In molti casi non sono neanche male (anzi), ma capita spesso che viva i film della DreamWorks come intermezzi tra due film della Pixar.
Perché diciamolo: anche se ultimamente non mi ha fatto impazzire, la casa di Luxo ha una cura nella sceneggiatura ed una qualità dei personaggi inarrivabili (ed anche a livello tecnico stabiliscono tutte le volte lo standard).
Kung Fu Panda voleva essere un filmetto leggerino e divertente, fatto anche un po' col malcelato scopo di leccare il sedere a mandorla dei cinesi (e mi risulta gli sia andata parecchio male, in questo senso).
Il risultato, purtroppo, è un filmetto fin troppo leggero.
Po è un panda obeso ed inetto con la fissa del kung-fu; per una serie di sventure verrà scelto come discendente di una grande scuola, e si ritroverà a combattere un nemico fortissimo che vuole vendetta.
Non chiedevo molta più trama, ma un po' più di dettaglio sui personaggi sì: protagonista e maestro a parte, il resto sono davvero figure sullo sfondo, con tutte le loro potenzialità non sfruttate (il maestro tartaruga non avevano davvero idea di come gestirlo, diciamolo).
Le gag sono anche simpatiche (ma siamo alle torte in faccia) e la parte di maturazione del protagonista non è neanche male, benché banale a morte.
Il problema è che la sensazione che ti lascia è che abbiano abbozzato lo scheletro di trama classica di questo genere di film... per poi dimenticarsi di aggiungerci un po' di carne sopra: non c'è nulla di clamorosamente sbagliato, ma solo perché - struttura base a parte - non c'è proprio niente altro.
Niente da dire a livello tecnico, anche se non è certo questo l'apice dell'animazione al computer.
Sarebbe forse il caso che qualcuno tra i distributori italiani leggesse i nomi dei doppiatori originali: a noi invece è toccato Fabio Volo (che ha l'unico pregio di essere leggermente meglio dei calciatori chiamati a fare i doppiatori).
Voto: 5. Carinuccio, almeno per i più piccoli. Ora indovinate quale film sto aspettando con ansia...
Tags: animazione, kung-fu, azione, commedia, famiglia, panda, maestro, allievo, allenamento, combattimento, morte, pegamena, vendetta, sconfitta, ristorante, padre, figlio, volontà, maturazione, pigrizia, cibo, inganno, prigione, fuga, prescelto, DreamWorks.
domenica 28 settembre 2008
sabato 27 settembre 2008
Lo so che Paul Newman è morto di cancro, ma mi piace pensare che se ne sia andato facendo a sportellate con Juan Pablo Montoya durante una 24 Ore di Daytona.
Suppongo non gli sarebbe dispiaciuto.
Nome di battesimo: Newman, Paul Leonard
Data di nascita: 26 January 1925
Altezza: 5' 9½" (1.77 m)
Coniuge: Joanne Woodward::(29 January 1958 - present) 3 children, Jackie Witte::(December 1949 - 28 January 1958) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
Screen legend, superstar, and the man with the most famous blue eyes in movie history, Paul Newman was born in 1925 in Cleveland, Ohio, the son of a successful sporting goods store owner. He acted in grade school and high school plays and after being disharged from the navy in 1946 enrolled at Kenyon College. After graduation he spent a year at the Yale Drama School and then headed to New York, where he attended the famed New York Actors Studio. Classically handsome and with a super abundance of sex appeal, television parts came easily and, after his first Broadway appearance in "Picnic" (1953), he was offered a movie contract by Warner Brothers. His first film, The Silver Chalice (1954) was nearly his last. He considered his performance in this costume epic to be so bad that he took out a full-page ad in a trade paper apologizing for it to anyone who might have seen it. He fared much better in his next effort, Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956), in which he portrayed boxer Rocky Graziano and drew raves from the critics for his briliant performance. He went on to become one of the top box office draws of the 1960s, starring in such superior films as The Hustler (1961), The Prize (1963), Hud (1963), Cool Hand Luke (1967) and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969). He also produced and directed many quality films, including Rachel, Rachel (1968) in which he directed wife Joanne Woodward and which received an Oscar nomination for best picture. Nominated nine times for a best actor Oscar, he finally took one home for his performance as an aging pool shark in The Color of Money (1986). Though well into his 70s as the century drew to a close, Newman still commanded lead roles in films such as Message in a Bottle (1999). He lives with his wife in Westport, Connecticut. A caring and supremely generous man, he is the founder of "Newman's Own" a successful line of food products that has earned in excess of $100 million, every penny of which the philanthropic movie icon has donated to charity. Renowned for his sense of humor, in 1998 he quipped that he was a little embarrassed to see his salad dressing grossing more than his movies.
Trivia random: Became a rear gunner of a TBF Avenger torpedo bomber when his color blindness disqualified him from being a pilot.
Citazione random: Acting isn't really a creative process, it's an interpretative one.
Salario massimo: $5,000,000, per Blaze (1989)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Suppongo non gli sarebbe dispiaciuto.
Newman, Paul (I)
Nome di battesimo: Newman, Paul Leonard
Data di nascita: 26 January 1925
Altezza: 5' 9½" (1.77 m)
Coniuge: Joanne Woodward::(29 January 1958 - present) 3 children, Jackie Witte::(December 1949 - 28 January 1958) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Cars (2006) (VG) .... Doc Hudson (voice) [attore]
- Mater and the Ghostlight (2006) (V) .... Doc Hudson (voice) [attore]
- Empire Falls (2005) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D (2005) .... Dave Scott (voice) [attore]
- Our Town (2003) (TV) .... Stage Manager [attore]
- Road to Perdition (2002) .... John Rooney [attore]
- Where the Money Is (2000) .... Henry Manning [attore]
- Message in a Bottle (1999) .... Dodge Blake [attore]
- Twilight (1998) .... Harry Ross [attore]
- The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) .... Sidney J. Mussburger [attore]
Screen legend, superstar, and the man with the most famous blue eyes in movie history, Paul Newman was born in 1925 in Cleveland, Ohio, the son of a successful sporting goods store owner. He acted in grade school and high school plays and after being disharged from the navy in 1946 enrolled at Kenyon College. After graduation he spent a year at the Yale Drama School and then headed to New York, where he attended the famed New York Actors Studio. Classically handsome and with a super abundance of sex appeal, television parts came easily and, after his first Broadway appearance in "Picnic" (1953), he was offered a movie contract by Warner Brothers. His first film, The Silver Chalice (1954) was nearly his last. He considered his performance in this costume epic to be so bad that he took out a full-page ad in a trade paper apologizing for it to anyone who might have seen it. He fared much better in his next effort, Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956), in which he portrayed boxer Rocky Graziano and drew raves from the critics for his briliant performance. He went on to become one of the top box office draws of the 1960s, starring in such superior films as The Hustler (1961), The Prize (1963), Hud (1963), Cool Hand Luke (1967) and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969). He also produced and directed many quality films, including Rachel, Rachel (1968) in which he directed wife Joanne Woodward and which received an Oscar nomination for best picture. Nominated nine times for a best actor Oscar, he finally took one home for his performance as an aging pool shark in The Color of Money (1986). Though well into his 70s as the century drew to a close, Newman still commanded lead roles in films such as Message in a Bottle (1999). He lives with his wife in Westport, Connecticut. A caring and supremely generous man, he is the founder of "Newman's Own" a successful line of food products that has earned in excess of $100 million, every penny of which the philanthropic movie icon has donated to charity. Renowned for his sense of humor, in 1998 he quipped that he was a little embarrassed to see his salad dressing grossing more than his movies.
Trivia random: Became a rear gunner of a TBF Avenger torpedo bomber when his color blindness disqualified him from being a pilot.
Citazione random: Acting isn't really a creative process, it's an interpretative one.
Salario massimo: $5,000,000, per Blaze (1989)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
giovedì 25 settembre 2008
Burn After Reading
A costo di subire gli strali dei più, lo dico: i fratelli Coen sono radical-chic da paura e terribilmente sopravvalutati.
No scherzo, dai: è ovvio che sono io che non capisco e sono un bruto incolto... ma che vi devo dire? Fargo aveva un passo insostenibile, No Country for Old Men era di certo pregevole (ma quanti erano i meriti del testo originale, della fotografia e di Bardem? E comunque a mio avviso Before the Devil Knows You're Dead ed Eastern Promises sono su un altro pianeta).
Passando alla commedia, O Brother, Where Art Thou? era un piccolo gioiello, lo ammetto, mentre il tanto osannato The Big Lebowski mi ha lasciato perplesso: certo, ottimi personaggi, ma se dovessi adesso - a distanza di mesi dalla visione - fare un sunto della trama, sarei in serio imbarazzo.
Se il grosso dei film finora citati non mi ha esaltato (o mi è al più piaciucchiato), il vero fondo è stato toccato con Burn After Reading.
Una trama risibile (del tutto sconclusionata e priva di verosimiglianza) e dialoghi fiacchi finiscono per affondare tutto il film - comprese le buone prove attoriali, prima fra tutte quella di Brad Pitt deficiente da antologia purtroppo poco e mal sfruttato.
Qualcuno ha parlato di messaggio dirompente e di fine critica sociale; il messaggio che è arrivato a me è: "che culo che abbiamo ad essere così ben visti nei salotti buoni, che possiamo permetterci di campare qualunque vaccata noi si sforni..."
Un analista della CIA viene licenziato in tronco, inizia a scrivere le sue memorie di fuoco sull'agenzia, ma il CD con la bozza del testo - niente che abbia il minimo interesse, comunque - viene smarrito in una palestra dove alcuni cerebrolesi lo trovano e sperano di poterlo utilizzare come strumento di ricatto.
Nel mentre, tutti scopano tutti per scacciare i fantasmi delle rispettive crisi di mezz'età (oh, sì: proprio dirompente e radical-chic), ma in fondo in fondo sono dei bambinoni immaturi. La CIA si limita a pulire lo sporco più evidente.
Intrecci di vicende e corpi privi di senso, poche battute degne di una risatina a denti stretti e molte stupidaggini da "oh cavoli, ho proprio finito le idee, e adesso cosa facciamo capitare?" (il coinvolgimento dei russi, soprattutto).
Come è giusto che sia, tutto finirà in niente.
Poi intendiamoci: tra le numerose coppie di fratelli che tanto male hanno fatto al cinema, sono sicuramente tra i meno peggio, ma da qui ad osannarli ce ne passa.
Voto: 4.5. Cosa abbiamo imparato da Burn After Reading? Davvero niente...
Tags: commedia, crimine, satira, CIA, agenzia, spionaggio, deficienti, palestra, intervento, chirurgia estetica, omicidio, pistola, agente, sicurezza, morte, ricatto, memorie, libro, licenziamento, analista, divorzio, tradimento, sesso, incontro, anima gemella, allenamento, moglie, marito, George Clooney, John Malkovich, fratelli Coen, Brad Pitt, spia, ipod, estorsione, minaccia, pedinamento, delusione, noia.
