Violenza ad una vergine nella terra dei morti viventi è un film che può sconvolgere menti e stomaci deboli, di chi non è avvezzo al trash autoriale ed ai titoli improbabili.
Due neo-sposini (francesi, nel caso vi fosse venuto il dubbio) intendono trascorrere la prima notte di nozze nel castello di proprietà dei fratelli di lei. Solo parzialmente turbati dalla notizia della recente dipartita dei due estrosi congiunti, optano per stabilirsi nel rudere, salvo che la mogliettina non vuole più saperne del marituccio dal dubbio fascino e nelle notti seguenti non gliela farà neppure annusare in fotografia.
Lui fa un po' il broncio, ma in fondo appare rassegnato ad una vita di onanistiche soddisfazioni - forse addirittura sollevato al pensiero...
Lei invece non disdegna di intrattenere spensierati ed altamente simbolici consessi carnali con le giovani domestiche e con tutte quelle che le capitano a tiro, non ultima la signora-o-signorina che abita nella pendola (la sceneggiatura non l'ho scritta io quindi non fatevela con me, eh... )
La ricomparsa dei semi-defunti fratelli Cip & Ciop, vestiti come Rita Levi Montalcini (che fa sempre molto glam-rock), aggiungerà ulteriore fetore alla già mefitica trama. Girando vorticosamente intorno agli sventurati interlocutori ed alternandosi nel dialogo, ci informano che la sorte ria li ha tramutati dai più grandi cacciatori di vampiri della storia (a sentir loro, almeno) in creature della notte assetate di sangue.
Per motivi non limpidissimi la sorellina dovrà essere sacrificata e/o lesbo-vampirizzata; non è però chiaro quanto lei sia consenziente a tutto ciò né il ruolo della già citata abitante della pendola, ma sia come sia, una liberatoria alba porrà fine alle loro ed alle nostre sofferenze. Forse.
Pur essendo alquanto doloroso, è un film d'epoca (1971) che sa anche regalare notevoli soddisfazioni per le circostanze, i dialoghi ed i grandi interpreti.
Cose imparate: le francesi dell'epoca si rifiutavano categoricamente di iniziare una conversazione se prima non si erano tirate giù una o due spalline al fine di mostrar la tetta. Culture Differenti® che per una volta mi sento anche di condividere...
Voto: sarebbe un 1, ma di fronte a tanta squinternata tetta artistica non mi sento di dare voti (comunque si vede poco e niente: non crediate sia un film di QUEL genere).
Trashometro® 10/10: un dieci pieno sul trashometro (trashometro fresco, ma adatto solo a filmbruttari di un certo livello)
Tags: tetta, altra tetta, ulteriore tetta, vampiri, vampiro, sposi, moglie, marito, nozze, pugnette anche stasera, morte, tomba, pendola, tizia che abita in una pendola, horror, catastrofe cinematografica, castello, sacrificio, rito, alba, fratelli, sorella, crocifisso, lesbo, lesbica, lesbismo, tribadismo, altri sinomini per i rapporti saffici per attirare traffico, donne, domestiche, cameriere, sesso, trash, guarda mamma una tetta.
martedì 27 aprile 2010
domenica 25 aprile 2010
the crazies
Ho ricordi un po' vaghi (ma abbastanza amorevoli) dell'originale di Romero del 1973; la nuova versione de La città verrà distrutta all'alba mi pare ne riprenda il concetto generale e poco altro.
In una piccola cittadina della provincia americana precipita un aereo che trasporta una tossina. La sua diffusione - attraverso l'acqua - porta ad una epidemia di follia ed istinti omicidi.
In mezzo al caos, sembrano restare sani lo sceriffo e sua moglie, il vice ed una manciata di altre persone (che evidentemente tracannavano solo alcolici e non si lavavano da giorni ); l'arrivo dell'esercito non sarà foriero di pace e tranquillità.
Una buona partenza ed un finale noto e prevedibile ma accettabile, il film ha qualche pecca realizzativa ma nel complesso riesce a tenere alta la tensione.
Pur non presentando niente di mai visto prima, molte scene sono ben costruite; il problema è una eccessiva lunghezza che ad un certo punto fa un po' "sedere" il film, vittima della sindrome "e adesso cosa facciamo succedere?". Si segnalano anche una serie di dialoghi molto banali: una ripulita alla sceneggiatura non avrebbe fatto male.
Per il resto, si guarda senza sforzi.
Voto: 6.5
Tags: horror, thriller, drammatico, fantascienza, morte, città, distruzione, esercito, tossina, rabbia, acqua, contaminazione, follia, omicidio, fucile, caccia, sceriffo, vicesceriffo, moglie, marito, fidanzato, famiglia, pazzia, esplosione, esplosione nucleare, remake, Romero.
Regista: Breck Eisner
Scrittore: Scott Kosar, Ray Wright
Genere: Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.0/10 (8060 voti)
Durata: 101 min
Paese: USA, United Arab Emirates
Lingua: English
As a toxin begins to turn the residents of Ogden Marsh, Iowa into violent psychopaths, sheriff David Dutton tries to make sense of the situation while he, his wife, and two other unaffected townspeople band together in a fight for survival.
Trivia random: "We'll Meet Again," the Johnny Cash song the film opens with is from the same album that provided "The Man Comes Around," which was used to open for the remake of Dawn of the Dead (2004). The album is American IV - the last one released before Cash died. "The Man Comes Around" and "We'll Meet Again" are the opening and closing tracks, respectively. Link this trivia
Citazione random: David Dutton: Don't ask me why I can't leave without my wife and I won't ask you why you can.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Romero, George Andrew
Data di nascita: 4 February 1940
Altezza: 6' 5" (1.96 m)
Coniuge: Christine Forrest::(1981 - present), Nancy Romero::(1971 - 1978) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
George A. Romero never set out to become a Hollywood figure; however, by all indications, he was very successful. The director of the groundbreaking "Dead" pentalogy was born February 4, 1940, in New York City. He grew up there until attending the renowned Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After graduation, he began shooting mostly short films and commercials. He and his friends formed "Image Ten Productions" in the late 1960s and they all chipped in roughly US$10,000 a piece to produce what became one of the most celebrated American horror films of all time: Night of the Living Dead (1968). Shot in black-and-white on a budget of just over US$100,000, Romero's vision, combined with a solid script written by him and his "Image" co-founder John A. Russo (along with what was then considered an excess of gore) enabled the film to earn back far more than what it cost, became a cult classic by the early 1970s and was inducted into the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress of the United States in 1999. Romero's next films were a little more low-key and less seen including There's Always Vanilla (1971), The Crazies (1973), Hungry Wives (1972) (where he met his future wife Christine Forrest) and Martin (1977). Though not as acclaimed as Night of the Living Dead (1968), or some of his later work, these films had his signature social commentary while dealing with issues, usually horror-related, at the microscopic level. Like almost all of his films, they were shot in, or around, Romero's favorite city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1978, Romero returned to the zombie genre with the one film of his that would top the success of Night of the Living Dead (1968): Dawn of the Dead (1978). He managed to divorce the franchise from Image Ten, which screwed up the copyright on the original and allowed the film to enter into public domain, with the result that Romero and his original investors were not entitled to any profits from the film's video releases. Shooting in the Monroeville, Pennsylvania, Mall during late-night hours, Romero told the tale of four people who escape a zombie outbreak and lock themselves up inside what they think is paradise before the solitude makes them victims of their own, and a biker gang's, greed. Shot on a budget of just $1.5 million, the film earned over US$40 million worldwide and was named one of the top cult films by Entertainment Weekly magazine in 2003. The film also marked Romero's first work with brilliant make-up and effects artist Tom Savini. After 1978, Romero and Savini teamed up many times. Dawn of the Dead (1978)'s success led to bigger budgets and better casts for the filmmaker. First was Knightriders (1981), where he first worked with an up-and-coming Ed Harris. Then came perhaps his most Hollywood-like film, Creepshow (1982), which marked the first, but not the last, time Romero adapted a work by famed horror novelist Stephen King. With many major stars and big-studio distribution, Creepshow (1982) was a moderate success and spawned a sequel, which was also written by Romero. The decline of Romero's career came in the late 1980s. His last widely-released film was the next "Dead" film, Day of the Dead (1985). Derided by critics, it did not take in much at the box office, either. His latest two efforts were The Dark Half (1993), (another Stephen King adaptation) and Bruiser (2000). Even the Romero-penned, Tom Savini-directed remake of Romero's first film, Night of the Living Dead (1990), was a box-office failure. Pigeon-holed solely as a horror director and his recent films no longer achieving the success of his earlier "Dead" films, Romero has not worked much since, much to the chagrin of his following. In 2005, 19 years after Day of the Dead (1985), with major-studio distribution, he returned to his most famous series and horror sub-genre he created with Land of the Dead (2005), a further exploration of the destruction of modern society by the undead, that received both excellent and indifferent reviews and even topped the United States box-office in its first week of release. He still resides in Pittsburgh.
Trivia random: When discussing his influences, he has that the Universal horror classic made a strong impression on him and his favorite horror film as a child was The Thing from Another World (1951). However, the film he said made him want to be a director was The Red Shoes (1948). While discussing the directors who made a strong impression on him, he said that Orson Welles and Howard Hawks were his favorites, surpassing Alfred Hitchcock.
Citazione random: "Just because I'm showing somebody being disemboweled doesn't mean I have to get heavy and put a message round it."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: George A. Romero
Scrittore: Paul McCollough, George A. Romero
Genere: Action, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.1/10 (3495 voti)
Durata: 103 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
A biological weapon gone awry is only the start of problems in the little town of Evan's City, Pennsylvania. Bouts of insanity in the populace are leading to murder and rioting, until the US Army turns up - and things really start going to hell.
Trivia random: A lot of the audio mixing in The Crazies, particularly the voices of soldiers and extras and specific sound effects, were completed in post-production in the basement of Romero's Latent Image Studio. Link this trivia
Citazione random: Army Doctor: Okay, Colonel Peckem, last test is negative. You're all clean, virus free. We can sign you out. The helicopter will be arriving in a few minutes.
