In fatto di (quasi) giovani registi, la Corea (del Sud, serve dirlo?) può vantarsi di un nome del calibro di Chan-wook Park. L'Italia può vantarsi d'avere Muccino. E sì che - diciamolo chiaramente - i coreani sono ben più sfigati di noi, dai...
Lady Vendetta è il terzo capitolo della trilogia sulla vendetta di Park (di cui mi pento di non aver visto il primo capitolo, che spero di recuperare al più presto).
Una giovane donna sconta 13 anni di galera dopo essersi accusata dell'omicidio di un bambino. Tredici anni passati in maniera (apparentemente) impeccabile, mentre in lei covava un unico desiderio: uscire per poter rintracciare il vero omicida e fargliela pagare.
Lentamente costruisce intorno a sé una figura quasi mistica; per anni distribuisce favori con lo scopo di costruire una rete di amicizie che l'aiuteranno una volta uscita di galera.
Rintracciare il colpevole non sarà un problema; la parte davvero elaborata sarà la vendetta vera e propria. Una vendetta complessa, che somiglia alla giustizia pur non essendo tale, e che - caso raro - non sarà una questione strettamente personale.
Assolutamente perfetto sul piano visivo: Park è semplicemente geniale nel costruire la scena e nel montare la vicenda; acuto e grottesco nell'inventare le situazioni chiave e tremendamente crudo quando serve.
La trama qui è più lineare e (un po') meno originale e surreale che in Oldboy (che, in generale, ho preferito), ma non meno efficace.
Forse troppo coreano nel finale simbolico (che ho apprezzato il giusto), ha un buon numero di momenti da antologia: la discussione via interfono e la fila di persone con l'impermeabile sedute sulla panca su tutti.
Voto: 8.
Tags: vendetta, carcere, omicidio, tortura, violenza, Park, crimine, dramma, thriller.
mercoledì 28 giugno 2006
domenica 25 giugno 2006
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ...
Dalla foto non è chiaro, ma questo qui sopra (trovato in vendita alla Comet) non è un normale DVD.
Situazione: state allegramente girando per gli scaffali quando vi imbattete in questa buffa confezione smilza; sorvolando sul filmaccio di turno contenuto, notate il prezzo abbastanza basso per un titolo da poco uscito in vendita.
Al che vi viene in mente una parola: bazza!
Poi guardate meglio e leggete in retro della confezione: il DVD qui contenuto, una volta aperto, sarà leggibile per 48 ore passate le quali lo dovrete buttare via, causa ossidazione del supporto stesso. Voi riguardate il prezzo.
Al che vi vengono in mente due parole.
Prima parola:stupro.
Seconda parola:A-NA-LE!
Constatato che chi mette i prezzi alla Comet ha delle carenze d'affetto anche serie, mi sfugge il senso di immettere nella grande distribuzione un prodotto che - già sovranamente stupido di suo - è stato pensato per i videonoleggi.
Salvo che il piano non sia fregate i tordi che lo comprano, se lo guardano, lo mettono via e dopo un anno scoprono che non funziona più. Però mi sembra un eccesso di fiducia nella stupidità umana (e lo dice uno che di fiducia in merito ne ha parecchia).
Vera chicca l'angolino catch-eye (nella foto non si vede) che definisce il prodotto come "DVD IRRIPETIBILE!". Il parto di un genio del marketing e della comunicazione pubblicitaria, lo riconosco.
sabato 24 giugno 2006
non aprite quel custode
Errare è umano, perseverare è diabolico. E poi c'è quel ripetuto, fastidioso ed ossessivo desiderio di insistere a battere un ferro già freddo da decenni che è un po' il marchio di fabbrica di Tobe Hooper. E questa è una cosa dal quale lo stesso diavolo si guarda bene.
Si fa davvero fatica a credere che nel 2006 si facciano ancora film con Il Custode (Mortuary).
Mamma, figliolo adolescente e bimbetta si trasferiscono in una fetida catepecchia con annessa camera mortuaria e vista sul cimitero.
Ahiloro in una delle cripte trova alloggio il figlio deforme dei precedenti inquilini, il cui unico sollazzo consiste nell'andare in giro vestito di stracci a spaventare la gente e, di tanto in tanto, rapirla onde sacrificarla al mostro-blob/mega-ameba-dentata che vive nel sottosuolo. Detto mostro, annusa l'odore di sangue e liquami vari che colano dai tavoli mortuari e tramite le tubature (miii, che cosa origgginale! ) si fa strada fino ai cadaveri che fa rivivere in allegri zombie da compagnia. Zombie scarsamente educati, dato che vomitano melma nera in bocca ai viventi, contaminandoli.
Se qualcuno avesse dei dubbi, quando tutto sembra perduto arriva la solita casuale scoperta dell'Improbabile Sostanza Che Vaporizza Gli Zombi Ed I Mostri Del Sottosuolo® (presto disponibile nei migliori negozi di prodotti per la casa).
Dolorosissimo. Non so come altro definirlo.
Da segnalare anche le fastidiose musiche e gli effetti speciali che sarebbero stati considerati laidi già negli anni '70.
Ringraziamo lo zio Tobe per non aver neanche lontanamente azzeccato un film dai tempi di Poltergeist e lo supplichiamo di continuare così!
Voto: 1.
Trashometro® 10/10: (questo farà male)
Tags: horror, cimitero, cripta, mostro, melma, zombie, trash, Tobe Hooper, cagata pazzesca.
Data di nascita: 25 January 1943
Ultimi lavori:
Honored with many awards for his films and achievement in the horror genre, Tobe Hooper is truly one of the "Masters of Horror" (2005). Before becoming a filmmaker, Hooper--a native of Austin, Texas--spent the 1960s as a college teacher and documentary cameraman. He organized a small cast of teachers and students and made The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). It changed the horror film industry and became an instant classic. Even today it remains on virtually every list of top horror films of all time. Hooper based it upon the real-life case of Ed Gein, a cannibalistic killer responsible for the grisly murders of several people in the 1950s (although in Wisconsin, not Texas). Hooper's success with "Chainsaw" landed him in Hollywood. Rex Reed said, "It's the scariest film I have ever seen." Leonard Maltin wrote, "While not nearly as gory as its title suggests, Massacre is a genuinely terrifying film made even more unsettling by its twisted but undeniably hilarious black comedy." It is in the Permanent Collection of the Museum of Modern Art, and was officially selected at the Cannes Film Festival of 1975 for Directors Fortnight.Hooper rejoined the cast of "Chainsaw" for Eaten Alive (1977), which starred Mel Ferrer, William Finley, Carolyn Jones, and Marilyn Burns. The film received the first Saturn Award. Also in the film, making his debut, was Robert Englund. Hooper's success continued with his adaption of Stephen King's 1979 mini series Salem's Lot (1979) (TV). In 1981 Hooper directed The Funhouse (1981) for Universal Pictures. Then, in 1982, Steven Spielberg enlisted him to direct the successful haunted-house shocker Poltergeist (1982) for MGM. During the mid-'80s Hooper directed several films and television projects, including Lifeforce (1985) with Patrick Stewart for TriStar; episodes of "Amazing Stories" (1985), "The Equalizer" (1985), "Freddy's Nightmares" (1988) and "Tales from the Crypt" (1989) with Whoopi Goldberg; Invaders from Mars (1986), and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) with Dennis Hopper.In the 1990s Hooper continued working in both both film and television: I'm Dangerous Tonight (1990) (TV), "Nowhere Man" (1995), "Dark Skies" (1996), "Perversions of Science" (1997) with Jamie Kennedy and Jason Lee, The Apartment Complex (1999) (TV) with Amanda Plummer for Showtime, Night Terrors (1993), and The Mangler (1995) for New Line.In the new century Hooper's career continued to grow stronger with "Night Visions" (2001), Shadow Realm (2002) (TV), and the pilot episode for Steven Spielberg's award-winning miniseries "Taken" (2002/I) (mini). In 2004 Hooper co-produced the successful remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) for New Line. In 2005 he started his own low-budget horror franchise, TH Nightmare; has Toolbox Murders (2004) with Angela Bettis, released through Lions Gate; is in post-production on Mortuary (2005/I); is in pre-production on "Zombies"; and will produce and direct "Ghosts" (2006) (mini), a mini-series for A
Trivia random: He directed the music video "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol.
Citazione random: [on horror] "You've got to send a physical sensation through and not let them off the hook. I like to make it faster and faster and faster and pumping and banging until I get into you."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Tobe Hooper
Scrittore: Jace Anderson, Adam Gierasch
Genere: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Valutazione: 4.2/10 (459 voti)
Durata: 94 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
The Doyle family moves to rural California to start a new life; perhaps a strange choice because their new life takes on the form of running the long abandoned Fowler Brothers Funeral Home. The locals fear the place, and there are whispers around town that the land the home lies on is haunted. The Doyle family will soon discover that something lurks beneath the soil-something that raises rotten corpses from their long forgotten graves and feeds on death itself.
Trivia random: The quote carved on the vault's door "That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die." is from HP Lovecraft's short story The Call of Cthulhu.
Citazione random: Jonathan Doyle: A 26 hour car trip just went by.::Leslie Doyle: He speaks! What is that, 6 hours, a record for you?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Tobe Hooper
Scrittore: Steven Spielberg, Steven Spielberg
Genere: Horror, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.4/10 (14632 voti)
Durata: 114 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
A young family are visited by ghosts in their home. At first the ghosts appear friendly, moving objects around the house to the amusement of everyone, then they turn nasty and start to terrorise the family before they "kidnap" the youngest daughter.
Trivia random: Movie on the TV in an early bedroom scene is A Guy Named Joe (1943), a film about a pilot who returns to the world as a ghost. It was later remade by Steven Spielberg into Always (1989).
Citazione random: Diane: We were wondering if you had experienced any... disturbances?::Ben Tuthill: What kind of disturbances?::Diane: Oh, you know... dishes or furniture, moving around by themselves.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Si fa davvero fatica a credere che nel 2006 si facciano ancora film con Il Custode (Mortuary).
Mamma, figliolo adolescente e bimbetta si trasferiscono in una fetida catepecchia con annessa camera mortuaria e vista sul cimitero.
Ahiloro in una delle cripte trova alloggio il figlio deforme dei precedenti inquilini, il cui unico sollazzo consiste nell'andare in giro vestito di stracci a spaventare la gente e, di tanto in tanto, rapirla onde sacrificarla al mostro-blob/mega-ameba-dentata che vive nel sottosuolo. Detto mostro, annusa l'odore di sangue e liquami vari che colano dai tavoli mortuari e tramite le tubature (miii, che cosa origgginale! ) si fa strada fino ai cadaveri che fa rivivere in allegri zombie da compagnia. Zombie scarsamente educati, dato che vomitano melma nera in bocca ai viventi, contaminandoli.
Se qualcuno avesse dei dubbi, quando tutto sembra perduto arriva la solita casuale scoperta dell'Improbabile Sostanza Che Vaporizza Gli Zombi Ed I Mostri Del Sottosuolo® (presto disponibile nei migliori negozi di prodotti per la casa).
Dolorosissimo. Non so come altro definirlo.
Da segnalare anche le fastidiose musiche e gli effetti speciali che sarebbero stati considerati laidi già negli anni '70.
Ringraziamo lo zio Tobe per non aver neanche lontanamente azzeccato un film dai tempi di Poltergeist e lo supplichiamo di continuare così!
Voto: 1.
Trashometro® 10/10: (questo farà male)
Tags: horror, cimitero, cripta, mostro, melma, zombie, trash, Tobe Hooper, cagata pazzesca.