Nome di battesimo: Pitt, William Bradley
Data di nascita: 18 December 1963
Altezza: 5' 11½" (1.82 m)
Coniuge: Jennifer Aniston::(29 July 2000 - 2 October 2005) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Brad Pitt was born in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane Etta Hillhouse. His father, William (Bill) Pitt, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. He has a younger brother, Douglas (Doug) Pitt and a younger sister Julie Neal Pitt. At Kickapoo High School, Pitt was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. Pitt attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism with a focus on advertising. He occasionally acted in fraternity shows. He left college two credits short of graduating to move to California. Before he became successful at acting, Pitt supported himself by driving strippers in limos, moving refrigerators and dressing as a giant chicken while working for "el Pollo Loco."
Trivia random: Ranked #32 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]
Citazione random: I'm gonna design my own fleet of trailers. No! I'm gonna record an album like Jennifer Lopez. It'll be an acoustic version of KC & The Sunshine Band. Then maybe I'll design a line of clothes like [Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs] but all in synthetic fur.
Salario massimo: $30,000,000 ($10m salary + backend participations), per Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 21 September 1957
Altezza: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
Coniuge: Tricia Cooke::(2 October 1993 - present)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Frequently includes kidnapping-plots in his films.
Citazione random: It's easy to offend people. People get uncomfortable, for instance, when the main character in a movie is not sympathetic in a Hollywood formula way. Our movies are loaded with things that aren't to everyone's taste. On the other hand, there's a scene in [O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)] where a frog gets squished that everyone seems to like. It's all right to do the frog squishing.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Joel Coen
Scrittore: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Genere: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 8.3/10 (128214 voti) [#115 nella top250]
Durata: 98 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Fargo is based on true events that occurred in Minnesota in 1987 with the names changed to protect the victims. Jerry works in his father-in-law's car dealership and has gotten himself in financial problems. He tries various schemes to come up with money needed for a reason that is never really explained. It has to be assumed that his huge embezzlement of money from the dealership is about to be discovered by father-in-law. When all else falls through, plans he set in motion earlier for two men to kidnap his wife for ransom to be paid by her wealthy father (who doesn't seem to have the time of day for son-in-law). From the moment of the kidnapping, things go wrong and what was supposed to be a non-violent affair turns bloody with more blood added by the minute. Jerry is upset at the blood shed, which turns loose a pregnant sheriff from MN who is tenacious in attempting to solve the three murders in her jurisdiction.
Trivia random: SPOILER: A total of 7 people were killed (Wade Gustafson, Jean Lundegaard, Carl Showalter, the state trooper the 2 passers-by,and the toll patrol)
Citazione random: Carl Showalter: [irately, over the phone] Alright, Jerry, I'm through fuckin' around. You got the fuckin' money?::Jerry Lundegaard: Yeah, I got the money, but... uh...::Carl Showalter: Don't you fuckin' fuck me, Jerry. I want you to get this money to the Dayton Radisson, top level, in 30 minutes, Jerry, we wrap this thing up.::Jerry Lundegaard: Yeah, but...::Carl Showalter: Hey, you're there in 30 minutes, Jerry, or I find you, Jerry, and I shoot you and I shoot your fuckin' wife and I shoot all your fuckin' children and I shoot them all in the back of their little fuckin' heads; you got it?::Jerry Lundegaard: Okay, now you stay away from Scotty, now.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Coen, Joel Daniel
Data di nascita: 29 November 1954
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Frances McDormand::(1984 - present) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: When an actor improvises a line on the set, he will almost invariably say something like, "That was great, but could you do it like it's written in the script?" Most Coen brothers films are the same (line for line) when released as they are on the page in the final draft of the script.
Citazione random: [Ethan Coen] had a nightmare of one day finding me on the set of something like The Incredible Hulk (2008), wearing a gold chain and saying, "I've got to eat, don't I?"
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Scrittore: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Genere: Comedy, Crime, Comedy
Valutazione: 7.9/10 (10424 voti)
Durata: Canada:96::(Toronto International Film Festival) min
Paese: USA, UK, France
Lingua: English
A disk containing the memoirs of a CIA agent ends up in the hands of two unscrupulous gym employees who attempt to sell it.
Trivia random: Director Trademark: [Joel Coen] [kubrick] The sound emitted by the homing scanner from Bowman's space pod in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) is heard in the opening titles. Harry Pfarrer's house number is 114, a nod to Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964).
Citazione random: Osborne Cox: Give me the CD!::Chad Feldheimer: As soon as you give us the money, dickwad!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Bardem, Javier Ángel Encinas
Data di nascita: 1 March 1969
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Javier Bardem is the youngest member of a family of actors that has been making films since the early days of Spanish cinema.He got his start in the family business at age six when he appeared in his first feature, "El Pícaro" (The Scoundrel). During his teenage years he acted in several TV series, played rugby for theSpanish National Team, and toured the country with an independent theatrical group. Javier's early film role as a sexy stud in the black comedy_Jamón, jamón (1992)_ (Ham Ham) propelled him to instant popularity and threatened to typecast him as nothing morethan a brawny sex symbol. Determined to avert a beefcake image, he refused similar subsequent roles and has gone on to win acclaim for his ability to appear almost unrecognizable from film to film. With over 25 movies and numerous awards under his belt, it is Javier's stirring, passionate performance as the persecuted Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas in Before Night Falls (2000) that will longbe remembered as his breakthrough role. He received five Best Actor awards and a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his portrayal of a strong-willed man who survived censorship, imprisonment, and homosexual intolerance for the privilege to write freely, only to commit suicide at age 47 in New York, ending a battle with AIDS.
Trivia random: Says in interviews that he doesn't know how to drive.
Citazione random: I truly consider myself non-sexy, which is fine for me. I don't have any problem with that. Sometimes I would like to have Brad Pitt's body. But that's not something that obsesses me in a real way. And second, I truly believe that what I would like to portray on-screen or on stage are human beings, and human beings usually are not as handsome as movie stars. But most times being handsome on-screen or being handsome for real life, has to do much more with your vanity and your profound need to be liked by the rest of the people, be loved by the rest of the people.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Joel Coen
Scrittore: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Genere: Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Comedy
Valutazione: 8.2/10 (129265 voti) [#152 nella top250]
Durata: 117 min
Paese: USA, UK
Lingua: English, German, Hebrew, Spanish
When "The Dude" Lebowski is mistaken for a millionaire Lebowski, two thugs urinate on his rug to coerce him into paying a debt he knows nothing about. While attempting to gain recompense for the ruined rug from his wealthy counterpart, he accepts a one-time job with high pay-off. He enlists the help of his bowling buddy, Walter, a gun-toting Jewish-convert with anger issues. Deception leads to more trouble, and it soon seems that everyone from porn empire tycoons to nihilists want something from The Dude.
Trivia random: The lawyers that the dude mentions, are both real attorneys. Kuntsler, who died in 1995, was a self proclaimed radical lawyer. In 1983, he took on Ron Kuby, another radical lawyer, as a junior partner. Their claim to fame mainly came from defending numerous controversial defendants including suspected terrorist leaders and the daughter of Malcolm X.
Citazione random: The Dude: Uh, and then, uh, the music business, briefly.::Maude Lebowski: Oh?::The Dude: Yeah. Roadie for Metallica::Maude Lebowski: Oh.::The Dude: Speed of Sound Tour::Maude Lebowski: Mm-hmm.::The Dude: Bunch of assholes.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Joel Coen
Scrittore: Homer, Ethan Coen
Genere: Comedy, Adventure, Crime, Music, Comedy
Valutazione: 7.8/10 (74509 voti)
Durata: 107 min
Paese: UK, France, USA
Lingua: English
Loosely based on Homer's 'Odyssey' the movie deals with the grotesque adventures of Everett Ulysses McGill and his companions Delmar and Pete in 1930s Mississipi. Sprung from a chain gang and trying to reach Everetts home to recover the buried loot of a bank heist they are confronted by a series of strange characters. Among them sirens, a cyclops, bankrobber George 'Babyface' Nelson (very annoyed by that nickname), a campaigning Governor, his opponent, a KKK lynch mob, and a blind prophet, who warns the trio that "the treasure you seek shall not be the treasure you find."
Trivia random: Stephen Root, who plays the radio station owner, also played a radio station owner in the TV show "NewsRadio" (1995).
Citazione random: Penny Wharvey McGill: Vernon here's got a job. Vernon's got prospects. He's bona fide. What are you?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
No scherzo, dai: è ovvio che sono io che non capisco e sono un bruto incolto... ma che vi devo dire? Fargo aveva un passo insostenibile, No Country for Old Men era di certo pregevole (ma quanti erano i meriti del testo originale, della fotografia e di Bardem? E comunque a mio avviso Before the Devil Knows You're Dead ed Eastern Promises sono su un altro pianeta).
Passando alla commedia, O Brother, Where Art Thou? era un piccolo gioiello, lo ammetto, mentre il tanto osannato The Big Lebowski mi ha lasciato perplesso: certo, ottimi personaggi, ma se dovessi adesso - a distanza di mesi dalla visione - fare un sunto della trama, sarei in serio imbarazzo.
Se il grosso dei film finora citati non mi ha esaltato (o mi è al più piaciucchiato), il vero fondo è stato toccato con Burn After Reading.
Una trama risibile (del tutto sconclusionata e priva di verosimiglianza) e dialoghi fiacchi finiscono per affondare tutto il film - comprese le buone prove attoriali, prima fra tutte quella di Brad Pitt deficiente da antologia purtroppo poco e mal sfruttato.
Qualcuno ha parlato di messaggio dirompente e di fine critica sociale; il messaggio che è arrivato a me è: "che culo che abbiamo ad essere così ben visti nei salotti buoni, che possiamo permetterci di campare qualunque vaccata noi si sforni..."
Un analista della CIA viene licenziato in tronco, inizia a scrivere le sue memorie di fuoco sull'agenzia, ma il CD con la bozza del testo - niente che abbia il minimo interesse, comunque - viene smarrito in una palestra dove alcuni cerebrolesi lo trovano e sperano di poterlo utilizzare come strumento di ricatto.
Nel mentre, tutti scopano tutti per scacciare i fantasmi delle rispettive crisi di mezz'età (oh, sì: proprio dirompente e radical-chic), ma in fondo in fondo sono dei bambinoni immaturi. La CIA si limita a pulire lo sporco più evidente.
Intrecci di vicende e corpi privi di senso, poche battute degne di una risatina a denti stretti e molte stupidaggini da "oh cavoli, ho proprio finito le idee, e adesso cosa facciamo capitare?" (il coinvolgimento dei russi, soprattutto).