Col. Peckem: Any news from Deitrich?
Army Doctor: They're sending a new man from the Trixie project to take over as Dr. Watts' replacement. He should be here in the morning. If only we knew what Watts was working on. We checked the slides he left behind in his microscope and his notes, but we can't make heads or tails out of any of it. He was onto something, we know that. We'll dope it out sooner or later.
Col. Peckem: [sighs] Sooner or later.
Army Doctor: I understand that they found a Reeces monkey at Deitrich, immune. We'll fund a human subject sooner or later.
Col. Peckem: Yeah... sooner or later.
[a soldier arrives with David, whom is not showing symptoms]
Soldier: Hey, you want an immunity check on this one, Doc?
Army Doctor: [to the soldier] Are you kidding me? Put him with the others!
[both Peckem and David make eye contact with each other, in which David smirks and he is taken away by the soldier, as Colonel Peckem also walks away towards the landing zone area]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
In una piccola cittadina della provincia americana precipita un aereo che trasporta una tossina. La sua diffusione - attraverso l'acqua - porta ad una epidemia di follia ed istinti omicidi.
In mezzo al caos, sembrano restare sani lo sceriffo e sua moglie, il vice ed una manciata di altre persone (che evidentemente tracannavano solo alcolici e non si lavavano da giorni ); l'arrivo dell'esercito non sarà foriero di pace e tranquillità.
Una buona partenza ed un finale noto e prevedibile ma accettabile, il film ha qualche pecca realizzativa ma nel complesso riesce a tenere alta la tensione.
Pur non presentando niente di mai visto prima, molte scene sono ben costruite; il problema è una eccessiva lunghezza che ad un certo punto fa un po' "sedere" il film, vittima della sindrome "e adesso cosa facciamo succedere?". Si segnalano anche una serie di dialoghi molto banali: una ripulita alla sceneggiatura non avrebbe fatto male.
Per il resto, si guarda senza sforzi.
Voto: 6.5
Tags: horror, thriller, drammatico, fantascienza, morte, città, distruzione, esercito, tossina, rabbia, acqua, contaminazione, follia, omicidio, fucile, caccia, sceriffo, vicesceriffo, moglie, marito, fidanzato, famiglia, pazzia, esplosione, esplosione nucleare, remake, Romero.
Crazies, The (2010)
Regista: Breck Eisner
Scrittore: Scott Kosar, Ray Wright
Genere: Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.0/10 (8060 voti)
Durata: 101 min
Paese: USA, United Arab Emirates
Lingua: English
- Timothy Olyphant .... David Dutton
- Radha Mitchell .... Judy Dutton
- Joe Anderson .... Russell Clank
- Danielle Panabaker .... Becca Darling
- Christie Lynn Smith .... Deardra Farnum
- Brett Rickaby .... Bill Farnum
- Preston Bailey .... Nicholas
- John Aylward .... Mayor Hobbs
- Joe Reegan .... Pvt. Billy Babcock
- Glenn Morshower .... Intelligence Officer
As a toxin begins to turn the residents of Ogden Marsh, Iowa into violent psychopaths, sheriff David Dutton tries to make sense of the situation while he, his wife, and two other unaffected townspeople band together in a fight for survival.
Trivia random: "We'll Meet Again," the Johnny Cash song the film opens with is from the same album that provided "The Man Comes Around," which was used to open for the remake of Dawn of the Dead (2004). The album is American IV - the last one released before Cash died. "The Man Comes Around" and "We'll Meet Again" are the opening and closing tracks, respectively. Link this trivia
Citazione random: David Dutton: Don't ask me why I can't leave without my wife and I won't ask you why you can.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Romero, George A. (I)
Nome di battesimo: Romero, George Andrew
Data di nascita: 4 February 1940
Altezza: 6' 5" (1.96 m)
Coniuge: Christine Forrest::(1981 - present), Nancy Romero::(1971 - 1978) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- Deadtime Stories 2 (2010) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- The Crazies (2010) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Deadtime Stories (2009) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Into the Dark: Exploring the Horror Film (2009) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Survival of the Dead (2009) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Day of the Dead (2008) .... (motion picture "Day of the Dead") [scrittore]
- Dead Eyes Open (2008) .... Scientist [attore]
- One for the Fire: The Legacy of 'Night of the Living Dead' (2008) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Diary of the Dead (2007) .... (written by) [scrittore]
- Il pianto della statua (2007) .... (short story "Passion and Extasy") [scrittore]
George A. Romero never set out to become a Hollywood figure; however, by all indications, he was very successful. The director of the groundbreaking "Dead" pentalogy was born February 4, 1940, in New York City. He grew up there until attending the renowned Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After graduation, he began shooting mostly short films and commercials. He and his friends formed "Image Ten Productions" in the late 1960s and they all chipped in roughly US$10,000 a piece to produce what became one of the most celebrated American horror films of all time: Night of the Living Dead (1968). Shot in black-and-white on a budget of just over US$100,000, Romero's vision, combined with a solid script written by him and his "Image" co-founder John A. Russo (along with what was then considered an excess of gore) enabled the film to earn back far more than what it cost, became a cult classic by the early 1970s and was inducted into the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress of the United States in 1999. Romero's next films were a little more low-key and less seen including There's Always Vanilla (1971), The Crazies (1973), Hungry Wives (1972) (where he met his future wife Christine Forrest) and Martin (1977). Though not as acclaimed as Night of the Living Dead (1968), or some of his later work, these films had his signature social commentary while dealing with issues, usually horror-related, at the microscopic level. Like almost all of his films, they were shot in, or around, Romero's favorite city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 1978, Romero returned to the zombie genre with the one film of his that would top the success of Night of the Living Dead (1968): Dawn of the Dead (1978). He managed to divorce the franchise from Image Ten, which screwed up the copyright on the original and allowed the film to enter into public domain, with the result that Romero and his original investors were not entitled to any profits from the film's video releases. Shooting in the Monroeville, Pennsylvania, Mall during late-night hours, Romero told the tale of four people who escape a zombie outbreak and lock themselves up inside what they think is paradise before the solitude makes them victims of their own, and a biker gang's, greed. Shot on a budget of just $1.5 million, the film earned over US$40 million worldwide and was named one of the top cult films by Entertainment Weekly magazine in 2003. The film also marked Romero's first work with brilliant make-up and effects artist Tom Savini. After 1978, Romero and Savini teamed up many times. Dawn of the Dead (1978)'s success led to bigger budgets and better casts for the filmmaker. First was Knightriders (1981), where he first worked with an up-and-coming Ed Harris. Then came perhaps his most Hollywood-like film, Creepshow (1982), which marked the first, but not the last, time Romero adapted a work by famed horror novelist Stephen King. With many major stars and big-studio distribution, Creepshow (1982) was a moderate success and spawned a sequel, which was also written by Romero. The decline of Romero's career came in the late 1980s. His last widely-released film was the next "Dead" film, Day of the Dead (1985). Derided by critics, it did not take in much at the box office, either. His latest two efforts were The Dark Half (1993), (another Stephen King adaptation) and Bruiser (2000). Even the Romero-penned, Tom Savini-directed remake of Romero's first film, Night of the Living Dead (1990), was a box-office failure. Pigeon-holed solely as a horror director and his recent films no longer achieving the success of his earlier "Dead" films, Romero has not worked much since, much to the chagrin of his following. In 2005, 19 years after Day of the Dead (1985), with major-studio distribution, he returned to his most famous series and horror sub-genre he created with Land of the Dead (2005), a further exploration of the destruction of modern society by the undead, that received both excellent and indifferent reviews and even topped the United States box-office in its first week of release. He still resides in Pittsburgh.
Trivia random: When discussing his influences, he has that the Universal horror classic made a strong impression on him and his favorite horror film as a child was The Thing from Another World (1951). However, the film he said made him want to be a director was The Red Shoes (1948). While discussing the directors who made a strong impression on him, he said that Orson Welles and Howard Hawks were his favorites, surpassing Alfred Hitchcock.
Citazione random: "Just because I'm showing somebody being disemboweled doesn't mean I have to get heavy and put a message round it."
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Crazies, The (1973)
Regista: George A. Romero
Scrittore: Paul McCollough, George A. Romero
Genere: Action, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Valutazione: 6.1/10 (3495 voti)
Durata: 103 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Lane Carroll .... Judy
- Will MacMillan .... David (as W.G. McMillan)
- Harold Wayne Jones .... Clank
- Lloyd Hollar .... Col. Peckem
- Lynn Lowry .... Kathy
- Richard Liberty .... Artie
- Richard France .... Dr. Watts
- Harry Spillman .... Maj. Ryder
- Will Disney .... Dr. Brookmyre
- Edith Bell .... Lab. Technician
A biological weapon gone awry is only the start of problems in the little town of Evan's City, Pennsylvania. Bouts of insanity in the populace are leading to murder and rioting, until the US Army turns up - and things really start going to hell.
Trivia random: A lot of the audio mixing in The Crazies, particularly the voices of soldiers and extras and specific sound effects, were completed in post-production in the basement of Romero's Latent Image Studio. Link this trivia
Citazione random: Army Doctor: Okay, Colonel Peckem, last test is negative. You're all clean, virus free. We can sign you out. The helicopter will be arriving in a few minutes.
Col. Peckem: Any news from Deitrich?
Army Doctor: They're sending a new man from the Trixie project to take over as Dr. Watts' replacement. He should be here in the morning. If only we knew what Watts was working on. We checked the slides he left behind in his microscope and his notes, but we can't make heads or tails out of any of it. He was onto something, we know that. We'll dope it out sooner or later.
Col. Peckem: [sighs] Sooner or later.
Army Doctor: I understand that they found a Reeces monkey at Deitrich, immune. We'll fund a human subject sooner or later.
Col. Peckem: Yeah... sooner or later.
[a soldier arrives with David, whom is not showing symptoms]
Soldier: Hey, you want an immunity check on this one, Doc?
Army Doctor: [to the soldier] Are you kidding me? Put him with the others!
