Premesso che non ho mai amato l'epica cinese (e, del resto, neppure il cappa e spada), partivo con buone aspettative per La Battaglia dei Tre Regni (anche Chi Bi oppure Red Cliff).
John Woo alla regia, ottanta milioni di dollari spesi in Cina, l'esercito messo a disposizione (tra un pestaggio tibetano e l'altro - devono pur riposarsi anche loro) per le scene di massa; tutto lasciava sperare in un film più che degno.
Sunto telegrafico: polpettone cinese. Due palle.
Nell'anno 208, la dinastia Han è retta da un imperatore giovane e debole; il primo ministro lo convince a muovere guerra contro i regni del Sud (o giù di li).
Sull'altro fronte alcuni signori - complice anche una plateale pulsione omoerotica - si alleano per resistergli.
Il film mette in scena una epica battaglia (più qualche scaramuccia d'antipasto) che segnò quell'importante momento storico: gli eserciti si raccolgono alle Scogliere Rosse-che-tanto-rosse-non-sono e si preparano a darsi sonore mazzate.
Le battaglie di massa sono interminabili e dirette senza infamia e senza lode (si ha il sospetto che il genere abbia detto tutto da un bel po' di tempo), con spadate, frecciate, balestrate e tutto il repertorio del caso. Nell'usuale eccesso di realismo, molti dei protagonisti sono sempre in prima fila nella mischia.
Negli intermezzi, momenti di alta sagacità, con fini strateghi intenti a far cadere dall'alto banalità sconcertanti stile: "davvero usare armi incendiarie quando siamo sottovento non è una bella idea?! Ecco perché abbiamo perso le ultime 357 battaglie! Tu sì che sei astuto..."
C'è anche un po' di passerina asian d'ordinanza, sia in ruoli d'azione (che fa tanto liberal) sia in quello della bella statuina da salvare.
Dopo quasi due ore e mezza di film coi suoi bei momenti romanzati sul piano tattico, ma in cui non si eccede in quanto a gesti atletici, si assiste ad una affascinante svolta finale, con alcuni dei protagonisti che per brevi istanti acquisiscono superpoteri e sopravvivono a quindici lance nel costato o afferrano al volo donnine cadenti con ginniche scivolate.
Prossimamente su questi schermi: Garibaldi ferma una pallottola destinata ad Anita con i denti - così, tanto per rendere più epico il tutto.
Va detto che questa è la versione per noi ignoranti e stupidi occidentali, che condensa quelli che in realtà sarebbero due film.
Devo dire che l'operazione è riuscita egregiamente: ci sono un cattivo ma cattivo-cattivo-cattivo che avrà il fatto suo e ci sono due buoni amiconi concentrato di tutte le virtù di questa terra più un terzo che fa una mossa a sorpresa prevedibile con ore d'anticipo. Nessuno si discosterà di un millimetro dal proprio stereotipo; d'altra parte immagino sarebbe stata lesa maestà in Cina, dove il tutto è romanzato e mitizzato fuor di misura.
Davvero bravi, bel lavoro: una trama così in effetti la riesco a seguire pure io, grazie...
Poi per carità: le sue due ore e mezza trascorrono senza particolare sofferenza ed è sempre un piacere rivedere Tony Leung e Takeshi Kaneshiro, e suppongo quindi che possa soddisfare gli amanti del genere.
Di mio, non riesco a togliermi di dosso la puzza di polpettone auto-celebrativo di Stato, e preferivo di gran lunga John Woo quando dirigeva iper-cazzuti film d'azione in una Hong-Kong che forse non c'è più.
Voto: 4.5.
Tags: storico, azione, avventura, leggenda, drammatico, guerra, Cina, Tre Regni, battaglia, guerra, imperatore, primo ministro, alleanza, amicizia, donna, conquista, lealtà, protezione, scogliera, morte, spada, lancia, balestra, fuoco, armata, navi, invasione, attacco, imboscata, antica Cina, Chi bi, Red Cliff, John Woo, Tony Leung, Takeshi Kaneshiro, the, tattica, tranello, flotta, polpettone cinese di Stato.
domenica 25 ottobre 2009
sabato 17 ottobre 2009
Up - ovvero, apologia della Pixar
Dieci lungometraggi in 14 anni potrebbero sembrare un po' pochi per tracciare un bilancio, ma non si può non fare una eccezione per la Pixar, che si conferma come il più importante studio di produzione al mondo.
Forse si dovrebbe aggiungere "dei giorni nostri" e valutare il contributo qualitativo ed innovativo di alcune case cinematografiche della prima metà del 900, ma sospetto non esistano molti corrispettivi dello studio di Luxo Jr. (a parte forse - sorpresa, sorpresa - la Disney dei tempi d'oro).
Di certo sarebbe errato - riduttivo e limitante - specificare "d'animazione": la qualità della Pixar non sta nello strumento usato, questo ormai è evidente.
Non si fosse capito, Up è l'ennesimo capolavoro; e sì che partiva un po' penalizzato da aspettative altissime, venendo subito dopo una cosuccia come WALL-E.
Un anziano di 78 anni, rimasto vedovo e prossimo al ricovero in casa di riposo, decide di coronare il sogno che ha inseguito con la moglie per tutta la vita: trasferirsi in Sud America, nei pressi di una cascata.
Quale miglior metodo dell'attaccare decine di migliaia di palloncini pieni d'elio alla casa e spiccare il volo?
Il nonnetto non ha però fatto i conti con un intruso: uno scout di neppure 10 anni ben intenzionato a guadagnarsi il distintivo riservato a chi aiuta gli anziani.
Giunti a destinazione, dovranno poi vedersela con una ottuagenario esploratore caduto in disgrazia e deciso a catturare una strana creatura che lo riabiliterebbe agli occhi del mondo.
Trama classica e ben strutturata, come sempre quel che fa la differenza è l'uso che se ne fa e lo sviluppo dei personaggi.
Tenero e toccante l'anziano Carl Fredricksen, incapace di separarsi dal ricordo della moglie con la quale ha condiviso tutta la vita; dovrà conciliare il proprio carattere con l'esuberante piccolo Russell (casinista ed a tratti un po' pavido), anche lui in fondo afflitto da problemi famigliari.
Problemi simili ad età molto diverse, eppure la soluzione sembra la stessa: farsi coraggio e andare avanti.
Up ha tutto: commuove, intrattiene e fa ridere (ci sono più gag e sono più immediate che non in WALL-E, probabilmente).
E stiamo parlando di un film con dei cani parlanti, cosa che di suo farebbe perdere un sacco di punti a qualunque film - eppure qui la cosa non pesa affatto.
La regia rasenta la perfezione (del resto Docter aveva già diretto un gioiello come Monsters, Inc.), così come dialoghi, sceneggiatura e musiche.
Stupendi anche i titoli di coda, ad album fotografico.
Quasi superfluo ribadire l'assoluta superiorità tecnica: gli altri (cfr. Dreamsworks) sono onesti mestieranti che sanno fare ottimi modelli poligonali e degne animazioni, sulle quali costruire storie a volte anche buone. Con la Pixar si ha la costante sensazione che questi ruoli vengano ribaltati, con lo strumento scelto ed adeguato di volta in volta a seconda di cosa e come si vuole narrare. Insomma: sospetto che al momento abbiano ben poche costrizioni tecniche (se non sul foto/cine-realismo di modelli umani, o per questioni economiche) e che larghissima parte di quel che viene mostrato abbia motivazioni artistiche e non sia dettato da necessità tecnologiche.
Mi chiedo in effetti se vorrà continuare su questa strada, o se nei prossimi anni assisteremo a qualche esperimento radicale in fatto di animazione (l'equivalente del passaggio dal disegno a mano alla computer graphic della Disney, che purtroppo non ha coinciso coi suoi anni più creativi).
A proposito della casa di Topolino, tanto di cappello: oltre all'acquisizione della Marvel (vedi alla voce "pozzo di soldi senza fondo") devo riconoscere che davvero non ha imposto alcun limite alla Pixar, ed anzi sta cogliendo queste occasioni per svecchiarsi con produzioni che possono sì far ridere un bambino, ma che oggettivamente mirano ad un pubblico ben più ampio.
Gradirei piuttosto sapere se in Italia è stato distribuito il corto Partly Cloudy, perché al cinema dove sono stato non lo hanno proiettato...
Per inciso: l'ho visto rigorosamente in 2D.
Spendere 2.50 euro in più ed avere in cambio un probabile mal di testa e peggioramenti nella risoluzione, nel contrasto e nei colori, non mi pare davvero un cambio conveniente.
Poi ognuno si fa del male come crede, ma questo è un film da non vedersi con quegli stupidi occhialini.
Voto: maggiore di 10. Il leone d'oro alla carriera a John Lasseter è stra-meritato.
Tags: animazione, Pixar, avventura, anziano, bambino, palloncini, casa, sfratto, morte, vedovo, moglie, ricordo, Sud America, cascata, viaggio, tempesta, esploratore, gagliardetto, preda, inseguimento, cane, cane parlante, collare, branco, cuccioli, cattura, inseguimento, dirigibile, trofei, crescita, dolore, casa volante, amore, incontro, famiglia, azione, commedia, Pixar, Disney, capolavoro.