Come è giusto che sia, tutto finirà in niente.
Poi intendiamoci: tra le numerose coppie di fratelli che tanto male hanno fatto al cinema, sono sicuramente tra i meno peggio, ma da qui ad osannarli ce ne passa.
Voto: 4.5. Cosa abbiamo imparato da Burn After Reading? Davvero niente...
Tags: commedia, crimine, satira, CIA, agenzia, spionaggio, deficienti, palestra, intervento, chirurgia estetica, omicidio, pistola, agente, sicurezza, morte, ricatto, memorie, libro, licenziamento, analista, divorzio, tradimento, sesso, incontro, anima gemella, allenamento, moglie, marito, George Clooney, John Malkovich, fratelli Coen, Brad Pitt, spia, ipod, estorsione, minaccia, pedinamento, delusione, noia.
Pitt, Brad
Nome di battesimo: Pitt, William Bradley
Data di nascita: 18 December 1963
Altezza: 5' 11½" (1.82 m)
Coniuge: Jennifer Aniston::(29 July 2000 - 2 October 2005) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Chad Schmidt (2010) .... Chad Schmidt/Himself [attore]
- Dirty Tricks (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Marching Powder (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- World War Z (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Fighter (2009) .... Dick Eklund [attore]
- Inglorious Bastards (2009) .... Lt. Aldo Raine [attore]
- Kick-Ass (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Peace Like a River (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Private Lives of Pippa Lee (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Shantaram (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
Brad Pitt was born in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane Etta Hillhouse. His father, William (Bill) Pitt, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. He has a younger brother, Douglas (Doug) Pitt and a younger sister Julie Neal Pitt. At Kickapoo High School, Pitt was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. Pitt attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism with a focus on advertising. He occasionally acted in fraternity shows. He left college two credits short of graduating to move to California. Before he became successful at acting, Pitt supported himself by driving strippers in limos, moving refrigerators and dressing as a giant chicken while working for "el Pollo Loco."
Trivia random: Ranked #32 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]
Citazione random: I'm gonna design my own fleet of trailers. No! I'm gonna record an album like Jennifer Lopez. It'll be an acoustic version of KC & The Sunshine Band. Then maybe I'll design a line of clothes like [Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs] but all in synthetic fur.
Salario massimo: $30,000,000 ($10m salary + backend participations), per Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Coen, Ethan
Data di nascita: 21 September 1957
Altezza: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
Coniuge: Tricia Cooke::(2 October 1993 - present)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Yiddish Policemen's Union (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Gambit (2009) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Hail Caesar (2009) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- A Serious Man (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Suburbicon (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Burn After Reading (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Chacun son cinéma ou Ce petit coup au coeur quand la lumière s'éteint et que le film commence (2007) .... (segment "World Cinema") [regista]
- No Country for Old Men (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Paris, je t'aime (2006) .... (segment "Tuileries") [scrittore]
- Romance & Cigarettes (2005) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Trivia random: Frequently includes kidnapping-plots in his films.
Citazione random: It's easy to offend people. People get uncomfortable, for instance, when the main character in a movie is not sympathetic in a Hollywood formula way. Our movies are loaded with things that aren't to everyone's taste. On the other hand, there's a scene in [O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)] where a frog gets squished that everyone seems to like. It's all right to do the frog squishing.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Fargo (1996)
Regista: Joel Coen
Scrittore: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Genere: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 8.3/10 (128214 voti) [#115 nella top250]
Durata: 98 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- William H. Macy .... Jerome 'Jerry' Lundegaard
- Steve Buscemi .... Carl Showalter
- Peter Stormare .... Gaear Grimsrud
- Kristin Rudrüd .... Jean Lundegaard
- Harve Presnell .... Wade Gustafson
- Tony Denman .... Scotty Lundegaard
- Gary Houston .... Irate Customer
- Sally Wingert .... Irate Customer's Wife
- Kurt Schweickhardt .... Car Salesman
- Larissa Kokernot .... Hooker #1
Fargo is based on true events that occurred in Minnesota in 1987 with the names changed to protect the victims. Jerry works in his father-in-law's car dealership and has gotten himself in financial problems. He tries various schemes to come up with money needed for a reason that is never really explained. It has to be assumed that his huge embezzlement of money from the dealership is about to be discovered by father-in-law. When all else falls through, plans he set in motion earlier for two men to kidnap his wife for ransom to be paid by her wealthy father (who doesn't seem to have the time of day for son-in-law). From the moment of the kidnapping, things go wrong and what was supposed to be a non-violent affair turns bloody with more blood added by the minute. Jerry is upset at the blood shed, which turns loose a pregnant sheriff from MN who is tenacious in attempting to solve the three murders in her jurisdiction.
Trivia random: SPOILER: A total of 7 people were killed (Wade Gustafson, Jean Lundegaard, Carl Showalter, the state trooper the 2 passers-by,and the toll patrol)
Citazione random: Carl Showalter: [irately, over the phone] Alright, Jerry, I'm through fuckin' around. You got the fuckin' money?::Jerry Lundegaard: Yeah, I got the money, but... uh...::Carl Showalter: Don't you fuckin' fuck me, Jerry. I want you to get this money to the Dayton Radisson, top level, in 30 minutes, Jerry, we wrap this thing up.::Jerry Lundegaard: Yeah, but...::Carl Showalter: Hey, you're there in 30 minutes, Jerry, or I find you, Jerry, and I shoot you and I shoot your fuckin' wife and I shoot all your fuckin' children and I shoot them all in the back of their little fuckin' heads; you got it?::Jerry Lundegaard: Okay, now you stay away from Scotty, now.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Coen, Joel
Nome di battesimo: Coen, Joel Daniel
Data di nascita: 29 November 1954
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Frances McDormand::(1984 - present) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
- The Yiddish Policemen's Union (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Gambit (2009) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Hail Caesar (2009) .... (writer) [scrittore]
- A Serious Man (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Suburbicon (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Burn After Reading (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Chacun son cinéma ou Ce petit coup au coeur quand la lumière s'éteint et que le film commence (2007) .... (segment "World Cinema") [regista]
- No Country for Old Men (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Paris, je t'aime (2006) .... (segment "Tuileries") [scrittore]
- Romance & Cigarettes (2005) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Trivia random: When an actor improvises a line on the set, he will almost invariably say something like, "That was great, but could you do it like it's written in the script?" Most Coen brothers films are the same (line for line) when released as they are on the page in the final draft of the script.
Citazione random: [Ethan Coen] had a nightmare of one day finding me on the set of something like The Incredible Hulk (2008), wearing a gold chain and saying, "I've got to eat, don't I?"
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Burn After Reading (2008)
Burn after reading - A prova di spia
Regista: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Scrittore: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Genere: Comedy, Crime, Comedy
Valutazione: 7.9/10 (10424 voti)
Durata: Canada:96::(Toronto International Film Festival) min
Paese: USA, UK, France
Lingua: English
- George Clooney .... Harry Pfarrer
- Frances McDormand .... Linda Litzke
- Brad Pitt .... Chad Feldheimer
- John Malkovich .... Osborne Cox
- Tilda Swinton .... Katie Cox
- Richard Jenkins .... Ted Treffon
- David Rasche .... CIA Officer
- J.K. Simmons .... CIA Superior
- Olek Krupa .... Krapotkin
- Michael Countryman .... Alan
A disk containing the memoirs of a CIA agent ends up in the hands of two unscrupulous gym employees who attempt to sell it.
Trivia random: Director Trademark: [Joel Coen] [kubrick] The sound emitted by the homing scanner from Bowman's space pod in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) is heard in the opening titles. Harry Pfarrer's house number is 114, a nod to Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964).
Citazione random: Osborne Cox: Give me the CD!::Chad Feldheimer: As soon as you give us the money, dickwad!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Bardem, Javier
Nome di battesimo: Bardem, Javier Ángel Encinas
Data di nascita: 1 March 1969
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) .... Juan Antonio [attore]
- Invisibles (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Love in the Time of Cholera (2007) .... Florentino Ariza [attore]
- No Country for Old Men (2007) .... Anton Chigurh [attore]
- Goya's Ghosts (2006) .... Lorenzo [attore]
- Collateral (2004) .... Felix [attore]
- Mar adentro (2004/I) .... Ramón Sampedro [attore]
- Variaciones 1/113 (2003) .... [attore]
- The Dancer Upstairs (2002) .... Agustín Rejas [attore]
- Los Lunes al sol (2002) .... Santa [attore]
Javier Bardem is the youngest member of a family of actors that has been making films since the early days of Spanish cinema.He got his start in the family business at age six when he appeared in his first feature, "El Pícaro" (The Scoundrel). During his teenage years he acted in several TV series, played rugby for theSpanish National Team, and toured the country with an independent theatrical group. Javier's early film role as a sexy stud in the black comedy_Jamón, jamón (1992)_ (Ham Ham) propelled him to instant popularity and threatened to typecast him as nothing morethan a brawny sex symbol. Determined to avert a beefcake image, he refused similar subsequent roles and has gone on to win acclaim for his ability to appear almost unrecognizable from film to film. With over 25 movies and numerous awards under his belt, it is Javier's stirring, passionate performance as the persecuted Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas in Before Night Falls (2000) that will longbe remembered as his breakthrough role. He received five Best Actor awards and a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his portrayal of a strong-willed man who survived censorship, imprisonment, and homosexual intolerance for the privilege to write freely, only to commit suicide at age 47 in New York, ending a battle with AIDS.
Trivia random: Says in interviews that he doesn't know how to drive.
Citazione random: I truly consider myself non-sexy, which is fine for me. I don't have any problem with that. Sometimes I would like to have Brad Pitt's body. But that's not something that obsesses me in a real way. And second, I truly believe that what I would like to portray on-screen or on stage are human beings, and human beings usually are not as handsome as movie stars. But most times being handsome on-screen or being handsome for real life, has to do much more with your vanity and your profound need to be liked by the rest of the people, be loved by the rest of the people.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Big Lebowski, The (1998)
Grande Lebowski, Il
Regista: Joel Coen
Scrittore: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Genere: Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Comedy
Valutazione: 8.2/10 (129265 voti) [#152 nella top250]
Durata: 117 min
Paese: USA, UK
Lingua: English, German, Hebrew, Spanish
- Jeff Bridges .... Jeffrey Lebowski - The Dude
- John Goodman .... Walter Sobchak
- Julianne Moore .... Maude Lebowski
- Steve Buscemi .... Theodore Donald 'Donny' Kerabatsos
- David Huddleston .... Jeffrey Lebowski - The Big Lebowski
- Philip Seymour Hoffman .... Brandt
- Tara Reid .... Bunny Lebowski
- Philip Moon .... Woo, Treehorn Thug
- Mark Pellegrino .... Blond Treehorn Thug
- Peter Stormare .... Nihilist #1, Uli Kunkel / 'Karl Hungus'
When "The Dude" Lebowski is mistaken for a millionaire Lebowski, two thugs urinate on his rug to coerce him into paying a debt he knows nothing about. While attempting to gain recompense for the ruined rug from his wealthy counterpart, he accepts a one-time job with high pay-off. He enlists the help of his bowling buddy, Walter, a gun-toting Jewish-convert with anger issues. Deception leads to more trouble, and it soon seems that everyone from porn empire tycoons to nihilists want something from The Dude.
