La saga di John McClane si è sempre mantenuta su eccellenti livelli: se poi ci si limita ai due capitoli firmati John McTiernan, siamo nell'olimpo del cinema d'azione.
Sfortunatamente il quarto episodio viene affidato all'inetto Len Wiseman e - peggio che mai - viene ampiamente riadattato per non avere noie, nell'ambiente casto e puro della facile-moralista Hollywood dei giorni nostri.
Manica di squallide fichette: il bello di Die Hard era il suo essere scorretto (ma "giusto"), fracassone ed esagerato; questa volta invece si punta ad ottenere un commercialmente utile PG-13 e le differenze con i precedenti R si sentono eccome.
Una squadra di temibili acheri informatici attacca in maniera sistematica le infrastrutture essenziali degli Stati Uniti: trasporti, comunicazioni, energia, ricerca e soccorso sono in mano loro ed il paese sprofonda nel caos.
Per puro caso McClane viene incaricato di recuperare un hacker che ha inconsapevolmente contribuito al disastro, salvandolo poco prima di una morte certa.
Con lo sfigatello di turno al seguito, inizierà la ricerca dei cattivi per la dovuta punizione. In mezzo, pure la maturazione d'ordinanza del pivello: triplo YAWN.
Come e più che in quella sopravvalutata porcata di Transformers, qui la tecnologia viene veramente usata come l'equivalente della bacchetta dello stregone: tre righe di codice e vien giù il mondo, due comandi ed attivi telecamere/ponti/dighe/vibratori dall'altra parte del mondo, componi un sms e riesci a riprogrammare il cellulare per collegarsi ai satelliti (sticazzi: fisicamente improbabile! )
Sarà deformazione professionale, ma mi uccide la sospensione dell'incredulità, oltre a risultare una via troppo comoda per risparmiare agli sceneggiatori la fatica di giustificare QUALSIASI COSA: "eh, l'ha fatto l'akaro kattivo kol kompiuter..."
Adesso basta, grazie.
La regia è ad esser buoni mediocre, scadente la sceneggiatura e la recitazione di Bruce Willis buttata un po' lì e con nessuna battuta davvero degna di nota. Si vede anche poca canotta degna di questo nome.
Taciamo poi sul fatto che Timothy Olyphant ed il pur pregevole corpicino di Maggie Q non possono neanche lontanamente sostenere il confronto con coprotagonisti come Samuel L. Jackson e Jeremy Irons. Altro calibro, signori.
Le scene d'azione, poi, mancano di originalità e sono dirette maluccio.
Credo che non ci sia molto da aggiungere.
Sprecata la presenza di Kevin Smith (ok, deve mangiare pure lui...)
Voto: 4.5 (oddio, alla fine si guarda anche, ma... a che pro?)
Tags: azione, thriller, avventura, Die Hard, Stati Uniti, hacker, attacco, terrorismo, finanza, economia, rete elettrica, comunicazioni, trasporti, attacco informatico, elicottero, sparatoria, morte, omicidio, arti marziali, figlia, rapporto padre-figlia, backup, cellulare, computer, caos, panico, incidente stradale, vendetta, inseguimento, canotta, ascensore, FBI, NSA.
lunedì 29 ottobre 2007
giovedì 25 ottobre 2007
serenity 2
No, non ho visto l'anteprima del seguito di Serenity, non agitatevi per niente, manica di fan-boys...
Ho però avuto modo di rivedere in inglese il film e, cosa più importante, questa volta l'ho visto dopo l'intera serie (non che ci voglia molto, dato il numero di episodi).
Devo ammettere che rispetto alla recensione dell'epoca il voto si alza di almeno un punto.
Da un lato c'è il fatto che i dialoghi in inglese mi sono sembrati in generale più brillanti, più sentiti (al netto che non ho l'orecchio per valutare le intonazioni) e molto più in linea coi personaggi visti nella serie.
D'altra parte c'è l'ovvio fatto che conoscere già i personaggi aiuta enormemente: avendone già una immagine precisa azioni e parole risultano molto più efficaci.
Alcuni dei difetti restano: Inara ed ancor di più il pastore Book appaiono sempre come ruoli ficcati un po' dentro a calci, e la volontà di tirare le somme di tutto finisce con l'affrettare un po' gli eventi e col lasciare poco spazio per l'approfondimento di certi eventi.
Infine, se il nuovo avversario non è male, altrettando non si può dire di Mr. Universe, personaggio tutto sommato inutile.
Per il resto, potete vedere il fatto che il film risulti molto migliore se visto dopo la serie come un suo difetto (e tutto sommato lo è) o come l'occasione per guardarvi tutti i 14 episodi di uno show semplicemente eccezionale. Mi raccomando, in inglese: se è come il film, l'adattamento italiano non vale la metà dell'originale.
Nel DVD (disco singolo, versione italiana) alcuni extra carini e le solite scene tagliate; niente di imperdibile, comunque.
Regista: Joss Whedon
Scrittore: Joss Whedon
Genere: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (66684 voti)
Durata: 119 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Mandarin
The crew of the Serenity is getting desperate. They have lain lower and lower to protect their doctor, Simon Tam, and his telepathic traumatized little sister, River, from the alliance, whom he rescued her from a year earlier. This has made getting jobs harder and now they are desperate. When they take River on a robbery during which Reavers (humans who have gone crazy and turned into cannibals) attack, Simon decides that its time to leave the crew of the Serenity for his and River's safety. She then mutters "Miranda" and goes berserk and nearly shoots Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, until her brother says the safety word to put her to sleep. Reynolds decides to take them back on board for safety, only now an alliance operative is on their tracks and making Reynolds determined to find out what "Miranda" is and what the Alliance is hiding.
Trivia random: Several of the Reaver ships seen in the final battle are of the same type as some of the Alliance ships with different paint schemes.
Citazione random: The Operative: Define "disappeared".
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ho però avuto modo di rivedere in inglese il film e, cosa più importante, questa volta l'ho visto dopo l'intera serie (non che ci voglia molto, dato il numero di episodi).
Devo ammettere che rispetto alla recensione dell'epoca il voto si alza di almeno un punto.
Da un lato c'è il fatto che i dialoghi in inglese mi sono sembrati in generale più brillanti, più sentiti (al netto che non ho l'orecchio per valutare le intonazioni) e molto più in linea coi personaggi visti nella serie.
D'altra parte c'è l'ovvio fatto che conoscere già i personaggi aiuta enormemente: avendone già una immagine precisa azioni e parole risultano molto più efficaci.
Alcuni dei difetti restano: Inara ed ancor di più il pastore Book appaiono sempre come ruoli ficcati un po' dentro a calci, e la volontà di tirare le somme di tutto finisce con l'affrettare un po' gli eventi e col lasciare poco spazio per l'approfondimento di certi eventi.
Infine, se il nuovo avversario non è male, altrettando non si può dire di Mr. Universe, personaggio tutto sommato inutile.
Per il resto, potete vedere il fatto che il film risulti molto migliore se visto dopo la serie come un suo difetto (e tutto sommato lo è) o come l'occasione per guardarvi tutti i 14 episodi di uno show semplicemente eccezionale. Mi raccomando, in inglese: se è come il film, l'adattamento italiano non vale la metà dell'originale.
Nel DVD (disco singolo, versione italiana) alcuni extra carini e le solite scene tagliate; niente di imperdibile, comunque.
Serenity (2005)
Regista: Joss Whedon
Scrittore: Joss Whedon
Genere: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (66684 voti)
Durata: 119 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Mandarin
- Nathan Fillion .... Mal
- Gina Torres .... Zoe
- Alan Tudyk .... Wash
- Morena Baccarin .... Inara
- Adam Baldwin .... Jayne
- Jewel Staite .... Kaylee
- Sean Maher .... Simon
- Summer Glau .... River
- Ron Glass .... Shepherd Book
- Chiwetel Ejiofor .... The Operative
The crew of the Serenity is getting desperate. They have lain lower and lower to protect their doctor, Simon Tam, and his telepathic traumatized little sister, River, from the alliance, whom he rescued her from a year earlier. This has made getting jobs harder and now they are desperate. When they take River on a robbery during which Reavers (humans who have gone crazy and turned into cannibals) attack, Simon decides that its time to leave the crew of the Serenity for his and River's safety. She then mutters "Miranda" and goes berserk and nearly shoots Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, until her brother says the safety word to put her to sleep. Reynolds decides to take them back on board for safety, only now an alliance operative is on their tracks and making Reynolds determined to find out what "Miranda" is and what the Alliance is hiding.
Trivia random: Several of the Reaver ships seen in the final battle are of the same type as some of the Alliance ships with different paint schemes.
Citazione random: The Operative: Define "disappeared".
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
domenica 21 ottobre 2007
mercy! mercy! mercy!
Il filmone: | Il videogiocone: |
Expect No Mercy! In effetti non me ne aspettavo, ma qui si esagera...
