Film su cowboy gay?!?!
Puah! Ci sputo sopra!

Sangue feci e urina, altro che!
Running tutto o quasi è marcio e corrotto fino al midollo.
Un piccolo mafioso finisce coinvolto coi suoi compari in una sparatoria; ne escono vivi, ma quelli che hanno accoppato non erano semplici criminali, ma poliziotti corrotti!
Ora il nostro malvivente ha un'arma che scotta e che lo può mandare dritto sulla sedia elettrica, e l'idea migliore che hanno è nasconderla nello scantinato dove il figlio gioca col vicino di casa.
Quest ultimo la trova e la usa per cercare di uccidere il proprio padre, un pazzo russo con la fissa di
John Wayne (a proposito di cowboy gay...

) che maltratta lui e la madre. Dopo aver ferito il babbo inizia una fuga notturna in una città fetida che sembra offrire solo puttane, magnaccia, mafiosi, pedofili, spogliarelliste e sbirri corrotti.
A questo punto tutti, per motivi diversi, devono ritrovare il bambino e soprattuto la pistola. A qualsiasi costo.
Due ore di azione ben costruita e dal bel ritmo, con i personaggi - spesso surreali - intenti in una gara di malvagità come poche se ne sono viste. Il campionario è vasto: una marea di pallottole sparate a bruciapelo, fiamme, mazze da hokey, corpi contundenti assortiti e sangue che schizza ovunque. Uno
Snatch più cattivo, violento, cinico, sanguinario e senza un briciolo d'ironia.
Discreti gli interpreti, acidi i dialoghi e la sceneggiatura; piccola nota di demerito per la regia che eccede in
effettini stylish buoni per una puntata di
C.S.I. ma un po' noiosi sul lungo termine.
V.M. 14 per ottimi e sovrabbondanti motivi.
Voto: 7.5.
Tags: mafia, corruzione, pistola, violenza, omicidi, john-wayne
"CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (2000)
C.S.I.: Scena del crimine
Genere: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Durata: 60 (including commercials) min
Paese: USA, Canada
Lingua: English, AmericanSignLanguage, Spanish
Cast:Trama:This show follows the nights of the detectives working at the Las Vegas Police Department Crime Scene Investigations bureau. Being the second busiest crime lab in America, CSI officers use the best scientific and technical methods to solve puzzles and catch criminals.
Trivia random: Grissom and Catherine are loosely based on real-life LVMPD criminalists Daniel Holstein and Yolanda McCrery.
Wayne, John (I)
Nome di battesimo: Morrison, Marion Michael
Data di nascita: 26 May 1907
Data di morte: 11 June 1979
Altezza: 6' 4½" (1.94 m)
Coniuge: Pilar Wayne::(1 November 1954 - 11 June 1979) (his death) 3 children, Esperanza Baur::(17 January 1946 - 1 November 1954) (divorced), Josephine Alicia Saenz::(24 June 1933 - 25 December 1945) (divorced) 4 children
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:John Wayne (born Marion Morrison) was the son of pharmacist Clyde Morrison and his wife Mary. Clyde developed a lung condition that required him to move his family from Iowa to the warmer climate of southern California, where they tried ranching in the Mojave Desert. Until the ranch failed, Marion and his younger brother Robert E. Morrison swam in an irrigation ditch and rode a horse to school. When the ranch failed, the family moved to Glendale, California, where Marion delivered medicines for his father, sold newspapers and had an Airedale dog named "Duke" (the source of his own nickname). He did well at school both academically and in football. When he narrowly failed admission to Annapolis he went to USC on a football scholarship 1925-7. Tom Mix got him a summer job as a prop man in exchange for football tickets. On the set he became close friends with director John Ford for whom, among others, he began doing bit parts, some billed as John Wayne. His first featured film was Men Without Women (1930). After more than 70 low-budget westerns and adventures, mostly routine, Wayne's career was stuck in a rut until Ford cast him in Stagecoach (1939), the movie that made him a star. He appeared in nearly 250 movies, many of epic proportions. From 1942-43 he was in a radio series, "The Three Sheets to the Wind", and in 1944 he helped found the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, a right-wing political organization, later becoming its President. His conservative political stance was also reflected in The Alamo (1960), which he produced, directed and starred in. His patriotic stand was enshrined in The Green Berets (1968) which he co-directed and starred in. Over the years Wayne was beset with health problems. In September 1964 he had a cancerous left lung removed; in March 1978 there was heart valve replacement surgery; and in January 1979 his stomach was removed. He received the Best Actor nomination for Sands of Iwo Jima (1949) and finally got the Oscar for his role as one-eyed Rooster Cogburn in True Grit (1969). A Congressional Gold Medal was struck in his honor in 1979. He is perhaps best remembered for his parts in Ford's cavalry trilogy - Fort Apache (1948), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949) and Rio Grande (1950).
Trivia random: After meeting the late Superman star Christopher Reeve at the 1979 Academy Awards, Wayne turned to Cary Grant and said "This is our new man. He's taking over."
Citazione random: "This may come as a surprise to you, but I wasn't alive when reservations were created - even if I do look that old. I have no idea what the best method of dealing with the Indians in the 1800's would have been. Our forefathers evidently thought they were doing the right thing."
Running Scared (2006)
Regista: Wayne Kramer Scrittore: Wayne Kramer Genere: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.0/10 (1923 voti)
Durata: 122 min
Paese: Germany, USA
Lingua: English
Cast:Trama:Joey Gazelle (Paul Walker) is a low level mob flunkie whose role is to dispose of "hot" guns from mob killings. We soon find out that Joey has been hiding these guns in the drywall of his basement, instead of tossing them in the river. When Joey's 10 year-old son (Alex Neuberger) and his best friend, Oleg (Cameron Bright), witness Joey hiding some guns from a botched drug deal, Oleg steals one of the guns -- a snub-nosed .38 (used to kill a dirty cop) -- and shoots his abusive stepfather (Karel Roden) with it. Things would be bad enough if the stepfather didn't happen to be the nephew of a psychotic Russian mob boss (John Noble)... who happens to be in business with Joey's crew on a gasoline scam. But now Joey's also got the surviving dirty cop (Chazz Palminteri) from the botched drug deal on his case... and that hot .38 out there on the street, changing hands in an underworld of freaks, pimps, hookers and pedophiles. As well as Oleg, who can connect Joey to the gun. And even if Joey can make it through the night, he's still got to answer to his wife (Vera Farmiga)...
Trivia random: Most of the bloody gunshot wounds were CGI. The only real squibs used were in the Black Light Hockey Rink Shootout.
Snatch. (2000)
Snatch - lo strappo
Regista: Guy Ritchie Scrittore: Guy Ritchie Genere: Comedy, Crime, Thriller
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (59145 voti) [#209 nella top250]
Durata: 104 min
Paese: UK, USA
Lingua: English, Russian
Cast:Trama:Turkish, an unlicenced boxing promoter is pulled into trouble when he becomes involved in big time criminal Brick Top, who wants him to arrange a fight and fix it. Meanwhile, a diamond theft goes down but the 84 karat stone goes missing. This leads Avi, the boss who was supposed to receive the stone, to come to England to search for it, with the help of his cousin, Doug The Head and Bullet Tooth Tony. As events twist and turn, the two situations blend into one with a chain reaction of events carrying on for each and every character.
Trivia random: Guy Ritchie reportedly paid US $1 million for the use of Madonna's song, "Lucky Star".
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