Hooper, Tobe
Data di nascita: 25 January 1943
Ultimi lavori:
- "Ghosts" (2006) (mini) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Untitled Tobe Hooper Project (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Mortuary (2005/I) .... [regista]
- Toolbox Murders (2004) .... [regista]
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) .... (co-producer) [produttore]
- Toolbox Murders: As It Was (2003) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Shadow Realm (2002) (TV) .... (segment "The Maze") [regista]
- "Taken" (2002/I) (mini) .... (episode "Beyond the Sky") [regista]
- Crocodile (2000/I) .... [regista]
- The Apartment Complex (1999) (TV) .... [regista]
Honored with many awards for his films and achievement in the horror genre, Tobe Hooper is truly one of the "Masters of Horror" (2005). Before becoming a filmmaker, Hooper--a native of Austin, Texas--spent the 1960s as a college teacher and documentary cameraman. He organized a small cast of teachers and students and made The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). It changed the horror film industry and became an instant classic. Even today it remains on virtually every list of top horror films of all time. Hooper based it upon the real-life case of Ed Gein, a cannibalistic killer responsible for the grisly murders of several people in the 1950s (although in Wisconsin, not Texas). Hooper's success with "Chainsaw" landed him in Hollywood. Rex Reed said, "It's the scariest film I have ever seen." Leonard Maltin wrote, "While not nearly as gory as its title suggests, Massacre is a genuinely terrifying film made even more unsettling by its twisted but undeniably hilarious black comedy." It is in the Permanent Collection of the Museum of Modern Art, and was officially selected at the Cannes Film Festival of 1975 for Directors Fortnight.Hooper rejoined the cast of "Chainsaw" for Eaten Alive (1977), which starred Mel Ferrer, William Finley, Carolyn Jones, and Marilyn Burns. The film received the first Saturn Award. Also in the film, making his debut, was Robert Englund. Hooper's success continued with his adaption of Stephen King's 1979 mini series Salem's Lot (1979) (TV). In 1981 Hooper directed The Funhouse (1981) for Universal Pictures. Then, in 1982, Steven Spielberg enlisted him to direct the successful haunted-house shocker Poltergeist (1982) for MGM. During the mid-'80s Hooper directed several films and television projects, including Lifeforce (1985) with Patrick Stewart for TriStar; episodes of "Amazing Stories" (1985), "The Equalizer" (1985), "Freddy's Nightmares" (1988) and "Tales from the Crypt" (1989) with Whoopi Goldberg; Invaders from Mars (1986), and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) with Dennis Hopper.In the 1990s Hooper continued working in both both film and television: I'm Dangerous Tonight (1990) (TV), "Nowhere Man" (1995), "Dark Skies" (1996), "Perversions of Science" (1997) with Jamie Kennedy and Jason Lee, The Apartment Complex (1999) (TV) with Amanda Plummer for Showtime, Night Terrors (1993), and The Mangler (1995) for New Line.In the new century Hooper's career continued to grow stronger with "Night Visions" (2001), Shadow Realm (2002) (TV), and the pilot episode for Steven Spielberg's award-winning miniseries "Taken" (2002/I) (mini). In 2004 Hooper co-produced the successful remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) for New Line. In 2005 he started his own low-budget horror franchise, TH Nightmare; has Toolbox Murders (2004) with Angela Bettis, released through Lions Gate; is in post-production on Mortuary (2005/I); is in pre-production on "Zombies"; and will produce and direct "Ghosts" (2006) (mini), a mini-series for A
Trivia random: He directed the music video "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol.
Citazione random: [on horror] "You've got to send a physical sensation through and not let them off the hook. I like to make it faster and faster and faster and pumping and banging until I get into you."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Mortuary (2005/I)
Regista: Tobe Hooper
Scrittore: Jace Anderson, Adam Gierasch
Genere: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Valutazione: 4.2/10 (459 voti)
Durata: 94 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Dan Byrd .... Jonathan Doyle
- Denise Crosby .... Leslie Doyle
- Stephanie Patton .... Jamie Doyle
- Alexandra Adi .... Liz
- Rocky Marquette .... Grady
- Courtney Peldon .... Tina
- Bug Hall .... Cal
- Tarah Paige .... Sara
- Michael Shamus Wiles .... Sheriff Howell
- Adam Gierasch .... Mr. Barstow
The Doyle family moves to rural California to start a new life; perhaps a strange choice because their new life takes on the form of running the long abandoned Fowler Brothers Funeral Home. The locals fear the place, and there are whispers around town that the land the home lies on is haunted. The Doyle family will soon discover that something lurks beneath the soil-something that raises rotten corpses from their long forgotten graves and feeds on death itself.
Trivia random: The quote carved on the vault's door "That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die." is from HP Lovecraft's short story The Call of Cthulhu.
Citazione random: Jonathan Doyle: A 26 hour car trip just went by.::Leslie Doyle: He speaks! What is that, 6 hours, a record for you?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Poltergeist (1982)
Poltergeist: demoniache presenze
Regista: Tobe Hooper
Scrittore: Steven Spielberg, Steven Spielberg
Genere: Horror, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.4/10 (14632 voti)
Durata: 114 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Craig T. Nelson .... Steve Freeling
- JoBeth Williams .... Diane Freeling (as Jobeth Williams)
- Beatrice Straight .... Dr. Lesh
- Dominique Dunne .... Dana Freeling
- Oliver Robins .... Robbie Freeling
- Heather O'Rourke .... Carol Anne Freeling
- Michael McManus .... Ben Tuthill
- Virginia Kiser .... Mrs. Tuthill
- Martin Casella .... Dr. Marty Casey (as Marty Casella)
- Richard Lawson .... Ryan
A young family are visited by ghosts in their home. At first the ghosts appear friendly, moving objects around the house to the amusement of everyone, then they turn nasty and start to terrorise the family before they "kidnap" the youngest daughter.
Trivia random: Movie on the TV in an early bedroom scene is A Guy Named Joe (1943), a film about a pilot who returns to the world as a ghost. It was later remade by Steven Spielberg into Always (1989).
Citazione random: Diane: We were wondering if you had experienced any... disturbances?::Ben Tuthill: What kind of disturbances?::Diane: Oh, you know... dishes or furniture, moving around by themselves.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
martedì 20 giugno 2006
Sopravvissuto ad una partita trash come Italia-USA (e ringraziamo De Rossi per averci aggiunto anche un po' di gore), ho avuto il tempo di completare la visione di tutti i 14 episodi di Firefly.
Sarò breve: figata pazzesca!
La serie segue le vicende dei 9 membri dell'equipaggio della nave Serenity (di classe Firefly), guidati dal comandate Malcom e dalla sua compagna d'armi Zoe. Il futuro non si presenta molto roseo: l'umanità ha conquistato pianeti, lune ed asteroidi, ma lo ha fatto seguendo il modello della frontiera (la conquista del West americano), piuttosto che tramite un pervasivo uso di tecnologia.
Insomma: ondate su ondate di uomini che creano un ambiente in cui la vita vale molto poco e le battaglie per conquistarsi il proprio angolo di mondo sono feroci; questo almeno sulla frontiera, ai margini della zona di universo colonizzata dagli umani: nel nucleo, i pianeti centrali controllati dall'Alleanza si presentano puliti, ordinati ed altamente tecnologizzati. Questo contrasto ricorda in parte quanto descritto da Isaac Asimov nella conclusione del suo ciclo dei robot, coi mondi spaziali pienamente civilizzati e la Terra (i mondi periferici, in questo caso), in tumultuosa e disordinata espansione.
L'equipaggio della Serenity vagherà in questo universo alla ricerca di lavoro (legale o meno che sia) e cercando di sfuggire ora all'Alleanza ora a vecchi nemici. Ogni personaggio ha una storia ed un carattere molto diverso dagli altri; non mancano gli scontri, ma nonostante questo prima o poi tutti riconoscono la Serenity per ciò che è: la loro casa.
Non manca neppure la traccia principale: la fuga di River, e di suo fratello Simon che l'ha salvata, dall'Alleanza che conduceva esperimenti sulla sua mente. Per il resto si tratta di episodi più o meno autoconclusivi, molto poco tipici di una serie fantascientifica e molto molto molto western (ci sono molti più inseguimenti a cavallo, sparatorie nei saloon e furti di bestiame di quanto non siano le battaglie tra astronavi).
Avevo già recensito il film (che mi riservo di rivedere in inglese) e confermo la mia opinione sul film e sul tipo di ambiente che la serie dipinge; per quanto riguarda l'approfondimento dei personaggi invece la serie è un altro pianeta: nessuno dei 9 è meno che superbo, interessante e funzionale al racconto. Fin dai primi episodi ci si affeziona realmente alle loro personalità e vicende.
Potrei citare Inara (il concetto di "ambasciatrice" è geniale), Jayne e Kaylee (oltre ovviamente a Mal) come i miei preferiti, ma la verità è che farei un torto agli altri - peccato solo che il pastore Book non abbia potuto raccontare la sua storia.
Gli attori, pur nessuno in odore di premio oscar, sono molto adatti alle loro parti; la regia fa un buon lavoro: a differenza che nel film, qui le scazzottate a-la-Buffy sono quasi del tutto assenti e mi sembra che, a parte nei primissimi episodi, non si abusi di zoomate o inquadrature sbilenche (ci sono anche dopo, ma usate meno e meglio). Va detto che solo pochi episodi sono stati diretti da Joss Whedon in prima persona.
La musica è eccellente e contribuisce molto bene all'atmosfera da western spaziale.
So che la serie è stata tradotta in italiano, ma dopo averla vista in inglese (ed aver visto il film in italiano) so per certo che è obbligatorio ascoltarla in lingua originale: il solo pensiero che abbiano tradotto le parti in cinese e quelle in "galattico" è raccapricciante.
Interrotta dalla Fox dopo appena 14 episodi, la sospensione costituisce un vero e proprio delitto: almeno 2 o 3 stagioni sarebbero state obbligatorie per sviluppare appieno l'enorme potenziale dei vari personaggi. A peggiorar le cose, il film che come ho detto non è adeguato al livello della serie; andato anche maluccio al botteghino, ora le speranze di vedere nuovi episodi sono pressoché nulle.
Unico lato positivo: potete comprarvi il confanetto completo (ad esempio su per un soldo di cacio.
Voto: 10. Beh, non tutti gli episodi sono da 10 pieno, ovvio, ma perle quali Out of Gas, Jaynestown o Objects in Space (e ne dimentico di sicuro parecchi) sono meravigliosi.
Tags: firefly, serenity, fantascienza, western, avventura, azione, Joss Whedon.
Regista: Joss Whedon
Scrittore: Joss Whedon
Genere: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (43855 voti)
Durata: 119 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Mandarin
Serenity follows the crew of the ship Serenity as it tries to evade an alliance assassin sent to recapture the telepath River, whose brother rescued her from an alliance facility. The crew must discover the mystery of the planet Miranda while avoiding alliance and reever ships. Eventually the crew must defend the entrance to a galaxy-wide broadcasting station while the captain, Mal, tries to tell the worlds the truth behind the mysterious deaths on planet Miranda.
Trivia random: This is the first film for which a digital cinema distribution master was made using the new DCI standards using JPEG2000 compression and a 12 bit 4:4:4 XYZ color space.
