Gli horror vacanzieri sono sempre forieri di grandi soddisfazioni, e
The Ruins (Rovine) non fa eccezione.
Manciata di giovani pirla in ferie in messico, ne hanno abbastanza della vita notturna sulla spiaggia e decidono di avventurarsi verso un sito archeologico di recente scoperta, non ancora aperto ai turisti (e già qui...)
Circondati da
bifolchindios piuttosto incazzosi, verranno spinti su un tempio Maya, dove per motivi che saranno presto chiari nessuno osa inseguirli: le rovine sono infatti infestate da feroci piante carnivore, semoventi ed intelligentissime (almeno se paragonate alle vittime, si intende).
Vero punto di forza del film è la totale stupidità dei protagonisti, intenti in una corsa ai
Darwin Awards: ad esempio, calarsi con una corda non abbastanza lunga per poi gettarsi nel vuoto - che tanto "non mancherà poi molto al fondo" - non sembra essere una grande idea.
Belli poi i litigi sentimentali nei momenti meno opportuni, per tacere del totale disinteresse verso i feriti.
A proposito dei feriti, il film si impenna durante una operazione alla "allegro chirugo": una frattura esposta ad una gamba viene curata (sort of) con una amputazione (neanche coatta: l'interessato era ENTUSIASTA all'idea) effettuata da un imbecille con un microscopico coltellino.
E l'emorragia come la fermano, vi chiederete? Niente di più semplice: una bella padella antiaderente (presumibilmente venduta da
Giorgio Mastrota) arroventata sul fuoco ed il gioco è fatto!
AAARGH! Tragico scoprire che tale capolavoro è stato prodotto dalla Dreamworks e dalla Spyglass, basandosi su un libro dell'autore di quel gioiello di
Soldi Sporchi (ma lì alla regia c'era uno bravo davvero).
Voto: 4 Trashometro
® 6/10:
(e ricordate di DARVI da mangiare alle piante)
Tags: horror, Messico, thriller, assedio, violenza, gore, sangue, pianta carnivora, tempio, Maya, rovine, archeologi, scavo, fucile, sparatoria, contagio, amputazione, morte, festa, vacanza, ferie, spiaggia, paralisi, vomito, parassita, amicizia, scheletro, nudo, sesso, tenda, acqua, sete, jeep, fuga, coltello, auto-mutilazione, fiore, trash, gamba, emorragia, ferita, amputazione, padella.
Mastrota, Giorgio
Coniuge: Natalia Estrada::(19 December 1992 - 1998) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori: Trivia random: Daughter Natalia Jr. born in 1995.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Simple Plan, A (1998)
Soldi sporchi
Regista: Sam Raimi Scrittore: Scott B. Smith,
Scott B. Smith Genere: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 7.6/10 (24891 voti)
Durata: 121 min
Paese: France, UK, Germany, USA, Japan
Lingua: English
Cast:Trama:Three diverse characters, for the most part intellectually challenged, find a deserted plane with a bag full of millions of dollars inside. They devise a simple plan to keep the money if no-one claims it. Ofcourse, nothing turns out simple...
Trivia random: A scene with Billy Bob Thornton and Bill Paxton was lost by Northwest Airlines in January 1998 while in transit from Minnesota to Los Angeles. The missing scene had been shot in Minnesota. The film was insured, and the missing scene was re-shot.
Citazione random: Jacob Mitchell: I wish somebody else had found that money.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ruins, The (2008)
Regista: Carter Smith Scrittore: Scott B. Smith,
Scott B. Smith Genere: Horror, Thriller, Horror
Valutazione: 6.0/10 (15050 voti)
Durata: 93::(unrated DVD version) min
Paese: Australia, USA
Lingua: English, Maya, Spanish, German
Cast:Trama:While on vacation in a resort in Mexico, the Americans Jeff, his girlfriend Amy, her best friend Stacy and her boyfriend Eric befriend the German Mathias in the swimming pool. Mathias invites the group to visit the ruins of a Mayan temple with his Greek friend Dimitri in an archeological field where his brother Henrich and his girlfriend are camped eighteen kilometers far from the resort. They hire an old taxi and when they reach the spot, they are surrounded by Mayan villagers armed of revolver, rifle and bow-and-arrow that kill Dimitri and do not allow the group to leave the place. They climb a construction covered of creepers with red flowers, and remain under siege of the locals. When they hear a cell phone in the bottom of a well, Mathias decides to seek the apparatus using a rope that breaks and he has a serious accident breaking his back. Amy and Stacy go to the bottom of the mine to rescue Mathias and they find many corpses covered by the climbing plants; further, they realize that they had been lured by the plants that are vibrating with the sound of a cell phone. When they are attacked by the carnivorous creeping plants, they understand the reaction of the Mayan villagers.
Trivia random: SPOILER: Even though the novel and the screenplay were written by the same person, the deaths of the characters are switched around. In the film, Stacy cuts her knee and the plants start growing inside her. She ends up killing Eric and begs for the others to kill her. In the book, it's Eric who cuts his knee, and he kills Mathias. In the film, Mathias breaks his back and later gets his legs cut off. In the novel, this happens to Pablo (who is called Dimitri in the film). In the film, Jeff is killed by the Mayans trying to save Amy so she can escape. In the novel, Jeff is killed by the Mayans trying to escape after Amy has been killed by the plants during the night. In the novel, Stacy is the last survivor. She commits suicide in front of the ruins to warn off others who might find the ruins. But the plants make her body disappear. In the novel, Amy is the first character to die. In the film, she is the only one who survives and, unlike any of the characters in the novel, she actually manages to escape.
Citazione random: Amy: This is so not okay!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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