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martedì 27 febbraio 2007
venerdì 23 febbraio 2007
Non pago di averci dato Godzilla, nel 56 Ishirô Honda si cimentò in un'impresa mai tentata fino ad allora: verificare se - riprendendolo a colori - un tizo con un costumone da mostro sarebbe stato altrettanto ridicolo che in bianco e nero! Con Rodan Il Mostro Alato ottenne un pieno successo, il buon Ishirô! 
In una miniera di carbone si verifica un allagamento che causa la morte di alcuni operai; in principio si pensa ad un incidente, ma in seguito ad altre morti si inizia a sospettare Goro, l'attaccabrighe locale.
Shigeru, il nostro eroe (Clark Kent quel giorno aveva la dissenteria), non crede alla colpevolezza di Goro, un po' perché suo amico, un po' perché vorrebbe ravanarsi la di lui sorella. E ci stava pure riuscendo, non fosse che sul più bello compare un orribile insettone gommoso a turbare la già scarsa intimità delle case giapponesi!
La cosa mette in allarme la tranquilla comunità locale, che prontamente allerta le autorità; arriva dunque l'uomo più intelligente del Giappone - riconoscibile perché porta gli occhiali - che pontifica su mostri preistorici ed esperimenti nucleari. Portasse sfiga, puntualmente gli insettoni si rivelano essere solo una piccola parte di una più grande catena alimentare, e dal sottosuolo compaiono non uno, non tre, ma ben due Rodan - mostroni alati supersonici che iniziano a distruggere il Giappone!
Come d'ordinanza entra in campo la beneamata JSDF, con tanto di JASDF che - come è noto - dalla seconda guerra mondiale è armata esclusivamente di buone intenzioni e di spara-fagioli.
L'incauto spettatore si sorbisce così 30 minuti abbondanti di modellini terrestri e volanti che sparano miccette, nella totale indifferenza dei due mostri che verranno fermati solo dal giusto mix di elementi naturali e noia.
Tecnicamente è stato fatto con un po' più di soldi della norma: i modellini non sono neanche malaccio e la gomma dei mostri è di buona qualità (meglio che gli attori in carne e ossa, comunque).
Trama come sempre essenziale, il film è privo di senso del ritmo e di coesione, ma in fondo a noi piace così.
Voto: 3 (ok, ok, per gli appassionati del genere è un classico, ma insomma...)
Trashometro® 4/10:

Tags: mostri, preistoria, Giappone, horror, fantascienza, distruzione, JASDF, JSDF, miniera, allagamento, anni 50, trash, gomma, insetti.
Nome di battesimo: Honda, Ishiro
Data di nascita: 7 May 1911
Data di morte: 28 February 1993
Coniuge: Kimi Honda::(1937 - 28 February 1993) (his death) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
Influential Japanese film director born May 7th, 1911, often credited as being the father of Godzilla. His name is a combination of "I" (or Ino), meaning "boar" and "shirô," meaning fourth boy in the family. Originally, the young Honda had aspirations of becoming an artist. However, as he moved into his teens, it was cinema that became his number-one interest.He attended Nippon University studying art, but was drafted by the Japanese military and spent nearly eight years in uniform. After a period of imprisonment in China as a POW, he returned to Japan to join Tôhô Studios, where, soon afterward, he became acquainted with SFX wizard Eiji Tsuburaya. The two worked on a handful of films before collaborating on the groundbreaking monster epic Gojira (1954) (aka "Godzilla"). Honda was also at the director's helm for Sora no daikaijû Radon (1956) (aka "Rodan"), Uchu daisenso (1959) (aka "Battle in Outer Space"), Mosura (1961) (aka "Mothra"), Matango (1963), and Kaijû sôshingeki (1968) (aka "Destroy All Monsters"). Although the Japanese monster films had been derided by some critics, Honda was especially proud of his contribution to this rather unique aspect of the fantasy and science-fiction genres.Honda was a lifelong friend of fellow Japanese director Akira Kurosawa and Honda worked on several of Kurosawa's landmark films including Nora inu (1949) (aka "Stray Dog"), Kagemusha (1980) (aka "Kagemusha the Shadow Warrior"), and Ran (1985).Honda passed away aged 81 on February 28th, 1993, with Akira Kurosawa delivering the eulogy at his funeral.
Trivia random: He originally trained to be an artist, like his best friend, fellow director "Akira Kurosawa' . His films were noted for their pictorial compositions.
Citazione random: "Monsters are born too tall, too strong, too heavy, that is their tragedy."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Ishirô Honda
Scrittore: David Duncan, Takeshi Kimura
Genere: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 5.9/10 (461 voti)
Durata: 82 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
When a village is besieged by giant caterpillars, a more horrifying discovery is made in their underground home...a giant flying creature that resembles the prehistoric pterodactyl. Soon after, a second Rodan appears and the two monsters begin to destroy Japan.
Trivia random: The original Japanese film's climactic monster invasion was filmed around, and set in, Fukuoka, the largest city on Japan's southernmost island of Kyushu. However, the American version relocated the action in the dubbing to another city in Kyushu, Sasebo, perhaps concerned that their dubbing actors would sorely mispronounce the word "Fukuoka" at inappropriate moments.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Ishirô Honda
Scrittore: Ishirô Honda, Shigeru Kayama
Genere: Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 7.2/10 (2140 voti)
Durata: 98 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
A 164-foot monster reptile with radioactive breath is revived, thanks to nuclear testing. It goes on a mad rampage, destroying Tokyo - how will they kill it ?
Trivia random: The scenes of the troops going to the coast to face Gojira were actual Japanese Defense Force troops. They were on maneuvers when Honda shot the footage of them.
Citazione random: Dr. Serizawa: If my device can serve a good purpose, i would announce it to everyone in the world! But in its current form, it's just a weapon of horrible destruction. Please understand, Ogata!::Hideto Ogata: I understand. But if we don't use your device against Godzilla, what are we going to do?::Dr. Serizawa: Ogata, if the oxygen destroyer is used even once, politicians from around the world will see it. Of course, they'll want to use it as a weapon. Bombs versus bombs, missiles versus missiles, and now a new superweapon to throw upon us all! As a scientist - no, as a human being - I can't allow that to happen! Am I right?::Hideto Ogata: Then what do we do about the horror before us now? Should we just let it happen? If anyone can save us now, Serizawa, you're the only one! If... you use the device to defeat Godzilla, unless you reveal what you have done, who will know about it?::Dr. Serizawa: Ogata, humans are weak animals. Even if I burn my notes, the secret will still be in my head. Until I die, how can I be sure I won't be forced by someone to make the device again?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
In una miniera di carbone si verifica un allagamento che causa la morte di alcuni operai; in principio si pensa ad un incidente, ma in seguito ad altre morti si inizia a sospettare Goro, l'attaccabrighe locale.
Shigeru, il nostro eroe (Clark Kent quel giorno aveva la dissenteria), non crede alla colpevolezza di Goro, un po' perché suo amico, un po' perché vorrebbe ravanarsi la di lui sorella. E ci stava pure riuscendo, non fosse che sul più bello compare un orribile insettone gommoso a turbare la già scarsa intimità delle case giapponesi!
La cosa mette in allarme la tranquilla comunità locale, che prontamente allerta le autorità; arriva dunque l'uomo più intelligente del Giappone - riconoscibile perché porta gli occhiali - che pontifica su mostri preistorici ed esperimenti nucleari. Portasse sfiga, puntualmente gli insettoni si rivelano essere solo una piccola parte di una più grande catena alimentare, e dal sottosuolo compaiono non uno, non tre, ma ben due Rodan - mostroni alati supersonici che iniziano a distruggere il Giappone!
Come d'ordinanza entra in campo la beneamata JSDF, con tanto di JASDF che - come è noto - dalla seconda guerra mondiale è armata esclusivamente di buone intenzioni e di spara-fagioli.
L'incauto spettatore si sorbisce così 30 minuti abbondanti di modellini terrestri e volanti che sparano miccette, nella totale indifferenza dei due mostri che verranno fermati solo dal giusto mix di elementi naturali e noia.
Tecnicamente è stato fatto con un po' più di soldi della norma: i modellini non sono neanche malaccio e la gomma dei mostri è di buona qualità (meglio che gli attori in carne e ossa, comunque).
Trama come sempre essenziale, il film è privo di senso del ritmo e di coesione, ma in fondo a noi piace così.
Voto: 3 (ok, ok, per gli appassionati del genere è un classico, ma insomma...)
Trashometro® 4/10:
Tags: mostri, preistoria, Giappone, horror, fantascienza, distruzione, JASDF, JSDF, miniera, allagamento, anni 50, trash, gomma, insetti.
Honda, Ishirô
Nome di battesimo: Honda, Ishiro
Data di nascita: 7 May 1911
Data di morte: 28 February 1993
Coniuge: Kimi Honda::(1937 - 28 February 1993) (his death) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Godzilla: Save the Earth (2004) (VG) .... (character developer) (uncredited) [misc]
- Madadayo (1993) .... (uncredited) [scrittore]
- Mizu no tabibito: Samurai kizzu (1993) .... Grandfather [attore]
- Hachi-gatsu no kyôshikyoku (1991) .... (uncredited) [scrittore]
- Yume (1990) .... (segments "The Tunnel", "Mount Fuji in Red") (uncredited) [scrittore]
- Ijintachi tono natsu (1988) .... [attore]
- Yarutokya yaruze (1987) .... Priest [attore]
- Ran (1985) .... (director's counselling) [misc]
- Kagemusha (1980) .... (creative consultant) (uncredited) (directorial advisor) (production coordinator) [misc]
- Mekagojira no gyakushu (1975) .... [regista]
Influential Japanese film director born May 7th, 1911, often credited as being the father of Godzilla. His name is a combination of "I" (or Ino), meaning "boar" and "shirô," meaning fourth boy in the family. Originally, the young Honda had aspirations of becoming an artist. However, as he moved into his teens, it was cinema that became his number-one interest.He attended Nippon University studying art, but was drafted by the Japanese military and spent nearly eight years in uniform. After a period of imprisonment in China as a POW, he returned to Japan to join Tôhô Studios, where, soon afterward, he became acquainted with SFX wizard Eiji Tsuburaya. The two worked on a handful of films before collaborating on the groundbreaking monster epic Gojira (1954) (aka "Godzilla"). Honda was also at the director's helm for Sora no daikaijû Radon (1956) (aka "Rodan"), Uchu daisenso (1959) (aka "Battle in Outer Space"), Mosura (1961) (aka "Mothra"), Matango (1963), and Kaijû sôshingeki (1968) (aka "Destroy All Monsters"). Although the Japanese monster films had been derided by some critics, Honda was especially proud of his contribution to this rather unique aspect of the fantasy and science-fiction genres.Honda was a lifelong friend of fellow Japanese director Akira Kurosawa and Honda worked on several of Kurosawa's landmark films including Nora inu (1949) (aka "Stray Dog"), Kagemusha (1980) (aka "Kagemusha the Shadow Warrior"), and Ran (1985).Honda passed away aged 81 on February 28th, 1993, with Akira Kurosawa delivering the eulogy at his funeral.
