Rinviato a più riprese, consci che questo avrebbe fatto
davvero male, alla fine è giunto anche il turno di
The Lab e, invero, ha fatto
davvero male.
Nella città più lercia del pianeta (monnezza ovunque, l'interno più bello è una topaia), un esimio dottore prosegue da 200 anni i suoi esperimenti sull'immortalità mettendo insieme pezzi di cadaveri che fa rivere grazie alla bioingegneria. Se vi ricorda qualcosa (
l'isola dei famosi a parte

) sappiate che il titolo originale di questo film per la TV (meglio se spenta) è
Purtroppo questi "cadaveri diversamente abili" sembrano non essere proprio a posto di melone e si mettono a fare cose strane, tipo cercare di uccidere il buon dottore, cercare di suicidarsi, cercare un politico onesto e cose così.
Alcuni di questi strani cadaveri di cadaveri vengono rinvenuti dalla polizia che si mette d'impegno per sbrogliare la matassa; non ne ricaveranno in realtà un granché, salvo un scontro con un
rochissimo e
frankensteinissimoMichael Madsen che, per non perdere le sue sane abitudini, timbra il cartellino anche in questo fetentissimo film.
Il finale, aperto e in sospeso, appare come una minaccia di un seguito se non addirittura di una serie per la TV, auspicabile quanto una epidemia di dissenteria esplosiva.
regista del
remake di Non Aprite Quella Porta non ci si poteva proprio aspettare un filmone, ma una simile brodaglia assurda, noiosa e sconclusionata mi ha ricordato per certi versi lo stile di quelll'anti-cinema di
Albert Pyun (autore di un buon numero di
film di cyborg e di qualche titolone con
Christopher Lambert, per dire il livello...)
Voto: 1. Trashometro
® 2/10:

Madsen, Michael (I)
Data di nascita: 25 September 1958
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Coniuge: De Anna Morgan::(15 April 1996 - present) 4 children, Jeannine Bisignano::(? - ?) (divorced) (son: Christian), Georganne LaPiere::(198? - 198?) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:At 6' 2" and 190 lbs, Michael Madsen can portray heroic, as well as villainous characters. There's just something in the way Madsen delivers his lines with that underlying aggression masked behind his gravelly tones, that makes you feel very uneasy about his true intentions! Talented Madsen first learned his craft at Chicago's Steppenwolf Theatre, where he worked under talented actor John Malkovich. He then broke through onto the screen in minor roles in Against All Hope (1982), Racing with the Moon (1984) and The Natural (1984). His work received considerable notice after his knife-edged performance as a deranged killer "Vince Miller" in Kill Me Again (1989) and then as Susan Sarandon's rough-edged boyfriend "Jimmy" in Thelma & Louise (1991). His real breakthrough, however, came as the sadistic jewel thief, Mr. Blonde, in Quentin Tarantino's low budget hit Reservoir Dogs (1992). Movie audiences were galvanized in their seats as Madsen playfully danced around a tied down & terrified police officer, cutting him with a knife and splashing gasoline all over the petrified man...all to the cheery tunes of "Stuck In the Middle With You." Not to be typecast, Madsen surprised all with his performance as foster parent Glen Greenwood in the hit family movie Free Willy (1993), before returning to another criminal role as bank robber Rudy Travis in the remake of the Steve McQueen heist flick The Getaway (1994), and then back again as Glen Greenwood in Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home (1995). Madsen continues to put in edge of the seat performances as morally bankrupt individuals on the wrong side of the law. Witness his intense on screen showings in Donnie Brasco (1997), Mulholland Falls (1996), and High Noon (2000) (TV). In 2003, he teamed up again with indie director Quentin Tarantino to appear in both "volumes" of Tarantino's magnum martial arts/revenge opus of Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) and Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) as the coldly evil "Budd" (aka "Sidewinder"). In addition to his film work, Madsen has contributed dialogue to two of Sony PlayStations's biggest-selling games, Grand Theft Auto III (2001) (VG) and Driv3r (2004) (VG), as well as writing several books of his own poetry. Although uncomfortable with fame, Madsen's star continues to shine in Hollywood and his droll, yet captivating acting style is ensuring him a steady flow of work as one on the screen's favourite "heavies".
