In clamoroso ritardo sull'universo mondo, ho infine visto 300.
Il dio-re Serse marcia con la più grande armata che il mondo abbia mai visto verso la conquista della Grecia, unica flebile speranza di libertà e democrazia in un mondo di schiavi.
Il re spartano Leonida, intenzionato a muovere l'esercito, viene ostacolato dai corrotti sacerdoti efori; partirà dunque con appena 300 dei suoi migliori guerrieri verso le Termopili dove, assieme a poche migliaia di ateniesi, sbarrerà la strada all'esercito persiano.
Una missione senza speranza, eppure necessaria per dare tempo al resto della Grecia (già improbabile vincitrice degli europei di calcio, è bene ricordarlo ) di prepararsi e - soprattutto - per fornire agli uomini liberi un simbolo ed una ispirazione.
Zack Snyder dirige degnamente un esercizio muscolare e testosteronico, ma che in fondo riesce a mantenere anche il significato storico ed etico di quella battaglia.
Azzeccato l'uso del metal per alcune musiche, si eccede un po' nell'uso di mostri di ogni sorta: più che i persiani, sembra stiano combattendo le orde di Mordor...
Tutto sommato inutile - benché non dannoso - tutto ciò che è stato aggiunto rispetto all'eccezionale fumetto di Frank Miller: la parte sul consiglio spartano è davvero superflua.
A livello di impatto visivo, il fumetto è una spanna sopra: forse un regista d'altro calibro avrebbe saputo riprodurre meglio alcune scene chiave, ma nel complesso il film è potente quanto basta.
Ho invece trovato agghiaccianti quasi tutte le voci italiane - non so come fossero quelle originali.
Il fumetto prima ed il film poi hanno dato seguito ad una spettacolare ondata di masturbazione pseudo-politica con Bush e l'America identificate tanto in Leonida (difensori della democrazia attaccata dalle forze del male e blah blah blah) tanto in Serse (i brutti cattivoni che mandano il loro enorme esercito in guerre di conquista e blah blah blah).
Già questo - ed il fatto che girala come ti pare questa è una rappresentazione (romanzata a piacere) di un fatto storico di quasi 2500 anni fa - dovrebbe essere sufficiente a chiunque per mandare i sostenitori di una tesi o dell'altra a farsi delle vigorose pugnette (inquadrandole in un contesto di lotta di classe o di guerra al terrorismo, se ritenuto necessario all'eccitamento )
Voto: 8 (10 al fumetto)
Tags: azione, guerra, avventura, drammatico, storico, Grecia, Sparta, Atene, Persia, Leonida, Serse, Termopili, battaglia, passo, stretto, libertà, democrazia, lancia, spada, combattimento, corpo a corpo, dio, re, sottomissione, tributo, schiavitù, flotta, naufragio, atrocità, decapitazione, mutilazione, morte, messaggero, efori, sacerdote, senato, consiglio, 480 a.c., tradimento, deformità, corruzione, oracolo, re, regina.
domenica 30 settembre 2007
venerdì 28 settembre 2007
apt pupil
Bryan Singer mi ha sempre fatto una ottima impressione, come regista; il fatto che riesca ad esprimersi in generi molto diversi, poi, non è davvero da tutti.
L'Allievo ci porta in una normale provincia americana dove più o meno per caso un ragazzo riconosce in un anziano vicino un ex gerarca nazista che vive da decenni sotto falso nome.
Affascinato, lo minaccia al fine di farsi raccontare le storie dei campi di sterminio.
Il rapporto tra i due si evolve e complica, col ragazzo sempre più ossessionato ed il vecchio spaventato ed umiliato.
Tratto da una novella di Stephen King, il film mette la giusta angoscia riflettendo sulla malvagità umana, che può manifestarsi anche in quello che sembra un tranquillo quartiere di provincia.
Sempre notevole Ian McKellen, bravo anche il giovane Brad Renfro.
Voto: 8.
Tags: drammatico, thriller, nazista, olocausto, minaccia, adolescente, emigrato, fuggitivo, omicidio, malvagità, uniforme, gerarca, guerra, campo di sterminio, camera a gas, forno crematorio, seconda guerra mondiale, morte, sterminio, fucilazione, barbone, infarto, follia, crudeltà, ossessione.
Nome di battesimo: Singer, Bryan Jay
Data di nascita: 17 September 1965
Altezza: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Childhood friends with actor Ethan Hawke.
Citazione random: "I identify with Superman. I am adopted, I am an only child, and I love the idea that he comes from another world, that he's the ultimate immigrant. He has all these extraordinary powers, and he has a righteousness about him."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: McKellen, Ian Murray
Data di nascita: 25 May 1939
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Ultimi lavori:
On May 25th, 1939, in the town of Burnley in northern England, Ian Murray McKellen was born. His parents, Denis and Margery, soon moved with Ian and his sister Jean to the coal mining town of Wigan. It was in this small town that young Ian rode out World War II. He soon developed a fascination with acting and the theater, which was encouraged by his parents. They would all bring him to plays, those by William Shakespeare, in particular. The amateur school productions fostered Ian's growing passion for theatre. When Ian was of age to begin attending school, he made sure to get roles in all of the productions. At Bolton School in particular, he developed his skills early on. Indeed, his first role in a Shakespearian play was at Bolton, as Malvolio in "Twelfth Night". Ian soon began attending Stratford-upon-Avon theater festivals, where he saw the greats perform: Laurence Olivier, Wendy Hiller, John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson and Paul Robeson. He continued his education in English Drama, but soon it fell by the wayside as he concentrated more and more on performing. He eventually obtained his Bachelor of Arts in 1961, and began his career in earnest. McKellen began working in theatre over the next few years. Very few people knew of Ian's homosexuality; he saw no reason to go public, nor had he told his family. They did not seem interested in the subject and so he saw no reason to bring it up. In 1988, Ian publicly came out of the closet on the BBC Radio 4 program, while discussing Margaret Thatcher's "section 28" legislation which would make the "public promotion of homosexuality" a crime. It was reason enough for McKellen to take a stand, and he has been active in the Gay Rights movement ever since.Ian currently resides in Limehouse, where he lives with his current lover of 8 years, Sean Mathias. The two worked together on the film Bent (1997). To this day, McKellen works mostly in theater, and was knighted by 'Queen Elizabeth' in 1990 for his efforts in the arts. However, he has managed to make several quite successful forays into film. He has appeared in several productions of Shakespeare's works including his well received Richard III (1995), and in a variety of other movies. However, it has only been recently that his star has finally begun to shine in the eyes of North American audiences. Roles in various films, Cold Comfort Farm (1995) (TV), Apt Pupil (1998) and Gods and Monsters (1998), riveted audiences. The latter, in particular, created a sensation in Hollywood, and McKellen's role garnered him several of awards and nominations,including a Golden Globe and an Oscar nod. McKellen continues to work extensively on stage... solidifying his role as Laurence Olivier's worthy successor,having recently scored hits in the London productions of "Peter Pan" and Noel Coward's "Present Laughter".
Trivia random: Shares his middle name, Murray, with both Michael Hordern (Michael Murray Hordern), his predecessor in the role of Gandalf, and F. Murray Abraham, his successor in the role of Antonio Salieri.
Citazione random: The Lord of the Rings is a mythology, it is a fairy tale, it's an adventure story. It never happened. Except somewhere in our hearts.
Salario massimo: £ 5,000,000, per The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
La ricerca ha prodotto più di un risultato.
Nome di battesimo: Renfro, Bradley Barron
Data di nascita: 25 July 1982
Altezza: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Born in Knoxville, Tennessee on July 25, 1982, he was discovered at 10 by director Joel Schumacher and was immediately cast in his first major motion picture, The Client (1994). Although he had a lack of acting experience, his role caught the media's attention. Next, he wowed critics with his touching role in The Cure (1995) and then showed off his comedic talents in Tom and Huck (1995). Brad won "The Hollywood Reporter's Young Star Award" in 1995 and was nominated as one of People Magazine's "Top 30 Under 30." Brad became one of Hollywood's most wanted young actors, starring alongside Susan Sarandon, Dustin Hoffman and Brad Pitt.
Trivia random: Raised by his grandmother.
Citazione random: "Everybody thinks I'm, like, a bad boy. I've had my day, but I just sit at home and play the blues mostly."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Bryan Singer
Scrittore: Stephen King, Brandon Boyce
Genere: Drama, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.4/10 (10662 voti)
Durata: 111 min
Paese: USA, Canada, France
Lingua: English
Neighborhood boy Todd Bowden (Renfro) discovers that an old man living on his block named Arthur Denker (Mackellan) is nazi war criminal. Bowden confronts Denker and offers him a deal: Bowden will not go to the authorities if Denker tells him stories of the concentration camps in WWII. Denker agrees and Bowden starts visiting him regularly. The more stories Bowden hears, the more it affects his personality.
Trivia random: Todd's high school mascot (the Pirates) and school color (green and gold) are the same as director Bryan Singer's old high school. Also, the number on Todd's varsity jacket (85) is the year Bryan graduated.
Citazione random: Edward French: You can't do this Todd.::Todd Bowden: You have no idea what I can do.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
L'Allievo ci porta in una normale provincia americana dove più o meno per caso un ragazzo riconosce in un anziano vicino un ex gerarca nazista che vive da decenni sotto falso nome.
Affascinato, lo minaccia al fine di farsi raccontare le storie dei campi di sterminio.
Il rapporto tra i due si evolve e complica, col ragazzo sempre più ossessionato ed il vecchio spaventato ed umiliato.
Tratto da una novella di Stephen King, il film mette la giusta angoscia riflettendo sulla malvagità umana, che può manifestarsi anche in quello che sembra un tranquillo quartiere di provincia.
Sempre notevole Ian McKellen, bravo anche il giovane Brad Renfro.
Voto: 8.
Tags: drammatico, thriller, nazista, olocausto, minaccia, adolescente, emigrato, fuggitivo, omicidio, malvagità, uniforme, gerarca, guerra, campo di sterminio, camera a gas, forno crematorio, seconda guerra mondiale, morte, sterminio, fucilazione, barbone, infarto, follia, crudeltà, ossessione.
Singer, Bryan
Nome di battesimo: Singer, Bryan Jay
Data di nascita: 17 September 1965
Altezza: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Mayor of Castro Street (2009) .... [regista]
- Superman: Man of Steel (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- You Want Me to Kill Him? (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- I, Lucifer (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Trick 'r Treat (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Valkyrie (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Color Me Olsen (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Football Wives (2007) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Look, Up in the Sky: The Amazing Story of Superman (2006) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- The Science of Superman (2006) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Trivia random: Childhood friends with actor Ethan Hawke.