Trivia random: The lawyers that the dude mentions, are both real attorneys. Kuntsler, who died in 1995, was a self proclaimed radical lawyer. In 1983, he took on Ron Kuby, another radical lawyer, as a junior partner. Their claim to fame mainly came from defending numerous controversial defendants including suspected terrorist leaders and the daughter of Malcolm X.
Citazione random: The Dude: Uh, and then, uh, the music business, briefly.::Maude Lebowski: Oh?::The Dude: Yeah. Roadie for Metallica::Maude Lebowski: Oh.::The Dude: Speed of Sound Tour::Maude Lebowski: Mm-hmm.::The Dude: Bunch of assholes.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Brother, Where Art Thou?, O (2000)
Fratello, dove sei?
Regista: Joel Coen
Scrittore: Homer, Ethan Coen
Genere: Comedy, Adventure, Crime, Music, Comedy
Valutazione: 7.8/10 (74509 voti)
Durata: 107 min
Paese: UK, France, USA
Lingua: English
- George Clooney .... Everett
- John Turturro .... Pete
- Tim Blake Nelson .... Delmar
- John Goodman .... Big Dan Teague
- Holly Hunter .... Penny
- Chris Thomas King .... Tommy Johnson
- Charles Durning .... Pappy O'Daniel
- Del Pentecost .... Junior O'Daniel
- Michael Badalucco .... George Nelson
- J.R. Horne .... Pappy's Staff
Loosely based on Homer's 'Odyssey' the movie deals with the grotesque adventures of Everett Ulysses McGill and his companions Delmar and Pete in 1930s Mississipi. Sprung from a chain gang and trying to reach Everetts home to recover the buried loot of a bank heist they are confronted by a series of strange characters. Among them sirens, a cyclops, bankrobber George 'Babyface' Nelson (very annoyed by that nickname), a campaigning Governor, his opponent, a KKK lynch mob, and a blind prophet, who warns the trio that "the treasure you seek shall not be the treasure you find."
Trivia random: Stephen Root, who plays the radio station owner, also played a radio station owner in the TV show "NewsRadio" (1995).
Citazione random: Penny Wharvey McGill: Vernon here's got a job. Vernon's got prospects. He's bona fide. What are you?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
lunedì 22 settembre 2008
IMDbPY 3.7!
IMDbPY 3.7, ed il mondo ti sorride!
In questa nuova versione, un set di parser html nuovi di pacca (ed ancora ampiamente da testare... ) basati su DOM/XPath, sviluppati in larga parte da H. Turgut Uyar - che ringrazio calorosamente.
Abbeveratevi tutti alla fonte!
Potrebbe non causarvi scompensi letali, se assunto in modiche quantità e dietro consiglio del vostro esorcista.
In questa nuova versione, un set di parser html nuovi di pacca (ed ancora ampiamente da testare... ) basati su DOM/XPath, sviluppati in larga parte da H. Turgut Uyar - che ringrazio calorosamente.
Abbeveratevi tutti alla fonte!
Potrebbe non causarvi scompensi letali, se assunto in modiche quantità e dietro consiglio del vostro esorcista.
mercoledì 17 settembre 2008
la isola della mueeerte!
Ahhh... gli Z-movies con Malcolm McDowell, che soddisfazione.
Ed in Island of the Dead - L'Isola della morte ci sono pure le mosche assassine! Cosa chiedere di più?
Talisa Soto è una improbabile investigatrice della sezione persone scomparse; si sta occupando del caso di 1/2/3 bambine svanite nel nulla, quando per motivi tutti suoi si reca su Hart Island, dove pare che i New York-esi gettino i propri cadaveri come spazzatura.
Ci troverà alcune sgradite presenze: oltre al già citato McDowell, qui tycoon sul punto di spianare l'isola per costruirvi un complesso immobiliare destinato ai poveri e derelitti (che nella sua testa si pagherebbero l'affitto sottoponendosi ad esperimenti per le case farmaceutiche...), ci sono pure delle mega-mosche-assassine (in realtà tali mosche, quando vengono inquadrate, sono creaturine normalissime).
Indecisa su quale sia la presenza più molesta, combatterà entrambi con la giusta dose di sdegno e disapprovazione.
Non mancano pure alcuni detenuti, sull'isola per lavori socialmente inutili (tra questi pure Mos Def), che ci delizieranno con battute, gags ed elevate elucubrazioni sulla vita, la morte, l'avidità umana e la patacca.
All'arrivo delle mosche assassine che infettano le persone e le uccidono in pochi minuti (facendole diventare incubatrici per altre bestiole), tutti perdono quel poco di buon senso che avevano ed iniziano a fare una vaccata dietro l'altra.
Trattasi di selezione naturale in atto.
Film pregno di bruttezza, realizzato senza alcuna voglia e capacità, eppure in grado di trasudare una fastidiosa aria di supponenza (si crede molto d'essere, con i monologhi interiori di Talisa, che non parano in niente).
Da non perdere: il tizio che muore sullo sfondo, nel disinteresse generale dei suoi presunti amici; i suddetti amici che poi recuperano il corpo e per dargli degna sepoltura scendono in una enorme fossa comune profonda 6 metri ed... iniziano a scavare; la solita pompa di benzina che esplode con un fungo atomico.
Più auto-punitivo (mooolto lento e noioso) che trash, è comunque da consigliare ai grandi fan di McDowell (della Soto no: se ne va in giro tutto il tempo con un cappotto...)
Voto: 1. Trashometro® 4/10:
Tags: horror, thriller, isola, Hart Island, New York, cimitero, fossa comune, costruzione, sfruttamento, senza tetto, detenuto, traghetto, mosca, mosche, sciame, attacco, orologio, benzina, infezione, morte, bambine, persone scomparse, cassa da morto, obitorio, noia mortale, Malcolm McDowell, Mos Def, Talisa Soto, trash.
Regista: Tim Southam
Scrittore: Peter Koper, Tim Southam
Genere: Horror, Thriller, Horror
Valutazione: 2.7/10 (415 voti)
Durata: 91 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
The people of New York have been burying their unknown dead on Hart Island since 1869. Now real estate tycoon Rupert King wants to build what he calls "Hope City", supposedly to help the poor and homeless of the city "get a leg up", on this same island, with no thought of the current million or so "residents". Accompanied by a New York cop looking for a missing girl's body and some reluctant employees of the Department of Corrections, King makes his way to the island for the ground-breaking ceremony. But when his personal assistant goes missing, and night falls on the island, dark secrets are revealed, not only about the island itself, but King's "noble" plans for it as well. And the island's residents, with their souls in the form of countless and lethal flies, have no intention of being ignored.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Smith, Dante Terrell
Data di nascita: 11 December 1973
Altezza: 5' 9½" (1.77 m)
Coniuge: Maria Yepes::(1996 - 2006) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
Taking a cue from the Afrocentric stylings of the Native Tongues crew, which included De La Soul, Jungle Brothers, A Tribe Called Quest and Andres Titus, Mos Def has emerged as one of the more conscientious voices of new school hip-hop, alongside the likes of Common, Outkast, Goodie Mob and The Roots, to name just a few. A lyricist lounge staple, he gained acclaim appearing on recordings by De La Soul and Bush Babees before releasing the single "Universal Magnetic" in 1997. Since then he has appeared on numerous recordings with several crews, including Medina Green and Black Star (of which he is half). His full-length debut album, "Black On Both Sides", was released in 1999 and is destined to achieve classic status.
Trivia random: His name is quite appropriate in regards to his character in The Italian Job (2003), who went deaf after blowing up a toilet.
Citazione random: What I take from writers I like is their economy -- the ability to use language to very effective ends. The ability to have somebody read something and see it, or for somebody to paint an entire landscape of visual imagery with just sheets of words -- that's magical. That's what I've been trying to strive for -- to draw a clear picture, to open up a new dimension.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Taylor, Malcolm John
Data di nascita: 13 June 1943
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Coniuge: Kelley Kuhr::(12 November 1991 - present) 2 children, Mary Steenburgen::(29 September 1980 - 1990) (divorced) 2 children, Margot Bennett::(21 April 1975 - September 1980) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Malcolm John Taylor was born on June 13, 1943, in Leeds, England, to working-class parents Charles and Edna Taylor. His father was a publican and an alcoholic. Malcolm hated his parents' ways and fought against it. His father was keen to send his son to private school to give him a good start in life, so Malcolm was packed off to boarding school at 11. He attended the Tunbridge Boarding School and the Cannock House School in Eltham, Kent. At school he was beaten with the slipper or cane every Monday for his waywardness. Whilst at school, he decided that he wanted to become an actor; it was also around this time that his love for race cars began. He attended the London Academy of Music and Art to study acting. Meanwhile, he worked at his parents' pub but lost his job when the pub went bankrupt, his father drinking all the profits. He then had a variety of jobs, from coffee salesman to messenger. His first big-screen role was in Poor Cow (1967), although his 2-minute scene was ultimately cut from the completed film. Soon after, he caught the attention of director Lindsay Anderson who cast him in the role of a rebellious student in his film If.... (1968). The film catapulted Malcolm to stardom in Britain but failed everywhere else. He was so enthusiastic about the film's success that he wanted to do another right away. He began writing what would become the semi-autobiographical O Lucky Man! (1973). Meanwhile, he starred as the infamous Alex DeLarge in Stanley Kubrick's controversial A Clockwork Orange (1971), a role that caused him to be typecast as a manic psychopathic villain. In early 1976, he spent nearly a year working on what would later be one of the most infamous films of all time, the semi-pornographic Caligola (1979), financed by Penthouse magazine founder Bob Guccione. Around that time, the British film industry collapsed, forcing him to flee to America to continue working. His first American film was Time After Time (1979). He then did Britannia Hospital (1982), the last part of Lindsay Anderson's working-class trilogy that started with If.... (1968). In the mid-1980s, the years of alcohol and drug abuse, including $1000 a week on cocaine, caught up with him. Years of abuse took its toll on him; his black hairs were now grey. Looking older than he really was, nobody wanted to cast him for playing younger roles. The big roles having dried up, he did many B-rated movies. The 1990s were kinder to him, though. In 1994, he was cast as Dr. Soran, the man who killed Captain Kirk in Star Trek: Generations (1994). He was back on the track, playing villains again. He played another in the classic BBC mini-series, "Our Friends in the North" (1996). Today, with more than 100 films under his belt, he is one of the greatest actors in America. He still doesn't have American citizenship, but he likes the no-nonsense American ways. He currently resides in the northern suburb of Los Angeles.