Regista: Pete Docter, Bob Peterson
Scrittore: Bob Peterson, Pete Docter
Genere: Comedy, Animation, Adventure, Family
Valutazione: 8.6/10 (42292 voti) [#42 nella top250]
Durata: 96 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
A young Carl Fredrickson meets a young adventure spirited girl named Ellie. They both dream of going to a Lost Land in South America. 70 years later, Ellie has died. Carl remembers the promise he made to her. Then, when he inadvertently hits a construction worker, he is forced to go to a retirement home. But before they can take him, he and his house fly away. However he has a stowaway aboard. An 8 year old boy named Russell, whose trying to get an assisting the elderly badge. Together, they embark in an adventure, where they encounter talking dogs, an evil villain and a rare bird named Kevin.
Trivia random: When Russell flies past the airship using his balloons and the leaf blower, we briefly see several of Charles Muntz's dogs playing poker at a card table. This is a tribute to the famous "Dogs Playing Poker" series of paintings by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge.
Citazione random: Alpha: [On a communicator on Beta's collar] This is Alpha calling Dug. Come in, Dug.<br />Dug: Hi Alpha. Your voice sounds funny.<br />Alpha: I know, I know! Have you seen the bird?<br />Dug: Why, yes, the bird is my prisoner now.<br />Gamma: Yeah, right.<br />[Kevin hisses at the screen]<br />Alpha: Impossible! Where are you?<br />Dug: I am here with the bird, and I will bring it back and then you will like me. Oh, gotta go.<br />Russell: [Russell appears on the screen] Hey Dug! Who you talking to?<br />Alpha: [the screen goes black] No, wait! Wait!<br />Beta: What's Dug doing?<br />Gamma: Why's he with that small mailman?<br />Beta: Where are they?<br />[Alpha locates Dug on GPS]<br />Alpha: There he is, come on!<br />[they all dart into the jungle]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 10 August 1968
Altezza: 6' 4½" (1.94 m)
Coniuge: Sharon Docter::(? - present) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Parents are Dr. Dave and Dr. Rita Doctor.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Peter Sohn
Genere: Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, Family, Short
Valutazione: 8.3/10 (1899 voti)
Durata: USA:6 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: None
Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answer lies up in the stratosphere, where cloud people sculpt babies from clouds and bring them to life. Gus, a lonely and insecure grey cloud, is a master at creating "dangerous" babies. Crocodiles, porcupines, rams and more - Gus's beloved creations are works of art, but more than a handful for his loyal delivery stork partner, Peck. As Gus's creations become more and more rambunctious, Peck's job gets harder and harder. How will Peck manage to handle both his hazardous cargo and his friend's fiery temperament?
Trivia random: Preceded the movie Up (2009) in some theaters.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 10 October 1967
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Has 3 children.
Citazione random: "I think my writing has an old-fashioned feel to it, for whatever reason. I'm just so influenced by the music that I listened to growing up, a lot of it out of the 60's, so it has a natural tendency to feel like it's from another era."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Pete Docter, David Silverman
Scrittore: Pete Docter, Jill Culton
Genere: Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, Adventure, Family
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (97082 voti)
Durata: 92 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
In a city of monsters with no humans called Monstropolis centers around Monsters, Inc., the city's power company. Monsters, Inc. The lovable confidant, tough large, furry blue behemoth-like giant monster named James P. Sullivan (A.K.A. better known as Sulley) and his Cyclops wisecracking best friend short, green monster with one large eye, Mike Wazowski discover what happens when the real world interacts with theirs in the form of a 2-year-old baby girl dubbed "Boo," who accidentally sneaks into the monster world with Sulley one night. And now it's up to Sulley and Mike to send Boo back in her door before anybody and especially two evil villains such as Sulley's main rival as a scarer chameleon-like Randall(a monster that Boo is very afraid of), who possesses the ability to change the color of his skin and Mike and Sulley's boss Mr. Waternoose the chairman and chief executive officer of Monsters, Inc.
Trivia random: SPOILER: The last half of Chuck Jones's 1952 classic Feed the Kitty (1952) cartoon is included scene-for-scene when Sulley thinks that Boo has been thrown in the trash compactor. Each of Marc Antony's overdone reactions is echoed by Sulley against the window.
Citazione random: Mike: You know, I am so romantic, sometimes I think I should just marry myself.<br />Sulley: Give me a break, Mike.<br />Mike: What a night of romance I got ahead of me. Tonight it's about me and Celia. Ooh, the Love Boat is about to set sail. Toot-toot! Cause I gotta tell you, buddy, that face of hers , it just makes my heart go...<br />[Sees Roz in front of him]<br />Mike: Yikes!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Lasseter, John Alan
Data di nascita: 12 January 1957
Coniuge: Nancy Lasseter::(? - present) 5 children, Nancy Tague::(? - present) 5 children
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: In 2004, he was honored by the Art Directors Guild with its prestigious "Outstanding Contribution To Cinematic Imagery" award, and received an honorary degree from the American Film Institute.
Citazione random: We make the kind of movies we want to see, we love to laugh, but I also believe what Walt Disney said 'for every laugh there should be a tear'. I love movies that make me cry, because they're tapping into a real emotion in me, and I always think afterwards 'how did they do that?'
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Forse si dovrebbe aggiungere "dei giorni nostri" e valutare il contributo qualitativo ed innovativo di alcune case cinematografiche della prima metà del 900, ma sospetto non esistano molti corrispettivi dello studio di Luxo Jr. (a parte forse - sorpresa, sorpresa - la Disney dei tempi d'oro).
Di certo sarebbe errato - riduttivo e limitante - specificare "d'animazione": la qualità della Pixar non sta nello strumento usato, questo ormai è evidente.
Non si fosse capito, Up è l'ennesimo capolavoro; e sì che partiva un po' penalizzato da aspettative altissime, venendo subito dopo una cosuccia come WALL-E.
Un anziano di 78 anni, rimasto vedovo e prossimo al ricovero in casa di riposo, decide di coronare il sogno che ha inseguito con la moglie per tutta la vita: trasferirsi in Sud America, nei pressi di una cascata.
Quale miglior metodo dell'attaccare decine di migliaia di palloncini pieni d'elio alla casa e spiccare il volo?
Il nonnetto non ha però fatto i conti con un intruso: uno scout di neppure 10 anni ben intenzionato a guadagnarsi il distintivo riservato a chi aiuta gli anziani.
Giunti a destinazione, dovranno poi vedersela con una ottuagenario esploratore caduto in disgrazia e deciso a catturare una strana creatura che lo riabiliterebbe agli occhi del mondo.
Trama classica e ben strutturata, come sempre quel che fa la differenza è l'uso che se ne fa e lo sviluppo dei personaggi.
Tenero e toccante l'anziano Carl Fredricksen, incapace di separarsi dal ricordo della moglie con la quale ha condiviso tutta la vita; dovrà conciliare il proprio carattere con l'esuberante piccolo Russell (casinista ed a tratti un po' pavido), anche lui in fondo afflitto da problemi famigliari.
Problemi simili ad età molto diverse, eppure la soluzione sembra la stessa: farsi coraggio e andare avanti.
Up ha tutto: commuove, intrattiene e fa ridere (ci sono più gag e sono più immediate che non in WALL-E, probabilmente).
E stiamo parlando di un film con dei cani parlanti, cosa che di suo farebbe perdere un sacco di punti a qualunque film - eppure qui la cosa non pesa affatto.
La regia rasenta la perfezione (del resto Docter aveva già diretto un gioiello come Monsters, Inc.), così come dialoghi, sceneggiatura e musiche.
Stupendi anche i titoli di coda, ad album fotografico.
Quasi superfluo ribadire l'assoluta superiorità tecnica: gli altri (cfr. Dreamsworks) sono onesti mestieranti che sanno fare ottimi modelli poligonali e degne animazioni, sulle quali costruire storie a volte anche buone. Con la Pixar si ha la costante sensazione che questi ruoli vengano ribaltati, con lo strumento scelto ed adeguato di volta in volta a seconda di cosa e come si vuole narrare. Insomma: sospetto che al momento abbiano ben poche costrizioni tecniche (se non sul foto/cine-realismo di modelli umani, o per questioni economiche) e che larghissima parte di quel che viene mostrato abbia motivazioni artistiche e non sia dettato da necessità tecnologiche.
Mi chiedo in effetti se vorrà continuare su questa strada, o se nei prossimi anni assisteremo a qualche esperimento radicale in fatto di animazione (l'equivalente del passaggio dal disegno a mano alla computer graphic della Disney, che purtroppo non ha coinciso coi suoi anni più creativi).
A proposito della casa di Topolino, tanto di cappello: oltre all'acquisizione della Marvel (vedi alla voce "pozzo di soldi senza fondo") devo riconoscere che davvero non ha imposto alcun limite alla Pixar, ed anzi sta cogliendo queste occasioni per svecchiarsi con produzioni che possono sì far ridere un bambino, ma che oggettivamente mirano ad un pubblico ben più ampio.
Gradirei piuttosto sapere se in Italia è stato distribuito il corto Partly Cloudy, perché al cinema dove sono stato non lo hanno proiettato...
Per inciso: l'ho visto rigorosamente in 2D.
Spendere 2.50 euro in più ed avere in cambio un probabile mal di testa e peggioramenti nella risoluzione, nel contrasto e nei colori, non mi pare davvero un cambio conveniente.