Citazione random: "I identify with Superman. I am adopted, I am an only child, and I love the idea that he comes from another world, that he's the ultimate immigrant. He has all these extraordinary powers, and he has a righteousness about him."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
McKellen, Ian
Nome di battesimo: McKellen, Ian Murray
Data di nascita: 25 May 1939
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Colossus (2008) .... Cecil Rhodes [attore]
- For the Love of God (2007) .... Jackdaw [attore]
- Stardust (2007) .... Narrator (voice) [attore]
- The Da Vinci Code (2006) .... Sir Leigh Teabing [attore]
- Displaced (2006) .... (voice) [attore]
- Doogal (2006) .... Zebedee (voice) [attore]
- Flushed Away (2006) .... The Toad (voice) [attore]
- Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II - Rise of the Witch King (2006) (VG) .... Gandalf the Grey/Gandalf the White (voice) [attore]
- X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) .... Eric Lehnsherr/Magneto [attore]
- Asylum (2005) .... Dr. Peter Cleave [attore]
On May 25th, 1939, in the town of Burnley in northern England, Ian Murray McKellen was born. His parents, Denis and Margery, soon moved with Ian and his sister Jean to the coal mining town of Wigan. It was in this small town that young Ian rode out World War II. He soon developed a fascination with acting and the theater, which was encouraged by his parents. They would all bring him to plays, those by William Shakespeare, in particular. The amateur school productions fostered Ian's growing passion for theatre. When Ian was of age to begin attending school, he made sure to get roles in all of the productions. At Bolton School in particular, he developed his skills early on. Indeed, his first role in a Shakespearian play was at Bolton, as Malvolio in "Twelfth Night". Ian soon began attending Stratford-upon-Avon theater festivals, where he saw the greats perform: Laurence Olivier, Wendy Hiller, John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson and Paul Robeson. He continued his education in English Drama, but soon it fell by the wayside as he concentrated more and more on performing. He eventually obtained his Bachelor of Arts in 1961, and began his career in earnest. McKellen began working in theatre over the next few years. Very few people knew of Ian's homosexuality; he saw no reason to go public, nor had he told his family. They did not seem interested in the subject and so he saw no reason to bring it up. In 1988, Ian publicly came out of the closet on the BBC Radio 4 program, while discussing Margaret Thatcher's "section 28" legislation which would make the "public promotion of homosexuality" a crime. It was reason enough for McKellen to take a stand, and he has been active in the Gay Rights movement ever since.Ian currently resides in Limehouse, where he lives with his current lover of 8 years, Sean Mathias. The two worked together on the film Bent (1997). To this day, McKellen works mostly in theater, and was knighted by 'Queen Elizabeth' in 1990 for his efforts in the arts. However, he has managed to make several quite successful forays into film. He has appeared in several productions of Shakespeare's works including his well received Richard III (1995), and in a variety of other movies. However, it has only been recently that his star has finally begun to shine in the eyes of North American audiences. Roles in various films, Cold Comfort Farm (1995) (TV), Apt Pupil (1998) and Gods and Monsters (1998), riveted audiences. The latter, in particular, created a sensation in Hollywood, and McKellen's role garnered him several of awards and nominations,including a Golden Globe and an Oscar nod. McKellen continues to work extensively on stage... solidifying his role as Laurence Olivier's worthy successor,having recently scored hits in the London productions of "Peter Pan" and Noel Coward's "Present Laughter".
Trivia random: Shares his middle name, Murray, with both Michael Hordern (Michael Murray Hordern), his predecessor in the role of Gandalf, and F. Murray Abraham, his successor in the role of Antonio Salieri.
Citazione random: The Lord of the Rings is a mythology, it is a fairy tale, it's an adventure story. It never happened. Except somewhere in our hearts.
Salario massimo: £ 5,000,000, per The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Stephen King
La ricerca ha prodotto più di un risultato.
- King, Stephen (I)
- King, Stephen (III)
- King, Stephen W.
- King-Hall, Stephen
- King, Stephen (V)
- King, Stephen (II)
- King, Stephen James
- King, Stephen (VI)
- King, Stephen R.
- Petersen, Kim B.
- King, Stephen (X)
- King, Stephen (VIII)
- Shepherd, Stephen 'The King of England'
- Fisher-King, Stephen
- King, Stephen (VII)
- King, Stephen (IV)
- Kingston, Stephen
- Buckingham, Stephen (II)
- Hawking, Stephen
- Elkington, Steve
Renfro, Brad
Nome di battesimo: Renfro, Bradley Barron
Data di nascita: 25 July 1982
Altezza: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Joe the Engineer (2008) .... Joe (attached) [attore]
- 10th & Wolf (2006) .... Vincent [attore]
- Coat Pockets (2005) .... Kenny [attore]
- The Jacket (2005) .... The Stranger [attore]
- Hollywood Flies (2004) (TV) .... Jamie [attore]
- Mummy an' the Armadillo (2004) .... Wyatte [attore]
- The Car Kid (2003) .... [attore]
- The Job (2003/I) .... Troy Riverside [attore]
- American Girl (2002/I) .... Jay Grubb [attore]
- Deuces Wild (2002) .... Bobby [attore]
Born in Knoxville, Tennessee on July 25, 1982, he was discovered at 10 by director Joel Schumacher and was immediately cast in his first major motion picture, The Client (1994). Although he had a lack of acting experience, his role caught the media's attention. Next, he wowed critics with his touching role in The Cure (1995) and then showed off his comedic talents in Tom and Huck (1995). Brad won "The Hollywood Reporter's Young Star Award" in 1995 and was nominated as one of People Magazine's "Top 30 Under 30." Brad became one of Hollywood's most wanted young actors, starring alongside Susan Sarandon, Dustin Hoffman and Brad Pitt.
Trivia random: Raised by his grandmother.
Citazione random: "Everybody thinks I'm, like, a bad boy. I've had my day, but I just sit at home and play the blues mostly."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Apt Pupil (1998)
Allievo, L'
Regista: Bryan Singer
Scrittore: Stephen King, Brandon Boyce
Genere: Drama, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.4/10 (10662 voti)
Durata: 111 min
Paese: USA, Canada, France
Lingua: English
- Brad Renfro .... Todd Bowden
- Ian McKellen .... Kurt Dussander
- Joshua Jackson .... Joey
- Mickey Cottrell .... Sociology Teacher
- Michael Reid MacKay .... Nightmare Victim
- Ann Dowd .... Monica Bowden
- Bruce Davison .... Richard Bowden
- James Karen .... Victor Bowden
- Marjorie Lovett .... Agnes Bowden
- David Cooley .... Gym Teacher
Neighborhood boy Todd Bowden (Renfro) discovers that an old man living on his block named Arthur Denker (Mackellan) is nazi war criminal. Bowden confronts Denker and offers him a deal: Bowden will not go to the authorities if Denker tells him stories of the concentration camps in WWII. Denker agrees and Bowden starts visiting him regularly. The more stories Bowden hears, the more it affects his personality.
Trivia random: Todd's high school mascot (the Pirates) and school color (green and gold) are the same as director Bryan Singer's old high school. Also, the number on Todd's varsity jacket (85) is the year Bryan graduated.
Citazione random: Edward French: You can't do this Todd.::Todd Bowden: You have no idea what I can do.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
mercoledì 26 settembre 2007
IMDbPY 3.2
Esulta, o popolo!
La versione 3.2 di IMDbPY è disponibile al pubblico ludibrio.
Piccoli aggiornamenti per stare al passo con i cambiamenti del nuovo layout di IMDb, oltre ad alcune nuove features avanzate.
There's a party!
La versione 3.2 di IMDbPY è disponibile al pubblico ludibrio.
Piccoli aggiornamenti per stare al passo con i cambiamenti del nuovo layout di IMDb, oltre ad alcune nuove features avanzate.
There's a party!
sabato 22 settembre 2007
Videodrome è una vera e propria summa del Cronenberg regista: paranoia, allucinazioni, cospirazioni e carnaccia. Soprattutto carnaccia.
Max, presidente di una piccola TV privata, è in cerca di nuovo materiale quando si imbatte in Videodrome. Quella che sembra una trasmissione pirata di estrema violenza lo affascina e lo spinge ad indagare a fondo: scoprirà qualcosa di molto più estremo di un semplice show.
Cronenberg propone una visione inquietante del futuro dell'umanità e dell'uso dei media; impressionante come tutto ciò che nel film (dell'83) si dice della televisione, oggi potrebbe essere riferito ad internet, parola per parola.
Il tutto condito con la giusta quantità dell'immancabile carnaccia.
Grande James Woods, e c'è pure una delle Blondie!
Voto: 9 (Death to Videodrome! Long live the New flesh!)
Tags: fantascienza, horror, fantasy, mistero, thriller, videodrome, televisione, segnale pirata, vhs, betamax, tubo catodico, televisore, ossessione, tortura, follia, allucinazione, rete tv, nudo, omicidio, perversione, masochismo, sadismo, frustate, cospirazione, carne, morte, snuff, sesso, porno, pistola, carnaccia.
Max, presidente di una piccola TV privata, è in cerca di nuovo materiale quando si imbatte in Videodrome. Quella che sembra una trasmissione pirata di estrema violenza lo affascina e lo spinge ad indagare a fondo: scoprirà qualcosa di molto più estremo di un semplice show.
Cronenberg propone una visione inquietante del futuro dell'umanità e dell'uso dei media; impressionante come tutto ciò che nel film (dell'83) si dice della televisione, oggi potrebbe essere riferito ad internet, parola per parola.
Il tutto condito con la giusta quantità dell'immancabile carnaccia.
Grande James Woods, e c'è pure una delle Blondie!
Voto: 9 (Death to Videodrome! Long live the New flesh!)
Tags: fantascienza, horror, fantasy, mistero, thriller, videodrome, televisione, segnale pirata, vhs, betamax, tubo catodico, televisore, ossessione, tortura, follia, allucinazione, rete tv, nudo, omicidio, perversione, masochismo, sadismo, frustate, cospirazione, carne, morte, snuff, sesso, porno, pistola, carnaccia.
martedì 18 settembre 2007
fail safe
Remake del film del 1964 di Sidney Lumet, Fail Safe si distingue per la peculiare realizzazione: si tratta infatti di film per la TV trasmesso in diretta dalla CBS nel 2000. Mantenere un buon numero di attori su set diversi, farli recitare al momento e nel modo giusto non deve essere stato banale, ed il risultato ripaga gli sforzi.
Un guasto elettronico spinge un gruppo di bombardieri nucleari americani ad iniziare il piano d'attacco. Mentre si dirigono verso Mosca, tutto sembra cospirare contro una soluzione pacifica: prima le comunicazioni interrotte dai sovietici, poi il gruppo che - seguendo le istruzioni - si rifiuta di eseguire i comandi ricevuti via radio.
Falliti tutti i tentativi di risolvere la situazione, il presidente americano si mette in comunicazione diretta col suo omologo russo, nella speranza di evitare un conflitto globale.
La soluzione avrà un costo altissimo.
Dopo una partenza tutto sommato lenta, si inizia ad apprezzare il crescendo del panico man mano che la situazione si fa disperata: c'è chi spinge verso un attacco totale e chi dovrà fare scelte dolorose anche sul piano personale.
Ben diretto Stephen Frears (anche se in realtà il tipo di produzione non consente certo grandi libertà registiche), tutto poggia sulle spalle di un ottimo cast che riesce a mantersi nella parte per tutto il film: del resto Richard Dreyfuss, Harvey Keitel, George Clooney, James Cromwell e Noah Wyle non sono certo dei pivelli.
Voto: 8.5.
Tags: drammatico, guerra, guerra nucleare, bomba atomica, Russia, America, Mosca, New York, pentagono, air force, bombardiere, remake, presidente, interprete, diretta tv, computer, schermo tattico.
Data di nascita: 13 May 1939
Altezza: 5' 7½" (1.71 m)
Coniuge: Daphna Kastner::(7 October 2001 - present) 1 child, Lorraine Bracco::(1982 - 1993) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
Came to prominence in the early films of Martin Scorsese after working in theatre for around ten years, particularly Mean Streets (1973) and Taxi Driver (1976). Faded into anonymity in the eighties even though he turned in some impressive performances in films by some of America's leading directors. He re-emergered into star status with his role as Mr. White in Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs (1992), Abel Ferrara's Bad Lieutenant (1992), The Piano (1993) 0110912.
Trivia random: Worked as a court stenographer in NYC for about 10 years while he was a struggling actor.
Citazione random: "Existence is a struggle."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Cromwell, James Oliver
Data di nascita: 27 January 1940
Altezza: 6' 7" (2.01 m)
Coniuge: Julie Cobb::(29 May 1986 - present) (filed for divorce), Anne Ulvestad::(27 November 1976 - 1986) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
Born in Los Angeles but raised in Manhattan and educated at Middlebury College and Carnegie Tech, James Cromwell - the son of noted film director John Cromwell - studied acting at Carnegie-Mellon. He went into the theater (like both his parents) doing everything from Shakespeare to experimental plays. He started doing TV in 1974, gaining some notice in a recurring role as Archie Bunker's buddy Stretch Cunningham in "All in the Family" (1971), made his film debut in 1976, and goes back to the stage periodically. Some of his more noted film roles have been in Revenge of the Nerds (1984) and the surprise hit about a charming pig, Babe (1995). He garnered some of the best reviews of his career - many of which said he should have received an Oscar - for his role as a corrupt, conniving police captain in L.A. Confidential (1997).
Trivia random: Played a fictional President in The Sum of All Fears (2002) and real-life President Lyndon Johnson. Donald Moffat, who has also played Johnson, played the fictional President in Clear and Present Danger (1994).
Citazione random: "Andy Warhol said everybody gets their 15 minutes of fame. And if this is mine, I couldn't imagine a better 15 minutes." [in reference to his Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for Babe (1995)).