Trivia random: He originally trained to be an artist, like his best friend, fellow director "Akira Kurosawa' . His films were noted for their pictorial compositions.
Citazione random: "Monsters are born too tall, too strong, too heavy, that is their tragedy."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Sora no daikaijû Radon (1956)
Rodan il mostro alato
Regista: Ishirô Honda
Scrittore: David Duncan, Takeshi Kimura
Genere: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 5.9/10 (461 voti)
Durata: 82 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
- Kenji Sahara.... Shigeru Kawamura, colliery engineer (as Kenji Sawara)
- Yumi Shirakawa .... Kiyo, Shigeru's lover
- Akihiko Hirata .... Professor KYUichiro Kashiwagi (biology)
- Akio Kobori .... Police Chief Nishimura
- Yasuko Nakata .... Female Honeymooner
- Minosuke Yamada .... Colliery Chief Osaki
- Yoshifumi Tajima .... Izeki, reporter of Seibu Nippou
- Kiyoharu Onaka .... Male Honeymooner, Sunagawa's friend (as Kiyoharu Ohnaka)
- Ichirô Chiba .... Chief of police station
- Tsurue Ichimonji .... Haru, Kiyo's neighbor
When a village is besieged by giant caterpillars, a more horrifying discovery is made in their underground home...a giant flying creature that resembles the prehistoric pterodactyl. Soon after, a second Rodan appears and the two monsters begin to destroy Japan.
Trivia random: The original Japanese film's climactic monster invasion was filmed around, and set in, Fukuoka, the largest city on Japan's southernmost island of Kyushu. However, the American version relocated the action in the dubbing to another city in Kyushu, Sasebo, perhaps concerned that their dubbing actors would sorely mispronounce the word "Fukuoka" at inappropriate moments.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Gojira (1954)
Regista: Ishirô Honda
Scrittore: Ishirô Honda, Shigeru Kayama
Genere: Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 7.2/10 (2140 voti)
Durata: 98 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
- Akira Takarada .... Hideto Ogata
- Momoko Kôchi .... Emiko Yamane
- Akihiko Hirata .... Daisuke Serizawa-hakase
- Takashi Shimura
.... Kyohei Yamane-hakase - Fuyuki Murakami .... Professor Tanabe
- Sachio Sakai .... Newspaper Reporter Hagiwara
- Toranosuke Ogawa .... Nankai Shipping Company Manager
- Ren Yamamoto .... Masaji the Fisherman
- Miki Hayashi .... Chairman of Diet Committee
- Takeo Oikawa .... Chief of Emergency Headquarters
A 164-foot monster reptile with radioactive breath is revived, thanks to nuclear testing. It goes on a mad rampage, destroying Tokyo - how will they kill it ?
Trivia random: The scenes of the troops going to the coast to face Gojira were actual Japanese Defense Force troops. They were on maneuvers when Honda shot the footage of them.
Citazione random: Dr. Serizawa: If my device can serve a good purpose, i would announce it to everyone in the world! But in its current form, it's just a weapon of horrible destruction. Please understand, Ogata!::Hideto Ogata: I understand. But if we don't use your device against Godzilla, what are we going to do?::Dr. Serizawa: Ogata, if the oxygen destroyer is used even once, politicians from around the world will see it. Of course, they'll want to use it as a weapon. Bombs versus bombs, missiles versus missiles, and now a new superweapon to throw upon us all! As a scientist - no, as a human being - I can't allow that to happen! Am I right?::Hideto Ogata: Then what do we do about the horror before us now? Should we just let it happen? If anyone can save us now, Serizawa, you're the only one! If... you use the device to defeat Godzilla, unless you reveal what you have done, who will know about it?::Dr. Serizawa: Ogata, humans are weak animals. Even if I burn my notes, the secret will still be in my head. Until I die, how can I be sure I won't be forced by someone to make the device again?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
mercoledì 21 febbraio 2007
Ora è tutto chiaro!
La pornografia su Internet è stata inventata col benevolo scopo di impedire agli stolti - rendendoli ciechi - di assistere ad una scempiaggine quale Paura.Com!
Il sempre eroico Stephen Dorff indaga sugli omicidi di un serial killer, fino alla scoperta dell'inquietante verità: tutte le vittime sono morte esattamente 48 ore dopo aver visitato lo stesso sito su internette!
Miii... cheppauraaa! Ci stiamo cacando sotto!
In questo colossale frullato di liquami vari ci sono pure i fantasmi, dei punk, una bimba emofiliaca, un serial killer che lo fa solo per il suo pubblico, una centrale nucleare e tanti scarafaggi, ma non sono davvero nelle condizioni di dire come ci siano finiti dato che è palese che con la sceneggiatura - tecnicamente parlando - qualcuno ci si è spazzato il gufo.
Il pregevole risultato è uno dei film che più Si Crede D'Essere® dell'intera cinematografia mondiale, grondante effettini stylish e ricolmo di ammiccamenti registici stile "oh-oh, avete notato che manico che sono?!?! eh-eh, mica lo fanno tutti, un filmone così..."
Insensato, stupido, brutto, auto-punitivo. Abbasserà il vostro Q.I. di un buon 20 punti. In breve: da non perdere!
Cose imparate: nessuna, perché che i siti fatti in flash fossero prodotti del demonio già lo si sapeva.
Voto: 0 (Sì, zero! Mai dato prima! Si ringraziano gli asiatici per il concetto e gli arabi per il simbolo!
Trashometro® 3/10:
(dolore sempre vivo!)
Tags: horror, thriller, serial killer, internet, scarafaggi, tortura, emolifia, fantasmi, allucinazioni, morte, rapimento, polizia, trash, immonda schifezza.
Nome di battesimo: Jr., Stephen Dorff
Data di nascita:
29 July 1973
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Stephen Dorff has become one of the most respected young actors in Hollywood.
His recent credits include Oliver Stone's World Trade Center (2006), Robert Ludlum's Covert One: The Hades Factor (2006) (TV), .45 (2006) with Milla Jovovich, Shadowboxer (2005) with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Helen Mirren and the Disney thriller Cold Creek Manor
(2003) with Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone for director Mike Figgis.He also starred in Scott Kalvert's street gang drama Deuces Wild (2002) for MGM and as the champion of bad cinema in the John Waters comedy Cecil B. DeMented (2000), co-starring Melanie Griffith.Dorff has an impressive list of screen credits, chief among them New Line's Blade (1998), in which he starred opposite Wesley Snipes and won the "Best Villain" at both the MTV Movie and Blockbuster Entertainment Awards. He
also co-starred with Susan Sarandon in HBO's Earthly Possessions (1999) (TV), based on Anne Tyler's novel about an unlikely romance between a young, fumbling bank robber and his hostage.Additional credits include Entropy (1999/I), Blood and Wine (1996) with Jack Nicholson and opposite Harvey Keitel in City of Industry (1997). He starred as the fifth Beatle, Stuart Sutcliffe, in Iain Softley's Backbeat (1994) and as the notorious Candy Darling in I Shot Andy Warhol (1996).Chosen from over 2000 young men
from around the world, he auditioned and won the coveted role of PK in John G. Avildsen's The Power of One (1992) in 1992. For his performance he was awarded the Male Star of Tomorrow Award from the National
Association of Theater Owners.
Trivia random: Collects vintage cameras
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: William Malone
Moshe Diamant, Josephine Coyle
Genere: Horror, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 3.0/10 (7517 voti)
Durata: 101 min
Paese: UK, Germany, Luxembourg, USA
Lingua: English
Four bodies are found in New York City. Why, why, why? The coincidence? They all died 48 hours after
logging on to a site named Tough detective Mike Reilly collaborates with Department of Health associate Terry Huston to research these mysterious deaths. The only way to find out though what really happened is to enter the site itself...
Trivia random: The 'mutilated' bodies in Pratt's apartment are real bodies, transformed into art by the German sculptor Gunther von Hagens.
Citazione random: Mike: Jesus Christ! What happened to him?::Woman P.I.: I don't think he got electrocuted.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
La pornografia su Internet è stata inventata col benevolo scopo di impedire agli stolti - rendendoli ciechi - di assistere ad una scempiaggine quale Paura.Com!
Il sempre eroico Stephen Dorff indaga sugli omicidi di un serial killer, fino alla scoperta dell'inquietante verità: tutte le vittime sono morte esattamente 48 ore dopo aver visitato lo stesso sito su internette!
Miii... cheppauraaa! Ci stiamo cacando sotto!
In questo colossale frullato di liquami vari ci sono pure i fantasmi, dei punk, una bimba emofiliaca, un serial killer che lo fa solo per il suo pubblico, una centrale nucleare e tanti scarafaggi, ma non sono davvero nelle condizioni di dire come ci siano finiti dato che è palese che con la sceneggiatura - tecnicamente parlando - qualcuno ci si è spazzato il gufo.
Il pregevole risultato è uno dei film che più Si Crede D'Essere® dell'intera cinematografia mondiale, grondante effettini stylish e ricolmo di ammiccamenti registici stile "oh-oh, avete notato che manico che sono?!?! eh-eh, mica lo fanno tutti, un filmone così..."
Insensato, stupido, brutto, auto-punitivo. Abbasserà il vostro Q.I. di un buon 20 punti. In breve: da non perdere!
Cose imparate: nessuna, perché che i siti fatti in flash fossero prodotti del demonio già lo si sapeva.
Voto: 0 (Sì, zero! Mai dato prima! Si ringraziano gli asiatici per il concetto e gli arabi per il simbolo!
Trashometro® 3/10:
Tags: horror, thriller, serial killer, internet, scarafaggi, tortura, emolifia, fantasmi, allucinazioni, morte, rapimento, polizia, trash, immonda schifezza.
Dorff, Stephen
Nome di battesimo: Jr., Stephen Dorff
Data di nascita:
29 July 1973
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Passage (2007) .... Luke [attore]
- Skip Tracer (2007) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- .45 (2006) .... [attore]
- Botched (2006)
.... Ritchie [attore] - Covert One: The Hades Factor (2006) (TV) .... Jon Smith [attore]
- World Trade Center (2006) .... Scott Strauss [attore]
- Alone in the Dark (2005) .... Cmdr. Richard Burke [attore]
- target="_blank">Far Cry Instincts (2005) (VG) .... Jack Carver (voice) [attore]
- Shadowboxer (2005) .... Clayton [attore]
- Tennis, Anyone...? (2005) .... T.C. Jackson [attore]
Stephen Dorff has become one of the most respected young actors in Hollywood.
