"Che se io saprei che mio figlio mi diventerebbe un orecchione, vivo glielo faccio mangiare il ritratto di Dorian Gray!" (Vito Catozzo)
Al regista di Dorian Gray, invece, andrebbe fatta mangiare tutta la pellicola che ha sprecato per girare questa porcheria.
Ragazzo ricco, giovane ed affascinante (il giusto, se vogliamo, ma lascio il giudizio al pubblico femminile), Dorian Gray è però eccessivamente timido ed ingenuo per la Londra di fine 800. La cattiva influenza di un amico lo spingerà ad un patto col demonio, che ne preserverà l'aspetto esteriore facendo al suo posto invecchiare un ritratto; eternamente giovane e bello, si scopa tutto e tutti quanto e più di Marrazzo, precipitando in una vita del tutto amorale e votata all'edonismo.
Puerile riproposizione del romanzo di Oscar Wilde, qui con tanto di vaghissime venature horror buone giusto per i trailer, questo orrendo filmaccio si scontra con una dura realtà: estrapolare da un capolavoro della letteratura tutti i motti e gli aforismi non è sufficiente, se vuoi raccontare la storia al cinema.
Non paghi di un eccesso di citazionismo, a peggiorare il tutto c'è l'aver scelto alcuni degli attori più cani della storia recente: le smorfie di Ben Barnes non sfigurerebbero in un film di ninjà; ci mette del suo anche uno spaesato Colin Firth. Le donne (interpretate ugualmente male) son tutte dei cessi ed hanno l'aria di chi si lava poco, ma suppongo che ciò aggiunga un bel tocco di realismo all'inglese.
Non che non abbia le sue sfumature trash: alla fin fine puoi passare il film a giocare ad "indovina la prossima citazione" o a fare la Voce Tonante Della Coscienza Altrui®.
Voto: 3. Trashometro® 3/10:
Tags: drammatico, il ritratto di Dorian Gray, Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde, bellezza, giovinezza, fascino, sesso, eccessi, quadro, dipinto, ritratto, omosessualità, bordello, malattia, fidanzata, suicidio, attrice, alta società, Londra, fine 800, villa, eredità, pittore, tratto da un romanzo, satana, patto col demonio, vaccata, trash, overacting.
domenica 29 novembre 2009
martedì 17 novembre 2009
street fighter: the legend of Chun-Li
Non che non sia davvero molto bello, ma Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li va visto prendendo le dovute precauzioni. Certi busoni ad esempio hanno avuto la fortuna di vederlo in aereo provvisti di anziani ciabattati su cui distogliere lo sguardo quando più faceva male...
Non essendomi munito per tempo né di nonnini né di ciabatte, devo ammettere di aver sofferto molto. Ma ne valeva la pena.
Abbiamo la piccola Chun-Li (una Kristin Kreuk qualunque che qui dimostra 15 anni in più dei suoi 26) a cui come da contratto viene rapito il babbo. Inizia dunque la sua strada di vendemmia-tremendissima-vendemmia, fatta di grandi maestri, piccoli avversari e pessima recitazione.
Vorrei poter dire che c'è più trama di così, ma la verità è che ce n'è molta meno: scopriamo però che il tanto temuto Bison - nomi nostri, non gli originali giapponesi - è in realtà un piccolo speculatore edilizio ("Appartamenti Shadaloo, dove tutte le riunioni di condominio sono un bagno di sangue!"), tutto intento a comprare postacci con non si sa bene quali prospettive di guadagno. Comunque sia, questo tizio è talmente malvagio da assoldare un premio Oscar (Balrog) per i lavori di bassa manovalanza tipo spaccare la testa alla gente e niente meno che Taboo (Vega) per... per... saltellare per due minuti senza costrutto con una maschera addosso, e scoprire che quando se la toglie è molto peggio per tutti.
Riprovevoli i dialoghi, di una banalità sconcertante e scandaloso l'overacting di tutti. Del regista mi sento solo di dire che ha diretto pure Doom.
Del videogioco si vede poco e niente, e quando lo si vede suscita lacrime: lo Spinning Bird Kick mi ha causato un prolasso.
In tutta onestà è infinitamente peggio pure dello Street Fighter del 1994 con Jean-Claude Van Damme, che almeno aveva il vezzo di non prendersi sul serio (e poi a fare Chun-Li c'era Ming-Na Wen, che era tutta un'altra cosa).
Insomma: l'ennesimo trash meritevole della serie "film tratti da videogiochi".