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Wyle, Noah Strausser Speer
Data di nascita: 4 June 1971
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Coniuge: Tracy Warbin::(6 May 2000 - present) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
Born in Hollywood, California, as one of six children of an electrical engineer and an orthopedic head nurse. Participated in a theater arts program at Northwestern University during high school and appeared in high school plays. After graduation he learned from acting teacher Larry Moss while living in a small apartment on Hollywood Boulevard. His first parts were a mini-series and featuring in the movie Crooked Hearts (1991) in 1990.
Trivia random: September 2004: Announced that he's leaving "ER" (1994) after 10 years to make room for the upcoming generation.
Citazione random: "It's weird, I actually like doing interviews now. Ever since I gave up therapy, it's my only time with a captive audience."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Dreyfus, Richard Stephen
Data di nascita: 29 October 1947
Altezza: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Coniuge: Svetlana Erokhin::(16 March 2006 - present), Janelle Lacey::(30 May 1999 - 2005) (divorced), Jeramie Rain::(20 March 1983 - August 1995) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
American leading man who has played his fair share of irritating pests and brash, ambitious hustlers, Dreyfuss worked his way up through bit parts (The Graduate (1967), for one) and TV before gaining attention with his portrayal of Baby Face Nelson in John Milius' Dillinger (1973). He gained prominence as a college-bound young man in American Graffiti (1973) and as a nervy Jewish kid with high hopes in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1974). By the latter part of the 1970s, Dreyfuss was established as a major star, playing leads (and alter-egos) for 'Steven Spielberg' in two of the top-grossing films of the that decade: Jaws (1975) and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). He won a Best Actor Oscar in his first romantic lead as an out-of-work actor in The Goodbye Girl (1977). Dreyfuss also produced and starred in the entertaining private eye movie The Big Fix (1978). After a brief lull in the early 1980s, a well-publicized drug problem and a succession of commercial disappointments (The Competition (1980), Whose Life Is It Anyway? (1981), The Buddy System (1984)), a clean and sober Dreyfuss re-established himself in the mid-'as one of Hollywood's more engaging leads. He co-starred with Bette Midler and Nick Nolte in Paul Mazursky's popular Down and Out in Beverly Hills (1986). That same year Dreyfuss provided the narration and appeared in the opening and closing "bookends" of Rob Reiner's nostalgic Stand by Me (1986). He quickly followed up with Nuts (1987) opposite Barbra Streisand, Barry Levinson's Tin Men (1987) with Danny DeVito and Stakeout (1987) with Emilio Estevez. Dreyfuss continued working steadily through the end of the 1980s and into the 1990s, most notably in Mazursky's Moon Over Parador (1988), Spielberg's Always (1989), Postcards from the Edge (1990) and Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (1990). He appeared as a member of an ensemble that included Holly Hunter, Gena Rowlands and Danny Aiello in the romantic comedy _Once Around_ (1991)- and opposite Bill Murray in the successful comedy What About Bob? (1991). Dreyfuss has also remained active in the theater (Death And The Maiden 1992) and on TV. He returned to features in the adaptation of Neil Simon's play Lost in Yonkers (1993) and followed with a supporting turn as the querulous political opponent in The American President (1995). Dreyfuss received some of the best notices of his career as a determined, inspiring music teacher coping with a deaf son and the demands of his career in Mr. Holland's Opus (1995).
Trivia random: Son of Geraldine Dreyfuss.
Citazione random: In 1976: "People who commit adultery must die. Everyone knows that. Any movie tells you that!"
Salario massimo: $480/week, per American Graffiti (1973)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Clooney, George Timothy
Data di nascita: 6 May 1961
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Coniuge: Talia Balsam::(15 December 1989 - September 1993) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Born in Lexington, Kentucky, as son of Nick Clooney, a TV newscaster of many years, who hosted a talk show at Cincinnati and often invited George into the studios already at the age of 5. Avoiding competition with his father, he quit his job as broadcast journalist after a short time.Studied a few years at Northern Kentucky University. Failed to join the Cincinnati Reds baseball team. He came to acting when his cousin, Miguel Ferrer, got him a small part in a feature film. After that, he moved to L.A. in 1982 and tried a whole year to get a role while he slept in a friend's closet. His first movie, together with Charlie Sheen, stayed unreleased but got him the producers' attention for later contracts.
Trivia random: Suffered from Bell's palsy for a time while he was in high school.
Citazione random: Ninety percent of films are pretty mediocre, but they have a built-in audience and open on 3,000 screens.
Salario massimo: $20,000,000, per Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Sidney Lumet
Scrittore: Eugene Burdick, Harvey Wheeler
Genere: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller, War
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (4982 voti)
Durata: 112 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
A technical malfunction in the Pentagon's strategic control system causes an erroneous order to be sent to a B-58 squadron on a routine training mission instructing the bombers to fly beyond their fail safe distance. At this point the flight crew are trained to cease communications and prepare to fulfill their objective by bombing Moscow. As the planes near their target, the crisis deepens and together the Americans and Soviets decide on a final, desperate solution.
Trivia random: Feature film debut of Fritz Weaver.
Citazione random: [last lines]::Brigadier General Warren A. Black: The Matador, the Matador... me... me
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 20 June 1941
Altezza: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Coniuge: Anne Rothenstein::(1992 - present) 2 children, Mary-Kay Wilmers::(? - ?) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Won the The Empire Inspiration Award at the Sony Ericsson Empire Awards 2006
Citazione random: "There's one thing now that I experience every day when I'm making a film. I get up and think to myself, am I going to be able to do it today? I figure as long as I have that fear, I'll be alright."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Stephen Frears
Scrittore: Eugene Burdick, Harvey Wheeler
Genere: Drama, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.1/10 (2323 voti)
Durata: 86 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Cold War tensions climb to a fever pitch when a U.S. bomber is accidentally ordered to drop a nuclear warhead on Moscow.
Trivia random: The big board depicting the bomber's position was designed to automatically compensate for the actors accidentally jumping ahead in the script.
Citazione random: Tommy Grady, Col. Grady's Son: Dad! How long is this one gonna be?::Col. Jack Grady, Command Pilot Group 6: Shouldn't be too late.::Tommy Grady, Col. Grady's Son: Are you sure?::Col. Jack Grady, Command Pilot Group 6: I'm positive.::Tommy Grady, Col. Grady's Son: Only fools are positive.::Col. Jack Grady, Command Pilot Group 6: Are you sure?::Tommy Grady, Col. Grady's Son: I'm positive.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 25 June 1924
Altezza: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Coniuge: Mary Gimbel::(1980 - present), Gail Lumet Buckley::(23 November 1963 - 1978) (divorced) 2 children, Gloria Vanderbilt::(27 August 1956 - 1963) (divorced), Rita Gam::(1949 - 1954) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Though not as consistent as Martin Scorsese or Stanley Kubrick, Sidney Lumet is nevertheless a master of cinema. Known for his technical knowledge and his skill at getting first-rate performances from his actors--and for shooting most of his films in his beloved New York--Lumet has made over 40 movies, often emotional, but seldom overly sentimental. He often tells intelligent, complex stories. Although his politics are somewhat left-leaning and he often treats socially relevant themes in his films, he doesn't want to make political movies in the first place, and some of them (Serpico (1973), Dog Day Afternoon (1975), Prince of the City (1981), Q & A (1990)) are atmospherically comparable to the gritty, intense films of Scorsese. Born on June 25, 1924, in Philadelphia, the son of actor Baruch Lumet and dancer Eugenia Wermus Lumet, he made his stage debut at age four at the Yiddish Art Theater in New York. He played many roles on Broadway in the 1930s (such as "Dead End"), and his acting debut in films came in One Third of a Nation (1939). In 1947 he started an off-Broadway acting troupe that included such future stars as Yul Brynner and Eli Wallach, and other former members of Lee Strasberg's Actors Studio who had become unsatisfied with Strasberg's concepts. Lumet made his stage directing debut in 1955. However, he had been directing television shows since 1950, beginning at CBS, and soon became regarded as an important TV director. He piloted about 150 episodes of the crime series "Danger" (1950) and 26 episodes of "You Are There" (1953) (he was still directing successful TV teleplays as late as 1960, long after he had become an established film director). He made his feature film directing debut with the critical and financial hit 12 Angry Men (1957), which won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival and earned Academy Award nominations for Best Picture, Director and Adapted Screenplay, and is justly regarded as one of the most auspicious directorial debuts in film history. It takes place almost entirely in a jury room (in several Lumet films you can find the motif of the closed space). His second and third films, Stage Struck (1958) and That Kind of Woman (1959) respectively, are considered less important (I haven't seen them yet). Lumet directed Marlon Brando in the imperfect but very good The Fugitive Kind (1959), an underrated, financially unsuccessful adaptation of Tennessee Williams' "Orpheus Descending". Afterwards he directed the French-Italian Arthur Miller adaptation Vu du pont (1961) ("A View From the Bridge"), which is considered a solid film (I haven't seen it as yet, either). The first half of the 1960s was one of Lumet's most artistically successful periods. Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962), a masterful, brilliantly photographed adaptation of the Eugene ONeill play, is one of several Lumet films about families. It earned Katharine Hepburn, Ralph Richardson, Dean Stockwell and Jason Robards deserved acting awards in Cannes and Hepburn an Oscar nomination. Lumet's next film, Fail-Safe (1964), a tense drama about the Cold War (a bit too America-centered for my taste), suffered a little in comparison to Stanley Kubrick's great, thematically equal satire Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964), which was released shortly before. Afterwards Lumet directed the masterful drama The Pawnbroker (1964), about a Holocaust survivor who lives in New York and can't overcome his experiences in the Nazi concentration camps. Rod Steiger's unforgettable performance in the title role earned an Academy Award nomination. Lumet's intense character study The Hill (1965), about inhumanity in a military prison camp, was expertly directed and featured superb performances by Sean Connery (with whom Lumet has made five films up to now) and Harry Andrews, among others. Lumet made the soapy, overly talky but watchable drama The Group (1966) about young upper-class women in the 1930s, and the good spy thriller The Deadly Affair (1966) (with a fine cast including James Mason, Maximilian Schell and Simone Signoret). The late 1960s was a rather unsuccessful time in Lumet's career. The comedy Bye Bye Braverman (1968) and the Anton Chekhov adaptation The Sea Gull (1968) got mixed reviews. The Appointment (1969) and Last of the Mobile Hot Shots (1970) were disappointing. Lumet and Joseph L. Mankiewicz directed the Oscar-nominated documentary film King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis (1970) about Martin Luther King's civil-rights work in the Deep South. Lumet's The Anderson Tapes (1971) (starring Connery again), an unusual but satisfying caper movie, was a box-office hit. After the flop Child's Play (1972) Lumet directed the British film The Offence (1972), an interesting if somewhat slow-moving character study. Connery delivered a fine performance in this worthwhile but commercially unsuccessful movie. The terrific cop thriller Serpico (1973), the first of his films about police corruption in New York City, featured a fascinating Al Pacino and was the beginning of the most successful phase of Lumet's career. It was also one of his biggest critical and financial successes. Pacino won the Golden Globe, and the picture earned two Oscar nominations. After the less acclaimed Lovin' Molly (1974), Lumet's British adaptation of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express (1974) was another success, a very good, exquisitely photographed murder mystery with an all-star cast (including Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall, Connery and Ingrid Bergman). It earned six Oscar nominations, and Bergman won her third Academy Award. Then Lumet directed the hit Dog Day Afternoon (1975), a complex masterpiece about a bungled bank robbery in New York City. Pauline Kael called it "one of the best "New York" movies ever made." It starred a wonderful Al Pacino and earned six Academy Award nominations (including Best Picture, Director and Actor) and won the Academy Award for Frank Pierson's Original Screenplay. Lumet's following film is one of his most famous: the media satire Network (1976). It earned ten Academy Award nominations (including Picture and Director) and won in four categories (Best Actor for Peter Finch, Best Actress for Faye Dunaway, Best Original Screenplay by Paddy Chayefsky, Best Supporting Actress for Beatrice Straight). Lumet won the Golden Globe for his direction (he won the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards for his direction in Dog Day Afternoon (1975) and Network (1976). Both pictures won LAFCA awards for Best Picture, too). Lumet's