Citazione random: Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I'll take the shuttle in closer. Zoe, ship is yours. Remember, if anything happens to me, or you don't hear from me within the hour... you take this ship and you come and you rescue me.::Zoë: What? And risk my ship?::Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I mean it. It's cold out there. I don't wanna get left.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 2 January 1920
Data di morte: 6 April 1992
Coniuge: Janet Opal Jeppson::(30 November 1973 - 6 April 1992) (his death), Gertrude Blugerman::(26 July 1942 - 16 November 1973) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Isaac Asimov was born Isaak Ozimov on January 2, 1920, in Petrovichi shtetl (village), near Smolensk, Russia. His father Judah and his mother Anna Rachel (nee Berman were Orthodox Jews. In 1923 the Asimovs emigrated to the US and settled in Brooklyn, New York. There his parents corrected his birthday to September 7, 1919, in order to send him to school a year earlier.Asimov was an avid reader from the age of 5. He spoke Yiddish and English at home with his parents. In 1935 he graduated from high school, in 1939 received a B.S. and in 1941 an M.Sc. in Chemistry from Columbia University. His studies were interrupted by work and military service during the Second World War. In 1948 he completed his postgraduate studies and received a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. In 1949 he began his teaching career at the Medical School of Boston University, becoming assistant professor in 1951, associate professor in 1955 and full professor in 1979. His income from his literary works was much greater than his professor's salary, and Asimov stopped taking pay for teaching. He was considered one of the best lecturers at Boston University.Asimov was raised as a non-religious person, did not have a bar mizvah and called himself an atheist. He did not oppose genuine religious convictions in others but did oppose superstitious or unfounded beliefs. he defined his intellectual position as a humanist and rationalist. He opposed the Vietnam war in the 1960s and was a supporter of the Democratic party. He embraced environmental issues and supported feminism, joking that he wished women to be free "because I hate it when they charge". He was also humorous about his memberships in various clubs and foundations. As a free thinker, Asimov saw sci-fi literature serving as a pool where ideas and hypotheses are expressed with unrestricted intellectual freedom.At the age of 11 he wrote eight chapters of a fiction novel about the adventures of young boys in a small town. His first publication was "Marooned Off Vesta" in "Amazing Stories"magazine in 1939. Asimov shot to fame in 1941 with "Nightfall", a story of a planet where night comes once every 2049 years. It has been described as one of the best science-fiction story ever written. Asimov wrote over 500 literary works. He is credited with introducing the words "positronic", "psycho-history" and "robotics" into the English language. He penned such classics as "I, Robot" and the "Foundation" series, often considered to be the most impressive of his writings. He also founded "Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine", which became a best-selling publication.Asimov met Gertrude Blugherman on a blind date on Valentine's Day in February 1942, and they married in July that year. The Asimovs had two children, David (born in 1951) and daughter Robyn Joan (born in 1955). Asimov met Janet Opal Jeppson in the late 1950s. She was a psychoanalyst and also a writer of science fiction for children. Correspondence with her convinced Asimov that she was the right kind of person for him. After his first marriage ended in divorce, he married Janet in 1973. That marriage was childless.In 1983 Asimov contracted HIV infection from a tainted blood transfusion received during a triple bypass surgery. He eventually developed AIDS and wanted to go public about it, but his doctors convinced Asimov to remain silent. He died of heart and renal failure from complications of AIDS on April 6, 1992, in Boston, Massachussets, and was cremated. His ashes were scattered.
Trivia random: He did not speak Russian.
Citazione random: "I don't have a modest bone in my body."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Genere: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 9.5/10 (2098 voti)
Durata: 42 min (15 episodes)
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Mandarin
In the distant future, Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds is a renegade former interstellar officer now turned smuggler/rogue whom is the commander of a small spacecraft with a loyal hand-picked crew making up of first mate Zoe Warren; pilot Hoban 'Wash' Washburn; gung-ho grunt Jayne Cobb; engineer Kaylee Frye; fugitives Doctor Simon Tam and his psychic sister River, where they travel the far reaches of space in search of food, money, and anything to live off on.
Trivia random: In the original conception of the show, Joss Whedon was only going to have five main characters on the ship. Throughout the development process, the character list got upped to nine.
Citazione random: Dr. Simon Tam: I'm trying to think of a way for you to be cruder. I just... It's not coming.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Joss Whedon
Scrittore: Joss Whedon
Genere: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 9.5/10 (54 voti)
The crew of Serenity consider ways to deal with River as her illness makes her a danger to them. That night, a bounty hunter named Jubal Early, who has been tracking Serenity since it left Ariel, invades the ship in order to try and take River and Simon. Early gets the crew in lock-down and it seems that River is the only one who can stop him.
Trivia random: In the episode "Objects in Space", Jubal Early is named for a Confederate general, a relative of Nathan Fillion (Mal). Early was known as irascible, eccentric and foul-mouthed. The real Early never surrendered to the Union, and after being pardoned by President Andrew Johnson, he never took the oath.
Citazione random: Jubal Early: Man is stronger than woman by far, yet only woman can create a child. Does that seem right to you?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Marita Grabiak
Scrittore: Ben Edlund
Genere: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 9.0/10 (46 voti)
The crew pulls a heist in a town where Jayne one robbed the local magistrate, making him a local folk hero, and a target for the local police.
Trivia random: Adam Baldwin admitted to swiping the Jayne statue's head as a souvenir after filming the episode. Later on, additional shots were needed for the episode (scene where the crew first sees the statue) and the crack where the head was broke off then reattached is visible.
Citazione random: River: Keep walkin', preacher man.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Whedon, Joseph Hill
Data di nascita: 23 June 1964
Coniuge: Kai Cole::(? - present) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: His wife, Kai Cole, gave birth to their son Arden on December 18, 2002.
Citazione random: [Talking about Serenity and making a movie] When you're making a movie, you gotta Amp it up, you gotta go to a greater scale and everything is gonna be a little grander, you hero is gonna be more 'heroicaler'.... yes that's a word..... now....
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: David Solomon
Scrittore: Tim Minear
Genere: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 9.4/10 (59 voti)
On Simon's birthday, Serenity's engine stops turning and an explosion knocks out auxiliary life support. With few options, Mal orders the crew off the ship, but he stays behind hoping for a miracle. The story is told in multiple time frames shifting from Mal's time alone on the ship to the events prior to the crew's departure. Flashbacks to Mal's initial meetings with many of his crew members are also a part of the narrative.
Trivia random: Alan Tudyk swiped the button Wash rigged up so Mal could call the shuttles back. He gave it to Joss Whedon as a gift after the series was canceled with a note that read, "When your miracle gets here..." quoting one of Wash's lines in the episode.
Citazione random: Inara: You're gonna to rent this shuttle to me.::Mal: Am I?::Inara: Yes. And for one quarter less than your asking price.::Mal: That a fact?::Inara: It is.::Mal: And you figure you'll be getting this discount why, exactly?::Inara: You want me.::[pause]::Inara: You want me on your ship.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Sarò breve: figata pazzesca!
La serie segue le vicende dei 9 membri dell'equipaggio della nave Serenity (di classe Firefly), guidati dal comandate Malcom e dalla sua compagna d'armi Zoe. Il futuro non si presenta molto roseo: l'umanità ha conquistato pianeti, lune ed asteroidi, ma lo ha fatto seguendo il modello della frontiera (la conquista del West americano), piuttosto che tramite un pervasivo uso di tecnologia.
Insomma: ondate su ondate di uomini che creano un ambiente in cui la vita vale molto poco e le battaglie per conquistarsi il proprio angolo di mondo sono feroci; questo almeno sulla frontiera, ai margini della zona di universo colonizzata dagli umani: nel nucleo, i pianeti centrali controllati dall'Alleanza si presentano puliti, ordinati ed altamente tecnologizzati. Questo contrasto ricorda in parte quanto descritto da Isaac Asimov nella conclusione del suo ciclo dei robot, coi mondi spaziali pienamente civilizzati e la Terra (i mondi periferici, in questo caso), in tumultuosa e disordinata espansione.
L'equipaggio della Serenity vagherà in questo universo alla ricerca di lavoro (legale o meno che sia) e cercando di sfuggire ora all'Alleanza ora a vecchi nemici. Ogni personaggio ha una storia ed un carattere molto diverso dagli altri; non mancano gli scontri, ma nonostante questo prima o poi tutti riconoscono la Serenity per ciò che è: la loro casa.
Non manca neppure la traccia principale: la fuga di River, e di suo fratello Simon che l'ha salvata, dall'Alleanza che conduceva esperimenti sulla sua mente. Per il resto si tratta di episodi più o meno autoconclusivi, molto poco tipici di una serie fantascientifica e molto molto molto western (ci sono molti più inseguimenti a cavallo, sparatorie nei saloon e furti di bestiame di quanto non siano le battaglie tra astronavi).
Avevo già recensito il film (che mi riservo di rivedere in inglese) e confermo la mia opinione sul film e sul tipo di ambiente che la serie dipinge; per quanto riguarda l'approfondimento dei personaggi invece la serie è un altro pianeta: nessuno dei 9 è meno che superbo, interessante e funzionale al racconto. Fin dai primi episodi ci si affeziona realmente alle loro personalità e vicende.
Potrei citare Inara (il concetto di "ambasciatrice" è geniale), Jayne e Kaylee (oltre ovviamente a Mal) come i miei preferiti, ma la verità è che farei un torto agli altri - peccato solo che il pastore Book non abbia potuto raccontare la sua storia.
Gli attori, pur nessuno in odore di premio oscar, sono molto adatti alle loro parti; la regia fa un buon lavoro: a differenza che nel film, qui le scazzottate a-la-Buffy sono quasi del tutto assenti e mi sembra che, a parte nei primissimi episodi, non si abusi di zoomate o inquadrature sbilenche (ci sono anche dopo, ma usate meno e meglio). Va detto che solo pochi episodi sono stati diretti da Joss Whedon in prima persona.
La musica è eccellente e contribuisce molto bene all'atmosfera da western spaziale.
So che la serie è stata tradotta in italiano, ma dopo averla vista in inglese (ed aver visto il film in italiano) so per certo che è obbligatorio ascoltarla in lingua originale: il solo pensiero che abbiano tradotto le parti in cinese e quelle in "galattico" è raccapricciante.
Interrotta dalla Fox dopo appena 14 episodi, la sospensione costituisce un vero e proprio delitto: almeno 2 o 3 stagioni sarebbero state obbligatorie per sviluppare appieno l'enorme potenziale dei vari personaggi. A peggiorar le cose, il film che come ho detto non è adeguato al livello della serie; andato anche maluccio al botteghino, ora le speranze di vedere nuovi episodi sono pressoché nulle.
Unico lato positivo: potete comprarvi il confanetto completo (ad esempio su per un soldo di cacio.
Voto: 10. Beh, non tutti gli episodi sono da 10 pieno, ovvio, ma perle quali Out of Gas, Jaynestown o Objects in Space (e ne dimentico di sicuro parecchi) sono meravigliosi.
Tags: firefly, serenity, fantascienza, western, avventura, azione, Joss Whedon.
Serenity (2005)
Regista: Joss Whedon
Scrittore: Joss Whedon
Genere: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (43855 voti)
Durata: 119 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Mandarin
- Nathan Fillion .... Mal
- Gina Torres .... Zoe
- Alan Tudyk .... Wash
- Morena Baccarin .... Inara
- Adam Baldwin .... Jayne
- Jewel Staite .... Kaylee
- Sean Maher .... Simon
- Summer Glau .... River
- Ron Glass .... Shepherd Book
- Chiwetel Ejiofor .... The Operative
Serenity follows the crew of the ship Serenity as it tries to evade an alliance assassin sent to recapture the telepath River, whose brother rescued her from an alliance facility. The crew must discover the mystery of the planet Miranda while avoiding alliance and reever ships. Eventually the crew must defend the entrance to a galaxy-wide broadcasting station while the captain, Mal, tries to tell the worlds the truth behind the mysterious deaths on planet Miranda.
Trivia random: This is the first film for which a digital cinema distribution master was made using the new DCI standards using JPEG2000 compression and a 12 bit 4:4:4 XYZ color space.