Trivia random: Has worn the same pinky ring in numerous movies.
Citazione random: "Kids are a great excuse for you to stop acting like one". (Men's Health, March, 2004)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The (2003)
Non aprite quella porta
Regista: Marcus NispelScrittore: Kim Henkel,
Tobe HooperGenere: Crime, Horror, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.0/10 (12474 voti)
Durata: 98 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Cast:Trama:A group of college kids, on their way back from scoring drugs in Mexico, run into a hitchhiker who has just survived a horrific massacre from the night before. They try to help the girl, but in the process end up falling prey to her mysterious fear. It happens to be wielding a chainsaw...
Trivia random: The remake saw is a Husqvarna 359 with a 28" guide bar. These saws are made today and were not available in 1973 Texas.
Lambert, Christopher
Nome di battesimo: Lambert, Christophe Guy Denis
Data di nascita: 29 March 1957
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Jaimyse Haft::(6 February 1999 - present), Diane Lane::(October 1988 - March 1994) (divorced) 1 daughter
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:Though born in Great Neck, Long Island, Christopher Lambert moved away when he was only two years old. His father was a United Nations diplomat assigned to Switzerland and, as a result, Chris was educated at private boarding schools in Geneva. Inspired through his having appeared in a play at age twelve, he went to the Paris Conservatoire where he remained for two years. After a few small parts in the French cinema, beginning in 1980, he successfully competed for the title role in Warner Brothers' Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984). His co-stars included Ian Holm, James Fox and Ralph Richardson (in his final film performance). The movie was popular with Tarzan buffs for remaining faithful (in the first half at least) to Edgar Rice Burroughs' original story of the apeman. Two years later Lambert brought to the screen Gregory Widen's legendary 'Connor MacLeod', the literally immortal Highlander (1986) cult-figure, born in the Highlands of Scotland in 1518 and surviving into the futuristic Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) and Highlander III: The Sorcerer (1994). In recent years he has become a movie producer while continuing to act in mostly action/adventure films.
Trivia random: Dated Princess Stephanie of Monaco.
Nispel, Marcus
Data di nascita: 1964
Altezza: 6' 5½" (1.97 m)
Ultimi lavori: Frankenstein (2004/II) (TV)
Regista: Marcus NispelScrittore: Dean R. Koontz,
John ShibanGenere: Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 5.0/10 (279 voti)
Durata: Argentina:90 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Cast:Trama:Detective Carson O'Conner (Parker Poisey) and her partner Detective Michael Sloane (Adam Goldberg) are investigating murders of a serial-killer that mutilates and removes the internal organs of the victims. When they meet the mysterious and macabre Deucalion (Vincent Perez), they are informed that Dr. Frankenstein is alive with a legion of followers, using the name of Dr. Victor Helios (Thomas Kretschmann).
Trivia random: The story for Frankenstein was originally created by 'Dean Koontz ' and collaborator 'Kevin Anderson' , and intended to become a series. When USA became the production company and distributor, Koontz signed on as screenwriter and executive producer. Martin Scorsese also signed on as executive producer, and a cast (most of which were in the final product) was assembled for what was intended as the pilot to a weekly series. Following creative disputes between USA and Koontz, both Koontz and Scorsese left the project (Scorsese subsequently returned). Koontz removed all affiliation with the project, but allowed USA to use the names of his characters.
Pyun, Albert
Nome di battesimo: Pyun, Albert F.
Ultimi lavori: Trivia random: Writers trademark: Character Brick Bardo, was used by Pyun in 7 of his earlier films.
2 commenti:
il film non é assolutamente male, anzi l'ambientazione è assolutamente azzeccata, la trama eccentrica ma allo stesso tempo digeribile... mi interesserebbe molto sapere se è una delle solite trilogie, qnd se in qualke modo ci sarà un continuo oppure no!!! cmq lo consiglio più agli amanti del genere "x-file" ke non a quelli dell'horror!!!!
Non credo; è nato come pilot di una serie che poi non è mai stata prodotta (doveva esserci Martin Scorsese, dietro).
Sono quasi certo che http://italian.imdb.com/title/tt0368730/ non sia in alcun modo collegato, ma potrei sbagliarmi.
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