Equus (1977), an overly naturalistic adaptation of Peter Shaffer's stage play, earned Oscar nominations for Richard Burton and Peter Firth and for Shaffer's screenplay. The musical The Wiz (1978/I) earned four Oscar nominations, but was a critical and commercial misfire. The strange comedy Just Tell Me What You Want (1980) featured a fine Alan King performance and had funny moments, but was uneven overall. Lumet won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for his terrific direction in Prince of the City (1981), one of his best and most typical films. It's about police corruption, but hardly a remake of Serpico (1973). Starring a powerful Treat Williams, it's an extraordinarily multi-layered film. In his highly informative book "Making Movies" (1995), Lumet describes the film in the following way: "When we try to control everything, everything winds up controlling us. Nothing is what it seems." It's also a movie about values, friendship and drug addiction and, like "Serpico", is based on a true story. It was adapted by Lumet himself and Jay Presson Allen from Robert Daley's book. Their screenplay earned an Academy Award nomination, and the picture, Lumet and Williams earned Golden Globe nominations. After his less important but entertaining thriller Deathtrap (1982) Lumet directed another masterful courtroom drama, The Verdict (1982), starring Paul Newman, James Mason, Jack Warden and Charlotte Rampling. The picture, Lumet, Newman, Mason and David Mamet's Adapted Screenplay earned well-deserved Academy Award nominations. The next in Lumet's filmography is the controversial drama Daniel (1983) with Timothy Hutton, an adaptation of E.L. Doctorow's "The Book of Daniel" about two young people whose parents were executed during the McCarthy Red Scare hysteria in the 1950s for alleged espionage. I haven't seen the film yet, but Lumet writes in "Making Movies": "Despite its critical and financial failure, I think it's one of the best pictures I've ever done." After this film, though, Lumet's reputation fell a bit. The comedy Garbo Talks (1984), which I haven't seen up to now, is considered a watchable film. Power (1986) and The Morning After (1986) (which earned Jane Fonda an Oscar nomination) were too uneven and a little too pretentious to be successful. Then he made another real masterpiece: Running on Empty (1988). Although it is one of his lesser known films, I think it's his best one, and is thematically similar to "Daniel". Its story concerns a family on the run from the FBI, because the parents (played by Christine Lahti and Judd Hirsch) committed a bomb attack on a napalm laboratory in 1971 to protest the war in Vietnam. The son (played by River Phoenix) gets into an inner conflict: he loves a girl (Martha Plimpton) and wishes to stay with her and study music, but that would destroy the family, and he knows that his parents need him. The film features magnificent performances by all the actors. Phoenix earned a well-deserved Oscar nomination for his extraordinarily moving performance. Lahti won the LAFCA award for her equally excellent interpretation. Naomi Foner's screenplay won the Golden Globe and earned an Oscar nomination. The film earned four other Golden Globe nominations as well (Picture, Director, Lahti and Phoenix). After the entertaining, well-acted, but still disappointing gangster comedy Family Business (1989) (with Sean Connery, Dustin Hoffman and Matthew Broderick) Lumet directed the underrated cop thriller Q & A (1990) with fine performances by Nick Nolte, Timothy Hutton, Armand Assante and others. Though a bit overly constructed at times, it is still a very good and complex film about corruption and racism. In the beginning of the 1990s Lumet directed two unsatisfying films: A Stranger Among Us (1992), which is basically a variation on Peter Weir's Witness (1985) and not a particularly good one, and the rather sterile courtroom thriller Guilty as Sin (1993). However, he staged a comeback of sorts with his imperfect but fascinating crime drama Night Falls on Manhattan (1997), which is thematically similar to "Serpico", "Prince of the City" and "Q". In 1993 Lumet received the D.W. Griffith Award from the Directors Guild of America.
Trivia random: Directed 17 different actors in Oscar-nominated performances: Katharine Hepburn, Rod Steiger, Al Pacino, Ingrid Bergman, Albert Finney, Chris Sarandon, Faye Dunaway, Peter Finch, Beatrice Straight, William Holden, Ned Beatty, Peter Firth, Richard Burton, Paul Newman, James Mason, Jane Fonda and River Phoenix. Bergman, Dunaway, Finch and Straight won oscars for their performances in one of Lumets movies.
Citazione random: There's no such thing as a small part. There are just small actors.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Un guasto elettronico spinge un gruppo di bombardieri nucleari americani ad iniziare il piano d'attacco. Mentre si dirigono verso Mosca, tutto sembra cospirare contro una soluzione pacifica: prima le comunicazioni interrotte dai sovietici, poi il gruppo che - seguendo le istruzioni - si rifiuta di eseguire i comandi ricevuti via radio.
Falliti tutti i tentativi di risolvere la situazione, il presidente americano si mette in comunicazione diretta col suo omologo russo, nella speranza di evitare un conflitto globale.
La soluzione avrà un costo altissimo.
Dopo una partenza tutto sommato lenta, si inizia ad apprezzare il crescendo del panico man mano che la situazione si fa disperata: c'è chi spinge verso un attacco totale e chi dovrà fare scelte dolorose anche sul piano personale.
Ben diretto Stephen Frears (anche se in realtà il tipo di produzione non consente certo grandi libertà registiche), tutto poggia sulle spalle di un ottimo cast che riesce a mantersi nella parte per tutto il film: del resto Richard Dreyfuss, Harvey Keitel, George Clooney, James Cromwell e Noah Wyle non sono certo dei pivelli.
Voto: 8.5.
Tags: drammatico, guerra, guerra nucleare, bomba atomica, Russia, America, Mosca, New York, pentagono, air force, bombardiere, remake, presidente, interprete, diretta tv, computer, schermo tattico.
Keitel, Harvey
Data di nascita: 13 May 1939
Altezza: 5' 7½" (1.71 m)
Coniuge: Daphna Kastner::(7 October 2001 - present) 1 child, Lorraine Bracco::(1982 - 1993) (divorced) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
- The Dust of Time (2007) .... Jacob [attore]
- The Ministers (2007) .... [attore]
- My Sexiest Year (2007) .... Zowie [attore]
- National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) .... Sadusky [attore]
- Arthur et les Minimoys (2006) .... Miro (voice: English version) [attore]
- A Crime (2006) .... Roger Culkin [attore]
- Il Mercante di pietre (2006) .... The Merchant Ludovico Vicedomini [attore]
- The Path to 9/11 (2006) (TV) .... John O'Neill [attore]
- Be Cool (2005) .... Nick Carr [attore]
- One Last Dance (2005) .... Terrtano [attore]
Came to prominence in the early films of Martin Scorsese after working in theatre for around ten years, particularly Mean Streets (1973) and Taxi Driver (1976). Faded into anonymity in the eighties even though he turned in some impressive performances in films by some of America's leading directors. He re-emergered into star status with his role as Mr. White in Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs (1992), Abel Ferrara's Bad Lieutenant (1992), The Piano (1993) 0110912.
Trivia random: Worked as a court stenographer in NYC for about 10 years while he was a struggling actor.
Citazione random: "Existence is a struggle."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Cromwell, James (I)
Nome di battesimo: Cromwell, James Oliver
Data di nascita: 27 January 1940
Altezza: 6' 7" (2.01 m)
Coniuge: Julie Cobb::(29 May 1986 - present) (filed for divorce), Anne Ulvestad::(27 November 1976 - 1986) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Tortured (2008) .... [attore]
- Becoming Jane (2007) .... Rev Austen [attore]
- Dante's Inferno (2007) .... Virgil [attore]
- Spider-Man 3 (2007) .... Captain Stacy [attore]
- Avenger (2006) (TV) .... Paul Devereaux [attore]
- The Queen (2006) .... Prince Philip [attore]
- The Longest Yard (2005) .... Warden Hazen [attore]
- Pope John Paul II (2005) (TV) .... Cardinal Adam Sapieha [attore]
- 'Salem's Lot (2004) (TV) .... Father Donald Callahan [attore]
- I, Robot (2004) .... Dr. Alfred Lanning [attore]
Born in Los Angeles but raised in Manhattan and educated at Middlebury College and Carnegie Tech, James Cromwell - the son of noted film director John Cromwell - studied acting at Carnegie-Mellon. He went into the theater (like both his parents) doing everything from Shakespeare to experimental plays. He started doing TV in 1974, gaining some notice in a recurring role as Archie Bunker's buddy Stretch Cunningham in "All in the Family" (1971), made his film debut in 1976, and goes back to the stage periodically. Some of his more noted film roles have been in Revenge of the Nerds (1984) and the surprise hit about a charming pig, Babe (1995). He garnered some of the best reviews of his career - many of which said he should have received an Oscar - for his role as a corrupt, conniving police captain in L.A. Confidential (1997).
Trivia random: Played a fictional President in The Sum of All Fears (2002) and real-life President Lyndon Johnson. Donald Moffat, who has also played Johnson, played the fictional President in Clear and Present Danger (1994).
Citazione random: "Andy Warhol said everybody gets their 15 minutes of fame. And if this is mine, I couldn't imagine a better 15 minutes." [in reference to his Academy Award nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for Babe (1995)).
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Wyle, Noah
Nome di battesimo: Wyle, Noah Strausser Speer
Data di nascita: 4 June 1971
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Coniuge: Tracy Warbin::(6 May 2000 - present) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Boy of Pigs (2007) .... Mike Stafford [attore]
- Prince Test (2007) .... [regista]
- The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines (2006) (TV) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Californians (2005) .... Gavin Ransom [attore]
- ER: The Game (2005) (VG) .... Dr. John Carter [attore]
- The Librarian: Quest for the Spear (2004) (TV) .... Flynn Carsen [attore]
- Fall of Knipple (2003) .... Ed [attore]
- Enough (2002/I) .... Robbie [attore]
- White Oleander (2002) .... Mark Richards [attore]
- Donnie Darko (2001) .... Prof. Kenneth Monnitoff [attore]
Born in Hollywood, California, as one of six children of an electrical engineer and an orthopedic head nurse. Participated in a theater arts program at Northwestern University during high school and appeared in high school plays. After graduation he learned from acting teacher Larry Moss while living in a small apartment on Hollywood Boulevard. His first parts were a mini-series and featuring in the movie Crooked Hearts (1991) in 1990.
Trivia random: September 2004: Announced that he's leaving "ER" (1994) after 10 years to make room for the upcoming generation.
Citazione random: "It's weird, I actually like doing interviews now. Ever since I gave up therapy, it's my only time with a captive audience."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Dreyfuss, Richard
Nome di battesimo: Dreyfus, Richard Stephen
Data di nascita: 29 October 1947
Altezza: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Coniuge: Svetlana Erokhin::(16 March 2006 - present), Janelle Lacey::(30 May 1999 - 2005) (divorced), Jeramie Rain::(20 March 1983 - August 1995) (divorced) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Sweetwater (2008) .... Abe Saperstein (attached) [attore]
- Road to Ladakh (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Suburban Girl (2007) .... [attore]
- "Tin Man" (2007) (mini) .... Mystic Man [attore]
- Poseidon (2006) .... Richard Nelson [attore]
- Unsung (2006) .... Narrator (voice) [attore]
- Copshop (2004) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Silver City (2004) .... Chuck Raven [attore]
- Coast to Coast (2003) (TV) .... Barnaby Pierce [attore]
- The Day Reagan Was Shot (2001) (TV) .... Alexander Haig [attore]
American leading man who has played his fair share of irritating pests and brash, ambitious hustlers, Dreyfuss worked his way up through bit parts (The Graduate (1967), for one) and TV before gaining attention with his portrayal of Baby Face Nelson in John Milius' Dillinger (1973). He gained prominence as a college-bound young man in American Graffiti (1973) and as a nervy Jewish kid with high hopes in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1974). By the latter part of the 1970s, Dreyfuss was established as a major star, playing leads (and alter-egos) for 'Steven Spielberg' in two of the top-grossing films of the that decade: Jaws (1975) and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). He won a Best Actor Oscar in his first romantic lead as an out-of-work actor in The Goodbye Girl (1977). Dreyfuss also produced and starred in the entertaining private eye movie The Big Fix (1978). After a brief lull in the early 1980s, a well-publicized drug problem and a succession of commercial disappointments (The Competition (1980), Whose Life Is It Anyway? (1981), The Buddy System (1984)), a clean and sober Dreyfuss re-established himself in the mid-'as one of Hollywood's more engaging leads. He co-starred with Bette Midler and Nick Nolte in Paul Mazursky's popular Down and Out in Beverly Hills (1986). That same year Dreyfuss provided the narration and appeared in the opening and closing "bookends" of Rob Reiner's nostalgic Stand by Me (1986). He quickly followed up with Nuts (1987) opposite Barbra Streisand, Barry Levinson's Tin Men (1987) with Danny DeVito and Stakeout (1987) with Emilio Estevez. Dreyfuss continued working steadily through the end of the 1980s and into the 1990s, most notably in Mazursky's Moon Over Parador (1988), Spielberg's Always (1989), Postcards from the Edge (1990) and Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (1990). He appeared as a member of an ensemble that included Holly Hunter, Gena Rowlands and Danny Aiello in the romantic comedy _Once Around_ (1991)- and opposite Bill Murray in the successful comedy What About Bob? (1991). Dreyfuss has also remained active in the theater (Death And The Maiden 1992) and on TV. He returned to features in the adaptation of Neil Simon's play Lost in Yonkers (1993) and followed with a supporting turn as the querulous political opponent in The American President (1995). Dreyfuss received some of the best notices of his career as a determined, inspiring music teacher coping with a deaf son and the demands of his career in Mr. Holland's Opus (1995).