His recent credits include Oliver Stone's World Trade Center (2006), Robert Ludlum's Covert One: The Hades Factor (2006) (TV), .45 (2006) with Milla Jovovich, Shadowboxer (2005) with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Helen Mirren and the Disney thriller Cold Creek Manor
(2003) with Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone for director Mike Figgis.He also starred in Scott Kalvert's street gang drama Deuces Wild (2002) for MGM and as the champion of bad cinema in the John Waters comedy Cecil B. DeMented (2000), co-starring Melanie Griffith.Dorff has an impressive list of screen credits, chief among them New Line's Blade (1998), in which he starred opposite Wesley Snipes and won the "Best Villain" at both the MTV Movie and Blockbuster Entertainment Awards. He
also co-starred with Susan Sarandon in HBO's Earthly Possessions (1999) (TV), based on Anne Tyler's novel about an unlikely romance between a young, fumbling bank robber and his hostage.Additional credits include Entropy (1999/I), Blood and Wine (1996) with Jack Nicholson and opposite Harvey Keitel in City of Industry (1997). He starred as the fifth Beatle, Stuart Sutcliffe, in Iain Softley's Backbeat (1994) and as the notorious Candy Darling in I Shot Andy Warhol (1996).Chosen from over 2000 young men
from around the world, he auditioned and won the coveted role of PK in John G. Avildsen's The Power of One (1992) in 1992. For his performance he was awarded the Male Star of Tomorrow Award from the National
Association of Theater Owners.
Trivia random: Collects vintage cameras
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
FeardotCom (2002)
Regista: William Malone
Moshe Diamant, Josephine Coyle
Genere: Horror, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 3.0/10 (7517 voti)
Durata: 101 min
Paese: UK, Germany, Luxembourg, USA
Lingua: English
- Stephen Dorff .... Detective Mike Reilly
- Natascha McElhone
.... Terry Huston, Dept. of Health - Stephen Rea .... Alistair Pratt, 'The Doctor'
- Udo Kier .... Polidori
- Amelia Curtis .... Denise Stone
- Jeffrey Combs .... Sykes
- Nigel Terry .... Turnbull
- Gesine Cukrowski .... Jeannine
- Michael Sarrazin .... Frank Bryant
- Jana Güttgemanns .... Little Girl
Four bodies are found in New York City. Why, why, why? The coincidence? They all died 48 hours after
logging on to a site named Tough detective Mike Reilly collaborates with Department of Health associate Terry Huston to research these mysterious deaths. The only way to find out though what really happened is to enter the site itself...
Trivia random: The 'mutilated' bodies in Pratt's apartment are real bodies, transformed into art by the German sculptor Gunther von Hagens.
Citazione random: Mike: Jesus Christ! What happened to him?::Woman P.I.: I don't think he got electrocuted.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
lunedì 19 febbraio 2007
15 uomini e una bottiglia di rum!
Quando uscì, Pirati dei Caraibi: La Maledizione Della Prima Luna era di gran lunga il miglior film che fosse mai stato tratto da una giostra di un parco dei divertimenti.
Certo, il fatto di essere anche l'unico aiutava, e le sue due ore e rotte erano di sicuro troppo lunghe, ma alla fin fine si meritava la sufficienza per lo stile.
Pirati dei Caraibi: La maledizione del forziere fantasma allunga ulteriormente il brodo, solo con meno originalità e verve del precedente.
Il capitano Jack Sparrow deve saldare un debito con Davey Jones, il capitano dell'Olandese Volante, che non è esattamente un tipo simpatico. Come se non bastasse i suoi amici Will ed Elizabeth vengono incarcerati dagli inglesi poco prima del loro matrimonio; riusciranno a fuggire ed a raggiungere Jack, ma a quel punto i loro interessi saranno in conflitto.
Qualche momento simpatico non manca, ma per il resto si tratta di situazioni poco originali e molto prevedibili.
Johnny Depp è sempre buono quando si tratta di fare l'ubriaco e le facce strane, Orlando Bloom non riesce a togliersi l'espressione da "Guardate che culo! Sono diventato famoso senza saper fare niente! Che culo smisurato che ho avuto!" e l'inutile Keira Knightley fa l'inutile Keira Knightley.
Voto: 5. Si stava anche senza.
Tags: pirati dei caraibi, Johnny Depp, pirati, maledizione, L'Olandese Volante, commedia, fantasy, azione, avventura, forziere, tesoro, chiave, amore, caraibi, nave, Port Royale.
Nome di battesimo: Bloom, Orlando Jonathan Blanchard
Data di nascita: 13 January 1977
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man
he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.Orlando attended St. Edmunds School in Canterbury but struggled in many courses because of dyslexia. He did embrace the arts, however, and enjoyed pottery, photography and sculpturing. He also participated in school plays and was active
at his local theater. As a teen, Orlando landed his first job: he was a clay trapper at a pigeon shooting range. Encouraged by his mother, he and his sister began studying poetry and prose, eventually giving readings at Kent Festival. Orlando and Samantha won many poetry and Bible reciting competitions. Then Orlando, who always idolized larger-than-life characters, gravitated towards serious acting. At the age of 16, he moved to London and joined the National Youth Theatre, spending two seasons there and gaining a scholarship to train with the British American Drama Academy. Like many young actors, he also auditioned for a number of television
roles to further his career, landing bit parts in British television shows "Casualty" (1986), "Midsomer Murders" (1997) and "Smack the Pony" (1999). He also appeared in the critically acclaimed movie Wilde (1997).He then attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. It was there, in 1998, that Orlando fell three stories from a rooftop terrace and broke his back. Despite fears that he would be permanently paralyzed, he quickly recovered and returned to the stage. As fate would have it, seated in the audience one night in 1999 was a director named Peter Jackson. After the show, he met with Orlando and asked him
to audition for his new set of movies. After graduating from Guildhall, Orlando began work on the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, spending 18 months in New Zealand bringing to life "Legolas", a part which made him a household name. Today, he is one of the busiest and most sought-after actors in
the industry.
Trivia random: First concert he attended was in Canterbery watching Jamiroquai.
Citazione random: "Elf Envy...they all had it."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: II, John Christopher Depp
Data di nascita:
9 June 1963
Altezza: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Coniuge: Lori A. Depp::(24 December 1983 - 1986) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Johnny Depp is perhaps one of the most versatile actors of his day and age in Hollywood,
who has recuperated his image greatly since his portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow in the acclaimed Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), with a supporting cast of Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, and Geoffrey Rush.Though highly successful now, Depp's early life, strangely, was as a rebel, and he took
to vandalism and narcotics. He dropped out of school when he was 15, and he fronted a series of music-garage bands, including one named The Kids. However, it was when he married Lori Anne Allison that he took up the job of being a ballpoint-pen salesman to support himself and his wife. A visit to Los Angeles, California, with his wife, however, happened to be a blessing in disguise, when he met up with actor Nicolas Cage, who advised him to turn to acting, which culminated in Depp's film debut in the low-budget horror classic, _Nightmare On Elm Street, A (1984)_ , where he
played a teenager who falls prey to dream-stalking demon Freddy Krueger. Three years later, Depp achieved fame as police cop Tom Hanson in the series "21 Jump Street" (1987) (1987-90), and in 1990, he was firmly established as a leading Hollywood actor with the Tim Burton movie Edward Scissorhands (1990), where he played a sad-faced, tragic hero who has scissors for hands.From then on, Depp was selective of his choice of roles in movies, and he more often than not played dark, sinister characters on-screen. He played an undercover FBI agent in Donnie Brasco (1997), in which he co-starred with Al Pacino; a druggie in
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998); and in two more Tim Burton ventures, Ed Wood (1994) and Sleepy Hollow (1999), with Christina Ricci and Casper Van Dien. He is currently filming a fifth Tim Burton film, Corpse Bride (2005), as well as being committed for another Tim Burton production, where he plays Willy Wonka in the upcoming Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), based on the classic children's novel by Roald Dahl..During his career, Depp has, unfortunately, gotten himself under bad public scrutiny. He was accused of selling drugs at his own club, The Viper Room, in regard to the legendary celebrity, River
Phoenix, who died outside the club due to drug overdose in 1993. The following year, Depp was arrested for smashing and trashing a New York suite. And, in 1999, he was arrested in London for being in a fight with paparazzi outside a restaurant.Although he gained popularity since the success of Edward Scissorhands (1990), Depp wasn't hugely famous for many years until his portrayal of the suave, charming Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) in 2003. With the film's enormous success, it has opened several doors for his career and even included an Oscar nomination. He
appeared as the central character in the Stephen King-based movie, Secret Window (2004); as the kind-hearted novelist James Barrie in the factually-based Finding Neverland (2004), where he co-starred with Kate Winslet; and most recently as Rochester in the British film, The Libertine (2004).
Trivia random: Wrote the foreword to Mark Salisbury's
biography of Tim Burton, "Burton on Burton." He credits Burton's belief in him for rescuing him from being "a loser, an outcast, just another piece of expendable Hollywood meat."
Citazione random: [On reactions to his directorial debut] "You know what was traumatizing, what was very, very strange in terms of this film
I directed a few years back called The Brave. Well, I guess I wouldn't say traumatizing, but I would say weird: at the premiere of the film the reception of it was beyond any expectation that I had. I had no idea I'd be looking at Bertolucci or Antonioni sitting there watching my film. And then to receive the applause that my film got, it was so incredible. And then the next day the majority of the American press, just turn it into this horrible thing. Once again, everybody is entitled to their opinion, man. Maybe it's a bad film? Maybe it's a good film?