Voto: 1
Trashometro® 7/10:
Tags: Street Fighter, Chun-Li, tratto da un videogioco, videogioco, padre, rapiemento, combattimento, morte, addestramento, film insultante, flop, Thailand, lesbismo, spinning bird kick, maschera, assassino, gente cattiva, maestro, discoteca, fuga, inseguimento, aiuto, interpol, trash.
Nome di battesimo: Duncan, Michael Clarke
Data di nascita: 10 December 1957
Altezza: 6' 5" (1.96 m)
Raised by his single mother on Chicago's South Side, Michael grew up resisting drugs and alcohol, instead concentrating on school. He wanted to play football in high school, but his mother wouldn't let him, fearing he would get hurt. He then turned to acting, dreaming of becoming a famous actor. After graduating from high school and attending community college, he worked digging ditches at Peoples Gas Company in Chicago. When he quit his job and headed to Hollywood, he landed small roles while working as a bodyguard. Michael's role in the movie Armageddon (1998/I) led to his breakthrough performance in The Green Mile (1999), when his Armageddon co-star Bruce Willis called director Frank Darabont, suggesting Michael for the part of convict John Coffey. He landed the role, receiving critical acclaim for his performance.
Trivia random: Did bodyguard work for Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx, LL Cool J, and The Notorious B.I.G.; he let a friend take over for him the night Notorious B.I.G. got shot, which prompted him to quit that line of work.
Citazione random: My sister [Judith] used to say I had a frail chest and she'd beat me up all the time.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Van Varenberg, Jean-Claude Camille François
Data di nascita: 18 October 1960
Altezza: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Coniuge: Gladys Portugues::(25 June 1999 - present), Darcy LaPier::(3 February 1994 - November 1997) (divorced) 1 child, Gladys Portugues::(3 January 1987 - 1992) (divorced) 2 children, Cynthia Derderian::(24 August 1985 - 1986) (divorced), Maria Rodriguez::(25 August 1980 - 1984) (divorced)
Born on Oct 18 1960, Jean-Claude Van Damme is the son of Eugene Van Varenberg and Eliana Van Varenberg. "The Muscles from Brussels" originally known as Jean-Claude Van Varenberg, started martial arts at the age of 11. His father Eugene Van Varenberg introduced him to martial arts when he saw his son was physically weak. Jean-Claude started with Shotokan Karate and later studied Kickboxing, Taekwon-Do, and Muay Thai. He won the European professional karate association's middleweight championship as a teenager, and also beat the 2nd best karate fighter in the world. His goal was to be number one but got sidetracked when he left his hometown of Brussels. He came to Hong Kong at the age of 19 for the first time and felt insured to do action movies in Hong Kong. So in 1981 Van Damme left Hong Kong and moved to Los Angeles, where he was trying for 5 years. He took English classes while working as carpet layer, pizza delivery man, limo driver, and thanks to Chuck Norris he got a job as a bouncer at a club. Norris gave Van Damme a small role in the movie Missing in Action (1984), but it wasn't good enough to get anybody's attention. Then in 1984 he got a role as a villain named Ivan in the low-budget movie No Retreat, No Surrender (1986). Then one day, while walking on the streets, Jean-Claude spotted a producer for Cannon Pictures, and showed some of his martial arts abilities which led to a role in Bloodsport (1988). But the movie, filmed in Hong Kong, was so bad when it was completed, it was shelved for almost two years. It might have never been released if Van Damme did not help them to recut the film and begged producers to release it. They finally released the film, first in Malaysia and France and then into the U.S. Shot on a meager 1.5 million dollar budget, it became a U.S box-office hit in the spring of 1988. It made about 30 million worldwide and audiences supported this film for its new sensational action star Jean-Claude Van Damme. His martial arts assets, highlighted by his ability to deliver a kick to an opponent's head during a leaping 360-degree turn, and his good looks led to starring roles in higher budgeted movies like Cyborg (1989), Lionheart (1990), Double Impact (1991) and Universal Soldier (1992). In 1994, he scored with his big breakthrough $100 million worldwide hit Timecop (1994). But in the meantime, his personal life was coming apart. A divorce, followed by a new marriage, followed by another divorce. It began to show up in his career when his projects began to tank at the box office - The Quest (1996), which he directed; Maximum Risk (1996) and Double Team (1997). The three films made less than $50 million combined. In 1999 he remarried his ex-wife Gladys Portugues and restarted his lost career to attain new goals. With help from his family he faced his problems and made movies like Replicant (2001), Derailed (2002), and In Hell (2003) which did averagely in box office terms, but he tried to give his fans the best, his acting in those movies got better, more emotional and each movie was basically in different action tones.