Poi ognuno si fa del male come crede, ma questo è un film da non vedersi con quegli stupidi occhialini.
Voto: maggiore di 10. Il leone d'oro alla carriera a John Lasseter è stra-meritato.
Tags: animazione, Pixar, avventura, anziano, bambino, palloncini, casa, sfratto, morte, vedovo, moglie, ricordo, Sud America, cascata, viaggio, tempesta, esploratore, gagliardetto, preda, inseguimento, cane, cane parlante, collare, branco, cuccioli, cattura, inseguimento, dirigibile, trofei, crescita, dolore, casa volante, amore, incontro, famiglia, azione, commedia, Pixar, Disney, capolavoro.
Up (2009)
Regista: Pete Docter, Bob Peterson
Scrittore: Bob Peterson, Pete Docter
Genere: Comedy, Animation, Adventure, Family
Valutazione: 8.6/10 (42292 voti) [#42 nella top250]
Durata: 96 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Edward Asner .... Carl Fredricksen (voice) (as Ed Asner)
- Christopher Plummer .... Charles Muntz (voice)
- Jordan Nagai .... Russell (voice)
- Bob Peterson .... Dug / Alpha
- Delroy Lindo .... Beta (voice)
- Jerome Ranft .... Gamma (voice)
- John Ratzenberger .... Construction Foreman Tom (voice)
- David Kaye .... Newsreel Announcer (voice)
- Elie Docter .... Young Ellie (voice)
- Jeremy Leary .... Young Carl (voice)
A young Carl Fredrickson meets a young adventure spirited girl named Ellie. They both dream of going to a Lost Land in South America. 70 years later, Ellie has died. Carl remembers the promise he made to her. Then, when he inadvertently hits a construction worker, he is forced to go to a retirement home. But before they can take him, he and his house fly away. However he has a stowaway aboard. An 8 year old boy named Russell, whose trying to get an assisting the elderly badge. Together, they embark in an adventure, where they encounter talking dogs, an evil villain and a rare bird named Kevin.
Trivia random: When Russell flies past the airship using his balloons and the leaf blower, we briefly see several of Charles Muntz's dogs playing poker at a card table. This is a tribute to the famous "Dogs Playing Poker" series of paintings by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge.
Citazione random: Alpha: [On a communicator on Beta's collar] This is Alpha calling Dug. Come in, Dug.<br />Dug: Hi Alpha. Your voice sounds funny.<br />Alpha: I know, I know! Have you seen the bird?<br />Dug: Why, yes, the bird is my prisoner now.<br />Gamma: Yeah, right.<br />[Kevin hisses at the screen]<br />Alpha: Impossible! Where are you?<br />Dug: I am here with the bird, and I will bring it back and then you will like me. Oh, gotta go.<br />Russell: [Russell appears on the screen] Hey Dug! Who you talking to?<br />Alpha: [the screen goes black] No, wait! Wait!<br />Beta: What's Dug doing?<br />Gamma: Why's he with that small mailman?<br />Beta: Where are they?<br />[Alpha locates Dug on GPS]<br />Alpha: There he is, come on!<br />[they all dart into the jungle]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Docter, Pete
Data di nascita: 10 August 1968
Altezza: 6' 4½" (1.94 m)
Coniuge: Sharon Docter::(? - present) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Up (2009) .... (screenplay) (story) [scrittore]
- WALL·E (2008) .... (original story) [scrittore]
- Mr. Incredible and Pals (2005) (V) .... Mr. Incredible (voice) [attore]
- Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004) .... (dialogue director) [misc]
- The Incredibles (2004) .... Additional Voices (voice) [attore]
- Mike's New Car (2002) (V) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Monsters, Inc. (2001) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Toy Story 2 (1999) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Toy Story (1995) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Winter (1988) .... (producer) [produttore]
Trivia random: Parents are Dr. Dave and Dr. Rita Doctor.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Partly Cloudy (2009)
Regista: Peter Sohn
Genere: Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, Family, Short
Valutazione: 8.3/10 (1899 voti)
Durata: USA:6 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: None
- Tony Fucile .... Gus / Peck / Other males
- Lori Richardson .... Female Cloud / Human Mom / Other females
Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answer lies up in the stratosphere, where cloud people sculpt babies from clouds and bring them to life. Gus, a lonely and insecure grey cloud, is a master at creating "dangerous" babies. Crocodiles, porcupines, rams and more - Gus's beloved creations are works of art, but more than a handful for his loyal delivery stork partner, Peck. As Gus's creations become more and more rambunctious, Peck's job gets harder and harder. How will Peck manage to handle both his hazardous cargo and his friend's fiery temperament?
Trivia random: Preceded the movie Up (2009) in some theaters.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Giacchino, Michael
Data di nascita: 10 October 1967
Ultimi lavori:
- The Lion King (1994) (VG) .... (assistant producer) [produttore]
Trivia random: Has 3 children.
Citazione random: "I think my writing has an old-fashioned feel to it, for whatever reason. I'm just so influenced by the music that I listened to growing up, a lot of it out of the 60's, so it has a natural tendency to feel like it's from another era."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Monsters & Co.
Regista: Pete Docter, David Silverman
Scrittore: Pete Docter, Jill Culton
Genere: Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, Adventure, Family
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (97082 voti)
Durata: 92 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- John Goodman .... James P. "Sulley" Sullivan (voice)
- Billy Crystal .... Mike Wazowski (voice)
- Mary Gibbs .... Boo / Mary
- Steve Buscemi .... Randall Boggs (voice)
- James Coburn .... Henry J. Waternoose (voice)
- Jennifer Tilly .... Celia (voice)
- Bob Peterson .... Roz (voice)
- John Ratzenberger .... The Abominable Snowman (voice)
- Frank Oz .... Fungus (voice)
- Daniel Gerson .... Needleman / Smitty
In a city of monsters with no humans called Monstropolis centers around Monsters, Inc., the city's power company. Monsters, Inc. The lovable confidant, tough large, furry blue behemoth-like giant monster named James P. Sullivan (A.K.A. better known as Sulley) and his Cyclops wisecracking best friend short, green monster with one large eye, Mike Wazowski discover what happens when the real world interacts with theirs in the form of a 2-year-old baby girl dubbed "Boo," who accidentally sneaks into the monster world with Sulley one night. And now it's up to Sulley and Mike to send Boo back in her door before anybody and especially two evil villains such as Sulley's main rival as a scarer chameleon-like Randall(a monster that Boo is very afraid of), who possesses the ability to change the color of his skin and Mike and Sulley's boss Mr. Waternoose the chairman and chief executive officer of Monsters, Inc.
Trivia random: SPOILER: The last half of Chuck Jones's 1952 classic Feed the Kitty (1952) cartoon is included scene-for-scene when Sulley thinks that Boo has been thrown in the trash compactor. Each of Marc Antony's overdone reactions is echoed by Sulley against the window.
Citazione random: Mike: You know, I am so romantic, sometimes I think I should just marry myself.<br />Sulley: Give me a break, Mike.<br />Mike: What a night of romance I got ahead of me. Tonight it's about me and Celia. Ooh, the Love Boat is about to set sail. Toot-toot! Cause I gotta tell you, buddy, that face of hers , it just makes my heart go...<br />[Sees Roz in front of him]<br />Mike: Yikes!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Lasseter, John
Nome di battesimo: Lasseter, John Alan
Data di nascita: 12 January 1957
Coniuge: Nancy Lasseter::(? - present) 5 children, Nancy Tague::(? - present) 5 children
Ultimi lavori:
- King of the Elves (2012) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Winnie the Pooh (2011) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Rapunzel (2010) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Toy Story 3 (2010) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Prep & Landing (2009) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Super Rhino (2009) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- The Princess and the Frog (2009) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Up (2009) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- BURN-E (2008) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Bolt (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Trivia random: In 2004, he was honored by the Art Directors Guild with its prestigious "Outstanding Contribution To Cinematic Imagery" award, and received an honorary degree from the American Film Institute.
Citazione random: We make the kind of movies we want to see, we love to laugh, but I also believe what Walt Disney said 'for every laugh there should be a tear'. I love movies that make me cry, because they're tapping into a real emotion in me, and I always think afterwards 'how did they do that?'
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
giovedì 15 ottobre 2009
World of Goo
update: l'offerta è stata prorogata fino al 25 ottobre. È stata anche pubbicata una prima analisi dei dati di vendita.
World of Goo: definito uno dei giochi indipendenti dell'anno (con merito), fino al 19 ottobre disponibile al prezzo che l'acquirente decide di pagarlo.
Disponibile per Windows, Mac e Linux.
Non siate troppo taccagni e ricordate che il cambio euro/dollaro è più che vantaggioso (quasi 1.50, oggi).
Tags: videogame, videogioco, world of goo, 2dboy, indipendente, puzzle, fisica, demo, download, linux, gioco, offerta libera.
World of Goo: definito uno dei giochi indipendenti dell'anno (con merito), fino al 19 ottobre disponibile al prezzo che l'acquirente decide di pagarlo.
Disponibile per Windows, Mac e Linux.
Non siate troppo taccagni e ricordate che il cambio euro/dollaro è più che vantaggioso (quasi 1.50, oggi).