[both Peckem and David make eye contact with each other, in which David smirks and he is taken away by the soldier, as Colonel Peckem also walks away towards the landing zone area]
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
sabato 17 aprile 2010
the ghost writer
Niente da fare, continuo a trovare Roman Polanski - che pur è sempre cooosì intellettuaaale - uno dei registi più sopravvalutati di sempre (salvo giusto Rosemary's Baby).
La pseudo-trama di The Ghost Writer (sciocco titolo italiano: L'uomo nell'ombra): un povero regista radical-chic non può neppure drogare e stuprare una bambina che subito EvilAmerika® si accanisce contro di lui costringendolo ad una dignitosa fuga...
Oh no - quella deve essere la trama di un altro film. Riprovo: sembra che scrivere le (auto)biografie degli ex primi ministri d'Inghilterra sia un affare serio (come se qualcuno volesse leggerle...) e la cosa viene gestita con una sicurezza degna del proverbiale Fort Knox. Ahilui, il nuovo ghost writer ha l'ingrato compito di finire in fretta il lavoro lasciato a metà dal predecessore, che ha avuto il cattivo gusto di farsi uccidere (pardon: "farsi suicidare").
Ci metterà cinque minuti a scoprire che dietro c'è molto di più e che l'ex primo ministro ha tanto da nascondere, proprio mentre monta un caso polito internazionale, con il tribunale internazionale dell'Aia che vuole metterlo sotto accusa per crimini di guerra (suppongo il concetto qui sia: i tribunali sono buoni fintanto non incriminano te).
Trama inverosimile al di là di qualsivoglia sospensione dell'incredulità, nelle due ore e dieci del film non succede quasi nulla, e quando succede lo fa male.
Oltre ad esser quasi priva di logica, si segnalano un paio di deus ex machina davvero imbarazzanti (con tanto di bifolco che sa tutto, ma non viene ascoltato! Mai più senza! )
Scadenti gli attori: Pierce Brosnan ci delizia con un paio di facce spalmate sulla telecamera davvero notevoli, mente Ewan McGregor è espressivo quanto una spada laser.
Inutile la regia: niente di tragico, magari, ma mai un guizzo od un briciolo di personalità.
No, non salvo davvero niente in un film che puzza lontano un miglio di ripicchina contro il mandato di cattura internazionale del 2005, che al momento lo costringe a degli umilianti arresti domiciliari in una mega-villa. Povero caro, quanto ingiusto accanimento...
Detto ciò, di mio sono dispostissimo a valutare l'opera separatamente dalla merda d'uomo; il problema è che qui anche il film è pessimo.
Voto: 4-. Roman, va ai lavori forzati!
Tags: thriller, drammatico, politica, politico, Inghilterra, USA, CIA, intrigo, agente, primo ministro, scandalo, guerra, terrorismo, Roman 'mi piace lo stupro' Polanski, Pierce Brosnan, copertura, omicidio, sicurezza, tribunale internazionale, estradizione, patetica farsa.
Nome di battesimo: McGregor, Ewan Gordon
Data di nascita: 31 March 1971
Altezza: 5' 10½" (1.79 m)
Coniuge: Eve Mavrakis::(22 July 1995 - present) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
Ewan Gordon McGregor was born 31 March 1971 in Crieff, Scotland. At 16, he left Crieff and Morrison Academy to join the Perth Repertory Theatre. His parents encouraged him to leave school and pursue his acting goals rather than be unhappy. McGregor studied drama for a year at Kirkcaldly in Fife, then enrolled at London's Guildhall School of Music and Drama for a three-year course. He studied alongside Daniel Craig and Alistair McGowan among others, and left right before graduating after snagging the role of Private Mick Hopper in Dennis Potter's 1993 six-part Channel 4 series "Lipstick on Your Collar" (1993). His first notable role was that of Alex Law in Shallow Grave (1994), directed by Danny Boyle, written by John Hodge and produced by Andrew MacDonald. This was followed by The Pillow Book (1996) and Trainspotting (1996), the latter of which brought him to the public's attention. He is now one of the most critically acclaimed actors of his generation, and portrays Obi-wan Kenobi in the first three Star Wars episodes. McGregor is married to French production designer Eve Mavrakis, whom he met while working on the TV show "Kavanagh QC" (1995). They married in France in the summer of 1995 and have two daughters, Clara Mathilde and Esther Rose. McGregor has formed a production company with friends Jonny Lee Miller, Sean Pertwee, Jude Law and Sadie Frost. Called Natural Nylon, they hope it will make innovative films that do not conform to Hollywood standards.
Trivia random: According to Stunt Coordinator Nick Gillard, he picked up the light saber sword fighting style very quickly. In an interview on the DVD to The Phantom Menace, Gillard commented that Ewan was probably faster than anyone else who was working on the film, including the stunt department.
Citazione random: I fight cynicism. It's too easy. It's really boring. It's much harder to be positive and see the wonder of everything. Cynicism is a bunch of people who aren't as talented as other people, knocking them because they make them feel even more untalented.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Brosnan, Pierce Brendan
Data di nascita: 16 May 1953
Altezza: 6' 1½" (1.87 m)
Coniuge: Keely Shaye Smith::(4 August 2001 - present) 2 children, Cassandra Harris::(27 December 1980 - 28 December 1991) (her death) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
Pierce Brosnan was born in Navan, County Meath, Ireland on May 16, 1953 and lived in Navan, County Meath until he moved to England, UK at an early age (thus explaining his ability to play men from both backgrounds convincingly). His father left the household when Pierce was a child and although reunited later in life, the two have never had a close relationship. His most popular role is that of British secret agent James Bond. The death, in 1991, of Cassandra Harris, his wife of eleven years, left him with three children - Christopher and Charlotte from Cassandra's first marriage and Sean from their marriage. Since her death, he has had two children with his second wife, Keely Shaye Smith.
Trivia random: Met his Bond predecessor Sir Sean Connery for the first time at The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) (TV), but only for a few minutes.
Citazione random: [about his deceased wife, Cassandra Harris] Cassie has made me the man I am, the actor I am, the father I am. She's forever embedded in every fiber of my being.
Salario massimo: $16,500,000, per Die Another Day (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Liebling, Rajmund Roman
Data di nascita: 18 August 1933
Altezza: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Coniuge: Emmanuelle Seigner::(30 August 1989 - present) 2 children, Sharon Tate::(20 January 1968 - 9 August 1969) (her death), Barbara Lass::(19 September 1959 - 1962) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Roman Polanski's parents returned to Poland from France just two years before the World War II began: both were taken later to concentration camps where his mother eventually died. Young Roman managed to escape the ghetto and learned to survive wandering through the Polish countryside and living with the different Catholic families. Though local people usually ignored cinemas where mostly German films were shown, Polanski seemed not very much concerned about patriotism and frequently went to the movies. In 1945, he reunited with his father who sent him to technical school, but young Polanski seemed to have already made his choice. In the 1950s, he took up acting, appearing in Andrzej Wajda's Pokolenie (1955) before studying at the Lodz Film School. His early shorts such as Dwaj ludzie z szafa (1958), Le gros et le maigre (1961), and Ssaki (1962) showed his taste for black humor and interest in bizarre human relationships. His feature debut, Nóz w wodzie (1962), was the first Polish post-war film not associated with the war theme. Though being already a major Polish filmmaker, Polanski yet chose to leave the country and headed to France. Being down-and-out in Paris, he befriended young scriptwriter, Gérard Brach, who eventually became his long-time collaborator. The next two films, Repulsion (1965) and Cul-de-sac (1966), made in England and co-written by Brach, won respectively Silver and Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festivals. In 1968, Polanski went to Hollywood, where he made the psychological thriller Rosemary's Baby (1968). However, after the brutal murder of his wife Sharon Tate by the infamous Manson gang in 1969, the director decided to return to Europe. In 1974, he again appeared with a US release of Chinatown (1974). It seemed the beginning of the promising Hollywood career, but after his conviction for the statutory rape of a 13-year old girl, Polanski fled from America to avoid prison. After Tess (1979), which was awarded several Oscars and Cesars, his work became intermittent and rarely approached the level of his better known films. The director also stretched his talents to include occasional work in theatre. He still likes to act in the films of other directors, sometimes with interesting results as it was in Una pura formalità (1994).
Trivia random: Roman and his father are Holocaust survivors. His father was Jewish, and his half-Jewish mother (who was murdered in Auschwitz) had been raised as a Roman Catholic.
Citazione random: Every failure made me more confident. Because I wanted even more to achieve as revenge. To show that I could.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Roman Polanski
Scrittore: Robert Harris, Robert Harris
Genere: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.9/10 (4828 voti)
Durata: Germany:128 min
Paese: France, Germany, UK
Lingua: English
An unremarkable ghost-writer has landed a lucrative contract to redact the memoirs of Adam Lang, the former UK Prime Minister. After dominating British politics for years, Lang has retired with his wife to the USA. He lives on an island, in luxurious, isolated premises complete with a security detail and a secretarial staff. Soon, Adam Lang gets embroiled in a major scandal with international ramifications that reveals how far he was ready to go in order to nurture UK's "special relationship" with the USA. But before this controversy has started, before even he has closed the deal with the publisher, the ghost-writer gets unmistakable signs that the turgid draft he is tasked to put into shape inexplicably constitutes highly sensitive material.
Trivia random: When Roman Polanski was arrested September 2009 in Switzerland, post-production was never put on hold. He saw every step of the film and made all artistic decisions. He finished editing the movie while in a Swiss prison. In December 2009 Polanski was released on bail but placed under house arrest, where he remained when this movie was released. Link this trivia
Citazione random: Amelia Bly: Are you ill?
The Ghost: No, I'm aging. This place is Shangri-La in reverse.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Roman Polanski
Scrittore: Ira Levin, Roman Polanski
Genere: Drama, Mystery, Horror, Thriller
Valutazione: 8.1/10 (47631 voti) [#196 nella top250]
Durata: 136 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse move into an apartment in a building with a bad reputation. They discover that their neighbours are a very friendly elderly couple named Roman and Minnie Castevet, and Guy begins to spend a lot of time with them. Strange things start to happen: a woman Rosemary meets in the washroom dies a mysterious death, Rosemary has strange dreams and hears strange noises and Guy becomes remote and distant. Then Rosemary falls pregnant and begins to suspect that her neighbours have special plans for her child.