Trivia random: Brother of Veronique Van Varenberg.
Citazione random: I liked the movement, technique and philosophy and I was training to be the best. Karate's a very boring sport, but when you know the technique you can go further and further. You need at least six or seven years to understand the philosophy and concentration of karate to know to clean your spirit of everything and dedicate your mind and body to the sport. I also use it for concentration before acting scenes.
Salario massimo: $6,200,000, per Street Fighter (1994)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 1950
Coniuge: Diane Venora::(1980 - 1989) (divorced) 1 child
Trivia random: Breakthrough film was his work on the gritty urban thriller Prince of the City (1981), his first collaboration with Sidney Lumet. Bartkowiak worked on the director's next 11 films over the next 12 years.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Wen, Ming-Na
Data di nascita: 20 November 1963
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Coniuge: Eric Michael Zee::(16 June 1995 - present) 2 children, Kirk Aanes::(19 May 1990 - 1993) (divorced)
Ming-Na (translated her name means "enlightenment") was born on the island of Macau, a Portuguese territory located 40 miles from Hong Kong that was returned to China in 1999. Her mother Lin Chan Wen divorced her father when Ming-Na was only a toddler. She has an older brother named Jonathan. After the divorce, they moved to Hong Kong where her mother became a nurse. There her mother met Soo Lim Yee, a Chinese-American businessman. They soon married and at age 4, Ming-Na moved with her family to Queens, New York. Five years later, they transferred to Yee's hometown of Pittsburgh where his family runs the Chinatown Inn restaurant. Jonathan and half-brother, Leong, now manage this restaurant. Struggling to fit in at school, she changed her name to Maggie & Doris. She found a love for acting while appearing in a third grade Easter play, where she played a "klutzy" bunny. Her mother was not excited about her desire to pursue acting, She preferred that she go into medicine. Nonetheless, Ming-Na graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a degree in theater. She got her first acting job in 1988 on the soap "As the World Turns" (1956). Her big break came when she was cast in The Joy Luck Club (1993). When she needed a ride to the premiere of the film, her acting instructor sent one of his students, Eric Michael Zee. The two started dating in 1994 after Ming-Na moved permanently to LA and married in 1995. Ming-Na dropped her last name, Wen, at that time. She says she is now like Ann-Margret. Zee is a screenwriter and, with Ming-Na, manages At Last, an Asian boy band.
Trivia random: Is a Star Wars fan
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Kreuk, Kristin Laura
Data di nascita: 30 December 1982
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Born and raised in Vancouver B.C., Kristin never thought she'd be going big time. She acted in several school plays but mostly focused on her schoolwork. Fate came calling her senior year of high school when the casting director of a new TV series, "Edgemont" (2000), sent a fax to her school. They wanted an exotic looking girl to play the part of Laurel. It was her first professional audition and she landed the part. Since then, she continues to star in the Canadian series while filming "Smallville" (2001). Lucky for her, both shows are filmed in Vancouver! In 2002, she became the newest spokesperson for Neutrogena and started an advertising campaign with them. Kristin has a tight knit group of friends, and, in her spare time, enjoys spending time with them and reading. Because it rains so much in Vancouver, she and her "Smallville" (2001) co-star Allison Mack often swap books or have a Woody Allen marathon.
Trivia random: Was first to be cast on "Smallville".
Citazione random: "I wanted to be a forensic scientist for a long time... It's like putting the pieces of a puzzle together. Solving mysteries seemed like it would be fun, scary and exciting all at the same time."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Gomez, Jaime Luis
Data di nascita: 14 July 1975
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Coniuge: Jaymie Dizon::(12 July 2008 - present)
Trivia random: Expecting a second child in Summer 2009. [February 6, 2009].
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Steven E. de Souza
Scrittore: Steven E. de Souza
Genere: Action, Adventure, Thriller, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 3.2/10 (23239 voti)
Durata: 102 min
Paese: USA, Japan
Lingua: English, Japanese
Col. William Guile leads an army of soldiers into the country of Shadaloo to find traces to lead him to General M. Bison, who has captured many people including three missing soldiers. Among them is Carlos "Charlie" Blanka, in which Bison decides to turn into a hideous mutant. On the other hand, Chun Li is a reporter who seeks revenge against Bison for the death of her father years ago. Then two small time hustlers Ryu and Ken, are arrested along with Sagat, a powerful arms dealer and Vega for dealing of illegal weapons. Guile recruits them in order to find Bison's base. Now Guile, T. Hawk, Cammy, Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Balrog and E. Honda have three days before Bison murders the hostages and takes over the world.