Citazione random: Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I'll take the shuttle in closer. Zoe, ship is yours. Remember, if anything happens to me, or you don't hear from me within the hour... you take this ship and you come and you rescue me.::Zoë: What? And risk my ship?::Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I mean it. It's cold out there. I don't wanna get left.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Asimov, Isaac
Data di nascita: 2 January 1920
Data di morte: 6 April 1992
Coniuge: Janet Opal Jeppson::(30 November 1973 - 6 April 1992) (his death), Gertrude Blugerman::(26 July 1942 - 16 November 1973) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- I, Robot (2004) .... (suggested by book) [scrittore]
- Nightfall (2000) (V) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Bicentennial Man (1999) .... (novel The Positronic Man) (short story The Bicentennial Man) [scrittore]
- The Android Affair (1995) (TV) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Teach 109 (1990) (TV) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Feeling 109 (1988) .... (story) [scrittore]
- Gandahar (1988) .... (adaptation) (English version) [scrittore]
- Nightfall (1988) .... (story) [scrittore]
- "Probe" (1988) .... (creator) [scrittore]
- Robots (1988) (V) .... (novels I, Robot et al) [scrittore]
Isaac Asimov was born Isaak Ozimov on January 2, 1920, in Petrovichi shtetl (village), near Smolensk, Russia. His father Judah and his mother Anna Rachel (nee Berman were Orthodox Jews. In 1923 the Asimovs emigrated to the US and settled in Brooklyn, New York. There his parents corrected his birthday to September 7, 1919, in order to send him to school a year earlier.Asimov was an avid reader from the age of 5. He spoke Yiddish and English at home with his parents. In 1935 he graduated from high school, in 1939 received a B.S. and in 1941 an M.Sc. in Chemistry from Columbia University. His studies were interrupted by work and military service during the Second World War. In 1948 he completed his postgraduate studies and received a Ph.D. in Biochemistry. In 1949 he began his teaching career at the Medical School of Boston University, becoming assistant professor in 1951, associate professor in 1955 and full professor in 1979. His income from his literary works was much greater than his professor's salary, and Asimov stopped taking pay for teaching. He was considered one of the best lecturers at Boston University.Asimov was raised as a non-religious person, did not have a bar mizvah and called himself an atheist. He did not oppose genuine religious convictions in others but did oppose superstitious or unfounded beliefs. he defined his intellectual position as a humanist and rationalist. He opposed the Vietnam war in the 1960s and was a supporter of the Democratic party. He embraced environmental issues and supported feminism, joking that he wished women to be free "because I hate it when they charge". He was also humorous about his memberships in various clubs and foundations. As a free thinker, Asimov saw sci-fi literature serving as a pool where ideas and hypotheses are expressed with unrestricted intellectual freedom.At the age of 11 he wrote eight chapters of a fiction novel about the adventures of young boys in a small town. His first publication was "Marooned Off Vesta" in "Amazing Stories"magazine in 1939. Asimov shot to fame in 1941 with "Nightfall", a story of a planet where night comes once every 2049 years. It has been described as one of the best science-fiction story ever written. Asimov wrote over 500 literary works. He is credited with introducing the words "positronic", "psycho-history" and "robotics" into the English language. He penned such classics as "I, Robot" and the "Foundation" series, often considered to be the most impressive of his writings. He also founded "Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine", which became a best-selling publication.Asimov met Gertrude Blugherman on a blind date on Valentine's Day in February 1942, and they married in July that year. The Asimovs had two children, David (born in 1951) and daughter Robyn Joan (born in 1955). Asimov met Janet Opal Jeppson in the late 1950s. She was a psychoanalyst and also a writer of science fiction for children. Correspondence with her convinced Asimov that she was the right kind of person for him. After his first marriage ended in divorce, he married Janet in 1973. That marriage was childless.In 1983 Asimov contracted HIV infection from a tainted blood transfusion received during a triple bypass surgery. He eventually developed AIDS and wanted to go public about it, but his doctors convinced Asimov to remain silent. He died of heart and renal failure from complications of AIDS on April 6, 1992, in Boston, Massachussets, and was cremated. His ashes were scattered.
Trivia random: He did not speak Russian.
Citazione random: "I don't have a modest bone in my body."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
"Firefly" (2002)
Genere: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 9.5/10 (2098 voti)
Durata: 42 min (15 episodes)
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Mandarin
- Nathan Fillion .... Capt. Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds
- Gina Torres .... Zoe Washburne
- Alan Tudyk .... Hoban 'Wash' Washburne
- Morena Baccarin .... Inara Serra
- Adam Baldwin .... Jayne Cobb
- Jewel Staite .... Kaylee Frye
- Sean Maher .... Dr. Simon Tam
- Summer Glau .... River Tam
- Ron Glass .... Shepherd Book
In the distant future, Captain Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds is a renegade former interstellar officer now turned smuggler/rogue whom is the commander of a small spacecraft with a loyal hand-picked crew making up of first mate Zoe Warren; pilot Hoban 'Wash' Washburn; gung-ho grunt Jayne Cobb; engineer Kaylee Frye; fugitives Doctor Simon Tam and his psychic sister River, where they travel the far reaches of space in search of food, money, and anything to live off on.
Trivia random: In the original conception of the show, Joss Whedon was only going to have five main characters on the ship. Throughout the development process, the character list got upped to nine.
Citazione random: Dr. Simon Tam: I'm trying to think of a way for you to be cruder. I just... It's not coming.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
"Firefly" Objects in Space (2002)
Regista: Joss Whedon
Scrittore: Joss Whedon
Genere: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 9.5/10 (54 voti)
- Nathan Fillion .... Capt. Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds
- Gina Torres .... Zoe Washburne
- Alan Tudyk .... Hoban 'Wash' Washburne
- Morena Baccarin .... Inara Serra
- Adam Baldwin .... Jayne Cobb
- Jewel Staite .... Kaylee Frye
- Sean Maher .... Dr. Simon Tam
- Summer Glau .... River Tam
- Ron Glass .... Shepherd Book
- Richard Brooks .... Jubal Early
The crew of Serenity consider ways to deal with River as her illness makes her a danger to them. That night, a bounty hunter named Jubal Early, who has been tracking Serenity since it left Ariel, invades the ship in order to try and take River and Simon. Early gets the crew in lock-down and it seems that River is the only one who can stop him.
Trivia random: In the episode "Objects in Space", Jubal Early is named for a Confederate general, a relative of Nathan Fillion (Mal). Early was known as irascible, eccentric and foul-mouthed. The real Early never surrendered to the Union, and after being pardoned by President Andrew Johnson, he never took the oath.
Citazione random: Jubal Early: Man is stronger than woman by far, yet only woman can create a child. Does that seem right to you?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
"Firefly" Jaynestown (2002)
Regista: Marita Grabiak
Scrittore: Ben Edlund
Genere: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 9.0/10 (46 voti)
- Nathan Fillion .... Capt. Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds
- Gina Torres .... Zoe Washburne
- Alan Tudyk .... Hoban 'Wash' Washburne
- Morena Baccarin .... Inara Serra
- Adam Baldwin .... Jayne Cobb
- Jewel Staite .... Kaylee Frye
- Sean Maher .... Dr. Simon Tam
- Summer Glau .... River Tam
- Ron Glass .... Shepherd Book
- Daniel Bess .... Mudder
The crew pulls a heist in a town where Jayne one robbed the local magistrate, making him a local folk hero, and a target for the local police.
Trivia random: Adam Baldwin admitted to swiping the Jayne statue's head as a souvenir after filming the episode. Later on, additional shots were needed for the episode (scene where the crew first sees the statue) and the crack where the head was broke off then reattached is visible.
Citazione random: River: Keep walkin', preacher man.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Whedon, Joss
Nome di battesimo: Whedon, Joseph Hill
Data di nascita: 23 June 1964
Coniuge: Kai Cole::(? - present) 1 child
Ultimi lavori:
- Goners (2007) .... [scrittore]
- Wonder Woman (2007) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Serenity (2005) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Angel & the Apocalypse (2004) (V) .... (creator: "Angel") [misc]
- Bandwagon (2004) .... Joss Whedon [attore]
- 'Angel': Season 2 Overview (2003) (V) .... (creator: "Angel") (uncredited) [misc]
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (2003) (VG) .... (creator "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") (uncredited) [scrittore]
- Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) .... (treatment) [scrittore]
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2000) (VG) .... (creator "Buffy the Vampire Slayer") (uncredited) [scrittore]
- Titan A.E. (2000) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
Trivia random: His wife, Kai Cole, gave birth to their son Arden on December 18, 2002.
Citazione random: [Talking about Serenity and making a movie] When you're making a movie, you gotta Amp it up, you gotta go to a greater scale and everything is gonna be a little grander, you hero is gonna be more 'heroicaler'.... yes that's a word..... now....
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
"Firefly" Out of Gas (2002)
Regista: David Solomon
Scrittore: Tim Minear
Genere: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 9.4/10 (59 voti)
- Nathan Fillion .... Capt. Malcolm 'Mal' Reynolds
- Gina Torres .... Zoe Washburne
- Alan Tudyk .... Hoban 'Wash' Washburne
- Morena Baccarin .... Inara Serra
- Adam Baldwin .... Jayne Cobb
- Jewel Staite .... Kaylee Frye
- Sean Maher .... Dr. Simon Tam
- Summer Glau .... River Tam
- Ron Glass .... Shepherd Book
- Steven Flynn .... Captain
On Simon's birthday, Serenity's engine stops turning and an explosion knocks out auxiliary life support. With few options, Mal orders the crew off the ship, but he stays behind hoping for a miracle. The story is told in multiple time frames shifting from Mal's time alone on the ship to the events prior to the crew's departure. Flashbacks to Mal's initial meetings with many of his crew members are also a part of the narrative.
Trivia random: Alan Tudyk swiped the button Wash rigged up so Mal could call the shuttles back. He gave it to Joss Whedon as a gift after the series was canceled with a note that read, "When your miracle gets here..." quoting one of Wash's lines in the episode.
Citazione random: Inara: You're gonna to rent this shuttle to me.::Mal: Am I?::Inara: Yes. And for one quarter less than your asking price.::Mal: That a fact?::Inara: It is.::Mal: And you figure you'll be getting this discount why, exactly?::Inara: You want me.::[pause]::Inara: You want me on your ship.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
sabato 10 giugno 2006
bad omen
Dopo aver fumato troppo incenso, gli alti papaveri della chiesa cattolica si convincono che l'11 settembre, l'esposione al rietro dello shuttle columbia, lo tsunami nel sud-est asiatico, il trattato di Roma (l'Unione Europea è il maaale ) ed un po' di altri allegri eventi annuncino l'arrivo del deeemonio e conseguente armageddon.
Il figlio di satana puntualmente viene scodellato in un ospedale romano (ma guarda il caso), nello stesso luogo e giorno del figlio del viceambasciatore americano.
Seguendo una logica contorta, al politico viene detto che suo figlio è morto e viene convinto a crescere il satanasso.
Trasferitisi a Londra tutto procede per il meglio fino al quinto compleanno di Damien (un nome maaalvagio ) quando orrende disgrazie iniziano ad accadere accanto al bambino.
Chissà come un prete ed un fotografo convincono il novello ambasciatore che qualcosa non va nel figlio che ha allevato; l'uomo quindi, invece che ambasciare un po' qui e un po' là, molla tutto e parte alla ricerca della verità e, avuta la certezza che il bambino è in realtà l'egregio signor lucifero, di un modo per eliminarlo.
Dopo un'ora soporifera il film sfodera le sue qualità trash: una trama bacata fino al midollo ed una regia disturbata (ehi, lo stesso pirla che fece quell'orrenda lordura di Behind Enemy Lines) confezionano un horror pre-apocalittico imparagonabile all'originale, e molto più simile agli squallidi seguiti.
Di veramente horror restano i primi piani del protagonista ed i lifting di una mummificata Mia Farrow.
Voto: 3. Trashometro® 4/10:
Tags: horror, omen, diavolo, trash, morti, armageddon, ambasciatore, Mia Farrow.
Data di nascita: c. 1970
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: He set up the innovative production company, Clingfilms, with among others Damien O'Donnell, who went on to direct _East is East (1999)_ .
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: John Moore
Scrittore: Jim Thomas, John Thomas
Genere: Action, War, Drama, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.0/10 (13863 voti)
Durata: 106 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Czech
Fighter navigator Chris Burnett wants out: he was looking for something more than the boring recon missions he's been flying. He finds himself flying the lone Christmas day mission over war-torn Bosnia. But when he talks pilot Stackhouse into flying slightly off-course to check out an interesting target, the two get shot down. Burnett is soon alone, trying to outrun a pursuing army, while commanding officer Reigert finds his rescue operation hamstrung by politics, forcing Burnett to run far out of his way.
Trivia random: When the crew of the carrier are linking a satellite to view Burnett, as the Thermal image appears on the screen, the sound effect is the same as in Predator (1987) when the screen shows the Predator's Thermal view.