Quale inarrivabile progetto multimediale: non paghi di aver prodotto uno dei peggiori film della storia del cinema, deve essere parso giusto farci sopra un videogioco che - pensate un po' - spunta puntualmente nelle liste delle più immonde schifezze videoludiche.
Due improbabili agenti federali si infiltrano in una strana accademia di arti marziali dove - con l'aiuto di una tizia sulle cui motivazioni la scienza si interroga - cercheranno le prove per incastrarne il capo supremo.
L'accademia infatti è un centro di addrestramento di killer a pagamento, che - tra gli altri - hanno ricevuto l'ordine di uccidere un testimone di so-ben-io-cosa (scarsamente) protetto dall'FBI.
Quel che finora ho taciuto per amore del cinema è che l'accademia sfrutta le più avanzate tecniche di realtà virtuale per addestrare i propri fessi.
No, sul serio: realtà virtuale: 'sti pirla si mettono degli occhiali buffi e le cuffie dell'iPod ed iniziano a menare l'aria in una stanza piena di laser e luci colorate.
Ovviamente loro si ritrovano immersi in un ambiente virtuale a combattere contro un avversario simulato dal computer.
Lo spettatore invece si ritrova immerso nel guano, ma questa è un'altra storia...
La trama, non pervenuta, non è neppure sufficiente a fornire uno spunto per i combattimenti che si susseguono senza motivo alcuno tra realtà e simulazione.
I dialoghi sono un vero e proprio insulto per lo spettatore: visto in inglese, è imperdibile il delirio finale del Cattivo® sui massimi sistemi socio-politici. Pure Evil Genius.
Agghiacchianti gli effetti speciali così come i costumi e le facce di alcuni dei protagonisti (dal testimone, agli agenti che sembrano usciti dall'anonima alcolisti, per concludere con lo spettacolare Fango).
La regia è inetta e le prove attoriali adeguate al resto (Jalal Merhi, Billy Blanks, Wolf Larson e Laurie Holden, per dire...)
Riprovevole la scelta dei cattivi virtuali: il già citato Fango resterà per sempre nel mio cuore, ma anche il samurai e gli altri fessi assortiti (tra cui un Arlecchino: si vede che era l'ultimo costume rimasto...) non sono da meno.
Una esperienza autopunitiva come poche, la visione di questa catastrofe è consigliata agli stomaci forti ed agli appassionati di Z-martial-movies.
Non so quanto sia reperibile in italiano: in inglese invece lo si trova incluso in numerosi cofanetti dove - assieme a 3 o 4 film brutti - ti tocca pure prenderne uno bruttissimo.
Voto: 1. Trashometro® 9/10: (devastante)
Tags: azione, arti marziali, realtà virtuale, killer, FBI, protezione, testimone, morte, accademia, maestro, rapimento, delirio socio-politico, assalto, avvocato, computer, simulatore, simulazione, combattimento, katana, tonfa, duello, trash, autopunitivo, dolore sempre vivo.
Merhi, Jalal
Altezza: 5' 7¾" (1.72 m)
Coniuge: Basma Merhi::(5 January 1991 - present)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Weight of Light (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Young Alexander the Great (2007) .... [regista]
- The Circuit 3 (2006) (V) .... [regista]
- Into the Heat (2003) (V) .... [attore]
- Sometimes a Hero (2003) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- The Circuit 2: The Final Punch (2002) (V) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Circuit (2002) .... [regista]
- Expect to Die (2001) .... [regista]
- G.O.D. (2001) .... Ray Stanton [attore]
- Love Letters: A Romantic Trilogy (2001) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Jalal Merhi is recognized worldwide as a premiere action-film producer Director after successfully delivering over 20 films worldwide within a decade, and numerous short film projects.Borne in Brazil from Lebanese parents Jalal immigrated to Canada to study, and eventually he built an extension of his family jewelry business in Canada, keeping his sport of competitive Martial art on the side, also keeping his eye on his true love filmmaking.So he sold his share in a building in downtown Toronto and sold his jewelry business with some additional investment from his diamond dealers and created Film One.From its inception in 1989, Jalal Merhi's company, Film One, has carved its niche in the lucrative action genres, Jalal's commitment to high production values is evident on the screen but his commercial savvy and organizational skills are what make him one of Canada's most prolific and successful producers.Started his martial arts with Tae Kwon Do then 2nd dan in Shotokan then master in Choy Lay Fut and hung gar and entered over 150 tournament with a great deal of success.That is when he was approached by a producer for a movie role.The movie never started, but Jalal got to know many other people with influence and his career was born. He has since worked with Martial arts legends such as Bolo Yeung, Cynthia Rothrock and Billy Blanks. He has grown to be a martial arts choreographer and Director.
Trivia random: Is a huge fan of fast cars and drives a 911 Porsche turbo convertible.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Holden, Laurie
Nome di battesimo: Holden, Laurie Heather
Data di nascita: 17 December 1972
Altezza: 5' 6" (1.68 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Meet Market (2007) .... Billy (uncredited) [attrice]
- The Mist (2007) .... Amanda Dumfries [attrice]
- Silent Hill (2006) .... Cybil Bennett [attrice]
- Bailey's Billion$ (2005) .... Marge Maggs [attrice]
- Fantastic Four (2005) .... Debbie McIlvane [attrice]
- The X Files: Resist or Serve (2004) (VG) .... Marita Covarrubias (voice) [attrice]
- The Majestic (2001) .... Adele Stanton [attrice]
- The Man Who Used to Be Me (2000) (TV) .... Amy Ryan [attrice]
- Past Perfect (1998) .... Ally Marsey [attrice]
- Alibi (1997) (TV) .... Beth Polasky [attrice]
Laurie Holden was born on 17 December 1972 in Los Angeles, California to Larry Holden and Adrienne Ellis. When she was 5, her parents divorced and her mother married director Michael Anderson. Laurie then split her time between L.A. and Toronto, Ontario, Canada. As a teenager, she won the "Look of the Year" modeling pageant in Toronto. After her freshman year at Montreal's McGill University (as an economics major), she transferred to UCLA and completed her BA in theater arts in 1993. She has studied acting under the late 'Robert Reed (I)' (of "The Brady Bunch" (1969) fame). Laurie is perhaps best known for her roles as "Marita Covarrubias" on "The X Files" (1993) and as "Mary Travis" on "The Magnificent Seven" (1998). Laurie is single and lives in Los Angeles when not on location.
Trivia random: Named as one of the 100 Most Creative People in Hollywood "It List".
Citazione random: "I don't want my tombstone to say actress. I want it to say human being."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Dalen, Zale
Data di nascita: 1947
Ultimi lavori:
- Directors Guild of Canada: 40 Years of Making Movies (2002) .... [regista]
- A Bachelor's Guide to Seduction in the Kitchen (2000) (TV) .... [regista]
- "Call of the Wild" (2000) .... (unknown episodes) [regista]
- Expect No Mercy (1996) .... [regista]
- Anything to Survive (1990) (TV) .... [regista]
- On Thin Ice: The Tai Babilonia Story (1990) (TV) .... [regista]
- Terminal City Ricochet (1990) .... [regista]
- "21 Jump Street" (1987) .... (unknown episodes) [regista]
- "J.J. Starbuck" (1987) .... (unknown episodes) [regista]
- "Wiseguy" (1987) .... (unknown episodes) [regista]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Larson, Wolf
Nome di battesimo: von Wyszecki, Wolfgang
Data di nascita: 22 December 1959
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Special Ops: Delta Force (2006) .... Tolliver [attore]
- "Creating America's Next Hit Television Show" (2004) .... Walter Montgomery #3 (unknown episodes) [attore]
- Shakedown (2002) (V) .... Agent Alec 'Mac' MacKay [attore]
- Avalanche Alley (2001) (TV) .... Alex [attore]
- The Elite (2001) .... Griffin [attore]
- Just Can't Get Enough (2001) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Castle Rock (2000) .... Cade [attore]
- Crash and Byrnes (1999) (TV) .... (co-producer) [produttore]
- Storm Chasers: Revenge of the Twister (1998) (TV) .... Will Stanton [attore]
- Expect No Mercy (1996) .... Warbeck [attore]
Trivia random: The only "Tarzan" actor with an MBA degree.
Citazione random: (On playing "Tarzan", following in the footsteps of arguably the most famous portrayer, Johnny Weissmuller) "It's a bit like playing "James Bond" after Sean Connery.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Billy Blanks
La ricerca ha prodotto più di un risultato.
- Blanks, Billy (I)
- Blanks, Billy (II)
- Banks, Billy
- Plank, Billy
- Banks, Bill (I)
- Black, Billy
- Blake, Bill (I)
- Black, Billy Bob
- Billy, Black
- Franks, Billy
- Combo, Bill Black's
- Banks, Bill (II)
- Blanco, Billy
- Blanks, William W.
- Blackburn, Bill (II)
- Blackwell, Billy W.
