hours.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Kosugi, Shô
Nome di battesimo: Kosugi, Shôichi
Data di nascita: 17 June 1948
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Ninja Assassin (2009) .... Ozunu [attore]
- The Scorpion King (2002) .... (choreographer: taiko) [misc]
- Tenchu (1998) (VG) .... Rikimaru (voice: Japanese version) [attore]
- Kyokutô koku shakai (1993) .... Larry Matsuda [attore]
- Za kakuto oh (1993) .... [regista]
- Kabuto (1991) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Blind Fury (1989) .... The Assassin (as Sho Kosugi) [attore]
- Aloha Summer (1988) .... Yukinaga Konishi [attore]
- Black Eagle (1988) .... Ken Tani [attore]
- Rage of Honor (1987) .... Shiro Tanaka [attore]
Easily the best known actor/martial artist during the 1980s ninja cinema craze, Kosugi was a proficient martial artist & skilled weapons performer which was highlighted in his several starring roles. Kosugi grew up as the youngest child and only son of a Tokyo fisherman, and began his martial arts training at the age of five studying karate at a local dojo. Sho expanded upon his martial arts studies, also learning judo & kendo, and by his 18th birthday he had achieved the status of All Japan Karate Champion. Intent on entering the world of international finance, Sho left Japan at only 19 years old to study and reside in Los Angeles, USA where he achieved a Bachelor's Degree in Economics, yet he also remained focused on constantly improving his martial arts skills. Throughout the early 1970s, Sho competed in hundred's of martial arts tournaments & demonstrations including winning the L.A. Open in 1972, 1973 & 1974. In addition, he also met a young Chinese woman named Shook, who was eventually to become his wife and mother of his children, plus Sho had his first foray into the cinema with part's in a minor Taiwanese film titled "The Killers", and then in a Korean production, shot in Los Angeles known as "The Stranger From Korea". Sho's big break came in 1981 when karate legend Mike Stone pitched a screenplay under the title of "Dance of Death" to Cannon Films. Cannon was at the time, a lackluster production house that had two years prior been purchased by film producer cousins Menahem Golan & Yoram Globus. The innovative cousins quickly turned Cannon into a profitable key player in the independently produced film market by latching onto topics popular to the youth market, having rapid shooting schedules, relatively unknown casts and tight budgets. Menehem Golan once remarked that he believed it was impossible to lose money on a film shot for the US market with a budget of under $5 million!! Cannon Films backed Stone's screenplay and the title was changed to _Enter The Ninja (1981)_ starring Franco Nero, Christopher George & Susan George with filming completed in the Phillipines in early 1981. Sho's role was as the evil black ninja "Hasegawa", and his icy screen presence and martial arts skills grabbed the attention of martial arts film fans, and ignited the huge fascination with ninjitsu that engulfed martial arts for the next decade. With the financial success of their first "ninja" film, Cannon readily backed a further ninja movie, only this time Sho was elevated to being the star of the film and had become a good guy!! Revenge of the Ninja (1983) was shot in Salt Lake City, Utah in late 1982 and featured Sho as a ninja master forced to flee from Japan to America with his only surviving son, after the rest of his family are butchered by opposing ninjas's. Launching into an art importing business with an American business partner, Sho finds out too late that his partner is also a ninja, importing drugs hidden in Sho's Japanese dolls. The second film outstripped the first on box office takings, and Sho Kosugi was now the hottest star in martial arts cinema! Based on those booming ticket sales, Cannon were once again happy to back another ninja movie, and in late 1983 shooting commenced in Phoenix, Arizona on Ninja III: The Domination (1984). The plot line however, was a rather strange affair, with the spirit of dead ninja possessing the body of dance instructor Christie (played by Solid Gold dancer Lucinda Dickey)......it was a misguided attempt by Cannon to combine ninjutsu with the 80s break dancing craze and horror movies about possession. None the less, fans didn't seem to mind, and the third installment in Cannon's ninja trilogy did reasonable business at the box office. Kosugi then starred in the short lived action TV series _"The Master" (1984)_ alongside legendary screen bad guy 'Lee van Cleef', before going onto star in several more ninja films, including taking on Mafia thugs in the bloody Pray for Death (1985), stopping terrorists as a ninja commando in Nine Deaths of the Ninja (1985) and as a ninja secret agent taking on "the Muscles from Brussels" Jean-Claude Van Damme in the military adventure Black Eagle (1988). However, by 1990 the US movie going public had grown tired of a decade of black clad ninja's hurling shuriken's and swords at each other, and Sho Kosugi left Hollywood to venture back to Japan where he became involved in numerous TV productions again centered around martial arts. In 1992, Kosugi starred in his biggest budgeted movie to date, a samurai epic titled _Journey of Honor (1992)_ also featuring screen legends Toshirô Mifune and Christopher Lee. Since then, Kosugi has remained very active in Japanese TV, was involved in contributing martial arts choreography for the highly popular Sony Playstation game "Tenchu; Stealth Assassins", plus he returned to Hollywood in the late 1990s to set up the Sho Kosugi Institute to assist Asian actors wishing to break into the mainstream US film market. Undeniably, many of the ninja films featuring Sho Kosugi were marred by low budgets & cheap production....however his superb martial arts skills and captivating on screen presence have assured him a unique place in the history of martial arts cinema, and his name has become synonymous with the art of ninjitsu.