Trivia random: In the Japanese dubbed version of the film, the characters Balrog (the African-American boxer), Vega (the Spanish cage fighter) and Bison (the leader of Shadaloo) were all addressed by their western names, despite the fact that the three characters are named differently in Japan.
Citazione random: Balrog: [Balrog and Honda are throttling Ken and Ryu with their chains] Well well, if it isn't our little buddies who double-crossed us.<br />[Ken tries to speak]<br />Balrog: What did he say?<br />E. Honda: Hail to M. Bison. These guys are fanatics<br />Ken: [Disgruntled] We're on the same side!<br />Balrog: I think he said he can lead us outside.<br />[Balrog and Honda release them]<br />Ken: What I said was "we're on the same side!"
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Andrzej Bartkowiak
Scrittore: Justin Marks
Genere: Action, Adventure, Thriller, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 3.9/10 (7859 voti)
Durata: 96 min
Paese: Canada, India, USA, Japan
Lingua: English
Based on the popular video game franchise, female fighter Chun Li embarks on a quest for justice.
Trivia random: Robin Shou, who plays Gen, is the only actor in the cast who has previously featured in other movies based on a video game: he played Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat (1995) and its sequel Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997), as well as having a cameo role in DOA: Dead or Alive (2006).
Citazione random: Chun-Li: [fighting with Cantana] Tell me about the White Rose.<br />Cantana: You must be Daddy's little girl.<br />Chun-Li: [Chun-Li breaks Cantana's arm. They fight until Chun-Li has Cantana's other arm trapped, ready to break it] Tell me!<br />Cantana: It's a shipment. Arrives at the end of the month, the last Friday.<br />Chun-Li: Where?<br />Cantana: Central shipyards. Berth 21.<br />Chun-Li: [Cantana's bodyguards are about to break in] I want you to send Bison a message. Tell him the schoolgirl's grown up.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Non essendomi munito per tempo né di nonnini né di ciabatte, devo ammettere di aver sofferto molto. Ma ne valeva la pena.
Abbiamo la piccola Chun-Li (una Kristin Kreuk qualunque che qui dimostra 15 anni in più dei suoi 26) a cui come da contratto viene rapito il babbo. Inizia dunque la sua strada di vendemmia-tremendissima-vendemmia, fatta di grandi maestri, piccoli avversari e pessima recitazione.
Vorrei poter dire che c'è più trama di così, ma la verità è che ce n'è molta meno: scopriamo però che il tanto temuto Bison - nomi nostri, non gli originali giapponesi - è in realtà un piccolo speculatore edilizio ("Appartamenti Shadaloo, dove tutte le riunioni di condominio sono un bagno di sangue!"), tutto intento a comprare postacci con non si sa bene quali prospettive di guadagno. Comunque sia, questo tizio è talmente malvagio da assoldare un premio Oscar (Balrog) per i lavori di bassa manovalanza tipo spaccare la testa alla gente e niente meno che Taboo (Vega) per... per... saltellare per due minuti senza costrutto con una maschera addosso, e scoprire che quando se la toglie è molto peggio per tutti.
Riprovevoli i dialoghi, di una banalità sconcertante e scandaloso l'overacting di tutti. Del regista mi sento solo di dire che ha diretto pure Doom.
Del videogioco si vede poco e niente, e quando lo si vede suscita lacrime: lo Spinning Bird Kick mi ha causato un prolasso.
In tutta onestà è infinitamente peggio pure dello Street Fighter del 1994 con Jean-Claude Van Damme, che almeno aveva il vezzo di non prendersi sul serio (e poi a fare Chun-Li c'era Ming-Na Wen, che era tutta un'altra cosa).
Insomma: l'ennesimo trash meritevole della serie "film tratti da videogiochi".
Voto: 1
Trashometro® 7/10:
Tags: Street Fighter, Chun-Li, tratto da un videogioco, videogioco, padre, rapiemento, combattimento, morte, addestramento, film insultante, flop, Thailand, lesbismo, spinning bird kick, maschera, assassino, gente cattiva, maestro, discoteca, fuga, inseguimento, aiuto, interpol, trash.