Tags: videogame, videogioco, world of goo, 2dboy, indipendente, puzzle, fisica, demo, download, linux, gioco, offerta libera.
domenica 11 ottobre 2009
Mi rallegra sempre l'avere qualcosa in comune con gente (più o meno) famosa; ad esempio condivido con Kate Beckinsale la passione per i filmacci - io li guardo, lei li interpreta...
Whiteout non diventerà una leggenda del trash, ma è talmente privo di capo e coda da essere sicura fonte di ilarità per l'incauto spettatore.
In una base antartica, dove tutti sono più dediti ai party che non alla ricerca (del resto, chi ti controlla?), una FBI-essa con delle crisi esistenziali indaga su una serie di delitti che porteranno al relitto di un aereo da trasporto sovietico ed al suo misterioso carico.
Sconclusionato all'eccesso, non ci si disturba davvero a cercare il benché minimo senso a quanto viene mostrato, e si passa senza soluzione di continuità da scazzottatte-picconate tra i ghiacci a situazioni alla MacGyver.
Aggiungiamoci che ci si gioca nei primi 10 minuti l'unica scena sensata, ovvero l'usuale Shower Scene Per Far Impennare L'Audience® con i sempre pregevoli culetto-tettine-pancino di Kate (con l'intimo addosso, non esageriamo...), si capisce subito che da lì in avanti il film non avrà più alcun senso - se non per osservare un ottuagenario Tom Skerritt.
Voto: 3.
Trashometro® 4/10:
Tags: thriller, azione, mistero, drammatico, crimine, aereo, russo, Antartico, base polare, ghiaccio, caduta, omicidio, FBI, indagine, morte, picozza, viaggio, trappola, portello, amputazione, aurora, autopsia, dottore, suicidio, trash.
Regista: Dominic Sena
Scrittore: Jon Hoeber, Erich Hoeber
Genere: Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 5.6/10 (1290 voti)
Durata: 101 min
Paese: USA, Canada, France
Lingua: English
U.S. Marshal Carrie Stetko tracks a killer in Antarctica, as the sun is about to set for six months.
Trivia random: Shipped to theaters under the code name "Snowbound".
Citazione random: Carrie Stetko: How bad is it?<br />Delfy: Bad enough that you don't want to see.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Beckinsale, Kathryn Bailey
Data di nascita: 26 July 1973
Altezza: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Coniuge: Len Wiseman::(9 May 2004 - present)
Ultimi lavori:
Kate Beckinsale was born on 26 July 1973 in England, and has resided in London for most of her life. Her mother is Judy Loe, who has appeared in a number of British dramas and sitcoms and continues to work as an actress, predominantly in British television productions. Her father was Richard Beckinsale, born in Nottingham, England. He starred in a number of popular British television comedies during the 1970s, most notably the series "Rising Damp" (1974), "Porridge" (1974) and "The Lovers" (1970). He passed away tragically early in 1979 at the age of 31. Kate attended the private school Godolphin and Latymer School in London for her grade and primary school education. In her teens she twice won the British bookseller W.H. Smith Young Writers' competition - once for three short stories and once for three poems. After a tumultuous adolescence (a bout of anorexia - cured - and a smoking habit which continues to this day), she gradually took up the profession of acting. Her major acting debut came in a TV film about World War II called One Against the Wind (1991) (TV), filmed in Luxembourg during the summer of 1991. It first aired on American television that December. Kate began attending Oxford University's New College in the fall of 1991, majoring in French and Russian literature. She had already decided that she wanted to act, but to broaden her horizons she chose university over drama school. While in her first year at Oxford, Kate received her big break in Kenneth Branagh's film adaptation of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing (1993). Kate worked in three other films while attending Oxford, beginning with a part in the medieval historical drama Prince of Jutland (1994), cast as Ethel. The film was shot during the spring of 1993 on location in Denmark, and she filmed her supporting part during New College's Easter break. Later in the summer of that year she played the lead in the contemporary mystery drama Uncovered (1994). Before she went back to school, her third year at university was spent at Oxford's study-abroad program in Paris, France, immersing herself in the French language, Parisian culture and French cigarettes. A year away from the academic community and living on her own in the French capital caused her to re-evaluate the direction of her life. She faced a choice: continue with school or concentrate on her flourishing acting career. After much thought, she chose the acting career. In the spring of 1994 Kate left Oxford, after finishing three years of study. Kate appeared in the BBC/Thames Television satire Cold Comfort Farm (1995) (TV), filmed in London and East Sussex during late summer 1994 and which opened to spectacular reviews in the United States, grossing over $5 million during its American run. It was re-released to U.K. theaters in the spring of 1997. Acting on the stage consumed the first part of 1995; she toured in England with the Thelma Holts Theatre Company production of Anton Chekhov's "The Seagull". After turning down several mediocre scripts "and going nearly berserk with boredom", she waited seven months before another interesting role was offered to her. Her big movie of 1995 was the romance/horror movie Haunted (1995), starring opposite Aidan Quinn and John Gielgud, and filmed in West Sussex. In this film she wanted to play "an object of desire", unlike her past performances where her characters were much less the siren and more the worldly innocent. Kate's first film project of 1996 was the British ITV production of Jane Austen's novel Emma (1996) (TV). Her last film of 1996 was the comedy Shooting Fish (1997), filmed at Shepperton Studios in London during early fall. She played the part of Georgie, an altruistic con artist. She had a daughter, Lily, in 1999 with actor Michael Sheen.
Trivia random: Lost out to Juliette Binoche for a part in Wuthering Heights (1992).
Citazione random: Everybody likes the underdog, because everybody feels like the underdog. No matter how successful you are, you always think, No one's being nice enough to me!
Salario massimo: $200,000, per Pearl Harbor (2001)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Skerritt, Thomas Alderton
Data di nascita: 25 August 1933
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Julie Tokashiki::(1998 - present), Sue Oran::(1977 - 1992) (divorced) 1 child, Charlotte Shanks::(1957 - 1972) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
Lean, ruggedly handsome leading man and supporting actor whose "outdoor" looks have improved with age, Tom Skerritt attended Wayne State University and UCLA, and was first noticed in a UCLA production of "The Rainmaker" before making his movie debut in War Hunt (1962). However, he spent most of the next decade in television, regularly appearing in "Combat!" (1962), "The Virginian" (1962), "Gunsmoke" (1955) and "12 O'Clock High" (1964). Skerritt's next big break was appearing alongside Donald Sutherland and Elliott Gould in Robert Altman's biting satire MASH (1970). Several other film roles quickly followed, before he landed the plum role of Capt. Dallas of the ill-fated commercial towing vehicle Nostromo in the creepy sci-fi epic Alien (1979). Skerritt turned up again in another thriller playing a cop hunting a serial killer in the eerie The Dead Zone (1983), as a Navy Officer Flight instructor in Top Gun (1986) , in the six-chick flick Steel Magnolias (1989), and then as the poster boy for a "Guess" Jeans ad campaign utilizing his mature, weather-beaten features. Skerritt didn't neglect his TV background and reappeared on the small screen in "Cheers" (1982), The China Lake Murders (1990) (TV) and picked up an Emmy in 1994 for his performance as Sheriff Brock in the superb series "Picket Fences" (1992). Skerritt has remained continually busy for the past decade, contributing natural, entertaining and reliable performances in TV series, made-for-TV movies and major theatrical releases. He recreated the role of Will Kane in the TV production of High Noon (2000) (TV), and appeared alongside Bruce Willis in the mercenary war drama Tears of the Sun (2003).
Trivia random: Seldom seen on stage, Tom appeared with the late Lee Remick in a performance of "Love Letters" in 1990, her last appearance before her death from cancer. He also performed in the same play with Kathy Baker for several benefits in the Los Angeles area. In 2004 he returned once more as the Stage Manager in a Seattle production of "Our Town".
Citazione random: "It's concentration and luck. There are many prominent people in this business who choose certain types of pictures and play a derivation of a certain character they always play so they are immediately identifiable -- and they are commercially successful because of it. I have never pursued that. I just do films that I would pay five bucks to see."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Whiteout non diventerà una leggenda del trash, ma è talmente privo di capo e coda da essere sicura fonte di ilarità per l'incauto spettatore.
In una base antartica, dove tutti sono più dediti ai party che non alla ricerca (del resto, chi ti controlla?), una FBI-essa con delle crisi esistenziali indaga su una serie di delitti che porteranno al relitto di un aereo da trasporto sovietico ed al suo misterioso carico.
Sconclusionato all'eccesso, non ci si disturba davvero a cercare il benché minimo senso a quanto viene mostrato, e si passa senza soluzione di continuità da scazzottatte-picconate tra i ghiacci a situazioni alla MacGyver.
Aggiungiamoci che ci si gioca nei primi 10 minuti l'unica scena sensata, ovvero l'usuale Shower Scene Per Far Impennare L'Audience® con i sempre pregevoli culetto-tettine-pancino di Kate (con l'intimo addosso, non esageriamo...), si capisce subito che da lì in avanti il film non avrà più alcun senso - se non per osservare un ottuagenario Tom Skerritt.
Voto: 3.
Trashometro® 4/10:
Tags: thriller, azione, mistero, drammatico, crimine, aereo, russo, Antartico, base polare, ghiaccio, caduta, omicidio, FBI, indagine, morte, picozza, viaggio, trappola, portello, amputazione, aurora, autopsia, dottore, suicidio, trash.