To me it's just a film. It's something I needed to make."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Knightley, Keira Christina
Data di nascita: 26 March 1985
Altezza: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Keira Christina Knightley was born in the South London suburb of Richmond on March 26th 1985. She is the daughter of actor Will Knightley and actress turned playwright Sharman Macdonald. An older brother, Caleb, was born in 1979. Brought up immersed in the acting profession from both sides - writing
and performing - it is little wonder that the young Keira asked for her own agent at the age of three. She was granted one at the age of six and performed in her first TV role as Little Girl in Royal Celebration (1993) (TV), aged seven. It was discovered at an early age that Keira had severe difficulties in reading and writing. She was not officially dyslexic as she never sat the formal tests required of the British Dyslexia Association. Instead she worked incredibly hard, encouraged by her family, until the problem had been overcome by her early teens. Her first multi-scene performance
came in A Village Affair (1994), an adaptation of the lesbian love story by Joanna Trollope. This was followed by small parts in British crime series "The Bill" (1984), an exiled German princess in Treasure Seekers (1996) (TV) and a much more substantial role as the young Judith Dunbar in Giles Foster's adaptation of Rosamunde Pilcher's novel Coming Home (1998) (TV), alongside 'Peter O' Toole' , Penelope Keith and Joanna Lumley. The first time Keira's name was mentioned around the world was when it was revealed (in a plot twist kept secret by director George Lucas) that she played Natalie Portman's decoy Padme to Portman's
Amidala in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999).It was several years before agreement was reached over which scenes featured Keira as the queen and which Natalie! Keira had no formal training as an actress and did it out of pure enjoyment. She went to an ordinary council-run school in nearby Teddington and had no idea what she wanted to do when she left. By now she was beginning to receive far more substantial roles and was starting to turn work down as one project and her schoolwork was enough to contend with. She reappeared on British television in 1999 as Rose
Fleming in Alan Bleasdale's faithful reworking of Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" (1999) (mini), and travelled to Romania to film her first title role in Disney's Princess of Thieves (2001) (TV) in which she played Robin Hood's daughter Gwyn. Keira's first serious boyfriend was her Thieves co-star Del Synnott, and they later co-starred in Peter Hewitt' 's 'work of fart' Thunderpants (2002). Nick Hamm's dark thriller The Hole (2001) kept her busy during 2000, and featured her first nude scene (15 at the time, the film was not released until she was 16 years old). In the summer of 2001, while Keira studied and sat her
final school exams (she received six As) she filmed a movie about an Asian girl's (Parminder Nagra) love for football and the prejudices she has to overcome regarding both her culture and her religion.) Bend It Like Beckham (2002) was a smash hit in football-mad Britain but it had to wait until another of Keira's films propelled it to the top end of the US box office. Bend It cost just £3.5m to make, and nearly £1m of that came from the British Lottery. It took £11m in the UK and has since gone on to score more than US$76m worldwide. Meanwhile, Keira had
started A-levels at Esher College, studying Classics, English Literature and Political History, but continued to take acting roles which she thought would widen her experience as an actress. The story of a drug-addicted waitress and her friendship with the young son of a drug-addict, Pure (2002), occupied Keira from January to March 2002. Also at this time, Keira's first attempt at Shakespeare was filmed. She played Helena in a modern interpretation of a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream entitled The Seasons Alter (2002). This was commissioned by environmental organisation Futerra, of which Keira's mother is patron. Keira received no fee for this performance, or
for another short film, New Year's Eve (2002), by award-winning director Colin Spector. But it was a chance encounter with producer Andy Harries at the London premiere of Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) which forced Keira to leave her studies and pursue acting full-time. The meeting lead to an audition for the role of Larisa Feodorovna Guishar - the classic heroine of Boris Pasternak' 's novel "Doctor Zhivago" (2002) (mini), played famously in the David Lean movie by Julie Christie. This was to be a big-budget TV movie with a screenplay written by Andrew Davies. Keira won the part and the mini-series was filmed throughout
the Spring of 2002 in Slovakia, co-starring Sam Neill and Hans Matheson as Yuri Zhivago. Keira rounded off 2002 with a few scenes in the first movie to be directed by Blackadder and Vicar of Dibley writer Richard Curtis. Called Love Actually (2003), Keira played Juliet, a newlywed whose husband's Best Man is secretly besotted with her. A movie filmed after Love Actually but released before it was to make the world sit up and take notice of this beautiful fresh-faced young actress with a cute British accent. It was a movie which Keira very nearly missed out on altogether. Auditions were held in London
for a new blockbuster movie called Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), but heavy traffic in the city forced Keira to be tagged on to the end of the day's auditions list. It helped - she got the part. Filming took place in Los Angeles and the Caribbean from October 2002 to March 2003 and was released to massive box office success and almost universal acclaim in the July of that year. Meanwhile, a small British film called Bend It Like Beckham (2002) had sneaked onto a North American release slate and was hardly setting the box office alight.
But Keira's dominance in Pirates had set tongues wagging and questions being asked about the actress playing Elizabeth Swann. Almost too late, Bend It's distributors realised one of its two stars was the same girl whose name was on everyone's lips due to Pirates, and took the unusual step of re-releasing Bend It to 1,000 screens across the US, catapulting it from no. 26 back up to no. 12. Pirates, meanwhile, was fighting off all contenders at the top spot, and stayed in the Top 3 for an incredible 21 weeks. It was perhaps no surprise, then, that Keira was on producer Jerry Bruckheimer's wanted
list for the part of Guinevere in a planned accurate telling of the legend of King Arthur. Filming took place in Ireland and Wales from June to November 2003. In July Keira had become celebrity face of British jeweller and luxury goods retailer Asprey. At a photoshoot for the company on Long island New York in August Keira met and fell in love with Northern Irish model Jamie Dornan. King Arthur (2004) was released in July 2004 to lukewarm reviews. It seems audiences wanted the legend after all, and not necessarily the truth. Keira became the breakout star' and 'one to watch in 2004'
throughout the world's media at the end of 2003. Keira's 2004 started off in Scotland and Canada filming 'John Maybury 's time-travelling thriller The Jacket (2005) with Oscar-winner Adrien Brody. A planned movie of Deborah Moggach's novel, Tulip Fever, about forbidden love in 17th Century Amsterdam, was cancelled in February after the British government suddenly closed tax loopholes which allowed filmmakers to claw back a large proportion of their expenditure. Due to star Keira and Jude Law in the main roles, the film remains mothballed. Instead, Keira spent her time wisely, visiting Ethiopia on behalf of the Comic Relief charity, and spending summer at various
grandiose locations around the UK filming what promises to be a faithful adaptation of Jane Austen's classic novel _Pride and Prejudice (2005)_ , alongside Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy, and with Donald Sutherland and Judi Dench in supporting roles. In October 2004, Keira received her first major accolade, the Hollywood Film Award for Best Breakthrough Actor - Female. The remainder of 2004 saw Keira once again trying a completely new genre, this time the part-fact, part-fiction life story of model turned bounty hunter Domino (2005). Her pre-contracted sequel clause from the original Pirates movie meant the production of not one, but two sequels were
already in the works. Pre-production started in February, and Keira started filming - again in Los Angeles and the Caribbean - from mid-March onwards. Filming is expected to wrap in January of 2006 with _Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest_ (2006) due for a Summer 2006 release and _Pirates of the Caribbean 3_ (2007) for Summer 2007.
Trivia random: Credits her dark looks to her mother's Black Scottish heritage, who were descendants of the Spanish Armada
Citazione random: Talking about her possibly being anorexic: "I've got a lot of experience with anorexia. It was in my family. My grandmother, and my great-grandmother suffered
from it and I had a lot of friends at school who suffer from it so I don't think it's anything to be taken lightly."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Gore Verbinski
Scrittore: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Valutazione: 7.3/10 (60888 voti)
Durata: 150 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: Turkish, English
Jack Sparrow endeavors to settle a blood debt to Davey Jones, the infamous captain of the ghostly ship, the Flying Dutchman. Faced with a potential afterlife of servitude and damnation, Jack also has the upcoming wedding of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann to consider ...
Trivia random: For the film's release, the Walt Disney Company redesigned the Pirates of the Caribbean rides in Walt Disney World and Disneyland to feature captain Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, and an appearance by the films' supernatural character Davy Jones as part of the attraction and will be featured beginning on the film's opening day.
Citazione random: Gibbs: And mark my words, what bodes ill for Jack Sparrow
bodes ill for us all.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Gore Verbinski
Scrittore: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio
Genere: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (109288 voti) [#229 nella top250]
143 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
After Elizabeth Swann is kidnapped by the evil Captain Barbossa (Rush) and his crew, the blacksmith Will Turner and the pirate Jack Sparrow, who used to be captain of Barbossa's ship, team up to rescue Ms. Swann. But they soon discover that the pirates have their own secret, sinister purpose with Ms. Swann, and that there's much more going on that a simple kidnapping.
Trivia random: Part of the Caribbean Beach Resort at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, is called "Port Royal".
Citazione random: [Elizabeth is being laced into a corset]::Governor Swann: Elizabeth, how's it coming?::Elizabeth: It's difficult to say.::Governor Swann: I'm told it's the latest fashion in London.::Elizabeth: Well, women in London must have learned not to breathe.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Certo, il fatto di essere anche l'unico aiutava, e le sue due ore e rotte erano di sicuro troppo lunghe, ma alla fin fine si meritava la sufficienza per lo stile.
Pirati dei Caraibi: La maledizione del forziere fantasma allunga ulteriormente il brodo, solo con meno originalità e verve del precedente.
Il capitano Jack Sparrow deve saldare un debito con Davey Jones, il capitano dell'Olandese Volante, che non è esattamente un tipo simpatico. Come se non bastasse i suoi amici Will ed Elizabeth vengono incarcerati dagli inglesi poco prima del loro matrimonio; riusciranno a fuggire ed a raggiungere Jack, ma a quel punto i loro interessi saranno in conflitto.
Qualche momento simpatico non manca, ma per il resto si tratta di situazioni poco originali e molto prevedibili.
Johnny Depp è sempre buono quando si tratta di fare l'ubriaco e le facce strane, Orlando Bloom non riesce a togliersi l'espressione da "Guardate che culo! Sono diventato famoso senza saper fare niente! Che culo smisurato che ho avuto!" e l'inutile Keira Knightley fa l'inutile Keira Knightley.
Voto: 5. Si stava anche senza.
Tags: pirati dei caraibi, Johnny Depp, pirati, maledizione, L'Olandese Volante, commedia, fantasy, azione, avventura, forziere, tesoro, chiave, amore, caraibi, nave, Port Royale.
Bloom, Orlando
Nome di battesimo: Bloom, Orlando Jonathan Blanchard
Data di nascita: 13 January 1977
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007) .... Will Turner [attore]
- Love and Other Disasters (2006) .... Hollywood Paolo [attore]
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) .... Will Turner [attore]
- Elizabethtown (2005) .... Drew Baylor [attore]
- Kingdom of Heaven (2005) .... Balian [attore]
- The Calcium Kid (2004) .... Jimmy Connelly [attore]
- Haven (2004) .... (co-producer) [produttore]
- Troy (2004) .... Paris [attore]
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) .... Legolas [attore]
- Ned Kelly (2003) .... Joseph Byrne [attore]
Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man
he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.Orlando attended St. Edmunds School in Canterbury but struggled in many courses because of dyslexia. He did embrace the arts, however, and enjoyed pottery, photography and sculpturing. He also participated in school plays and was active
at his local theater. As a teen, Orlando landed his first job: he was a clay trapper at a pigeon shooting range. Encouraged by his mother, he and his sister began studying poetry and prose, eventually giving readings at Kent Festival. Orlando and Samantha won many poetry and Bible reciting competitions. Then Orlando, who always idolized larger-than-life characters, gravitated towards serious acting. At the age of 16, he moved to London and joined the National Youth Theatre, spending two seasons there and gaining a scholarship to train with the British American Drama Academy. Like many young actors, he also auditioned for a number of television
roles to further his career, landing bit parts in British television shows "Casualty" (1986), "Midsomer Murders" (1997) and "Smack the Pony" (1999). He also appeared in the critically acclaimed movie Wilde (1997).He then attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. It was there, in 1998, that Orlando fell three stories from a rooftop terrace and broke his back. Despite fears that he would be permanently paralyzed, he quickly recovered and returned to the stage. As fate would have it, seated in the audience one night in 1999 was a director named Peter Jackson. After the show, he met with Orlando and asked him
to audition for his new set of movies. After graduating from Guildhall, Orlando began work on the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, spending 18 months in New Zealand bringing to life "Legolas", a part which made him a household name. Today, he is one of the busiest and most sought-after actors in
the industry.
