Maledizione! Mi accorgo solo ora che
questa vecchia recensione si riferisce in realtà a
Ninja Campione. Errore imperdonabile, dovrò fare seppuku; del resto,
vivere da ninja, morire da ninja!
Sia come sia, ho rivisto pure
Ninja Occhio Per Occhio.
La polizia è sulle tracce di alcuni trafficanti di droga e - dopo un terribile scontro a fuoco a colpi di pistole, baguette e citazioni da
Callaghan - uno dei malviventi viene catturato e convinto a collaborare.
Quello che la polizia non sa è che l'organizzazione è gestita da ninja, che prontamente accoppano lo scomodo testimone!
Quel che l'organizzazione non sa, invece, è che anche tra la polizia i dementi abbondano, e presto il nostro eroe
Richard Harrison unirà le sue forze all'arte sopraffina di
Alphonse Beni, che è di gran lunga
il ninja più camerunense che la storia ricordi e che,
come prevedibile (!), si fa chiamare
Alvin ed ha una moglie francese che muore subito (sempre buona per fornire una scusa per una sana vendetta personale!)
Dovranno combattere un nemico del calibro di
Stuart Smith - mica l'ultimo dei fessi - che qui si fa chiamare
Rudolph (tipico nome ninja) e si è tirato dietro un buon numero degli
euro-ninja già visti in
Ninja Il Padrino!
Com'è, come non è, la palla passa ai nostri uomini sul campo ad
Hong-Kong, dove gli scagnozzi di
Rudolph uccidono un onesto operaio del porto che si era opposto ai loro ricatti. Questo scatena l'ira del figlio (forte, ma più portato alla fuga che non ai combattimenti), che aiutato da un paio di fessi ed una ragazza appena uscita dal riformatorio riuscirà ad avere vendetta. O almeno credo: ad un certo punto la trama viene troncata di netto...
Lezione imparata: in Africa ci sono eccellenti scuole d'avviamento professionale per ninja.
Da non perdere: lo scontro finale, coi 4 fessi che mulinano le braccine; la gente investita da auto senza alcuna ragione; la morte della moglie di Alvin; quasi tutto il resto!
Voto: 2. Trashometro
® 10/10:

Tags: ninja, camerun, droga, omicidio, vendetta.
Harrison, Richard (II)
Data di nascita: 26 May 1935
Coniuge: Francesca::(1978 - present) 1 child, Loretta Nicholson::(1961 - ?) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori: Biografia:Muscular actor Richard Harrison was one of many handsome young American hunks whose career in Hollywood amounted to little more than brawny bits until being lured to Italy and churning out the sword-and-sandal pictures that were the early 60s craze. He would end up making over 100 films due to this lucky trek abroad. Born on May 26, 1936 in Salt Lake City, he relocated to sunny Southern California in his late teens where his blond, tanned, chiseled good looks (he was sometimes mistaken for handsome actor Guy Madison) landed him modeling work both on runways and in beefcake magazines. He was quickly noticed by casting agents and cast in small film roles, usually as a man in uniform. He can be obscurely seen in Jeanne Eagles (1957), his film debut which starred Kim Novak, Kronos (1957) with Jeff Morrow, Too Much, Too Soon (1958) starring Dorothy Malone, South Pacific (1958), in which he briefly appeared as a co-pilot, and Battle Flame (1959) with Scott Brady. While filming another minor role in Master of the World (1961) he met producer James H. Nicholson's daughter, Loretta, and married her within six months. They produced three sons. Frustrated at not being able to secure meatier roles in Hollywood, Richard jumped at the chance when offered a lead role in The Invincible Gladiator (1961) which was filming in Europe. He would end up settling in Italy for the next two decades. His first role immediately typed him as another Steve ("Hercules") Reeves and to avoid being penned in too much as a mythological muscle man, Richard also sought roles in routine spaghetti westerns and spy intrigue. Once Italy closed down it's film production and he, like others, found himself unemployed, he managed to scrape up work in Hong Kong with mostly bottom-of-the-barrel Ninja movies. Remarried in 1978, he had already begun acting less and less and delving into producing and directing. He has retired fully now except for an occasional script writing assignment.
Trivia random: Harrison was another in a long line of American hunks with super physiques who 'muscled' in on Steve Reeves' territory by traveling to Italy in the early 60s when he couldn't kickstart an American film career. Appearing in scores of sword-and-sandal spectaclaes and 'spaghetti' westerns, Harrison, unlike the others, was able to keep the momentum going later on in Hong Kong-produced kung fu movies.
Citazione random: "In my opinion, it is a death wish for an actor to be in too many B or should I say C movies. Maybe my greatest contribution to cinema was not doing Fistful of Dollars, and recommending Clint for the part."
Ninja: Silent Assassin (1987)
Regista: Godfrey Ho Valutazione: 4.0/10 (20 voti)
Paese: Canada, HongKong, UK, USA
Lingua: English
Cast:Trama:When police officer Alvin loses both his star witness and his wife to drug kingpin (and ninja assassin) Rudolph, he vows to get revenge. Travelling to Hong Kong, hot on Rudolph's trail, he teams up with local investigators Gordon, Vivian and Jackie. Meanwhile, a young street punk named Edmund is hunting for the man who killed his father. Could they all possibly be searching for the same person?
Smith, Stuart (IV)
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori: Trivia random: Reportedly a British-born stuntman, he made acting appearances, mostly as a bad guy, in several B and Z-grade actioners made in Hong Kong during the eighties. His extreme overacting has made him a favorite in some "bad movies lovers" circles.
Beni, Alphonse
Ultimi lavori: Trivia random: Cameroonese actor and director, he had a genuine fame in African countries during the seventies. He directed several genre pictures in his native country, most of which were box office successes in Africa, and also appeared in French-made b-movies, including soft porn films. As Cameroonese cinema collapsed in the eighties, he found work in films made in such different places as Italy and Hong Kong.
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