Whiteout (2009)
Whiteout - Incubo bianco
Regista: Dominic Sena
Scrittore: Jon Hoeber, Erich Hoeber
Genere: Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Crime
Valutazione: 5.6/10 (1290 voti)
Durata: 101 min
Paese: USA, Canada, France
Lingua: English
- Kate Beckinsale .... Carrie Stetko
- Gabriel Macht .... Robert Pryce
- Tom Skerritt .... Dr. John Fury
- Columbus Short .... Delfy
- Alex O'Loughlin .... Russell Haden
- Shawn Doyle .... Sam Murphy
- Joel S. Keller .... Jack (as Joel Keller)
- Jesse Todd .... Rubin
- Arthur Holden .... McGuire
- Erin Hickock .... Rhonda
U.S. Marshal Carrie Stetko tracks a killer in Antarctica, as the sun is about to set for six months.
Trivia random: Shipped to theaters under the code name "Snowbound".
Citazione random: Carrie Stetko: How bad is it?<br />Delfy: Bad enough that you don't want to see.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Beckinsale, Kate
Nome di battesimo: Beckinsale, Kathryn Bailey
Data di nascita: 26 July 1973
Altezza: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Coniuge: Len Wiseman::(9 May 2004 - present)
Ultimi lavori:
- Underworld 4 (2011) .... Selene (rumored) [attrice]
- Everybody's Fine (2009) .... Amy [attrice]
- Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) .... Selene [attrice]
- Whiteout (2009) .... Carrie Stetko [attrice]
- Nothing But the Truth (2008) .... Rachel Armstrong [attrice]
- Winged Creatures (2008) .... Carla Davenport [attrice]
- Snow Angels (2007/I) .... Annie Marchand [attrice]
- Vacancy (2007) .... Amy Fox [attrice]
- Click (2006) .... Donna Newman [attrice]
- Underworld: Evolution (2006) .... Selene [attrice]
Kate Beckinsale was born on 26 July 1973 in England, and has resided in London for most of her life. Her mother is Judy Loe, who has appeared in a number of British dramas and sitcoms and continues to work as an actress, predominantly in British television productions. Her father was Richard Beckinsale, born in Nottingham, England. He starred in a number of popular British television comedies during the 1970s, most notably the series "Rising Damp" (1974), "Porridge" (1974) and "The Lovers" (1970). He passed away tragically early in 1979 at the age of 31. Kate attended the private school Godolphin and Latymer School in London for her grade and primary school education. In her teens she twice won the British bookseller W.H. Smith Young Writers' competition - once for three short stories and once for three poems. After a tumultuous adolescence (a bout of anorexia - cured - and a smoking habit which continues to this day), she gradually took up the profession of acting. Her major acting debut came in a TV film about World War II called One Against the Wind (1991) (TV), filmed in Luxembourg during the summer of 1991. It first aired on American television that December. Kate began attending Oxford University's New College in the fall of 1991, majoring in French and Russian literature. She had already decided that she wanted to act, but to broaden her horizons she chose university over drama school. While in her first year at Oxford, Kate received her big break in Kenneth Branagh's film adaptation of William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing (1993). Kate worked in three other films while attending Oxford, beginning with a part in the medieval historical drama Prince of Jutland (1994), cast as Ethel. The film was shot during the spring of 1993 on location in Denmark, and she filmed her supporting part during New College's Easter break. Later in the summer of that year she played the lead in the contemporary mystery drama Uncovered (1994). Before she went back to school, her third year at university was spent at Oxford's study-abroad program in Paris, France, immersing herself in the French language, Parisian culture and French cigarettes. A year away from the academic community and living on her own in the French capital caused her to re-evaluate the direction of her life. She faced a choice: continue with school or concentrate on her flourishing acting career. After much thought, she chose the acting career. In the spring of 1994 Kate left Oxford, after finishing three years of study. Kate appeared in the BBC/Thames Television satire Cold Comfort Farm (1995) (TV), filmed in London and East Sussex during late summer 1994 and which opened to spectacular reviews in the United States, grossing over $5 million during its American run. It was re-released to U.K. theaters in the spring of 1997. Acting on the stage consumed the first part of 1995; she toured in England with the Thelma Holts Theatre Company production of Anton Chekhov's "The Seagull". After turning down several mediocre scripts "and going nearly berserk with boredom", she waited seven months before another interesting role was offered to her. Her big movie of 1995 was the romance/horror movie Haunted (1995), starring opposite Aidan Quinn and John Gielgud, and filmed in West Sussex. In this film she wanted to play "an object of desire", unlike her past performances where her characters were much less the siren and more the worldly innocent. Kate's first film project of 1996 was the British ITV production of Jane Austen's novel Emma (1996) (TV). Her last film of 1996 was the comedy Shooting Fish (1997), filmed at Shepperton Studios in London during early fall. She played the part of Georgie, an altruistic con artist. She had a daughter, Lily, in 1999 with actor Michael Sheen.
Trivia random: Lost out to Juliette Binoche for a part in Wuthering Heights (1992).
Citazione random: Everybody likes the underdog, because everybody feels like the underdog. No matter how successful you are, you always think, No one's being nice enough to me!
Salario massimo: $200,000, per Pearl Harbor (2001)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Skerritt, Tom
Nome di battesimo: Skerritt, Thomas Alderton
Data di nascita: 25 August 1933
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Coniuge: Julie Tokashiki::(1998 - present), Sue Oran::(1977 - 1992) (divorced) 1 child, Charlotte Shanks::(1957 - 1972) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Bailey (2010) .... Santa [attore]
- For Sale by Owner (2009) .... Clive Farrier [attore]
- The Velveteen Rabbit (2009) .... Horse [attore]
- Whiteout (2009) .... Dr. John Fury [attore]
- Beer for My Horses (2008) .... Sheriff Wilson Landry [attore]
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (2008) (TV) .... Gabe Utterson [attore]
- "Killer Wave" (2007) (mini) .... Victor Bannister [attore]
- Bonneville (2006) .... Emmett [attore]
- Desperation (2006) (TV) .... John Edward Marinville [attore]
- Fallen (2006) (TV) .... Zeke [attore]
Lean, ruggedly handsome leading man and supporting actor whose "outdoor" looks have improved with age, Tom Skerritt attended Wayne State University and UCLA, and was first noticed in a UCLA production of "The Rainmaker" before making his movie debut in War Hunt (1962). However, he spent most of the next decade in television, regularly appearing in "Combat!" (1962), "The Virginian" (1962), "Gunsmoke" (1955) and "12 O'Clock High" (1964). Skerritt's next big break was appearing alongside Donald Sutherland and Elliott Gould in Robert Altman's biting satire MASH (1970). Several other film roles quickly followed, before he landed the plum role of Capt. Dallas of the ill-fated commercial towing vehicle Nostromo in the creepy sci-fi epic Alien (1979). Skerritt turned up again in another thriller playing a cop hunting a serial killer in the eerie The Dead Zone (1983), as a Navy Officer Flight instructor in Top Gun (1986) , in the six-chick flick Steel Magnolias (1989), and then as the poster boy for a "Guess" Jeans ad campaign utilizing his mature, weather-beaten features. Skerritt didn't neglect his TV background and reappeared on the small screen in "Cheers" (1982), The China Lake Murders (1990) (TV) and picked up an Emmy in 1994 for his performance as Sheriff Brock in the superb series "Picket Fences" (1992). Skerritt has remained continually busy for the past decade, contributing natural, entertaining and reliable performances in TV series, made-for-TV movies and major theatrical releases. He recreated the role of Will Kane in the TV production of High Noon (2000) (TV), and appeared alongside Bruce Willis in the mercenary war drama Tears of the Sun (2003).
Trivia random: Seldom seen on stage, Tom appeared with the late Lee Remick in a performance of "Love Letters" in 1990, her last appearance before her death from cancer. He also performed in the same play with Kathy Baker for several benefits in the Los Angeles area. In 2004 he returned once more as the Stage Manager in a Seattle production of "Our Town".
Citazione random: "It's concentration and luck. There are many prominent people in this business who choose certain types of pictures and play a derivation of a certain character they always play so they are immediately identifiable -- and they are commercially successful because of it. I have never pursued that. I just do films that I would pay five bucks to see."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
domenica 4 ottobre 2009
inglorious basterds
Non che sia privo di pecche, ma se non altro Inglourious Basterds mi ha riconciliato con Quentin Tarantino, dopo la delusione di Death Proof.
Sicuramente troppo lungo coi suoi 153 minuti, con una parte centrale che meritava qualche potatura per risultare più scorrevole, mostra comunque molte della caratteristiche che hanno reso giustamente famoso Quentin.
Storia alternativa ambientata nella Francia occupata dai Nazisti, segue le vicende convergenti di un gruppo di soldati inviati a seminare il panico tra le linee nemiche con i loro metodi brutali, e di una ebrea che si è vista sterminare la famiglia, ora direttrice di un cinema parigino scelto come sede della premiere di un film di propaganda nazista.
Si parla davvero tantissimo, ma grazie al cielo i dialoghi sono quasi sempre di ottimo livello.
Davvero ottimi tutti gli interpreti a partire da Brad Pitt, anche se ad onor del vero non lo si vede poi così spesso. Immenso Christoph Waltz.