Trivia random: In an interview he said that a magazine named him "King Of Punk" after his appearance in "A clockwork orange". This is probably because of the punk references that appears in the movie, such as the droogies costume style.
Citazione random: [When asked what his favorite Stanley Kubrick film was]: "A Clockwork Orange (1971)! I never saw any of the others."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Soto, Miriam
Data di nascita: 27 March 1967
Altezza: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Coniuge: Benjamin Bratt::(13 April 2002 - present) 2 children, Costas Mandylor::(May 1997 - 2000) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Born to a Puerto Rican family in Brooklyn, Talisa was raised there and in Massachusetts. She started modeling at age 15 and has appeared on the covers of "Vogue," "Mademoiselle," "Glamour," and "Self," as well as in a "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit issue. She has been making film appearances since 1988, beginning with Spike of Bensonhurst (1988).
Trivia random: Former sister-in-law of Louis Mandylor.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ed in Island of the Dead - L'Isola della morte ci sono pure le mosche assassine! Cosa chiedere di più?
Talisa Soto è una improbabile investigatrice della sezione persone scomparse; si sta occupando del caso di 1/2/3 bambine svanite nel nulla, quando per motivi tutti suoi si reca su Hart Island, dove pare che i New York-esi gettino i propri cadaveri come spazzatura.
Ci troverà alcune sgradite presenze: oltre al già citato McDowell, qui tycoon sul punto di spianare l'isola per costruirvi un complesso immobiliare destinato ai poveri e derelitti (che nella sua testa si pagherebbero l'affitto sottoponendosi ad esperimenti per le case farmaceutiche...), ci sono pure delle mega-mosche-assassine (in realtà tali mosche, quando vengono inquadrate, sono creaturine normalissime).
Indecisa su quale sia la presenza più molesta, combatterà entrambi con la giusta dose di sdegno e disapprovazione.
Non mancano pure alcuni detenuti, sull'isola per lavori socialmente inutili (tra questi pure Mos Def), che ci delizieranno con battute, gags ed elevate elucubrazioni sulla vita, la morte, l'avidità umana e la patacca.
All'arrivo delle mosche assassine che infettano le persone e le uccidono in pochi minuti (facendole diventare incubatrici per altre bestiole), tutti perdono quel poco di buon senso che avevano ed iniziano a fare una vaccata dietro l'altra.
Trattasi di selezione naturale in atto.
Film pregno di bruttezza, realizzato senza alcuna voglia e capacità, eppure in grado di trasudare una fastidiosa aria di supponenza (si crede molto d'essere, con i monologhi interiori di Talisa, che non parano in niente).
Da non perdere: il tizio che muore sullo sfondo, nel disinteresse generale dei suoi presunti amici; i suddetti amici che poi recuperano il corpo e per dargli degna sepoltura scendono in una enorme fossa comune profonda 6 metri ed... iniziano a scavare; la solita pompa di benzina che esplode con un fungo atomico.
Più auto-punitivo (mooolto lento e noioso) che trash, è comunque da consigliare ai grandi fan di McDowell (della Soto no: se ne va in giro tutto il tempo con un cappotto...)
Voto: 1. Trashometro® 4/10:
Tags: horror, thriller, isola, Hart Island, New York, cimitero, fossa comune, costruzione, sfruttamento, senza tetto, detenuto, traghetto, mosca, mosche, sciame, attacco, orologio, benzina, infezione, morte, bambine, persone scomparse, cassa da morto, obitorio, noia mortale, Malcolm McDowell, Mos Def, Talisa Soto, trash.
Island of the Dead (2000) (V)
Island of the dead - L'isola della morte
Regista: Tim Southam
Scrittore: Peter Koper, Tim Southam
Genere: Horror, Thriller, Horror
Valutazione: 2.7/10 (415 voti)
Durata: 91 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Malcolm McDowell .... Rupert King
- Talisa Soto .... Melissa O'Keefe
- Bruce Ramsay .... Tony Matos
- Kent McQuaid .... James Neely
- Mos Def .... Robbie J
- Paul Hopkins .... Rodger Mackloe
- Tyrone Benskin .... Dwight Truman
- Michel Perron .... Captain Chanon
- Daniel Pilon .... Mayor
- Steffen Wink .... Reporter
The people of New York have been burying their unknown dead on Hart Island since 1869. Now real estate tycoon Rupert King wants to build what he calls "Hope City", supposedly to help the poor and homeless of the city "get a leg up", on this same island, with no thought of the current million or so "residents". Accompanied by a New York cop looking for a missing girl's body and some reluctant employees of the Department of Corrections, King makes his way to the island for the ground-breaking ceremony. But when his personal assistant goes missing, and night falls on the island, dark secrets are revealed, not only about the island itself, but King's "noble" plans for it as well. And the island's residents, with their souls in the form of countless and lethal flies, have no intention of being ignored.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Def, Mos
Nome di battesimo: Smith, Dante Terrell
Data di nascita: 11 December 1973
Altezza: 5' 9½" (1.77 m)
Coniuge: Maria Yepes::(1996 - 2006) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Bury Me Standing (2010) .... [attore]
- Little Scarlet (2010) .... Mouse [attore]
- The Brazilian Job (2009) .... Left Ear [attore]
- Next Day Air (2009) .... Eric [attore]
- Toussaint (2009) .... [attore]
- Be Kind Rewind (2008) .... Mike [attore]
- Cadillac Records (2008) .... Chuck Berry [attore]
- Keep Coming Back (2008) .... [attore]
- Mama Black Widow (2008) .... Papa Tilson [attore]
- 16 Blocks (2006) .... Eddie Bunker [attore]
Taking a cue from the Afrocentric stylings of the Native Tongues crew, which included De La Soul, Jungle Brothers, A Tribe Called Quest and Andres Titus, Mos Def has emerged as one of the more conscientious voices of new school hip-hop, alongside the likes of Common, Outkast, Goodie Mob and The Roots, to name just a few. A lyricist lounge staple, he gained acclaim appearing on recordings by De La Soul and Bush Babees before releasing the single "Universal Magnetic" in 1997. Since then he has appeared on numerous recordings with several crews, including Medina Green and Black Star (of which he is half). His full-length debut album, "Black On Both Sides", was released in 1999 and is destined to achieve classic status.
Trivia random: His name is quite appropriate in regards to his character in The Italian Job (2003), who went deaf after blowing up a toilet.
Citazione random: What I take from writers I like is their economy -- the ability to use language to very effective ends. The ability to have somebody read something and see it, or for somebody to paint an entire landscape of visual imagery with just sheets of words -- that's magical. That's what I've been trying to strive for -- to draw a clear picture, to open up a new dimension.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
McDowell, Malcolm
Nome di battesimo: Taylor, Malcolm John
Data di nascita: 13 June 1943
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Coniuge: Kelley Kuhr::(12 November 1991 - present) 2 children, Mary Steenburgen::(29 September 1980 - 1990) (divorced) 2 children, Margot Bennett::(21 April 1975 - September 1980) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Pound of Flesh (2009) .... Noah Melville (rumored) [attore]
- The Spider (2009) .... Von Wessel (rumored) [attore]
- Vivaldi (2009/II) .... Merlino [attore]
- Barry Munday (2008) .... Mr. Farley [attore]
- Bolt (2008) .... (voice) [attore]
- "Coco Chanel" (2008) .... Marc Bouchier (unknown episodes) [attore]
- The Collaboration (2008) .... Thornton (rumored) [attore]
- Delgo (2008) .... Raius (voice) [attore]
- Doomsday (2008) .... Dr. Marcus Kane [attore]
- Fallout 3 (2008) (VG) .... President John Henry Eden (voice) [attore]
Malcolm John Taylor was born on June 13, 1943, in Leeds, England, to working-class parents Charles and Edna Taylor. His father was a publican and an alcoholic. Malcolm hated his parents' ways and fought against it. His father was keen to send his son to private school to give him a good start in life, so Malcolm was packed off to boarding school at 11. He attended the Tunbridge Boarding School and the Cannock House School in Eltham, Kent. At school he was beaten with the slipper or cane every Monday for his waywardness. Whilst at school, he decided that he wanted to become an actor; it was also around this time that his love for race cars began. He attended the London Academy of Music and Art to study acting. Meanwhile, he worked at his parents' pub but lost his job when the pub went bankrupt, his father drinking all the profits. He then had a variety of jobs, from coffee salesman to messenger. His first big-screen role was in Poor Cow (1967), although his 2-minute scene was ultimately cut from the completed film. Soon after, he caught the attention of director Lindsay Anderson who cast him in the role of a rebellious student in his film If.... (1968). The film catapulted Malcolm to stardom in Britain but failed everywhere else. He was so enthusiastic about the film's success that he wanted to do another right away. He began writing what would become the semi-autobiographical O Lucky Man! (1973). Meanwhile, he starred as the infamous Alex DeLarge in Stanley Kubrick's controversial A Clockwork Orange (1971), a role that caused him to be typecast as a manic psychopathic villain. In early 1976, he spent nearly a year working on what would later be one of the most infamous films of all time, the semi-pornographic Caligola (1979), financed by Penthouse magazine founder Bob Guccione. Around that time, the British film industry collapsed, forcing him to flee to America to continue working. His first American film was Time After Time (1979). He then did Britannia Hospital (1982), the last part of Lindsay Anderson's working-class trilogy that started with If.... (1968). In the mid-1980s, the years of alcohol and drug abuse, including $1000 a week on cocaine, caught up with him. Years of abuse took its toll on him; his black hairs were now grey. Looking older than he really was, nobody wanted to cast him for playing younger roles. The big roles having dried up, he did many B-rated movies. The 1990s were kinder to him, though. In 1994, he was cast as Dr. Soran, the man who killed Captain Kirk in Star Trek: Generations (1994). He was back on the track, playing villains again. He played another in the classic BBC mini-series, "Our Friends in the North" (1996). Today, with more than 100 films under his belt, he is one of the greatest actors in America. He still doesn't have American citizenship, but he likes the no-nonsense American ways. He currently resides in the northern suburb of Los Angeles.
Trivia random: In an interview he said that a magazine named him "King Of Punk" after his appearance in "A clockwork orange". This is probably because of the punk references that appears in the movie, such as the droogies costume style.