- Blandon, Billy
- Lansdowne, Billy
- Eubanks, Bill
- Sholanke, Willy
Expect No Mercy (1996)
Regista: Zale Dalen
Scrittore: J. Stephen Maunder
Genere: Action
Valutazione: 3.4/10 (123 voti)
Durata: 91 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Billy Blanks .... Justin Vanier
- Jalal Merhi .... Eric
- Wolf Larson .... Warbeck
- Laurie Holden .... Vicki
- Anthony De Longis .... Damian
- Michael Blanks .... Spyder
- Réal Andrews .... Alexander
- Sam Moses .... Goldberg
- Jefferson Mappin .... Wilkinson
- Géza Kovács .... Woods
Federal Service Agent Justin Vanier has been assigned to infiltrate the mysterious Virtual Arts Academy in search of Eric, a fellow agent. In this high-tech facility, the maniacal leader Warbeck is training assassins to become even more efficient killing machines using virtual reality. Penetrating the organization as a new recruit, Justin finds Eric, and together with the idealistic Vicki must bring down Warbeck before he succeeds with his deadly plans.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
sabato 20 ottobre 2007
Il topolino Remy, con una sconfinata passione per la buona cucina, finisce con l'aiutare lo sguattero di un ristorante un tempo rinomato; lo farà ritornare in auge ed aiuterà il ragazzo a crescere, ma si sa che topi e cucina significano guai.
Il nuovo corso della Pixar sotto le spennacchiate ali di mamma-Disney non è che mi stia facendo grufolare di piacere.
Intendiamoci: Ratatouille è un discreto film, con i soliti buoni sentimenti, la solita traccia sulle difficoltà del crescere e le solite menate sulle cose davvero importanti della vita.
Dette anche bene, raccontante in modo simpatico, sì, ma sempre quelle.
Sembra invece che strada facendo, mantenendosi stretti i temi a loro cari (che ci sta anche: sono davvero bravi a raccontare questo genere di storie), i signori della Pixar stiano perdendo per strada altri dettagli.
Come già in Cars, anche qui i protagonisti sono piuttosto insipidi: meglio il topolino Remy di Saetta McQueen, ma giusto perché ha mani e gambe (ok, zampe...)
La carenza più notevole però è nei comprimari: per raccontare bene una storia, devi avere un protagonista quanto meno discreto ed un buon numero di coprotagonisti eccellenti. In Cars si ricordano solo Carl Attrezzi e Luigi e Guido; in Ratatouille c'è invece una assenza desolante di personaggi memorabili. Ed è un peccato, perché gli altri cuochi avevano del potenziale!
Si è invece preferito attenersi al canovaccio della classica storiella moraleggiante, senza neppure eccedere sul lato comico: alcune scenette (anche molto) divertenti ci sono, ma non quante ci si potrebbe aspettare in 110 lunghi minuti (20 di troppo, per la precisione).
Queste vie di mezzo, questo tirare a campare, non portano a nulla: dovrebbero di volta in volta decidere se il loro prossimo film debba essere una cosa più matura (come quello che considero il loro capolavoro assoluto, The Incredibles o cosa per far scompisciare il pubblico come il geniale Monsters, Inc..
Non pretendo abbandonino il loro genere di storie ed il loro stile nel raccontarle, anche se qualcosa di veramente "serio", da parte loro, sarebbe un bel esperimento.
A livello tecnico, la mascella cade per terra: la Pixar si dimostra ancora una volta una spanna sopra chiunque (stracciando anche il recente Shrek 3, che pure stupiva in tal senso).
I modelli sono eccelsi - anche se non adoro lo stile per gli umani - ed espressivi oltre ogni dire; le animazioni sono assolutamente perfette e l'ambiente riprodotto in maniera impeccabile.
E poi c'è l'acqua: santi numi, l'acqua! Semplice perfezione: stupenda nelle fogne, nelle pentole e nella pioggia che cade su selciati porosi (che roba!)
Aspettiamo - comunque fiduciosi - il prossimo Wall-E su un robottino del futuro (tecnicamente sbalorditivo, il poco che si è visto).
Meraviglioso e divertentissimo il corto iniziale sui rapimenti alieni.
Voto: 7+ (ma da Brad Bird mi aspettavo molto di più).
Tags: animazione, computer grafica, commedia, famiglia, topo, Francia, Parigi, cuoco, ristorante, fogna, sguattero, figlio segreto, Pixar, critico culinario, recensione, colonia, furto, cibo, cucinare, cucina, amore, abbandono, successo, trappola, fuga.
Nome di battesimo: Bird, Phillip Bradley
Data di nascita: 11 September 1957
Coniuge: Elizabeth Canney::(1988 - present) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Trained as a Disney animator.
Citazione random: When I write things, often at the moment I'm writing, I'm thinking of camera angles; it's not a separate part of the process, it kind of comes out all at the same time. So I have really strong opinions about how things are presented, but at the same time I'm thinking about things that I want to present. It's like when somebody speaks, they assemble words in a certain way, but it's not always that conscious, it just comes out. That's the way film is for me.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Pete Docter, David Silverman
Scrittore: Pete Docter, Jill Culton
Genere: Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Valutazione: 7.9/10 (68924 voti)
Durata: 92 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
James P. Sullivan (AKA "Sulley") and Mike Wazowski pick up their paychecks at Monsters Inc., the utility company that generates energy from the goose bumps of children. Sulley, the No. 1 scream-generator at the plant accidentally lets in a little girl into the monster world. Since monsters are actually terrified of children it's a major cause for alarm and a major headache for Sulley and Mike.
Trivia random: When Boo is in the bathroom stall she "sings" two songs. The first one is to the tune of Beauty and the Beast (1991), another Disney movie.
Citazione random: Celia: [wearing a cone after being treated by the CDA] Last night was one of the worst nights of my entire life, bar none!::[the snakes on her hair, also wearing cones, pop out to hiss at Mike]::Celia: I thought you cared about me.::Mike: Honey, please. Schmoopsie, I thought you liked sushi.::Celia: Sushi? Sushi? You think this is about sushi?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Brad Bird, Jan Pinkava
Scrittore: Brad Bird, Brad Bird
Genere: Animation, Comedy, Family
Valutazione: 8.4/10 (33243 voti) [#81 nella top250]
Durata: 110 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely - and certainly unwanted - visitor in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant, Remy's passion for cooking soon sets into motion a hilarious and exciting rat race that turns the culinary world of Paris upside down.
Trivia random: Every PIXAR film has had a reference to room A-113 from the California Institute of the Arts. A number of animators began their CalArts career in this room, including John Lasseter and Brad Bird. A-113 appears on a little tag clipped to the ear of a rat named Git.
Citazione random: Gusteau: Food always comes to those who love to cook.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Andrew Stanton
Scrittore: Andrew Stanton
Genere: Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
The year is 2700. WALL*E, a robot, spends every day doing what he was made for. But soon, he will discover what he was meant for.
Trivia random: The teaser trailer contains part of Michael Kamen's score for Brazil (1985). Michael Kamen was going to score another Pixar film, The Incredibles (2004), but died before he could.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Brad Bird
Scrittore: Brad Bird
Genere: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 8.2/10 (84145 voti) [#129 nella top250]
Durata: 115 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: Spanish, English, French
Mr. Incredible is a superhero; or he used to be, until a surge of lawsuits against superheroes submitted by the people they've saved forced the government to hide them in witness protection programs so they could lead normal, anonymous lives. Now known exclusively by his secret identity, Bob Parr, he lives with his wife Helen, formerly Elastigirl, and their three children Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack. He works as an insurance claims specialist, and he's fed up with his pushy boss and his immoral profession, but his wife's worked too hard to build a normal life for her family to abide his nostalgia for heroism. When Mr. Incredible's offered the chance to play the role of hero again by a mysterious informant, he jumps at the opportunity, but when it turns out to be a trap set by an old nemesis he had a hand in corrupting, the whole family must reveal themselves to save Mr. Incredible and countless innocents.
Trivia random: Brad Bird was listening to National Public Radio and heard Sarah Vowell, a frequent contributor to the NPR program "This American Life". He felt her voice was perfect for Violet even though she had never acted before. To convince her, Pixar animators animated one of Vowell's segments from "This American Life" and sent it to her.
Citazione random: Bob: [yelling to Helen as she holds up the RV] How ya doin', honey?::Helen: [screaming back] Do I have to answer?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Il nuovo corso della Pixar sotto le spennacchiate ali di mamma-Disney non è che mi stia facendo grufolare di piacere.
Intendiamoci: Ratatouille è un discreto film, con i soliti buoni sentimenti, la solita traccia sulle difficoltà del crescere e le solite menate sulle cose davvero importanti della vita.
Dette anche bene, raccontante in modo simpatico, sì, ma sempre quelle.
Sembra invece che strada facendo, mantenendosi stretti i temi a loro cari (che ci sta anche: sono davvero bravi a raccontare questo genere di storie), i signori della Pixar stiano perdendo per strada altri dettagli.
Come già in Cars, anche qui i protagonisti sono piuttosto insipidi: meglio il topolino Remy di Saetta McQueen, ma giusto perché ha mani e gambe (ok, zampe...)