Trivia random: First concert he attended was in Canterbery watching Jamiroquai.
Citazione random: "Elf Envy...they all had it."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Depp, Johnny
Nome di battesimo: II, John Christopher Depp
Data di nascita:
9 June 1963
Altezza: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Coniuge: Lori A. Depp::(24 December 1983 - 1986) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Rum Diary (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Shantaram (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007) .... Jack Sparrow [attore]
- href="" target="_blank">Sweeney Todd (2007) .... Sweeney Todd [attore]
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) .... Jack Sparrow [attore]
- Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow (2006) (VG) .... Jack Sparrow (voice) [attore]
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) .... Willy Wonka [attore]
- Corpse Bride (2005) .... Victor Van Dort (voice) [attore]
- Finding Neverland (2004) .... Sir James Matthew Barrie [attore]
- Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants (2004) .... L'inconnu [attore]
Johnny Depp is perhaps one of the most versatile actors of his day and age in Hollywood,
who has recuperated his image greatly since his portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow in the acclaimed Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), with a supporting cast of Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, and Geoffrey Rush.Though highly successful now, Depp's early life, strangely, was as a rebel, and he took
to vandalism and narcotics. He dropped out of school when he was 15, and he fronted a series of music-garage bands, including one named The Kids. However, it was when he married Lori Anne Allison that he took up the job of being a ballpoint-pen salesman to support himself and his wife. A visit to Los Angeles, California, with his wife, however, happened to be a blessing in disguise, when he met up with actor Nicolas Cage, who advised him to turn to acting, which culminated in Depp's film debut in the low-budget horror classic, _Nightmare On Elm Street, A (1984)_ , where he
played a teenager who falls prey to dream-stalking demon Freddy Krueger. Three years later, Depp achieved fame as police cop Tom Hanson in the series "21 Jump Street" (1987) (1987-90), and in 1990, he was firmly established as a leading Hollywood actor with the Tim Burton movie Edward Scissorhands (1990), where he played a sad-faced, tragic hero who has scissors for hands.From then on, Depp was selective of his choice of roles in movies, and he more often than not played dark, sinister characters on-screen. He played an undercover FBI agent in Donnie Brasco (1997), in which he co-starred with Al Pacino; a druggie in
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998); and in two more Tim Burton ventures, Ed Wood (1994) and Sleepy Hollow (1999), with Christina Ricci and Casper Van Dien. He is currently filming a fifth Tim Burton film, Corpse Bride (2005), as well as being committed for another Tim Burton production, where he plays Willy Wonka in the upcoming Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), based on the classic children's novel by Roald Dahl..During his career, Depp has, unfortunately, gotten himself under bad public scrutiny. He was accused of selling drugs at his own club, The Viper Room, in regard to the legendary celebrity, River
Phoenix, who died outside the club due to drug overdose in 1993. The following year, Depp was arrested for smashing and trashing a New York suite. And, in 1999, he was arrested in London for being in a fight with paparazzi outside a restaurant.Although he gained popularity since the success of Edward Scissorhands (1990), Depp wasn't hugely famous for many years until his portrayal of the suave, charming Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) in 2003. With the film's enormous success, it has opened several doors for his career and even included an Oscar nomination. He
appeared as the central character in the Stephen King-based movie, Secret Window (2004); as the kind-hearted novelist James Barrie in the factually-based Finding Neverland (2004), where he co-starred with Kate Winslet; and most recently as Rochester in the British film, The Libertine (2004).
Trivia random: Wrote the foreword to Mark Salisbury's
biography of Tim Burton, "Burton on Burton." He credits Burton's belief in him for rescuing him from being "a loser, an outcast, just another piece of expendable Hollywood meat."
Citazione random: [On reactions to his directorial debut] "You know what was traumatizing, what was very, very strange in terms of this film
I directed a few years back called The Brave. Well, I guess I wouldn't say traumatizing, but I would say weird: at the premiere of the film the reception of it was beyond any expectation that I had. I had no idea I'd be looking at Bertolucci or Antonioni sitting there watching my film. And then to receive the applause that my film got, it was so incredible. And then the next day the majority of the American press, just turn it into this horrible thing. Once again, everybody is entitled to their opinion, man. Maybe it's a bad film? Maybe it's a good film?
To me it's just a film. It's something I needed to make."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Knightley, Keira
Nome di battesimo: Knightley, Keira Christina
Data di nascita: 26 March 1985
Altezza: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Best Time of Our Lives (2008) .... Vera [attrice]
- Atonement (2007) .... Cecilia Tallis [attrice]
- Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End (2007) .... Elizabeth Swann [attrice]
- Silk (2007) .... Helene Joncour [attrice]
- Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
(2006) .... Elizabeth Swann [attrice] - Domino (2005) .... Domino Harvey [attrice]
- The Jacket (2005) .... Jackie Price [attrice]
- Pride & Prejudice (2005) .... Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Bennet [attrice]
- Stories of Lost Souls (2005) .... Leah (segment New Year's Eve) [attrice]
- King Arthur (2004)
.... Guinevere [attrice]
Keira Christina Knightley was born in the South London suburb of Richmond on March 26th 1985. She is the daughter of actor Will Knightley and actress turned playwright Sharman Macdonald. An older brother, Caleb, was born in 1979. Brought up immersed in the acting profession from both sides - writing
and performing - it is little wonder that the young Keira asked for her own agent at the age of three. She was granted one at the age of six and performed in her first TV role as Little Girl in Royal Celebration (1993) (TV), aged seven. It was discovered at an early age that Keira had severe difficulties in reading and writing. She was not officially dyslexic as she never sat the formal tests required of the British Dyslexia Association. Instead she worked incredibly hard, encouraged by her family, until the problem had been overcome by her early teens. Her first multi-scene performance
came in A Village Affair (1994), an adaptation of the lesbian love story by Joanna Trollope. This was followed by small parts in British crime series "The Bill" (1984), an exiled German princess in Treasure Seekers (1996) (TV) and a much more substantial role as the young Judith Dunbar in Giles Foster's adaptation of Rosamunde Pilcher's novel Coming Home (1998) (TV), alongside 'Peter O' Toole' , Penelope Keith and Joanna Lumley. The first time Keira's name was mentioned around the world was when it was revealed (in a plot twist kept secret by director George Lucas) that she played Natalie Portman's decoy Padme to Portman's
Amidala in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999).It was several years before agreement was reached over which scenes featured Keira as the queen and which Natalie! Keira had no formal training as an actress and did it out of pure enjoyment. She went to an ordinary council-run school in nearby Teddington and had no idea what she wanted to do when she left. By now she was beginning to receive far more substantial roles and was starting to turn work down as one project and her schoolwork was enough to contend with. She reappeared on British television in 1999 as Rose
Fleming in Alan Bleasdale's faithful reworking of Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" (1999) (mini), and travelled to Romania to film her first title role in Disney's Princess of Thieves (2001) (TV) in which she played Robin Hood's daughter Gwyn. Keira's first serious boyfriend was her Thieves co-star Del Synnott, and they later co-starred in Peter Hewitt' 's 'work of fart' Thunderpants (2002). Nick Hamm's dark thriller The Hole (2001) kept her busy during 2000, and featured her first nude scene (15 at the time, the film was not released until she was 16 years old). In the summer of 2001, while Keira studied and sat her
final school exams (she received six As) she filmed a movie about an Asian girl's (Parminder Nagra) love for football and the prejudices she has to overcome regarding both her culture and her religion.) Bend It Like Beckham (2002) was a smash hit in football-mad Britain but it had to wait until another of Keira's films propelled it to the top end of the US box office. Bend It cost just £3.5m to make, and nearly £1m of that came from the British Lottery. It took £11m in the UK and has since gone on to score more than US$76m worldwide. Meanwhile, Keira had
started A-levels at Esher College, studying Classics, English Literature and Political History, but continued to take acting roles which she thought would widen her experience as an actress. The story of a drug-addicted waitress and her friendship with the young son of a drug-addict, Pure (2002), occupied Keira from January to March 2002. Also at this time, Keira's first attempt at Shakespeare was filmed. She played Helena in a modern interpretation of a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream entitled The Seasons Alter (2002). This was commissioned by environmental organisation Futerra, of which Keira's mother is patron. Keira received no fee for this performance, or
for another short film, New Year's Eve (2002), by award-winning director Colin Spector. But it was a chance encounter with producer Andy Harries at the London premiere of Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) which forced Keira to leave her studies and pursue acting full-time. The meeting lead to an audition for the role of Larisa Feodorovna Guishar - the classic heroine of Boris Pasternak' 's novel "Doctor Zhivago" (2002) (mini), played famously in the David Lean movie by Julie Christie. This was to be a big-budget TV movie with a screenplay written by Andrew Davies. Keira won the part and the mini-series was filmed throughout
the Spring of 2002 in Slovakia, co-starring Sam Neill and Hans Matheson as Yuri Zhivago. Keira rounded off 2002 with a few scenes in the first movie to be directed by Blackadder and Vicar of Dibley writer Richard Curtis. Called Love Actually (2003), Keira played Juliet, a newlywed whose husband's Best Man is secretly besotted with her. A movie filmed after Love Actually but released before it was to make the world sit up and take notice of this beautiful fresh-faced young actress with a cute British accent. It was a movie which Keira very nearly missed out on altogether. Auditions were held in London
for a new blockbuster movie called Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), but heavy traffic in the city forced Keira to be tagged on to the end of the day's auditions list. It helped - she got the part. Filming took place in Los Angeles and the Caribbean from October 2002 to March 2003 and was released to massive box office success and almost universal acclaim in the July of that year. Meanwhile, a small British film called Bend It Like Beckham (2002) had sneaked onto a North American release slate and was hardly setting the box office alight.