Citazione random: [When asked what his favorite Stanley Kubrick film was]: "A Clockwork Orange (1971)! I never saw any of the others."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Soto, Talisa
Nome di battesimo: Soto, Miriam
Data di nascita: 27 March 1967
Altezza: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Coniuge: Benjamin Bratt::(13 April 2002 - present) 2 children, Costas Mandylor::(May 1997 - 2000) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002) .... Rayne Gant / Vinn Ecks [attrice]
- Piñero (2001) .... Sugar [attrice]
- Flight of Fancy (2000) .... Mercedes Marquez [attrice]
- Island of the Dead (2000) (V) .... Melissa O'Keefe [attrice]
- That Summer in LA (2000) .... Marisabel [attrice]
- The Corporate Ladder (1997) .... Susan Taylor [attrice]
- Flypaper (1997) .... Amanda [attrice]
- Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) .... Princess Kitana [attrice]
- Spy Hard (1996) .... Seductress in Hotel Room (as Desiree More) [attrice]
- The Sunchaser (1996) .... Navajo Woman [attrice]
Born to a Puerto Rican family in Brooklyn, Talisa was raised there and in Massachusetts. She started modeling at age 15 and has appeared on the covers of "Vogue," "Mademoiselle," "Glamour," and "Self," as well as in a "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit issue. She has been making film appearances since 1988, beginning with Spike of Bensonhurst (1988).
Trivia random: Former sister-in-law of Louis Mandylor.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
sabato 13 settembre 2008
Stroncaticchio dalla critica, non partivo con grandi aspettative per Hancock; in effetti i suoi difetti sono evidenti e non certo piccoli, però alla fin fine qualcosa di decente sotto c'è.
Hancock è (per quanto ne sapeva...) l'ultimo della sua specie: immortale, invulnerabile, fortissimo ed in grado di volare.
Un vero supereroe, non fosse che non si sente minimamente in dovere di aiutare il prossimo, e quando lo fa riesce sempre a creare più guai di quanti ne risolva.
La città di Los Angeles gli è ostile, almeno finché non salverà la vita ad un PR idealista che si impegnerà per cambiare la sua immagine.
Inizia cazzaro per poi virare su tematiche più serie, cosa che lo fa forse risultare un po' confuso (nello stile se non nelle intenzioni).
Tutto sommato prevedibile la prima parte, anche se non mancano i momenti simpatici; si eccede un po' con le parolacce e l'umorismo greve (che richiede più classe, se proprio lo si vuole mettere).
Nella seconda metà si scoprono i segreti dell'eroe e le sue origini; le idee qui non sono affatto malvagie, ma risentono del difetto principale dell'intero film, cioè il risultare eccessivamente didascalico: poche le scene con del pathos, le inquadrature si susseguono senza suscitare molto nello spettatore (non ci si diverte troppo, non ci si commuove troppo).
Insomma: una lieve ritoccatina alla sceneggiatura, una robusta ripulita ai dialoghi ed un regista che non fosse un dilettante, e sarebbe stato un eccellente film; purtroppo, tocca accontentarsi.
I "cattivi" andavano definiti meglio e sul finire avrebbe dovuto osare di più in quanto a sacrifici (ma mi rendo conto che è chiedere troppo, alla Hollywood del 2008).
Bravo Smith, Jason Bateman non dà esattamente fondo alle proprie capacità (posto che...), per colpa anche dei dialoghi. La Theron è sempre una meraviglia da guardare, ma il personaggio andava reso meglio.
Non mi hanno fatto impazzire gli effetti speciali: tutta roba che ormai si fa regolarmente - e meglio - in produzioni medio-alte, ed in alcuni casi stridevano un po' (all'inizio forse la cosa era voluta, con il "volo ubriaco", ma poteva comunque essere reso meglio).
In definitiva, simpaticuccio, ma non se ne esce proprio contenti.
Voto: 6 (+/- 0.5 a piacere).
Tags: commedia, drammatico, azione, fantasy, crimine, thriller, supereroe, hancock, Will Smith, Charlize Theron, salvataggio, treno, rapina, sparatoria, ferita, ostaggi, bomba, amnesia, carcere, fuga, evasione, inseguimento, deragliamento, scontro, combattimento, tromba d'aria, atterraggio, tuta, costume, ospedale, poteri, perdita, morte, immortalità, superpoteri, moglie, marito, pubbliche relazioni, immagine, campagna pubblicitaria.
Nome di battesimo: Jr., Willard Christopher Smith
Data di nascita: 25 September 1968
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Coniuge: Jada Pinkett Smith::(31 December 1997 - present) 2 children, Sheree Smith::(9 May 1992 - 10 December 1995) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
Will Smith was the second of four children of Caroline (school board employee) and Willard C Smith Sr. (owner of a refrigeration company). Smith is of both African American and Native American heritage. He grew up in middle class area in West Philadelphia called Wynnefield. Will attended the Overbrook High School located in the Overbrook section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He got the nickname 'Prince' because of the way he could charm his way out of trouble. Bright student Will also signed up with the high-status Julia Reynolds Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School in Philadelphia. Pursuing music, he met Jeff Townes at a party and they soon began performing together as DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. When the duo took off in popularity, Smith made and spent a lot of money on a house, cars and jewelry; leading to his near bankruptcy in his early twenties. Luckily, in 1989, he met Benny Medina, who had an idea for a sitcom based on his life in Beverly Hills. Smith loved the idea as did NBC which put on the "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" (1990). The plot was simple -Will basically played himself; a street-smart West Philly kid transplanted to Beverly Hills. The series lasted 6 years. During that time, he ventured into movies where the critics took note of him in Six Degrees of Separation (1993). With the success that came with the action picture Bad Boys (1995), Will's movie career was set. His had a huge hit with the Blockbuster Independence Day (1996) where he plays the alien-battling Marine Corps Captain Steven Hiller.
Trivia random: He and Jada Pinkett Smith were forced to leave their home in California because a bush fire threatened to destroy it and several other houses in the same area. [October 2005]
Citazione random: You're so much stronger when your partner is strong. I honestly believe there is no woman for me but Jada. Of all the women I've met - and there've been a few - no one can handle me the way Jada does. Once you feel someone locked in on you, it's no contest. As fine as other women can be, as tempting sexually, I'm not going anywhere. This is it. I can't imagine what anyone else could offer.
Salario massimo: $28,000,000, per I, Robot (2004)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 7 August 1975
Altezza: 5' 9½" (1.77 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Charlize Theron grew up on a farm outside Benoni, South Africa, as the only child. She got an education as a ballet dancer and has danced both the "Swan Lake" and the "Nutcracker Suite". There wasn't much for a young actress or dancer to do in South Africa, so she soon traveled to Europe and United States of America, where she got job at the Joffrey Ballet in New York. She was also able to work as a photo model. However, an injured knee put a halt to her dancing career. At the age of 18, her mother made her go to Los Angeles to try a career in the movie industry. She came to Los Angeles without knowing anyone in the city but after two weeks when she was standing in line on Hollywood Boulevard an agent gave her his card. After eight months in Los Angeles she got her first part. Since then, she has taken acting lessons and her career has skyrocketed, most lately in The Devil's Advocate (1997).
Trivia random: Became a fashion model at age 14.
Citazione random: [On marriage]: I'm happy for people who want to get married but it's not my thing. I'm extremely happy in my relationship and I would love to have kids.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Peter Berg
Scrittore: Vincent Ngo, Vince Gilligan
Genere: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Thriller, Action
Valutazione: 6.7/10 (52430 voti)
Durata: 92 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
A hard-living superhero who has fallen out of favor with the public enters into a questionable relationship with the wife of the public relations professional who's trying to repair his image.
Trivia random: Will Smith, a huge fan of professional wrestling, describes Hancock as one of his favorite wrestlers Steve Austin, with super powers.
Citazione random: Pissed Fat Guy: [referring to the lady in the car that Ray's car landed on after Hancock threw it] You know what? That lady should sue you!::Hancock: You know what? You should sue McDonald's, 'cuz they fucked you up!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Berg, Peter Winkler
Data di nascita: 11 March 1964
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Coniuge: Elizabeth Rogers::(28 August 1993 - 2002) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Cousin of Buzz Bissinger
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
La ricerca ha prodotto più di un risultato.
Hancock è (per quanto ne sapeva...) l'ultimo della sua specie: immortale, invulnerabile, fortissimo ed in grado di volare.
Un vero supereroe, non fosse che non si sente minimamente in dovere di aiutare il prossimo, e quando lo fa riesce sempre a creare più guai di quanti ne risolva.
La città di Los Angeles gli è ostile, almeno finché non salverà la vita ad un PR idealista che si impegnerà per cambiare la sua immagine.
Inizia cazzaro per poi virare su tematiche più serie, cosa che lo fa forse risultare un po' confuso (nello stile se non nelle intenzioni).
Tutto sommato prevedibile la prima parte, anche se non mancano i momenti simpatici; si eccede un po' con le parolacce e l'umorismo greve (che richiede più classe, se proprio lo si vuole mettere).
Nella seconda metà si scoprono i segreti dell'eroe e le sue origini; le idee qui non sono affatto malvagie, ma risentono del difetto principale dell'intero film, cioè il risultare eccessivamente didascalico: poche le scene con del pathos, le inquadrature si susseguono senza suscitare molto nello spettatore (non ci si diverte troppo, non ci si commuove troppo).
Insomma: una lieve ritoccatina alla sceneggiatura, una robusta ripulita ai dialoghi ed un regista che non fosse un dilettante, e sarebbe stato un eccellente film; purtroppo, tocca accontentarsi.
I "cattivi" andavano definiti meglio e sul finire avrebbe dovuto osare di più in quanto a sacrifici (ma mi rendo conto che è chiedere troppo, alla Hollywood del 2008).
Bravo Smith, Jason Bateman non dà esattamente fondo alle proprie capacità (posto che...), per colpa anche dei dialoghi. La Theron è sempre una meraviglia da guardare, ma il personaggio andava reso meglio.
Non mi hanno fatto impazzire gli effetti speciali: tutta roba che ormai si fa regolarmente - e meglio - in produzioni medio-alte, ed in alcuni casi stridevano un po' (all'inizio forse la cosa era voluta, con il "volo ubriaco", ma poteva comunque essere reso meglio).
In definitiva, simpaticuccio, ma non se ne esce proprio contenti.
Voto: 6 (+/- 0.5 a piacere).
Tags: commedia, drammatico, azione, fantasy, crimine, thriller, supereroe, hancock, Will Smith, Charlize Theron, salvataggio, treno, rapina, sparatoria, ferita, ostaggi, bomba, amnesia, carcere, fuga, evasione, inseguimento, deragliamento, scontro, combattimento, tromba d'aria, atterraggio, tuta, costume, ospedale, poteri, perdita, morte, immortalità, superpoteri, moglie, marito, pubbliche relazioni, immagine, campagna pubblicitaria.