Perfette le musiche, così come la regia che - come d'abitudine - indugia sui suoi soliti feticismi; stavolta senza eccedere troppo, se non altro.
C'è relativamente poca azione, ma ogni episodio è una vera gioia sanguinaria per gli occhi: immediata, feroce e senza sconti. Si può chiedere più quantità, ma non più qualità.
Peccato solo che i vari Basterds non abbiano ricevuto l'approfondimento che meritavano (a cominciare da Eli Roth nei panni dell'Orso Ebreo).
Oltre al film-nel-film, innumerevoli le citazioni cinematografiche sia d'epoca che moderne, inclusi riferimenti ad Edwige Fenech ed Antonio Margheriti (che nessuno in sala ha colto...) e la presenza di Enzo G. Castellari.
Insomma: bello.
Voto: 8
Tags: guerra, drammatico, Francia, nazista, terzo reich, ebrea, servizio segreto, cacciatore di ebrei, sterminio, omicidio, terrore, panico, squadra speciale, infoltrati, traditrice, Hitler, sparatoria, mazza da baseball, scalpo, anni '40, 1945, seconda guerra mondiale, gerarca, cinema, film, film-nel-film, fuoco, incendio, padre, pistola, mitragliatrice, cecchino, eroe, propaganda, infatuazione, storia alternativa, marchio, incisione, esplosivo, pallottola, ferita, morte.
Nome di battesimo: Sfenek, Edwige
Data di nascita: 24 December 1948
Ultimi lavori:
Stunningly gorgeous and charismatic brunette actress Edwige Fenech was born as Edwige Sfenek on December 24, 1948 in Bone, Constantine, France to a Maltese father and Italian mother. Edwige began her show business career as a participant in beauty contests (she won the title of "Miss Mannequin de la Cote d'Azur" at age 16 and even won a Miss France beauty contest) and worked as a photo model prior to making her film debut in the 1967 comedy "All Mad About Him." Fenech appeared in such saucy West German sex farces as "The Blonde and the Black Pussycat" and "Sexy Susan Sins Again" in the late 60's. With her lustrous long black hair, lovely, sensuous face, full, shapely figure, and smoldering screen presence, Edwige soon became a very popular and much sought after actress in a diverse array of European productions made in Italy, France, Spain, and West Germany. Fenech achieved her greatest enduring cult cinema popularity by starring in several superior Italian giallos for director Sergio Martino: "Next!," "Demons of the Dead," and "Your Vice Is a Closed Room and Only I Have the Key." (She was the onetime girlfriend of Martino's producer brother Luciano.) Edwige also acted for Martino in a handful of racy Italian sex comedies and the Italian mini-series "Delitti Privati." Other noted Italian film directors Fenech has acted in movies for are Mario Bava ("Five Dolls for an August Moon"), Guliano Carnimeo ("The Case of the Bloody Iris"), Andrea Bianchi ("Strip Nude for Your Killer"), Umberto Lenzi ("The Great Battle"), Steno ("Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hot"), Dino Risi ("I'm Photogenic"), and Ruggero Deodato ("Phantom of Death"). She demonstrated her exceptional range and skill as an actress with enjoyably uninhibited performances in such amusingly bawdy Italian comedic romps as "The Naughty Nun," "Ubalda, All Naked and Warm," and "Sexy Schoolteacher." Edwige became a television personality in the 80's and made frequent appearances on an Italian chat show along with fellow giallo goddess Barbara Bouchet. Moreover, Fenech launched her own fashion line and founded her own film production company Immagine e Cinema S.r.l. with her son Edwin (she co-produced the 2004 movie "The Merchant of Venice" as well as various Italian TV mini-series and made-for-TV features). In the mid 90's Edwige was engaged to famous Italian industrialist Luca di Montezemolo. More recently Edwige Fenech made a welcome return to acting with a funny small part as an alluring art class professor in Eli Roth's "Hostel: Part II."
Trivia random: She has an entry in Jean Tulard's Dictionnaire du Cinéma/Les Acteurs, published in Paris in 2007 (page 47).
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Pitt, William Bradley
Data di nascita: 18 December 1963
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Coniuge: Jennifer Aniston::(29 July 2000 - 2 October 2005) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Brad Pitt was born in 1963 in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane Etta Hillhouse. His father, William (Bill) Pitt, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. He has a younger brother, Douglas (Doug) Pitt and a younger sister Julie Neal Pitt. At Kickapoo High School, Pitt was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. Pitt attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism with a focus on advertising. He occasionally acted in fraternity shows. He left college two credits short of graduating to move to California. Before he became successful at acting, Pitt supported himself by driving strippers in limos, moving refrigerators and dressing as a giant chicken while working for "el Pollo Loco."
Trivia random: Voted "Best Actor" by viewers of MTV's "The Big Picture" (1988) in 1995.
Citazione random: [US Weekly, 9/18/00] Being married means I can break wind and eat ice cream in bed.
Salario massimo: $30,000,000 ($10m salary + backend participations), per Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Roth, Eli Raphael
Data di nascita: 18 April 1972
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Eli Roth began shooting Super 8 films at the age of eight, after watching Ridley Scott's Alien (1979) and vomiting, and deciding he wanted to be a producer/director. With his brothers and friends, ketchup for blood and his father's power tools, he made over fifty short films before attending film school at N.Y.U., where he won a student Academy Award and graduated Summa Cum Laude in 1994. He worked in film and theater production in New York City for many years, doing every job from production assistant to assistant editor to assistant to the director. At the age of 20 Roth was development head for producer Fred Zollo, a position he soon left to write full time. To earn a living, Roth did budgets and schedules for the films A Price Above Rubies (1998) and Illuminata (1998) and often worked as a stand-in, where he could watch directors work with the actors. In 1995, Roth co-wrote the script that would eventually become Cabin Fever (2002) with friend Randy Pearlstein, and the two spent many years unsuccessfully trying to get the film financed. Roth left New York in 1999 to live in Los Angeles, and within four months got funding for his animation series "Chowdaheads" (1999). Roth and friend Noah Belson (Cabin Fever (2002)'s Guitar Man) wrote and voiced the episodes, which Roth produced, directed and designed. The episodes were due to run on W.C.W.'s #1 rated series "WCW Monday Nitro" (1995) but the C.E.O. was fired a day before they were scheduled to air, and the episodes never ran. Roth used the episodes to set up a stop motion series called The Rotten Fruit (2003) (V) which he produced, directed and animated, as well as co-wrote and voiced with friend Belson. Between the two animated series, Roth worked closely with director David Lynch, producing content for the website In 2001, Roth filmed Cabin Fever (2002) on a shoestring budget of $1.5 million, with private equity he and his producers raised from friends and family. The film was the subject of a bidding war at the 2002 Toronto Film Festival, eventually won by Lion's Gate, instantly doubling their investors' money. It went on to not only be the highest grossing film for Lion's Gate in 2003, but the most profitable horror film released that year, garnering critical acclaim from The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Empire Magazine, and such filmmakers as Peter Jackson, Quentin Tarantino and Tobe Hooper . Roth used the film's success to launch a slew of projects, including Scavenger Hunt, a teen comedy he will write and direct for Universal Studios, and The Box, a horror thriller he is co-writing with Richard Kelly that Roth will also direct. In May of 2003, Roth joined forces with filmmakers Boaz Yakin, Scott Spiegel, and Greenestreet Films in New York to form Raw Nerve, LLC, a new production company that will produce 3-5 intense, scary, lower budget horror films annually.
Trivia random: Member of the unofficial Splat Pack, a term coined by film historian Alan Jones in Total Film magazine for the modern wave of directors making brutally violent horror films. The other Splat Pack members are Alexandre Aja, Darren Lynn Bousman, Neil Marshall, Greg Mclean, James Wan, Leigh Whannell and Rob Zombie.
Citazione random: I know your second film can make or break you, because you're either a bona fide director or a one hit wonder.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 4 October 1956
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Is divorced from his first wife. They have three adult children.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Tarantino, Quentin Jerome
Data di nascita: 27 March 1963
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
In January of 1992, Reservoir Dogs (1992) appeared at the Sundance Film Festival, by first-time writer-director Quentin Tarantino. The film garnered critical acclaim and the director became a legend immediately. Two years later, he followed up Dogs success with Pulp Fiction (1994) which premiered at the Cannes film festival, winning the coveted Palme D'Or Award. At the 1995 Academy Awards, it was nominated for the best picture, best director and best original screenplay. Tarantino and writing partner Roger Avary came away with the award only for best original screenplay. In 1995, Tarantino directed one fourth of the anthology Four Rooms (1995) with friends and fellow auteurs Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez and Allison Anders. The film opened on December 25th in the United States to very weak reviews. Tarantino's next film was From Dusk Till Dawn (1996), a vampire/crime story which he wrote and co-starred with George Clooney. The film did fairly well theatrically.
Trivia random: Six of his movies are mentioned in FHM's (DK) 100 Best Male Movies Ever (7 October 2004 issue): True Romance (1993) at #75, From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) at #73, Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) at #26, Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) at #25, Reservoir Dogs (1992) at #11, and Pulp Fiction (1994) at #1.