Duncan, Michael Clarke
Nome di battesimo: Duncan, Michael Clarke
Data di nascita: 10 December 1957
Altezza: 6' 5" (1.96 m)
Raised by his single mother on Chicago's South Side, Michael grew up resisting drugs and alcohol, instead concentrating on school. He wanted to play football in high school, but his mother wouldn't let him, fearing he would get hurt. He then turned to acting, dreaming of becoming a famous actor. After graduating from high school and attending community college, he worked digging ditches at Peoples Gas Company in Chicago. When he quit his job and headed to Hollywood, he landed small roles while working as a bodyguard. Michael's role in the movie Armageddon (1998/I) led to his breakthrough performance in The Green Mile (1999), when his Armageddon co-star Bruce Willis called director Frank Darabont, suggesting Michael for the part of convict John Coffey. He landed the role, receiving critical acclaim for his performance.
Trivia random: Did bodyguard work for Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, Jamie Foxx, LL Cool J, and The Notorious B.I.G.; he let a friend take over for him the night Notorious B.I.G. got shot, which prompted him to quit that line of work.
Citazione random: My sister [Judith] used to say I had a frail chest and she'd beat me up all the time.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Van Damme, Jean-Claude
Nome di battesimo: Van Varenberg, Jean-Claude Camille François
Data di nascita: 18 October 1960
Altezza: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Coniuge: Gladys Portugues::(25 June 1999 - present), Darcy LaPier::(3 February 1994 - November 1997) (divorced) 1 child, Gladys Portugues::(3 January 1987 - 1992) (divorced) 2 children, Cynthia Derderian::(24 August 1985 - 1986) (divorced), Maria Rodriguez::(25 August 1980 - 1984) (divorced)
Born on Oct 18 1960, Jean-Claude Van Damme is the son of Eugene Van Varenberg and Eliana Van Varenberg. "The Muscles from Brussels" originally known as Jean-Claude Van Varenberg, started martial arts at the age of 11. His father Eugene Van Varenberg introduced him to martial arts when he saw his son was physically weak. Jean-Claude started with Shotokan Karate and later studied Kickboxing, Taekwon-Do, and Muay Thai. He won the European professional karate association's middleweight championship as a teenager, and also beat the 2nd best karate fighter in the world. His goal was to be number one but got sidetracked when he left his hometown of Brussels. He came to Hong Kong at the age of 19 for the first time and felt insured to do action movies in Hong Kong. So in 1981 Van Damme left Hong Kong and moved to Los Angeles, where he was trying for 5 years. He took English classes while working as carpet layer, pizza delivery man, limo driver, and thanks to Chuck Norris he got a job as a bouncer at a club. Norris gave Van Damme a small role in the movie Missing in Action (1984), but it wasn't good enough to get anybody's attention. Then in 1984 he got a role as a villain named Ivan in the low-budget movie No Retreat, No Surrender (1986). Then one day, while walking on the streets, Jean-Claude spotted a producer for Cannon Pictures, and showed some of his martial arts abilities which led to a role in Bloodsport (1988). But the movie, filmed in Hong Kong, was so bad when it was completed, it was shelved for almost two years. It might have never been released if Van Damme did not help them to recut the film and begged producers to release it. They finally released the film, first in Malaysia and France and then into the U.S. Shot on a meager 1.5 million dollar budget, it became a U.S box-office hit in the spring of 1988. It made about 30 million worldwide and audiences supported this film for its new sensational action star Jean-Claude Van Damme. His martial arts assets, highlighted by his ability to deliver a kick to an opponent's head during a leaping 360-degree turn, and his good looks led to starring roles in higher budgeted movies like Cyborg (1989), Lionheart (1990), Double Impact (1991) and Universal Soldier (1992). In 1994, he scored with his big breakthrough $100 million worldwide hit Timecop (1994). But in the meantime, his personal life was coming apart. A divorce, followed by a new marriage, followed by another divorce. It began to show up in his career when his projects began to tank at the box office - The Quest (1996), which he directed; Maximum Risk (1996) and Double Team (1997). The three films made less than $50 million combined. In 1999 he remarried his ex-wife Gladys Portugues and restarted his lost career to attain new goals. With help from his family he faced his problems and made movies like Replicant (2001), Derailed (2002), and In Hell (2003) which did averagely in box office terms, but he tried to give his fans the best, his acting in those movies got better, more emotional and each movie was basically in different action tones.
Trivia random: Brother of Veronique Van Varenberg.
Citazione random: I liked the movement, technique and philosophy and I was training to be the best. Karate's a very boring sport, but when you know the technique you can go further and further. You need at least six or seven years to understand the philosophy and concentration of karate to know to clean your spirit of everything and dedicate your mind and body to the sport. I also use it for concentration before acting scenes.