Smith, Will (I)
Nome di battesimo: Jr., Willard Christopher Smith
Data di nascita: 25 September 1968
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Coniuge: Jada Pinkett Smith::(31 December 1997 - present) 2 children, Sheree Smith::(9 May 1992 - 10 December 1995) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
- Monster Hunter (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Pursuit (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2009) .... Bobby Seale (rumored) [attore]
- Hancock (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Human Contract (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Lakeview Terrace (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Secret Life of Bees (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Seven Pounds (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- I Am Legend (2007) .... Robert Neville [attore]
- ATL (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
Will Smith was the second of four children of Caroline (school board employee) and Willard C Smith Sr. (owner of a refrigeration company). Smith is of both African American and Native American heritage. He grew up in middle class area in West Philadelphia called Wynnefield. Will attended the Overbrook High School located in the Overbrook section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He got the nickname 'Prince' because of the way he could charm his way out of trouble. Bright student Will also signed up with the high-status Julia Reynolds Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School in Philadelphia. Pursuing music, he met Jeff Townes at a party and they soon began performing together as DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. When the duo took off in popularity, Smith made and spent a lot of money on a house, cars and jewelry; leading to his near bankruptcy in his early twenties. Luckily, in 1989, he met Benny Medina, who had an idea for a sitcom based on his life in Beverly Hills. Smith loved the idea as did NBC which put on the "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" (1990). The plot was simple -Will basically played himself; a street-smart West Philly kid transplanted to Beverly Hills. The series lasted 6 years. During that time, he ventured into movies where the critics took note of him in Six Degrees of Separation (1993). With the success that came with the action picture Bad Boys (1995), Will's movie career was set. His had a huge hit with the Blockbuster Independence Day (1996) where he plays the alien-battling Marine Corps Captain Steven Hiller.
Trivia random: He and Jada Pinkett Smith were forced to leave their home in California because a bush fire threatened to destroy it and several other houses in the same area. [October 2005]
Citazione random: You're so much stronger when your partner is strong. I honestly believe there is no woman for me but Jada. Of all the women I've met - and there've been a few - no one can handle me the way Jada does. Once you feel someone locked in on you, it's no contest. As fine as other women can be, as tempting sexually, I'm not going anywhere. This is it. I can't imagine what anyone else could offer.
Salario massimo: $28,000,000, per I, Robot (2004)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Theron, Charlize
Data di nascita: 7 August 1975
Altezza: 5' 9½" (1.77 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Brazilian Job (2009) .... Stella Bridger [attrice]
- The Burning Plain (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Hancock (2008) .... Mary Embrey [attrice]
- The Road (2008) .... Wife [attrice]
- Sleepwalking (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Battle in Seattle (2007) .... Ella [attrice]
- In the Valley of Elah (2007) .... Det. Emily Sanders [attrice]
- East of Havana (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
- North Country (2005) .... Josey Aimes [attrice]
- Æon Flux (2005) .... Æon Flux [attrice]
Charlize Theron grew up on a farm outside Benoni, South Africa, as the only child. She got an education as a ballet dancer and has danced both the "Swan Lake" and the "Nutcracker Suite". There wasn't much for a young actress or dancer to do in South Africa, so she soon traveled to Europe and United States of America, where she got job at the Joffrey Ballet in New York. She was also able to work as a photo model. However, an injured knee put a halt to her dancing career. At the age of 18, her mother made her go to Los Angeles to try a career in the movie industry. She came to Los Angeles without knowing anyone in the city but after two weeks when she was standing in line on Hollywood Boulevard an agent gave her his card. After eight months in Los Angeles she got her first part. Since then, she has taken acting lessons and her career has skyrocketed, most lately in The Devil's Advocate (1997).
Trivia random: Became a fashion model at age 14.
Citazione random: [On marriage]: I'm happy for people who want to get married but it's not my thing. I'm extremely happy in my relationship and I would love to have kids.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Hancock (2008)
Regista: Peter Berg
Scrittore: Vincent Ngo, Vince Gilligan
Genere: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Thriller, Action
Valutazione: 6.7/10 (52430 voti)
Durata: 92 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Will Smith .... John Hancock
- Charlize Theron .... Mary Embrey
- Jason Bateman .... Ray Embrey
- Jae Head .... Aaron Embrey
- Eddie Marsan .... Kenneth 'Red' Parker Jr.
- David Mattey .... Man Mountain
- Maetrix Fitten .... Matrix
- Thomas Lennon .... Mike
- Johnny Galecki .... Jeremy
- Hayley Marie Norman .... Hottie
A hard-living superhero who has fallen out of favor with the public enters into a questionable relationship with the wife of the public relations professional who's trying to repair his image.
Trivia random: Will Smith, a huge fan of professional wrestling, describes Hancock as one of his favorite wrestlers Steve Austin, with super powers.
Citazione random: Pissed Fat Guy: [referring to the lady in the car that Ray's car landed on after Hancock threw it] You know what? That lady should sue you!::Hancock: You know what? You should sue McDonald's, 'cuz they fucked you up!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Berg, Peter (I)
Nome di battesimo: Berg, Peter Winkler
Data di nascita: 11 March 1964
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Coniuge: Elizabeth Rogers::(28 August 1993 - 2002) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
- Bran Mak Morn (2010) .... (attached) [regista]
- Dune (2010) .... [regista]
- Virtuality (2009) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Hancock (2008) .... [regista]
- The Kingdom (2007) .... [regista]
- Lars and the Real Girl (2007) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Lions for Lambs (2007) .... Lt. Col. Falco [attore]
- The Half Life of Timofey Berezin (2006) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Smokin' Aces (2006) .... "Pistol" Pete Deeks [attore]
- Collateral (2004) .... Richard Weidner [attore]
Trivia random: Cousin of Buzz Bissinger
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Jason Bateman
La ricerca ha prodotto più di un risultato.
- McCall, Jason Bateman
- Bateman, Jonathan
- Bachmann, Jason
- Gibson, Henry (I)
- Spaceman, Jason
- Bateman, Allyson
- Bateman, Madison
- Bateman, Michael John
- Kaufman, Jason (I)
- Waltman, Jason
- Bateman, John (I)
- Hardman, Jason
- Karman, Jason
- Gutman, Jason
- Bateman, Josh
- Freeman, Jason (II)
- Altman, Jason (IV)
- Coleman, Jason (XI)
mercoledì 10 settembre 2008
[tripla/3] inner sanctum ciu
Dopo una tricologica delizia come City Ninja e prima di quella poderosa turcata di Turkish Star Wars, pareva giusto decomprimere le traboccanti vesciche del trash con un film semplicemente lento e brutto. Così, per farsi del male.
In questo senso Inner Sanctum II (Oscura Vendetta) si è rivelata una scelta eccellente, forse anche e soprattutto perché ci si è ben guardati dal procurarci anche il primo.
Spacciato da alcuni come thriller erotico (del resto il prolifico Fred Olen Ray è stato attivo anche in quei malfamati quartieri), in realtà mostra meno pelle di una qualsivoglia pubblicità dei cereali; diciamo che è un dramma-thriller con venature horror (alquanto mal riuscite). Peccato: Jennifer Ciesar nel ruolo dell'Infermiera Cosciona® aveva anche il suo perché...
C'è 'sta tizia (ehi, è la compianta Margaux Hemingway!) che sta poco bene perché ancora si strugge per aver accoppato il marito che a sua volta cercava l'uxoricidio; le restano un sacco di libri stupidi da leggere ed una grande casa, in cui si installeranno - oltre alla suddetta porno-infermiera ed al giardiniere enegumeno che si stantuffa quest'ultima ogni 3x2 - pure il fratello del non-così-compianto marito e la di lui moglie.
Comparsate del marito morto che, con una maschera gommosa da far invidia agli zombie di Thriller, cercherà di far impazzire l'ex mujera.
Se sembra noioso a morte, avete ragione; si riesce comunque ad apprezzare la pochezza di mezzi con cui è stato fatto. E non parlo di soldi, in qualche maniera adeguati ad una qualunque produzione a basso costo: è che qui proprio manca l'ABC della regia e della recitazione. I personaggi sono a dir poco improbabili (il dottore-investigatore è assurdo, per tacere di infermiera e giardiniere).
Sul finale si cerca di dare un colpo d'ala ad una storia che sembra un colabrodo, ed anche l'amante del brutto avrà alcune piccole soddisfazioni (dalla stupidità del tutto, se non altro).
Insomma, non è un film che consiglio agli amanti del trash, ma se lo beccate per sbaglio alle 2 di notte, può essere una buona occasione per (citazione colta) dire "tivvù: INSTUPIDISCIMI!" (o una buona occasione per andare a dormire, vedete voi)
Voto: 2. Trashometro® 1/10: (infermiera cosciona!)
Tags: thriller, drammatico, horror, Margaux Hemingway, omicidio, tentato omicidio, polizia, malattia, depressione, pillole, apparizione, persecuzione, eredità, fratello, moglie, marito, dottore, sesso, chiave, denaro, maschera, pistola, trashuccio.
Regista: Fred Olen Ray
Scrittore: Steve Armogida, Fred Olen Ray
Genere: Drama, Thriller, Drama
Valutazione: 2.9/10 (61 voti)
Durata: 82 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
This is the story of Jennifer Reed who was forced into killing her husband in self defence. As of late, she has been plagued with nightmares of her recently deceased hubby returning from the dead to kill her. Her house is soon full of people like her husband's brother Bill and his wife Sharon who are eager to cash in on the inheritance. There is also a suspicious housekeeper and a unstable looking psychiatrist. Everyone is out for something and poor Jennifer is caught in the middle of it all and is slowly going insane. Citazione random: Anna Rawlins: [unlocks a briefcase full of money] I'm rich!::Bill Reed: We're rich.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Fred Olen Ray
Scrittore: Mark Thomas McGee
Genere: Drama, Thriller, Drama
Valutazione: 2.1/10 (287 voti)
Durata: 90::(unrated version) min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
A woman attempts suicide when she suspects her husband doesn't love her and is having an affair. Now she's wheelchair-bound, and her husband, who indeed doesn't love her and is having an affair, hires a private nurse to look after his wife. The nurse begins to suspect that she was hired because of unproven allegations that she murdered someone's wife in a similar situation, that the husband wants her to murder his wife.
Trivia random: As part of her deal to star in the film Tanya Roberts choreographed her own sex scenes. One of the scenes she directed with Brett Baxter Clark was too graphic even for the unrated version and had to be cut.