Trivia random: The devil costume that Anton LaVey was falsely rumored to have worn in the impregnation scene was later re-used in the film Asylum of Satan (1975). A small woman had difficulty fitting into the tiny suit. Link this trivia
Citazione random: Dr. Abe Sapirstein: Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic! What did you say the name was? Machado?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
La pseudo-trama di The Ghost Writer (sciocco titolo italiano: L'uomo nell'ombra): un povero regista radical-chic non può neppure drogare e stuprare una bambina che subito EvilAmerika® si accanisce contro di lui costringendolo ad una dignitosa fuga...
Oh no - quella deve essere la trama di un altro film. Riprovo: sembra che scrivere le (auto)biografie degli ex primi ministri d'Inghilterra sia un affare serio (come se qualcuno volesse leggerle...) e la cosa viene gestita con una sicurezza degna del proverbiale Fort Knox. Ahilui, il nuovo ghost writer ha l'ingrato compito di finire in fretta il lavoro lasciato a metà dal predecessore, che ha avuto il cattivo gusto di farsi uccidere (pardon: "farsi suicidare").
Ci metterà cinque minuti a scoprire che dietro c'è molto di più e che l'ex primo ministro ha tanto da nascondere, proprio mentre monta un caso polito internazionale, con il tribunale internazionale dell'Aia che vuole metterlo sotto accusa per crimini di guerra (suppongo il concetto qui sia: i tribunali sono buoni fintanto non incriminano te).
Trama inverosimile al di là di qualsivoglia sospensione dell'incredulità, nelle due ore e dieci del film non succede quasi nulla, e quando succede lo fa male.
Oltre ad esser quasi priva di logica, si segnalano un paio di deus ex machina davvero imbarazzanti (con tanto di bifolco che sa tutto, ma non viene ascoltato! Mai più senza! )
Scadenti gli attori: Pierce Brosnan ci delizia con un paio di facce spalmate sulla telecamera davvero notevoli, mente Ewan McGregor è espressivo quanto una spada laser.
Inutile la regia: niente di tragico, magari, ma mai un guizzo od un briciolo di personalità.
No, non salvo davvero niente in un film che puzza lontano un miglio di ripicchina contro il mandato di cattura internazionale del 2005, che al momento lo costringe a degli umilianti arresti domiciliari in una mega-villa. Povero caro, quanto ingiusto accanimento...
Detto ciò, di mio sono dispostissimo a valutare l'opera separatamente dalla merda d'uomo; il problema è che qui anche il film è pessimo.
Voto: 4-. Roman, va ai lavori forzati!
Tags: thriller, drammatico, politica, politico, Inghilterra, USA, CIA, intrigo, agente, primo ministro, scandalo, guerra, terrorismo, Roman 'mi piace lo stupro' Polanski, Pierce Brosnan, copertura, omicidio, sicurezza, tribunale internazionale, estradizione, patetica farsa.
McGregor, Ewan (I)
Nome di battesimo: McGregor, Ewan Gordon
Data di nascita: 31 March 1971
Altezza: 5' 10½" (1.79 m)
Coniuge: Eve Mavrakis::(22 July 1995 - present) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Beginners (2011) .... [attore]
- Electric Slide (2011) .... Eddie Dodson [attore]
- Knockout (2011) .... [attore]
- The Raven (2011) .... [attore]
- W.E. (2011) .... King Edward VIII [attore]
- Jackboots on Whitehall (2010) .... Chris (voice) [attore]
- Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang (2010) .... Mr. Green [attore]
- The Ghost Writer (2010) .... The Ghost [attore]
- The Last Word (2010) .... [attore]
- Amelia (2009) .... Gene Vidal [attore]
Ewan Gordon McGregor was born 31 March 1971 in Crieff, Scotland. At 16, he left Crieff and Morrison Academy to join the Perth Repertory Theatre. His parents encouraged him to leave school and pursue his acting goals rather than be unhappy. McGregor studied drama for a year at Kirkcaldly in Fife, then enrolled at London's Guildhall School of Music and Drama for a three-year course. He studied alongside Daniel Craig and Alistair McGowan among others, and left right before graduating after snagging the role of Private Mick Hopper in Dennis Potter's 1993 six-part Channel 4 series "Lipstick on Your Collar" (1993). His first notable role was that of Alex Law in Shallow Grave (1994), directed by Danny Boyle, written by John Hodge and produced by Andrew MacDonald. This was followed by The Pillow Book (1996) and Trainspotting (1996), the latter of which brought him to the public's attention. He is now one of the most critically acclaimed actors of his generation, and portrays Obi-wan Kenobi in the first three Star Wars episodes. McGregor is married to French production designer Eve Mavrakis, whom he met while working on the TV show "Kavanagh QC" (1995). They married in France in the summer of 1995 and have two daughters, Clara Mathilde and Esther Rose. McGregor has formed a production company with friends Jonny Lee Miller, Sean Pertwee, Jude Law and Sadie Frost. Called Natural Nylon, they hope it will make innovative films that do not conform to Hollywood standards.
Trivia random: According to Stunt Coordinator Nick Gillard, he picked up the light saber sword fighting style very quickly. In an interview on the DVD to The Phantom Menace, Gillard commented that Ewan was probably faster than anyone else who was working on the film, including the stunt department.
Citazione random: I fight cynicism. It's too easy. It's really boring. It's much harder to be positive and see the wonder of everything. Cynicism is a bunch of people who aren't as talented as other people, knocking them because they make them feel even more untalented.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Brosnan, Pierce
Nome di battesimo: Brosnan, Pierce Brendan
Data di nascita: 16 May 1953
Altezza: 6' 1½" (1.87 m)
Coniuge: Keely Shaye Smith::(4 August 2001 - present) 2 children, Cassandra Harris::(27 December 1980 - 28 December 1991) (her death) 3 children
Ultimi lavori:
- Salvation Boulevard (2011) .... [attore]
- Vanilla Gorilla (2011) .... [attore]
- Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) .... Mr. Brunner / Chiron [attore]
- Remember Me (2010) .... Charles Hawkins [attore]
- The Ghost Writer (2010) .... Adam Lang [attore]
- The Greatest (2009) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Mamma Mia! (2008) .... Sam [attore]
- Butterfly on a Wheel (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Married Life (2007) .... Richard Langley [attore]
- Seraphim Falls (2006) .... Gideon [attore]
Pierce Brosnan was born in Navan, County Meath, Ireland on May 16, 1953 and lived in Navan, County Meath until he moved to England, UK at an early age (thus explaining his ability to play men from both backgrounds convincingly). His father left the household when Pierce was a child and although reunited later in life, the two have never had a close relationship. His most popular role is that of British secret agent James Bond. The death, in 1991, of Cassandra Harris, his wife of eleven years, left him with three children - Christopher and Charlotte from Cassandra's first marriage and Sean from their marriage. Since her death, he has had two children with his second wife, Keely Shaye Smith.
Trivia random: Met his Bond predecessor Sir Sean Connery for the first time at The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) (TV), but only for a few minutes.
Citazione random: [about his deceased wife, Cassandra Harris] Cassie has made me the man I am, the actor I am, the father I am. She's forever embedded in every fiber of my being.
Salario massimo: $16,500,000, per Die Another Day (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Polanski, Roman
Nome di battesimo: Liebling, Rajmund Roman
Data di nascita: 18 August 1933
Altezza: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
Coniuge: Emmanuelle Seigner::(30 August 1989 - present) 2 children, Sharon Tate::(20 January 1968 - 9 August 1969) (her death), Barbara Lass::(19 September 1959 - 1962) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Ghost Writer (2010) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Caos calmo (2008) .... Steiner [attore]
- Chacun son cinéma ou Ce petit coup au coeur quand la lumière s'éteint et que le film commence (2007) .... (producer) (segment "Cinéma Érotique") [produttore]
- Rush Hour 3 (2007) .... Detective Revi (uncredited) [attore]
- Oliver Twist (2005) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Pianist (2002) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Zemsta (2002) .... Józef Papkin [attore]
- Hommage à Alfred Lepetit (2000) .... [attore]
- Castelnuovo (1999) .... (producer) [produttore]
- The Ninth Gate (1999) .... (producer) [produttore]
Roman Polanski's parents returned to Poland from France just two years before the World War II began: both were taken later to concentration camps where his mother eventually died. Young Roman managed to escape the ghetto and learned to survive wandering through the Polish countryside and living with the different Catholic families. Though local people usually ignored cinemas where mostly German films were shown, Polanski seemed not very much concerned about patriotism and frequently went to the movies. In 1945, he reunited with his father who sent him to technical school, but young Polanski seemed to have already made his choice. In the 1950s, he took up acting, appearing in Andrzej Wajda's Pokolenie (1955) before studying at the Lodz Film School. His early shorts such as Dwaj ludzie z szafa (1958), Le gros et le maigre (1961), and Ssaki (1962) showed his taste for black humor and interest in bizarre human relationships. His feature debut, Nóz w wodzie (1962), was the first Polish post-war film not associated with the war theme. Though being already a major Polish filmmaker, Polanski yet chose to leave the country and headed to France. Being down-and-out in Paris, he befriended young scriptwriter, Gérard Brach, who eventually became his long-time collaborator. The next two films, Repulsion (1965) and Cul-de-sac (1966), made in England and co-written by Brach, won respectively Silver and Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festivals. In 1968, Polanski went to Hollywood, where he made the psychological thriller Rosemary's Baby (1968). However, after the brutal murder of his wife Sharon Tate by the infamous Manson gang in 1969, the director decided to return to Europe. In 1974, he again appeared with a US release of Chinatown (1974). It seemed the beginning of the promising Hollywood career, but after his conviction for the statutory rape of a 13-year old girl, Polanski fled from America to avoid prison. After Tess (1979), which was awarded several Oscars and Cesars, his work became intermittent and rarely approached the level of his better known films. The director also stretched his talents to include occasional work in theatre. He still likes to act in the films of other directors, sometimes with interesting results as it was in Una pura formalità (1994).