La carenza più notevole però è nei comprimari: per raccontare bene una storia, devi avere un protagonista quanto meno discreto ed un buon numero di coprotagonisti eccellenti. In Cars si ricordano solo Carl Attrezzi e Luigi e Guido; in Ratatouille c'è invece una assenza desolante di personaggi memorabili. Ed è un peccato, perché gli altri cuochi avevano del potenziale!
Si è invece preferito attenersi al canovaccio della classica storiella moraleggiante, senza neppure eccedere sul lato comico: alcune scenette (anche molto) divertenti ci sono, ma non quante ci si potrebbe aspettare in 110 lunghi minuti (20 di troppo, per la precisione).
Queste vie di mezzo, questo tirare a campare, non portano a nulla: dovrebbero di volta in volta decidere se il loro prossimo film debba essere una cosa più matura (come quello che considero il loro capolavoro assoluto, The Incredibles o cosa per far scompisciare il pubblico come il geniale Monsters, Inc..
Non pretendo abbandonino il loro genere di storie ed il loro stile nel raccontarle, anche se qualcosa di veramente "serio", da parte loro, sarebbe un bel esperimento.
A livello tecnico, la mascella cade per terra: la Pixar si dimostra ancora una volta una spanna sopra chiunque (stracciando anche il recente Shrek 3, che pure stupiva in tal senso).
I modelli sono eccelsi - anche se non adoro lo stile per gli umani - ed espressivi oltre ogni dire; le animazioni sono assolutamente perfette e l'ambiente riprodotto in maniera impeccabile.
E poi c'è l'acqua: santi numi, l'acqua! Semplice perfezione: stupenda nelle fogne, nelle pentole e nella pioggia che cade su selciati porosi (che roba!)
Aspettiamo - comunque fiduciosi - il prossimo Wall-E su un robottino del futuro (tecnicamente sbalorditivo, il poco che si è visto).
Meraviglioso e divertentissimo il corto iniziale sui rapimenti alieni.
Voto: 7+ (ma da Brad Bird mi aspettavo molto di più).
Tags: animazione, computer grafica, commedia, famiglia, topo, Francia, Parigi, cuoco, ristorante, fogna, sguattero, figlio segreto, Pixar, critico culinario, recensione, colonia, furto, cibo, cucinare, cucina, amore, abbandono, successo, trappola, fuga.
Bird, Brad (I)
Nome di battesimo: Bird, Phillip Bradley
Data di nascita: 11 September 1957
Coniuge: Elizabeth Canney::(1988 - present) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
- 1906 (2009) .... [regista]
- Ratatouille (2007) .... (screenplay) (story) [scrittore]
- Jack-Jack Attack (2005) (V) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- The Making of 'The Incredibles' (2005) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- More Making of 'The Incredibles' (2005) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Mr. Incredible and Pals (2005) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- One Man Band (2005) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Vowellet: An Essay by Sarah Vowell (2005) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- The Incredibles (2004) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- The Iron Giant (1999) .... (story) (Screenplay uncredited) [scrittore]
Trivia random: Trained as a Disney animator.
Citazione random: When I write things, often at the moment I'm writing, I'm thinking of camera angles; it's not a separate part of the process, it kind of comes out all at the same time. So I have really strong opinions about how things are presented, but at the same time I'm thinking about things that I want to present. It's like when somebody speaks, they assemble words in a certain way, but it's not always that conscious, it just comes out. That's the way film is for me.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Monsters & Co.
Regista: Pete Docter, David Silverman
Scrittore: Pete Docter, Jill Culton
Genere: Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Valutazione: 7.9/10 (68924 voti)
Durata: 92 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- John Goodman .... James P. "Sulley" Sullivan (voice)
- Billy Crystal .... Mike Wazowski (voice)
- Mary Gibbs .... Boo / Mary (voice)
- Steve Buscemi .... Randall Boggs (voice)
- James Coburn .... Henry J. Waternoose (voice)
- Jennifer Tilly .... Celia (voice)
- Bob Peterson .... Roz (voice)
- John Ratzenberger .... The Abominable Snowman (voice)
- Frank Oz .... Fungus (voice)
- Daniel Gerson .... Needleman / Smitty (voice)
James P. Sullivan (AKA "Sulley") and Mike Wazowski pick up their paychecks at Monsters Inc., the utility company that generates energy from the goose bumps of children. Sulley, the No. 1 scream-generator at the plant accidentally lets in a little girl into the monster world. Since monsters are actually terrified of children it's a major cause for alarm and a major headache for Sulley and Mike.
Trivia random: When Boo is in the bathroom stall she "sings" two songs. The first one is to the tune of Beauty and the Beast (1991), another Disney movie.
Citazione random: Celia: [wearing a cone after being treated by the CDA] Last night was one of the worst nights of my entire life, bar none!::[the snakes on her hair, also wearing cones, pop out to hiss at Mike]::Celia: I thought you cared about me.::Mike: Honey, please. Schmoopsie, I thought you liked sushi.::Celia: Sushi? Sushi? You think this is about sushi?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ratatouille (2007)
Regista: Brad Bird, Jan Pinkava
Scrittore: Brad Bird, Brad Bird
Genere: Animation, Comedy, Family
Valutazione: 8.4/10 (33243 voti) [#81 nella top250]
Durata: 110 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Patton Oswalt .... Remy (voice)
- Ian Holm .... Skinner (voice)
- Lou Romano .... Linguini (voice)
- Brian Dennehy .... Django (voice)
- Peter Sohn .... Emile (voice)
- Peter O'Toole .... Anton Ego (voice)
- Brad Garrett .... Gusteau (voice)
- Janeane Garofalo .... Colette (voice)
- Will Arnett .... Horst (voice)
- Julius Callahan .... Lalo / Francois (voice)
A rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great French chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places Remy in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely - and certainly unwanted - visitor in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant, Remy's passion for cooking soon sets into motion a hilarious and exciting rat race that turns the culinary world of Paris upside down.
Trivia random: Every PIXAR film has had a reference to room A-113 from the California Institute of the Arts. A number of animators began their CalArts career in this room, including John Lasseter and Brad Bird. A-113 appears on a little tag clipped to the ear of a rat named Git.
Citazione random: Gusteau: Food always comes to those who love to cook.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Wall-E (2008)
Regista: Andrew Stanton
Scrittore: Andrew Stanton
Genere: Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
- Fred Willard .... Shelby Forthright (voice)
- Jeff Garlin .... Captain (voice)
- Ben Burtt .... (voice)
The year is 2700. WALL*E, a robot, spends every day doing what he was made for. But soon, he will discover what he was meant for.
Trivia random: The teaser trailer contains part of Michael Kamen's score for Brazil (1985). Michael Kamen was going to score another Pixar film, The Incredibles (2004), but died before he could.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Incredibles, The (2004)
Incredibili, Gli
Regista: Brad Bird
Scrittore: Brad Bird
Genere: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 8.2/10 (84145 voti) [#129 nella top250]
Durata: 115 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: Spanish, English, French
- Craig T. Nelson .... Bob Parr / Mr. Incredible (voice)
- Holly Hunter .... Helen Parr / Elastigirl (voice)
- Samuel L. Jackson .... Lucius Best / Frozone (voice)
- Jason Lee .... Buddy Pine / Syndrome (voice)
- Dominique Louis .... Bomb Voyage (voice)
- Teddy Newton .... Newsreel Narrator (voice)
- Jean Sincere .... Mrs. Hogenson (voice)
- Eli Fucile .... Jack Jack Parr (voice)
- Maeve Andrews .... Jack Jack Parr (voice)
- Wallace Shawn .... Gilbert Huph (voice)
Mr. Incredible is a superhero; or he used to be, until a surge of lawsuits against superheroes submitted by the people they've saved forced the government to hide them in witness protection programs so they could lead normal, anonymous lives. Now known exclusively by his secret identity, Bob Parr, he lives with his wife Helen, formerly Elastigirl, and their three children Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack. He works as an insurance claims specialist, and he's fed up with his pushy boss and his immoral profession, but his wife's worked too hard to build a normal life for her family to abide his nostalgia for heroism. When Mr. Incredible's offered the chance to play the role of hero again by a mysterious informant, he jumps at the opportunity, but when it turns out to be a trap set by an old nemesis he had a hand in corrupting, the whole family must reveal themselves to save Mr. Incredible and countless innocents.
Trivia random: Brad Bird was listening to National Public Radio and heard Sarah Vowell, a frequent contributor to the NPR program "This American Life". He felt her voice was perfect for Violet even though she had never acted before. To convince her, Pixar animators animated one of Vowell's segments from "This American Life" and sent it to her.
Citazione random: Bob: [yelling to Helen as she holds up the RV] How ya doin', honey?::Helen: [screaming back] Do I have to answer?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
giovedì 18 ottobre 2007
Clive Barker non è certo un fenomeno di regista; se Nightbreed (Cabal) resta a mio parere il suo prodotto migliore, è di sicuro con Hellraiser che creò un mito dell'horror.