Trivia random: Son of Geraldine Dreyfuss.
Citazione random: In 1976: "People who commit adultery must die. Everyone knows that. Any movie tells you that!"
Salario massimo: $480/week, per American Graffiti (1973)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Clooney, George
Nome di battesimo: Clooney, George Timothy
Data di nascita: 6 May 1961
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Coniuge: Talia Balsam::(15 December 1989 - September 1993) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) .... Mr. Fox (voice) [attore]
- Suburbicon (2009) .... [regista]
- White Jazz (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Burn After Reading (2008) .... [attore]
- Garland Bunting Project (2008) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Persuaders (2008) .... (rumored) [attore]
- Leatherheads (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Michael Clayton (2007) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Ocean's Thirteen (2007) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Sand and Sorrow (2007) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
Born in Lexington, Kentucky, as son of Nick Clooney, a TV newscaster of many years, who hosted a talk show at Cincinnati and often invited George into the studios already at the age of 5. Avoiding competition with his father, he quit his job as broadcast journalist after a short time.Studied a few years at Northern Kentucky University. Failed to join the Cincinnati Reds baseball team. He came to acting when his cousin, Miguel Ferrer, got him a small part in a feature film. After that, he moved to L.A. in 1982 and tried a whole year to get a role while he slept in a friend's closet. His first movie, together with Charlie Sheen, stayed unreleased but got him the producers' attention for later contracts.
Trivia random: Suffered from Bell's palsy for a time while he was in high school.
Citazione random: Ninety percent of films are pretty mediocre, but they have a built-in audience and open on 3,000 screens.
Salario massimo: $20,000,000, per Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Fail-Safe (1964)
A prova di errore
Regista: Sidney Lumet
Scrittore: Eugene Burdick, Harvey Wheeler
Genere: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller, War
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (4982 voti)
Durata: 112 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Dan O'Herlihy .... Brig. Gen. Warren A. Black
- Walter Matthau .... Prof. Groeteschele
- Frank Overton .... Gen. Bogan
- Ed Binns .... Col. Jack Grady
- Fritz Weaver .... Col. Cascio
- Henry Fonda .... The President
- Larry Hagman .... Buck
- William Hansen .... Defense Secretary Swenson
- Russell Hardie .... Gen. Stark
- Russell Collins .... Gordon Knapp
A technical malfunction in the Pentagon's strategic control system causes an erroneous order to be sent to a B-58 squadron on a routine training mission instructing the bombers to fly beyond their fail safe distance. At this point the flight crew are trained to cease communications and prepare to fulfill their objective by bombing Moscow. As the planes near their target, the crisis deepens and together the Americans and Soviets decide on a final, desperate solution.
Trivia random: Feature film debut of Fritz Weaver.
Citazione random: [last lines]::Brigadier General Warren A. Black: The Matador, the Matador... me... me
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Frears, Stephen
Data di nascita: 20 June 1941
Altezza: 5' 7" (1.70 m)
Coniuge: Anne Rothenstein::(1992 - present) 2 children, Mary-Kay Wilmers::(? - ?) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- The Making of 'The Queen' (2007) (TV) .... (uncredited) [regista]
- Moog (2007) .... Headmaster [attore]
- Skip Tracer (2007) (TV) .... [regista]
- The Queen (2006) .... [regista]
- Mrs Henderson Presents (2005) .... [regista]
- Rainbow Soup (2004) (V) .... Lil' Will (voice) [attore]
- The Deal (2003) (TV) .... [regista]
- Dirty Pretty Things (2002) .... [regista]
- Fail Safe (2000) (TV) .... [regista]
- High Fidelity (2000) .... [regista]
Trivia random: Won the The Empire Inspiration Award at the Sony Ericsson Empire Awards 2006
Citazione random: "There's one thing now that I experience every day when I'm making a film. I get up and think to myself, am I going to be able to do it today? I figure as long as I have that fear, I'll be alright."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Fail Safe (2000) (TV)
A prova di errore
Regista: Stephen Frears
Scrittore: Eugene Burdick, Harvey Wheeler
Genere: Drama, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.1/10 (2323 voti)
Durata: 86 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Richard Dreyfuss .... President
- Noah Wyle .... Buck
- Brian Dennehy .... Gen. Bogan
- Sam Elliott .... Congressman Raskob
- James Cromwell .... Gordon Knapp
- John Diehl .... Col. Cascio
- Hank Azaria .... Prof. Groeteschele
- Norman Lloyd .... Defense Secretary Swenson
- Bill Smitrovich .... Gen. Stark (as William Smitrovich)
- Don Cheadle .... Lt. Jimmy Pierce
Cold War tensions climb to a fever pitch when a U.S. bomber is accidentally ordered to drop a nuclear warhead on Moscow.
Trivia random: The big board depicting the bomber's position was designed to automatically compensate for the actors accidentally jumping ahead in the script.
Citazione random: Tommy Grady, Col. Grady's Son: Dad! How long is this one gonna be?::Col. Jack Grady, Command Pilot Group 6: Shouldn't be too late.::Tommy Grady, Col. Grady's Son: Are you sure?::Col. Jack Grady, Command Pilot Group 6: I'm positive.::Tommy Grady, Col. Grady's Son: Only fools are positive.::Col. Jack Grady, Command Pilot Group 6: Are you sure?::Tommy Grady, Col. Grady's Son: I'm positive.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Lumet, Sidney
Data di nascita: 25 June 1924
Altezza: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Coniuge: Mary Gimbel::(1980 - present), Gail Lumet Buckley::(23 November 1963 - 1978) (divorced) 2 children, Gloria Vanderbilt::(27 August 1956 - 1963) (divorced), Rita Gam::(1949 - 1954) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Duets (2009) .... (attached) [regista]
- How to Change in 9 Weeks (2008) .... (consultant) [misc]
- Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007) .... [regista]
- Find Me Guilty (2006) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- The Manchurian Candidate (2004) .... Political Pundit [attore]
- Rachel, quand du seigneur (2004) .... [regista]
- Strip Search (2004) (TV) .... [regista]
- Gloria (1999) .... [regista]
- Critical Care (1997) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Night Falls on Manhattan (1997) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
Though not as consistent as Martin Scorsese or Stanley Kubrick, Sidney Lumet is nevertheless a master of cinema. Known for his technical knowledge and his skill at getting first-rate performances from his actors--and for shooting most of his films in his beloved New York--Lumet has made over 40 movies, often emotional, but seldom overly sentimental. He often tells intelligent, complex stories. Although his politics are somewhat left-leaning and he often treats socially relevant themes in his films, he doesn't want to make political movies in the first place, and some of them (Serpico (1973), Dog Day Afternoon (1975), Prince of the City (1981), Q & A (1990)) are atmospherically comparable to the gritty, intense films of Scorsese. Born on June 25, 1924, in Philadelphia, the son of actor Baruch Lumet and dancer Eugenia Wermus Lumet, he made his stage debut at age four at the Yiddish Art Theater in New York. He played many roles on Broadway in the 1930s (such as "Dead End"), and his acting debut in films came in One Third of a Nation (1939). In 1947 he started an off-Broadway acting troupe that included such future stars as Yul Brynner and Eli Wallach, and other former members of Lee Strasberg's Actors Studio who had become unsatisfied with Strasberg's concepts. Lumet made his stage directing debut in 1955. However, he had been directing television shows since 1950, beginning at CBS, and soon became regarded as an important TV director. He piloted about 150 episodes of the crime series "Danger" (1950) and 26 episodes of "You Are There" (1953) (he was still directing successful TV teleplays as late as 1960, long after he had become an established film director). He made his feature film directing debut with the critical and financial hit 12 Angry Men (1957), which won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival and earned Academy Award nominations for Best Picture, Director and Adapted Screenplay, and is justly regarded as one of the most auspicious directorial debuts in film history. It takes place almost entirely in a jury room (in several Lumet films you can find the motif of the closed space). His second and third films, Stage Struck (1958) and That Kind of Woman (1959) respectively, are considered less important (I haven't seen them yet). Lumet directed Marlon Brando in the imperfect but very good The Fugitive Kind (1959), an underrated, financially unsuccessful adaptation of Tennessee Williams' "Orpheus Descending". Afterwards he directed the French-Italian Arthur Miller adaptation Vu du pont (1961) ("A View From the Bridge"), which is considered a solid film (I haven't seen it as yet, either). The first half of the 1960s was one of Lumet's most artistically successful periods. Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962), a masterful, brilliantly photographed adaptation of the Eugene ONeill play, is one of several Lumet films about families. It earned Katharine Hepburn, Ralph Richardson, Dean Stockwell and Jason Robards deserved acting awards in Cannes and Hepburn an Oscar nomination. Lumet's next film, Fail-Safe (1964), a tense drama about the Cold War (a bit too America-centered for my taste), suffered a little in comparison to Stanley Kubrick's great, thematically equal satire Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964), which was released shortly before. Afterwards Lumet directed the masterful drama The Pawnbroker (1964), about a Holocaust survivor who lives in New York and can't overcome his experiences in the Nazi concentration camps. Rod Steiger's unforgettable performance in the title role earned an Academy Award nomination. Lumet's intense character study The Hill (1965), about inhumanity in a military prison camp, was expertly directed and featured superb performances by Sean Connery (with whom Lumet has made five films up to now) and Harry Andrews, among others. Lumet made the soapy, overly talky but watchable drama The Group (1966) about young upper-class women in the 1930s, and the good spy thriller The Deadly Affair (1966) (with a fine cast including James Mason, Maximilian Schell and Simone Signoret). The late 1960s was a rather unsuccessful time in Lumet's career. The comedy Bye Bye Braverman (1968) and the Anton Chekhov adaptation The Sea Gull (1968) got mixed reviews. The Appointment (1969) and Last of the Mobile Hot Shots (1970) were disappointing. Lumet and Joseph L. Mankiewicz directed the Oscar-nominated documentary film King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis (1970) about Martin Luther King's civil-rights work in the Deep South. Lumet's The Anderson Tapes (1971) (starring Connery again), an unusual but satisfying caper movie, was a box-office hit. After the flop Child's Play (1972) Lumet directed the British film The Offence (1972), an interesting if somewhat slow-moving character study. Connery delivered a fine performance in this worthwhile but commercially unsuccessful movie. The terrific cop thriller Serpico (1973), the first of his films about police corruption in New York City, featured a fascinating Al Pacino and was the beginning of the most successful phase of Lumet's career. It was also one of his biggest critical and financial successes. Pacino won the Golden Globe, and the picture earned two Oscar nominations. After the less acclaimed Lovin' Molly (1974), Lumet's British adaptation of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express (1974) was another success, a very good, exquisitely photographed murder mystery with an all-star cast (including Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall, Connery and Ingrid Bergman). It earned six Oscar nominations, and Bergman won her third Academy Award. Then Lumet directed the hit Dog Day Afternoon (1975), a complex masterpiece about a bungled bank robbery in New York City. Pauline Kael called it "one of the best "New York" movies ever made." It starred a wonderful Al Pacino and earned six Academy Award nominations (including Best Picture, Director and Actor) and won the Academy Award for Frank Pierson's Original Screenplay. Lumet's following film is one of his most famous: the media satire