But Keira's dominance in Pirates had set tongues wagging and questions being asked about the actress playing Elizabeth Swann. Almost too late, Bend It's distributors realised one of its two stars was the same girl whose name was on everyone's lips due to Pirates, and took the unusual step of re-releasing Bend It to 1,000 screens across the US, catapulting it from no. 26 back up to no. 12. Pirates, meanwhile, was fighting off all contenders at the top spot, and stayed in the Top 3 for an incredible 21 weeks. It was perhaps no surprise, then, that Keira was on producer Jerry Bruckheimer's wanted
list for the part of Guinevere in a planned accurate telling of the legend of King Arthur. Filming took place in Ireland and Wales from June to November 2003. In July Keira had become celebrity face of British jeweller and luxury goods retailer Asprey. At a photoshoot for the company on Long island New York in August Keira met and fell in love with Northern Irish model Jamie Dornan. King Arthur (2004) was released in July 2004 to lukewarm reviews. It seems audiences wanted the legend after all, and not necessarily the truth. Keira became the breakout star' and 'one to watch in 2004'
throughout the world's media at the end of 2003. Keira's 2004 started off in Scotland and Canada filming 'John Maybury 's time-travelling thriller The Jacket (2005) with Oscar-winner Adrien Brody. A planned movie of Deborah Moggach's novel, Tulip Fever, about forbidden love in 17th Century Amsterdam, was cancelled in February after the British government suddenly closed tax loopholes which allowed filmmakers to claw back a large proportion of their expenditure. Due to star Keira and Jude Law in the main roles, the film remains mothballed. Instead, Keira spent her time wisely, visiting Ethiopia on behalf of the Comic Relief charity, and spending summer at various
grandiose locations around the UK filming what promises to be a faithful adaptation of Jane Austen's classic novel _Pride and Prejudice (2005)_ , alongside Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy, and with Donald Sutherland and Judi Dench in supporting roles. In October 2004, Keira received her first major accolade, the Hollywood Film Award for Best Breakthrough Actor - Female. The remainder of 2004 saw Keira once again trying a completely new genre, this time the part-fact, part-fiction life story of model turned bounty hunter Domino (2005). Her pre-contracted sequel clause from the original Pirates movie meant the production of not one, but two sequels were
already in the works. Pre-production started in February, and Keira started filming - again in Los Angeles and the Caribbean - from mid-March onwards. Filming is expected to wrap in January of 2006 with _Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest_ (2006) due for a Summer 2006 release and _Pirates of the Caribbean 3_ (2007) for Summer 2007.
Trivia random: Credits her dark looks to her mother's Black Scottish heritage, who were descendants of the Spanish Armada
Citazione random: Talking about her possibly being anorexic: "I've got a lot of experience with anorexia. It was in my family. My grandmother, and my great-grandmother suffered
from it and I had a lot of friends at school who suffer from it so I don't think it's anything to be taken lightly."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)
dei Caraibi - La maledizione del forziere fantasma
dei Caraibi - La maledizione del forziere fantasma
Regista: Gore Verbinski
Scrittore: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Valutazione: 7.3/10 (60888 voti)
Durata: 150 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: Turkish, English
- Johnny Depp .... Jack Sparrow
- Orlando
Bloom .... Will Turner - Keira Knightley .... Elizabeth Swann
- Jack Davenport .... Norrington
- Bill Nighy .... Davy Jones
- target="_blank">Jonathan Pryce .... Governor Weatherby Swann
- Lee Arenberg .... Pintel
- Mackenzie Crook .... Ragetti
- Kevin McNally .... Gibbs (as Kevin
R. McNally) - David Bailie .... Cotton
Jack Sparrow endeavors to settle a blood debt to Davey Jones, the infamous captain of the ghostly ship, the Flying Dutchman. Faced with a potential afterlife of servitude and damnation, Jack also has the upcoming wedding of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann to consider ...
Trivia random: For the film's release, the Walt Disney Company redesigned the Pirates of the Caribbean rides in Walt Disney World and Disneyland to feature captain Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, and an appearance by the films' supernatural character Davy Jones as part of the attraction and will be featured beginning on the film's opening day.
Citazione random: Gibbs: And mark my words, what bodes ill for Jack Sparrow
bodes ill for us all.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
style="font-size:70%">Maledizione della prima luna, LaRegista: Gore Verbinski
Scrittore: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio
Genere: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (109288 voti) [#229 nella top250]
143 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Johnny Depp .... Jack Sparrow
- Geoffrey Rush .... Barbossa
- Orlando Bloom .... Will Turner
- Keira Knightley .... Elizabeth Swann
- Jack Davenport .... Norrington
- Jonathan Pryce .... Governor Weatherby Swann
- Lee Arenberg .... Pintel
- Mackenzie Crook .... Ragetti
- Damian O'Hare .... Lt. Gillette
- href="" target="_blank">Giles New .... Murtogg
After Elizabeth Swann is kidnapped by the evil Captain Barbossa (Rush) and his crew, the blacksmith Will Turner and the pirate Jack Sparrow, who used to be captain of Barbossa's ship, team up to rescue Ms. Swann. But they soon discover that the pirates have their own secret, sinister purpose with Ms. Swann, and that there's much more going on that a simple kidnapping.
Trivia random: Part of the Caribbean Beach Resort at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, is called "Port Royal".
Citazione random: [Elizabeth is being laced into a corset]::Governor Swann: Elizabeth, how's it coming?::Elizabeth: It's difficult to say.::Governor Swann: I'm told it's the latest fashion in London.::Elizabeth: Well, women in London must have learned not to breathe.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
martedì 13 febbraio 2007
match point
Con Match Point Woody Allen scrive e dirige molto diligentemente un film più sul destino e la fatalità che non sul cinismo e l'opportunismo.
Chris è un tennista ex-professionista che sta iniziando la nuova carriera di istruttore per ricconi grazia alla quale conosce Chloe, sorella di un suo allievo; con lei le cose sembrano andare così bene da pensare al matrimonio. Tra i due si inserirà però Nola una giovane attricetta fallita, che diventerà l'amante di di Chris.
Quando tutto nella vita di Chris sembra conquistato, accade qualcosa che gli farà temere di poter perdere ogni cosa; non vuole e non può permetterselo, e decide di risolvere il problema con la violenza.
Pesante ma ottimamente diretto, parte del fascino dei film sta nel guardarsi bene dal dare giudizi morali o anche solo dal fornire un senso o una giustificazione per la quale gli eventi debbano prendere quel dato corso.
Da segnalare la solita Scarlett Johansson, brava anche se qui si vede che soffre molto per il numero eccessivo di scene coi vestiti addosso. Povera cara, cosa la costringono a fare...
Voto: 7.5.
Tags: Woody Allen, Scarlett Johansson, dramma, romantico, thriller, Londra, amore, tradimento, omicidio, opportunismo, gravidanza, fortuna, passione, tennis, arrivismo, carriera, matrimonio, ricchezza.
Regista: Woody Allen
Scrittore: Woody Allen
Genere: Crime, Drama, Romance
Valutazione: 7.8/10 (26108 voti)
Durata: 124 min
Paese: UK, USA, Luxembourg
Lingua: English
Chris Wilton is a former tennis pro, looking to find work as an instructor. He meets Tom Hewett, a well-off pretty boy. Tom's sister Chloe falls in love with Chris but Chris has his eyes on Tom's fiancée, the luscious Nola. Both Chris and Nola know it's wrong but what could be more right than love? Chris tries to juggle both women but at some point, he must choose between them...
Trivia random: Kate Winslet was originally cast in this film as Nola Rice, but backed out in order to spend more time with her family. Since this was filmed in England Woody Allen had to have a certain percentage of an English cast and crew, apparently he made his quota before casting Winslet, after she dropped out Woody cast American actress Scarlett Johansson.
Citazione random: Nola Rice: [on the phone] Do you miss me?::Christopher "Chris" Wilton: Are you mad calling me here?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Konigsberg, Allan Stewart
Data di nascita: 1 December 1935
Altezza: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Coniuge: Soon-Yi Previn::(22 December 1997 - present) 2 children, Louise Lasser::(2 February 1966 - 1969) (divorced), Harlene Rosen::(15 March 1956 - 1962) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Woody Allen was born on December 1, 1935, as Allen Konigsberg, in Brooklyn, New York. At the age of 15, he started selling one-liners to gossip columns. After working a while as a stand up comedian, he was hired to write What's New, Pussycat (1965) in 1965. He directed his first film a year later, What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966) in 1966.
Trivia random: According to Mia Farrow's biography, "What Falls Away", Frank Sinatra offered to have Allen's legs broken when he was found to be having an affair with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn.
Citazione random: (About the audience): "I never write down to them. I always assume that they're all as smart as I am... if not smarter."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Johansson, Scarlett I.
Data di nascita: 22 November 1984
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Scarlett Johansson was born on 22 November 1984 in New York City to Melanie Johansson (of Polish descent) and Karsten Johansson (of Danish descent). Scarlett showed a passion for acting at a young age and starred in many plays. She has a sister named Vanessa Johansson, a brother named Adrian, and a twin brother named Hunter Johansson born three minutes after her.She began her acting career in 1994 starring as "Laura Nelson" in North (1994). In 1998, the acclaimed film The Horse Whisperer (1998) brought Johansson critical praise and worldwide recognition. Following the film's success, she starred in many other films including the critically acclaimed cult film Ghost World (2001) and then the hit Lost in Translation (2003) with Bill Murray in which she again stunned critics. Later on, she appeared in Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003).In 2003, she was nominated for two Golden Globes, one for drama (Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)) and one for comedy (Lost in Translation (2003)). She dropped out of Mission: Impossible III (2006) due to scheduling conflicts. Her next film role was in The Island (2005) alongside Ewan McGregor which earned weak reviews from U.S. critics.After this, she appeared in Woody Allen's Match Point (2005) and was nominated again for a Golden Globe.
Trivia random: She is three minutes older than twin brother Hunter Johansson. She says these three minutes are the most important in her life.
Citazione random: "I always check in the mirror to make sure nothing is see-through."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Chris è un tennista ex-professionista che sta iniziando la nuova carriera di istruttore per ricconi grazia alla quale conosce Chloe, sorella di un suo allievo; con lei le cose sembrano andare così bene da pensare al matrimonio. Tra i due si inserirà però Nola una giovane attricetta fallita, che diventerà l'amante di di Chris.
Quando tutto nella vita di Chris sembra conquistato, accade qualcosa che gli farà temere di poter perdere ogni cosa; non vuole e non può permetterselo, e decide di risolvere il problema con la violenza.
Pesante ma ottimamente diretto, parte del fascino dei film sta nel guardarsi bene dal dare giudizi morali o anche solo dal fornire un senso o una giustificazione per la quale gli eventi debbano prendere quel dato corso.
Da segnalare la solita Scarlett Johansson, brava anche se qui si vede che soffre molto per il numero eccessivo di scene coi vestiti addosso. Povera cara, cosa la costringono a fare...
Voto: 7.5.