Salario massimo: $6,200,000, per Street Fighter (1994)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Bartkowiak, Andrzej
Data di nascita: 1950
Coniuge: Diane Venora::(1980 - 1989) (divorced) 1 child
Trivia random: Breakthrough film was his work on the gritty urban thriller Prince of the City (1981), his first collaboration with Sidney Lumet. Bartkowiak worked on the director's next 11 films over the next 12 years.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Wen, Ming-Na
Data di nascita: 20 November 1963
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Coniuge: Eric Michael Zee::(16 June 1995 - present) 2 children, Kirk Aanes::(19 May 1990 - 1993) (divorced)
Ming-Na (translated her name means "enlightenment") was born on the island of Macau, a Portuguese territory located 40 miles from Hong Kong that was returned to China in 1999. Her mother Lin Chan Wen divorced her father when Ming-Na was only a toddler. She has an older brother named Jonathan. After the divorce, they moved to Hong Kong where her mother became a nurse. There her mother met Soo Lim Yee, a Chinese-American businessman. They soon married and at age 4, Ming-Na moved with her family to Queens, New York. Five years later, they transferred to Yee's hometown of Pittsburgh where his family runs the Chinatown Inn restaurant. Jonathan and half-brother, Leong, now manage this restaurant. Struggling to fit in at school, she changed her name to Maggie & Doris. She found a love for acting while appearing in a third grade Easter play, where she played a "klutzy" bunny. Her mother was not excited about her desire to pursue acting, She preferred that she go into medicine. Nonetheless, Ming-Na graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a degree in theater. She got her first acting job in 1988 on the soap "As the World Turns" (1956). Her big break came when she was cast in The Joy Luck Club (1993). When she needed a ride to the premiere of the film, her acting instructor sent one of his students, Eric Michael Zee. The two started dating in 1994 after Ming-Na moved permanently to LA and married in 1995. Ming-Na dropped her last name, Wen, at that time. She says she is now like Ann-Margret. Zee is a screenwriter and, with Ming-Na, manages At Last, an Asian boy band.
Trivia random: Is a Star Wars fan
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Kreuk, Kristin
Nome di battesimo: Kreuk, Kristin Laura
Data di nascita: 30 December 1982
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Born and raised in Vancouver B.C., Kristin never thought she'd be going big time. She acted in several school plays but mostly focused on her schoolwork. Fate came calling her senior year of high school when the casting director of a new TV series, "Edgemont" (2000), sent a fax to her school. They wanted an exotic looking girl to play the part of Laurel. It was her first professional audition and she landed the part. Since then, she continues to star in the Canadian series while filming "Smallville" (2001). Lucky for her, both shows are filmed in Vancouver! In 2002, she became the newest spokesperson for Neutrogena and started an advertising campaign with them. Kristin has a tight knit group of friends, and, in her spare time, enjoys spending time with them and reading. Because it rains so much in Vancouver, she and her "Smallville" (2001) co-star Allison Mack often swap books or have a Woody Allen marathon.
Trivia random: Was first to be cast on "Smallville".
Citazione random: "I wanted to be a forensic scientist for a long time... It's like putting the pieces of a puzzle together. Solving mysteries seemed like it would be fun, scary and exciting all at the same time."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Taboo (II)
Nome di battesimo: Gomez, Jaime Luis
Data di nascita: 14 July 1975
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Coniuge: Jaymie Dizon::(12 July 2008 - present)
Trivia random: Expecting a second child in Summer 2009. [February 6, 2009].
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Street Fighter (1994)
Street fighter - sfida finale
Regista: Steven E. de Souza
Scrittore: Steven E. de Souza
Genere: Action, Adventure, Thriller, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 3.2/10 (23239 voti)
Durata: 102 min
Paese: USA, Japan
Lingua: English, Japanese
- Jean-Claude Van Damme .... Colonel William F. Guile
- Raul Julia .... General M. Bison
- Ming-Na .... Chun-Li Zang (as Ming-Na Wen)
- Damian Chapa .... Ken Masters
- Kylie Minogue .... Lieutenant Cammy
- Simon Callow .... A.N. Official
- Roshan Seth .... Dr. Dhalsim
- Wes Studi .... Victor Sagat
- Byron Mann .... Ryu Hoshi
- Grand L. Bush .... Balrog
Col. William Guile leads an army of soldiers into the country of Shadaloo to find traces to lead him to General M. Bison, who has captured many people including three missing soldiers. Among them is Carlos "Charlie" Blanka, in which Bison decides to turn into a hideous mutant. On the other hand, Chun Li is a reporter who seeks revenge against Bison for the death of her father years ago. Then two small time hustlers Ryu and Ken, are arrested along with Sagat, a powerful arms dealer and Vega for dealing of illegal weapons. Guile recruits them in order to find Bison's base. Now Guile, T. Hawk, Cammy, Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Balrog and E. Honda have three days before Bison murders the hostages and takes over the world.