Trivia random: Performed the motion capturing for the Rikimaru character in the PlayStation game, "Tenchu: Stealth Assassins, " (1998) which was released in the U.S. and Japan.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
McTeigue, James
Ultimi lavori:
- Ninja Assassin (2009) .... [regista]
- The Invasion (2007) .... (additional director) (uncredited) [regista]
- V for Vendetta (2005) .... [regista]
- Belinda (1988) .... (production assistant) (as James McTiegue) [misc]
- Boundaries of the Heart (1988) .... (production runner) [misc]
Trivia random: Grew up in Sydney, Australia.
Citazione random: "I don't think anyone wants to go to the cinema and get preached at. You have to evolve the ideas, some of them political, some of them personal, into a film. Then the film becomes like a Trojan Horse. You push it into the village as one thing and it comes out another thing. Hopefully it is something people think about afterward, have discussions about, even vehemently disagree on. I like the idea you can have the entertainment and the political idea in there."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Straczynski, J. Michael
Nome di battesimo: Straczynski, Joseph Michael
Data di nascita: 17 July 1954
Altezza: 6' 3½" (1.92 m)
Coniuge: Kathryn M. Drennan::(? - ?) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- They Marched Into Sunlight (2010) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- Ninja Assassin (2009) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Changeling (2008) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - Voices in the Dark (2007) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers: To Live and Die in Starlight (2002) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Murder, She Wrote: A Story to Die For (2000) (TV) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Babylon 5: A Call to Arms (1999) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- "Crusade" (1999) .... (title designer: main titles) (unknown episodes) [misc]
- Babylon 5: In the Beginning (1998) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Babylon 5: The River of Souls (1998) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Trivia random: Although he attended his 20-year high school reunion, he only found one former classmate who "sort of" remembered him.
Citazione random: To me science fiction is about the sense of mystery, the sense of awe. Not 'shock and awe', just 'awe'.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Wachowski, Larry
Nome di battesimo: Wachowski, Laurence
Data di nascita: 21 June 1965
Coniuge: Thea Bloom::(30 October 1993 - December 2002) (filed for divorce)
Ultimi lavori:
- Ninja Assassin (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Speed Racer (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Matrix Online (2005) (VG) .... (characters) [scrittore]
- The Matrix: Path of Neo (2005) (VG) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- V for Vendetta (2005) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Enter the Matrix (2003) (VG) .... (written by) (as The Wachowski Brothers) [scrittore]
- Final Flight of the Osiris (2003) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Kid's Story (2003) .... (story) [scrittore]
- The Animatrix (2003) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Matrix Reloaded (2003) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Trivia random: Attended Whitney M. Young Magnet High School along with his brother Andy Wachowski in Chicago, Illinois.
Salario massimo: $4,000,000 + gross points, per The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
domenica 29 novembre 2009
Dorian Gray
"Che se io saprei che mio figlio mi diventerebbe un orecchione, vivo glielo faccio mangiare il ritratto di Dorian Gray!" (Vito Catozzo)
Al regista di Dorian Gray, invece, andrebbe fatta mangiare tutta la pellicola che ha sprecato per girare questa porcheria.