Un uomo si inguaia con uno strano cubo che evoca strani esseri, dediti al supremo piacere ed alle più atroci sofferenze. Con l'aiuto della moglie di suo fratello, cercherà di ritornare al mondo materiale.
Fin troppo stylish - e con fastidiose pettinature anni '80, per giunta - il film ha comunque i suoi meriti e riesce a mantenere la tensione, dopo un inizio un po' stentato.
Niente mi toglierà dalla testa che i Conobiti (i Supplizianti) siano imparentati con i cinque della mano di dio di berserk-iana memoria (devo controllare chi è venuto prima, però).
I seguiti, specie dal terzo in avanti, sono puro pattume della peggior specie, sempre buoni per una serata trash.
Voto: 7 (il classico dei classici)
Tags: horror, fantasy, morte, dolore, sofferenza, supplizianti, cenobiti, pelle, ossa, pavimento, stanza, vittima, piacere, estasi, ospedale, cubo, portale, sesso, casa, pinhead, omicidio, tradimento, gore, sangue, matrimonio, occulto.
Regista: Clive Barker
Scrittore: Clive Barker, Clive Barker
Genere: Horror, Fantasy
Valutazione: 6.9/10 (12586 voti)
Durata: 94 min
Paese: UK
Lingua: English
Clive Barker's feature directing debut graphically depicts the tale of a man and wife who move into an old house and discover a hideous creature - the man's half-brother, who is also the woman's former lover - hiding upstairs. Having lost his earthly body to a trio of S demons, the Cenobites, he is brought back into existence by a drop of blood on the floor. He soon forces his former mistress to bring him his necessary human sacrifices to complete his body... but the Cenobites won't be happy about this.
Trivia random: At the time of the movie's release the MPAA had an agenda on "intensity of tone". As a result of this director Clive Barker had to make several cuts to the film--consecutive hammer blows, fingers entering flesh, S spanking between Julia and Frank, additional "thrusts" during the sex scene--all with the intention of watering down the overall impact of the piece.
Citazione random: Lead Cenobite: No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Clive Barker
Scrittore: Clive Barker, Clive Barker
Genere: Fantasy, Horror
Valutazione: 5.9/10 (3244 voti)
Durata: 102 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
A community of mutant outcasts of varying types and abilities attempts to escape the attentions of a psychotic serial killer and redneck vigilantes with the help of a brooding young man who discovers them. Based on the novel "Cabal" by Clive Barker.
Trivia random: SPOILER: In the last scene of the film, the priest revives Decker (David Cronenberg), by sticking his hand into his stomach, a tribute to Cronenberg's film Videodrome (1983).
Citazione random: Ashberry: I saw their god master... He burned me! I want to burn him back!::[as Decker screams... returning to life]::Ashberry: Halleujiah, Halleujiah, Halleujiah, Halleujiah...
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
La ricerca ha prodotto più di un risultato.
Un uomo si inguaia con uno strano cubo che evoca strani esseri, dediti al supremo piacere ed alle più atroci sofferenze. Con l'aiuto della moglie di suo fratello, cercherà di ritornare al mondo materiale.
Fin troppo stylish - e con fastidiose pettinature anni '80, per giunta - il film ha comunque i suoi meriti e riesce a mantenere la tensione, dopo un inizio un po' stentato.
Niente mi toglierà dalla testa che i Conobiti (i Supplizianti) siano imparentati con i cinque della mano di dio di berserk-iana memoria (devo controllare chi è venuto prima, però).
I seguiti, specie dal terzo in avanti, sono puro pattume della peggior specie, sempre buoni per una serata trash.
Voto: 7 (il classico dei classici)
Tags: horror, fantasy, morte, dolore, sofferenza, supplizianti, cenobiti, pelle, ossa, pavimento, stanza, vittima, piacere, estasi, ospedale, cubo, portale, sesso, casa, pinhead, omicidio, tradimento, gore, sangue, matrimonio, occulto.
Hellraiser (1987)
Regista: Clive Barker
Scrittore: Clive Barker, Clive Barker
Genere: Horror, Fantasy
Valutazione: 6.9/10 (12586 voti)
Durata: 94 min
Paese: UK
Lingua: English
- Andrew Robinson .... Larry Cotton
- Clare Higgins .... Julia Cotton
- Ashley Laurence .... Kirsty Cotton
- Sean Chapman .... Frank Cotton
- Oliver Smith .... Frank the Monster
- Robert Hines .... Steve
- Anthony Allen .... Victim #1
- Leon Davis .... Victim #2
- Michael Cassidy .... Victim #3
- Frank Baker .... Derelict
Clive Barker's feature directing debut graphically depicts the tale of a man and wife who move into an old house and discover a hideous creature - the man's half-brother, who is also the woman's former lover - hiding upstairs. Having lost his earthly body to a trio of S demons, the Cenobites, he is brought back into existence by a drop of blood on the floor. He soon forces his former mistress to bring him his necessary human sacrifices to complete his body... but the Cenobites won't be happy about this.
Trivia random: At the time of the movie's release the MPAA had an agenda on "intensity of tone". As a result of this director Clive Barker had to make several cuts to the film--consecutive hammer blows, fingers entering flesh, S spanking between Julia and Frank, additional "thrusts" during the sex scene--all with the intention of watering down the overall impact of the piece.
Citazione random: Lead Cenobite: No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nightbreed (1990)
Regista: Clive Barker
Scrittore: Clive Barker, Clive Barker
Genere: Fantasy, Horror
Valutazione: 5.9/10 (3244 voti)
Durata: 102 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Craig Sheffer .... Aaron Boone / Cabal
- Anne Bobby .... Lori Desinger
- David Cronenberg .... Dr. Philip K. Decker
- Charles Haid .... Captain Eigerman
- Hugh Quarshie .... Detective Joyce
- Hugh Ross .... Narcisse
- Doug Bradley .... Dirk Lylesberg
- Catherine Chevalier .... Rachel
- Malcolm Smith .... Ashberry
- Bob Sessions .... Pettine
A community of mutant outcasts of varying types and abilities attempts to escape the attentions of a psychotic serial killer and redneck vigilantes with the help of a brooding young man who discovers them. Based on the novel "Cabal" by Clive Barker.
Trivia random: SPOILER: In the last scene of the film, the priest revives Decker (David Cronenberg), by sticking his hand into his stomach, a tribute to Cronenberg's film Videodrome (1983).
Citazione random: Ashberry: I saw their god master... He burned me! I want to burn him back!::[as Decker screams... returning to life]::Ashberry: Halleujiah, Halleujiah, Halleujiah, Halleujiah...
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Clive Barker
La ricerca ha prodotto più di un risultato.
- Barker, Clive (I)
- Barker, Clive (II)
- Parker, Clive
- Barker, Olive
- Barker, Alice
- Barnes, Clive
- Baxter, Clive
- Carter, Clive
- Walker, Clive (II)
- Walker, Clive (I)
- Bunker, Clive
- Barker, Claire
- Harper, Clive
- Barker, Clare
- Parker, Ol
- Parker, Oliver (I)
- Barrett, Clive
- Parker, Oliver (III)
- Parker, Oliver (IV)
- Barker, Clinton
sabato 13 ottobre 2007
a scanner darkly
In un futuro prossimo il 20% della popolazione americana fa uso della sostanza D (sostanza M, in italiano), che induce una dipendenza irreversibile fino a causare danni cerebrali.
L'unica via d'uscita è il ricovero forzato presso strutture private che operano su concessione del governo; per le strade, a combattere gli spacciatori, solo uno sparuto gruppo di poliziotti.
Uno di questi, Bob Arctor, vive da anni infiltrato, conducendo la doppia vita di poliziotto e di dograto e spacciatore; la sua situazione peggiora costantemente, verso il punto di non ritorno.
Tratto da Philip K. Dick (A Scanner Darkly), questo Un Oscuro Scrutatore riprende in pieno l'alienazione e l'estraniamento che il libro trasmetteva: una rappresentazione angosciante della droga e della società, descritte da uno che sull'argomento aveva parecchio da dire.
Film a tratti lento, con dialoghi folli e situazioni surreali, riesce comunque a mantenere l'interesse e costruisce bene il finale (identico a quello del libro).
Notevole la tecnica: tutto il girato è stato ritoccato, ridisegnando i tratti di cose e persone (con un effetto simil-cell-shading), contribuendo molto alla "resa" della storia.
Proprio per questo è di fatto impossibile valutare le interpretazioni: "sotto" ci sono Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr. (in un film sulla droga?!?! ) e Winona Ryder, ma onestamente poteva essere chiunque altro.
L'effetto è bello da vedere, ma rientra nella categoria "ok, fantastico: ora non fatelo MAI più".