Trivia random: In the Japanese dubbed version of the film, the characters Balrog (the African-American boxer), Vega (the Spanish cage fighter) and Bison (the leader of Shadaloo) were all addressed by their western names, despite the fact that the three characters are named differently in Japan.
Citazione random: Balrog: [Balrog and Honda are throttling Ken and Ryu with their chains] Well well, if it isn't our little buddies who double-crossed us.<br />[Ken tries to speak]<br />Balrog: What did he say?<br />E. Honda: Hail to M. Bison. These guys are fanatics<br />Ken: [Disgruntled] We're on the same side!<br />Balrog: I think he said he can lead us outside.<br />[Balrog and Honda release them]<br />Ken: What I said was "we're on the same side!"
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (2009)
Regista: Andrzej Bartkowiak
Scrittore: Justin Marks
Genere: Action, Adventure, Thriller, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 3.9/10 (7859 voti)
Durata: 96 min
Paese: Canada, India, USA, Japan
Lingua: English
- Kristin Kreuk .... Chun-Li
- Chris Klein .... Charlie Nash
- Neal McDonough .... Bison / Vega
- Robin Shou .... Gen
- Moon Bloodgood .... Det. Maya Sunee
- Josie Ho .... Cantana
- Taboo .... Vega / Balrog
- Michael Clarke Duncan .... Balrog / Bison
- Pei-pei Cheng .... Zhilan
- Edmund Chen .... Xiang
Based on the popular video game franchise, female fighter Chun Li embarks on a quest for justice.
Trivia random: Robin Shou, who plays Gen, is the only actor in the cast who has previously featured in other movies based on a video game: he played Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat (1995) and its sequel Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997), as well as having a cameo role in DOA: Dead or Alive (2006).
Citazione random: Chun-Li: [fighting with Cantana] Tell me about the White Rose.<br />Cantana: You must be Daddy's little girl.<br />Chun-Li: [Chun-Li breaks Cantana's arm. They fight until Chun-Li has Cantana's other arm trapped, ready to break it] Tell me!<br />Cantana: It's a shipment. Arrives at the end of the month, the last Friday.<br />Chun-Li: Where?<br />Cantana: Central shipyards. Berth 21.<br />Chun-Li: [Cantana's bodyguards are about to break in] I want you to send Bison a message. Tell him the schoolgirl's grown up.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
giovedì 5 novembre 2009
Turkish Rambo
Il bazooka di eta-beta. | Il ritrovo di gente ben vestita. | La giornata tipo dell'eroe turco prevede anche un po' di tortura. |
Si era già capito con Turkish Star Wars (che resta il mio preferito per il suo essere così spregiudicato ) che i turchi della metà degli anni 80 erano dei fini intenditori, quando si parla di grande cinema d'azione: Korkusuz (anche Rampage o Turkish Rambo) ne è una graditissima conferma.
Scritto e diretto da Çetin Inanç, che già aveva firmato il Guerre Stellari Turco e che da quel capolavoro ha avuto la sconsideratezza di portarsi dietro Hüseyin Peyda (meglio noto come Il Mago) nel ruolo del cattivo, questo film è un vero concentrato di azione, facce buffe e dolore fisico per lo spettatore.
Serdar - che onde non ingenerare confusione è anche il nome del presunto attore protagonista - è incarcerato in una confortevole galera turca e non se la passa niente male, allenando i suoi bicipiti e lanciando languidi sguardi agli altri (preoccupatissimi) prigionieri.
Durante il trasporto con altri galeotti si libera, e dopo aver viaggiato un po' senza costrutto e portando morte e distruzione a casa di alcuni poveracci, finisce nelle mani di una banda dedita a non-si-sa-bene-quali loschi traffici. Facciam pure conto fossero Curdi che è sempre una buona scusa per menare qualcuno.
Qui verrà torturato in varie maniere, non l'ultimo l'ossessivo ascolto delle musiche di Rambo perennemente in sottofondo, fintanto un colpo di sole non spinge il cattivo a mandarlo in missione per recuperare un tale che da quanto si capisce era già ben intenzionato a tornare per i fattacci suoi.