Ragazzo ricco, giovane ed affascinante (il giusto, se vogliamo, ma lascio il giudizio al pubblico femminile), Dorian Gray è però eccessivamente timido ed ingenuo per la Londra di fine 800. La cattiva influenza di un amico lo spingerà ad un patto col demonio, che ne preserverà l'aspetto esteriore facendo al suo posto invecchiare un ritratto; eternamente giovane e bello, si scopa tutto e tutti quanto e più di Marrazzo, precipitando in una vita del tutto amorale e votata all'edonismo.
Puerile riproposizione del romanzo di Oscar Wilde, qui con tanto di vaghissime venature horror buone giusto per i trailer, questo orrendo filmaccio si scontra con una dura realtà: estrapolare da un capolavoro della letteratura tutti i motti e gli aforismi non è sufficiente, se vuoi raccontare la storia al cinema.
Non paghi di un eccesso di citazionismo, a peggiorare il tutto c'è l'aver scelto alcuni degli attori più cani della storia recente: le smorfie di Ben Barnes non sfigurerebbero in un film di ninjà; ci mette del suo anche uno spaesato Colin Firth. Le donne (interpretate ugualmente male) son tutte dei cessi ed hanno l'aria di chi si lava poco, ma suppongo che ciò aggiunga un bel tocco di realismo all'inglese.
Non che non abbia le sue sfumature trash: alla fin fine puoi passare il film a giocare ad "indovina la prossima citazione" o a fare la Voce Tonante Della Coscienza Altrui®.
Voto: 3. Trashometro® 3/10:
Tags: drammatico, il ritratto di Dorian Gray, Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde, bellezza, giovinezza, fascino, sesso, eccessi, quadro, dipinto, ritratto, omosessualità, bordello, malattia, fidanzata, suicidio, attrice, alta società, Londra, fine 800, villa, eredità, pittore, tratto da un romanzo, satana, patto col demonio, vaccata, trash, overacting.
Data di nascita: 6 September 1960
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Directed brother Nathaniel Parker and sister-in-law Anna Patrick in Othello (1995).
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Barnes, Benjamin Thomas
Data di nascita: 20 August 1981
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Member of the National Youth Music Theatre 1997-2003.
Citazione random: The audition was to play a Los Angeles lifeguard. So I turn up, pasty, skinny, off the plane, black shirt. I walk in, there's like ten guys in there, blonde, tanned, enormous. And I kid you not, one of them had his pant leg rolled up and was going, "Dude, I just don't know how to get the definition in my calves. I can't do it." And I thought, I'm in the wrong place. (The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, May 13, 2008)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Oliver Parker
Scrittore: Toby Finlay, Oscar Wilde
Genere: Drama
Valutazione: 6.8/10 (855 voti)
Durata: 112 min
Paese: UK
Lingua: English
A naïve young man. A lovelorn artist. A corruptible Lord. A deal with the Devil. It all paints a dark picture of a Victorian London and how the rich and infamous party at their peril. Here, the telling of time and its consequence of experience for life's treasures' takes its toll on the body, mind and soul. The haunting and bleak tale of power, greed, vanity and inevitable self-destruction is ever present amongst the deceit, opium dens and sin.
Trivia random: This is the second film starring Rachel Hurd-Wood (Sybil Vane) that involves an eternally youthful male lead. The first was Peter Pan (2003).
Citazione random: [from trailer]<br />Lord Henry Wotton: What are you?<br />Dorian Gray: I am what you made me!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Firth, Colin Andrew
Data di nascita: 10 September 1960
Altezza: 6' 1½" (1.87 m)
Coniuge: Livia Giuggioli::(21 June 1997 - present) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
Born into an academic family - his father is a history lecturer at Winchester University College (formerly King Alfred's College) in Winchester and his mother is a comparative religions lecturer at the Open University - Colin Firth's first acting experience came in infant's school when he played "Jack Frost" in a Christmas pantomime. Three of his four grandparents were Methodist missionaries and he spent his early childhood in Nigeria, returning to England at age five where he entered a comprehensive school in Winchester. He spent two years at the Drama Centre in Chalk Farm where he was "discovered" while playing "Hamlet" during his final term. His first professional role was as "Bennet" in the West End production of "Another Country". From this performance, he was chosen to play the character of "Judd" in the movie of the play. He went on to play a variety of character parts in both film and television. For his portrayal of "Robert Lawrence" in the 1989 TV production Tumbledown (1988) (TV), he received the Royal Television Society Best Actor award and also a BAFTA nomination. He also received a BAFTA nomination for "Mr. Darcy" in the 1995 TV version of "Pride and Prejudice" (1995).