Voto: 7. (di digestione non facilissima, comunque)
Tags: fantascienza, drammatico, thriller, animazione, mistero, droga, sostanza D, sostanza M, spacciatore, polizia, poliziotto, sotto copertura, soffocamento, allucinazione, assuefazione, danno cerebrale, pistola, bicicletta, litigio, guerra alla droga, sesso, cocaina, nudo, vomito, comunità di recupero, sorveglianza, paranoia, coltivazione, sdoppiamento di personalità, suicidio, automobile, Philip K. Dick.
Nome di battesimo: Reeves, Keanu Charles
Data di nascita: 2 September 1964
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
One of the most inscrutable actors to ever hit it big, Keanu Reeves has been by turns adored, reviled, and grudgingly respected by the movie-going public. As the controversy over his talent rages on, his career choices and paychecks show him inching toward A-list status. Reeves, whose first name means "cool breeze over the mountains" in Hawaiian, was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1964. His mother, Patricia, was a showgirl; his father, Samuel Nowlin Reeves, a geologist. After their marriage dissolved, Keanu moved with his mother and younger sister Kim to New York City, then Toronto. Stepfather #1 was Paul Aaron, a stage and film director - he and Patricia divorced within a year, after which she went on to marry (and divorce) rock promoter Robert Miller and hair salon owner Jack Bond. Reeves never reconnected with his biological father, who is now in prison on charges of cocaine possession. In high school, Reeves was lukewarm toward academics but took a keen interest in ice hockey (as team goalie, he earned the nickname "The Wall") and drama. He eventually dropped out of school to pursue an acting career.After a few stage gigs and a handful of made-for-TV movies, he scored a supporting role in the Rob Lowe hockey flick Youngblood (1986), which was filmed in Canada. Shortly after the production wrapped, Reeves packed his bags and headed for Hollywood. Reeves popped up on critics' radar with his performance in the dark adolescent drama River's Edge (1986), but his first popular success was the role of totally rad dude Ted Logan in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989). The wacky time-travel movie became something of a cultural phenomenon, and audiences would forever confuse Reeves's real-life persona with that of his doofy on-screen counterpart. Over the next few years, Reeves tried to shake the Ted stigma with a series of highbrow projects. He played a slumming rich boy opposite River Phoenix's narcoleptic male hustler in My Own Private Idaho (1991), an unlucky lawyer who stumbles into the vampire's lair in Dracula (1992), and Shakespearean party-pooper Don Jon in Much Ado About Nothing (1993).In 1994, the understated actor became a big-budget action star with the release of Speed (1994/I). Its success heralded an era of five years in which Reeves would alternate between largely unwatched small films, like Feeling Minnesota (1996) and The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997), and unwatched big films like Johnny Mnemonic (1995) and Chain Reaction (1996). After all this Reeves did the unthinkable and passed on the Speed sequel, but he struck box-office gold again a few years later with the Wachowski brothers' cyberadventure The Matrix (1999). Despite his deadpan delivery style and reputation as an oaf, Reeves continues to reel in choice roles and fat paychecks. Whatever he knows, he's not telling the public--his self-deprecating interview tactics and mysterious private life provide little insight into his artistry. As far as Reeves is concerned, it seems, he's just a regular guy who rides a motorcycle, plays in a band (Dogstar), and shows up every now and then for a movie shoot.
Trivia random: Ranked #23 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]
Citazione random: I'm a meathead, man. You've got smart people, and you've got dumb people. I just happen to be dumb.
Salario massimo: $15,000,000 + 15% of the gross, per The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Jr., Robert John Downey
Data di nascita: 4 April 1965
Altezza: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Coniuge: Susan Downey::(27 August 2005 - present), Deborah Falconer::(29 May 1992 - 26 April 2004) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
Robert John Downey Jr. was born in Greenwich Village, New York City at 1.10 pm. He's the son of underground filmmaker Robert Downey Sr.. His first part in a movie was in his father's Pound (1970), where 5-year-old Downey played a puppy. When he was 20 years old, he joined "Saturday Night Live" (1975) for one season. After that, he went to Hollywood. In 1987, he got the leading role in director James Toback's film The Pick-up Artist (1987), where he was up against Molly Ringwald. The same year, he played drug addict Julian Wells in the movie Less Than Zero (1987). In 1992, he played Charles Chaplin in Sir Richard Attenborough's film Chaplin (1992). For his astonishing performance, he received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. In the year 2000, guest starred in the comedy series "Ally McBeal" (1997), where he portrayed the attorney Larry Paul, who became Ally's love interest. For that performance, he won the Golden Globe for "best supporting actor in a comedy series". On "Ally McBeal" (1997), Downey got to show he can sing as well as act when he sang Joni Mitchell's "River", "Chances Are" as a duet with Vonda Shepard, and also "Every Breath You Take" together with Sting. He released one song of his own, "Snakes", on the "Ally McBeal" (1997) album "For Once In My Life", and a full album of his work titled "The Futurist" in 2005.
Trivia random: Downey pleaded no contest to drug charges. The judge sentenced him to remain in rehabilitation for one year and to three years probation. [16 July 2001]
Citazione random: "I've become a picky little bitch. I've never bothered to plan projects before. I just used to throw the script across the room and say 'why do they keep sending me this horseshit?' And then I'd start rehearsels two weeks later."
Salario massimo: $100/day, per Game 6 (2005)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Richard Linklater
Scrittore: Philip K. Dick, Richard Linklater
Genere: Animation, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.2/10 (19871 voti)
Durata: 100 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
In a totalitarian society in a near future, the undercover detective Bob Arctor is working with a small time group of drug users trying to reach the big distributors of a brain-damaging drug called Substance D. His assignment is promoted by the recovery center New Path Corporation, and when Bob begins to lose his own identity and have schizophrenic behavior, he is submitted to tests to check his mental conditions.
Trivia random: In Arctor's kitchen there is a drawing of a head in a box next to the phrase "Time to thaw Walt out!". This is a reference to the urban legend that animator Walt Disney had himself cryogenically frozen.
Citazione random: Donna: Hey you guys.::Donna: [screams when Luckman and Barris pull out their weapons at her] Fuck! Jesus!::[they lower their weapons]::Donna: What the fuck is wrong with you? I came in like the note said. It doesn't say when you were gonna get back, so I just, just sat around for a while, and ended up crashing.::Luckman: Love your sweater.::Donna: Just don't touch me! Man you guys were making so much noise. Woke me up.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Dick, Philip Kindred
Data di nascita: 16 December 1928
Data di morte: 2 March 1982
Coniuge: Tessa Busby::(18 April 1973 - 26 March 1978) (divorced) 1 child, Nancy Hackett::(1966 - 1973) (divorced) 1 child, Anne Williams Rubinstein::(1958 - 1964) (divorced) 1 child, Kleo Apostolides::(June 1950 - 1958) (divorced), Jeanette Marlin::(May 1948 - November 1948) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Philip Kindred Dick was born in Chicago in December 1928, along with a twin sister, Jane. Jane died less than eight weeks later, allegedly from an allergy to mother's milk. Dick's parents split up during his childhood, and he moved with his mother to Berkeley, California, where he lived for most of the rest of his life. Dick became a published author in 1952. His first sale was the short story "Roog." His first novel, "Solar Lottery," appeared in 1955. Dick produced an astonishing amount of material during the 1950s and 1960s, writing and selling nearly a hundred short stories and some two dozen or so novels during this period, including "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?," "Time Out Of Joint," "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch," and the Hugo-award winning "The Man In The High Castle." A supremely chaotic personal life (Dick was married five times) along with drug experimentation, sidetracked Dick's career in the early 1970s. Dick would later maintain that reports of his drug use had been greatly exaggerated by sensationalistic colleagues. In any event, after a layoff of several years, Dick returned to action in 1974 with the Campbell award-winning novel "Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said." Perhaps more importantly, though, this same year Dick would have a profound religious experience that would forever alter his life. Dick's final years were haunted by what he alleged to be a 1974 visitation from God, or at least a God-like being. Dick spent the rest of his life writing copious journals regarding the visitation and his interpretations of the event. At times, Dick seemed to regard it as a divine revelation and, at other times, he believed it to be a sign of extreme schizophrenic behaviour. His final novels all deal in some way with the entity he saw in 1974, especially "Valis," in which the title-character is an extraterrestrial God-like machine that chooses to make contact with a hopelessly schizophrenic, possibly drug-addled and decidedly mixed-up science fiction writer named Philip K. Dick. Despite his award-winning novels and almost universal acclaim from within the science-fiction community, Dick was never especially financially successful as a writer. He worked mainly for low-paying science-fiction publishers and never seemed to see any royalties from his novels after the advance had been paid, no matter how many copies they sold. In fact, one of the reasons for his extreme productivity was that he always seemed to need the advance money from his next story or novel in order to make ends meet. But towards the very end of his life, he achieved a measure of financial stability, partly due to the money he received from the producers of Blade Runner (1982) for the rights to his novel "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" upon which the film was based. Shortly before the film premiered, however, he died of a heart attack at the age of 53. Since his death, several other films have been adapted from his works (incuding Total Recall (1990)) and several unpublished novels have been published posthumously.