Citazione random: When I first discovered Howard Hawks, I spent a year and a half reading the TV guide and they played about 80 percent of his entire oeuvre on Los Angeles TV. Brian De Palma, Martin Scorsese, Sergio Leone and Hawks were a huge influence on me.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 19 September 1930
Data di morte: 4 November 2002
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Father of Edoardo Margheriti and Antonella Margheriti.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Quentin Tarantino
Scrittore: Quentin Tarantino
Genere: Drama, War
Valutazione: 8.6/10 (72464 voti) [#43 nella top250]
Durata: 153 min
Paese: USA, Germany
Lingua: English, German, French, Italian
In Nazi occupied France, young Jewish refugee Shosanna Dreyfus witnesses the slaughter of her family by Colonel Hans Landa. Narrowly escaping with her life, she plots her revenge several years later when German war hero Fredrick Zoller takes a rapid interest in her and arranges an illustrious movie premiere at the theater she now runs. With the promise of every major Nazi officer in attendance, the event catches the attention of the "Basterds", a group of Jewish-American guerilla soldiers led by the ruthless Lt. Aldo Raine. As the relentless executioners advance and the conspiring young girl's plans are set in motion, their paths will cross for a fateful evening that will shake the very annals of history.
Trivia random: When asked about the misspelled title, director Quentin Tarantino gave the following answer: "Here's the thing. I'm never going to explain that. You do an artistic flourish like that, and to explain it would just take the piss out of it and invalidate the whole stroke in the first place."
Citazione random: Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz: Say "auf Wiedersehen" to your Nazi balls!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Girolami, Enzo
Data di nascita: 29 July 1938
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Was offered the opportunity to direct Zombi 2 (1979), but turned down because he thought he could not direct a horror movie. Lucio Fulci eventually directed it.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Sicuramente troppo lungo coi suoi 153 minuti, con una parte centrale che meritava qualche potatura per risultare più scorrevole, mostra comunque molte della caratteristiche che hanno reso giustamente famoso Quentin.
Storia alternativa ambientata nella Francia occupata dai Nazisti, segue le vicende convergenti di un gruppo di soldati inviati a seminare il panico tra le linee nemiche con i loro metodi brutali, e di una ebrea che si è vista sterminare la famiglia, ora direttrice di un cinema parigino scelto come sede della premiere di un film di propaganda nazista.
Si parla davvero tantissimo, ma grazie al cielo i dialoghi sono quasi sempre di ottimo livello.
Davvero ottimi tutti gli interpreti a partire da Brad Pitt, anche se ad onor del vero non lo si vede poi così spesso. Immenso Christoph Waltz.
Perfette le musiche, così come la regia che - come d'abitudine - indugia sui suoi soliti feticismi; stavolta senza eccedere troppo, se non altro.
C'è relativamente poca azione, ma ogni episodio è una vera gioia sanguinaria per gli occhi: immediata, feroce e senza sconti. Si può chiedere più quantità, ma non più qualità.
Peccato solo che i vari Basterds non abbiano ricevuto l'approfondimento che meritavano (a cominciare da Eli Roth nei panni dell'Orso Ebreo).
Oltre al film-nel-film, innumerevoli le citazioni cinematografiche sia d'epoca che moderne, inclusi riferimenti ad Edwige Fenech ed Antonio Margheriti (che nessuno in sala ha colto...) e la presenza di Enzo G. Castellari.
Insomma: bello.
Voto: 8
Tags: guerra, drammatico, Francia, nazista, terzo reich, ebrea, servizio segreto, cacciatore di ebrei, sterminio, omicidio, terrore, panico, squadra speciale, infoltrati, traditrice, Hitler, sparatoria, mazza da baseball, scalpo, anni '40, 1945, seconda guerra mondiale, gerarca, cinema, film, film-nel-film, fuoco, incendio, padre, pistola, mitragliatrice, cecchino, eroe, propaganda, infatuazione, storia alternativa, marchio, incisione, esplosivo, pallottola, ferita, morte.
Fenech, Edwige
Nome di battesimo: Sfenek, Edwige
Data di nascita: 24 December 1948
Ultimi lavori:
- "Un amore di strega" (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- "Per una notte d'amore" (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Hostel: Part II (2007) .... Art Class Professor [attrice]
- La stella dei re (2007) (TV) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Angela (2005) (TV) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Lucia (2005) (TV) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Matilde (2005) (TV) .... (producer) [produttore]
- "La omicidi" (2004) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Part Time (2004) (TV) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Merchant of Venice (2004) .... (co-producer) [produttore]
Stunningly gorgeous and charismatic brunette actress Edwige Fenech was born as Edwige Sfenek on December 24, 1948 in Bone, Constantine, France to a Maltese father and Italian mother. Edwige began her show business career as a participant in beauty contests (she won the title of "Miss Mannequin de la Cote d'Azur" at age 16 and even won a Miss France beauty contest) and worked as a photo model prior to making her film debut in the 1967 comedy "All Mad About Him." Fenech appeared in such saucy West German sex farces as "The Blonde and the Black Pussycat" and "Sexy Susan Sins Again" in the late 60's. With her lustrous long black hair, lovely, sensuous face, full, shapely figure, and smoldering screen presence, Edwige soon became a very popular and much sought after actress in a diverse array of European productions made in Italy, France, Spain, and West Germany. Fenech achieved her greatest enduring cult cinema popularity by starring in several superior Italian giallos for director Sergio Martino: "Next!," "Demons of the Dead," and "Your Vice Is a Closed Room and Only I Have the Key." (She was the onetime girlfriend of Martino's producer brother Luciano.) Edwige also acted for Martino in a handful of racy Italian sex comedies and the Italian mini-series "Delitti Privati." Other noted Italian film directors Fenech has acted in movies for are Mario Bava ("Five Dolls for an August Moon"), Guliano Carnimeo ("The Case of the Bloody Iris"), Andrea Bianchi ("Strip Nude for Your Killer"), Umberto Lenzi ("The Great Battle"), Steno ("Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hot"), Dino Risi ("I'm Photogenic"), and Ruggero Deodato ("Phantom of Death"). She demonstrated her exceptional range and skill as an actress with enjoyably uninhibited performances in such amusingly bawdy Italian comedic romps as "The Naughty Nun," "Ubalda, All Naked and Warm," and "Sexy Schoolteacher." Edwige became a television personality in the 80's and made frequent appearances on an Italian chat show along with fellow giallo goddess Barbara Bouchet. Moreover, Fenech launched her own fashion line and founded her own film production company Immagine e Cinema S.r.l. with her son Edwin (she co-produced the 2004 movie "The Merchant of Venice" as well as various Italian TV mini-series and made-for-TV features). In the mid 90's Edwige was engaged to famous Italian industrialist Luca di Montezemolo. More recently Edwige Fenech made a welcome return to acting with a funny small part as an alluring art class professor in Eli Roth's "Hostel: Part II."
Trivia random: She has an entry in Jean Tulard's Dictionnaire du Cinéma/Les Acteurs, published in Paris in 2007 (page 47).
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Pitt, Brad
Nome di battesimo: Pitt, William Bradley
Data di nascita: 18 December 1963
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Coniuge: Jennifer Aniston::(29 July 2000 - 2 October 2005) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Odyssey (2012) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Eat, Pray, Love (2011) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Moneyball (2011) .... Billy Beane [attore]
- Kick-Ass (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Oobermind (2010) .... Metro Man (voice) [attore]
- The Lost City of Z (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Sparrow (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Tree of Life (2010) .... Mr. O'Brien [attore]
- Beyond All Boundaries (2009) .... (voice) [attore]
- Inglourious Basterds (2009) .... Lt. Aldo Raine [attore]
Brad Pitt was born in 1963 in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane Etta Hillhouse. His father, William (Bill) Pitt, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. He has a younger brother, Douglas (Doug) Pitt and a younger sister Julie Neal Pitt. At Kickapoo High School, Pitt was involved in sports, debating, student government and school musicals. Pitt attended the University of Missouri, where he majored in journalism with a focus on advertising. He occasionally acted in fraternity shows. He left college two credits short of graduating to move to California. Before he became successful at acting, Pitt supported himself by driving strippers in limos, moving refrigerators and dressing as a giant chicken while working for "el Pollo Loco."
Trivia random: Voted "Best Actor" by viewers of MTV's "The Big Picture" (1988) in 1995.
Citazione random: [US Weekly, 9/18/00] Being married means I can break wind and eat ice cream in bed.