Citazione random: [talking to Burnett on the radio]::Admiral Reigart: Burnett!::[pauses]::Admiral Reigart: Zero-six, you've been shot down, life is tough. You're a combat aviator, start acting like one. Remember your training, put some angles between you and your pursuers. Evade and survive, and we will bring you home. You got that? We will bring you home.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Richard Donner
Scrittore: David Seltzer
Genere: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.4/10 (11018 voti)
Durata: 111 min
Paese: UK
Lingua: English, Latin
Gregory Peck is the ambassador to the United States who's wife has a stillborn child. Without her knowledge, he substitutes another baby as theirs. A few years go by, and then grisly deaths begin to happen. The child's nanny hangs herself and a priest is speared to death in a freak accident. It turns out the child is the son of Satan and can only be killed with the seven daggers of Meggado.
Trivia random: Charlton Heston, Roy Scheider and William Holden turned down the lead role. Gregory Peck, who hadn't worked for 5 years accepted the lead. William Holden did eventually accept a role in a sequel.
Citazione random: Robert Thorn: If there were anything wrong, you'd tell me, wouldn't you?::Kathy Thorn: Wrong? What could be wrong with our child, Robert? We're the beautiful people, aren't we?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Schreiber, Isaac Liev
Data di nascita: 4 October 1967
Altezza: 6' 3" (1.91 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Liev (pronounced Lee-ev) is the son of Tell Schreiber, a theatrical actor with some film roles. His mother, Heather, was a painter. At age 1, the family moved from San Francisco to Canada. His parents divorced when he was 4 or 5. He and his mother then moved to New York, where she drove a cab. During that time, they lived as squatters in an abandoned building. His mother now lives in an ashram in Virginia. His mother taught him to read. She also forbade him from seeing color movies. Thus he grew up seeing movies at a local revival house, particularly those of Charlie Chaplin. Started acting at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. Then graduated from the Yale School of Drama in 1992. He originally wanted to be a playwright, but his teacher encouraged him to become an actor.
Trivia random: Prefers to keep his dating life private, although he has been romantically linked to actress Kristin Davis and to film producer Kate Driver (Minnie Driver's sister).
Citazione random: "If you are going to remake a film, you may as well remake a classic. I do think great stories have a way of retelling themselves. The medium is so young that so much is not content-driven, it's about stars and the studio. But when we have gotten through that phase of film, which I figure we probably will in about 15 or 20 years, films will be able to stand on the legs of their stories."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Farrow, Maria de Lourdes Villiers
Data di nascita: 9 February 1945
Altezza: 5' 4¼" (1.63 m)
Coniuge: André Previn::(10 October 1970 - 1979) (divorced) 6 children, Frank Sinatra::(19 July 1966 - 1968) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Mia Farrow is the daughter of the director John Farrow and the actress and Tarzan-girl Maureen O'Sullivan. She debuted at the movies in 1959 in very small roles. She was noticed for the first time in the film Rosemary's Baby (1968) by Roman Polanski. She showed her talent also on TV and at the theatre but her final breakthrough was when she met Woody Allen and became his Muse after the film A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (1982). After that Woody Allen wrote many other roles for her.
Trivia random: She and Woody Allen made 13 movies together: Broadway Danny Rose (1984), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989), Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), Alice (1990), Another Woman (1988), The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), September (1987), Husbands and Wives (1992), A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (1982), New York Stories (1989), Radio Days (1987), Shadows and Fog (1992) and Zelig (1983)
Citazione random: As a young actress on her slender, waifish figure, "I'm kind of 20-20-20."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Il figlio di satana puntualmente viene scodellato in un ospedale romano (ma guarda il caso), nello stesso luogo e giorno del figlio del viceambasciatore americano.
Seguendo una logica contorta, al politico viene detto che suo figlio è morto e viene convinto a crescere il satanasso.
Trasferitisi a Londra tutto procede per il meglio fino al quinto compleanno di Damien (un nome maaalvagio ) quando orrende disgrazie iniziano ad accadere accanto al bambino.
Chissà come un prete ed un fotografo convincono il novello ambasciatore che qualcosa non va nel figlio che ha allevato; l'uomo quindi, invece che ambasciare un po' qui e un po' là, molla tutto e parte alla ricerca della verità e, avuta la certezza che il bambino è in realtà l'egregio signor lucifero, di un modo per eliminarlo.
Dopo un'ora soporifera il film sfodera le sue qualità trash: una trama bacata fino al midollo ed una regia disturbata (ehi, lo stesso pirla che fece quell'orrenda lordura di Behind Enemy Lines) confezionano un horror pre-apocalittico imparagonabile all'originale, e molto più simile agli squallidi seguiti.
Di veramente horror restano i primi piani del protagonista ed i lifting di una mummificata Mia Farrow.
Voto: 3. Trashometro® 4/10:
Tags: horror, omen, diavolo, trash, morti, armageddon, ambasciatore, Mia Farrow.
Moore, John (V)
Data di nascita: c. 1970
Ultimi lavori:
- The Last Mission (2006) .... [regista]
- The Omen (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Phoenix Diaries (2005) (V) .... (additional camera operator) (special thanks) [misc]
- Flight of the Phoenix (2004) .... [regista]
- Wild West's Most Wanted (2003) (TV) .... [scrittore]
- Behind Enemy Lines (2001) .... [regista]
- Pips (1996) .... [scrittore]
- He Shoots, He Scores (1995) .... (producer) [produttore]
- After 68 (1993) .... (assistant camera) (clapper loader) [misc]
- Jack's Bicycle (1990) .... [scrittore]
Trivia random: He set up the innovative production company, Clingfilms, with among others Damien O'Donnell, who went on to direct _East is East (1999)_ .
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
Behind enemy lines - Dietro le linee nemiche
Regista: John Moore
Scrittore: Jim Thomas, John Thomas
Genere: Action, War, Drama, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.0/10 (13863 voti)
Durata: 106 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Czech
- Owen Wilson .... Lt. Chris Burnett
- Gene Hackman .... Admiral Leslie McMahon Reigart
- Gabriel Macht .... Stackhouse
- Charles Malik Whitfield .... Capt. Rodway, USMC
- David Keith .... Master Chief Tom O'Malley
- Olek Krupa .... Miroslav Lokar
- Joaquim de Almeida .... Admiral Piquet
- Vladimir Mashkov .... Sasha
- Marko Igonda .... Bazda
- Eyal Podell .... Petty Officer Kennedy
Fighter navigator Chris Burnett wants out: he was looking for something more than the boring recon missions he's been flying. He finds himself flying the lone Christmas day mission over war-torn Bosnia. But when he talks pilot Stackhouse into flying slightly off-course to check out an interesting target, the two get shot down. Burnett is soon alone, trying to outrun a pursuing army, while commanding officer Reigert finds his rescue operation hamstrung by politics, forcing Burnett to run far out of his way.
Trivia random: When the crew of the carrier are linking a satellite to view Burnett, as the Thermal image appears on the screen, the sound effect is the same as in Predator (1987) when the screen shows the Predator's Thermal view.
Citazione random: [talking to Burnett on the radio]::Admiral Reigart: Burnett!::[pauses]::Admiral Reigart: Zero-six, you've been shot down, life is tough. You're a combat aviator, start acting like one. Remember your training, put some angles between you and your pursuers. Evade and survive, and we will bring you home. You got that? We will bring you home.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Omen, The (1976)
Presagio, Il
Regista: Richard Donner
Scrittore: David Seltzer
Genere: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.4/10 (11018 voti)
Durata: 111 min
Paese: UK
Lingua: English, Latin
- Gregory Peck .... Robert Thorn
- Lee Remick .... Katherine Thorn
- David Warner .... Keith Jennings
- Billie Whitelaw .... Mrs. Baylock
- Harvey Stephens .... Damien
- Patrick Troughton .... Father Brennan
- Martin Benson .... Father Spiletto
- Robert Rietty .... Monk
- Tommy Duggan .... Priest
- John Stride .... The Psychiatrist
Gregory Peck is the ambassador to the United States who's wife has a stillborn child. Without her knowledge, he substitutes another baby as theirs. A few years go by, and then grisly deaths begin to happen. The child's nanny hangs herself and a priest is speared to death in a freak accident. It turns out the child is the son of Satan and can only be killed with the seven daggers of Meggado.
Trivia random: Charlton Heston, Roy Scheider and William Holden turned down the lead role. Gregory Peck, who hadn't worked for 5 years accepted the lead. William Holden did eventually accept a role in a sequel.
Citazione random: Robert Thorn: If there were anything wrong, you'd tell me, wouldn't you?::Kathy Thorn: Wrong? What could be wrong with our child, Robert? We're the beautiful people, aren't we?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Schreiber, Liev
Nome di battesimo: Schreiber, Isaac Liev
Data di nascita: 4 October 1967
Altezza: 6' 3" (1.91 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Omen (2006) .... Robert Thorn [attore]
- The Painted Veil (2006) .... Charlie Townsend [attore]
- Everything Is Illuminated (2005) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Lackawanna Blues (2005) (TV) .... Ulysses Ford [attore]
- Oil Storm (2005) (TV) .... Narrator (voice) [attore]
- Chinese Dream (2004) .... (special thanks) [misc]
- The Manchurian Candidate (2004) .... Raymond Shaw [attore]
- Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2003) (TV) .... Ernst Hanfstaengl [attore]
- Spinning Boris (2003) .... Joe Shumate [attore]
- The Sum of All Fears (2002) .... John Clark [attore]
Liev (pronounced Lee-ev) is the son of Tell Schreiber, a theatrical actor with some film roles. His mother, Heather, was a painter. At age 1, the family moved from San Francisco to Canada. His parents divorced when he was 4 or 5. He and his mother then moved to New York, where she drove a cab. During that time, they lived as squatters in an abandoned building. His mother now lives in an ashram in Virginia. His mother taught him to read. She also forbade him from seeing color movies. Thus he grew up seeing movies at a local revival house, particularly those of Charlie Chaplin. Started acting at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. Then graduated from the Yale School of Drama in 1992. He originally wanted to be a playwright, but his teacher encouraged him to become an actor.
Trivia random: Prefers to keep his dating life private, although he has been romantically linked to actress Kristin Davis and to film producer Kate Driver (Minnie Driver's sister).
Citazione random: "If you are going to remake a film, you may as well remake a classic. I do think great stories have a way of retelling themselves. The medium is so young that so much is not content-driven, it's about stars and the studio. But when we have gotten through that phase of film, which I figure we probably will in about 15 or 20 years, films will be able to stand on the legs of their stories."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Farrow, Mia
Nome di battesimo: Farrow, Maria de Lourdes Villiers
Data di nascita: 9 February 1945
Altezza: 5' 4¼" (1.63 m)
Coniuge: André Previn::(10 October 1970 - 1979) (divorced) 6 children, Frank Sinatra::(19 July 1966 - 1968) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Arthur and the Minimoys (2006) .... Arthur's Grandmother [attrice]
- Fast Track (2006/I) .... [attrice]
- The Omen (2006) .... Mrs. Baylock [attrice]
- Samantha: An American Girl Holiday (2004) (TV) .... Grandmary Edwards [attrice]
- Julie Lydecker (2002) (TV) .... [attrice]
- Purpose (2002) .... Anna Simmons [attrice]
- The Secret Life of Zoey (2002) (TV) .... Marcia Carter [attrice]
- "A Girl Thing" (2001) (mini) .... Betty McCarthy [attrice]
- Coming Soon (1999) .... Judy Hodsell [attrice]
- Forget Me Never (1999) (TV) .... Diane McGowin [attrice]
Mia Farrow is the daughter of the director John Farrow and the actress and Tarzan-girl Maureen O'Sullivan. She debuted at the movies in 1959 in very small roles. She was noticed for the first time in the film Rosemary's Baby (1968) by Roman Polanski. She showed her talent also on TV and at the theatre but her final breakthrough was when she met Woody Allen and became his Muse after the film A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (1982). After that Woody Allen wrote many other roles for her.