Trivia random: Roman and his father are Holocaust survivors. His father was Jewish, and his half-Jewish mother (who was murdered in Auschwitz) had been raised as a Roman Catholic.
Citazione random: Every failure made me more confident. Because I wanted even more to achieve as revenge. To show that I could.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ghost Writer, The (2010)
Regista: Roman Polanski
Scrittore: Robert Harris, Robert Harris
Genere: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Valutazione: 7.9/10 (4828 voti)
Durata: Germany:128 min
Paese: France, Germany, UK
Lingua: English
- Ewan McGregor .... The Ghost
- Jon Bernthal .... Rick Ricardelli
- Kim Cattrall .... Amelia Bly
- Pierce Brosnan .... Adam Lang
- Tim Preece .... Roy
- James Belushi .... John Maddox
- Olivia Williams .... Ruth Lang
- Timothy Hutton .... Sidney Kroll
- Anna Botting .... SKY TV Newsreader
- Tom Wilkinson .... Paul Emmett
An unremarkable ghost-writer has landed a lucrative contract to redact the memoirs of Adam Lang, the former UK Prime Minister. After dominating British politics for years, Lang has retired with his wife to the USA. He lives on an island, in luxurious, isolated premises complete with a security detail and a secretarial staff. Soon, Adam Lang gets embroiled in a major scandal with international ramifications that reveals how far he was ready to go in order to nurture UK's "special relationship" with the USA. But before this controversy has started, before even he has closed the deal with the publisher, the ghost-writer gets unmistakable signs that the turgid draft he is tasked to put into shape inexplicably constitutes highly sensitive material.
Trivia random: When Roman Polanski was arrested September 2009 in Switzerland, post-production was never put on hold. He saw every step of the film and made all artistic decisions. He finished editing the movie while in a Swiss prison. In December 2009 Polanski was released on bail but placed under house arrest, where he remained when this movie was released. Link this trivia
Citazione random: Amelia Bly: Are you ill?
The Ghost: No, I'm aging. This place is Shangri-La in reverse.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Regista: Roman Polanski
Scrittore: Ira Levin, Roman Polanski
Genere: Drama, Mystery, Horror, Thriller
Valutazione: 8.1/10 (47631 voti) [#196 nella top250]
Durata: 136 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Mia Farrow .... Rosemary Woodhouse
- John Cassavetes .... Guy Woodhouse
- Ruth Gordon .... Minnie Castevet
- Sidney Blackmer .... Roman Castevet
- Maurice Evans .... Edward 'Hutch' Hutchins
- Ralph Bellamy .... Dr. Abraham Sapirstein
- Victoria Vetri .... Terry Gionoffrio (as Angela Dorian)
- Patsy Kelly .... Laura-Louise McBirney
- Elisha Cook Jr. .... Mr. Nicklas (as Elisha Cook)
- Emmaline Henry .... Elise Dunstan
Rosemary and Guy Woodhouse move into an apartment in a building with a bad reputation. They discover that their neighbours are a very friendly elderly couple named Roman and Minnie Castevet, and Guy begins to spend a lot of time with them. Strange things start to happen: a woman Rosemary meets in the washroom dies a mysterious death, Rosemary has strange dreams and hears strange noises and Guy becomes remote and distant. Then Rosemary falls pregnant and begins to suspect that her neighbours have special plans for her child.
Trivia random: The devil costume that Anton LaVey was falsely rumored to have worn in the impregnation scene was later re-used in the film Asylum of Satan (1975). A small woman had difficulty fitting into the tiny suit. Link this trivia
Citazione random: Dr. Abe Sapirstein: Fantastic! Absolutely fantastic! What did you say the name was? Machado?
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
mercoledì 7 aprile 2010
Se, dopo aver visto i trailer, vi volete ancora così male da andare a vedere Gamer, vi consiglio di portarvi dietro una ampia collezione di aghi da infilare sotto le unghie: ne avrete bisogno.
Gerard Butler di mestiere fa il carcerato nel braccio della morte - carriera breve ma non priva di soddisfazioni (e fa sempre curriculum).
Entra in scena Dexter - qui nel ruolo del genio del compiutter - che ha creato una serie di mondi virtuali nei quali gli utenti possono comandare delle persone in carne ed ossa (a dire il vero più "culi e tette" che altro, da quando viene mostrato ) grazie a solito artifizio narrativo impiantato nel cervello a suon di jibba-jabba hi-tech privo di senso.
Ultimo parto della sua geniale quanto empia testolina, un mondo dove i detenuti combattono a suon di armi fichissime, morendo a carriolate. Premio per chi sopravvive a 30 battaglie: la libertà ed un set di pentole in acciaio inox.
Butler ed il ragazzino che lo controlla sono quasi al traguardo, ma qual losco piano si dipana dinnanzi a loro! Ah, perché non ci è dato vivere in un mondo di oneste regole?! Perché?! Perché?! Boh, chissene...
Se avete una vaga sensazione come di "già visto un triliardo di volte", vi state sbagliando: questo non è come i mille film che hanno già sfruttato idee analoghe - è infatti scandalosamente peggio.
Girato dalla solita scimmia col parkinson, ha escogitato un affascinante stratagemma tecnico per nascondere le piccole imperfezioni: coprirle con una colossale esplosione. Il fondale fa schifo? Mettiamoci un'esplosione! Serve un stacco di scena tra due location separate? Esplosione! La trama ha un buco che sembra un cratere? Esplosione!
È bellissimo e molto facile, provateci anche voi: esplosione!
Sorvoliamo sui dialoghi, i concetti triti-e-ritriti, l'overacting costante ed una insultante supponenza che permea tutti i suoi 95 minuti.
Ha però anche alcuni meriti: oltre a settare un nuovo standard negativo per i filmacci d'azione (e non c'è neanche Jason Statham, incredibile), ha procurato una ciotola di cibo a Milo Ventimiglia e John Leguizamo. In tempi di crisi, non è poco.
Voto: 1 - fa intrattenimento quanto un'epidemia di vaiolo.
Trashometro® 7/10:
Tags: azione, fantascienza, thriller, invereconda porcata, esplosione, esplosioni, esplosioni!, ancora esplosioni!, criminale, mondo virtuale, detenuto, fuga, armi, sparatoria, morte, combattimento, auto, resistenza, hacker, intrusione, Gerard Butler, John Leguizamo, moglie, prostituzione, vendetta, trash.
Data di nascita: 12 September 1972
Altezza: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Born in 1972, Jason Statham has done quite a lot in a short time. He has been an Olympic Diver on the British National Diving Team and finished 12th in the World Championships in 1992. He has also been a fashion model, black market salesman and finally of course, actor. He got the audition for his debut role as Bacon in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) through French Connection, for whom he was modeling. They became a major investor in the film and introduced Jason to Guy Ritchie, who invited him to audition for a part in the film by challenging him to impersonate an illegal street vendor and convince him to purchase fake jewelery. Jason must have been doing something right because after the success of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) he teamed up again with Guy Ritchie for Snatch. (2000), with co-stars including Brad Pitt, Dennis Farina and Benicio Del Toro. After Snatch. (2000) came Turn It Up (2000) with US music star Ja Rule, followed by a supporting actor role in the Sci-Fi film Ghosts of Mars (2001), Jet Li's The One (2001) and another screen partnership with Vinnie Jones in Mean Machine (2001) under Guy Ritchie's and Matthew Vaughn's SKA Films. Finally in 2002 he was cast as the lead role of Frank Martin in The Transporter (2002). Jason is also in the summer 2003 blockbuster remake of The Italian Job (1969), The Italian Job (2003), playing Handsome Rob.
Trivia random: Offered the role of Agent 47 in Hitman (2007/I) after Vin Diesel was dropped from the project. Timothy Olyphant eventually took the role.
Citazione random: "You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank (2006) and you certainly won't for doing all the other movies I've done."
Salario massimo: $750,000, per The Transporter (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Regista: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Scrittore: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Genere: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 5.7/10 (23986 voti)
Durata: 95 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
Set in a future-world where humans can control other humans in mass-scale, multi-player online gaming environments, a star player from a game called "Slayers" looks to regain his independence while taking down the game's mastermind.
Trivia random: The opening montage of time-lapse shots and other scenes of the world where we see ads for Kable and/or graffiti of Ken Castle overlaid on buildings or walls are mostly taken from Ron Fricke's wordless film Baraka (1992), for example, the shots of the Giza Pyramids, India, homeless man sleeping under a bridge among others.