Salario massimo: $30,000,000 ($10m salary + backend participations), per Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Roth, Eli
Nome di battesimo: Roth, Eli Raphael
Data di nascita: 18 April 1972
Altezza: 6' (1.83 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Piranha 3-D (2010) .... Wet t-shirt contest emcee [attore]
- Cotton (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Inglourious Basterds (2009) .... Sgt. Donny Donowitz [attore]
- Death Proof (2007) .... Dov [attore]
- Grindhouse (2007) .... (producer) (fake trailer segment) [produttore]
- Hostel: Part II (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Southland Tales (2006) .... Man who gets shot on Toilet (uncredited) (unconfirmed) [attore]
- 2001 Maniacs (2005) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Disaster! (2005) .... Lumberjack (voice) [attore]
- Hostel (2005) .... (producer) [produttore]
Eli Roth began shooting Super 8 films at the age of eight, after watching Ridley Scott's Alien (1979) and vomiting, and deciding he wanted to be a producer/director. With his brothers and friends, ketchup for blood and his father's power tools, he made over fifty short films before attending film school at N.Y.U., where he won a student Academy Award and graduated Summa Cum Laude in 1994. He worked in film and theater production in New York City for many years, doing every job from production assistant to assistant editor to assistant to the director. At the age of 20 Roth was development head for producer Fred Zollo, a position he soon left to write full time. To earn a living, Roth did budgets and schedules for the films A Price Above Rubies (1998) and Illuminata (1998) and often worked as a stand-in, where he could watch directors work with the actors. In 1995, Roth co-wrote the script that would eventually become Cabin Fever (2002) with friend Randy Pearlstein, and the two spent many years unsuccessfully trying to get the film financed. Roth left New York in 1999 to live in Los Angeles, and within four months got funding for his animation series "Chowdaheads" (1999). Roth and friend Noah Belson (Cabin Fever (2002)'s Guitar Man) wrote and voiced the episodes, which Roth produced, directed and designed. The episodes were due to run on W.C.W.'s #1 rated series "WCW Monday Nitro" (1995) but the C.E.O. was fired a day before they were scheduled to air, and the episodes never ran. Roth used the episodes to set up a stop motion series called The Rotten Fruit (2003) (V) which he produced, directed and animated, as well as co-wrote and voiced with friend Belson. Between the two animated series, Roth worked closely with director David Lynch, producing content for the website In 2001, Roth filmed Cabin Fever (2002) on a shoestring budget of $1.5 million, with private equity he and his producers raised from friends and family. The film was the subject of a bidding war at the 2002 Toronto Film Festival, eventually won by Lion's Gate, instantly doubling their investors' money. It went on to not only be the highest grossing film for Lion's Gate in 2003, but the most profitable horror film released that year, garnering critical acclaim from The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Empire Magazine, and such filmmakers as Peter Jackson, Quentin Tarantino and Tobe Hooper . Roth used the film's success to launch a slew of projects, including Scavenger Hunt, a teen comedy he will write and direct for Universal Studios, and The Box, a horror thriller he is co-writing with Richard Kelly that Roth will also direct. In May of 2003, Roth joined forces with filmmakers Boaz Yakin, Scott Spiegel, and Greenestreet Films in New York to form Raw Nerve, LLC, a new production company that will produce 3-5 intense, scary, lower budget horror films annually.
Trivia random: Member of the unofficial Splat Pack, a term coined by film historian Alan Jones in Total Film magazine for the modern wave of directors making brutally violent horror films. The other Splat Pack members are Alexandre Aja, Darren Lynn Bousman, Neil Marshall, Greg Mclean, James Wan, Leigh Whannell and Rob Zombie.
Citazione random: I know your second film can make or break you, because you're either a bona fide director or a one hit wonder.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Waltz, Christoph
Data di nascita: 4 October 1956
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Green Hornet (2010) .... Chudnofsky [attore]
- Inglourious Basterds (2009) .... Col. Hans Landa [attore]
- Das Geheimnis im Wald (2008) (TV) .... Hans Kortmann [attore]
- Das jüngste Gericht (2008) (TV) .... Peters [attore]
- Todsünde (2008) (TV) .... Sebastian Flies [attore]
- Die Verzauberung (2007) (TV) .... Dr. Helmut Bahr [attore]
- Die Zürcher Verlobung - Drehbuch zur Liebe (2007) (TV) .... Frank 'Büffel' Arbogast [attore]
- Franziskas Gespür für Männer (2006) (TV) .... Karl Löwen [attore]
- Lapislazuli - Im Auge des Bären (2006) .... Czerny [attore]
- "Die Patriarchin" (2005) (mini) .... Wolf Sevening [attore]
Trivia random: Is divorced from his first wife. They have three adult children.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Tarantino, Quentin
Nome di battesimo: Tarantino, Quentin Jerome
Data di nascita: 27 March 1963
Altezza: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Machete (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Inglourious Basterds (2009) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Hell Ride (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Death Proof (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Diary of the Dead (2007) .... Newsreader (voice) (uncredited) [attore]
- Grindhouse (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Hostel: Part II (2007) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Planet Terror (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Sukiyaki Western Django (2007) .... Ringo [attore]
- Freedom's Fury (2006) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
In January of 1992, Reservoir Dogs (1992) appeared at the Sundance Film Festival, by first-time writer-director Quentin Tarantino. The film garnered critical acclaim and the director became a legend immediately. Two years later, he followed up Dogs success with Pulp Fiction (1994) which premiered at the Cannes film festival, winning the coveted Palme D'Or Award. At the 1995 Academy Awards, it was nominated for the best picture, best director and best original screenplay. Tarantino and writing partner Roger Avary came away with the award only for best original screenplay. In 1995, Tarantino directed one fourth of the anthology Four Rooms (1995) with friends and fellow auteurs Alexandre Rockwell, Robert Rodriguez and Allison Anders. The film opened on December 25th in the United States to very weak reviews. Tarantino's next film was From Dusk Till Dawn (1996), a vampire/crime story which he wrote and co-starred with George Clooney. The film did fairly well theatrically.
Trivia random: Six of his movies are mentioned in FHM's (DK) 100 Best Male Movies Ever (7 October 2004 issue): True Romance (1993) at #75, From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) at #73, Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) at #26, Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) at #25, Reservoir Dogs (1992) at #11, and Pulp Fiction (1994) at #1.
Citazione random: When I first discovered Howard Hawks, I spent a year and a half reading the TV guide and they played about 80 percent of his entire oeuvre on Los Angeles TV. Brian De Palma, Martin Scorsese, Sergio Leone and Hawks were a huge influence on me.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Margheriti, Antonio
Data di nascita: 19 September 1930
Data di morte: 4 November 2002
Ultimi lavori:
- Cyberflic (1997) .... (as Anthony M. Dawson) [regista]
- Indio 2 - La rivolta (1991) .... (as Anthony M. Dawson) [regista]
- Alien degli abissi (1989) .... (as Anthony M. Dawson) [regista]
- Indio (1989) .... (as Anthony M. Dawson) [regista]
- Der Commander (1988) .... (as Anthony M. Dawson) [regista]
- "L'isola del tesoro" (1987) (mini) .... [regista]
- Kommando Leopard (1985) .... (as Anthony M. Dawson) [regista]
- La leggenda del rubino malese (1985) .... (as Anthony M. Dawson) [regista]
- Geheimcode: Wildgänse (1984) .... (as Anthony M. Dawson) [regista]
- I sopravvissuti della città morta (1983) .... (as Anthony M. Dawson) [regista]
Trivia random: Father of Edoardo Margheriti and Antonella Margheriti.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Bastardi senza gloria
Regista: Quentin Tarantino
Scrittore: Quentin Tarantino
Genere: Drama, War
Valutazione: 8.6/10 (72464 voti) [#43 nella top250]
Durata: 153 min
Paese: USA, Germany
Lingua: English, German, French, Italian
- Brad Pitt .... Lt. Aldo Raine
- Mélanie Laurent .... Shosanna Dreyfus
- Christoph Waltz .... Col. Hans Landa
- Eli Roth .... Sgt. Donny Donowitz
- Michael Fassbender .... Lt. Archie Hicox
- Diane Kruger .... Bridget von Hammersmark
- Daniel Brühl .... Pvt Fredrick Zoller
- Til Schweiger .... Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz
- Gedeon Burkhard .... Cpl. Wilhelm Wicki
- Jacky Ido .... Marcel
In Nazi occupied France, young Jewish refugee Shosanna Dreyfus witnesses the slaughter of her family by Colonel Hans Landa. Narrowly escaping with her life, she plots her revenge several years later when German war hero Fredrick Zoller takes a rapid interest in her and arranges an illustrious movie premiere at the theater she now runs. With the promise of every major Nazi officer in attendance, the event catches the attention of the "Basterds", a group of Jewish-American guerilla soldiers led by the ruthless Lt. Aldo Raine. As the relentless executioners advance and the conspiring young girl's plans are set in motion, their paths will cross for a fateful evening that will shake the very annals of history.
Trivia random: When asked about the misspelled title, director Quentin Tarantino gave the following answer: "Here's the thing. I'm never going to explain that. You do an artistic flourish like that, and to explain it would just take the piss out of it and invalidate the whole stroke in the first place."
Citazione random: Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz: Say "auf Wiedersehen" to your Nazi balls!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Castellari, Enzo G.
Nome di battesimo: Girolami, Enzo
Data di nascita: 29 July 1938
Ultimi lavori:
- Blue Lavender (2009) .... The 'Senator' [attore]
- Caribbean Basterds (2009) .... [regista]
- Piano 17 (2005) .... Vigilante Banca [attore]
- "Gli angeli dell'isola verde" (2001) .... [regista]
- Gioco a incastro (2000) (TV) .... [regista]
- "Deserto di fuoco" (1997) (mini) .... [regista]
- "Il ritorno di Sandokan" (1996) (mini) .... [regista]
- Jonathan degli orsi (1993) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Extralarge: Black Magic (1991) (TV) .... [regista]
- Extralarge: Black and White (1991) (TV) .... [regista]
Trivia random: Was offered the opportunity to direct Zombi 2 (1979), but turned down because he thought he could not direct a horror movie. Lucio Fulci eventually directed it.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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