Trivia random: She and Woody Allen made 13 movies together: Broadway Danny Rose (1984), Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989), Hannah and Her Sisters (1986), Alice (1990), Another Woman (1988), The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), September (1987), Husbands and Wives (1992), A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy (1982), New York Stories (1989), Radio Days (1987), Shadows and Fog (1992) and Zelig (1983)
Citazione random: As a young actress on her slender, waifish figure, "I'm kind of 20-20-20."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
giovedì 8 giugno 2006
spirited away
Per un motivo o per l'altro non ho mai seguito molto le opere di Miyazaki; Lupin e il Castello di Cagliostro mi era sembrato discreto ma senza essere un capolavoro; sono rimasto invece impressionato da Il Castello Errante di Howl, davvero una splendida favola: divertente e toccante al punto giusto.
Magari non ero dell'umore giusto, ma La Città incantata (Spirited Away) mi ha invece deluso oltremodo.
Due ore piene senza una trama che non sia banalissima, in cui tutto si riduce ad una sconclusionata parata di demoni e spiriti.
Sicuramente tutti molto significativi per chiunque conosca a menadito l'intero pantheon della mitologia nipponica, molto meno per tutti gli altri; non dubito che la storia sia molto simbolica e Tutto Il Resto®, ma non aveva davvero bisogno di due ore per essere raccontata, e poteva essere molto più diretta (sì, si vede che ero in modalità scimunito ma un paio di spiegazioni e di eventi chiave in più non avrebbero guastato).
Pregevolissimo sotto l'aspetto tecnico, ma questo non ha mai salvato nessuno.
Diamo pure la colpa alla digestione pesante, ma per ora non vedo come possa andare oltre il 4.5.
Tags: Miyazaki, divinità, demoni, mondo alternativo, surreale, favola, fantasy, animazione.
Regista: Hayao Miyazaki
Scrittore: Maurice Leblanc, Hayao Miyazaki
Genere: Animation, Action, Adventure, Mystery, Romance
Valutazione: 7.6/10 (2515 voti)
Durata: 110 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese, French
Reknowned international thief Lupin III (known as "Wolf" in the English dub) comes to the small European duchy of Cagliostro to investigate some excellently-forged money and stumbles across a national conspiracy going back some hundreds of years. Lupin and his friends must rescue the beautiful Clarice from the hands of the evil Count Cagliostro and solve the mystery of a hidden treasure dating back to the 15th century.
Trivia random: Director Trademark: [Hayao Miyazaki] [flying] Count Cagliostro pilots an autogyro, which Lupin later use to escape the castle.
Citazione random: Waitress: I feel sorry for Lady Clarisse. The count's known for being a real playboy.::Lupin III: Oh, really? Just like me! Say, are you busy tonight?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 5 January 1941
Coniuge: Akemi Ôta::(October 1965 - ?) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan's greatest animation directors. The entertaining plots, compelling characters, and breathtaking animation in his films have earned him international renown from critics as well as public recognition within Japan. The Walt Disney Company's commitment to introduce the films to the rest of the world will let more people appreciate the high-quality works he has given the movie-going public.Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tôkyô on January 5, 1941. He started his career in 1963 as an animator at the studio Toei Douga studio, and was subsequently involved in many early classics of Japanese animation. From the beginning, he commanded attention with his incredible drawing ability and the seemingly endless stream of movie ideas he proposed.In 1971, he moved to the A Pro studio with Isao Takahata, then to Nippon Animation in 1973, where he was heavily involved in the World Masterpiece Theater TV animation series for the next five years. In 1978, he directed his first TV series, "Mirai shônen Conan" (1978) (Conan, The Boy in Future), then moved to Tôkyô Movie Shinsha in 1979 to direct his first movie, the classic Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro (1979). In 1984, he released Kaze no tani no Naushika (1984), based on the manga (comic) of the same title he had started two years before. The success of the film led to the establishment of a new animation studio, Studio Ghibli (Sutajio Jiburi), at which Miyazaki has since directed, written, and produced many other films with Takahata and, more recently, Toshio Suzuki. All of these films enjoyed critical and box office successes. In particular, Miyazaki's Mononoke-hime (1997) received the Japanese equivalent of the Academy Award for Best Film and was the highest-grossing (about USD$150 million) domestic film in Japan's history at the time of its release.In addition to animation, Miyazaki also draws manga. His major work was the Nausicaä manga, an epic tale he worked on intermittently from 1982 to 1994 while he was busy making animated films. Another manga, Hikoutei Jidai, was later evolved into his 1992 film Kurenai no buta (1992).Miyazaki's latest film is Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004), based on the novel by Diana Wynne Jones. Even though he has said this would be at last film, a statement he has said before after the completion of some of his earlier films, one hopes that additions to his extraordinary body of work will continue to be produced as long as he remains alive.
Trivia random: Is good friends with famed Pixar director John Lasseter
Citazione random: "When I talk about traditions, I'm not talking about temples, which we got from China anyway. There is an indigenous Japan, and elements of that are what I'm trying to capture in my work."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Hayao Miyazaki
Scrittore: Hayao Miyazaki, Hayao Miyazaki
Genere: Animation, Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Valutazione: 8.5/10 (36750 voti) [#50 nella top250]
Durata: 125 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
While moving to a new home in Japan, Chihiro and her parents take a wrong turn down a mysterious wooded path. They come across an ominous-looking tunnel of which only Chihiro is scared. Going through the tunnel, they are lead them to a mysterious town filled with restaurants that have all kinds of delicious food on display. Chihiro's parents quickly sit down and start gorging themselves, assuming they will pay the restaurant upon their return. Chihiro's doubt of this strange town leads her to wander off, and she comes across a building of titanic size, where a young boy warns her to leave before nightfall. However, as the sun sets, the town begins to fill up with the gods of Japan's mythology, and Chihiro returns to find her parents mysteriously turned into pigs. The young boy, Haku, works in the building, which is a bathhouse for 8 Million gods. He helps Chihiro find work in this new world, find a way to save her parents from a dinner platter, and find her way home.
Trivia random: Chi and Sen both use the same Japanese Kanji, meaning 1000. The name 'Sen' is a play on the name 'Chihiro'
Citazione random: Chihiro: Guys, don't take that food! We're gonna get in trouble!::Chihiro's Father: Don't worry, you've got Daddy with you. He's got credit cards and cash!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Hayao Miyazaki
Scrittore: Hayao Miyazaki, Diana Wynne Jones
Genere: Animation, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (9385 voti)
Durata: 119 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
A love story between an 18-year-old girl named Sofî, cursed by a witch into an old woman's body, and a magician named Hauru. Under the curse, Sofî sets out to seek her fortune, which takes her to Hauru's strange moving castle. In the castle, Sophie meets Hauru's fire demon, named Karishifâ. Seeing that she is under a curse, the demon makes a deal with Sophie--if she breaks the contract he is under with Hauru, then Karushifâ will lift the curse that Sophie is under, and she will return to her 18-year-old shape.
Trivia random: Mamoru Hosoda was selected to direct the film but he abruptly left the project. Hayao Miyazaki then took up the director's role.
Citazione random: [repeated line]::Witch of the Waste: Oh, what a pretty fire.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Magari non ero dell'umore giusto, ma La Città incantata (Spirited Away) mi ha invece deluso oltremodo.
Due ore piene senza una trama che non sia banalissima, in cui tutto si riduce ad una sconclusionata parata di demoni e spiriti.
Sicuramente tutti molto significativi per chiunque conosca a menadito l'intero pantheon della mitologia nipponica, molto meno per tutti gli altri; non dubito che la storia sia molto simbolica e Tutto Il Resto®, ma non aveva davvero bisogno di due ore per essere raccontata, e poteva essere molto più diretta (sì, si vede che ero in modalità scimunito ma un paio di spiegazioni e di eventi chiave in più non avrebbero guastato).
Pregevolissimo sotto l'aspetto tecnico, ma questo non ha mai salvato nessuno.
Diamo pure la colpa alla digestione pesante, ma per ora non vedo come possa andare oltre il 4.5.
Tags: Miyazaki, divinità, demoni, mondo alternativo, surreale, favola, fantasy, animazione.
Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro (1979)
Regista: Hayao Miyazaki
Scrittore: Maurice Leblanc, Hayao Miyazaki
Genere: Animation, Action, Adventure, Mystery, Romance
Valutazione: 7.6/10 (2515 voti)
Durata: 110 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese, French
- Bob Bergen .... Arsene Lupin III (voice: English version)
- Yasuo Yamada .... Arsene Lupin III (voice)
- Eiko Masuyama .... Fujiko Mine (voice)
- Kiyoshi Kobayashi .... Daisuke Jigen (voice)
- Makio Inoue .... Goemon Ishikawa XIII (voice)
- Gorô Naya .... Inspector Zenigata (voice)
- Sumi Shimamoto .... Lady Clarisse de Cagliostro (voice)
- Tarô Ishida .... Count Cagliostro (voice)
- Kôhei Miyauchi .... Gardener (voice)
- Ichirô Nagai .... Jodo (voice)
Reknowned international thief Lupin III (known as "Wolf" in the English dub) comes to the small European duchy of Cagliostro to investigate some excellently-forged money and stumbles across a national conspiracy going back some hundreds of years. Lupin and his friends must rescue the beautiful Clarice from the hands of the evil Count Cagliostro and solve the mystery of a hidden treasure dating back to the 15th century.
Trivia random: Director Trademark: [Hayao Miyazaki] [flying] Count Cagliostro pilots an autogyro, which Lupin later use to escape the castle.
Citazione random: Waitress: I feel sorry for Lady Clarisse. The count's known for being a real playboy.::Lupin III: Oh, really? Just like me! Say, are you busy tonight?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Miyazaki, Hayao
Data di nascita: 5 January 1941
Coniuge: Akemi Ôta::(October 1965 - ?) 2 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Hoshi wo katta hi (2006) .... (screenplay) [scrittore]
- Mizugumo monmon (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Yadosagashi (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Koro no dai-sanpo (2002) .... [scrittore]
- Mei to Koneko basu (2002) .... [scrittore]
- Neko no ongaeshi (2002) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Kujira tori (2001) .... [scrittore]
- Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) .... (screenplay) (story) [scrittore]
- StarCraft (1998) (VG) .... (thanks) (as Miyazaki Hayao) [misc]
Hayao Miyazaki is one of Japan's greatest animation directors. The entertaining plots, compelling characters, and breathtaking animation in his films have earned him international renown from critics as well as public recognition within Japan. The Walt Disney Company's commitment to introduce the films to the rest of the world will let more people appreciate the high-quality works he has given the movie-going public.Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tôkyô on January 5, 1941. He started his career in 1963 as an animator at the studio Toei Douga studio, and was subsequently involved in many early classics of Japanese animation. From the beginning, he commanded attention with his incredible drawing ability and the seemingly endless stream of movie ideas he proposed.In 1971, he moved to the A Pro studio with Isao Takahata, then to Nippon Animation in 1973, where he was heavily involved in the World Masterpiece Theater TV animation series for the next five years. In 1978, he directed his first TV series, "Mirai shônen Conan" (1978) (Conan, The Boy in Future), then moved to Tôkyô Movie Shinsha in 1979 to direct his first movie, the classic Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro (1979). In 1984, he released Kaze no tani no Naushika (1984), based on the manga (comic) of the same title he had started two years before. The success of the film led to the establishment of a new animation studio, Studio Ghibli (Sutajio Jiburi), at which Miyazaki has since directed, written, and produced many other films with Takahata and, more recently, Toshio Suzuki. All of these films enjoyed critical and box office successes. In particular, Miyazaki's Mononoke-hime (1997) received the Japanese equivalent of the Academy Award for Best Film and was the highest-grossing (about USD$150 million) domestic film in Japan's history at the time of its release.In addition to animation, Miyazaki also draws manga. His major work was the Nausicaä manga, an epic tale he worked on intermittently from 1982 to 1994 while he was busy making animated films. Another manga, Hikoutei Jidai, was later evolved into his 1992 film Kurenai no buta (1992).Miyazaki's latest film is Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004), based on the novel by Diana Wynne Jones. Even though he has said this would be at last film, a statement he has said before after the completion of some of his earlier films, one hopes that additions to his extraordinary body of work will continue to be produced as long as he remains alive.