Fortunatamente per l'umanità tutta, il nostro eroe è in realtà un militare di una unità di più-o-meno-elite infiltrato al sol scopo di seminare panico ed ilarità tra le fila dei malviventi; riuscirà nel suo intento, e per ricompensa riceverà - davanti ad una bella statua di Atatürk-padre-della-patria - l'ordine di compilare le scartoffie del caso e di tornarsene buonino alla sua base fino a quando i suoi muscoli ed il suo cervello non dovranno di nuovo servire la patria. Peeerò: io ci andavo per la metà!
In mezzo a tanto maschio eroismo c'è pure tempo per una fugace ed insoddisfacente storia d'amore che però finisce male, complice anche il fatto che Serdar è di fatto il Tristo Mietitore: tutto ciò che sfiora, muore e/o esplode nel giro di cinque minuti...
Non crediate però che questo stupendo film sia soffocato da una trama così complessa e ben definita: dall'inizio alla fine non si assiste che a scazzottate, gomitate, fucilate, bazookate, pistolettate ed altre michiate assortite.
Da vero professionista, Serdar non si dimenticherà mai di sottolineare ogni suo gesto - dallo sgominare un esercito con un migliolo all'aprire una scatoletta di tonno - con delle smorfie leggendarie; ed il regista giustamente lo premia con una marea di primissimi piani.
Da non perdere: la trama delirante, la jeep rubata al sol fine di investire alcuni cespugli (anch'essi Curdi, vien da pensare), tutte le scazzottate e - mi preme sottolinearlo - il meraviglioso bazooka magico a ripetizione: Serdar si impossessa di questo bazooka, ne fa un uso smodato e, dio sa come, si ritrova costantemente con in mano nuove munizioni. Davvero: questo tizio caga obici. Anche le traiettorie alquanto paraboliche dei proiettili sono tutte da gustare: purtroppo la gravità non era in sciopero, quel giorno, e la molla usata per lanciarli non era tale da garantire una traiettoria simil-rettilinea neppure sulla distanza di un 50 centimetri.
La scena in cui il nostro eroe viene sepolto fino al collo e lasciato come un fesso sotto una pioggia scrosciante, poi, è da antologia del trash.
Per concludere: ogni vero amante del trash turco dovrebbe vedere questo questo gioiello.
Voto: 1. Dello stesso regista e con gli stessi attori, il Rambo Turco, a questo punto da recuperare ad ogni costo.
Trashometro® 10/10:
Tags: azione, inseguimento, sparatoria, Turco, Turchia, galera, infiltrato, confine, malavitosi, vendetta, morte, omicidio, tortura, sepoltura, collo, fesso, rapimento, riscatto, militare, unità di elite, pistola, sparatoria, bazooka, smorfie, overacting, grande cinema turco, Rambo, Rambo turco, militari, jeep, salto, Curdi, trash turco, trash.
Peyda, Hüseyin
Data di nascita: 27 January 1922
Data di morte: 31 July 1990
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Kebapçilar, Serdar
Ultimi lavori:
- Korkusuz (1986) .... Serdar (as Serdar) [attore]
- Kara simsek (1985) .... (as Serdar) [attore]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Kara simsek (1985)
Regista: Çetin Inanç
Scrittore: Çetin Inanç
Paese: Turkey
Lingua: Turkish
- Serdar Kebapçilar .... (as Serdar)
- Çetin Basaran
- Ece Berkant
- Angela Howell
- Murat Inanç
- Yilmaz Kurt
- Maurizio Martina
- Fuat Okan
- Hüseyin Peyda
- Sümer Tilmaç
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Korkusuz (1986)
Regista: Çetin Inanç
Scrittore: Cagdas Agirdas, Çetin Inanç
Genere: Action
Valutazione: 5.2/10 (49 voti)
Durata: 73 min
Paese: Turkey
Lingua: Turkish
- Andy Dallas .... Sait (voice)
- Peter A. Davis .... Ziya / Commander
- Steve Glaser .... Sergeant / Kid's Father
- Eric W. Sizemore .... Serdar / Osman / Captain Omer
- Jennifer Zahn .... Girl (voice)
- Meagan Benz .... (voice) (as Meagan Rachelle)
- Osman Betin .... Osman
- Sami Hazinses .... Kid's Father
- Serdar Kebapçilar .... Serdar (as Serdar)
- Yilmaz Kurt .... Commander
A Turkish commando must infiltrate and capture a group of terrorists living in the mountains.
Trivia random: The authentic locations and costumes were due to the movie being filmed in a real commando camp in Foça.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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