Citazione random: Anna Rawlins: [to Baxter Reed] Did you hire Lynn to murder Jennifer... Did you Bax?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 10 May 1968
Ultimi lavori:
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 10 September 1954
Coniuge: Dawn Wildsmith::(? - ?), Kimberly A. Ray::(? - ?)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Father of Christopher Ray.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Hemingway, Margot Louise
Data di nascita: 16 February 1954
Data di morte: 2 July 1996
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Bernard Foucher::(1 January 1980 - 1987) (divorced), Erroll Wetson::(21 June 1975 - 1978) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Born in Portland, Oregon, she grew up in on a farm in Ketchum, Idaho. But dad was Jack Hemingway, son of the Nobel prize winning author Ernest Hemingway and, with that heritage, fame was almost foreordained. By the time she was 21, after the lead in the rape melodrama Lipstick (1976), she had a budding movie career, a $1 million promotional contract with Faberge perfume, and her face on magazine covers around the world. But, within the decade, it was all lost. Her sister Mariel Hemingway, whose role in Lipstick (1976) had been suggested by Margaux, was a much greater success; she had started drinking heavily; two marriages had failed. In 1988, she checked herself into the Betty Ford Center for rehabilitation. Attempts to parley her recovery from alcohol into a revived career failed and, by the time she was 41, almost nothing was left. She lived alone in a studio apartment, no children, no lover, few friends. Neighbors informed police that she had not been seen for days and, on July 1, they entered through a 2nd floor window. Dental records had to be used to confirm her identity.
Trivia random: L.A. coroner's office concluded that Margaux Hemingway killed herself by taking an overdose of a sedative. She was the fifth person in her family to commit suicide.
Citazione random: I loved to dance and went to Studio 54 at least twice a week. But I always felt nervous around the people there. I was in awe of that whole Halston-Liza Minnelli crowd. To me, they were the real celebrities and I was just a girl from Idaho. So I drank to loosen up. I never thought then that alcohol would become a problem. In my grandfather's time it was a virtue to be able to drink a lot and never show it. And like him, I wanted to live life to the fullest, with gusto. (People Magazine interview, 1988)
Salario massimo: $15,000, per Vicious Kiss (1995)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
In questo senso Inner Sanctum II (Oscura Vendetta) si è rivelata una scelta eccellente, forse anche e soprattutto perché ci si è ben guardati dal procurarci anche il primo.
Spacciato da alcuni come thriller erotico (del resto il prolifico Fred Olen Ray è stato attivo anche in quei malfamati quartieri), in realtà mostra meno pelle di una qualsivoglia pubblicità dei cereali; diciamo che è un dramma-thriller con venature horror (alquanto mal riuscite). Peccato: Jennifer Ciesar nel ruolo dell'Infermiera Cosciona® aveva anche il suo perché...
C'è 'sta tizia (ehi, è la compianta Margaux Hemingway!) che sta poco bene perché ancora si strugge per aver accoppato il marito che a sua volta cercava l'uxoricidio; le restano un sacco di libri stupidi da leggere ed una grande casa, in cui si installeranno - oltre alla suddetta porno-infermiera ed al giardiniere enegumeno che si stantuffa quest'ultima ogni 3x2 - pure il fratello del non-così-compianto marito e la di lui moglie.
Comparsate del marito morto che, con una maschera gommosa da far invidia agli zombie di Thriller, cercherà di far impazzire l'ex mujera.
Se sembra noioso a morte, avete ragione; si riesce comunque ad apprezzare la pochezza di mezzi con cui è stato fatto. E non parlo di soldi, in qualche maniera adeguati ad una qualunque produzione a basso costo: è che qui proprio manca l'ABC della regia e della recitazione. I personaggi sono a dir poco improbabili (il dottore-investigatore è assurdo, per tacere di infermiera e giardiniere).
Sul finale si cerca di dare un colpo d'ala ad una storia che sembra un colabrodo, ed anche l'amante del brutto avrà alcune piccole soddisfazioni (dalla stupidità del tutto, se non altro).
Insomma, non è un film che consiglio agli amanti del trash, ma se lo beccate per sbaglio alle 2 di notte, può essere una buona occasione per (citazione colta) dire "tivvù: INSTUPIDISCIMI!" (o una buona occasione per andare a dormire, vedete voi)
Voto: 2. Trashometro® 1/10: (infermiera cosciona!)
Tags: thriller, drammatico, horror, Margaux Hemingway, omicidio, tentato omicidio, polizia, malattia, depressione, pillole, apparizione, persecuzione, eredità, fratello, moglie, marito, dottore, sesso, chiave, denaro, maschera, pistola, trashuccio.
Inner Sanctum II (1994)
Regista: Fred Olen Ray
Scrittore: Steve Armogida, Fred Olen Ray
Genere: Drama, Thriller, Drama
Valutazione: 2.9/10 (61 voti)
Durata: 82 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Michael Nouri .... Bill Reed
- Tracy Brooks Swope .... Jennifer Reed
- Sandahl Bergman .... Sharon Reed
- David Warner .... Dr. Lamont
- Margaux Hemingway .... Anna Rawlins (as Margot Hemingway)
- Jennifer Ciesar .... Jane
- John Coleman .... Mark Taylor
- Suzanne Ager .... Maureen
- Joe Estevez .... Detective Lane
- James Booth .... Detective Hooper
This is the story of Jennifer Reed who was forced into killing her husband in self defence. As of late, she has been plagued with nightmares of her recently deceased hubby returning from the dead to kill her. Her house is soon full of people like her husband's brother Bill and his wife Sharon who are eager to cash in on the inheritance. There is also a suspicious housekeeper and a unstable looking psychiatrist. Everyone is out for something and poor Jennifer is caught in the middle of it all and is slowly going insane. Citazione random: Anna Rawlins: [unlocks a briefcase full of money] I'm rich!::Bill Reed: We're rich.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Inner Sanctum (1991)
Patto a tre
Regista: Fred Olen Ray
Scrittore: Mark Thomas McGee
Genere: Drama, Thriller, Drama
Valutazione: 2.1/10 (287 voti)
Durata: 90::(unrated version) min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Tanya Roberts .... Lynn Foster
- Margaux Hemingway .... Anna Rawlins
- Joseph Bottoms .... Baxter Reed
- Valerie Wildman .... Jennifer Reed
- Brett Baxter Clark .... Neil Semple
- Suzanne Ager .... Maureen
- Jay Richardson .... Lieutenant Wanamaker
- William Butler .... Jeff Seigel
- Ted Newsom .... Sergeant Levy
A woman attempts suicide when she suspects her husband doesn't love her and is having an affair. Now she's wheelchair-bound, and her husband, who indeed doesn't love her and is having an affair, hires a private nurse to look after his wife. The nurse begins to suspect that she was hired because of unproven allegations that she murdered someone's wife in a similar situation, that the husband wants her to murder his wife.
Trivia random: As part of her deal to star in the film Tanya Roberts choreographed her own sex scenes. One of the scenes she directed with Brett Baxter Clark was too graphic even for the unrated version and had to be cut.
Citazione random: Anna Rawlins: [to Baxter Reed] Did you hire Lynn to murder Jennifer... Did you Bax?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ciesar, Jennifer
Data di nascita: 10 May 1968
Ultimi lavori:
- I Pass for Human (2004) .... Mila [attrice]
- Black Sea 213 (1998) .... (voice) [attrice]
- Red Shoe Diaries 7: Burning Up (1997) (V) .... Sarah (segment "Kidnap") [attrice]
- Inner Sanctum II (1994) .... Jane [attrice]
- Lovers, Lovers (1994) .... Blaire [attrice]
- Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All (1989) (TV) .... Showgirl #1 [attrice]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ray, Fred Olen
Data di nascita: 10 September 1954
Coniuge: Dawn Wildsmith::(? - ?), Kimberly A. Ray::(? - ?)
Ultimi lavori:
- Dire Wolf (2009) .... [regista]
- Bikini Royale (2008) (TV) .... [regista]
- Polar Opposites (2008) .... [regista]
- Recoil (2008) .... [regista]
- Reptisaurus (2008) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Solar Flare (2008) .... [regista]
- Tarzeena: Jiggle in the Jungle (2008) (TV) .... (as Nicholas Medina) [regista]
- An Accidental Christmas (2007) (TV) .... [regista]
- Bewitched Housewives (2007) (TV) .... (written by) (as Sherman Scott) [scrittore]
- The Girl from B.I.K.I.N.I. (2007) (V) .... (written by) (as Nicholas Medina) [scrittore]
Trivia random: Father of Christopher Ray.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Hemingway, Margaux
Nome di battesimo: Hemingway, Margot Louise
Data di nascita: 16 February 1954
Data di morte: 2 July 1996
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Bernard Foucher::(1 January 1980 - 1987) (divorced), Erroll Wetson::(21 June 1975 - 1978) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Hemingway: Winner Take Nothing (1998) (V) .... (devised by) [misc]
- Backroads to Vegas (1996) (TV) .... [attrice]
- Dangerous Cargo (1996) .... Julie [attrice]
- Frame-Up II: The Cover-Up (1996) .... Jean Searage [attrice]
- Vicious Kiss (1995) .... Lisa [attrice]
- A comme acteur (1995) .... [attrice]
- Double Obsession (1994) .... Heather Dwyer [attrice]
- Inner Sanctum II (1994) .... Anna Rawlins (as Margot Hemingway) [attrice]
- Deadly Rivals (1993) .... Agent Linda Howerton (as Margot Hemingway) [attrice]
- Love Is Like That (1993) .... Jackie [attrice]
Born in Portland, Oregon, she grew up in on a farm in Ketchum, Idaho. But dad was Jack Hemingway, son of the Nobel prize winning author Ernest Hemingway and, with that heritage, fame was almost foreordained. By the time she was 21, after the lead in the rape melodrama Lipstick (1976), she had a budding movie career, a $1 million promotional contract with Faberge perfume, and her face on magazine covers around the world. But, within the decade, it was all lost. Her sister Mariel Hemingway, whose role in Lipstick (1976) had been suggested by Margaux, was a much greater success; she had started drinking heavily; two marriages had failed. In 1988, she checked herself into the Betty Ford Center for rehabilitation. Attempts to parley her recovery from alcohol into a revived career failed and, by the time she was 41, almost nothing was left. She lived alone in a studio apartment, no children, no lover, few friends. Neighbors informed police that she had not been seen for days and, on July 1, they entered through a 2nd floor window. Dental records had to be used to confirm her identity.
Trivia random: L.A. coroner's office concluded that Margaux Hemingway killed herself by taking an overdose of a sedative. She was the fifth person in her family to commit suicide.
Citazione random: I loved to dance and went to Studio 54 at least twice a week. But I always felt nervous around the people there. I was in awe of that whole Halston-Liza Minnelli crowd. To me, they were the real celebrities and I was just a girl from Idaho. So I drank to loosen up. I never thought then that alcohol would become a problem. In my grandfather's time it was a virtue to be able to drink a lot and never show it. And like him, I wanted to live life to the fullest, with gusto. (People Magazine interview, 1988)
Salario massimo: $15,000, per Vicious Kiss (1995)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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