Tags: Woody Allen, Scarlett Johansson, dramma, romantico, thriller, Londra, amore, tradimento, omicidio, opportunismo, gravidanza, fortuna, passione, tennis, arrivismo, carriera, matrimonio, ricchezza.
Match Point (2005)
Regista: Woody Allen
Scrittore: Woody Allen
Genere: Crime, Drama, Romance
Valutazione: 7.8/10 (26108 voti)
Durata: 124 min
Paese: UK, USA, Luxembourg
Lingua: English
- Jonathan Rhys Meyers .... Chris Wilton (as Jonathan Rhys Meyers)
- Alexander Armstrong .... Mr. Townsend
- Paul Kaye .... Estate Agent
- Matthew Goode .... Tom Hewett
- Brian Cox .... Alec Hewett
- Penelope Wilton .... Eleanor Hewett
- Emily Mortimer .... Chloe Hewett Wilton
- Janis Kelly .... 'La Traviata' Performer
- Alan Oke .... 'La Traviata' Performer
- Mark Gatiss .... Ping-Pong Player
Chris Wilton is a former tennis pro, looking to find work as an instructor. He meets Tom Hewett, a well-off pretty boy. Tom's sister Chloe falls in love with Chris but Chris has his eyes on Tom's fiancée, the luscious Nola. Both Chris and Nola know it's wrong but what could be more right than love? Chris tries to juggle both women but at some point, he must choose between them...
Trivia random: Kate Winslet was originally cast in this film as Nola Rice, but backed out in order to spend more time with her family. Since this was filmed in England Woody Allen had to have a certain percentage of an English cast and crew, apparently he made his quota before casting Winslet, after she dropped out Woody cast American actress Scarlett Johansson.
Citazione random: Nola Rice: [on the phone] Do you miss me?::Christopher "Chris" Wilton: Are you mad calling me here?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Allen, Woody
Nome di battesimo: Konigsberg, Allan Stewart
Data di nascita: 1 December 1935
Altezza: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Coniuge: Soon-Yi Previn::(22 December 1997 - present) 2 children, Louise Lasser::(2 February 1966 - 1969) (divorced), Harlene Rosen::(15 March 1956 - 1962) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Cassandra's Dream (2007) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Midnight in Barcelona (2007) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Scoop (2006) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Match Point (2005) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Melinda and Melinda (2004) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Anything Else (2003) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- AFI's 100 Years... 100 Passions (2002) (TV) .... (thanks) [misc]
- Hollywood Ending (2002) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- The Concert for New York City (2001) (TV) .... (segment "Sounds from the Town I Love") [regista]
- The Curse of the Jade Scorpion (2001) .... (written by) [scrittore]
Woody Allen was born on December 1, 1935, as Allen Konigsberg, in Brooklyn, New York. At the age of 15, he started selling one-liners to gossip columns. After working a while as a stand up comedian, he was hired to write What's New, Pussycat (1965) in 1965. He directed his first film a year later, What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966) in 1966.
Trivia random: According to Mia Farrow's biography, "What Falls Away", Frank Sinatra offered to have Allen's legs broken when he was found to be having an affair with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn.
Citazione random: (About the audience): "I never write down to them. I always assume that they're all as smart as I am... if not smarter."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Johansson, Scarlett
Nome di battesimo: Johansson, Scarlett I.
Data di nascita: 22 November 1984
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Brilliant (2009) .... [attrice]
- Mary Queen of Scots (2008) .... Mary, Queen of Scots [attrice]
- Amazon (2007) .... [attrice]
- The Nanny Diaries (2007) .... Annie Braddock [attrice]
- Napoleon and Betsy (2007) .... (attached) [attrice]
- The Other Boleyn Girl (2007) .... Mary Boleyn [attrice]
- The Black Dahlia (2006) .... Kay Lake [attrice]
- The Prestige (2006) .... Olivia Wenscombe [attrice]
- Scoop (2006) .... Sondra Pransky [attrice]
- The Island (2005) .... Jordan Two Delta/Sarah Jordan [attrice]
Scarlett Johansson was born on 22 November 1984 in New York City to Melanie Johansson (of Polish descent) and Karsten Johansson (of Danish descent). Scarlett showed a passion for acting at a young age and starred in many plays. She has a sister named Vanessa Johansson, a brother named Adrian, and a twin brother named Hunter Johansson born three minutes after her.She began her acting career in 1994 starring as "Laura Nelson" in North (1994). In 1998, the acclaimed film The Horse Whisperer (1998) brought Johansson critical praise and worldwide recognition. Following the film's success, she starred in many other films including the critically acclaimed cult film Ghost World (2001) and then the hit Lost in Translation (2003) with Bill Murray in which she again stunned critics. Later on, she appeared in Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003).In 2003, she was nominated for two Golden Globes, one for drama (Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)) and one for comedy (Lost in Translation (2003)). She dropped out of Mission: Impossible III (2006) due to scheduling conflicts. Her next film role was in The Island (2005) alongside Ewan McGregor which earned weak reviews from U.S. critics.After this, she appeared in Woody Allen's Match Point (2005) and was nominated again for a Golden Globe.
Trivia random: She is three minutes older than twin brother Hunter Johansson. She says these three minutes are the most important in her life.
Citazione random: "I always check in the mirror to make sure nothing is see-through."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
domenica 4 febbraio 2007
meglio sniffarsi il DDT...
Sono milioni, sono letali, sono ovunque, sono insospettabili e sono stati creati dal Pentagono... no no, non sono terroristi islamici, sono gli scarafaggioni assassini! 
O la mia soglia del dolore si è abbassata di colpo, o Invasion X (anche They Crawl) faceva davvero male.
La misteriosa morte di un genio del compíuter diventato freakkettone produttore di droga, fa insospettire il fratello militare che si mette ad indagare assieme alla bella poliziotta che combatte contro i superficiali colleghi che vorrebbero chiudere in fretta il caso. Sorvolando sul lecito sospetto che il tizio voglia in realtà solo insinuarsi nelle di lei mutandine, la trama si sviluppa con la coesione di un cristallo di Boemia lasciato cadere sul granito dal terzo piano.
In ordine sparso abbiamo:
Vale comunque la pena di arrivare alla fine, dove la computer grafica sarà utilizzata per un mega colpo di scena in salsa di scarafaggi che stupirà il pubblico!
Voto: 1. Trashometro® 6/10:

Tags: horror, thriller, omicidi, setta, Pentagono, scarafaggi, controllo, elettricità, fantascienza, Mickey Rourke, hacker, crittografia, trash.
Regista: John McTiernan
Scrittore: Zak Penn, Adam Leff
Genere: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Valutazione: 5.5/10 (21474 voti)
Durata: 130 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Danny Madigan is a big movie buff. While watching an action movie, Danny's magic ticket transports him inside the movie alongside his number one hero Jack Slater. Its a dream come true for Danny, but things take a turn for the worst when a movie villain gets hold of the ticket and escapes into the real world. Danny and Jack must stop him by traveling to the real world where the bad guys can win.
Trivia random: During the shooting of the movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger gave an interview on the set to Dagmar Koller, a famous Austrian musical-star, for an Austrian television show. After the interview Arnold Schwarzenegger invited her to appear in the movie. She can be seen in the police headquarters as Danny Madigan talks to her.
Citazione random: Jack Slater: Stop shouting! I'm not deaf!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Andrew Davis
Scrittore: Arne Schmidt, Rick Seaman
Genere: Action, Thriller, Drama
Valutazione: 5.1/10 (8225 voti)
Durata: 106 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Eddie Kasalivich, an undergraduate at the University of Chicago, works as a technician for a scientific team that discovers an alternative, low-cost, pollution-free fuel source. When one of the chief scientists is murdered and the invention stolen, Eddie and physicist Lily Sinclair are framed for it and have to flee for their lives, with the FBI, CIA and other involved parties in close pursuit. Paul Shannon, Eddies mentor, is the director of a scientific company which - unknown to Eddie - has commercial interests in the invention. Eddie and Lily set out to find the stolen invention and hopefully clear themselves of the false charges.
Trivia random: Filmed almost extensively in the winter of 1995 and early 1996 in Chicago, the hometown of director Andrew Davis, where his other films Code of Silence (1985), Above the Law (1988), The Package (1989), and The Fugitive (1993) were also filmed.
Citazione random: FBI Agent Doyle: Holy!... did you see that?::FBI Agent Ford: Whoa!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Jr., Philip Andre Rourke
Data di nascita: 16 September 1956
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Coniuge: Carré Otis::(26 June 1992 - December 1998) (divorced), Debra Feuer::(1981 - 1989) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Mickey Rourke was born Phillip Andre Rourke, Jr., in Liberty City, Florida. As a teenager he attended Miami Beach Senior High School, where it's not clear if he graduated or not. One thing that is clear, Rourke played second-string first baseman on the school's baseball team under coach Skip Bertman. Yet another mystery regarding his high school days is his acting career. It's reported that he took drama classes with the legendary "Teacher To The Stars", Jay W. Jensen; appearing in at least one stage-play. However, a P. Rourke listed in the play's credits, could be that of his sister, Patricia Rourke, who also attended Miami Beach Senior High School. Rourke's teenage years were more aimed towards sports then acting. Raised in the tough inner city, Rourke took up self-defense training at the Boys Club of Miami. It was there he learned boxing skills, and decided on an amateur career. At the age of 12, Rourke won his first boxing match as a 118 pound bantamweight. Some of his early matches were fought as Andre Rourke. He continued his boxing training at the famed 5th Street Gym on Miami Beach, Florida; joining the Police Athletic League boxing program. In 1969, Rourke, now weighing 140lbs., sparred with former World Welterweight Champion Luis Rodriguez. Rodriguez was the number one rated middleweight boxer in the world, and was training for his match with world champion Nino Benvenuti. Rourke claims to have received a concussion in this sparring match. In 1971, at the Florida Golden Gloves, he received another concussion from a boxing match. He was told by doctors to take a year off and rest, but Rourke decided to retire from the ring. From 1968 to 1972, Mickey Rourke compiled an amateur boxing record of 20-6, with 17 knockouts. He was disqualified 4 times, and lost 2 decisions. At one point, he reportedly scored 12 consecutive first round knockouts. As an amateur, Rourke had been friendly with pro-boxer Tommy Torino. When Rourke decided to return to boxing as a professional, Torino promoted some of Rourke's fights. Rourke was trained by former pro-boxer Freddie Roach at Miami Beach's 5th Street Gym and the Outlaw Boxing Club Gym in Los Angeles. Rourke made $250 for his pro debut, but by the end of his 2nd year of boxing, he earned a million dollars. Rourke appeared on the cover of ''World Boxing Magazine'' in June 1994. He sparred with world champions James Toney, John David Jackson, and Tommy Morrision. Rourke wanted to have 16 professional fights and then fight for a world title. However, he retired after 7 bouts and never got his desired title fight. His boxing career resulted in severe facial injuries which required a number of operations to repair his damaged face.