Trivia random: A recurrent motif in many of Dick's stories involves the collapse of an artificial reality; the main character discovers that his entire world has been mechanically imposed on his psyche and that "reality" is vastly different. Other uses of "alternate realities" also figure in some of his novels and stories.
Citazione random: [September 25, 1980, from a conversation with Paul M. Sammon (Paul Sammon)]: You would have to kill me and prop me up in the seat of my car with a smile painted on my face to get me to go near Hollywood.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Horowitz, Winona Laura
Data di nascita: 29 October 1971
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Winona Ryder was born Winona Horowitz and named after her the town in which she was born, Winona Minnesota. She grew up in a ranch commune in Northern California where there was no electricity. She is the Goddaughter of Timothy Leary and her parents were friends of Beat poet Allen Ginsberg and once edited a book called "Shaman Woman Mainline Lady" an anthology of writings on the drug experience in literature - this included one piece by Louisa May Alcott. Winona Ryder was later to star as Jo in this author's Little Women (1994). She moved with her parents to Petaluma (near San Francisco) when she was ten and enrolled in acting classes at the American Conservatory Theater. At 13 she had a video audition to the film Desert Bloom (1986), but didn't get the part. Director David Seltzer, however, spotted her and cast her in Lucas (1986). When telephoned to ask how she'd like to have her name appear on the credits, she suggested Ryder as her father's Mitch Ryder album was playing the background. Ryder was selected for the part of Mary Corleone in The Godfather: Part III (1990), but had to drop out of the role after catching the flu from the strain of doing the films Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990) and Mermaids (1990) back to back. She said she didn't want to let everyone down by doing a substandard performance. She later made The Age of Innocence (1993) which was directed by Martin Scorsese, who she believes to be "the best director in the world".
Trivia random: Injured knee while filming Girl, Interrupted (1999). [22 March 1999]
Citazione random: "I read biographies of the greats, and they were so messed up that I thought I'd better mess myself up. But I couldn't. I'm too small."
Salario massimo: $2,800,000, per Alien: Resurrection (1997)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
L'unica via d'uscita è il ricovero forzato presso strutture private che operano su concessione del governo; per le strade, a combattere gli spacciatori, solo uno sparuto gruppo di poliziotti.
Uno di questi, Bob Arctor, vive da anni infiltrato, conducendo la doppia vita di poliziotto e di dograto e spacciatore; la sua situazione peggiora costantemente, verso il punto di non ritorno.
Tratto da Philip K. Dick (A Scanner Darkly), questo Un Oscuro Scrutatore riprende in pieno l'alienazione e l'estraniamento che il libro trasmetteva: una rappresentazione angosciante della droga e della società, descritte da uno che sull'argomento aveva parecchio da dire.
Film a tratti lento, con dialoghi folli e situazioni surreali, riesce comunque a mantenere l'interesse e costruisce bene il finale (identico a quello del libro).
Notevole la tecnica: tutto il girato è stato ritoccato, ridisegnando i tratti di cose e persone (con un effetto simil-cell-shading), contribuendo molto alla "resa" della storia.
Proprio per questo è di fatto impossibile valutare le interpretazioni: "sotto" ci sono Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr. (in un film sulla droga?!?! ) e Winona Ryder, ma onestamente poteva essere chiunque altro.
L'effetto è bello da vedere, ma rientra nella categoria "ok, fantastico: ora non fatelo MAI più".
Voto: 7. (di digestione non facilissima, comunque)
Tags: fantascienza, drammatico, thriller, animazione, mistero, droga, sostanza D, sostanza M, spacciatore, polizia, poliziotto, sotto copertura, soffocamento, allucinazione, assuefazione, danno cerebrale, pistola, bicicletta, litigio, guerra alla droga, sesso, cocaina, nudo, vomito, comunità di recupero, sorveglianza, paranoia, coltivazione, sdoppiamento di personalità, suicidio, automobile, Philip K. Dick.
Reeves, Keanu
Nome di battesimo: Reeves, Keanu Charles
Data di nascita: 2 September 1964
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) .... Klaatu [attore]
- The Night Watchman (2008) .... [attore]
- The Lake House (2006) .... Alex Wyler [attore]
- A Scanner Darkly (2006) .... Bob Arctor [attore]
- Constantine (2005) .... John Constantine [attore]
- Ellie Parker (2005) .... Dogstar [attore]
- Thumbsucker (2005) .... Perry Lyman [attore]
- Video Hits: Paula Abdul (2005) (V) .... The Boy (segment "Rush, Rush") [attore]
- The Animatrix (2003) (V) .... Neo (voice) (segment "Kid's Story") [attore]
- Enter the Matrix (2003) (VG) .... Neo [attore]
One of the most inscrutable actors to ever hit it big, Keanu Reeves has been by turns adored, reviled, and grudgingly respected by the movie-going public. As the controversy over his talent rages on, his career choices and paychecks show him inching toward A-list status. Reeves, whose first name means "cool breeze over the mountains" in Hawaiian, was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1964. His mother, Patricia, was a showgirl; his father, Samuel Nowlin Reeves, a geologist. After their marriage dissolved, Keanu moved with his mother and younger sister Kim to New York City, then Toronto. Stepfather #1 was Paul Aaron, a stage and film director - he and Patricia divorced within a year, after which she went on to marry (and divorce) rock promoter Robert Miller and hair salon owner Jack Bond. Reeves never reconnected with his biological father, who is now in prison on charges of cocaine possession. In high school, Reeves was lukewarm toward academics but took a keen interest in ice hockey (as team goalie, he earned the nickname "The Wall") and drama. He eventually dropped out of school to pursue an acting career.After a few stage gigs and a handful of made-for-TV movies, he scored a supporting role in the Rob Lowe hockey flick Youngblood (1986), which was filmed in Canada. Shortly after the production wrapped, Reeves packed his bags and headed for Hollywood. Reeves popped up on critics' radar with his performance in the dark adolescent drama River's Edge (1986), but his first popular success was the role of totally rad dude Ted Logan in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989). The wacky time-travel movie became something of a cultural phenomenon, and audiences would forever confuse Reeves's real-life persona with that of his doofy on-screen counterpart. Over the next few years, Reeves tried to shake the Ted stigma with a series of highbrow projects. He played a slumming rich boy opposite River Phoenix's narcoleptic male hustler in My Own Private Idaho (1991), an unlucky lawyer who stumbles into the vampire's lair in Dracula (1992), and Shakespearean party-pooper Don Jon in Much Ado About Nothing (1993).In 1994, the understated actor became a big-budget action star with the release of Speed (1994/I). Its success heralded an era of five years in which Reeves would alternate between largely unwatched small films, like Feeling Minnesota (1996) and The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997), and unwatched big films like Johnny Mnemonic (1995) and Chain Reaction (1996). After all this Reeves did the unthinkable and passed on the Speed sequel, but he struck box-office gold again a few years later with the Wachowski brothers' cyberadventure The Matrix (1999). Despite his deadpan delivery style and reputation as an oaf, Reeves continues to reel in choice roles and fat paychecks. Whatever he knows, he's not telling the public--his self-deprecating interview tactics and mysterious private life provide little insight into his artistry. As far as Reeves is concerned, it seems, he's just a regular guy who rides a motorcycle, plays in a band (Dogstar), and shows up every now and then for a movie shoot.
Trivia random: Ranked #23 in Empire (UK) magazine's "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list. [October 1997]
Citazione random: I'm a meathead, man. You've got smart people, and you've got dumb people. I just happen to be dumb.
Salario massimo: $15,000,000 + 15% of the gross, per The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Downey Jr., Robert
Nome di battesimo: Jr., Robert John Downey
Data di nascita: 4 April 1965
Altezza: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Coniuge: Susan Downey::(27 August 2005 - present), Deborah Falconer::(29 May 1992 - 26 April 2004) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
- The Soloist (2009) .... Steve Lopez [attore]
- Iron Man (2008) .... Tony Stark/Iron Man [attore]
- Tropic Thunder (2008) .... Kirk Lazarus [attore]
- Charlie Bartlett (2007) .... The Principal [attore]
- Lucky You (2007) .... Telephone Jack [attore]
- Zodiac (2007/I) .... Paul Avery [attore]
- Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus (2006) .... Lionel Sweeney [attore]
- A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints (2006) .... (co-producer) [produttore]
- A Scanner Darkly (2006) .... James Barris [attore]
- The Shaggy Dog (2006) .... Dr. Kozak [attore]
Robert John Downey Jr. was born in Greenwich Village, New York City at 1.10 pm. He's the son of underground filmmaker Robert Downey Sr.. His first part in a movie was in his father's Pound (1970), where 5-year-old Downey played a puppy. When he was 20 years old, he joined "Saturday Night Live" (1975) for one season. After that, he went to Hollywood. In 1987, he got the leading role in director James Toback's film The Pick-up Artist (1987), where he was up against Molly Ringwald. The same year, he played drug addict Julian Wells in the movie Less Than Zero (1987). In 1992, he played Charles Chaplin in Sir Richard Attenborough's film Chaplin (1992). For his astonishing performance, he received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. In the year 2000, guest starred in the comedy series "Ally McBeal" (1997), where he portrayed the attorney Larry Paul, who became Ally's love interest. For that performance, he won the Golden Globe for "best supporting actor in a comedy series". On "Ally McBeal" (1997), Downey got to show he can sing as well as act when he sang Joni Mitchell's "River", "Chances Are" as a duet with Vonda Shepard, and also "Every Breath You Take" together with Sting. He released one song of his own, "Snakes", on the "Ally McBeal" (1997) album "For Once In My Life", and a full album of his work titled "The Futurist" in 2005.