Trivia random: Has one child with actress Meg Tilly, William Joseph Firth (born September 20, 1990) and 2 sons with Livia Giuggioli named Luca Firth (born March 29, 2001, in Rome) and Mateo Firth (born in August 2003).
Citazione random: Your face is supposed to move if you're going to act. Why on earth would you take a violin and make the strings so that they don't vibrate? Injecting something in to your face so it's paralysed, or cutting bits of it up so that you take any signs of life out of it is catastrophic if you're going to express yourself in any way at all.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Al regista di Dorian Gray, invece, andrebbe fatta mangiare tutta la pellicola che ha sprecato per girare questa porcheria.
Ragazzo ricco, giovane ed affascinante (il giusto, se vogliamo, ma lascio il giudizio al pubblico femminile), Dorian Gray è però eccessivamente timido ed ingenuo per la Londra di fine 800. La cattiva influenza di un amico lo spingerà ad un patto col demonio, che ne preserverà l'aspetto esteriore facendo al suo posto invecchiare un ritratto; eternamente giovane e bello, si scopa tutto e tutti quanto e più di Marrazzo, precipitando in una vita del tutto amorale e votata all'edonismo.
Puerile riproposizione del romanzo di Oscar Wilde, qui con tanto di vaghissime venature horror buone giusto per i trailer, questo orrendo filmaccio si scontra con una dura realtà: estrapolare da un capolavoro della letteratura tutti i motti e gli aforismi non è sufficiente, se vuoi raccontare la storia al cinema.
Non paghi di un eccesso di citazionismo, a peggiorare il tutto c'è l'aver scelto alcuni degli attori più cani della storia recente: le smorfie di Ben Barnes non sfigurerebbero in un film di ninjà; ci mette del suo anche uno spaesato Colin Firth. Le donne (interpretate ugualmente male) son tutte dei cessi ed hanno l'aria di chi si lava poco, ma suppongo che ciò aggiunga un bel tocco di realismo all'inglese.
Non che non abbia le sue sfumature trash: alla fin fine puoi passare il film a giocare ad "indovina la prossima citazione" o a fare la Voce Tonante Della Coscienza Altrui®.
Voto: 3. Trashometro® 3/10:
Tags: drammatico, il ritratto di Dorian Gray, Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde, bellezza, giovinezza, fascino, sesso, eccessi, quadro, dipinto, ritratto, omosessualità, bordello, malattia, fidanzata, suicidio, attrice, alta società, Londra, fine 800, villa, eredità, pittore, tratto da un romanzo, satana, patto col demonio, vaccata, trash, overacting.
Parker, Oliver (I)
Data di nascita: 6 September 1960
Ultimi lavori:
- Dorian Gray (2009) .... [regista]
- St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- I Really Hate My Job (2007) .... [regista]
- St. Trinian's (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Fade to Black (2006/I) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- The Private Life of Samuel Pepys (2003) (TV) .... [regista]
- The Importance of Being Earnest (2002) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Zoe (2001/I) .... Julian [attore]
- An Ideal Husband (1999) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Othello (1995) .... (adaptation) [scrittore]
Trivia random: Directed brother Nathaniel Parker and sister-in-law Anna Patrick in Othello (1995).
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Barnes, Ben (I)
Nome di battesimo: Barnes, Benjamin Thomas
Data di nascita: 20 August 1981
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- I Was Bono's Doppelgänger (2010) .... Neil McCormick [attore]
- Locked In (2010) .... Josh [attore]
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010) .... King Caspian [attore]
- Dorian Gray (2009) .... Dorian Gray [attore]
- Bigga Than Ben (2008) .... Cobakka [attore]
- Easy Virtue (2008) .... John Whittaker [attore]
- The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) (VG) .... Prince Caspian (voice) [attore]
- Stardust (2007) .... Young Dunstan [attore]
- Split Decision (2006) (TV) .... Chris Wilbur [attore]
Trivia random: Member of the National Youth Music Theatre 1997-2003.