Citazione random: Simon: This is unbelievable. Kable, listen. This is the last game. You're gonna end up dead, and I'm going to look like a total asshole if you don't pull your balls together man!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Data di nascita: 22 July 1960
Altezza: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
Coniuge: Justine Maurer::(5 July 2003 - present) 2 children, Yelba Osorio::(27 August 1994 - November 1996) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Fast-talking and feisty-looking John Leguizamo has continued to impress movie audiences with his versatility: he can play sensitive and naïve young men, such as Johnny in Hangin' with the Homeboys (1991); cold-blooded killers like Benny Blanco in Carlito's Way (1993); a heroic Navy SEAL, stopping aerial terrorists in Executive Decision (1996); and drag queen Chi-Chi Rodriguez in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995). Arguably, not since ill-fated actor and comedian Freddie Prinze starred in the smash TV series "Chico and the Man" (1974) has a youthful Latino personality had such a powerful impact on critics and fans alike. Born July 22, 1964, in Bogotá, Colombia, Leguizamo was four when his family emigrated to the United States. He was raised in Queens, New York, attended New York University and studied under legendary acting coach Lee Strasberg for only one day before Strasberg passed away. The extroverted Leguizamo started working the comedy club circuit in New York and first appeared in front of the cameras in an episode of "Miami Vice" (1984). His first film appearance was a small part in Mixed Blood (1985), and he had minor roles in Casualties of War (1989) and Die Hard 2 (1990) before playing a liquor store thief who shoots Harrison Ford in Regarding Henry (1991). His career really started to soar after his first-rate performance in the independent film Hangin' with the Homeboys (1991) as a nervous young teenager from the Bronx out for a night in brightly lit Manhattan with his buddies, facing the career choice of staying in a supermarket or heading off to college and finding out that the girl he loves from afar isn't quite what he thought she was. The year 1991 was also memorable for other reasons, as he hit the stage with his show Mambo Mouth (1991) (TV), in which he portrayed seven different Latino characters. The witty and incisive show was a smash hit and won the Obie and Outer Circle Critics Award, and later was filmed for HBO, where it picked up a CableACE Award. He returned to the stage two years later with another satirical production poking fun at Latino stereotypes titled Spic-O-Rama (1993) (TV). It played in Chicago and New York, and won the Drama Desk Award and four CableACE Awards. In 1995 he created and starred in the short-lived TV series "House of Buggin'" (1995), an all-Latino-cast comedy variety show featuring hilarious sketches and comedic routines. The show scored two Emmy nominations and received positive reviews from critics, but it was canceled after only one season. The gifted Leguizamo was still keeping busy in films, with key appearances in Super Mario Bros. (1993), Romeo + Juliet (1996) and Spawn (1997). In 1998 he made his Broadway debut in Freak (1998) (TV), a "demi-semi-quasi-pseudo-autobiographical" one-man show, which was filmed for HBO by Spike Lee. Utilizing his distinctive vocal talents, he next voiced a pesky rat in Doctor Dolittle (1998) before appearing in the dynamic Spike Lee-directed Summer of Sam (1999) as a guilt-ridden womanizer, as the Genie of The Lamp in the exciting Arabian Nights (2000) (TV) and as Henri de Toulouse Lautrec in the visually spectacular Moulin Rouge! (2001). He also voiced Sid in the animated Ice Age (2002), co-starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in Collateral Damage (2002) and directed and starred in the boxing film Undefeated (2003) (TV). Afterward, Leguizamo starred in the remake of the John Carpenter hit Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) and George A. Romero's long-awaited fourth "Dead" film, Land of the Dead (2005). There can be no doubt that the remarkably talented Leguizamo has been a breakthrough performer for the Latino community in mainstream Hollywood, in much the same way that Sidney Poitier crashed through celluloid barriers for African-Americans in the early 1960s. Among his many strengths lies his ability to not take his ethnic background too seriously but also to take pride in his Latino heritage. He has opened many doors for his countrymen. A masterly and accomplished performer, movie audiences await Leguizamo's next exciting performance.
Trivia random: Was voted "Most Talkative" in high school.
Citazione random: "Marriage is wild. I thought it was this perfect land of happiness and joy. Wrong! After you say you do, you don't for a long time."
Salario massimo: $2,000,000, per Spawn (1997)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Hall, Michael Carlyle
Data di nascita: 1 February 1971
Altezza: 5' 10½" (1.79 m)
Coniuge: Jennifer Carpenter::(31 December 2008 - present), Amy Spanger::(1 May 2002 - 2006) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
Michael C. Hall is a North Carolina native and graduate of NYU's Master of Fine Arts program in acting. His most recent performance was on Broadway as the emcee in "Cabaret." Hall has previously starred in nearly a dozen major off-Broadway plays, including "Macbeth" for the New York Shakespeare Festival, "Cymbeline" for the New York Shakespeare Festival at Central Park's Delacorte Theater, "Timon of Athens" and "Henry V" at the Public, "The English Teachers" for Manhattan Class Company, "Corpus Christi" at the Manhattan Theatre Club, and "Skylight" at the Mark Taper Forum.
Trivia random: Attended Ravenscroft School in Raleigh, North Carolina, the same school attended by actress Emily Procter, actor William Joyner, and editor Hughes Winborne.
Citazione random: I think Dexter is a man who, a part of himself is very much frozen, or arrested in a place that is pre-memory, pre-conscious, pre-verbal. Something very traumatic happened to him, he doesn't know what that is. And I think on some level he wants to know. He denies his humanity, he describes himself as someone who is without feeling, and yet I think that he maybe suspects - in a way that maybe isn't even conscious yet when we first meet him - that he is in fact a human being.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Butler, Gerard James
Data di nascita: 13 November 1969
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Born in Paisley, Scotland, to Margaret and Edward Butler, Gerard Butler was raised along with his older brother and sister in his hometown of Paisley, Scotland. He also spent some of his youth in Canada. His parents divorced when he was a child, and he and his siblings were raised primarily by their mother, who later remarried. He had no contact with his father between the ages of two and 16 years old, after which time they became close. His father passed away when Gerard was in his early 20s. Butler went on to attend Glasgow University, where he studied to be a lawyer/solicitor. He was president of the school's law society thanks to his outgoing personality and great social skills. His acting career began when he was approached in a London coffee shop by actor Steven Berkoff, who later appeared alongside Butler in Attila (2001/I) (TV), who gave him a role in a stage production of Coriolanus. After that Butler decided to give up law for acting. He was cast as Ewan McGregor's character Renton in the stage adaptation of [i]Trainspotting[/i]. His film debut was as Billy Connolly's younger brother in _Mrs. Brown (1997)_. While filming the movie in Scotland, he was enjoying a picnic with his mother, near the River Tay, when they heard the shouts of a young boy who had been swimming with a friend who was in some trouble. Butler jumped in and saved the young boy from drowning. He received a Certificate of Bravery from the Royal Humane Society. He felt he only did what anyone in the situation would have done. His film career continued with small roles, first in the James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) and then Russell Mulcahy's Tale of the Mummy (1998). In 2000, Butler was cast in two breakthrough roles, the first being Attila the Hun in the USA film Attila (2001/I) (TV). The film's producers wanted a known actor to play the part but kept coming back to Butler's screen tests and decided he was their man. He had to lose the thick Scottish accent, but managed well. Around the time Attila was being filmed, casting was in progress for Wes Craven's new take on the Dracula legacy. Also wanting a known name, Butler wasn't much of a consideration. His unending tenacity and drive drove him to hounding the producers. Eventually, he sent them a clip of his portrayal of Attila. Evidently they saw something because Dracula 2000 (2000) was cast in the form of Butler. Attila's producers, thinking that his big-screen role might help with their own film's ratings, finished shooting a little early so he could get to work on Dracula 2000 (2000). Attila ended up being the second highest-rated TV movie ever. Following these two roles, Butler developed quite a fan base, an Internet site and began appearing on lists everywhere. Since then he has appeared in Reign of Fire (2002) as Creedy and Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003) as Terry Sheridan, alongside Angelina Jolie. The role that garnered him most attention from both moviegoers and movie makers alike was that of Andre Marek in the big-screen adaptation of Michael Crichton's novel Timeline (2003). Butler played an archaeologist who was sent back in time with a team of students to rescue a colleague. Last year he appeared in Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical The Phantom of the Opera (2004), playing the title character in the successful adaptation of the stage musical. It was a role that brought him much international attention. Other projects include Dear Frankie (2004), The Game of Their Lives (2005) and Beowulf & Grendel (2005). In 2007 he starred as Spartan King Leonidas in the Warner Bros. production 300 (2006), based on the Frank Miller graphic novel, and Butterfly on a Wheel (2007) co-starring Pierce Brosnan and Maria Bello, which aired on network TV under the title Shattered. He most recently starred in P.S. I Love You (2007) with Academy Award-winner Hilary Swank . In 2007, he appeared in Nim's Island (2008) and RocknRolla (2008), and recently completed the new Mark Neveldine / Brian Taylor film Gamer (2009). His latest film The Ugly Truth (2009) co-starring Katherine Heigl began filming in April 2008.
Trivia random: Was once rumored to be the next James Bond (after Pierce Brosnan). [April 2001]
Citazione random: Sometimes I finish a movie and I get used to a certain lifestyle and when that stops I get a bit lost for about a week. 'No one is bringing me lunch anymore - I've got to go do that myself?' I lose the main point of my focus. Often all I want to do is travel and just get the hell out of there. But I'm actually boring really.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Nome di battesimo: Ventimiglia, Milo Anthony
Data di nascita: 8 July 1977
Altezza: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Ultimi lavori:
Nurturing an impressive body of work that encompasses film and television, Milo Ventimiglia is positioning himself as one of Hollywood's most promising young talents as his career continues to evolve with exciting and challenging projects. Ventimiglia will next be seen starring in Tom Fontana's new WB Series "The Bedford Diaries" (2006), which focuses on a group of college students in a human sexuality class. Ventimiglia quickly garnered attention when he joined the cast of the critically acclaimed television drama "Gilmore Girls" (2000), as the quiet and complicated 'Jess.' Last year Ventimiglia joined the cast of another critically acclaimed show, NBC's "American Dreams" (2002). He portrayed a 60's war radical and helps bring the show into the 70's. He was also a recurring character on David. E. Kelley's drama "Boston Public" (2000). Before joining "Gilmore Girls" audiences became familiar with Ventimiglia when he starred in the Fox series "Opposite Sex" (2000) which secured him a holding deal with Warner Brothers. His other television credits include guest starring roles on prime time series such as "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" (1990), "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (2000), "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch" (1996) and "Promised Land" (1996). Segueing effortlessly between the big and small screen, Ventimiglia's passion for the art of acting keeps him drawn to both studio and independent features. Ventimiglia recently starred in the Wes Craven/Kevin Williamson thriller Cursed (2005) and next up is the indie film Dirty Deeds (2005). His other film credits include Winter Break (2003) and Massholes (2000). Additionally he starred in the short films Nice Guys Finish Last (2001) and Must Be the Music (1996), which debuted at the 1996 Sundance Film Festival to rave reviews. Ventimiglia currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys skateboarding, snowboarding and wake boarding. He also has a passion for restoring vintage muscle cars.
Trivia random: He has a great interest in directing.