Trivia random: Is good friends with famed Pixar director John Lasseter
Citazione random: "When I talk about traditions, I'm not talking about temples, which we got from China anyway. There is an indigenous Japan, and elements of that are what I'm trying to capture in my work."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
Città incantata, La
Regista: Hayao Miyazaki
Scrittore: Hayao Miyazaki, Hayao Miyazaki
Genere: Animation, Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Valutazione: 8.5/10 (36750 voti) [#50 nella top250]
Durata: 125 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
- Rumi Hîragi .... Chihiro/Sen (voice) (as Rumi Hiiragi)
- Miyu Irino .... Haku (voice)
- Mari Natsuki .... Yubaba/Zeniba (voice)
- Takashi Naitô .... Chihiro's Father (voice)
- Yasuko Sawaguchi .... Chihiro's Mother (voice)
- Tatsuya Gashuin .... Aogaeru, Assistant Manager (voice)
- Ryunosuke Kamiki .... Bôh (voice)
- Yumi Tamai .... Lin (voice)
- Yo Oizumi .... Bandai-gaeru (voice)
- Koba Hayashi .... Kawa no Kami (voice)
While moving to a new home in Japan, Chihiro and her parents take a wrong turn down a mysterious wooded path. They come across an ominous-looking tunnel of which only Chihiro is scared. Going through the tunnel, they are lead them to a mysterious town filled with restaurants that have all kinds of delicious food on display. Chihiro's parents quickly sit down and start gorging themselves, assuming they will pay the restaurant upon their return. Chihiro's doubt of this strange town leads her to wander off, and she comes across a building of titanic size, where a young boy warns her to leave before nightfall. However, as the sun sets, the town begins to fill up with the gods of Japan's mythology, and Chihiro returns to find her parents mysteriously turned into pigs. The young boy, Haku, works in the building, which is a bathhouse for 8 Million gods. He helps Chihiro find work in this new world, find a way to save her parents from a dinner platter, and find her way home.
Trivia random: Chi and Sen both use the same Japanese Kanji, meaning 1000. The name 'Sen' is a play on the name 'Chihiro'
Citazione random: Chihiro: Guys, don't take that food! We're gonna get in trouble!::Chihiro's Father: Don't worry, you've got Daddy with you. He's got credit cards and cash!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004)
Castello errante di Howl, Il
Regista: Hayao Miyazaki
Scrittore: Hayao Miyazaki, Diana Wynne Jones
Genere: Animation, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi
Valutazione: 8.0/10 (9385 voti)
Durata: 119 min
Paese: Japan
Lingua: Japanese
- Chieko Baisho .... Sofî (voice: Japanese version)
- Takuya Kimura .... Hauru (voice: Japanese version)
- Akihiro Miwa .... Arechi no Majo (voice: Japanese version)
- Tatsuya Gashuin .... Karushifâ (voice: Japanese version)
- Ryunosuke Kamiki .... Marukuru (voice: Japanese version)
- Mitsunori Isaki .... Koshô (voice: Japanese version)
- Yo Oizumi .... Kakashi no Kabu (voice: Japanese version)
- Akio Ôtsuka .... Kokuô (voice: Japanese version)
- Daijiro Harada .... Hin (voice: Japanese version)
- Haruko Kato .... Sariman (voice: Japanese version)
A love story between an 18-year-old girl named Sofî, cursed by a witch into an old woman's body, and a magician named Hauru. Under the curse, Sofî sets out to seek her fortune, which takes her to Hauru's strange moving castle. In the castle, Sophie meets Hauru's fire demon, named Karishifâ. Seeing that she is under a curse, the demon makes a deal with Sophie--if she breaks the contract he is under with Hauru, then Karushifâ will lift the curse that Sophie is under, and she will return to her 18-year-old shape.
Trivia random: Mamoru Hosoda was selected to direct the film but he abruptly left the project. Hayao Miyazaki then took up the director's role.
Citazione random: [repeated line]::Witch of the Waste: Oh, what a pretty fire.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
sabato 3 giugno 2006
Per festeggiare degnamente la festa della Repubblica, spararsi una lunga di tutti e tre i film degli x-men mi pare più che adeguato.
Personalmente, ho adorato la trilogia in toto: di gran lunga i migliori tra i film tratti da fumetti, ma non solo.
[nessuno spoiler significativo su nessuno dei tre film, giuro]
X-Men fa un ottimo lavoro nell'introdurre il tema dei mutanti, il loro sentirsi temuti ed esclusi dal resto dell'umanità e le differenti reazioni: da una parte Xavier alla ricerca di una possibile convivenza, dall'altra Magneto e la sua lotta per la supremazia dei mutanti.
Una battaglia tra due amici separati da diverse visioni del futuro.
Tra i protagonisti svetta Wolverine, il cui arrivo tra gli X-Men creerà non poco scompiglio.
In X2 si fa un vero balzo in avanti, specie in quanto a qualità della sceneggiatura ed approfondimento dei personaggi. Gli umani stanno reagendo, ed il generale Stryker è intenzionato ad eliminare il problema mutante sfruttando i poteri di alcuni di loro a proprio vantaggio. Benché con fini diversi, Xavier e Magneto si trovano almeno temporaneamente dalla stessa parte della barricata.
Le scene memorabili non si contano: dall'apertura con la più grande scena d'azione mai vista al cinema (l'attacco di Nightcrawler al presidente) alla fuga di Magneto dalla sua cella, dall'attacco alla scuola al finale epico.
Impressionante anche come sviluppo dei personaggi, specie Wolverine (col suo passato) e Jean Grey (col suo futuro), riesce anche in piccolissimi dettagli e brevi dialoghi a rendere le angosce, le frustrazioni e la rabbia di mutanti che, pur avendo fatto una scelta chiara, si trovano spesso rosi dai dubbi (le tre battute scambiate tra Nightcrawler e Mystica sono indimenticabili).
Il migliore della trilogia.
X-Men: The Last Stand riprende da dove il secondo era finito. Le relazioni umani-mutanti sembrano migliorare, benché tra grandi difficoltà. Le cose si complicano quando viene sviluppata una cura per le mutazioni; a questo punto Magneto, già braccato dalle autorità, si sente messo all'angolo e decide di iniziare una offensiva in grande stile, al fine di distruggere la cura. A far precipitare la situazioni l'arrivo (non inatteso, ma pur sempre sgradito ) di zia Fenice, che si presenta quasi del tutto instabile ed incontrollabile.
Anche questa volta il gruppo di Xavier dovrà vedersela con i seguaci di Magneto, ed allo stesso tempo tutti dovranno combattere gli umani - che ormai si sentono in reale pericolo - e fare i conti con i propri ambivalenti sentimenti nei confronti della cura.
Pregevole in quanto a scene d'azione, sorprendente per sviluppo (tre morti eccellenti, un paio di "guarigioni"), questo terzo capitolo chiude degnamente il ciclo.
Dove pecca è nella durata: 104 minuti sono troppo pochi per sviluppare appieno tutti i personaggi; avremmo gradito almeno un accenno al mistero delle proprie origini che tormentava Wolverine nei primi due capitoli ed alcuni nuovi personaggi sono poco approfonditi. E poi diciamolo: Pernice (che no, non è ovviamente quella della saga di Fenice) avrebbe potuto fare molte più cose.
Con una trama molto più lineare rispetto al secondo, brilla nel definire i rapporti tra Xavier e Magneto e tra Wolverine e Fenice (superbo il finale).
IMPORTANTE: scena aggiuntiva dopo tutti i titoli di coda: alzarsi prima è assolutamente vietato.
Brett Ratner non fa - se non in minima parte - rimpiangere Bryan Singer, e la sceneggiatura è all'altezza. La produzione avrebbe fatto meglio a concedere un po' di altri soldi e soprattutto di tempo, ma va bene anche così. Sempre adatti ai ruoli gli attori e come sempre sovrabbondante la gnocca (va ricordato che il discorso di Xavier al presidente degli Stati Uniti, nella stesura originale del secondo film, si concludeva con "...ed è nostro compito trovare una via di convivenza pacifica tra umani e mutanti. E poi scusi, signor presidente, ma non vede quanta fica?!?!" )
Ultima nota: una scelta che apprezzo molto è il non aver ecceduto con i "riassunti delle puntate precedenti", il che però significa che per godersi davvero il secondo ed ancora di più il terzo, la visione dei precedenti è obbligatoria.
Voto complessivo: 10, nothing less.
Tags: x-men, Marvel, Wolverine, Xavier, Fenice, Magneto, Jean Grey, Mystica, Nightcrawler, trilogia, azione, fantascienza, fantasy, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, mutanti, mutazioni, genetica, Bryan Singer.
Data di nascita: 28 March 1969
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Ratner grew up in Miami Beach, the only child of a famous Jewish socialite mother. He attended Miami Beach Senior High and was President of the Leo Club in 1986. He was also a member of the "fraternity" Royal Palm. He attended NYU film school currently lives in a $3.6 M house in Beverly Hills. Ratner is also a good friend of Def Jam mogul Russell Simmons, and has directed music videos for many rap stars.
Trivia random: Was in pre-production for a remake of John Cassavetes' The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976) after he finished Rush Hour (1998). It was to be written by Cassavetes' son, Nick Cassavetes and Warren Beatty was set to star. Ratner left the project when he was offered The Family Man (2000).
Citazione random: "In Hollywood you gotta keep the movement. You gotta have three or four projects and whichever one comes in first, or better, that's the one you're going to do."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Bryan Singer
Scrittore: Zak Penn, David Hayter
Genere: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.9/10 (51111 voti)
Durata: 133 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, German
A new war between humans and mutants begins after an attempted assassination of the President of the United States. Now, all the mutants must fight together against a common enemy: General William Stryker. Stryker, to further his plan to eradicate all mutants, uses radical methods to get some information from Magneto, and plans an attack to Professor Xavier's school. On the night of the attack, Wolverine is left alone to 'babysit' the young students (Jean Grey and Storm are looking for the mutant assassin, and Xavier is in Magneto's plastic prison, having left Cyclops in its lobby). The plot goes on with a lot of action and many revelations, largely following the comic books.
Trivia random: The ice wall separating Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and Stryker (Brian Cox) in the mansion scene where they meet for the "first time" was real ice and weighed 3,500 lbs.
Citazione random: [they're playing thumb war]::Bobby: You're so dead.::Rogue: No, you're dead.::[they get closer and Bobby leans in for a kiss]::Rogue: I don't want to hurt you.::Bobby: I'm not afraid.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Brett Ratner
Scrittore: Simon Kinberg, Zak Penn
Genere: Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.1/10 (22793 voti)
Durata: 104 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Mutants are on the verge of X-tinction, it seems, when US business Worthington Industries discovers a cure for mutation. This scientific breakthrough complicates and intensifies the battle - both physical and ideological - between Professor X's (Stewart) integration-friendly X-Men and the human-hating muties let by Magneto (McKellen)...
Trivia random: Halle Berry had initially decided not to reprise her role as Storm for this film, citing lack of character development in the previous two installments and a tense relationship with director Bryan Singer. However, after Singer's departure and suffering a major box-office flop with Catwoman (2004), Berry agreed to return on the condition that her role be expanded. Consequently, in this film Storm serves as leader of the X-Men.
Citazione random: Logan: Let's see you grow *that* back.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 17 September 1965
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Trivia random: Attended The School Of Visual Arts in New York City for a brief period of time but did not graduate from there. Visited the school in October 2000 to talk to the film students about his experiences in the film industry.