Network (1976). It earned ten Academy Award nominations (including Picture and Director) and won in four categories (Best Actor for Peter Finch, Best Actress for Faye Dunaway, Best Original Screenplay by Paddy Chayefsky, Best Supporting Actress for Beatrice Straight). Lumet won the Golden Globe for his direction (he won the Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards for his direction in Dog Day Afternoon (1975) and Network (1976). Both pictures won LAFCA awards for Best Picture, too). Lumet's Equus (1977), an overly naturalistic adaptation of Peter Shaffer's stage play, earned Oscar nominations for Richard Burton and Peter Firth and for Shaffer's screenplay. The musical The Wiz (1978/I) earned four Oscar nominations, but was a critical and commercial misfire. The strange comedy Just Tell Me What You Want (1980) featured a fine Alan King performance and had funny moments, but was uneven overall. Lumet won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for his terrific direction in Prince of the City (1981), one of his best and most typical films. It's about police corruption, but hardly a remake of Serpico (1973). Starring a powerful Treat Williams, it's an extraordinarily multi-layered film. In his highly informative book "Making Movies" (1995), Lumet describes the film in the following way: "When we try to control everything, everything winds up controlling us. Nothing is what it seems." It's also a movie about values, friendship and drug addiction and, like "Serpico", is based on a true story. It was adapted by Lumet himself and Jay Presson Allen from Robert Daley's book. Their screenplay earned an Academy Award nomination, and the picture, Lumet and Williams earned Golden Globe nominations. After his less important but entertaining thriller Deathtrap (1982) Lumet directed another masterful courtroom drama, The Verdict (1982), starring Paul Newman, James Mason, Jack Warden and Charlotte Rampling. The picture, Lumet, Newman, Mason and David Mamet's Adapted Screenplay earned well-deserved Academy Award nominations. The next in Lumet's filmography is the controversial drama Daniel (1983) with Timothy Hutton, an adaptation of E.L. Doctorow's "The Book of Daniel" about two young people whose parents were executed during the McCarthy Red Scare hysteria in the 1950s for alleged espionage. I haven't seen the film yet, but Lumet writes in "Making Movies": "Despite its critical and financial failure, I think it's one of the best pictures I've ever done." After this film, though, Lumet's reputation fell a bit. The comedy Garbo Talks (1984), which I haven't seen up to now, is considered a watchable film. Power (1986) and The Morning After (1986) (which earned Jane Fonda an Oscar nomination) were too uneven and a little too pretentious to be successful. Then he made another real masterpiece: Running on Empty (1988). Although it is one of his lesser known films, I think it's his best one, and is thematically similar to "Daniel". Its story concerns a family on the run from the FBI, because the parents (played by Christine Lahti and Judd Hirsch) committed a bomb attack on a napalm laboratory in 1971 to protest the war in Vietnam. The son (played by River Phoenix) gets into an inner conflict: he loves a girl (Martha Plimpton) and wishes to stay with her and study music, but that would destroy the family, and he knows that his parents need him. The film features magnificent performances by all the actors. Phoenix earned a well-deserved Oscar nomination for his extraordinarily moving performance. Lahti won the LAFCA award for her equally excellent interpretation. Naomi Foner's screenplay won the Golden Globe and earned an Oscar nomination. The film earned four other Golden Globe nominations as well (Picture, Director, Lahti and Phoenix). After the entertaining, well-acted, but still disappointing gangster comedy Family Business (1989) (with Sean Connery, Dustin Hoffman and Matthew Broderick) Lumet directed the underrated cop thriller Q & A (1990) with fine performances by Nick Nolte, Timothy Hutton, Armand Assante and others. Though a bit overly constructed at times, it is still a very good and complex film about corruption and racism. In the beginning of the 1990s Lumet directed two unsatisfying films: A Stranger Among Us (1992), which is basically a variation on Peter Weir's Witness (1985) and not a particularly good one, and the rather sterile courtroom thriller Guilty as Sin (1993). However, he staged a comeback of sorts with his imperfect but fascinating crime drama Night Falls on Manhattan (1997), which is thematically similar to "Serpico", "Prince of the City" and "Q". In 1993 Lumet received the D.W. Griffith Award from the Directors Guild of America.
Trivia random: Directed 17 different actors in Oscar-nominated performances: Katharine Hepburn, Rod Steiger, Al Pacino, Ingrid Bergman, Albert Finney, Chris Sarandon, Faye Dunaway, Peter Finch, Beatrice Straight, William Holden, Ned Beatty, Peter Firth, Richard Burton, Paul Newman, James Mason, Jane Fonda and River Phoenix. Bergman, Dunaway, Finch and Straight won oscars for their performances in one of Lumets movies.
Citazione random: There's no such thing as a small part. There are just small actors.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
sabato 15 settembre 2007
the simpsons
Dopo 18 anni di serie quasi non ci si sperava più, in un film dei Simpsons.
The Simpsons Movie non si discosta dalla qualità della serie (giustamente) più premiata della storia, con una trama classica sì, ma comunque impeccabile.
Homer ha un nuovo amico, un maialino salvato dalla macellazione, con cui trascorre la maggior parte del suo tempo, finendo col trascurare la propria famiglia. Bart vive molto male la situazione, e trova conforto in Ned Flanders. Nel frattempo Lisa è impegnata in una campagna ecologista per salvare il lago di Springfield (durante la quale incontrerà il suo nuovo amore).
Come prevedibile Homer fa una homerata: scarica i liquami del maialino nel lago, scatenando una catastrofe ecologica di proporzioni enormi; per farvi fronte, il presidente degli Stati Uniti (Arnold Schwarzenegger!) ordina all'EPA (Environment Protection Agency) di rinchiudere la città sotto una inespugnabile cupola di vetro.
Purtroppo la famiglia Simpsons si ritroverà contro tutti i propri concittadini, quando scopriranno chi ha causato il disastro; riusciranno miracolosamente a fuggire, ma l'imminente distruzione della città non farà che acuire la crisi familiare.
Per dirlo chiaramente: niente di nuovo sotto il sole di Springfield: nel passaggio al grande schermo ci si concede solo miglioramenti tecnici ed una durata estesa; per il resto la formula classica non viene toccata ed anzi, a tratti si ha l'impressione che fossero spaventati dall'idea di osare qualcosa di più (o di diverso) a livello di sceneggiatura.
C'è la miliardesima crisi coniugale con Marge (e queste, diciamolo, hanno un po' rotto), il rapporto da ricucire con Bart e il tema ecologista. Tutto viene poi sviluppato in maniera del tutto prevedibile.
Altra piccola pecca, lo spazio ridottissimo lasciato ai comprimari: a parte Ned ed un po' di signor Burns gli altri sono quasi del tutto ridotti al ruolo di comparse tra la folla. Una marea di stupendi personaggi, tutti relegati a figure sullo sfondo.
A livello tecnico si fa un uso accorto e non invasivo della computer grafica, specie per introdurre prospettive e movimenti di camera più arditi rispetto a quanto visto in TV; il grande schermo viene anche sfruttatto appieno per numerose scene di massa.
Buona la regia; le scene memorabili sono una marea: il tentato linciaggio, Bart nudo sullo skate, il rapporto con la natura in Alaska (citando i classici Disney), la richiesta d'aiuto a Burns e moltissime altre.
Carino ma poco incisivo il nuovo amore di Lisa e così-così la nativa americana che aiuta Homer; incomprensibile come il termine "natale" venga usato al posto di "epifania": scelta (errata) dei traduttori, o era così anche in originale?
In un film o in un episodio dei Simpsons è inevitabile soffermarsi sui difetti: lo standard è talmente alto che si fanno sentire solo le stonature.
Nonostante le critiche di cui sopra, il film resta un ottimo "episodio triplo" di una serie grandiosa.
PS: non ci dovrebbe essere bisogno di dirlo, ma restate in sala fino all'ultimo titolo di coda (niente di che, in realtà, ma qualcosina c'è - e poi è sempre un piacere vedere i 100.000 coreani che ci hanno lavorato).
Voto: 9- (si poteva rischiare di più, per una serie qualitativamente fuori scala).
Tags: animazione, commedia, Simpsons, Homer, Bart, Marge, Lisa, Springfield, Stati Uniti, EPA, lago, ambientalismo, inquinamento, distruzione, riconciliazione, crisi coniugale, rapporto genitore-figlio, skate, moto, padre, nonno, profezia, Alaska, fuga, linciaggio, morte, maiale, EPA, serie, governo.
Regista: David Silverman
Scrittore: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening
Genere: Animation, Comedy
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (61462 voti)
Durata: 87 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Homer adopts a pig who's run away from Krusty Burger after Krusty tried to have him slaughtered, naming the pig "Spider Pig." At the same time, the lake is protected after the audience sink the barge Green Day are on with garbage after they mention the environment. Meanwhile, Spider Pig's waste has filled up a silo in just 2 days, apparently with Homer's help. Homer can't get to the dump quickly so dumps the silo in the lake, polluting it. Russ Cargill, the villainous boss of the EPA, gives Arnold Schwarzenegger 5 options, forcing him to choose 4 (which is, unfortunately, to destroy Springfield) and putting a dome over Springfield to prevent evacuation. Homer, however, has escaped, along with his family. Can he stop the evil Cargill from annihilating his home town, and his family, who have been forced to return to Springfield?
Trivia random: The painting hanging above Homer and Marge's bed in Alaska is signed "Marge". This pays homage to the painting of the sail-boat above the couch in The Simpson's house, also done by Marge.
Citazione random: Ned Flanders: The Good Lord is telling me to confess to something...::Homer Simpson: [whispering hopefully, with his fingers crossed] Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Genere: Animation, Comedy
Durata: 22::(400 episodes) min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Spanish, Albanian, French, Japanese, German, Russian, Hindi, Swahili, Italian, Swedish, Turkish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hebrew, Arabic, Klingon, Bengali
The Simpsons is an animated Sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family called the simpsons (surprise surprise). Homer is the oafish unhealthy beer loving father, Marge is the hardworking homemaker wife, Bart is the ten year old underachiever (and proud of it), Lisa is the unappreciated eight year old genius, and Maggie is the cute, pacifier loving silent infant. There are 400 episodes to date
Trivia random: When Homer is accused of sexual harassment, a show called "Rock Bottom" does an exposé on him that falsely portrays him as guilty. They later quickly scroll a list of apologies down the screen. Here they are:1. "Peoples' Choice Award" is America's greatest honor.
Citazione random: Krusty the Clown: Here's a feature never before seen on TV - dumb pet tricks. Catch the rubber ball, Fifi.::[the dog goes for Krusty's nose]::Krusty the Clown: AH. SOMEBODY SHOOT IT. SOMEBODY SHOOT IT.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 15 March 1957
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Met the future voice of Bart Simpson, 'Nancy Cartwright', when they were both students in UCLA's Art Department in the late 1970s. They jokingly made an agreement they would one day work on a show together, but didn't find out their deal came through until they saw the credits of the first episode of "The Simpsons".
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
The Simpsons Movie non si discosta dalla qualità della serie (giustamente) più premiata della storia, con una trama classica sì, ma comunque impeccabile.
Homer ha un nuovo amico, un maialino salvato dalla macellazione, con cui trascorre la maggior parte del suo tempo, finendo col trascurare la propria famiglia. Bart vive molto male la situazione, e trova conforto in Ned Flanders. Nel frattempo Lisa è impegnata in una campagna ecologista per salvare il lago di Springfield (durante la quale incontrerà il suo nuovo amore).
Come prevedibile Homer fa una homerata: scarica i liquami del maialino nel lago, scatenando una catastrofe ecologica di proporzioni enormi; per farvi fronte, il presidente degli Stati Uniti (Arnold Schwarzenegger!) ordina all'EPA (Environment Protection Agency) di rinchiudere la città sotto una inespugnabile cupola di vetro.