Citazione random: On the WB holding deal: ... They said, 'Here's a lot of money and don't work for anybody else. We don't have anything for you, so you're going to be sitting for a while.' That was an interesting thing.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Gerard Butler di mestiere fa il carcerato nel braccio della morte - carriera breve ma non priva di soddisfazioni (e fa sempre curriculum).
Entra in scena Dexter - qui nel ruolo del genio del compiutter - che ha creato una serie di mondi virtuali nei quali gli utenti possono comandare delle persone in carne ed ossa (a dire il vero più "culi e tette" che altro, da quando viene mostrato ) grazie a solito artifizio narrativo impiantato nel cervello a suon di jibba-jabba hi-tech privo di senso.
Ultimo parto della sua geniale quanto empia testolina, un mondo dove i detenuti combattono a suon di armi fichissime, morendo a carriolate. Premio per chi sopravvive a 30 battaglie: la libertà ed un set di pentole in acciaio inox.
Butler ed il ragazzino che lo controlla sono quasi al traguardo, ma qual losco piano si dipana dinnanzi a loro! Ah, perché non ci è dato vivere in un mondo di oneste regole?! Perché?! Perché?! Boh, chissene...
Se avete una vaga sensazione come di "già visto un triliardo di volte", vi state sbagliando: questo non è come i mille film che hanno già sfruttato idee analoghe - è infatti scandalosamente peggio.
Girato dalla solita scimmia col parkinson, ha escogitato un affascinante stratagemma tecnico per nascondere le piccole imperfezioni: coprirle con una colossale esplosione. Il fondale fa schifo? Mettiamoci un'esplosione! Serve un stacco di scena tra due location separate? Esplosione! La trama ha un buco che sembra un cratere? Esplosione!
È bellissimo e molto facile, provateci anche voi: esplosione!
Sorvoliamo sui dialoghi, i concetti triti-e-ritriti, l'overacting costante ed una insultante supponenza che permea tutti i suoi 95 minuti.
Ha però anche alcuni meriti: oltre a settare un nuovo standard negativo per i filmacci d'azione (e non c'è neanche Jason Statham, incredibile), ha procurato una ciotola di cibo a Milo Ventimiglia e John Leguizamo. In tempi di crisi, non è poco.
Voto: 1 - fa intrattenimento quanto un'epidemia di vaiolo.
Trashometro® 7/10:
Tags: azione, fantascienza, thriller, invereconda porcata, esplosione, esplosioni, esplosioni!, ancora esplosioni!, criminale, mondo virtuale, detenuto, fuga, armi, sparatoria, morte, combattimento, auto, resistenza, hacker, intrusione, Gerard Butler, John Leguizamo, moglie, prostituzione, vendetta, trash.
Statham, Jason
Data di nascita: 12 September 1972
Altezza: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Gnomeo and Juliet (2011) .... [attore]
- The Brazilian Job (2011) .... Handsome Rob [attore]
- 13 (2010) .... Jasper [attore]
- Blitz (2010) .... [attore]
- The Expendables (2010) .... Lee Christmas [attore]
- The Killer Elite (2010) .... [attore]
- The Mechanic (2010) .... [attore]
- Crank: High Voltage (2009) .... Chev Chelios [attore]
- Transporter 3 Special Delivery: Transporters in the Real World (2009) (V) .... Frank Martin [attore]
- Death Race (2008) .... Jensen Ames [attore]
Born in 1972, Jason Statham has done quite a lot in a short time. He has been an Olympic Diver on the British National Diving Team and finished 12th in the World Championships in 1992. He has also been a fashion model, black market salesman and finally of course, actor. He got the audition for his debut role as Bacon in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) through French Connection, for whom he was modeling. They became a major investor in the film and introduced Jason to Guy Ritchie, who invited him to audition for a part in the film by challenging him to impersonate an illegal street vendor and convince him to purchase fake jewelery. Jason must have been doing something right because after the success of Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) he teamed up again with Guy Ritchie for Snatch. (2000), with co-stars including Brad Pitt, Dennis Farina and Benicio Del Toro. After Snatch. (2000) came Turn It Up (2000) with US music star Ja Rule, followed by a supporting actor role in the Sci-Fi film Ghosts of Mars (2001), Jet Li's The One (2001) and another screen partnership with Vinnie Jones in Mean Machine (2001) under Guy Ritchie's and Matthew Vaughn's SKA Films. Finally in 2002 he was cast as the lead role of Frank Martin in The Transporter (2002). Jason is also in the summer 2003 blockbuster remake of The Italian Job (1969), The Italian Job (2003), playing Handsome Rob.
Trivia random: Offered the role of Agent 47 in Hitman (2007/I) after Vin Diesel was dropped from the project. Timothy Olyphant eventually took the role.
Citazione random: "You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank (2006) and you certainly won't for doing all the other movies I've done."
Salario massimo: $750,000, per The Transporter (2002)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Gamer (2009)
Regista: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Scrittore: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Genere: Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Valutazione: 5.7/10 (23986 voti)
Durata: 95 min
Paese: USA
Lingua: English
- Gerard Butler .... Kable / John Tillman
- Amber Valletta .... Angie
- Michael C. Hall .... Ken Castle
- Kyra Sedgwick .... Gina Parker Smith
- Logan Lerman .... Simon Silverton
- Alison Lohman .... Trace
- Terry Crews .... Hackman
- Ramsey Moore .... Gorge
- Ludacris .... Humanz Brother (as Chris 'Ludacris' Bridges)
- Aaron Yoo .... Humanz Dude
Set in a future-world where humans can control other humans in mass-scale, multi-player online gaming environments, a star player from a game called "Slayers" looks to regain his independence while taking down the game's mastermind.
Trivia random: The opening montage of time-lapse shots and other scenes of the world where we see ads for Kable and/or graffiti of Ken Castle overlaid on buildings or walls are mostly taken from Ron Fricke's wordless film Baraka (1992), for example, the shots of the Giza Pyramids, India, homeless man sleeping under a bridge among others.
Citazione random: Simon: This is unbelievable. Kable, listen. This is the last game. You're gonna end up dead, and I'm going to look like a total asshole if you don't pull your balls together man!
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Leguizamo, John
Data di nascita: 22 July 1960
Altezza: 5' 8" (1.73 m)
Coniuge: Justine Maurer::(5 July 2003 - present) 2 children, Yelba Osorio::(27 August 1994 - November 1996) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- The Spanish Harlem Project (2011) .... Ray [attore]
- Tlatelolco: Mexico 68 (2011) .... Jesus (rumored) [attore]
- Vanishing on 7th Street (2010) .... Paul [attore]
- Gamer (2009) .... Freek [attore]
- Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) (VG) .... Sid (voice) [attore]
- Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) .... Sid (voice) [attore]
- Rage (2009/I) .... Jed [attore]
- The Ministers (2009) .... Dante/Perfecto [attore]
- Miracle at St. Anna (2008) .... Enrico [attore]
- Nothing Like the Holidays (2008) .... Mauricio Rodriguez [attore]
Fast-talking and feisty-looking John Leguizamo has continued to impress movie audiences with his versatility: he can play sensitive and naïve young men, such as Johnny in Hangin' with the Homeboys (1991); cold-blooded killers like Benny Blanco in Carlito's Way (1993); a heroic Navy SEAL, stopping aerial terrorists in Executive Decision (1996); and drag queen Chi-Chi Rodriguez in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995). Arguably, not since ill-fated actor and comedian Freddie Prinze starred in the smash TV series "Chico and the Man" (1974) has a youthful Latino personality had such a powerful impact on critics and fans alike. Born July 22, 1964, in Bogotá, Colombia, Leguizamo was four when his family emigrated to the United States. He was raised in Queens, New York, attended New York University and studied under legendary acting coach Lee Strasberg for only one day before Strasberg passed away. The extroverted Leguizamo started working the comedy club circuit in New York and first appeared in front of the cameras in an episode of "Miami Vice" (1984). His first film appearance was a small part in Mixed Blood (1985), and he had minor roles in Casualties of War (1989) and Die Hard 2 (1990) before playing a liquor store thief who shoots Harrison Ford in Regarding Henry (1991). His career really started to soar after his first-rate performance in the independent film Hangin' with the Homeboys (1991) as a nervous young teenager from the Bronx out for a night in brightly lit Manhattan with his buddies, facing the career choice of staying in a supermarket or heading off to college and finding out that the girl he loves from afar isn't quite what he thought she was. The year 1991 was also memorable for other reasons, as he hit the stage with his show Mambo Mouth (1991) (TV), in which he portrayed seven different Latino characters. The witty and incisive show was a smash hit and won the Obie and Outer Circle Critics Award, and later was filmed for HBO, where it picked up a CableACE Award. He returned to the stage two years later with another satirical production poking fun at Latino stereotypes titled Spic-O-Rama (1993) (TV). It played in Chicago and New York, and won the Drama Desk Award and four CableACE Awards. In 1995 he created and starred in the short-lived TV series "House of Buggin'" (1995), an all-Latino-cast comedy variety show featuring hilarious sketches and comedic routines. The show scored two Emmy nominations and received positive reviews from critics, but it was canceled after only one season. The gifted Leguizamo was still keeping busy in films, with key appearances in Super Mario Bros. (1993), Romeo + Juliet (1996) and Spawn (1997). In 1998 he made his Broadway debut in Freak (1998) (TV), a "demi-semi-quasi-pseudo-autobiographical" one-man show, which was filmed for HBO by Spike Lee. Utilizing his distinctive vocal talents, he next voiced a pesky rat in Doctor Dolittle (1998) before appearing in the dynamic Spike Lee-directed Summer of Sam (1999) as a guilt-ridden womanizer, as the Genie of The Lamp in the exciting Arabian Nights (2000) (TV) and as Henri de Toulouse Lautrec in the visually spectacular Moulin Rouge! (2001). He also voiced Sid in the animated Ice Age (2002), co-starred alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in Collateral Damage (2002) and directed and starred in the boxing film Undefeated (2003) (TV). Afterward, Leguizamo starred in the remake of the John Carpenter hit Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) and George A. Romero's long-awaited fourth "Dead" film, Land of the Dead (2005). There can be no doubt that the remarkably talented Leguizamo has been a breakthrough performer for the Latino community in mainstream Hollywood, in much the same way that Sidney Poitier crashed through celluloid barriers for African-Americans in the early 1960s. Among his many strengths lies his ability to not take his ethnic background too seriously but also to take pride in his Latino heritage. He has opened many doors for his countrymen. A masterly and accomplished performer, movie audiences await Leguizamo's next exciting performance.