Citazione random: [About Superman's costume for 'Superman Returns']: "I always had the general idea of the suit. With X-Men, although they had extraordinary powers, they also had physical weaknesses. The suits were for protection as well as costume. Superman is the Man of Steel. Bullets bounce off him, not the suit."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Bryan Singer
Scrittore: Tom DeSanto, Bryan Singer
Genere: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.3/10 (57049 voti)
Durata: 104 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
All over the planet, unusual children are born with an added twist to their genetic code. This "X-factor" allows the children to perform extraordinary feats - flight, telekinetics, laser beams from the eyes and more. One Dr. Charles Xavier gathers the children to a place where he can train them to use their powers for themselves and the forces of good he dubs these children his X-men and hijinks ensue.
Trivia random: In the Hamilton location (the train station scenes), the director, Bryan Singer, was mistaken for an onlooker, and has harassed by a policeman, not letting him join the production team for some moments.
Citazione random: Rogue: You know, you should wear your seat belt.::Wolverine: Now look, kid, I don't need advice on auto...::[car crashes]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Personalmente, ho adorato la trilogia in toto: di gran lunga i migliori tra i film tratti da fumetti, ma non solo.
[nessuno spoiler significativo su nessuno dei tre film, giuro]
X-Men fa un ottimo lavoro nell'introdurre il tema dei mutanti, il loro sentirsi temuti ed esclusi dal resto dell'umanità e le differenti reazioni: da una parte Xavier alla ricerca di una possibile convivenza, dall'altra Magneto e la sua lotta per la supremazia dei mutanti.
Una battaglia tra due amici separati da diverse visioni del futuro.
Tra i protagonisti svetta Wolverine, il cui arrivo tra gli X-Men creerà non poco scompiglio.
In X2 si fa un vero balzo in avanti, specie in quanto a qualità della sceneggiatura ed approfondimento dei personaggi. Gli umani stanno reagendo, ed il generale Stryker è intenzionato ad eliminare il problema mutante sfruttando i poteri di alcuni di loro a proprio vantaggio. Benché con fini diversi, Xavier e Magneto si trovano almeno temporaneamente dalla stessa parte della barricata.
Le scene memorabili non si contano: dall'apertura con la più grande scena d'azione mai vista al cinema (l'attacco di Nightcrawler al presidente) alla fuga di Magneto dalla sua cella, dall'attacco alla scuola al finale epico.
Impressionante anche come sviluppo dei personaggi, specie Wolverine (col suo passato) e Jean Grey (col suo futuro), riesce anche in piccolissimi dettagli e brevi dialoghi a rendere le angosce, le frustrazioni e la rabbia di mutanti che, pur avendo fatto una scelta chiara, si trovano spesso rosi dai dubbi (le tre battute scambiate tra Nightcrawler e Mystica sono indimenticabili).
Il migliore della trilogia.
X-Men: The Last Stand riprende da dove il secondo era finito. Le relazioni umani-mutanti sembrano migliorare, benché tra grandi difficoltà. Le cose si complicano quando viene sviluppata una cura per le mutazioni; a questo punto Magneto, già braccato dalle autorità, si sente messo all'angolo e decide di iniziare una offensiva in grande stile, al fine di distruggere la cura. A far precipitare la situazioni l'arrivo (non inatteso, ma pur sempre sgradito ) di zia Fenice, che si presenta quasi del tutto instabile ed incontrollabile.
Anche questa volta il gruppo di Xavier dovrà vedersela con i seguaci di Magneto, ed allo stesso tempo tutti dovranno combattere gli umani - che ormai si sentono in reale pericolo - e fare i conti con i propri ambivalenti sentimenti nei confronti della cura.
Pregevole in quanto a scene d'azione, sorprendente per sviluppo (tre morti eccellenti, un paio di "guarigioni"), questo terzo capitolo chiude degnamente il ciclo.
Dove pecca è nella durata: 104 minuti sono troppo pochi per sviluppare appieno tutti i personaggi; avremmo gradito almeno un accenno al mistero delle proprie origini che tormentava Wolverine nei primi due capitoli ed alcuni nuovi personaggi sono poco approfonditi. E poi diciamolo: Pernice (che no, non è ovviamente quella della saga di Fenice) avrebbe potuto fare molte più cose.
Con una trama molto più lineare rispetto al secondo, brilla nel definire i rapporti tra Xavier e Magneto e tra Wolverine e Fenice (superbo il finale).
IMPORTANTE: scena aggiuntiva dopo tutti i titoli di coda: alzarsi prima è assolutamente vietato.
Brett Ratner non fa - se non in minima parte - rimpiangere Bryan Singer, e la sceneggiatura è all'altezza. La produzione avrebbe fatto meglio a concedere un po' di altri soldi e soprattutto di tempo, ma va bene anche così. Sempre adatti ai ruoli gli attori e come sempre sovrabbondante la gnocca (va ricordato che il discorso di Xavier al presidente degli Stati Uniti, nella stesura originale del secondo film, si concludeva con "...ed è nostro compito trovare una via di convivenza pacifica tra umani e mutanti. E poi scusi, signor presidente, ma non vede quanta fica?!?!" )
Ultima nota: una scelta che apprezzo molto è il non aver ecceduto con i "riassunti delle puntate precedenti", il che però significa che per godersi davvero il secondo ed ancora di più il terzo, la visione dei precedenti è obbligatoria.
Voto complessivo: 10, nothing less.
Tags: x-men, Marvel, Wolverine, Xavier, Fenice, Magneto, Jean Grey, Mystica, Nightcrawler, trilogia, azione, fantascienza, fantasy, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, mutanti, mutazioni, genetica, Bryan Singer.
Ratner, Brett
Data di nascita: 28 March 1969
Altezza: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Untitled Brett Ratner Project (2008) .... [regista]
- The 1 Second Film (2007) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- The Cleaner (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Josiah's Canon (2007) .... [regista]
- Rush Hour 3 (2007) .... [regista]
- End Game (2006) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Horrible Bosses (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Running Scared (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
- X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) .... [regista]
- Before, During and 'After the Sunset' (2005) (V) .... (producer) [produttore]
Ratner grew up in Miami Beach, the only child of a famous Jewish socialite mother. He attended Miami Beach Senior High and was President of the Leo Club in 1986. He was also a member of the "fraternity" Royal Palm. He attended NYU film school currently lives in a $3.6 M house in Beverly Hills. Ratner is also a good friend of Def Jam mogul Russell Simmons, and has directed music videos for many rap stars.
Trivia random: Was in pre-production for a remake of John Cassavetes' The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976) after he finished Rush Hour (1998). It was to be written by Cassavetes' son, Nick Cassavetes and Warren Beatty was set to star. Ratner left the project when he was offered The Family Man (2000).
Citazione random: "In Hollywood you gotta keep the movement. You gotta have three or four projects and whichever one comes in first, or better, that's the one you're going to do."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
X2 (2003)
Regista: Bryan Singer
Scrittore: Zak Penn, David Hayter
Genere: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.9/10 (51111 voti)
Durata: 133 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English, German
- Patrick Stewart .... Professor Charles Xavier
- Hugh Jackman .... Logan/Wolverine
- Ian McKellen .... Eric Lensherr/Magneto
- Halle Berry .... Storm/Ororo Munroe
- Famke Janssen .... Jean Grey
- James Marsden .... Scott Summers/Cyclops
- Anna Paquin .... Rogue/Marie D'Ancanto
- Rebecca Romijn .... Mystique/Grace (as Rebecca Romijn-Stamos)
- Brian Cox .... William Stryker
- Alan Cumming .... Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
A new war between humans and mutants begins after an attempted assassination of the President of the United States. Now, all the mutants must fight together against a common enemy: General William Stryker. Stryker, to further his plan to eradicate all mutants, uses radical methods to get some information from Magneto, and plans an attack to Professor Xavier's school. On the night of the attack, Wolverine is left alone to 'babysit' the young students (Jean Grey and Storm are looking for the mutant assassin, and Xavier is in Magneto's plastic prison, having left Cyclops in its lobby). The plot goes on with a lot of action and many revelations, largely following the comic books.
Trivia random: The ice wall separating Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and Stryker (Brian Cox) in the mansion scene where they meet for the "first time" was real ice and weighed 3,500 lbs.
Citazione random: [they're playing thumb war]::Bobby: You're so dead.::Rogue: No, you're dead.::[they get closer and Bobby leans in for a kiss]::Rogue: I don't want to hurt you.::Bobby: I'm not afraid.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
Regista: Brett Ratner
Scrittore: Simon Kinberg, Zak Penn
Genere: Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.1/10 (22793 voti)
Durata: 104 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Hugh Jackman .... Logan/Wolverine
- Halle Berry .... Ororo Munroe/Storm
- Ian McKellen .... Eric Lensherr/Magneto
- Famke Janssen .... Dr. Jean Grey/Phoenix
- Anna Paquin .... Marie/Rogue
- Kelsey Grammer .... Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast
- Rebecca Romijn .... Raven Darkholme/Mystique
- James Marsden .... Scott Summers/Cyclops
- Shawn Ashmore .... Bobby Drake/Iceman
- Aaron Stanford .... John Allerdyce/Pyro
Mutants are on the verge of X-tinction, it seems, when US business Worthington Industries discovers a cure for mutation. This scientific breakthrough complicates and intensifies the battle - both physical and ideological - between Professor X's (Stewart) integration-friendly X-Men and the human-hating muties let by Magneto (McKellen)...
Trivia random: Halle Berry had initially decided not to reprise her role as Storm for this film, citing lack of character development in the previous two installments and a tense relationship with director Bryan Singer. However, after Singer's departure and suffering a major box-office flop with Catwoman (2004), Berry agreed to return on the condition that her role be expanded. Consequently, in this film Storm serves as leader of the X-Men.
Citazione random: Logan: Let's see you grow *that* back.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Singer, Bryan
Data di nascita: 17 September 1965
Altezza: 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Untitled Superman Returns Sequel (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Logan's Run (2007) .... (story) [scrittore]
- The Mayor of Castro Street (2007) .... [regista]
- You Want Me to Kill Him? (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Look, Up in the Sky: The Amazing Story of Superman (2006) (V) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Superman Returns (2006) .... (producer) [produttore]
- "The Triangle" (2005) (mini) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Imaginary Heroes (2004) .... (thanks) [misc]
- X2 (2003) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- X2 - Wolverine's Revenge (2003) (VG) .... (special thanks) [misc]
Trivia random: Attended The School Of Visual Arts in New York City for a brief period of time but did not graduate from there. Visited the school in October 2000 to talk to the film students about his experiences in the film industry.
Citazione random: [About Superman's costume for 'Superman Returns']: "I always had the general idea of the suit. With X-Men, although they had extraordinary powers, they also had physical weaknesses. The suits were for protection as well as costume. Superman is the Man of Steel. Bullets bounce off him, not the suit."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
X-Men (2000)
Regista: Bryan Singer
Scrittore: Tom DeSanto, Bryan Singer
Genere: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.3/10 (57049 voti)
Durata: 104 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Hugh Jackman .... Logan/Wolverine
- Patrick Stewart .... Professor Charles Xavier
- Ian McKellen .... Eric Lensherr/Magneto
- Famke Janssen .... Jean Grey
- James Marsden .... Scott Summers/Cyclops
- Halle Berry .... Ororo Munroe/Storm
- Anna Paquin .... Rogue
- Tyler Mane .... Sabretooth
- Ray Park .... Toad
- Rebecca Romijn .... Mystique (as Rebecca Romijn-Stamos)
All over the planet, unusual children are born with an added twist to their genetic code. This "X-factor" allows the children to perform extraordinary feats - flight, telekinetics, laser beams from the eyes and more. One Dr. Charles Xavier gathers the children to a place where he can train them to use their powers for themselves and the forces of good he dubs these children his X-men and hijinks ensue.
Trivia random: In the Hamilton location (the train station scenes), the director, Bryan Singer, was mistaken for an onlooker, and has harassed by a policeman, not letting him join the production team for some moments.
Citazione random: Rogue: You know, you should wear your seat belt.::Wolverine: Now look, kid, I don't need advice on auto...::[car crashes]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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