Purtroppo la famiglia Simpsons si ritroverà contro tutti i propri concittadini, quando scopriranno chi ha causato il disastro; riusciranno miracolosamente a fuggire, ma l'imminente distruzione della città non farà che acuire la crisi familiare.
Per dirlo chiaramente: niente di nuovo sotto il sole di Springfield: nel passaggio al grande schermo ci si concede solo miglioramenti tecnici ed una durata estesa; per il resto la formula classica non viene toccata ed anzi, a tratti si ha l'impressione che fossero spaventati dall'idea di osare qualcosa di più (o di diverso) a livello di sceneggiatura.
C'è la miliardesima crisi coniugale con Marge (e queste, diciamolo, hanno un po' rotto), il rapporto da ricucire con Bart e il tema ecologista. Tutto viene poi sviluppato in maniera del tutto prevedibile.
Altra piccola pecca, lo spazio ridottissimo lasciato ai comprimari: a parte Ned ed un po' di signor Burns gli altri sono quasi del tutto ridotti al ruolo di comparse tra la folla. Una marea di stupendi personaggi, tutti relegati a figure sullo sfondo.
A livello tecnico si fa un uso accorto e non invasivo della computer grafica, specie per introdurre prospettive e movimenti di camera più arditi rispetto a quanto visto in TV; il grande schermo viene anche sfruttatto appieno per numerose scene di massa.
Buona la regia; le scene memorabili sono una marea: il tentato linciaggio, Bart nudo sullo skate, il rapporto con la natura in Alaska (citando i classici Disney), la richiesta d'aiuto a Burns e moltissime altre.
Carino ma poco incisivo il nuovo amore di Lisa e così-così la nativa americana che aiuta Homer; incomprensibile come il termine "natale" venga usato al posto di "epifania": scelta (errata) dei traduttori, o era così anche in originale?
In un film o in un episodio dei Simpsons è inevitabile soffermarsi sui difetti: lo standard è talmente alto che si fanno sentire solo le stonature.
Nonostante le critiche di cui sopra, il film resta un ottimo "episodio triplo" di una serie grandiosa.
PS: non ci dovrebbe essere bisogno di dirlo, ma restate in sala fino all'ultimo titolo di coda (niente di che, in realtà, ma qualcosina c'è - e poi è sempre un piacere vedere i 100.000 coreani che ci hanno lavorato).
Voto: 9- (si poteva rischiare di più, per una serie qualitativamente fuori scala).
Tags: animazione, commedia, Simpsons, Homer, Bart, Marge, Lisa, Springfield, Stati Uniti, EPA, lago, ambientalismo, inquinamento, distruzione, riconciliazione, crisi coniugale, rapporto genitore-figlio, skate, moto, padre, nonno, profezia, Alaska, fuga, linciaggio, morte, maiale, EPA, serie, governo.
Simpsons Movie, The (2007)
Simpson - Il film, I
Regista: David Silverman
Scrittore: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening
Genere: Animation, Comedy
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (61462 voti)
Durata: 87 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Dan Castellaneta .... Homer/Itchy/Barney/Grampa/Stage Manager/Krusty the Clown/Mayor Quimby/Mayor's Aide/Multi-Eyed Squirrel/Panicky Man/Sideshow Mel/Mr. Teeny/EPA Official/Kissing Cop/Bear/Boy on Phone/NSA Worker/Officer/Santa's Little Helper/Squeaky-Voiced Teen (voice)
- Julie Kavner .... Marge (voice)
- Nancy Cartwright .... Bart/Maggie/Ralph/Nelson/Todd Flanders/TV Daughter/Woman on Phone (voice)
- Yeardley Smith .... Lisa (voice)
- Harry Shearer .... Scratchy/Mr. Burns/Rev. Lovejoy/Ned Flanders/Lenny/Skull/President Arnold Schwarzenegger/Kent Brockman/Principal Skinner/Dr. Hibbert/Smithers/Toll Booth Man/Guard/Otto/Kang (voice)
- Hank Azaria .... Professor Frink/Comic Book Guy/Moe/Chief Wiggum/Lou/Carl/Cletus/Bumblebee Man/Male EPA Worker/Dome Depot Announcer/Kissing Cop/Carnival Barker/Counter Man/Apu/Drederick Tatum/Sea Captain/EPA Passenger/Robot/Dr. Nick (voice)
- Marcia Wallace .... Mrs. Krabappel (voice)
- Billie Joe Armstrong .... Himself (voice)
- Tre Cool .... Himself (Green Day) (voice) (as Frank Edwin Wright III)
- Mike Dirnt .... Himself (voice) (as Michael Pritchard)
Homer adopts a pig who's run away from Krusty Burger after Krusty tried to have him slaughtered, naming the pig "Spider Pig." At the same time, the lake is protected after the audience sink the barge Green Day are on with garbage after they mention the environment. Meanwhile, Spider Pig's waste has filled up a silo in just 2 days, apparently with Homer's help. Homer can't get to the dump quickly so dumps the silo in the lake, polluting it. Russ Cargill, the villainous boss of the EPA, gives Arnold Schwarzenegger 5 options, forcing him to choose 4 (which is, unfortunately, to destroy Springfield) and putting a dome over Springfield to prevent evacuation. Homer, however, has escaped, along with his family. Can he stop the evil Cargill from annihilating his home town, and his family, who have been forced to return to Springfield?
Trivia random: The painting hanging above Homer and Marge's bed in Alaska is signed "Marge". This pays homage to the painting of the sail-boat above the couch in The Simpson's house, also done by Marge.
Citazione random: Ned Flanders: The Good Lord is telling me to confess to something...::Homer Simpson: [whispering hopefully, with his fingers crossed] Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
"Simpsons, The" (1989)
Simpson, I
Genere: Animation, Comedy
Durata: 22::(400 episodes) min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Spanish, Albanian, French, Japanese, German, Russian, Hindi, Swahili, Italian, Swedish, Turkish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hebrew, Arabic, Klingon, Bengali
- Dan Castellaneta .... Homer Simpson / ... (397 episodes, 1989-2007)
- Julie Kavner .... Marge Simpson / ... (397 episodes, 1989-2007)
- Nancy Cartwright .... Bart Simpson / ... (397 episodes, 1989-2007)
- Yeardley Smith .... Lisa Simpson / ... (397 episodes, 1989-2007)
- Harry Shearer .... Ned Flanders / ... (319 episodes, 1989-2007)
- Hank Azaria .... Chief Wiggum / ... (319 episodes, 1989-2007)
- Pamela Hayden .... Milhouse Van Houten / ... (220 episodes, 1989-2007)
- Tress MacNeille .... Agnes Skinner / ... (173 episodes, 1990-2007)
The Simpsons is an animated Sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family called the simpsons (surprise surprise). Homer is the oafish unhealthy beer loving father, Marge is the hardworking homemaker wife, Bart is the ten year old underachiever (and proud of it), Lisa is the unappreciated eight year old genius, and Maggie is the cute, pacifier loving silent infant. There are 400 episodes to date
Trivia random: When Homer is accused of sexual harassment, a show called "Rock Bottom" does an exposé on him that falsely portrays him as guilty. They later quickly scroll a list of apologies down the screen. Here they are:1. "Peoples' Choice Award" is America's greatest honor.
Citazione random: Krusty the Clown: Here's a feature never before seen on TV - dumb pet tricks. Catch the rubber ball, Fifi.::[the dog goes for Krusty's nose]::Krusty the Clown: AH. SOMEBODY SHOOT IT. SOMEBODY SHOOT IT.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Silverman, David (I)
Data di nascita: 15 March 1957
Ultimi lavori:
- The Simpsons Movie (2007) .... [regista]
- Ice Age (2002) .... (story consultant) [misc]
- Monsters, Inc. (2001) .... (co-director) [regista]
- The Road to El Dorado (2000) .... [regista]
- RoboCop 3 (1993) .... (director: Johnny Rehap commercial) [misc]
- The Dark Backward (1991) .... (creator: Blumps concept) [misc]
- The Strange Case of Mr. Donnybrook's Boredom (1981) .... (as David A. Silverman) [regista]
Trivia random: Met the future voice of Bart Simpson, 'Nancy Cartwright', when they were both students in UCLA's Art Department in the late 1970s. They jokingly made an agreement they would one day work on a show together, but didn't find out their deal came through until they saw the credits of the first episode of "The Simpsons".
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
venerdì 14 settembre 2007
spider baby!
Che sorpresa, trovare una commedia horror anni '60 che risulti ancora efficace e sorprendente!
Spider Baby or, The Maddest Story Ever Told narra la vicenda della famiglia Merrye, che vive isolata in una grande casa; la famiglia è composta da un paio di belle figliole fuori di testa, un fratello ormai demente ed un'altra manciata di strane presenze. Tutti vittime di una malattia ereditaria che li fa regredire mentalmente ad uno stato quasi selvaggio man mano che lo sviluppo fisico procede; ad accudirli il maggiordomo, rimasto con loro per esaudire una promessa fatta al padrone di casa sul letto di morte.
Dalla città arrivano dei lontani parenti con il loro avvocato, intenzionati a prendere possesso della casa.
I guai non tarderanno ad arrivare.
Sospeso tra horror e commedia, il film eccelle in entrambi i campi: funziona benissimo quando vuole suscitare antipatia per i nuovi arrivati (coinvolti in una cena alquanto disgustosa) ed ancora meglio quando decide di spaventare.
La spensierata crudeltà delle due ragazze è da antologia (agghiacciante nella sua ingenuità), ed anche gli altri inquietanti abitanti della casa non mancano di stupire.
Le loro azioni sono folli e tremende, ma mantengono sempre una propria perversa logica che le rende ancora più spaventose.
Finale adeguato alla pazzia della casa (ed a suo modo commovente).
Certo, il ritmo non è quello a cui gli horror moderni ci hanno abituato, ma su 1 ora e 20 si sente poco, ed i momenti morti sono pressoché assenti.
Ci si concede persino anche un poco di fan-service e si accenna in maniera piuttosto esplicita a tradimenti coniugali con un fare leggero.
Azzeccato l'uso del bianco e nero.
Scritto e diretto da Jack Hill non si può fare a meno di menzionare, nel ruolo del maggiordomo, l'icona del cinema horror Lon Chaney Jr.: l'unico ad aver interpretato tutti i quattro classici mostri dell'horror: Frankenstein, la Mummia, Dracula e il Lupo mannaro.
Da non perdere la segretaria dell'avvocato, appassionata di film dell'orrore, che durante la cena li cita tutti.
Voto: 8.5 (se amate l'horror, è da vedere - registi e sceneggiatori di horror moderni dovrebbero prendere appunti)
Tags: horror, commedia, famiglia, casa, Lon Chaney Jr., follia, pazzia, malattia mentale, malattia ereditatia, morte, omicidio, ragno, tradimento, parente, avvocato, segretaria, maggiordomo, esplosione, gatto, dinamite, cannibalismo, cadavere, tarantola, coltello, rete, ragnatela, gufo, guardone, tradimento.
Data di nascita: 28 January 1933
Coniuge: Elke::(1958 - present)
Ultimi lavori:
Jack Hill grew up around movies - his father was a designer for the Disney studios and Warner Brothers. He went to the University of California to study film, where he was a classmate of Francis Ford Coppola - they worked together on student productions and later both apprenticed with Roger Corman, working on The Terror (1963). While Coppola went on to Oscardom, Jack continued with B-flicks. He didn't make a lot of films, and while all were low budget they all (except Switchblade Sisters (1975)) made money, and his early 'blaxploitaton' films Coffy (1973) and Foxy Brown (1974) were hits. Soon after Switchblade Sisters (1975) he stopped making movies so he and his wife Elke could pursue meditation and he could write novels. Today his films are hailed as cult classics, thanks primarily to Quentin Tarantino, who saw Hill's work as it made its way to video. With retrospectives and a re-release of Switchblade Sisters (1975), his career seems to be reviving.
Trivia random: Hill's UCLA student movie "The Host" was a huge influence on the last third of Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now".