Trivia random: Downey pleaded no contest to drug charges. The judge sentenced him to remain in rehabilitation for one year and to three years probation. [16 July 2001]
Citazione random: "I've become a picky little bitch. I've never bothered to plan projects before. I just used to throw the script across the room and say 'why do they keep sending me this horseshit?' And then I'd start rehearsels two weeks later."
Salario massimo: $100/day, per Game 6 (2005)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Scanner Darkly, A (2006)
A scanner darkly - Un oscuro scrutare
Regista: Richard Linklater
Scrittore: Philip K. Dick, Richard Linklater
Genere: Animation, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.2/10 (19871 voti)
Durata: 100 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Rory Cochrane .... Charles Freck
- Robert Downey Jr. .... James Barris
- Mitch Baker .... Brown Bear Lodge Host
- Keanu Reeves .... Bob Arctor
- Sean Allen .... Additional Fred Scramble Suit Voice (voice)
- Cliff Haby .... Voice from Headquarters (voice)
- Steven Chester Prince .... Cop
- Winona Ryder .... Donna Hawthorne
- Natasha Valdez .... Waitress
- Mark Turner .... Additional Hank Scramble Suit Voice (voice)
In a totalitarian society in a near future, the undercover detective Bob Arctor is working with a small time group of drug users trying to reach the big distributors of a brain-damaging drug called Substance D. His assignment is promoted by the recovery center New Path Corporation, and when Bob begins to lose his own identity and have schizophrenic behavior, he is submitted to tests to check his mental conditions.
Trivia random: In Arctor's kitchen there is a drawing of a head in a box next to the phrase "Time to thaw Walt out!". This is a reference to the urban legend that animator Walt Disney had himself cryogenically frozen.
Citazione random: Donna: Hey you guys.::Donna: [screams when Luckman and Barris pull out their weapons at her] Fuck! Jesus!::[they lower their weapons]::Donna: What the fuck is wrong with you? I came in like the note said. It doesn't say when you were gonna get back, so I just, just sat around for a while, and ended up crashing.::Luckman: Love your sweater.::Donna: Just don't touch me! Man you guys were making so much noise. Woke me up.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Dick, Philip K.
Nome di battesimo: Dick, Philip Kindred
Data di nascita: 16 December 1928
Data di morte: 2 March 1982
Coniuge: Tessa Busby::(18 April 1973 - 26 March 1978) (divorced) 1 child, Nancy Hackett::(1966 - 1973) (divorced) 1 child, Anne Williams Rubinstein::(1958 - 1964) (divorced) 1 child, Kleo Apostolides::(June 1950 - 1958) (divorced), Jeanette Marlin::(May 1948 - November 1948) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Next (2007) .... (novel story "The Golden Man") (as Phillip K. Dick) [scrittore]
- A Scanner Darkly (2006) .... (novel) [scrittore]
- Paycheck (2003) .... (short story) [scrittore]
- Impostor (2002) .... (short story "The Impostor") [scrittore]
- Minority Report (2002) .... (short story) [scrittore]
- "Total Recall 2070" (1999) .... (unknown episodes) [scrittore]
- Blade Runner (1997) (VG) .... (novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?") [scrittore]
- Screamers (1995) .... (short story Second Variety) [scrittore]
- Drug-Taking and the Arts (1994) .... (novel "A Scanner Darkly") [scrittore]
- Confessions d'un Barjo (1992) .... (novel) [scrittore]
Philip Kindred Dick was born in Chicago in December 1928, along with a twin sister, Jane. Jane died less than eight weeks later, allegedly from an allergy to mother's milk. Dick's parents split up during his childhood, and he moved with his mother to Berkeley, California, where he lived for most of the rest of his life. Dick became a published author in 1952. His first sale was the short story "Roog." His first novel, "Solar Lottery," appeared in 1955. Dick produced an astonishing amount of material during the 1950s and 1960s, writing and selling nearly a hundred short stories and some two dozen or so novels during this period, including "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?," "Time Out Of Joint," "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch," and the Hugo-award winning "The Man In The High Castle." A supremely chaotic personal life (Dick was married five times) along with drug experimentation, sidetracked Dick's career in the early 1970s. Dick would later maintain that reports of his drug use had been greatly exaggerated by sensationalistic colleagues. In any event, after a layoff of several years, Dick returned to action in 1974 with the Campbell award-winning novel "Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said." Perhaps more importantly, though, this same year Dick would have a profound religious experience that would forever alter his life. Dick's final years were haunted by what he alleged to be a 1974 visitation from God, or at least a God-like being. Dick spent the rest of his life writing copious journals regarding the visitation and his interpretations of the event. At times, Dick seemed to regard it as a divine revelation and, at other times, he believed it to be a sign of extreme schizophrenic behaviour. His final novels all deal in some way with the entity he saw in 1974, especially "Valis," in which the title-character is an extraterrestrial God-like machine that chooses to make contact with a hopelessly schizophrenic, possibly drug-addled and decidedly mixed-up science fiction writer named Philip K. Dick. Despite his award-winning novels and almost universal acclaim from within the science-fiction community, Dick was never especially financially successful as a writer. He worked mainly for low-paying science-fiction publishers and never seemed to see any royalties from his novels after the advance had been paid, no matter how many copies they sold. In fact, one of the reasons for his extreme productivity was that he always seemed to need the advance money from his next story or novel in order to make ends meet. But towards the very end of his life, he achieved a measure of financial stability, partly due to the money he received from the producers of Blade Runner (1982) for the rights to his novel "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" upon which the film was based. Shortly before the film premiered, however, he died of a heart attack at the age of 53. Since his death, several other films have been adapted from his works (incuding Total Recall (1990)) and several unpublished novels have been published posthumously.
Trivia random: A recurrent motif in many of Dick's stories involves the collapse of an artificial reality; the main character discovers that his entire world has been mechanically imposed on his psyche and that "reality" is vastly different. Other uses of "alternate realities" also figure in some of his novels and stories.
Citazione random: [September 25, 1980, from a conversation with Paul M. Sammon (Paul Sammon)]: You would have to kill me and prop me up in the seat of my car with a smile painted on my face to get me to go near Hollywood.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ryder, Winona
Nome di battesimo: Horowitz, Winona Laura
Data di nascita: 29 October 1971
Altezza: 5' 4" (1.63 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Alpha Numeric (2008) .... Tea Baker [attrice]
- The Informers (2008) .... [attrice]
- The Last Word (2007) .... [attrice]
- Sex and Death 101 (2007) .... Gillian [attrice]
- The Ten (2007) .... Kelly LaFonda [attrice]
- Welcome (2007/II) .... Cynthia [attrice]
- The Darwin Awards (2006) .... Siri [attrice]
- A Scanner Darkly (2006) .... Donna Hawthorne [attrice]
- The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (2004) .... Psychologist (uncredited) [attrice]
- The Day My God Died (2003) .... (producer) [produttore]
Winona Ryder was born Winona Horowitz and named after her the town in which she was born, Winona Minnesota. She grew up in a ranch commune in Northern California where there was no electricity. She is the Goddaughter of Timothy Leary and her parents were friends of Beat poet Allen Ginsberg and once edited a book called "Shaman Woman Mainline Lady" an anthology of writings on the drug experience in literature - this included one piece by Louisa May Alcott. Winona Ryder was later to star as Jo in this author's Little Women (1994). She moved with her parents to Petaluma (near San Francisco) when she was ten and enrolled in acting classes at the American Conservatory Theater. At 13 she had a video audition to the film Desert Bloom (1986), but didn't get the part. Director David Seltzer, however, spotted her and cast her in Lucas (1986). When telephoned to ask how she'd like to have her name appear on the credits, she suggested Ryder as her father's Mitch Ryder album was playing the background. Ryder was selected for the part of Mary Corleone in The Godfather: Part III (1990), but had to drop out of the role after catching the flu from the strain of doing the films Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990) and Mermaids (1990) back to back. She said she didn't want to let everyone down by doing a substandard performance. She later made The Age of Innocence (1993) which was directed by Martin Scorsese, who she believes to be "the best director in the world".
Trivia random: Injured knee while filming Girl, Interrupted (1999). [22 March 1999]
Citazione random: "I read biographies of the greats, and they were so messed up that I thought I'd better mess myself up. But I couldn't. I'm too small."
Salario massimo: $2,800,000, per Alien: Resurrection (1997)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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