Trivia random: Used to co-own a very tiny soda fountain/ice cream/magazine stand in Beverly Hills with his hairdresser pal Giuseppe Franco called Mickey & Joey's.
Citazione random: "I've talked to my priest a lot. I used to have to call him or the shrink when there was an explosion, because I was really good at not talking to anybody until there was an explosion. My priest is this cool Italian from New York. We go down to his basement and he opens the wine. We smoke a cigarette and I have my confession. He sends me upstairs to do my Hail Mary's. I mean, I'm no Holy Joe, but I have a strong belief. If I wasn't Catholic I would have blown my brains out. I would pray to God. I would say, 'Please can you send me just a little bit of daylight.' He talked me out of it and we started meeting. His name is Father Pete and he lives in New York. Father Pete put me back on the right track."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: John Allardice
Scrittore: Curtis Joseph, David Mason
Genere: Horror, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 3.4/10 (243 voti)
Durata: 93 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Trivia random: The blueprint of the giant "Asimov" cockroach monster that the characters viewed on their computer monitor was the actual concept drawing made for the film.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
O la mia soglia del dolore si è abbassata di colpo, o Invasion X (anche They Crawl) faceva davvero male.
La misteriosa morte di un genio del compíuter diventato freakkettone produttore di droga, fa insospettire il fratello militare che si mette ad indagare assieme alla bella poliziotta che combatte contro i superficiali colleghi che vorrebbero chiudere in fretta il caso. Sorvolando sul lecito sospetto che il tizio voglia in realtà solo insinuarsi nelle di lei mutandine, la trama si sviluppa con la coesione di un cristallo di Boemia lasciato cadere sul granito dal terzo piano.
In ordine sparso abbiamo:
- una setta di assassini sventratori di vacche e uomini,
- Mickey Rourke che corre come una lippa senza costrutto,
- esplosioni comprate da altri film (si segnalano Last Action Hero e Reazione a Catena),
- coroner che vanno in giro ad indagare,
- piani di scienziati pazzi per il dominio del mondo,
- i piani segreti del Pentagono spifferati al primo che passa,
- file criptati (sempre del Pentagono), violati in due minuti dall'hackaro di turno guardando uno stampato dei file binari,
- un gangsta sempre buono come deus ex machina per trovare i veri cattivi,
- il cattivo più improbabile di sempre...
- ed ovviamente loro, i veri protagonisti: scarafaggioni mangia-uomini teleguidati da geniali menti malvagie!
Vale comunque la pena di arrivare alla fine, dove la computer grafica sarà utilizzata per un mega colpo di scena in salsa di scarafaggi che stupirà il pubblico!
Voto: 1. Trashometro® 6/10:
Tags: horror, thriller, omicidi, setta, Pentagono, scarafaggi, controllo, elettricità, fantascienza, Mickey Rourke, hacker, crittografia, trash.
Last Action Hero (1993)
Last action hero - l'ultimo grande eroe
Regista: John McTiernan
Scrittore: Zak Penn, Adam Leff
Genere: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy
Valutazione: 5.5/10 (21474 voti)
Durata: 130 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Arnold Schwarzenegger .... Jack Slater/Himself
- F. Murray Abraham .... John Practice
- Austin O'Brien .... Danny Madigan
- Art Carney .... Frank
- Charles Dance .... Benedict
- Frank McRae .... Lieutenant Dekker
- Tom Noonan .... Ripper/Himself
- Robert Prosky .... Nick
- Anthony Quinn .... Tony Vivaldi
- Mercedes Ruehl .... Irene Madigan
Danny Madigan is a big movie buff. While watching an action movie, Danny's magic ticket transports him inside the movie alongside his number one hero Jack Slater. Its a dream come true for Danny, but things take a turn for the worst when a movie villain gets hold of the ticket and escapes into the real world. Danny and Jack must stop him by traveling to the real world where the bad guys can win.
Trivia random: During the shooting of the movie, Arnold Schwarzenegger gave an interview on the set to Dagmar Koller, a famous Austrian musical-star, for an Austrian television show. After the interview Arnold Schwarzenegger invited her to appear in the movie. She can be seen in the police headquarters as Danny Madigan talks to her.
Citazione random: Jack Slater: Stop shouting! I'm not deaf!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Chain Reaction (1996)
Reazione a catena
Regista: Andrew Davis
Scrittore: Arne Schmidt, Rick Seaman
Genere: Action, Thriller, Drama
Valutazione: 5.1/10 (8225 voti)
Durata: 106 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Keanu Reeves .... Eddie Kasalivich
- Morgan Freeman .... Paul Shannon
- Rachel Weisz .... Dr. Lily Sinclair
- Fred Ward .... FBI Agent Leon Ford
- Kevin Dunn .... FBI Agent Doyle
- Brian Cox .... Lyman Earl Collier
- Joanna Cassidy .... Maggie McDermott
- Chelcie Ross .... Ed Rafferty
- Nicholas Rudall .... Dr. Alistair Barkley
- Tzi Ma .... Lu Chen
Eddie Kasalivich, an undergraduate at the University of Chicago, works as a technician for a scientific team that discovers an alternative, low-cost, pollution-free fuel source. When one of the chief scientists is murdered and the invention stolen, Eddie and physicist Lily Sinclair are framed for it and have to flee for their lives, with the FBI, CIA and other involved parties in close pursuit. Paul Shannon, Eddies mentor, is the director of a scientific company which - unknown to Eddie - has commercial interests in the invention. Eddie and Lily set out to find the stolen invention and hopefully clear themselves of the false charges.
Trivia random: Filmed almost extensively in the winter of 1995 and early 1996 in Chicago, the hometown of director Andrew Davis, where his other films Code of Silence (1985), Above the Law (1988), The Package (1989), and The Fugitive (1993) were also filmed.
Citazione random: FBI Agent Doyle: Holy!... did you see that?::FBI Agent Ford: Whoa!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Rourke, Mickey
Nome di battesimo: Jr., Philip Andre Rourke
Data di nascita: 16 September 1956
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Coniuge: Carré Otis::(26 June 1992 - December 1998) (divorced), Debra Feuer::(1981 - 1989) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Sin City 2 (2008) .... Marv [attore]
- Killshot (2007) .... Armand "The Blackbird" Degas [attore]
- The Night Job (2007) .... Boots [attore]
- Stormbreaker (2006) .... Darrius Sayle [attore]
- Domino (2005) .... Ed Mosbey [attore]
- Sin City (2005) .... Marv [attore]
- True Crime: New York City (2005) (VG) .... Terrence Higgins (voice) [attore]
- Driv3r (2004) (VG) .... Jericho (voice) [attore]
- Man on Fire (2004) .... Jordan [attore]
- Masked and Anonymous (2003) .... Edmund [attore]
Mickey Rourke was born Phillip Andre Rourke, Jr., in Liberty City, Florida. As a teenager he attended Miami Beach Senior High School, where it's not clear if he graduated or not. One thing that is clear, Rourke played second-string first baseman on the school's baseball team under coach Skip Bertman. Yet another mystery regarding his high school days is his acting career. It's reported that he took drama classes with the legendary "Teacher To The Stars", Jay W. Jensen; appearing in at least one stage-play. However, a P. Rourke listed in the play's credits, could be that of his sister, Patricia Rourke, who also attended Miami Beach Senior High School. Rourke's teenage years were more aimed towards sports then acting. Raised in the tough inner city, Rourke took up self-defense training at the Boys Club of Miami. It was there he learned boxing skills, and decided on an amateur career. At the age of 12, Rourke won his first boxing match as a 118 pound bantamweight. Some of his early matches were fought as Andre Rourke. He continued his boxing training at the famed 5th Street Gym on Miami Beach, Florida; joining the Police Athletic League boxing program. In 1969, Rourke, now weighing 140lbs., sparred with former World Welterweight Champion Luis Rodriguez. Rodriguez was the number one rated middleweight boxer in the world, and was training for his match with world champion Nino Benvenuti. Rourke claims to have received a concussion in this sparring match. In 1971, at the Florida Golden Gloves, he received another concussion from a boxing match. He was told by doctors to take a year off and rest, but Rourke decided to retire from the ring. From 1968 to 1972, Mickey Rourke compiled an amateur boxing record of 20-6, with 17 knockouts. He was disqualified 4 times, and lost 2 decisions. At one point, he reportedly scored 12 consecutive first round knockouts. As an amateur, Rourke had been friendly with pro-boxer Tommy Torino. When Rourke decided to return to boxing as a professional, Torino promoted some of Rourke's fights. Rourke was trained by former pro-boxer Freddie Roach at Miami Beach's 5th Street Gym and the Outlaw Boxing Club Gym in Los Angeles. Rourke made $250 for his pro debut, but by the end of his 2nd year of boxing, he earned a million dollars. Rourke appeared on the cover of ''World Boxing Magazine'' in June 1994. He sparred with world champions James Toney, John David Jackson, and Tommy Morrision. Rourke wanted to have 16 professional fights and then fight for a world title. However, he retired after 7 bouts and never got his desired title fight. His boxing career resulted in severe facial injuries which required a number of operations to repair his damaged face.
Trivia random: Used to co-own a very tiny soda fountain/ice cream/magazine stand in Beverly Hills with his hairdresser pal Giuseppe Franco called Mickey & Joey's.
Citazione random: "I've talked to my priest a lot. I used to have to call him or the shrink when there was an explosion, because I was really good at not talking to anybody until there was an explosion. My priest is this cool Italian from New York. We go down to his basement and he opens the wine. We smoke a cigarette and I have my confession. He sends me upstairs to do my Hail Mary's. I mean, I'm no Holy Joe, but I have a strong belief. If I wasn't Catholic I would have blown my brains out. I would pray to God. I would say, 'Please can you send me just a little bit of daylight.' He talked me out of it and we started meeting. His name is Father Pete and he lives in New York. Father Pete put me back on the right track."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
They Crawl (2001)
Invasion X
Regista: John Allardice
Scrittore: Curtis Joseph, David Mason
Genere: Horror, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 3.4/10 (243 voti)
Durata: 93 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Daniel Cosgrove .... Ted Gage
- Tamara Davies .... Det. Gina O'Bannon
- Dennis Boutsikaris .... Prof. Jurgen
- Ken Lerner .... Coroner Glen
- William Keane .... Det. Hardy
- Scott Rinker .... Shane Torian
- Brandon Karrer .... Lazarus
- Bennet Guillory .... Capt. Righetti
- Tim Thomerson .... Exterminator
- Tone Loc .... Clarence
Trivia random: The blueprint of the giant "Asimov" cockroach monster that the characters viewed on their computer monitor was the actual concept drawing made for the film.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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