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Chaney, Creighton Tull
Data di nascita: 10 February 1906
Data di morte: 12 July 1973
Altezza: 6' 2½" (1.89 m)
Coniuge: Patsy Beck::(1 October 1937 - 12 July 1973) (his death), Dorothy Hinckley::(1928 - 1937) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
American character actor whose career was influenced (and often overshadowed) by that of his father, silent film star Lon Chaney. The younger Chaney was born while his parents were on a theatrical tour, and he joined them onstage for the first time at the age of six months. However, as a young man, even during the time of his father's growing fame, Creighton Chaney worked menial jobs to support himself without calling upon his father. He was at various times a plumber, a meatcutter's apprentice, a metal worker, and a farm worker. Always, however, there was the desire to follow in his father's footsteps. He studied makeup at his father's side, learning many of the techniques that had made his father famous. And he took stage roles in stock companies. It was not until after his father's death in 1930 that Chaney went to work in films. His first appearances were under his real name (he had been named for his mother, singer Cleva Creighton). He played number of supporting parts before a producer in 1935 insisted on changing his name to Lon Chaney Jr. as a marketing ploy. Chaney was uncomfortable with the ploy and always hated the "Jr". addendum. But he was also aware that the famous name could help his career, and so he kept it. Most of the parts he played were unmemorable, often bits, until 1939 when he was given the role of the simple-minded Lennie in the film adaptation of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men (1939). Chaney's performance was spectacularly touching; indeed, it became one of the two roles for which he would always be best remembered. The other came within the next year, when Universal, in hopes of reviving their horror film franchise as well as memories of their great silent star, Chaney Sr., cast Chaney as the tortured Lawrence Talbot in The Wolf Man (1941). With this film and the slew of horror films that followed it, Chaney achieved a kind of stardom, though he was never able to achieve his goal of surpassing his father. By the 1950s, he was established as a star in low-budget horror films and as a reliable character actor in more prestigious, big-budget films such as High Noon (1952). Never as versatile as his father, he fell more and more into cheap and mundane productions which traded primarily on his name and those of other fading horror stars. His later years were bedeviled by illness and problems with alcohol. When he died from a variety of causes in 1973, it was as an actor who had spent his life chasing the fame of his father, but who was much beloved by a generation of filmgoers who had never seen his father.
Trivia random: Well-known character actor William Smith started out as a child actor, and in an interview with a horror-film magazine stated that during breaks on the set of The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942), Chaney treated all of the children on the set to ice cream.
Citazione random: Director Reginald Le Borg: "His was a career and, I believe, a personality that resulted directly from trying to embrace and, at the same time, disown the career and image of his father."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Jack Hill
Scrittore: Jack Hill
Genere: Comedy, Horror
Valutazione: 6.9/10 (811 voti)
Durata: 81 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
In a dilapidated rural mansion, the last generation of the degenerate, inbred Merrye family lives with the inherited curse of a disease that causes them to mentally regress from the age of 10 or so on as they physically develop. The family chauffeur looks out for them and covers up their indiscretions. Trouble comes when greedy distant relatives and their lawyer arrive to dispossess the family of its home.
Trivia random: The film was shot in August and September, 1964 with the title "Cannibal Orgy, or The Maddest Story Ever Told" but its release was held up for years due to the producers going bankrupt. Producer David Hewit acquired it for distribution in 1968 and changed the title to "Spider Baby" and then later "The Liver Eaters."
Citazione random: Elizabeth: Spiders don't eat other spiders.::Virginia: Cannibal spiders do.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Spider Baby or, The Maddest Story Ever Told narra la vicenda della famiglia Merrye, che vive isolata in una grande casa; la famiglia è composta da un paio di belle figliole fuori di testa, un fratello ormai demente ed un'altra manciata di strane presenze. Tutti vittime di una malattia ereditaria che li fa regredire mentalmente ad uno stato quasi selvaggio man mano che lo sviluppo fisico procede; ad accudirli il maggiordomo, rimasto con loro per esaudire una promessa fatta al padrone di casa sul letto di morte.
Dalla città arrivano dei lontani parenti con il loro avvocato, intenzionati a prendere possesso della casa.
I guai non tarderanno ad arrivare.
Sospeso tra horror e commedia, il film eccelle in entrambi i campi: funziona benissimo quando vuole suscitare antipatia per i nuovi arrivati (coinvolti in una cena alquanto disgustosa) ed ancora meglio quando decide di spaventare.
La spensierata crudeltà delle due ragazze è da antologia (agghiacciante nella sua ingenuità), ed anche gli altri inquietanti abitanti della casa non mancano di stupire.
Le loro azioni sono folli e tremende, ma mantengono sempre una propria perversa logica che le rende ancora più spaventose.
Finale adeguato alla pazzia della casa (ed a suo modo commovente).
Certo, il ritmo non è quello a cui gli horror moderni ci hanno abituato, ma su 1 ora e 20 si sente poco, ed i momenti morti sono pressoché assenti.
Ci si concede persino anche un poco di fan-service e si accenna in maniera piuttosto esplicita a tradimenti coniugali con un fare leggero.
Azzeccato l'uso del bianco e nero.
Scritto e diretto da Jack Hill non si può fare a meno di menzionare, nel ruolo del maggiordomo, l'icona del cinema horror Lon Chaney Jr.: l'unico ad aver interpretato tutti i quattro classici mostri dell'horror: Frankenstein, la Mummia, Dracula e il Lupo mannaro.
Da non perdere la segretaria dell'avvocato, appassionata di film dell'orrore, che durante la cena li cita tutti.
Voto: 8.5 (se amate l'horror, è da vedere - registi e sceneggiatori di horror moderni dovrebbero prendere appunti)
Tags: horror, commedia, famiglia, casa, Lon Chaney Jr., follia, pazzia, malattia mentale, malattia ereditatia, morte, omicidio, ragno, tradimento, parente, avvocato, segretaria, maggiordomo, esplosione, gatto, dinamite, cannibalismo, cadavere, tarantola, coltello, rete, ragnatela, gufo, guardone, tradimento.
Hill, Jack (I)
Data di nascita: 28 January 1933
Coniuge: Elke::(1958 - present)
Ultimi lavori:
- Sugar Boxx (2007) .... Judge [attore]
- I Pass for Human (2004) .... Azami's father [attore]
- Sorceress (1982) .... (producer) (uncredited) [produttore]
- Death Ship (1980) .... (story) [scrittore]
- City on Fire (1979) .... [scrittore]
- The Bees (1978) .... (uncredited) [scrittore]
- Switchblade Sisters (1975) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Foxy Brown (1974) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- The Swinging Cheerleaders (1974) .... (uncredited) [scrittore]
- Coffy (1973) .... [scrittore]
Jack Hill grew up around movies - his father was a designer for the Disney studios and Warner Brothers. He went to the University of California to study film, where he was a classmate of Francis Ford Coppola - they worked together on student productions and later both apprenticed with Roger Corman, working on The Terror (1963). While Coppola went on to Oscardom, Jack continued with B-flicks. He didn't make a lot of films, and while all were low budget they all (except Switchblade Sisters (1975)) made money, and his early 'blaxploitaton' films Coffy (1973) and Foxy Brown (1974) were hits. Soon after Switchblade Sisters (1975) he stopped making movies so he and his wife Elke could pursue meditation and he could write novels. Today his films are hailed as cult classics, thanks primarily to Quentin Tarantino, who saw Hill's work as it made its way to video. With retrospectives and a re-release of Switchblade Sisters (1975), his career seems to be reviving.
Trivia random: Hill's UCLA student movie "The Host" was a huge influence on the last third of Francis Ford Coppola's "Apocalypse Now".
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Chaney Jr., Lon
Nome di battesimo: Chaney, Creighton Tull
Data di nascita: 10 February 1906
Data di morte: 12 July 1973
Altezza: 6' 2½" (1.89 m)
Coniuge: Patsy Beck::(1 October 1937 - 12 July 1973) (his death), Dorothy Hinckley::(1928 - 1937) (divorced) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Dracula vs. Frankenstein (1971) .... Groton (as Lon Chaney) [attore]
- The Female Bunch (1969) .... Monti [attore]
- Fireball Jungle (1969) .... Sammy (as Lon Chaney) [attore]
- A Stranger in Town (1969) .... [attore]
- Buckskin (1968) .... Sheriff Tangley (as Lon Chaney) [attore]
- Spider Baby or, The Maddest Story Ever Told (1968) .... Bruno, The Chauffeur (as Lon Chaney) [attore]
- Dr. Terror's Gallery of Horrors (1967) .... Dr. Mendell (as Lon Chaney) [attore]
- Hillbillys in a Haunted House (1967) .... Maximillian (as Lon Chaney) [attore]
- Welcome to Hard Times (1967) .... Avery, Saloonkeeper (as Lon Chaney) [attore]
- Apache Uprising (1966) .... Charlie Russell [attore]
American character actor whose career was influenced (and often overshadowed) by that of his father, silent film star Lon Chaney. The younger Chaney was born while his parents were on a theatrical tour, and he joined them onstage for the first time at the age of six months. However, as a young man, even during the time of his father's growing fame, Creighton Chaney worked menial jobs to support himself without calling upon his father. He was at various times a plumber, a meatcutter's apprentice, a metal worker, and a farm worker. Always, however, there was the desire to follow in his father's footsteps. He studied makeup at his father's side, learning many of the techniques that had made his father famous. And he took stage roles in stock companies. It was not until after his father's death in 1930 that Chaney went to work in films. His first appearances were under his real name (he had been named for his mother, singer Cleva Creighton). He played number of supporting parts before a producer in 1935 insisted on changing his name to Lon Chaney Jr. as a marketing ploy. Chaney was uncomfortable with the ploy and always hated the "Jr". addendum. But he was also aware that the famous name could help his career, and so he kept it. Most of the parts he played were unmemorable, often bits, until 1939 when he was given the role of the simple-minded Lennie in the film adaptation of John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men (1939). Chaney's performance was spectacularly touching; indeed, it became one of the two roles for which he would always be best remembered. The other came within the next year, when Universal, in hopes of reviving their horror film franchise as well as memories of their great silent star, Chaney Sr., cast Chaney as the tortured Lawrence Talbot in The Wolf Man (1941). With this film and the slew of horror films that followed it, Chaney achieved a kind of stardom, though he was never able to achieve his goal of surpassing his father. By the 1950s, he was established as a star in low-budget horror films and as a reliable character actor in more prestigious, big-budget films such as High Noon (1952). Never as versatile as his father, he fell more and more into cheap and mundane productions which traded primarily on his name and those of other fading horror stars. His later years were bedeviled by illness and problems with alcohol. When he died from a variety of causes in 1973, it was as an actor who had spent his life chasing the fame of his father, but who was much beloved by a generation of filmgoers who had never seen his father.
Trivia random: Well-known character actor William Smith started out as a child actor, and in an interview with a horror-film magazine stated that during breaks on the set of The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942), Chaney treated all of the children on the set to ice cream.
Citazione random: Director Reginald Le Borg: "His was a career and, I believe, a personality that resulted directly from trying to embrace and, at the same time, disown the career and image of his father."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Spider Baby or, The Maddest Story Ever Told (1968)
Regista: Jack Hill
Scrittore: Jack Hill
Genere: Comedy, Horror
Valutazione: 6.9/10 (811 voti)
Durata: 81 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Lon Chaney Jr. .... Bruno, The Chauffeur (as Lon Chaney)
- Carol Ohmart .... Emily Howe
- Quinn K. Redeker .... Peter Howe (as Quinn Redeker)
- Beverly Washburn .... Elizabeth
- Jill Banner .... Virginia
- Sid Haig .... Ralph
- Mary Mitchel .... Ann
- Karl Schanzer .... Schlocker
- Mantan Moreland .... Messenger
In a dilapidated rural mansion, the last generation of the degenerate, inbred Merrye family lives with the inherited curse of a disease that causes them to mentally regress from the age of 10 or so on as they physically develop. The family chauffeur looks out for them and covers up their indiscretions. Trouble comes when greedy distant relatives and their lawyer arrive to dispossess the family of its home.
Trivia random: The film was shot in August and September, 1964 with the title "Cannibal Orgy, or The Maddest Story Ever Told" but its release was held up for years due to the producers going bankrupt. Producer David Hewit acquired it for distribution in 1968 and changed the title to "Spider Baby" and then later "The Liver Eaters."
Citazione random: Elizabeth: Spiders don't eat other spiders.::Virginia: Cannibal spiders do.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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