Citazione random: The audition was to play a Los Angeles lifeguard. So I turn up, pasty, skinny, off the plane, black shirt. I walk in, there's like ten guys in there, blonde, tanned, enormous. And I kid you not, one of them had his pant leg rolled up and was going, "Dude, I just don't know how to get the definition in my calves. I can't do it." And I thought, I'm in the wrong place. (The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, May 13, 2008)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Dorian Gray (2009)
Regista: Oliver Parker
Scrittore: Toby Finlay, Oscar Wilde
Genere: Drama
Valutazione: 6.8/10 (855 voti)
Durata: 112 min
Paese: UK
Lingua: English
- Colin Firth .... Lord Henry Wotton
- Ben Barnes .... Dorian Gray
- Rebecca Hall .... Emily Wotton
- Emilia Fox .... Lady Victoria Wotton
- Rachel Hurd-Wood .... Sybil Vane
- Ben Chaplin .... Basil Hallward
- Douglas Henshall .... Alan Campbell
- Caroline Goodall .... Lady Radly
- Fiona Shaw .... Agatha
- Maryam d'Abo .... Gladys
A naïve young man. A lovelorn artist. A corruptible Lord. A deal with the Devil. It all paints a dark picture of a Victorian London and how the rich and infamous party at their peril. Here, the telling of time and its consequence of experience for life's treasures' takes its toll on the body, mind and soul. The haunting and bleak tale of power, greed, vanity and inevitable self-destruction is ever present amongst the deceit, opium dens and sin.
Trivia random: This is the second film starring Rachel Hurd-Wood (Sybil Vane) that involves an eternally youthful male lead. The first was Peter Pan (2003).
Citazione random: [from trailer]<br />Lord Henry Wotton: What are you?<br />Dorian Gray: I am what you made me!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Firth, Colin
Nome di battesimo: Firth, Colin Andrew
Data di nascita: 10 September 1960
Altezza: 6' 1½" (1.87 m)
Coniuge: Livia Giuggioli::(21 June 1997 - present) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- The King's Speech (2010) .... King George VI [attore]
- A Christmas Carol (2009) .... Fred [attore]
- A Single Man (2009) .... George [attore]
- Dorian Gray (2009) .... Lord Henry Wotton [attore]
- Main Street (2009) .... Gus Leroy [attore]
- St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold (2009) .... Geoffrey Thwaites [attore]
- The Meat Trade (2009) .... Tom Phillips [attore]
- Easy Virtue (2008) .... Mr. Whittaker [attore]
- Genova (2008) .... Joe [attore]
- Mamma Mia! (2008) .... Harry [attore]
Born into an academic family - his father is a history lecturer at Winchester University College (formerly King Alfred's College) in Winchester and his mother is a comparative religions lecturer at the Open University - Colin Firth's first acting experience came in infant's school when he played "Jack Frost" in a Christmas pantomime. Three of his four grandparents were Methodist missionaries and he spent his early childhood in Nigeria, returning to England at age five where he entered a comprehensive school in Winchester. He spent two years at the Drama Centre in Chalk Farm where he was "discovered" while playing "Hamlet" during his final term. His first professional role was as "Bennet" in the West End production of "Another Country". From this performance, he was chosen to play the character of "Judd" in the movie of the play. He went on to play a variety of character parts in both film and television. For his portrayal of "Robert Lawrence" in the 1989 TV production Tumbledown (1988) (TV), he received the Royal Television Society Best Actor award and also a BAFTA nomination. He also received a BAFTA nomination for "Mr. Darcy" in the 1995 TV version of "Pride and Prejudice" (1995).
Trivia random: Has one child with actress Meg Tilly, William Joseph Firth (born September 20, 1990) and 2 sons with Livia Giuggioli named Luca Firth (born March 29, 2001, in Rome) and Mateo Firth (born in August 2003).
Citazione random: Your face is supposed to move if you're going to act. Why on earth would you take a violin and make the strings so that they don't vibrate? Injecting something in to your face so it's paralysed, or cutting bits of it up so that you take any signs of life out of it is catastrophic if you're going to express yourself in any way at all.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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