Trivia random: Was voted "Most Talkative" in high school.
Citazione random: "Marriage is wild. I thought it was this perfect land of happiness and joy. Wrong! After you say you do, you don't for a long time."
Salario massimo: $2,000,000, per Spawn (1997)
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Hall, Michael C. (I)
Nome di battesimo: Hall, Michael Carlyle
Data di nascita: 1 February 1971
Altezza: 5' 10½" (1.79 m)
Coniuge: Jennifer Carpenter::(31 December 2008 - present), Amy Spanger::(1 May 2002 - 2006) (divorced)
Ultimi lavori:
- East Fifth Bliss (2010) .... Morris Bliss [attore]
- Peep World (2010) .... Jack [attore]
- Gamer (2009) .... Ken Castle [attore]
- The Edge of Things (2009) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Mysteries of the Freemasons (2006) (TV) .... Narrator [attore]
- "Hitler's War" (2005) TV series (narrator) (2005) .... [misc]
- Bereft (2004) (TV) .... Jonathan [attore]
- Paycheck (2003) .... Agent Klein [attore]
Michael C. Hall is a North Carolina native and graduate of NYU's Master of Fine Arts program in acting. His most recent performance was on Broadway as the emcee in "Cabaret." Hall has previously starred in nearly a dozen major off-Broadway plays, including "Macbeth" for the New York Shakespeare Festival, "Cymbeline" for the New York Shakespeare Festival at Central Park's Delacorte Theater, "Timon of Athens" and "Henry V" at the Public, "The English Teachers" for Manhattan Class Company, "Corpus Christi" at the Manhattan Theatre Club, and "Skylight" at the Mark Taper Forum.
Trivia random: Attended Ravenscroft School in Raleigh, North Carolina, the same school attended by actress Emily Procter, actor William Joyner, and editor Hughes Winborne.
Citazione random: I think Dexter is a man who, a part of himself is very much frozen, or arrested in a place that is pre-memory, pre-conscious, pre-verbal. Something very traumatic happened to him, he doesn't know what that is. And I think on some level he wants to know. He denies his humanity, he describes himself as someone who is without feeling, and yet I think that he maybe suspects - in a way that maybe isn't even conscious yet when we first meet him - that he is in fact a human being.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Butler, Gerard
Nome di battesimo: Butler, Gerard James
Data di nascita: 13 November 1969
Altezza: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Burns (2010) .... Robert Burns [attore]
- Coriolanus (2010) .... Tullus Aufidius [attore]
- How to Train Your Dragon (2010) .... Stoick (voice) [attore]
- The Bounty Hunter (2010) .... Milo Boyd [attore]
- Untitled Comedy (2010) .... Chaun [attore]
- Gamer (2009) .... Kable / John Tillman [attore]
- Law Abiding Citizen (2009) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Tales of the Black Freighter (2009) (V) .... The Sea Captain (voice) [attore]
- The Ugly Truth (2009) .... Mike Chadway [attore]
- Nim's Island (2008) .... Jack Rusoe / Alex Rover [attore]
Born in Paisley, Scotland, to Margaret and Edward Butler, Gerard Butler was raised along with his older brother and sister in his hometown of Paisley, Scotland. He also spent some of his youth in Canada. His parents divorced when he was a child, and he and his siblings were raised primarily by their mother, who later remarried. He had no contact with his father between the ages of two and 16 years old, after which time they became close. His father passed away when Gerard was in his early 20s. Butler went on to attend Glasgow University, where he studied to be a lawyer/solicitor. He was president of the school's law society thanks to his outgoing personality and great social skills. His acting career began when he was approached in a London coffee shop by actor Steven Berkoff, who later appeared alongside Butler in Attila (2001/I) (TV), who gave him a role in a stage production of Coriolanus. After that Butler decided to give up law for acting. He was cast as Ewan McGregor's character Renton in the stage adaptation of [i]Trainspotting[/i]. His film debut was as Billy Connolly's younger brother in _Mrs. Brown (1997)_. While filming the movie in Scotland, he was enjoying a picnic with his mother, near the River Tay, when they heard the shouts of a young boy who had been swimming with a friend who was in some trouble. Butler jumped in and saved the young boy from drowning. He received a Certificate of Bravery from the Royal Humane Society. He felt he only did what anyone in the situation would have done. His film career continued with small roles, first in the James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) and then Russell Mulcahy's Tale of the Mummy (1998). In 2000, Butler was cast in two breakthrough roles, the first being Attila the Hun in the USA film Attila (2001/I) (TV). The film's producers wanted a known actor to play the part but kept coming back to Butler's screen tests and decided he was their man. He had to lose the thick Scottish accent, but managed well. Around the time Attila was being filmed, casting was in progress for Wes Craven's new take on the Dracula legacy. Also wanting a known name, Butler wasn't much of a consideration. His unending tenacity and drive drove him to hounding the producers. Eventually, he sent them a clip of his portrayal of Attila. Evidently they saw something because Dracula 2000 (2000) was cast in the form of Butler. Attila's producers, thinking that his big-screen role might help with their own film's ratings, finished shooting a little early so he could get to work on Dracula 2000 (2000). Attila ended up being the second highest-rated TV movie ever. Following these two roles, Butler developed quite a fan base, an Internet site and began appearing on lists everywhere. Since then he has appeared in Reign of Fire (2002) as Creedy and Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003) as Terry Sheridan, alongside Angelina Jolie. The role that garnered him most attention from both moviegoers and movie makers alike was that of Andre Marek in the big-screen adaptation of Michael Crichton's novel Timeline (2003). Butler played an archaeologist who was sent back in time with a team of students to rescue a colleague. Last year he appeared in Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical The Phantom of the Opera (2004), playing the title character in the successful adaptation of the stage musical. It was a role that brought him much international attention. Other projects include Dear Frankie (2004), The Game of Their Lives (2005) and Beowulf & Grendel (2005). In 2007 he starred as Spartan King Leonidas in the Warner Bros. production 300 (2006), based on the Frank Miller graphic novel, and Butterfly on a Wheel (2007) co-starring Pierce Brosnan and Maria Bello, which aired on network TV under the title Shattered. He most recently starred in P.S. I Love You (2007) with Academy Award-winner Hilary Swank . In 2007, he appeared in Nim's Island (2008) and RocknRolla (2008), and recently completed the new Mark Neveldine / Brian Taylor film Gamer (2009). His latest film The Ugly Truth (2009) co-starring Katherine Heigl began filming in April 2008.
Trivia random: Was once rumored to be the next James Bond (after Pierce Brosnan). [April 2001]
Citazione random: Sometimes I finish a movie and I get used to a certain lifestyle and when that stops I get a bit lost for about a week. 'No one is bringing me lunch anymore - I've got to go do that myself?' I lose the main point of my focus. Often all I want to do is travel and just get the hell out of there. But I'm actually boring really.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
Ventimiglia, Milo
Nome di battesimo: Ventimiglia, Milo Anthony
Data di nascita: 8 July 1977
Altezza: 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Ultimi lavori:
- Order of Chaos (2010) .... Rick [attore]
- "Ultradome" (2010) .... (executive producer) (unknown episodes, 2010) [produttore]
- Armored (2009) .... Eckehart [attore]
- Dave Knoll Finds His Soul (2009) (TV) .... (executive producer) [produttore]
- Gamer (2009) .... Rick Rape [attore]
- High-Five Hollywood! (2008) (V) .... [attore]
- Pathology (2008) .... Ted Grey [attore]
- "It's a Mall World" (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- "Winter Tales" (2007) .... (producer) [produttore]
- Intelligence (2006/I) .... Colin Mathers [attore]
Nurturing an impressive body of work that encompasses film and television, Milo Ventimiglia is positioning himself as one of Hollywood's most promising young talents as his career continues to evolve with exciting and challenging projects. Ventimiglia will next be seen starring in Tom Fontana's new WB Series "The Bedford Diaries" (2006), which focuses on a group of college students in a human sexuality class. Ventimiglia quickly garnered attention when he joined the cast of the critically acclaimed television drama "Gilmore Girls" (2000), as the quiet and complicated 'Jess.' Last year Ventimiglia joined the cast of another critically acclaimed show, NBC's "American Dreams" (2002). He portrayed a 60's war radical and helps bring the show into the 70's. He was also a recurring character on David. E. Kelley's drama "Boston Public" (2000). Before joining "Gilmore Girls" audiences became familiar with Ventimiglia when he starred in the Fox series "Opposite Sex" (2000) which secured him a holding deal with Warner Brothers. His other television credits include guest starring roles on prime time series such as "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" (1990), "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (2000), "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch" (1996) and "Promised Land" (1996). Segueing effortlessly between the big and small screen, Ventimiglia's passion for the art of acting keeps him drawn to both studio and independent features. Ventimiglia recently starred in the Wes Craven/Kevin Williamson thriller Cursed (2005) and next up is the indie film Dirty Deeds (2005). His other film credits include Winter Break (2003) and Massholes (2000). Additionally he starred in the short films Nice Guys Finish Last (2001) and Must Be the Music (1996), which debuted at the 1996 Sundance Film Festival to rave reviews. Ventimiglia currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys skateboarding, snowboarding and wake boarding. He also has a passion for restoring vintage muscle cars.
Trivia random: He has a great interest in directing.
Citazione random: On the WB holding deal: ... They said, 'Here's a lot of money and don't work for anybody else. We don't have anything for you, so you're going to be sitting for a while.' That was an interesting thing.
Filmography links and data courtesy of IMDb.
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